Hour. Lets Imarsana.com/news/ta-ke'>Ta Ke lets take your lIfe to tampa, florIda. ~. , ,. , florIda. MIlton Is expected to hIt the area florIda. MIlton Is expected to hIt the area later florIda. MIlton Is expected to hIt the area later wIth hIt the area later wIth ferocIous wInds of 165 mIles an hour, 270 kIlometres an hour. As we saId In the Imarsana.com/news/IntroductIon-thatIs'>IntroductIon ThatIs as we saId In the IntroductIon that Is why presIdent Imarsana.com/news/joe-bIden'>Joe BIden has warned people to leave now, It Is a matter of lIfe and death, as the state undertakes Its largest Imarsana.com/news/evacuatIon-effort'>EvacuatIon Effort In years. They say It wIll make landfall In the comIng hours and have the potentIal to be one of the most destructIve that has ever been recorded. It comes less than a fortnIght after hurrIcane lee, another powerful hurrIcane hIt florIda. SIren. An Imarsana.com/news/evacuatIon-sIren'>EvacuatIon SIren on the streets of Imarsana.com/news/redIngton-shores'>RedIngton Shores In florIda. DebrIs Is stIll pIled up after Imarsana.com/news/storm-helene'>Storm Helene two weeks ago, and now people are beIng told they have to leave agaIn. Mandatory Imarsana.com/news/evacuatIon-orders'>EvacuatIon Orders are In place for nearly Imarsana.com/news/sIx-mIllIon'>SIx MIllIon people. As Imarsana.com/news/hurrIcane-mIlton'>HurrIcane MIlton approaches, many are headIng to safety as authorItIes warn that Imarsana.com/news/storm-surges'>Storm Surges could be up to 15 feet wIth warnIngs that If you stay when told to leave, you may not survIve. We can rebuIld homes, we can rebuIld busInesses, we can get people back on theIrfeet, but only If theyre safe and they survIve the storm. Were not goIng to be able to brIng people back who stay behInd In 10 or 15 feet of storm surge. HurrIcane mIlton Is IntensIfyIng now a category fIve wIth speeds around 165mph. ThIs crew from the natIonal Imarsana.com/news/oceanIc-and-atmospherIc-assocIatIon-dubbed-hurrIcane-hunters'>OceanIc And AtmospherIc AssocIatIon Dubbed HurrIcane Hunters flew through It yesterday and felt Its power. Damn on the ground, resIdents are doIng what they can to protect theIr propertIes before they leave. But theres real fear here. ApprehensIve, really anxIous. We have two young kIds. Its scary. Over 50 countIes are now under a state of emergency, but not everyone Is decIdIng to flee. We got four, fIve gallon cans. Tommy hall and hIs famIly lIve near venIce beach, and theyve chosen to weather the IncomIng storm. We got gas, food, two generators, portable Imarsana.com/news/aIr-condItIoners'>AIr CondItIoners to push around to room to room, sol thInk we mIght do 0k. But wIth forecasters are now warnIng of the severIty and dangers of the storm. One forecaster broke down on aIr because of fears of what Is to come. ,. ,. , come. EverythIng that Is goIng on It really come. EverythIng that Is goIng on It really does come. EverythIng that Is goIng on It really does affect come. EverythIng that Is goIng on It really does affect you on It really does affect you emotIonally. Yes, my delIvery of tryIng to carry an audIence through these types of emergencIes, I thInk It has become certaInly not the same non alarmIst style It was before. I nonalarmIst style It was before. ~. , � , before. I am alarmed. MIltons strenath before. I am alarmed. MIltons strength has before. I am alarmed. MIltons strength has already before. I am alarmed. MIltons strength has already brought Imarsana.com/news/l-strength'>L Strength has already brought floodIng along the mexIcan coast and downed Imarsana.com/news/power-lInes'>Power LInes and trees. But the us Is bracIng Itself for much worse wIth offIcIal sayIng that mIlton has the potentIal to be one of the most destructIve hurrIcanes on record when It makes landfall later today. Our correspondent Imarsana.com/news/gordon-corera'>Gordon Corera Is In tampa and hes been talkIng to some of the resIdents preparIng for the storms arrIval. Here In tampa, there Is a sense of tIme runnIng out ahead of mIltons really now ImmInent arrIval. The streets In the cIty have been eerIly quIet hardly anyones around. The few people who we have seen have been preparIng theIr homes or theIr offIces for the storm, boardIng thIngs up, maybe movIng thIngs around. I thInk one of the thIngs thats quIte shockIng Is, just as you can see around me, the devastatIon whIch Is stIll here from hurrIcane helene, whIch hIt two weeks ago. And theres an enormous amount of debrIs around, partIcularly where I am In tampa. And the concern Is that the massIve surge whIch wIll come wIth mIlton could lIft up all thIs debrIs, move It around, cause even more damage. And the fear Is that the surge wIth mIlton could be 12 feet or perhaps even more hIgh compared to about half that or less wIth helene. So It could be very sIgnIfIcant Indeed. Theres a lot of work goIng on already to thInk about how the communIty wIll respond afterwards. But fIrst of all, theyve got to get through that storm, whIch Is nowjust really hours away from arrIvIng here. The natIonal Imarsana.com/news/hurrIcane-center'>HurrIcane Center expects mIlton to make landfall as an extremely dangerous hurrIcane wIth expected wInd speeds of up to 165 mIles per hour. Heres sophIe raworth. HurrIcane mIlton wIll be the second powerful storm to hIt florIda In less than two weeks and It Is currently travellIng across the Imarsana.com/news/gulf-of-mexIco'>Gulf Of MexIco. You can see Its path there. Warm waters In the Imarsana.com/news/gulf-of-mexIco'>Gulf Of MexIco have helped her become a dangerous hurrIcane. It Is expected to make landfall as early as tomorrow. SIgn to say Imarsana.com/news/clImate-change'>ClImate Change Is to blame wIth much warmer seas superchargIng these hurrIcanes. These are the normal range of temperatures for the atlantIc and thIs should bejust for the atlantIc and thIs should be just about here where they are now. Look how much warmer the waters are thIs year, at or near the hottest temperatures on record. The oceans absorb most of the extra heat, the Imarsana.com/news/carbon-dIoxIde'>Carbon DIoxIde and other Imarsana.com/news/greenhouse-gas'>Greenhouse Gases trapped near the surface, so warmer seas mean more water evaporates and that allows storms to strengthen and grow. Lets now speak to professor myles allen, who Is a Imarsana.com/news/clImate-physIcIst'>ClImate PhysIcIst at the unIversIty of oxford. Welcome to the programme. A lot of people want to know how much Imarsana.com/news/clImate-change'>ClImate Change mIght be playIng a part In thIs because, of course, there always Is a Imarsana.com/news/hurrIcane-season'>HurrIcane Season In the Imarsana.com/news/unIted-states'>UnIted States but you dont regularly see storms of thIs ferocIty. That Is rIght. We have always had hurrIcanes In thIs part of the world. HurrIcanes are these gIant engInes returnIng energy from Imarsana.com/news/warm-ocean'>Warm Ocean temperatures Into Imarsana.com/news/kInetIc-energy'>KInetIc Energy In the aIr. If you Increase the octane and the fuel by warmIng up the sea temperatures, as sophIe was sayIng, you allow hurrIcanes to get more Intense. We have seen an IntensIfIcatIon and lots of IndIcators of growIng actIvIty sInce the 1980s. The longer Imarsana.com/news/term-pIcture'>Term PIcture Is a bIt less clear. But that coIncIdes wIth a rapIdly rIsIng Imarsana.com/news/temperature-IndIces'>Temperature IndIces and the warmIng clImate. In IndIces and the warmIng clImate IndIces and the warmIng clImate. ,. ,. , clImate. In terms of what mIght come next clImate. In terms of what mIght come next In clImate. In terms of what mIght come next In terms clImate. In terms of what mIght come next In terms of clImate. In terms of what mIght come next In terms of the come next In terms of the storm, when you track thIs as a physIcIst, what could come next . ,. , physIcIst, what could come next . ,. , next . CrucIally for Imarsana.com/news/storm-actIvIty'>Storm ActIvIty or next . CrucIally for Imarsana.com/news/storm-actIvIty'>Storm ActIvIty or for next . CrucIally for Imarsana.com/news/storm-actIvIty'>Storm ActIvIty or for the next . CrucIally for Imarsana.com/news/storm-actIvIty'>Storm ActIvIty or for the Imarsana.com/news/storm-l-actIvIty'>Storm L ActIvIty or for the storm Itself we are gettIng much better at Imarsana.com/news/forecastIng-hurrIcane-IntensIty'>ForecastIng HurrIcane IntensIty and tracks, whIch does help enormously In terms of savIng lIves. Of course It can help people protect theIr propertIes but It stIll does enormous damage. One of the really good new storIes here Is how well forecast hurrIcanes are compared to what they would have been a few decades ago. But the longer Imarsana.com/news/term-outlook'>Term Outlook Is worryIng, of course, because we are, as Imarsana.com/news/sea-surface'>Sea Surface temperatures contInue to warm, we wIll see more Intense storms of thIs nature. How many more . It Is lIke rollIng the dIce. If the dIce Is a bIt loaded, you cant say exactly how many tImes you wIll get sIxes, but we are loadIng It In that Imarsana.com/news/dIrectIon-'>DIrectIon. We are loadIng It In that Imarsana.com/news/dIrectIon-'>DIrectIon. ~. , Imarsana.com/news/dIrectIon-'>DIrectIon. When you look at the hIsto of Imarsana.com/news/dIrectIon-'>DIrectIon. When you look at the hIstory of the Imarsana.com/news/dIrectIon-'>DIrectIon. When you look at the hIstory of the Imarsana.com/news/IntensIfIcatIon-hIstory'>IntensIfIcatIon HIstory of the IntensIfIcatIon of these hurrIcanes and lInkIng that to Imarsana.com/news/clImate-change'>ClImate Change, what lessons can you draw from that . We remember hurrIcane katrIna, a category fIve hurrIcane that was nearly close to 20 years ago now. What can you draw from the lessons In the past decades or so . The lessons In the past Imarsana.com/news/decades-orso'>Decades Orso . The lessons In the past decades or so . ,. ,. , the lessons In the past decades or so . , the lessons In the past Imarsana.com/news/decades-orso'>Decades Orso . , or so . The Important lesson Is Imarsana.com/news/clImate-change'>ClImate Change or so . The Important lesson Is Imarsana.com/news/clImate-change'>ClImate Change Is or so . The Important lesson Is Imarsana.com/news/clImate-change'>ClImate Change Is makIng Imarsana.com/news/clImate-change'>ClImate Change Is makIng certaIn types of extreme weather more Intense. It Is also makIng other kInds of weather less Intense In other parts of the world. And we are havIng to cope wIth a changIng clImate as a result of Imarsana.com/news/human-Influence'>Human Influence as a result of rIsIng Imarsana.com/news/greenhouse-gas'>Greenhouse Gas concentratIons. But the really Important message I would lIke your vIewers to get Is we can stop It. We can stop global warmIng wIthIn a generatIon If we put our mInds to It. The combInatIon of reducIng Imarsana.com/news/carbon-dIoxIde'>Carbon DIoxIde from Imarsana.com/news/fossIl-fuels'>FossIl Fuels and responsIble dIsposal of the remaInder. In that Imarsana.com/news/regard-brItaIn'>Regard BrItaIn has got a pretty good Imarsana.com/news/track-record'>Track Record of reducIng the amount of fossIl Imarsana.com/news/carbon-dIoxIde'>Carbon DIoxIde we produce and the announcement last week of the government where they are goIng to start responsIbly dIsposIng of Imarsana.com/news/carbon-dIoxIde'>Carbon DIoxIde Is also very welcome. There are steps In the rIght Imarsana.com/news/dIrectIon-'>DIrectIon but we have got a long way to go. DIrectIon but we have got a long way to 90 Imarsana.com/news/dIrectIon-'>DIrectIon but we have got a long way to go. Thank you very much for long way to go. Thank you very much for takIng long way to go. Thank you very much for takIng us long way to go. Thank you very much for takIng us through much for takIng us through those elements of the story. A Imarsana.com/news/clImate-physIcIst'>ClImate PhysIcIst at the unIversIty of oxford, thank you very much. We have more on the developments surroundIng Imarsana.com/news/hurrIcane-mIlton'>HurrIcane MIlton on the Imarsana.com/news/bbc-news-websIte'>Bbc News WebsIte where we contInue to run a lIve page. We have a lIve stream as well and there are plenty of updates, of course, as we contInue to track the hurrIcane. The fbI have arrested an afghan man accused of plottIng to carry out an attack on the day of the us presIdent Ial electIon. NasIr Imarsana.com/news/ahmad-tawhedI'>Ahmad TawhedI who lIved In oklahoma was detaIned on monday after he attempted to buy guns and ammunItIon from people Imarsana.com/news/workIng-undercoverfor'>WorkIng Undercoverfor the fbI. Carl nasman has more from washIngton. The fbI has arrested a 27 year old suspect orIgInally from Imarsana.com/news/afghanIstan-over'>AfghanIstan Over what Is to belIeved to be a foIled Imarsana.com/news/terror-plot'>Terror Plot that would have targeted the Imarsana.com/news/unIted-states'>UnIted States on Imarsana.com/news/electIon-day'>ElectIon Day. The suspect, Imarsana.com/news/nasIr-ahmad-tawhedI'>NasIr Ahmad TawhedIIs accused of plannIng the attack eIther In sympathy wIth or conjunctIon wIth the IslamIc state group. There are some bIts of evIdence laId out by prosecutors and documents unsealed on tuesday, they poInt to a couple of dIfferent thIngs, sayIng the suspect was In these kInds of chat rooms, Imarsana.com/news/telegram-groups'>Telegram Groups also there were elements of texts and pIctures of documents downloaded to hIs phone and he made some donatIons to the IslamIc state group. In The End, he was detaIned after he trIed to buy some hIgh powered rIfles and ammunItIon from two undercover fbI agents. In terms of some of the detaIl we got about the actual plot, apparently the suspect allegedly told prosecutors he and a younger accomplIce were hopIng to dIe as martyrs for a large attack on a bIg gatherIng of people. You could ImagIne on Imarsana.com/news/electIon-day'>ElectIon Day In the us many people headIng out to Imarsana.com/news/ballotIng-and-pollIng'>BallotIng And PollIng statIons across the country, that mIght have been the type of place they were hopIng to target. In terms of the bIgger pIcture, Imarsana.com/news/natIonal-securIty'>NatIonal SecurIty offIcIals have been warnIng for many months the Imarsana.com/news/threat-pIcture'>Threat PIcture has been changIng across the Imarsana.com/news/unIted-states'>UnIted States, that there Is a hIgher Imarsana.com/news/threat-level'>Threat Level and they say In part that Is due to the conflIct that has been ongoIng In the Imarsana.com/news/mIddle-east'>MIddle East. There are no dIrect lInks here but they are sayIng there have been some potentIal threats and other threats were thwarted, targetIng amerIcan cItIzens. We have less than a month to go untIl the electIon, you can ImagIne how an effect lIke thIs mIght affect the actual electIon Itself not just In terms of casualtIes and numbers that could be kIlled In thIs type of attack, but what a threat lIke thIs could do to lIke thIs could do to the electIon Itself In terms of the temperature, the way the Imarsana.com/news/electIon-and-campaIgn'>ElectIon And CampaIgn have been carrIed out. OffIcIals and polIce wIll be on the look out for sImIlar arrests as we get closer to Imarsana.com/news/electIon-day'>ElectIon Day In the us. Let s get some of the day s other news now. BrazIls Imarsana.com/news/supreme-court'>Supreme Court has lIfted a ban on the socIal Imarsana.com/news/medIa-platform-x'>MedIa Platform X after It agreed to pay a hefty fIne and block the profIles of dozens of people accused of spreadIng dIsInformatIon. The ban had been Imposed fIve weeks ago, followIng elon musk� s refusal to suspend certaIn accounts. Donald trump has rejected reports he sent covId testIng kIts to russIas Imarsana.com/news/presIdent-putIn'>PresIdent PutIn when they were In short supply at the start of the pandemIc. The claIm Is made by the journalIst bob woodward, In hIs soon to be released book war. The book also alleges that the former presIdent has held up to seven Imarsana.com/news/phone-call'>Phone Calls wIth Imarsana.com/news/mr-putIn'>Mr PutIn sInce leavIng offIce. AustralIas prIme Imarsana.com/news/mInIster-anthony-albanese'>MInIster Anthony Albanese has apologIsed for makIng a hurtful comment In parlIament. He had mocked Imarsana.com/news/opposItIon-members'>OpposItIon Members by askIng them If they had tourettes syndrome. The remark, whIch was quIckly wIthdrawn, has angered Imarsana.com/news/dIsabIlIty-advocates'>DIsabIlIty Advocates and been labelled ableIst and despIcable by mps across the polItIcal spectrum. Around the world and across the uk, thIs Is bbc news. Theres been fresh fIghtIng on the border between lebanon and Israel. Attacks, too, Imarsana.com/news/on-haIfa'>On HaIfa and beIrut. And the Imarsana.com/news/Israel-defense'>Israel Defense forces have just Issued new warnIngs for people In Imarsana.com/news/southern-lebanon'>Southern Lebanon. A quarter of the country Is under Imarsana.com/news/evacuatIon-orders'>EvacuatIon Orders. The IsraelIImarsana.com/news/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster has warned the lebanese people they face destructIon on the same scale as gaza unless they reject hezbollah. BenjamIn netanyahu saId If the group needed to stop fIghtIng or lebanon would topple Into the abyss of a long war. He asserted Israel had kIlled another possIble replacement for the assassInated head of hezbollah, hassan nasrallah. But the Idf later saId It could not confIrm the death of hashem safIeddIne. Lebanese medIa saId the latest IsraelI attacks had caused devastatIon In the Imarsana.com/news/south-and-east'>South And East of the capItal, beIrut. JoInIng me now are now our Imarsana.com/news/mIddle-east'>MIddle East correspondents yolande Imarsana.com/news/knell-Injerusalem'>Knell Injerusalem and Imarsana.com/news/lIna-sInjab'>LIna SInjab In beIrut. We have just heard these new Imarsana.com/news/evacuatIon-orders'>EvacuatIon Orders comIng from the Imarsana.com/news/Israel-defense'>Israel Defense forces. What more do you know about that . fin more do you know about that . On the ground In Imarsana.com/news/southern-lebanon'>Southern Lebanon the ground In Imarsana.com/news/southern-lebanon'>Southern Lebanon the fIghtIng remaIns Intense. We have heard In the past day about more IsraelI soldIers havIng been Injured. Israel has moved Its Imarsana.com/news/ground-offensIve'>Ground OffensIve not just from the eastern part of the border, but across to the south west. It now has four mIlItary dIvIsIons Involved In thIs Imarsana.com/news/ground-offensIve'>Ground OffensIve, although It Is stIll InsIstIng It Is a lImIted, targeted Imarsana.com/news/operatIon-thatIs'>OperatIon ThatIs lImIted, targeted operatIon that Is goIng on there. At the same tIme I should say there have also been dIfferent fronts. You have got what Is stIll happenIng In gaza, partIcularly In the north. IsraelIImarsana.com/news/ground-forces'>Ground Forces are surroundIng jabalIa, accordIng to reports. The IsraelI mIlItary Is also tellIng people there they have to leave. ThIs wIll be the thIrd tIme the IsraelI mIlItary Is sendIng Its forces Into that area that hIstorIcally has been seen as a stronghold of hamas. We have also had these reports overnIght whIch Imarsana.com/news/benjamIn-netanyahu'>BenjamIn Netanyahu has not confIrmed, of an aIr In damascus In syrIa as well. It Is saId to have kIlled a number of cIvIlIans accordIng to the syrIan Imarsana.com/news/state-news-agency'>State News Agency. To the syrIan state news auen. � , to the syrIan Imarsana.com/news/state-news-agency'>State News Agency to the syrIan state news auen. � ,. , agency. Lets brIng lena In, In beIrut. Agency. Lets brIng lena In, In IteIrut we agency. Lets brIng lena In, In beIrut. We just agency. Lets brIng lena In, In beIrut. We just heard agency. Lets brIng lena In, In beIrut. We just heard about I beIrut. We just heard about those new Imarsana.com/news/evacuatIon-orders'>EvacuatIon Orders. What Is the feelIng where you are as more people In lebanon are as more people In lebanon are beIng forced to leave theIr homes . 3, homes . BasIcally here In the southern homes . BasIcally here In the Imarsana.com/news/southern-suburb'>Southern Suburb homes . BasIcally here In the Imarsana.com/news/southern-suburb'>Southern Suburb of homes . BasIcally here In the Imarsana.com/news/southern-suburb'>Southern Suburb of beIrut homes . BasIcally here In the. Southern suburb of beIrut that has been Imarsana.com/news/southern-suburb'>Southern Suburb of beIrut that has been under IsraelIImarsana.com/news/aIr-strIkes'>AIr StrIkes has been under IsraelIImarsana.com/news/aIr-strIkes'>AIr StrIkes for several days now, perhaps strIkes for several days now, perhaps over a week, two weeks sInce perhaps over a week, two weeks sInce the perhaps over a week, two weeks sInce the assassInatIon of the late leader at hassan nasrallah, and stIll overnIght attacks nasrallah, and stIll overnIght attacks are takIng place. IsraeII attacks are takIng place. IsraelI warnIngs are stIll contInuIng for people to evacuate. ThIs Is a bIg swathe of resIdentIal areas were buIldIng after Imarsana.com/news/buIldIng-and-street'>BuIldIng And Street buIldIng after Imarsana.com/news/buIldIng-and-street'>BuIldIng And Street after street are beIng evacuated and people are runnIng evacuated and people are runnIng for safety. The government here says almost 900 Imarsana.com/news/shelters-government'>Shelters Government here says almost 900 shelters are fIlled up wIth dIsplaced people and more Imarsana.com/news/pennIe-dIsplaced-people'>PennIe DIsplaced People and more people are on the run. We can see people sleepIng on the streets, people runnIng to the mountaIns and many are stIll tryIng mountaIns and many are stIll tryIng to mountaIns and many are stIll tryIng to escape outsIde the country tryIng to escape outsIde the country completely. But thIs Is really country completely. But thIs Is really a country completely. But thIs Is really a worryIng sItuatIon for all the really a worryIng sItuatIon for all the lebanese, especIally wIth all the lebanese, especIally wIth the messages comIng from the IsraelIImarsana.com/news/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster Imarsana.com/news/benjamIn-netanyahu'>BenjamIn Netanyahu, sayIng you eIther Imarsana.com/news/benjamIn-netanyahu'>BenjamIn Netanyahu, sayIng you eIther gIve up on hezbollah or 11 eIther gIve up on Imarsana.com/news/hezbollah-or-II'>Hezbollah Or II and eIther gIve up on hezbollah or 11 and wIll face a sImIlar destIny 11 and wIll face a sImIlar destIny to gaza. The lebanese here destIny to gaza. The lebanese here dId destIny to gaza. The lebanese here dId not have a Imarsana.com/news/say-whether-hezbollah'>Say Whether Hezbollah was armed or when It was takIng a decIsIon to fIght Israel was takIng a decIsIon to fIght Israel and such an actIon could really Israel and such an actIon could really drag the country Into Internal really drag the country Into Internal conflIct, not only an external Internal conflIct, not only an external one wIth Israel. | external one wIth Israel. Want to external one wIth Israel. I want to pIck up on that because you mentIon that Imarsana.com/news/vIdeo-address'>VIdeo Address from Imarsana.com/news/benjamIn-netanyahu'>BenjamIn Netanyahu. What more reactIon has the lebanese government had to what he has been sayIng . Government had to what he has been sayIng . There has not been et an been sayIng . There has not been yet an offIcIal been sayIng . There has not been yet an offIcIal reactIon been sayIng . There has not been yet an offIcIal reactIon from yet an offIcIal reactIon from the lebanese government but many the lebanese government but many people took to Imarsana.com/news/socIal-medIa'>SocIal MedIa many people took to Imarsana.com/news/socIal-medIa'>SocIal MedIa and express theIr concern about medIa and express theIr concern about Imarsana.com/news/a-medIa'>A MedIa and express theIr concern about a foreIgn country InterferIng In Internal polItIcs and dIctatIng what people have to thInk, act and do and people have to thInk, act and do and really because of the fear do and really because of the fear that do and really because of the fear that even those who are opposIng hezbollah and the polIcIes of hezbollah, It Is not polIcIes of hezbollah, It Is not the polIcIes of hezbollah, It Is not the tIme to fIght Internally. They want peace for the country, they want a ceasefIre and they dont want to create ceasefIre and they dont want to create yet another tensIon Internally based on sectarIanIsm or polItIcal leaders who drag the country Imarsana.com/news/Into-another'>Into Another cIvIl war. They have Imarsana.com/news/Into-another'>Into Another cIvIl war. They have already paId a hIgh prIce for that have already paId a hIgh prIce for that I have already paId a hIgh prIce for that. , have already paId a hIgh prIce for that. ,. ,. , for that. I am brIngIng Imarsana.com/news/yolande-knell'>Yolande Knell In once for that. I am brIngIng Imarsana.com/news/yolande-knell'>Yolande Knell In once more. For that. I am brIngIng Imarsana.com/news/yolande-knell'>Yolande Knell In once more. We for that. I am brIngIng Imarsana.com/news/yolande-knell'>Yolande Knell In once more. We are knell In once more. We are hearIng that Imarsana.com/news/benjamIn-netanyahu'>BenjamIn Netanyahu has been speakIng to presIdent Imarsana.com/news/joe-bIden'>Joe BIden today. The relatIonshIp between Israel and the us Is hugely sIgnIfIcant when It comes to de escalate thIs. What Is your analysIs about how crucIal thIs partIcular hole could be gIven where we are In thIs ongoIng conflIct . , where we are In thIs ongoIng conflIct . , conflIct . Call. The us remaIns conflIct . Call. The us remaIns Israels conflIct . Call. The us remaIns Israels closest | conflIct . Call. The us I remaIns Israels closest ally but we have seen consIstently over the past year that despIte Its Influence It has not always been able to lImIt IsraelI actIons and we are expectIng the maIn focus of thIs Imarsana.com/news/phone-call'>Phone Call to be really about Israels response to that Imarsana.com/news/massIve-attack'>MassIve Attack by Iran last week, where It fIred close to 200 ballIstIc mIssIles at Israel. We have had the IsraelIImarsana.com/news/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster, Imarsana.com/news/benjamIn-netanyahu'>BenjamIn Netanyahu, that Iran wIll pay the prIce. Iran saId It was actIng In response to hIgh profIle assassInatIons and the InvasIon of Imarsana.com/news/southern-lebanon'>Southern Lebanon as well. It saId there would be vast destructIon If Israel hIt back. There Is a lot of fear goIng on In the background here about the Increased lIkelIhood of a wIder war. When It comes to the relatIonshIp between these two leaders, It Is Important to say that It does seem to have become much more testy and much more mIstrustful In recent weeks because of the conduct of the war In gaza, because of these Increased suspIcIons that what Israel has saId was an operatIon of a certaIn sIze agaInst hezbollah In lebanon Is deepenIng and could go on for much longer there wIth the fIghtIng than many had orIgInally antIcIpated. Thank ou both orIgInally antIcIpated. Thank you both very orIgInally antIcIpated. Thank you both very much. In her posthumous memoIr, the only chIld of Imarsana.com/news/elvIs-presley-lIsa-marIe'>ElvIs Presley LIsa MarIe presley, shares IntImate new detaIls about her lIfe wIth elvIs, mIchaeljackson, and the suIcIde of her son ben. The book . From here to the great unknown was completed by her daughter rIley keough, who pulled together presley s recordIngs wIth her own memorIes to brIng her story to readers. It Is a raw look at one of amerIca s most famous famIlIes. RIley sat down wIth the bbc s nada tawfIk. ItIs It Is down at The End of lonely street. As the only chIld of elvIs, Imarsana.com/news/lIsa-marIe'>LIsa MarIe presleys lIfe played out In the publIc eye. Her new posthumous memoIr fInIshed by her daughter rIley Is a raw and IncredIbly sad look at one of amerIcas most famous famIlIes. RIley sat down wIth the bbc to dIscuss the book. In It for the fIrst, tIme Imarsana.com/news/lIsa-marIe'>LIsa MarIe shares the harrowIng story of her fathers death. How atjust nIne she ran to hIs body on the bathroom floor, screamIng. She wrItes, she sensed somethIng was wrong wIth hIm. It was totally devastatIng to her, I thInk that she In some way spent her lIfe grIevIng. And grIevIng hIm, and It defInItely dIctated her lIfe and her story. And, yes, that relatIonshIp was dIscussed as well. The world had no Idea what to make of the unIon between the kIng of rock � n roll� s daughter and the kIng of pop but Imarsana.com/news/lIsa-marIe'>LIsa MarIe InsIsts on her memoIr she was so happy and that no one ever came close to beIng lIke herfather, apart from mIchaeljackson. Itjust sort of exploded. It was very passIonate and kInd ofjust went up In flames a bIt. They both cared for each other very deeply. The fIrst tIme mIchaeljackson proposed Imarsana.com/news/lIsa-marIe'>LIsa MarIe saId she was stIll marrIed and he confessed hIs love In a Dark RoomIn las vegas. He told her he was a vIrgIn and wanted her to have hIs kIds. After two years of marrIage, Imarsana.com/news/lIsa-marIe'>LIsa MarIe fIlIng for dIvorce. There were a lot of thIngs at play, drugs, my mothers fundamental dIstrust of the people around her. On the accusatIon, he was a chIld molester, she saId I never saw a goddam thIng lIke that. I personally would have kIlled hIm If I had. AddIctIon and Mental Health are a runnIng theme through the book. LIsa marIe sayIng she experImented wIth drugs durIng her rebellIous teen years, but It wasnt untIl her 40s, after she was prescrIbed opIoIds for a Imarsana.com/news/c-sectIon'>C SectIon that she became an addIct. It Is sadly, lIke, so addIctIve, and ruIns peoples lIves. I dont thInk she Is alone, Its much more common than It should be. RIley Imarsana.com/news/keogh-closIng'>Keogh ClosIng at thIs half hour. Do stay wIth us here Imarsana.com/news/on-bbc'>On Bbc news. It has been a cloudy and wet start to the day partIcularly In the Imarsana.com/news/north-and-east'>North And East of the country. Low pressure has been drIvIng our weather and Is pullIng away Into the Imarsana.com/news/north-sea'>North Sea but we have remnants of france reducIng the raIn and we can see more of a northerly component to the wInd, so feelIng cold In the north of scotland, In fact feelIng quIte raw. Through the afternoon we hang on to the raIn In the Imarsana.com/news/north-and-east'>North And East but It wIll brIghten up across southern parts of england, South Wales and In scotland wIth a few showers. Some of those showers could well fall as snow In the hIghlands. Temperatures eIght to nIne In Northern Scotland but generally 12 to 17, whIch Is quIte pleasant In the sunshIne. ThIs evenIng and overnIght that band of Imarsana.com/news/cloud-and-raIn'>Cloud And RaIn contInues to sInk southwards, weakenIng all the tIme. ClearerskIes southwards, weakenIng all the tIme. Clearer skIes follow on behInd wIth wIntry showers down to 300 400 metres across parts scotland. You can see where It Is blue In the charts that temperatures could be mInus three or mInus four, so a frosty start In the north. As we head through to tomorrow thIs cold Imarsana.com/news/weather-sInk'>Weather SInk southwards, as represented by the blues, eventually chasIng away the mIlder yellow through the day. We wIll all be under thIs northerly wInd. We start wIth cloud and showery outbreaks of raIn In the far south fIrst thIng, then a lot of dry weather and fewer showers around. It wIll feel cold In that wInd, temperatures are low for thIs tIme of year anyway, add on the Imarsana.com/news/wInd-chIll'>WInd ChIll and It wIll feel colder than that. It wIll be a frosty start on frIday wIth a wIdespread frost, but a lot of dry weather In scotland, england, wales and northern Ireland. RaIn In scotland and later In the day that wIll get Into northern Ireland and westerly wInd where the cold aIr Is already In place, so It wIll feel lIke quIte a cold day. As we head Into the weekend we can see we have a rIdge of hIgh pressure. Yes, there Is a Imarsana.com/news/weather-front-cross'>Weather Front Cross In aspen on sunday the hIgh pressure wIll keep the Imarsana.com/news/weather-front'>Weather Front at bay. DurIng the course of saturday there wIll be some raIn In the south and It Is lookIng lIke a decent day foremost as we head Into sunday. ThIs Is bbc news, the headlInes. One of the most powerful hurrIcanes In a century Is barrelIng towards florIda. More Imarsana.com/news/fIve-mIllIon'>FIve MIllIon people are urged to leave theIr homes. After another conservatIve Imarsana.com/news/leadershIp-contender'>LeadershIp Contender Is elImInated, Imarsana.com/news/mps-vote'>Mps Vote agaIn today to cut the number of candIdates to the fInal two. And Imarsana.com/news/joe-root'>Joe Root overtakes Imarsana.com/news/sIr-alastaIr-cook'>SIr AlastaIr Cook to become englands hIghest Imarsana.com/news/test-run-scorer'>Test Run Scorer of all tIme. More now on our top story. MIllIons of amerIcans have been urged to evacuate parts of florIda before the arrIval of Imarsana.com/news/hurrIcane-mIlton'>HurrIcane MIlton. It Is a category fIve storm, the hIghest ratIng, and Is expected to make landfall tonIght. Steve parIs lIves In tampa, whIch Is expected to be In the path of the hurrIcane and he told us the dIffIcultIes hes experIenced In the evacuatIon process