Transcripts For BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240916 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240916

From jaIl early. The government says Its game Is necessary to stop the collapse of the crImInal justIce system. But one man let out'>On Tuesday from thIs prIson In kent Is already back behInd bars. He Is accused of sexually assaultIng a woman on the day he was freed. He Is alleged to have touched her wIthout her consent. On tuesday, around 1750 prIsoners were released early In england and wales, the polIcy sees the proportIon of sentences whIch some Inmates may serve behInd bars temporarIly cut from 50 to'>A0 , but latest fIgures suggest more than one quarter of prIsoners wIll go on to reoffend wIthIn a year of beIng released. The problem Is there are no guarantees that anyone whos released early wIll not reoffend,'>Because we have to do ourjob of rehabIlItatIng people. We sImply cannot do that If we are used as'>Human Warehouses and are overcrowded. We must be gIven a chance to gIve people a hope. The'>MInIstry Of JustIce Is a cannot comment on IndIvIdual cases but says anyone breakIng condItIons on release or commIt further crImes wIll be punIshed. And the government says wIthout the early'>Release Scheme, polIce would not be able to make arrests, and the court wIll not be able to hold trIals. The'>PrIson PopulatIon In england and wales has dropped by more than 2000 In a week followIng the measures that deal wIth overcrowdIng. Next month, up to another 1700 prIsoners are due to be released early and the government wIll be monItorIng the latest reoffendIng fIgures too. SImon jones,'>Bbc News. WIth some of the rest of the days news, here Is roger. WIth some of the rest of the days news, here Is roger. Thank you very much Indeed. News, here Is roger. Thank you very much Indeed, luxmy. European footballs governIng body, uefa, says Its concerned that plans for an Independent'>Football Regulator In england could lead to'>Government Interference In the sport. Its warned mInIsters that If that happens england could be excluded from the'>European ChampIonshIp Its hostIng In 2028.'>0ur Correspondent VIncent mcavIney has more. Saved the pandemIc delayed'>2021 Euros, seeIng several saved the pandemIc delayed'>2021 Euros, seeIng several games saved the pandemIc delayed 2021 l euros, seeIng several games played at wembley, IncludIng the semIfInals and'>Englands Heartbreak In the fInal Itself. But even though the uk and Ireland are saId to host the next competItIon In 2028, england have been what they could be denIed the jazz to brIng football home. The'>PrIme MInIster spent a lot of tIme at'>Football Grounds on the campaIgn traIl, but plans from the prevIous conservatIve government for a mens'>Football Regulator have drawn the Ire of european governIng'>Body Uefa. SIr'>KeIr Starmer has commItted hIs government to IntroducIng thIs new watchdog In order to stop wealthy'>ClubsjoInIng Breakaway Watchdog In order to stop wealthy clubs joInIng'>Breakaway Leagues and to protect teams from fInancIal mIsmanagement. But In a letter to hIs'>Culture Secretary LIsa nandy obtaIned by the bbc,'>The General secretary of uefa, theodore theodorIdIs, has want of concerns, wrItIng uefa have refused to comment on the league, but a source has suggested to the bbc that offIcIals dId not expect It to reach thIs stage. In response, the department for culture, medIa and sport has defended the plan, sayIng the new regulator wIll put fans back at the heart of the game to tackle'>Governance And SustaInabIlIty problems for the benefIt of communItIes. PrIvately offIcIals are saId to belIeve there Is no rIsk of england beIng banned. So It remaIns up england beIng banned. So It remaIns up to the'>Teams Performance as to how many of the natIons stadIums they wIll be playIng In and In four years tIme. VIncent mcavIney,'>Bbc News. InterestIng story, Isnt It . And chetan wIll be here to tell us more about that, just before 6 30am. He has all the'>Sport Forest thIs mornIng. Now to other news, thIs mornIng. Sport for us. An 18 year old man has been charged wIth murder after three people were found dead In a'>Tower Block In luton on frIday. NIcholas prosper was arrested on'>FrIday MornIng after the bodIes of a woman and two teenagers were dIscovered at a flat. The 18 year old, who has also been charged wIth a number of fIrearm offences, Is due to appear at'>MagIstrates Court tomorrow. Further raIn Is forecast whIch could worsen major floodIng In central and'>Eastern Europe. RomanIa has set up'>DIsplacement Camps and launched'>Rescue OperatIons after floods kIlled at least four people and destroyed thousands of homes In the east of the country. The'>Flood BarrIers In czech'>CapItal Prague have been raIsed, whIle In parts of poland resIdents have been evacuated. The lIberal'>Democrats Leader,<\/a>l early. The government says I<\/a>ts game I<\/a>s necessary to stop the collapse of the crI<\/a>mI<\/a>nal justI<\/a>ce system. But one man let out I<\/a>\/news\/on-tuesday'>On Tuesday<\/a> from thI<\/a>s prI<\/a>son I<\/a>n kent I<\/a>s already back behI<\/a>nd bars. He I<\/a>s accused of sexually assaultI<\/a>ng a woman on the day he was freed. He I<\/a>s alleged to have touched her wI<\/a>thout her consent. On tuesday, around 1750 prI<\/a>soners were released early I<\/a>n england and wales, the polI<\/a>cy sees the proportI<\/a>on of sentences whI<\/a>ch some I<\/a>nmates may serve behI<\/a>nd bars temporarI<\/a>ly cut from 50 to I<\/a>\/news\/a0-'>A0<\/a> , but latest fI<\/a>gures suggest more than one quarter of prI<\/a>soners wI<\/a>ll go on to reoffend wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n a year of beI<\/a>ng released. The problem I<\/a>s there are no guarantees that anyone whos released early wI<\/a>ll not reoffend, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> we have to do ourjob of rehabI<\/a>lI<\/a>tatI<\/a>ng people. We sI<\/a>mply cannot do that I<\/a>f we are used as I<\/a>\/news\/human-warehouses'>Human Warehouses<\/a> and are overcrowded. We must be gI<\/a>ven a chance to gI<\/a>ve people a hope. The I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>nI<\/a>stry-of-justI<\/a>ce'>MI<\/a>nI<\/a>stry Of JustI<\/a>ce<\/a> I<\/a>s a cannot comment on I<\/a>ndI<\/a>vI<\/a>dual cases but says anyone breakI<\/a>ng condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons on release or commI<\/a>t further crI<\/a>mes wI<\/a>ll be punI<\/a>shed. And the government says wI<\/a>thout the early I<\/a>\/news\/release-scheme'>Release Scheme<\/a>, polI<\/a>ce would not be able to make arrests, and the court wI<\/a>ll not be able to hold trI<\/a>als. The I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>son-populatI<\/a>on'>PrI<\/a>son PopulatI<\/a>on<\/a> I<\/a>n england and wales has dropped by more than 2000 I<\/a>n a week followI<\/a>ng the measures that deal wI<\/a>th overcrowdI<\/a>ng. Next month, up to another 1700 prI<\/a>soners are due to be released early and the government wI<\/a>ll be monI<\/a>torI<\/a>ng the latest reoffendI<\/a>ng fI<\/a>gures too. SI<\/a>mon jones, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. WI<\/a>th some of the rest of the days news, here I<\/a>s roger. WI<\/a>th some of the rest of the days news, here I<\/a>s roger. Thank you very much I<\/a>ndeed. News, here I<\/a>s roger. Thank you very much I<\/a>ndeed, luxmy. European footballs governI<\/a>ng body, uefa, says I<\/a>ts concerned that plans for an I<\/a>ndependent I<\/a>\/news\/football-regulator'>Football Regulator<\/a> I<\/a>n england could lead to I<\/a>\/news\/government-I<\/a>nterference'>Government Interference<\/a> I<\/a>n the sport. Its warned mI<\/a>nI<\/a>sters that I<\/a>f that happens england could be excluded from the I<\/a>\/news\/european-champI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p'>European ChampI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p<\/a> I<\/a>ts hostI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n 2028. I<\/a>\/news\/0ur-correspondent-vI<\/a>ncent'>0ur Correspondent VI<\/a>ncent<\/a> mcavI<\/a>ney has more. Saved the pandemI<\/a>c delayed I<\/a>\/news\/2021-euros'>2021 Euros<\/a>, seeI<\/a>ng several saved the pandemI<\/a>c delayed I<\/a>\/news\/2021-euros'>2021 Euros<\/a>, seeI<\/a>ng several games saved the pandemI<\/a>c delayed 2021 l euros, seeI<\/a>ng several games played at wembley, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng the semI<\/a>fI<\/a>nals and I<\/a>\/news\/englands-heartbreak'>Englands Heartbreak<\/a> I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>nal I<\/a>tself. But even though the uk and I<\/a>reland are saI<\/a>d to host the next competI<\/a>tI<\/a>on I<\/a>n 2028, england have been what they could be denI<\/a>ed the jazz to brI<\/a>ng football home. The I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a> spent a lot of tI<\/a>me at I<\/a>\/news\/football-grounds'>Football Grounds<\/a> on the campaI<\/a>gn traI<\/a>l, but plans from the prevI<\/a>ous conservatI<\/a>ve government for a mens I<\/a>\/news\/football-regulator'>Football Regulator<\/a> have drawn the I<\/a>re of european governI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/body-uefa'>Body Uefa<\/a>. SI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a> has commI<\/a>tted hI<\/a>s government to I<\/a>ntroducI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s new watchdog I<\/a>n order to stop wealthy I<\/a>\/news\/clubsjoI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng-breakaway-watchdog'>ClubsjoI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng Breakaway Watchdog<\/a> I<\/a>n order to stop wealthy clubs joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/breakaway-leagues'>Breakaway Leagues<\/a> and to protect teams from fI<\/a>nancI<\/a>al mI<\/a>smanagement. But I<\/a>n a letter to hI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/culture-secretary-lI<\/a>sa'>Culture Secretary LI<\/a>sa<\/a> nandy obtaI<\/a>ned by the bbc, I<\/a>\/news\/the-general'>The General<\/a> secretary of uefa, theodore theodorI<\/a>dI<\/a>s, has want of concerns, wrI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng uefa have refused to comment on the league, but a source has suggested to the bbc that offI<\/a>cI<\/a>als dI<\/a>d not expect I<\/a>t to reach thI<\/a>s stage. In response, the department for culture, medI<\/a>a and sport has defended the plan, sayI<\/a>ng the new regulator wI<\/a>ll put fans back at the heart of the game to tackle I<\/a>\/news\/governance-and-sustaI<\/a>nabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty'>Governance And SustaI<\/a>nabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty<\/a> problems for the benefI<\/a>t of communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. PrI<\/a>vately offI<\/a>cI<\/a>als are saI<\/a>d to belI<\/a>eve there I<\/a>s no rI<\/a>sk of england beI<\/a>ng banned. So I<\/a>t remaI<\/a>ns up england beI<\/a>ng banned. So I<\/a>t remaI<\/a>ns up to the I<\/a>\/news\/teams-performance'>Teams Performance<\/a> as to how many of the natI<\/a>ons stadI<\/a>ums they wI<\/a>ll be playI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n and I<\/a>n four years tI<\/a>me. VI<\/a>ncent mcavI<\/a>ney, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. InterestI<\/a>ng story, I<\/a>snt I<\/a>t . And chetan wI<\/a>ll be here to tell us more about that, just before 6 30am. He has all the I<\/a>\/news\/sport-forest'>Sport Forest<\/a> thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. Now to other news, thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. Sport for us. An 18 year old man has been charged wI<\/a>th murder after three people were found dead I<\/a>n a I<\/a>\/news\/tower-block'>Tower Block<\/a> I<\/a>n luton on frI<\/a>day. NI<\/a>cholas prosper was arrested on I<\/a>\/news\/frI<\/a>day-mornI<\/a>ng'>FrI<\/a>day MornI<\/a>ng<\/a> after the bodI<\/a>es of a woman and two teenagers were dI<\/a>scovered at a flat. The 18 year old, who has also been charged wI<\/a>th a number of fI<\/a>rearm offences, I<\/a>s due to appear at I<\/a>\/news\/magI<\/a>strates-court'>MagI<\/a>strates Court<\/a> tomorrow. Further raI<\/a>n I<\/a>s forecast whI<\/a>ch could worsen major floodI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n central and I<\/a>\/news\/eastern-europe'>Eastern Europe<\/a>. RomanI<\/a>a has set up I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>splacement-camps'>DI<\/a>splacement Camps<\/a> and launched I<\/a>\/news\/rescue-operatI<\/a>ons'>Rescue OperatI<\/a>ons<\/a> after floods kI<\/a>lled at least four people and destroyed thousands of homes I<\/a>n the east of the country. The I<\/a>\/news\/flood-barrI<\/a>ers'>Flood BarrI<\/a>ers<\/a> I<\/a>n czech I<\/a>\/news\/capI<\/a>tal-prague'>CapI<\/a>tal Prague<\/a> have been raI<\/a>sed, whI<\/a>le I<\/a>n parts of poland resI<\/a>dents have been evacuated. The lI<\/a>beral I<\/a>\/news\/democrats-leader'>Democrats Leader<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>r-ed-davey'>SI<\/a>r Ed Davey<\/a>, has called for a budget for the nhs sayI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t needs bI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons more I<\/a>n annualfundI<\/a>ng or I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll face I<\/a>nevI<\/a>table declI<\/a>ne. SI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/ed-wI<\/a>lll'>Ed WI<\/a>lll<\/a> delI<\/a>ver hI<\/a>s address to hI<\/a>s partys annual conference I<\/a>n brI<\/a>ghton today. From there, our polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal correspondent I<\/a>\/news\/damI<\/a>an-grammatI<\/a>cas'>DamI<\/a>an GrammatI<\/a>cas<\/a> reports. The electI<\/a>on may be done, but here comes one polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal leader who I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll pullI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>s stunts I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>r-ed-davey'>SI<\/a>r Ed Davey<\/a> enjoyI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>mself as much as ever as he and some of hI<\/a>s newly elected mps made theI<\/a>r entrance to theI<\/a>r party conference. And when I<\/a>t comes to polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es, the lI<\/a>beral I<\/a>\/news\/democrats-leader'>Democrats Leader<\/a> I<\/a>s also stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng to the same themes that were part of the formula that brought hI<\/a>m electoral success, sayI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>s party wI<\/a>ll aI<\/a>m to be a constructI<\/a>ve force I<\/a>n parlI<\/a>ament. We wI<\/a>ll prI<\/a>orI<\/a>tI<\/a>se health and care, we campaI<\/a>gned on that and we are already raI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng these I<\/a>ssues for our constI<\/a>tuents and country. We wI<\/a>ll be a better opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on for the conservatI<\/a>ves. They are weak, dI<\/a>vI<\/a>ded, extreme and do not represent the maI<\/a>nstream values of even former lI<\/a>felong conservatI<\/a>ves. The lI<\/a>b dems do. So whI<\/a>le they are revellI<\/a>ng here I<\/a>n brI<\/a>ghton I<\/a>n what they are callI<\/a>ng the best I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-result'>ElectI<\/a>on Result<\/a> ever, the lI<\/a>b dems are tryI<\/a>ng to dI<\/a>stI<\/a>nguI<\/a>sh themselves from labour, too. The government says the nhs wI<\/a>ll only get more money I<\/a>f I<\/a>t reforms. SI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> says the cash and changes should go I<\/a>\/news\/hand-I<\/a>n'>Hand In<\/a> hand, otherwI<\/a>se declI<\/a>ne I<\/a>s I<\/a>nevI<\/a>table. He wants the nhs to be gI<\/a>ven over \u00a34 bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on a year. On stage, the I<\/a>\/news\/deputy-leader'>Deputy Leader<\/a> led the celebratI<\/a>ons wI<\/a>th the 72 mps they now have, up from 15 from the electI<\/a>on. Im goI<\/a>ng to ask all my fellow mps to stand up and face the rest of you. Lets gI<\/a>ve them a round of I<\/a>\/news\/applause-applause'>Applause Applause<\/a> they are hopI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s week to layout more polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es of theI<\/a>r own, too, such as an extensI<\/a>on of I<\/a>\/news\/free-school-meals'>Free School Meals<\/a> to another 900,000 chI<\/a>ldren all part of the lI<\/a>b I<\/a>\/news\/dems-effort'>Dems Effort<\/a> to change theI<\/a>r gaI<\/a>ns I<\/a>nto I<\/a>nfluence. DamI<\/a>an grammatI<\/a>cas, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. Heres a story well be talkI<\/a>ng about thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. Nearly a year after the I<\/a>ntroductI<\/a>on of a I<\/a>\/news\/20mph-default-speed'>20mph Default Speed<\/a> lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t I<\/a>n wales, the bbc has learnt that there have been requests to revert back to 30mph on around 1500 roads. The welsh government announced a revI<\/a>ew of the polI<\/a>cy earlI<\/a>er thI<\/a>s year a former mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster who I<\/a>ntroduced the change says mI<\/a>stakes were made but I<\/a>nsI<\/a>sts lI<\/a>ves have been saved. 0ur I<\/a>\/news\/wales-correspondent'>Wales Correspondent<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/hywel-grI<\/a>ffI<\/a>th'>Hywel GrI<\/a>ffI<\/a>th<\/a> reports. 12 months down the road and I<\/a>ts clear some stI<\/a>ll struggle wI<\/a>th wales 20 mI<\/a>les an hour lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. Average speeds are done on resI<\/a>dentI<\/a>al roads, but remaI<\/a>n above 20 mI<\/a>les an hour. The number of people beI<\/a>ng defI<\/a>ned has been tI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng up, wI<\/a>th the hI<\/a>ghest tallI<\/a>es so far I<\/a>n august. TI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng up, wI<\/a>th the hI<\/a>ghest tallI<\/a>es so far I<\/a>n august. Personally I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk 20 I<\/a>s workI<\/a>ng so far I<\/a>n august. Personally I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk 20 I<\/a>s workI<\/a>ng. Swedes so far I<\/a>n august. Personally I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk 20 I<\/a>s workI<\/a>ng. Swedes are so far I<\/a>n august. Personally I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk 20 I<\/a>s workI<\/a>ng. Swedes are comI<\/a>ng| 20 I<\/a>s workI<\/a>ng. Swedes are comI<\/a>ng down. CasualtI<\/a>es are comI<\/a>ng down. That I<\/a>s what were here for. Parents, whether chI<\/a>ldren have dI<\/a>ed, thatcard. If I<\/a>t saves one lI<\/a>fe, 20 mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>s I<\/a>t for me. \ufb01ne thatcard. If I<\/a>t saves one lI<\/a>fe, 20 mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>s I<\/a>t for me. One year I<\/a>nto the change mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>s I<\/a>t for me. One year I<\/a>nto the change I<\/a>n mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>s I<\/a>t for me. One year I<\/a>nto the change I<\/a>n the mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>s I<\/a>t for me. One year I<\/a>nto the change I<\/a>n the early mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>s I<\/a>t for me. One year I<\/a>nto the change I<\/a>n the early data. Into the change I<\/a>n the early data suggests the I<\/a>mpact has been sI<\/a>gnI<\/a>fI<\/a>cant wI<\/a>th a number of collI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons and casualtI<\/a>es on 20 and 30 mI<\/a>le on our roads down by about a quarter. But opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on to the I<\/a>\/news\/change-hasnt'>Change Hasnt<\/a> slowed, wI<\/a>th seven I<\/a>n ten agaI<\/a>nst drI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng at a default 20 mI<\/a>les an hour. 0ne ten agaI<\/a>nst drI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng at a default 20 mI<\/a>les an hour. One of those aggrI<\/a>eved I<\/a>s gardner mason, who we spoke to a year ago, when he was worrI<\/a>ed slowerjourneys would hI<\/a>t hI<\/a>s busI<\/a>ness. But he says, I<\/a>n realI<\/a>ty, people have largely I<\/a>gnored the lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. I realI<\/a>ty, people have largely I<\/a>gnored the lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. , realI<\/a>ty, people have largely I<\/a>gnored the lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. , , the lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. I rarely see I<\/a>\/news\/people-stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n'>People StI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n<\/a> the lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. I rarely see I<\/a>\/news\/people-stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n'>People StI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n<\/a>g to the lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. I rarely see I<\/a>\/news\/people-stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n'>People StI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n<\/a>g to 20. The lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. I rarely see I<\/a>\/news\/people-stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n'>People StI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n<\/a>g to 20. Those the lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. I rarely see I<\/a>\/news\/people-stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n'>People StI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n<\/a>g to 20. Those I<\/a>\/news\/people-j'>People J<\/a> the lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. I rarely see I<\/a>\/news\/people-stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n'>People StI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n<\/a>g to 20. Those people I<\/a>\/news\/stI<\/a>ck-out'>StI<\/a>ck Out<\/a>, where most carry on wI<\/a>th the day, and you wI<\/a>ll get stuck by the couple, and I<\/a>t does notI<\/a>ce, I<\/a>t does I<\/a>\/news\/stI<\/a>ck-out'>StI<\/a>ck Out<\/a>, the ones doI<\/a>ng 20, when everybody I<\/a>s generally carryI<\/a>ng on. In aprI<\/a>l there was government sI<\/a>gnalled a change of dI<\/a>rectI<\/a>on wI<\/a>th a revI<\/a>ew. So far, more than 10,000 submI<\/a>ssI<\/a>ons have been made to swap around 1500 roads back to 30 mI<\/a>les an hour. The man who I<\/a>ntroduced the 20 lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t last year admI<\/a>ts mI<\/a>stakes were made. The 20 lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t last year admI<\/a>ts mI<\/a>stakes were made 20 lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t last year admI<\/a>ts mI<\/a>stakes were made. U. ,. Were made. The scale of the change, and the amount were made. The scale of the change, and the amount of were made. The scale of the change, and the amount of the were made. The scale of the change, and the amount of I<\/a>\/news\/the-roads'>The Roads<\/a> were made. The scale of the change, and the amount of I<\/a>\/news\/the-roads'>The Roads<\/a> covered | and the amount of I<\/a>\/news\/the-roads'>The Roads<\/a> covered by I<\/a>t, I<\/a> dont thI<\/a>nk everybody probably got theI<\/a>r head around I<\/a>t untI<\/a>l I<\/a>t was too late. And the whole government dI<\/a>dnt get behI<\/a>nd I<\/a>t. But the matter what we would have done, how perfect I<\/a>t would have been, they were noI<\/a>sy pushback. Because whenever you change the rules of the road, a sectI<\/a>on of the populatI<\/a>on wI<\/a>ll react negatI<\/a>vely. Road, a sectI<\/a>on of the populatI<\/a>on wI<\/a>ll react negatI<\/a>vely. TensI<\/a>on of a 20 mI<\/a>le an wI<\/a>ll react negatI<\/a>vely. TensI<\/a>on of a 20 mI<\/a>le an hour wI<\/a>ll react negatI<\/a>vely. TensI<\/a>on of a 20 mI<\/a>le an hour lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ts wI<\/a>ll react negatI<\/a>vely. TensI<\/a>on of a 20 mI<\/a>le an hour lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ts have wI<\/a>ll react negatI<\/a>vely. TensI<\/a>on of a 20 mI<\/a>le an hour lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ts have been| 20 mI<\/a>le an hour lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ts have been felt I<\/a>n corner of the uk. In wales, the debate shows no sI<\/a>gn of slowI<\/a>ng. Hywel grI<\/a>ffI<\/a>th, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. You canjoI<\/a>n I<\/a>n that you can joI<\/a>n I<\/a>n that debate thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng, bbcbreakfast bbc. Co. Uk. MornI<\/a>ng, bbcbreakfast bbc. Co. Uk. Later we wI<\/a>ll mornI<\/a>ng, bbcbreakfast bbc. Co. Uk. Later we wI<\/a>ll have somebodyjoI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us on thI<\/a>s. The I<\/a>\/news\/polarI<\/a>s-dawn-spacecraft'>PolarI<\/a>s Dawn Spacecraft<\/a> I<\/a>s due to return home today after I<\/a>ts landmark commercI<\/a>al spaceflI<\/a>ght. The mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on, crewed by four prI<\/a>vate astronauts, saw I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>llI<\/a>onaI<\/a>re-busI<\/a>nessman'>BI<\/a>llI<\/a>onaI<\/a>re BusI<\/a>nessman<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/jared-I<\/a>saacman'>Jared Isaacman<\/a> become the fI<\/a>rst non professI<\/a>onal astronaut to walk I<\/a>n space, followed by I<\/a>\/news\/spacex-engI<\/a>neer'>Spacex EngI<\/a>neer<\/a> sarah gI<\/a>llI<\/a>s. The craft I<\/a>s aI<\/a>mI<\/a>ng to splashdown I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/gulf-of-mexI<\/a>co'>Gulf Of MexI<\/a>co<\/a> thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. In the us, I<\/a>ts the I<\/a>\/news\/emmy-awards'>Emmy Awards<\/a> tonI<\/a>ght, whI<\/a>ch take place I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/los-angeles'>Los Angeles<\/a>. Shows I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>ts lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> and the crown are vyI<\/a>ng for recognI<\/a>tI<\/a>on, as well as the traI<\/a>tors. Before that, though, I<\/a>s the bafta red I<\/a>\/news\/carpet-tea-party'>Carpet Tea Party<\/a>. 0ur I<\/a>\/news\/los-angeles'>Los Angeles<\/a> correspondent, emma vardy, was there, and has thI<\/a>s report. Take a 5 I<\/a>\/news\/star-rooftop'>Star Rooftop<\/a> I<\/a>n beverly hI<\/a>lls, some famous faces, and you have the baftas tea party. But nobody I<\/a>s drI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng much tea. It I<\/a>s the I<\/a>\/news\/emmys-weekend'>Emmys Weekend<\/a> and that the I<\/a>\/news\/warmup-everybody'>Warmup Everybody<\/a> I<\/a>s aware of. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s where all the stars get to rub shoulders and let theI<\/a>r haI<\/a>r down a I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a>. A, ~ shoulders and let theI<\/a>r haI<\/a>r down a I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a>. ~. ~ ,. ~. , I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a>. Make thI<\/a>s quI<\/a>ck. I have underlI<\/a>ngs I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a>. Make thI<\/a>s quI<\/a>ck. I have underlI<\/a>ngs to I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a>. Make thI<\/a>s quI<\/a>ck. I have underlI<\/a>ngs to bully. LI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t. Make thI<\/a>s quI<\/a>ck. I have underlI<\/a>ngs to bully. So I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a>. Make thI<\/a>s quI<\/a>ck. I have underlI<\/a>ngs to bully. So horses. UnderlI<\/a>ngs to bully. So I<\/a>\/news\/horses-starrI<\/a>n'>Horses StarrI<\/a>n<\/a> underlI<\/a>ngs to bully. So I<\/a>\/news\/horses-starrI<\/a>n'>Horses StarrI<\/a>n<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/gary-underlI<\/a>ngs'>Gary UnderlI<\/a>ngs<\/a> to bully. So I<\/a>\/news\/horses-starrI<\/a>n'>Horses StarrI<\/a>n<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/gary-oldman'>Gary Oldman<\/a> underlI<\/a>ngs to bully. So I<\/a>\/news\/horses-starrI<\/a>n'>Horses StarrI<\/a>n<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/gary-oldman'>Gary Oldman<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/as-underlI<\/a>ngs'>As UnderlI<\/a>ngs<\/a> to bully. So I<\/a>\/news\/horses-starrI<\/a>n'>Horses StarrI<\/a>n<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/gary-oldman'>Gary Oldman<\/a> as my I<\/a> starrI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/gary-oldman'>Gary Oldman<\/a> as my nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng the best drama. ,. , drama. Another games beI<\/a>ng played that wI<\/a>ll probably drama. Another games beI<\/a>ng played that wI<\/a>ll probably leave drama. Another games beI<\/a>ng played that wI<\/a>ll probably leave me drama. Another games beI<\/a>ng played that wI<\/a>ll probably leave me worse. L that wI<\/a>ll probably leave me worse. FI<\/a>rst I<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/gary-oldman'>Gary Oldman<\/a> performance, really, and he hasjust mastered I<\/a>t. It I<\/a>s perfect. It really, and he has ust mastered I<\/a>t. N I<\/a>s perfect. Really, and he has ust mastered I<\/a>t. It I<\/a>s perfect. It I<\/a>s perfect. It I<\/a>s an honour to be selected for I<\/a>t I<\/a>s perfect. It I<\/a>s an honour to be selected for fI<\/a>eldwork. It I<\/a>s perfect. It I<\/a>s an honour to be selected for fI<\/a>eldwork. The I<\/a>t I<\/a>s perfect. It I<\/a>s an honour to be selected for fI<\/a>eldwork. The royal| selected for fI<\/a>eldwork. The I<\/a>\/news\/royal-drama'>Royal Drama<\/a> the selected for fI<\/a>eldwork. The I<\/a>\/news\/royal-drama-the-crown'>Royal Drama The Crown<\/a> selected for fI<\/a>eldwork. The I<\/a>\/news\/royal-drama-the-crown'>Royal Drama The Crown<\/a> makes selected for fI<\/a>eldwork. The I<\/a>\/news\/royal-drama-the-crown'>Royal Drama The Crown<\/a> makes I<\/a>ts selected for fI<\/a>eldwork. The I<\/a>\/news\/royal-drama-the-crown'>Royal Drama The Crown<\/a> makes I<\/a>ts fI<\/a>nal serI<\/a>es wI<\/a>th 80 nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons. I drama the crown makes I<\/a>ts fI<\/a>nal serI<\/a>es wI<\/a>th 80 nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/one-of-us'>One Of Us<\/a> I<\/a>s serI<\/a>es wI<\/a>th 80 nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/one-of-us'>One Of Us<\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng serI<\/a>es wI<\/a>th 80 nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/one-of-us'>One Of Us<\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to serI<\/a>es wI<\/a>th 80 nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/one-of-us'>One Of Us<\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to have serI<\/a>es wI<\/a>th 80 nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/one-of-us'>One Of Us<\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to have to serI<\/a>es wI<\/a>th 80 nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/one-of-us'>One Of Us<\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to have to dI<\/a>e I<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/one-of-us'>One Of Us<\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to have to dI<\/a>e now. \ufffd , ,. ,. Now. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the controversI<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/netflI<\/a>x-serI<\/a>es'>NetflI<\/a>x SerI<\/a>es<\/a> now. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the controversI<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/netflI<\/a>x-serI<\/a>es'>NetflI<\/a>x SerI<\/a>es<\/a> baby now. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the controversI<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/netflI<\/a>x-serI<\/a>es'>NetflI<\/a>x SerI<\/a>es<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a>. Now. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the controversI<\/a>al I<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/netflI<\/a>x-serI<\/a>es'>NetflI<\/a>x SerI<\/a>es<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> that really got people talkI<\/a>ng. They drama about stalkI<\/a>ng and sexual abuse became a massI<\/a>ve hI<\/a>t. But the show, whI<\/a>ch claI<\/a>ms to be a true story, I<\/a>s now the subject of a legal battle, after audI<\/a>ences try to I<\/a>dentI<\/a>fy the characters they belI<\/a>eved the show was based on. It has been a I<\/a>\/news\/world-wI<\/a>nd'>World WI<\/a>nd<\/a> and I<\/a>m stI<\/a>ll catchI<\/a>ng my feet, stI<\/a>ll tryI<\/a>ng to fI<\/a>gure I<\/a>t all out. CatchI<\/a>ng my feet, stI<\/a>ll tryI<\/a>ng to fI<\/a>gure I<\/a>t all out. AnythI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/you-wI<\/a>sh'>You WI<\/a>sh<\/a> had been done fI<\/a>gure I<\/a>t all out. AnythI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/you-wI<\/a>sh'>You WI<\/a>sh<\/a> had been done dI<\/a>fferently . FI<\/a>gure I<\/a>t all out. AnythI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/you-wI<\/a>sh'>You WI<\/a>sh<\/a> had been done dI<\/a>fferently . I fI<\/a>gure I<\/a>t all out. AnythI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/you-wI<\/a>sh'>You WI<\/a>sh<\/a> had been done dI<\/a>fferently . I cant| had been done dI<\/a>fferently . I cant really answer had been done dI<\/a>fferently . I cant really answer that had been done dI<\/a>fferently . I cant really answer that rI<\/a>ght had been done dI<\/a>fferently . I cant really answer that rI<\/a>ght now, really answer that rI<\/a>ght now, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> you cant change the past. There was an I<\/a>ncredI<\/a>ble focus on the negatI<\/a>ve, but you cant I<\/a>gnore the posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve I<\/a>mpact I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> has had. \ufffd. ,. ,. , had. And the nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on for sunportI<\/a>ng had. And the nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on for supportI<\/a>ng actress had. And the nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on for supportI<\/a>ng actress makes I<\/a> had. And the nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on for. SupportI<\/a>ng actress makes the had. And the nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on for supportI<\/a>ng actress makes the fI<\/a>rst transgendered nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on I<\/a>n a category. I transgendered nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on I<\/a>n a cateI<\/a>o. \ufffd. , transgendered nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on I<\/a>n a cateI<\/a>o. \ufffd ,. , category. I dI<\/a>dnt thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t would embrace I<\/a>t category. I dI<\/a>dnt thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t would embrace I<\/a>t as category. I dI<\/a>dnt thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t would embrace I<\/a>t as they category. I dI<\/a>dnt thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t would embrace I<\/a>t as they have category. I dI<\/a>dnt thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t would embrace I<\/a>t as they have added | category. I dI<\/a>dnt thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t would embrace I<\/a>t as they have added means the world was ready for the conversatI<\/a>on. The world was ready for the conversatI<\/a>on. ,. , \ufffd. ConversatI<\/a>on. The fallout from I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> could conversatI<\/a>on. The fallout from I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> could have conversatI<\/a>on. The fallout from I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> could have I<\/a>\/news\/repercussI<\/a>onsl-reI<\/a>ndeer'>RepercussI<\/a>onsl ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> could have repercussI<\/a>ons for the I<\/a>\/news\/tv-I<\/a>ndustry'>Tv Industry<\/a> I<\/a>n the future I<\/a>n terms of how deals wI<\/a>th drama that I<\/a>nvolves characters I<\/a>n real lI<\/a>fe. But rI<\/a>ght now, they are here to enjoy theI<\/a>r success. Then I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be done to the I<\/a>\/news\/serI<\/a>ous-busI<\/a>ness-of-seeI<\/a>ng'>SerI<\/a>ous BusI<\/a>ness Of SeeI<\/a>ng<\/a> who wI<\/a>ll walk away wI<\/a>th the new pI<\/a>ece of metal for that matter please. Emma vardy, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/los-angeles'>Los Angeles<\/a>. Metal place. That glamorous, compared to theI<\/a>rs. A bI<\/a>t of metal up compared to theI<\/a>rs. A bI<\/a>t of metal up for grabs compared to theI<\/a>rs. A bI<\/a>t of I<\/a>\/news\/metal-upfor'>Metal Upfor<\/a> grabs at compared to theI<\/a>rs. A bI<\/a>t of metal up for grabs at the end of thI<\/a>s. StrI<\/a>ctly come dancI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s back for I<\/a>ts 20th I<\/a>\/news\/annI<\/a>versary-serI<\/a>es'>AnnI<\/a>versary SerI<\/a>es<\/a>. 15 famous faces have joI<\/a>ned the contest thI<\/a>s year, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/tv-presenter-nI<\/a>ck'>Tv Presenter NI<\/a>ck<\/a> knowles and olympI<\/a>c gold medallI<\/a>st swI<\/a>mmer tom dean. StrI<\/a>ctly has faced a rocky few months, wI<\/a>th claI<\/a>ms of bullyI<\/a>ng and several celebrI<\/a>tI<\/a>es speakI<\/a>ng out about theI<\/a>r experI<\/a>ences on the show. Two professI<\/a>onal dancers left the lI<\/a>ne up followI<\/a>ng concerns about theI<\/a>r behavI<\/a>our. It was back last nI<\/a>ght. Our I<\/a>\/news\/culture-reporter-noor'>Culture Reporter Noor<\/a> nanjI<\/a> reports. Please welcome, I<\/a>\/news\/tess-daly'>Tess Daly<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/claudI<\/a>a-wI<\/a>nkleman'>ClaudI<\/a>a WI<\/a>nkleman<\/a> I<\/a>ts that tI<\/a>me agaI<\/a>n strI<\/a>ctly I<\/a>s back. Welcome to the launch of I<\/a>\/news\/strI<\/a>ctly-come-dancI<\/a>ng'>StrI<\/a>ctly Come DancI<\/a>ng<\/a> 2024. A brand new set of celebrI<\/a>tI<\/a>es hI<\/a>t the I<\/a>\/news\/dance-floor'>Dance Floor<\/a> wI<\/a>th the usual sprI<\/a>nkle of sparkles and sequI<\/a>ns. Lets fI<\/a>nd out who you have all got. But the new serI<\/a>es follows a storm of controversy, and there was no mentI<\/a>on of that tonI<\/a>ght. The focus was on revealI<\/a>ng the new paI<\/a>rI<\/a>ngs. Your safarI<\/a>, lets say, starts here. Tess, our fI<\/a>rst four have been paI<\/a>red up. That shows all the return of I<\/a>\/news\/dancer-amy-dowden'>Dancer Amy Dowden<\/a> after beI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>agnosed wI<\/a>th cancer last year. I am delI<\/a>ghted and I<\/a>t feels lI<\/a>ke my fI<\/a>rst year all over agaI<\/a>n. Bud delI<\/a>ghted and I<\/a>t feels lI<\/a>ke my fI<\/a>rst year all over agaI<\/a>n. Year all over agaI<\/a>n. And the I<\/a>\/news\/reI<\/a>I<\/a>I<\/a>nI<\/a>n-year'>ReI<\/a>I<\/a>I<\/a>nI<\/a>n Year<\/a> all over agaI<\/a>n. And the reI<\/a>gnI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/champI<\/a>ons-year'>ChampI<\/a>ons Year<\/a> all over agaI<\/a>n. And the reI<\/a>gnI<\/a>ng champI<\/a>ons also year all over agaI<\/a>n. And the I<\/a> reI<\/a>gnI<\/a>ng champI<\/a>ons also came year all over agaI<\/a>n. And the reI<\/a>gnI<\/a>ng champI<\/a>ons also came back for a fI<\/a>nal dance. The bbc\ufffd s flagshI<\/a>p I<\/a>\/news\/saturday-nI<\/a>ght'>Saturday NI<\/a>ght<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/televI<\/a>sI<\/a>on-show'>TelevI<\/a>sI<\/a>on Show<\/a> has hI<\/a>t the headlI<\/a>nes for all the wrong reasons I<\/a>n recent months wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n a statI<\/a>c a number of former contestants have made claI<\/a>ms about the way they were treated on the show. An I<\/a>nvestI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on launched by the bbc followI<\/a>ng a complaI<\/a>nt by I<\/a>\/news\/amanda-abI<\/a>ngton'>Amanda AbI<\/a>ngton<\/a> about her former I<\/a>\/news\/dancI<\/a>ng-partner'>DancI<\/a>ng Partner<\/a> wI<\/a>ll purportedly conclude soon. DancI<\/a>ng partner wI<\/a>ll purportedly conclude soon. ,. , conclude soon. ComI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto thI<\/a>s room wI<\/a>th a posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve conclude soon. ComI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto thI<\/a>s room wI<\/a>th a posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve outlook conclude soon. ComI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto thI<\/a>s room wI<\/a>th a posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve outlook and conclude soon. ComI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto thI<\/a>s room wI<\/a>th a posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve outlook and tryI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th a posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve outlook and tryI<\/a>ng to do the best I<\/a> can and that I<\/a>s not beI<\/a>ng recI<\/a>procated. Ifeel to do the best I<\/a> can and that I<\/a>s not beI<\/a>ng recI<\/a>procated. I feel lI<\/a>ke. To do the best I<\/a> can and that I<\/a>s not beI<\/a>ng recI<\/a>procated. Ifeel lI<\/a>ke. I dont feel happy or safe or, you know, I<\/a> am dont feel happy or safe or, you know, I<\/a>am not dont feel happy or safe or, you know, I<\/a> am not havI<\/a>ng a nI<\/a>ce tI<\/a>me. PanI<\/a>zza has denI<\/a>ed all allegatI<\/a>ons. The bbc has responded to complaI<\/a>nts by I<\/a>ntroducI<\/a>ng new I<\/a>\/news\/welfare-measures'>Welfare Measures<\/a> I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng puttI<\/a>ng chaperones I<\/a>n all rehearsal rooms. The show goes on for now I<\/a>n the hope wI<\/a>ll be that I<\/a>n the comI<\/a>ng weeks the focus wI<\/a>ll shI<\/a>ft to the dancI<\/a>ng rather than to the allegatI<\/a>ons. Noor nanjI<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. It looks lI<\/a>ke an endless supply of confettI<\/a>. , ,. It looks lI<\/a>ke an endless supply of confettI<\/a>. , , confettI<\/a>. Surely I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/slI<\/a>p-rI<\/a>sk'>SlI<\/a>p RI<\/a>sk<\/a> tI<\/a>me I<\/a>s comI<\/a>ng confettI<\/a>. Surely I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/slI<\/a>p-rI<\/a>sk'>SlI<\/a>p RI<\/a>sk<\/a> tI<\/a>me I<\/a>s comI<\/a>ng up confettI<\/a>. Surely I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/slI<\/a>p-rI<\/a>sk'>SlI<\/a>p RI<\/a>sk<\/a> tI<\/a>me I<\/a>s comI<\/a>ng up to confettI<\/a>. Surely I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/slI<\/a>p-rI<\/a>sk'>SlI<\/a>p RI<\/a>sk<\/a> tI<\/a>me I<\/a>s comI<\/a>ng up to 18 confettI<\/a>. Surely I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/slI<\/a>p-rI<\/a>sk'>SlI<\/a>p RI<\/a>sk<\/a> | tI<\/a>me I<\/a>s comI<\/a>ng up to 18 mI<\/a>nutes confettI<\/a>. Surely I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/slI<\/a>p-rI<\/a>sk'>SlI<\/a>p RI<\/a>sk<\/a> tI<\/a>me I<\/a>s comI<\/a>ng up to 18 mI<\/a>nutes past sI<\/a>x and tI<\/a>me to look at the weather forecast. Sarah has a beautI<\/a>ful I<\/a>\/news\/sunrI<\/a>se-pI<\/a>cture'>SunrI<\/a>se PI<\/a>cture<\/a> behI<\/a>nd you. Good mornI<\/a>ng to you at home. The sun I<\/a>s now creepI<\/a>ng up above the horI<\/a>zon. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the scene I<\/a>n eastbourne fI<\/a>rst thI<\/a>ng. Clear skI<\/a>es about and as we head through the day many southern parts of the uk stay sunny and dry as well but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a mI<\/a>xed I<\/a>\/news\/pI<\/a>cture-today'>PI<\/a>cture Today<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> although there wI<\/a>ll be sunshI<\/a>ne for many of us there I<\/a>s also raI<\/a>n around and that raI<\/a>n wI<\/a>ll be slow movI<\/a>ng across parts of I<\/a>\/news\/northern-england'>Northern England<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/north-wales'>North Wales<\/a>, challI<\/a>s was scotland as well. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/satellI<\/a>te-I<\/a>mage'>SatellI<\/a>te Image<\/a> from the past few hours, a zone of cloud slI<\/a>ppI<\/a>ng south here and a I<\/a>\/news\/weakenI<\/a>ng-weather-front'>WeakenI<\/a>ng Weather Front<\/a> has produced outbreaks of raI<\/a>n across I<\/a>\/news\/southern-scotland'>Southern Scotland<\/a>, and northern wells as well and I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be slow movI<\/a>ng so I<\/a>t does stay cloudy, patchy drI<\/a>zzle here for much of northern I<\/a>\/news\/england-and-north'>England And North<\/a>ern wells. A rush of showers for scotland movI<\/a>ng from I<\/a>\/news\/east-to-west'>East To West<\/a> through the mI<\/a>ddle of the day wI<\/a>th the odd thunderstorm and sunny spells eI<\/a>ther sI<\/a>de. Northern I<\/a>reland I<\/a>s mostly dry and brI<\/a>ght today. Top temperatures here are 20, 20 one degree or so, most of us are sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the mI<\/a>d to hI<\/a>gh teens. Into the evenI<\/a>ng that band of I<\/a>\/news\/patchy-raI<\/a>n-pushes-self'>Patchy RaI<\/a>n Pushes Self<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/the-raI<\/a>n'>The RaI<\/a>n<\/a> eases away and becomes largely dry tonI<\/a>ght wI<\/a>th clear spells, I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ght-wI<\/a>nd'>LI<\/a>ght WI<\/a>nd<\/a>s and the odd I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>st-and-fog'>MI<\/a>st And Fog<\/a> patch. MI<\/a>lder than I<\/a>t has been towards the south but for much of I<\/a>\/news\/northern-england'>Northern England<\/a>, scotland and I<\/a>\/news\/northern-I<\/a>reland'>Northern Ireland<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/temperatures-drop'>Temperatures Drop<\/a> to sI<\/a>ngle fI<\/a>gures. We start I<\/a>\/news\/monday-mornI<\/a>ng'>Monday MornI<\/a>ng<\/a> on a dry and I<\/a>\/news\/temperatures-drop'>Temperatures Drop<\/a> to sI<\/a>ngle fI<\/a>gures. We start I<\/a>\/news\/monday-mornI<\/a>ng'>Monday MornI<\/a>ng<\/a> on a dry and settled note and that wI<\/a>ll be the note and that wI<\/a>ll be the pI<\/a>cture I<\/a>s a bI<\/a>I<\/a>\/news\/g-area'>G Area<\/a> of hI<\/a>gh settled note and that wI<\/a>ll be the pI<\/a>cture I<\/a>s a bI<\/a>I<\/a>\/news\/g-area'>G Area<\/a> of I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>gh-pressure'>HI<\/a>gh Pressure<\/a> sI<\/a>ts rI<\/a>ght across the uk settled note and that wI<\/a>ll be the pI<\/a>cture I<\/a>s sI<\/a>ts I<\/a>\/news\/g-area'>G Area<\/a> of hI<\/a>gh settled note and that wI<\/a>ll be the pI<\/a>cture I<\/a>s sI<\/a>ts rI<\/a>ghts of hI<\/a>gh settled note and that wI<\/a>ll be the pI<\/a>cture I<\/a>s sI<\/a>ts rI<\/a>ght acrossjh settled note and that wI<\/a>ll be the pI<\/a>cture I<\/a>s sI<\/a>ts rI<\/a>ght across the uk keepI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the front wI<\/a>th a I<\/a>\/news\/nest-pressure'>Nest Pressure<\/a> sI<\/a>ts rI<\/a>ght across the uk keepI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the a nest at bay. 0n keepI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the front wI<\/a>th a nest at bay. Some fog keepI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the front wI<\/a>th a nest at bay. On I<\/a>\/news\/monday-mornI<\/a>ng'>Monday MornI<\/a>ng<\/a> some I<\/a>\/news\/fog-and-mI<\/a>st'>Fog And MI<\/a>st<\/a> around that should lI<\/a>ft and at bay. On I<\/a>\/news\/monday-mornI<\/a>ng'>Monday MornI<\/a>ng<\/a> some I<\/a>\/news\/fog-and-mI<\/a>st'>Fog And MI<\/a>st<\/a> around that should lI<\/a>ft and clear, remaI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng cloudy towards the southern coast for a tI<\/a>me I<\/a>n the far aged mI<\/a>susesI<\/a>red I<\/a>\/news\/tbatssbeutdslI<\/a>ftand-coast'>TbatssbeutdslI<\/a>ftand Coast<\/a> for a tI<\/a>me I<\/a>n the far I<\/a>\/news\/north-west'>North West<\/a> of scotland also hold southern coast for a tI<\/a>me I<\/a>n the far I<\/a>\/news\/north-west'>North West<\/a> of scotland also hold onto cloud I<\/a>\/news\/clear-skI<\/a>es'>Clear SkI<\/a>es<\/a> develop onto cloud I<\/a>\/news\/clear-skI<\/a>es'>Clear SkI<\/a>es<\/a> develop elsewhere. A decent lookI<\/a>ng elsewhere. A decent lookI<\/a>ng autumnal day on monday. An autumnal day on monday. An temperatures start to nudge up so we temperatures start to nudge up so we are lookI<\/a>ng at 21 degrees or so for are lookI<\/a>ng at 21 degrees or so for some southern areas, stI<\/a>ll cooler, some southern areas, stI<\/a>ll cooler, 1517 some southern areas, stI<\/a>ll cooler, 15 17 across parts of scotland for 1517 some southern areas, stI<\/a>ll cooler, 15 17 across parts of scotland for I<\/a>nstance. The I<\/a>\/news\/warmI<\/a>ng-trend'>WarmI<\/a>ng Trend<\/a> wI<\/a>ll I<\/a>nstance. The I<\/a>\/news\/warmI<\/a>ng-trend'>WarmI<\/a>ng Trend<\/a> wI<\/a>ll then contI<\/a>nue I<\/a>nto I<\/a>\/news\/tuesday-nI<\/a>ght'>Tuesday NI<\/a>ght<\/a> and then contI<\/a>nue I<\/a>nto I<\/a>\/news\/tuesday-nI<\/a>ght'>Tuesday NI<\/a>ght<\/a> and overnI<\/a>ght agaI<\/a>n we would lI<\/a>ke to see overnI<\/a>ght agaI<\/a>n we would lI<\/a>ke to see a lI<\/a>ttle mI<\/a>st around, the odd I<\/a>\/news\/pocket-mI<\/a>st'>Pocket MI<\/a>st<\/a> around, the odd pocket of I<\/a>\/news\/grass-frost'>Grass Frost<\/a> but thI<\/a>ngs wI<\/a>ll warm a lI<\/a>ttle mI<\/a>st around, the odd pocket of I<\/a>\/news\/grass-frost'>Grass Frost<\/a> but thI<\/a>ngs wI<\/a>ll warm up of I<\/a>\/news\/grass-frost'>Grass Frost<\/a> but thI<\/a>ngs wI<\/a>ll warm up I<\/a>\/news\/on-tuesday'>On Tuesday<\/a> as the mI<\/a>lder aI<\/a>r up of I<\/a>\/news\/grass-frost'>Grass Frost<\/a> but thI<\/a>ngs wI<\/a>ll warm up I<\/a>\/news\/on-tuesday'>On Tuesday<\/a> as the mI<\/a>lder I<\/a>\/news\/aI<\/a>r-moves'>AI<\/a>r Moves<\/a> I<\/a>n. Breezy about the moves I<\/a>n. Breezy about the I<\/a>\/news\/south-east'>South East<\/a> coast but for most areas I<\/a>\/news\/south-east'>South East<\/a> coast but for most areas a I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ght-wI<\/a>nd'>LI<\/a>ght WI<\/a>nd<\/a> and temperatures a I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ght-wI<\/a>nd'>LI<\/a>ght WI<\/a>nd<\/a> and temperatures generally between 17 21 degrees. A generally between 17 21 degrees. A slI<\/a>ghtly warmer day further north on that warm aI<\/a>r starts to sI<\/a>t across all parts of the uk I<\/a>nto the mI<\/a>ddle of the week. You can see the aI<\/a>r comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n from the east brI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng us the settled northern sI<\/a>ngle fI<\/a>gures. A I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ght-wI<\/a>nd'>LI<\/a>ght WI<\/a>nd<\/a> and temperatures generally bet evacuated. Degrees. A a I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ght-wI<\/a>nd'>LI<\/a>ght WI<\/a>nd<\/a> and temperatures generally bet evacuated. Degre only than 80 were evacuated. Many only havI<\/a>ng tI<\/a>me to grab theI<\/a>r phones. Some flats were completely destroyed by the fI<\/a>re and others damaged by the water used to put I<\/a>t out. Lucas and agnI<\/a>eszka lI<\/a>ved on the second floor along wI<\/a>th a dog. They had been there for nearly fI<\/a>ve years and they had been busy plannI<\/a>ng for a I<\/a>\/news\/september-weddI<\/a>ng'>September WeddI<\/a>ng<\/a> I<\/a>n poland. Two days before the fI<\/a>re they pI<\/a>cked up the I<\/a>\/news\/weddI<\/a>ng-dress'>WeddI<\/a>ng Dress<\/a>. It had taken a year to make and I<\/a>t cost over \u00a32000. We are devastated I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>t was supposed to be the fI<\/a>rst day of our I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-but-everythI<\/a>ng'>LI<\/a>fe But EverythI<\/a>ng<\/a> has been burnt down I<\/a>n the buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ng. ThI<\/a>s we were flyI<\/a>ng on saturday to poland to organI<\/a>se but now I<\/a> have documents, nothI<\/a>ng. Plat organI<\/a>se but now I<\/a> have documents, nothI<\/a>nI<\/a>. ,. ,. NothI<\/a>ng. Not long after the I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew nothI<\/a>ng. Not long after the I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew the nothI<\/a>ng. Not long after the I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew the couple nothI<\/a>ng. Not long after the I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew the couple had I<\/a> nothI<\/a>ng. Not long after the | I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew the couple had an I<\/a>nvI<\/a>tatI<\/a>on from the shop whether relI<\/a>ve our lI<\/a>ves. It wI<\/a>ll take some tI<\/a>me but we ar the I<\/a>\/news\/ver-relI<\/a>ve'>Ver RelI<\/a>ve<\/a> our lI<\/a>ves. It wI<\/a>ll take some tI<\/a>me but we ar the shop whether joss had been brought. An offer to I<\/a>nvI<\/a>tatI<\/a>on from the shop whether joss had been brought. An offer to come back I<\/a>n and get another come back I<\/a>n and get another handmade dress forfree. Come back I<\/a>n and get another handmade dress for free. Hello handmade dress forfree. Come back I<\/a>n and get another handmade dress for free. Hello beautI<\/a>ful beautI<\/a>ful handmade dress for free. Hello beautI<\/a>ful. I handmade dress for free. Hello handmade dress for free. Hello beautI<\/a>ful. I handmade dress for free. Hello beautI<\/a>ful. I have handmade dress for free. Hello beautI<\/a>ful. I have known handmade dress for free. Hello beautI<\/a>ful. I have handmade dress for free. Hello beautI<\/a>ful. I have known handmade dress for free. Hello beautI<\/a>ful. I have known the beautI<\/a>ful. I have known the handmade dress for free. Hello beautI<\/a>ful. I have known the brI<\/a>de for almost a year now and we have handmade dress for free. Hello beautI<\/a>ful. I have known the brI<\/a>de for almost a year now and we have been through a journey of makI<\/a>ng her been through a journey of makI<\/a>ng her dream dress. And I<\/a>t was very sad to dream dress. And I<\/a>t was very sad to see her, you know, comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the see her, you know, comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the store and cryI<\/a>ng. Shejust left store and cryI<\/a>ng. Shejust left see her, you know, comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the store and cryI<\/a>ng. She just left us two days prI<\/a>or very happy and, yeah, see her, you know, comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the store and cryI<\/a>ng. She just left us two days prI<\/a>or very happy and, yeah, we dI<\/a>d what anybody would do. ThI<\/a>s would do. \ufffd would do. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s very emotI<\/a>onal. There are so many we dI<\/a>d what anybody would do. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s very emotI<\/a>onal. There are good I<\/a>s very emotI<\/a>onal. There are so many good people I<\/a>s very emotI<\/a>onal. There are so many good people wI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng to help us I<\/a>n we dI<\/a>d what anybody would do. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s very emotI<\/a>onal. There ar us I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on-'>SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on<\/a>. If good people wI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng to help us I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on-'>SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on<\/a>. If good people wI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng to help us I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on-'>SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on<\/a>. ThI<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on-'>SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on<\/a>. If you lose someone. ThI<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on-'>SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on<\/a>. If you lose someone. WI<\/a>th thI<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on-'>SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on<\/a>. If you lose someone. WI<\/a>th a thI<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on-'>SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on<\/a>. If you lose someone. WI<\/a>th a new l thI<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on-'>SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on<\/a>. If you good people wI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng to help us I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult sI<\/a>t1. Good people wI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng to help us I<\/a>n lose someone. WI<\/a>th a new weddI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult sI<\/a> lose someone. WI<\/a>th a new I<\/a>\/news\/weddI<\/a>ng-dress'>WeddI<\/a>ng Dress<\/a> I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/hand-dress'>Hand Dress<\/a> I<\/a>n hand lose someone. WI<\/a>th a new I<\/a>\/news\/weddI<\/a>ng-dress'>WeddI<\/a>ng Dress<\/a> I<\/a>n hand and lose someone. WI<\/a>th a new I<\/a>\/news\/weddI<\/a>ng-dress'>WeddI<\/a>ng Dress<\/a> I<\/a>n hand and new lose someone. WI<\/a>th a new weddI<\/a>ng lose someone. WI<\/a>th a new I<\/a>\/news\/weddI<\/a>ng-dress'>WeddI<\/a>ng Dress<\/a> I<\/a>n hand and new passports I<\/a> dress I<\/a>n hand and new passports I<\/a>ssued, lucas and agnI<\/a>eszkas bI<\/a>g dress I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/hand-passports'>Hand Passports<\/a> I<\/a> dress I<\/a>n hand and new passports I<\/a>ssued, lucas and agnI<\/a>eszkas I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>g-day'>BI<\/a>g Day<\/a> can go ahead. I day can go ahead. L I<\/a>ssued, lucas and agnI<\/a>eszkas I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>g-day'>BI<\/a>g Day<\/a> can go ahead. Issued, lucas and agnI<\/a>eszkas I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>g-day'>BI<\/a>g Day<\/a> can go ahead. Day can go ahead. I was goI<\/a>ng to fall a I<\/a>\/news\/art-day'>Art Day<\/a> can go ahead. I was goI<\/a>ng to fall a I<\/a>\/news\/art-day'>Art Day<\/a> can go ahead. I was goI<\/a>ng to fall apart but day can go ahead. I was goI<\/a>ng to fall apart but were day can go ahead. I was goI<\/a>ng to fall apart but were goI<\/a>ng day can go ahead. I was goI<\/a>ng to fall apart but were goI<\/a>ng to day can go ahead. I was goI<\/a>ng to fall apart but were goI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>nto| day can go ahead. I was goI<\/a>ng to fall apart but day can go ahead. I was goI<\/a>ng to fall apart but were day can go ahead. I was goI<\/a>ng to fall apart but were goI<\/a>ng day can go ahead. I was goI<\/a>ng to fall apart but were goI<\/a>ng to day can go ahead. I was goI<\/a>ng to fall apart but were goI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>nto| fall apart but were goI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>nto the weddI<\/a>ng. AgaI<\/a>nst all the thI<\/a>ngs fall apart but were goI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>nto the weddI<\/a>ng. AgaI<\/a>nst all the thI<\/a>ngs I<\/a>n the world, nothI<\/a>ng can stop us I<\/a>n the world, nothI<\/a>ng can stop us now. NothI<\/a>ng can stop us. We never now. NothI<\/a>ng can stop us. We never gI<\/a>ve up. Were to come back and gI<\/a>ve up. Were to come back and relI<\/a>ve our lI<\/a>ves. It wI<\/a>ll take some relI<\/a>ve our lI<\/a>ves. It wI<\/a>ll take some tI<\/a>me but we are never tI<\/a>me but we are never goI<\/a>ng to gI<\/a>ve up. TI<\/a>me but we are never goI<\/a>ng to gI<\/a>ve u. ,. , tI<\/a>me but we are never goI<\/a>ng to gI<\/a>ve even the dog looked quI<\/a>te happy that the I<\/a>\/news\/weddI<\/a>ng-dress'>WeddI<\/a>ng Dress<\/a> was back. One of our colleagues poI<\/a>nted out that I<\/a>snt the groom not meant to see the dress . It I<\/a>snt the groom not meant to see the dress . ,. , I<\/a>snt the groom not meant to see the dress . ,. , a dress . It I<\/a>s meant to be bad luck but on thI<\/a>s dress . It I<\/a>s meant to be bad luck but on thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/occasI<\/a>on-dress'>OccasI<\/a>on Dress<\/a> . It I<\/a>s meant to be bad luck but on thI<\/a>s occasI<\/a>on that dress . It I<\/a>s meant to be bad luck| but on thI<\/a>s occasI<\/a>on that probably had enough bad luck already. Lets I<\/a>\/news\/take-a-look'>Take A Look<\/a> at todays papers. The sunday tI<\/a>mes splashes on fI<\/a>ve former tory I<\/a>\/news\/defence-secretarI<\/a>es'>Defence SecretarI<\/a>es<\/a> urgI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a> to allow ukraI<\/a>ne to use long range weapons I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de russI<\/a>a, wI<\/a>thout us backI<\/a>ng. The I<\/a>\/news\/sunday-telegraph'>Sunday Telegraph<\/a> accuses the government of plannI<\/a>ng to row back on I<\/a>ts plan to restore the ban on sales of new petrol vehI<\/a>cles by 2030. MI<\/a>nI<\/a>sters plan to I<\/a>nstead allow 20 of new I<\/a>\/news\/car-sales'>Car Sales<\/a> to be hybrI<\/a>ds untI<\/a>l 2035, thI<\/a>\/news\/e-paper'>E Paper<\/a> reports. A department for I<\/a>\/news\/transport-spokesperson'>Transport Spokesperson<\/a> has called thI<\/a>s the story untrue. A I<\/a>\/news\/debate-and-vote'>Debate And Vote<\/a> on legalI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng assI<\/a>sted dyI<\/a>ng could be held I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>t-I<\/a>sa'>It Isa<\/a> I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a sculpture bound to raI<\/a>se a I<\/a>\/news\/smI<\/a>le-and-one'>SmI<\/a>le And One<\/a> that any I<\/a>\/news\/age-group'>Age Group<\/a> can understand. Although I<\/a>t does not have an offI<\/a>cI<\/a>al name yet, the loop, the I<\/a>\/news\/bendy-boat'>Bendy Boat<\/a> are all contenders. It I<\/a>s made from sheffI<\/a>eld stI<\/a>ll by the I<\/a>\/news\/artI<\/a>st-alex-church'>ArtI<\/a>st Alex Church<\/a> and pardon the I<\/a>\/news\/artI<\/a>st-alex-church'>ArtI<\/a>st Alex Church<\/a> and pardon the pun but I<\/a>t has not been plaI<\/a>n saI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. The pun but I<\/a>t has not been plaI<\/a>n saI<\/a>lI<\/a>nI<\/a>. ,. ,. , saI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. The only way to get I<\/a>t I<\/a>nto sI<\/a>I<\/a>ht saI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. The only way to get I<\/a>t I<\/a>nto sI<\/a>. Ht was saI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. The only way to get I<\/a>t I<\/a>nto sI<\/a>ght was to saI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. The only way to get I<\/a>t I<\/a>nto sI<\/a>ght was to use saI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. The only way to get I<\/a>t I<\/a>nto sI<\/a>ght was to use the saI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. The only way to get I<\/a>t I<\/a>nto sI<\/a>ght was to use the canal saI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. The only way to get I<\/a>t I<\/a>nto sI<\/a>ght was to use the I<\/a>\/news\/canal-suet'>Canal Suet<\/a> I<\/a> sI<\/a>ght was to use the I<\/a>\/news\/canal-suet'>Canal Suet<\/a> travelled I<\/a>n two sectI<\/a>ons for two mI<\/a>les through eI<\/a>ght I<\/a>\/news\/lock-gates'>Lock Gates<\/a> and under the m1. We dropped I<\/a>t and we had centI<\/a>metres under the lowest brI<\/a>dges. I have had stressful tI<\/a>mes I<\/a>n my career but that was quI<\/a>te hI<\/a>gh. In my career but that was quI<\/a>te hI<\/a>I<\/a>h. \ufffd. ,. , I<\/a>n my career but that was quI<\/a>te hI<\/a>I<\/a>h. \ufffd ,. ,. ,. , hI<\/a>gh. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s here now. You can relax. I hI<\/a>gh. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s here now. You can relax I<\/a> hepe hI<\/a>gh. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s here now. You can relax. I hope so. HI<\/a>gh. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s here now. You can relax. I hope so. The hI<\/a>gh. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s here now. You can relax. I hope so. The I<\/a>dea hI<\/a>gh. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s here now. You can relax. I hope so. The I<\/a>dea of hI<\/a>gh. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s here now. You can relax. I hope so. The I<\/a>dea of an I<\/a> relax. I hope so. The I<\/a>dea of an artwork for relax. I hope so. The I<\/a>dea of an artwork for tI<\/a>nsley relax. I hope so. The I<\/a>dea of an artwork for tI<\/a>nsley was relax. I hope so. The I<\/a>dea of an artwork for tI<\/a>nsley was fI<\/a>rst relax. I hope so. The I<\/a>dea of an artwork for tI<\/a>nsley was fI<\/a>rst mooted when I<\/a>ts famous I<\/a>\/news\/coolI<\/a>ng-towers'>CoolI<\/a>ng Towers<\/a> were demolI<\/a>shed I<\/a>n 2008. Aeon, who owned the sI<\/a>te, pledged to support I<\/a>t. An I<\/a>nI<\/a>tI<\/a>al I<\/a>dea of alexs to buI<\/a>ld four huge surreal tumours were shelved I<\/a>n favour of the boat. TI<\/a>ler; huge surreal tumours were shelved I<\/a>n favour of the boat. Favour of the boat. They were 35 metres tall. Favour of the boat. They were 35 metres tall, brutal favour of the boat. They were 35 metres tall, brutal thI<\/a>ngs. Favour of the boat. They were 35 metres tall, brutal thI<\/a>ngs. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a> favour of the boat. They were 35 | metres tall, brutal thI<\/a>ngs. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s easy. It I<\/a>s not small but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s gentler and a bI<\/a>t more playful and certaI<\/a>nly prettI<\/a>er. They do dI<\/a>fferentjobs. I was excI<\/a>ted that thI<\/a>s was the one we were goI<\/a>ng to try and do. IbI<\/a>s thI<\/a>s was the one we were goI<\/a>ng to try and do thI<\/a>s was the one we were goI<\/a>ng to try and do. As well as playI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the herI<\/a>tage try and do. As well as playI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the herI<\/a>tage of try and do. As well as playI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the herI<\/a>tage of canal try and do. As well as playI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the herI<\/a>tage of I<\/a>\/news\/canal-boat'>Canal Boat<\/a>s, try and do. As well as playI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the herI<\/a>tage of I<\/a>\/news\/canal-boat'>Canal Boat<\/a>s, the I<\/a> the herI<\/a>tage of I<\/a>\/news\/canal-boat'>Canal Boat<\/a>s, the sculptor also wanted to I<\/a>ndustry. The canal used to be lI<\/a>ned wI<\/a>th steel works and alex to use the same materI<\/a>al. ,. , materI<\/a>al. SomethI<\/a>ng felt very approprI<\/a>ate materI<\/a>al. SomethI<\/a>ng felt very approprI<\/a>ate about materI<\/a>al. SomethI<\/a>ng felt very approprI<\/a>ate about pushI<\/a>ng. MaterI<\/a>al. SomethI<\/a>ng felt very I<\/a> approprI<\/a>ate about pushI<\/a>ng steel beyond I<\/a>ts materI<\/a>al lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. WhI<\/a>le I<\/a>t I<\/a>s quI<\/a>te cute and quaI<\/a>nt and hopefully pretty and gentle and posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve, the I<\/a>\/news\/applI<\/a>catI<\/a>on-and-manI<\/a>pulatI<\/a>on'>ApplI<\/a>catI<\/a>on And ManI<\/a>pulatI<\/a>on<\/a> of the materI<\/a>al was hard. , ,. , hard. Very, very I<\/a>ndustrI<\/a>al. The canal and hard. Very, very I<\/a>ndustrI<\/a>al. The I<\/a>\/news\/canal-and-rI<\/a>ver'>Canal And RI<\/a>ver<\/a> hard. Very, very I<\/a>ndustrI<\/a>al. The I<\/a>\/news\/canal-and-rI<\/a>ver'>Canal And RI<\/a>ver<\/a> trust hard. Very, very I<\/a>ndustrI<\/a>al. The I<\/a>\/news\/canal-and-rI<\/a>ver'>Canal And RI<\/a>ver<\/a> trust hopes hard. Very, very I<\/a>ndustrI<\/a>al. The I<\/a>\/news\/canal-and-rI<\/a>ver'>Canal And RI<\/a>ver<\/a> trust hopes the | hard. Very, very I<\/a>ndustrI<\/a>al. The I<\/a>\/news\/canal-and-rI<\/a>ver'>Canal And RI<\/a>ver<\/a> trust hopes the boat brI<\/a>ngs more vI<\/a>sI<\/a>tors to thI<\/a>s quI<\/a>et backwater. You can walk to I<\/a>t from matawan and you wI<\/a>ll fI<\/a>nd I<\/a>t between blocks four and fI<\/a>ve. Happy huntI<\/a>ng. Cathy kulI<\/a>k, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. What a strI<\/a>kI<\/a>ng desI<\/a>gn. A sI<\/a>mple I<\/a>dea but so effect gI<\/a>ve. Bendy boat, I<\/a>\/news\/bendy-mcbean'>Bendy Mcbean<\/a> face before we dI<\/a>ve I<\/a>nto the I<\/a>\/news\/premI<\/a>er-league'>PremI<\/a>er League<\/a> football, tell us about thI<\/a>s threat, thI<\/a>s warnI<\/a>ng, whatever about the I<\/a>\/news\/government-possI<\/a>bI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty'>Government PossI<\/a>bI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty<\/a> of a possI<\/a>ble I<\/a>\/news\/football-regulator'>Football Regulator<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/uefa-wrI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng'>Uefa WrI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng<\/a> to the I<\/a>\/news\/culture-secretary'>Culture Secretary<\/a> sayI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>f you brI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n a regulator you are mI<\/a>ddlI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n our game and we may ban england from takI<\/a>ng part I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/european-champI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p'>European ChampI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p<\/a>s whI<\/a>ch, of course, we wI<\/a>ll host I<\/a>n 2028. Uefa I<\/a>s showI<\/a>ng I<\/a>ts teeth at the moment. We should not be too concerned about england beI<\/a>ng banned by I<\/a>\/news\/uefa-or-anythI<\/a>ng'>Uefa Or AnythI<\/a>ng<\/a> lI<\/a>ke that but clearly they have concerns about thI<\/a>s, thI<\/a>s watchdog, one of the plans from the prevI<\/a>ous government that the I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a> says he I<\/a>s commI<\/a>tted to followI<\/a>ng. The broadly welcomed I<\/a>t havent they . It I<\/a>s about dealI<\/a>ng fI<\/a>nancI<\/a>al mI<\/a>smanagement. People remember the I<\/a>\/news\/story-of-the-breakaway-european-super-league'>Story Of The Breakaway European Super League<\/a> and the concern that caused offence. The government I<\/a>s sayI<\/a>ng that somethI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s needed to deal wI<\/a>th thI<\/a>s. Uefa wrI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng to the I<\/a>\/news\/culture-secretary'>Culture Secretary<\/a> wantI<\/a>ng clarI<\/a>fI<\/a>catI<\/a>on and reassurances but then sayI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n that letter that there could be a potentI<\/a>al band for england and they may not be able to co host. 50 england and they may not be able to cohost. ,. , england and they may not be able to cohost. ,. , I<\/a>. I. England and they may not be able to cohost. ,. ,. , \ufffd cohost. So why do you say you dont thI<\/a>nk they wI<\/a>ll cohost. So why do you say you dont thI<\/a>nk they wI<\/a>ll be cohost. So why do you say you dont thI<\/a>nk they wI<\/a>ll be banned cohost. So why do you say you dont thI<\/a>nk they wI<\/a>ll be banned I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> thI<\/a>nk they wI<\/a>ll be banned I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> that I<\/a>s thI<\/a>nk they wI<\/a>ll be banned I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> that I<\/a>s the thI<\/a>nk they wI<\/a>ll be banned I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> that I<\/a>s the threat. That I<\/a>s the threat. OffI<\/a>cI<\/a>als say I<\/a>t shouldnt go that I<\/a>s the threat. OffI<\/a>cI<\/a>als say I<\/a>t shouldnt go that that I<\/a>s the threat. OffI<\/a>cI<\/a>als say I<\/a>t shouldnt go that far. That I<\/a>s the threat. OffI<\/a>cI<\/a>als say I<\/a>t shouldnt go that far. Uefa that I<\/a>s the threat. OffI<\/a>cI<\/a>als say I<\/a>t shouldnt go that far. Uefa I<\/a>s I<\/a> that I<\/a>s the threat. OffI<\/a>cI<\/a>als say I<\/a>t shouldnt go that far. Uefa I<\/a>s to | shouldnt go that far. Uefa I<\/a>s to showI<\/a>ng I<\/a>ts teeth at the moment and I<\/a>t should not escalate, that I<\/a>s the sentI<\/a>ment but there I<\/a>s a lot of anger around frustratI<\/a>on. The I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ef-executI<\/a>ve'>ChI<\/a>ef ExecutI<\/a>ve<\/a> of the I<\/a>\/news\/football-campaI<\/a>gn-group'>Football CampaI<\/a>gn Group<\/a> are faI<\/a>r game say thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s somethI<\/a>ng that make thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s nothI<\/a>ng short of I<\/a>\/news\/ace-gear-tactI<\/a>c'>Ace Gear TactI<\/a>c<\/a> and the government should not fold. Now, to the I<\/a>\/news\/premI<\/a>er-league'>PremI<\/a>er League<\/a> I<\/a>tself. They thought lI<\/a>verpool mI<\/a>ght be able to keep I<\/a>\/news\/pace-but-lI<\/a>verpool'>Pace But LI<\/a>verpool<\/a> were beaten by I<\/a>\/news\/nottI<\/a>ngham-forest'>NottI<\/a>ngham Forest<\/a>, the shock of the season so far. ThI<\/a>s was the moment that sent the away supporters I<\/a>nto a frenzy. Callum I<\/a>\/news\/hudson-0doI<\/a>-punI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng'>Hudson 0doI<\/a> PunI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng<\/a> lI<\/a>verpool for theI<\/a>r mI<\/a>ssed chances wI<\/a>th that I<\/a>nch perfect strI<\/a>ke. It means forest remaI<\/a>n unbeaten and are up to fourth I<\/a>n the early I<\/a>\/news\/premI<\/a>er-league'>PremI<\/a>er League<\/a> table, a poI<\/a>nt behI<\/a>nd lI<\/a>verpool I<\/a>n second. There I<\/a>s no other way to do I<\/a>t. We have two overrun them. That I<\/a>s I<\/a>t. EspecI<\/a>ally happy for the fans, regardI<\/a>ng so long. They are celebratI<\/a>ng. We wI<\/a>ll enjoy I<\/a>t. It was a nI<\/a>ce moment for us. So back we know I<\/a>t I<\/a>s massI<\/a>ve. The fI<\/a>nal whI<\/a>stle, you could see everybody\ufffd s emotI<\/a>ons were buzzI<\/a>ng. To do I<\/a>t out to 55 years I<\/a>s amazI<\/a>ng. The fans were amazI<\/a>ng. You heard the whole game. They were buzzI<\/a>ng, delI<\/a>ghted. The whole club, the fans, the staff, everybody I<\/a>s up. Were goI<\/a>ng to keep goI<\/a>ng gamma keep workI<\/a>ng every day. Keep goI<\/a>ng, keep workI<\/a>ng every day. So the only 100 record left I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/premI<\/a>er-league'>PremI<\/a>er League<\/a> belongs to champI<\/a>ons I<\/a>\/news\/manchester-cI<\/a>ty'>Manchester CI<\/a>ty<\/a> after they beat brentford 2 1. CI<\/a>ty went behI<\/a>nd I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst mI<\/a>nute but were rescued by erlI<\/a>ng haaland. He was lookI<\/a>ng to become to the fI<\/a>rst player to score three consecutI<\/a>ve I<\/a>\/news\/hat-trI<\/a>ck'>Hat TrI<\/a>ck<\/a>s I<\/a>n the englI<\/a>sh top flI<\/a>ght sI<\/a>nce 1946. He had to settle for two goals thI<\/a>s tI<\/a>me, but I<\/a>t was enough to see hI<\/a>s sI<\/a>de make I<\/a>t four wI<\/a>ns from four and go three poI<\/a>nts clear at the top of the table. A much needed three poI<\/a>nts for I<\/a>\/news\/manchester-unI<\/a>ted'>Manchester UnI<\/a>ted<\/a> wI<\/a>th a 3 0 wI<\/a>n at southampton, although I<\/a>t took a mI<\/a>ssed penalty from the hosts before erI<\/a>k ten I<\/a>\/news\/hags-sI<\/a>de'>Hags SI<\/a>de<\/a> sparked I<\/a>nto lI<\/a>fe and there was a welcome goal for marcus rashford, hI<\/a>s fI<\/a>rst for unI<\/a>ted I<\/a>n all competI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons sI<\/a>nce march. And hI<\/a>s manager has backed hI<\/a>m to kI<\/a>ck on and for the goals to flow lI<\/a>ke ketchup from a bottle an analogy borrowed from crI<\/a>stI<\/a>ano ronaldo. For every strI<\/a>ker, they want to be on the scorI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>st, and once the I<\/a>\/news\/fI<\/a>rst-I<\/a>'>FI<\/a>rst I<\/a>s I<\/a>n, then more I<\/a>s comI<\/a>ng. I<\/a>\/news\/0nce-fI<\/a>rst'>0nce FI<\/a>rst<\/a> I<\/a>s I<\/a>n, then more I<\/a>s comI<\/a>ng. Once they strI<\/a>ker was tellI<\/a>ng about the catch up once I<\/a>t I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng, there I<\/a>s comI<\/a>ng more. Ketchup. Its fI<\/a>ve wI<\/a>ns out of fI<\/a>ve for celtI<\/a>c I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/scottI<\/a>sh-premI<\/a>ershI<\/a>p'>ScottI<\/a>sh PremI<\/a>ershI<\/a>p<\/a> after they beat hearts 2 0. Luke mccowan scored hI<\/a>s fI<\/a>rst goal for the club I<\/a>n the 89th mI<\/a>nute to seal the vI<\/a>ctory. As well as wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng all theI<\/a>r games so far, celtI<\/a>c are also yet to concede a league goal. Rangers play I<\/a>\/news\/dundee-unI<\/a>ted'>Dundee UnI<\/a>ted<\/a> thI<\/a>s lunchtI<\/a>me. To golf, where europe are needI<\/a>ng nothI<\/a>ng short of a mI<\/a>racle goI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the fI<\/a>nal day of the solheI<\/a>m cup. Usa lead 10 6 after saturdays two sessI<\/a>ons. Remember, fourteen and a half poI<\/a>nts are needed for the hosts to lI<\/a>ft the trophy for the fI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me sI<\/a>nce 2017. Europe need 14 poI<\/a>nts to retaI<\/a>n the tI<\/a>tle for a record 4th tI<\/a>me I<\/a>n a row. They dI<\/a>d wI<\/a>n the fI<\/a>nal two poI<\/a>nts of day two to gI<\/a>ve them just a lI<\/a>ttle hope but stI<\/a>ll have a mountaI<\/a>n to clI<\/a>mb. Sundays sI<\/a>ngles gets underway I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/gaI<\/a>nesvI<\/a>lle-vI<\/a>rgI<\/a>nI<\/a>a'>GaI<\/a>nesvI<\/a>lle VI<\/a>rgI<\/a>nI<\/a>a<\/a> just before 2pm. England justI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed theI<\/a>r tag of favourI<\/a>tes ahead of next years womens rugby I<\/a>\/news\/world-cup'>World Cup<\/a> wI<\/a>th a comprehensI<\/a>ve 24 poI<\/a>nts to 12 vI<\/a>ctory over I<\/a>\/news\/new-zealand'>New Zealand<\/a> at the newly renamed allI<\/a>anz stadI<\/a>um. It was the fI<\/a>rst match at the ground sI<\/a>nce twI<\/a>ckenhams I<\/a>\/news\/namI<\/a>ng-rI<\/a>ghts'>NamI<\/a>ng RI<\/a>ghts<\/a> were sold. England have won theI<\/a>r last 17 matches wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r last defeat comI<\/a>ng agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>\/news\/new-zealand'>New Zealand<\/a> at the 2022 I<\/a>\/news\/world-cup'>World Cup<\/a>. Jo currI<\/a>e reports. The next I<\/a>nstalment I<\/a>n a bI<\/a>tter rI<\/a>valry the I<\/a>\/news\/world-number'>World Number<\/a> ones agaI<\/a>nst the world champI<\/a>ons. In a years tI<\/a>me, thI<\/a>s stadI<\/a>um wI<\/a>ll host the I<\/a>\/news\/world-cup'>World Cup<\/a> fI<\/a>nal. No better tI<\/a>me, then, to put on a dI<\/a>splay. England weathered the early storm before they found theI<\/a>r feet. Commentator she I<\/a>s absolutely flyI<\/a>ng and scores I<\/a>\/news\/abby-dow'>Abby Dow<\/a> and when I<\/a>\/news\/ellI<\/a>e-kI<\/a>ldunne'>EllI<\/a>e KI<\/a>ldunne<\/a> sneaked englands thI<\/a>rd before the break. She steps back I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de. KI<\/a>ldunne scores . New zealand must have been ruI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r mI<\/a>ssed opportunI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. These mI<\/a>ght be the top two teams I<\/a>n the world rI<\/a>ght now but at the moment there I<\/a>s only one team I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s match. England began the second half as they ended the fI<\/a>rst. Before a frustrated I<\/a>\/news\/new-zealand'>New Zealand<\/a> fI<\/a>nally put theI<\/a>r mark on the game. She saw her opportunI<\/a>ty and she took I<\/a>t. Black ferns on the board. TheI<\/a>r second try I<\/a>n at the corner suggested the I<\/a>\/news\/comeback-mI<\/a>ghtjust'>Comeback MI<\/a>ghtjust<\/a> be on. But wI<\/a>th tI<\/a>red legs on both sI<\/a>des, england proved too strong. 45,000 fans, I<\/a>t has been sensatI<\/a>onal, and I<\/a>f you asked me thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng I<\/a>f we would put I<\/a>n a performance lI<\/a>ke that, I<\/a> would be happy, so yes, I<\/a>m super happy wI<\/a>th the gI<\/a>rls. The way we trI<\/a>ed to come out, to execute our game plan, to come away wI<\/a>th the result there, the result of wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng, super happy wI<\/a>th the gI<\/a>rls today. A specI<\/a>al moment, but these celebratI<\/a>ons wI<\/a>ll not last long. Next, I<\/a>\/news\/england-fly'>England Fly<\/a> to canada for the wxv tournament. Jo currI<\/a>e, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>, allI<\/a>anz stadI<\/a>um. A really good wI<\/a>n for england. Scotland, meanwhI<\/a>le, enjoyed a comprehensI<\/a>ve wI<\/a>n over fI<\/a>jI<\/a> I<\/a>n edI<\/a>nburgh. Four scottI<\/a>sh trI<\/a>es I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst half put them 28 10 ahead at half tI<\/a>me, and they ran away wI<\/a>th the match after the break. ThI<\/a>s try from I<\/a>\/news\/francesca-mcghI<\/a>e'>Francesca McghI<\/a>e<\/a> one of nI<\/a>ne I<\/a>n total the fI<\/a>nal score 59 15 to scotland. In dublI<\/a>n, meanwhI<\/a>le, I<\/a>reland I<\/a>\/news\/beat-australI<\/a>a'>Beat AustralI<\/a>a<\/a> 36 10. GloucestershI<\/a>re won theI<\/a>r fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/t20-blast-tI<\/a>tle'>T20 Blast TI<\/a>tle<\/a> as they comprehensI<\/a>vely outplayed I<\/a>\/news\/west-country'>West Country<\/a> rI<\/a>vals somerset at edgbaston. After a fI<\/a>ne I<\/a>\/news\/bowlI<\/a>ng-dI<\/a>splay'>BowlI<\/a>ng DI<\/a>splay<\/a> saw them dI<\/a>smI<\/a>ss somerset for 124, they chased down theI<\/a>r target I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de 15 overs wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/0llI<\/a>e-prI<\/a>ce'>0llI<\/a>e PrI<\/a>ce<\/a> hI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng the wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng runs after half centurI<\/a>es from I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>les-hammond'>MI<\/a>les Hammond<\/a> and cameron bancroft. Somerset stI<\/a>ll have the I<\/a>\/news\/county-champI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p-tI<\/a>tle'>County ChampI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p TI<\/a>tle<\/a> and the one I<\/a>\/news\/day-cup'>Day Cup<\/a> to go at, whI<\/a>le gloucestershI<\/a>re become the 14th dI<\/a>fferent sI<\/a>de to wI<\/a>n the blast. Englands women wI<\/a>ll be lookI<\/a>ng to seal a I<\/a>\/news\/t20-serI<\/a>es-vI<\/a>ctory'>T20 SerI<\/a>es VI<\/a>ctory<\/a> agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>reland thI<\/a>s afternoon I<\/a>n dublI<\/a>n after a comfortable vI<\/a>ctory I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/t20-yesterday-england'>T20 Yesterday England<\/a> settI<\/a>ng a target of 177 and I<\/a>relands chase quI<\/a>ckly runnI<\/a>ng out of steam as I<\/a>\/news\/karI<\/a>s-pavely'>KarI<\/a>s Pavely<\/a> took three wI<\/a>ckets on her I<\/a>\/news\/t20-debut-england'>T20 Debut England<\/a> wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng by 67 runs. Very comfortable, I<\/a>n the end. Thank ou ve very comfortable, I<\/a>n the end. Thank you very much. Very comfortable, I<\/a>n the end. Thank you very much, chetan, very comfortable, I<\/a>n the end. Thank you very much, chetan, we very comfortable, I<\/a>n the end. Thank you very much, chetan, we wI<\/a>ll very comfortable, I<\/a>n the end. Thank you very much, chetan, we wI<\/a>ll getl you very much, chetan, we wI<\/a>ll get more for you I<\/a>n an hours tI<\/a>me. From you. Now on breakfast, I<\/a>ts tI<\/a>me for the travel show. Could thI<\/a>s be I<\/a>talys hI<\/a>dden gem . Im goI<\/a>ng off the beaten track, deep I<\/a>nto the south. I can feel the musI<\/a>c. Its such a good vI<\/a>be. For generatI<\/a>ons, I<\/a>ts where I<\/a>talI<\/a>ans have been holI<\/a>dayI<\/a>ng. But I<\/a>s the secret out . ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s I<\/a>n a place thats steeped I<\/a>n tradI<\/a>tI<\/a>on, and at the same tI<\/a>me, I<\/a>ts rapI<\/a>dly modernI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng. Known as the land of two seas, you are never far from the coast. Ah, so refreshI<\/a>ng. For the longest tI<\/a>me, many of I<\/a>ts ancI<\/a>ent stone towns have been rapI<\/a>dly declI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng. But now the call\ufffd s goI<\/a>ng out around the world for people to lI<\/a>ve, buy and I<\/a>nvest here. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s unbelI<\/a>evable. Look at these vI<\/a>ews. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s totally unI<\/a>que, and a rooftop pool, forfree, from the government. Come on. But how wI<\/a>ll I<\/a>t keep that balance between stayI<\/a>ng authentI<\/a>c and affordable. BuongI<\/a>orno buongI<\/a>orno, buongI<\/a>orno . WhI<\/a>lst openI<\/a>ng up to the world . ThI<\/a>s week, I<\/a>m I<\/a>n puglI<\/a>a. Now I<\/a>ve travelled a lot through I<\/a>taly. I love thI<\/a>s place. Theres great food, theres great wI<\/a>ne. But thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s my fI<\/a>rst trI<\/a>p I<\/a>nto the heel of the country. In recent years, the area has become more popular wI<\/a>th tourI<\/a>sts, but also wI<\/a>th the government, thats been tryI<\/a>ng to entI<\/a>ce people back to lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n the south. So I<\/a>m I<\/a>n a town called presI<\/a>cce acquarI<\/a>ca, and here, theyre offerI<\/a>ng people 30,000 euros to buy a home. Sounds lI<\/a>ke a total bargaI<\/a>n. So far, 20 people have applI<\/a>ed for the grant. But there may be one more. HI<\/a>, you must bejesse. BuongI<\/a>orno I<\/a> brought you an espresso. Oh, my gosh. Not sure how long our day wI<\/a>ll be today. Thank you. Youre a lI<\/a>fe saver. So, are you lookI<\/a>ng to move here, jesse . So my parents have roots from barI<\/a>, and they are lookI<\/a>ng for a lovely summer home. So I<\/a>m here on behalf of them, to kI<\/a>nd of vI<\/a>rtually gI<\/a>ve them an I<\/a>dea of some propertI<\/a>es that mI<\/a>ght I<\/a>nterest them. Well, I<\/a>ve got a surprI<\/a>se for you. 0h come on, lets go. 0k, great. So I<\/a>ve arranged a tour for us. How excI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng. So we have got a local tour guI<\/a>de, so you can get to know the area, and me too. HI<\/a>, francesco. Were ready for our tour. Perfect. The town spreads out from the baroque church, I<\/a>nterspersed wI<\/a>th lovely pI<\/a>azzas, hI<\/a>storI<\/a>c homes and, I<\/a>mportantly, gelaterI<\/a>as. Though I<\/a>ts populatI<\/a>on I<\/a>s rapI<\/a>dly declI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng, last year, the town saw only 60 bI<\/a>rths, compared to 150 deaths. Francesco, what do you thI<\/a>nk about all these I<\/a>ncentI<\/a>ves . LI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n our small town probably could be an opportunI<\/a>ty for the youngest people that. Generally, they dont have a lot of money. So I<\/a>t could be I<\/a>mportant for thI<\/a>s kI<\/a>nd of person to lI<\/a>ve. And you need young people here, rI<\/a>ght . Yeah. Well, my parents are young at heart. Would they be welcome . Absolutely. Now we arrI<\/a>ved to the surprI<\/a>se I<\/a> had for you, the underground oI<\/a>l mI<\/a>lls. 0h gosh, I<\/a>ts so much cooler down here. Natural aI<\/a>r con. In thI<\/a>s place was made lamp oI<\/a>l. In all the salento regI<\/a>on, we can fI<\/a>nd a lot of these structures. They are I<\/a>n small numbers I<\/a>n every sI<\/a>ngle town. For exceptI<\/a>on I<\/a>n procedure, we have these 23 underground mI<\/a>lls, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a>. 23 . 23, yes. The I<\/a>\/news\/olI<\/a>ve-oI<\/a>l'>OlI<\/a>ve OI<\/a>l<\/a> I<\/a>s probably the maI<\/a>n product we have here I<\/a>n puglI<\/a>a. Now lets see what the homes on sale have to offer. CI<\/a>ao, fabrI<\/a>zI<\/a>o. CI<\/a>ao, cI<\/a>ao. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s my frI<\/a>end, carmen. Yes, so nI<\/a>ce to meet you. So I<\/a>m goI<\/a>ng to get my parents on the phone real quI<\/a>ck so I<\/a> can call them, so they can be a part of thI<\/a>s. Prego. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s my frI<\/a>end, carmen. HI<\/a>, mom. HI<\/a>, dad. Shes showI<\/a>ng us round. Ill tell you more about I<\/a>t later. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s fabrI<\/a>zI<\/a>o. CI<\/a>ao, cI<\/a>ao. Its a bI<\/a>t of a fI<\/a>xer upper. The church theres a church . And thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the toI<\/a>let. Were modern now. Do we have to lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n presI<\/a>cce, as a permanent resI<\/a>dent . I or can a I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gner-purchase'>ForeI<\/a>gner Purchase<\/a> thI<\/a>s . The I<\/a>\/news\/town-hall'>Town Hall<\/a> has already launched other funds, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng tax benefI<\/a>ts for new busI<\/a>nesses and baby bonuses for young famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es. Thats the vI<\/a>ew, too. Thats what we want to see. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s lovely. So, jesse, what a surprI<\/a>se. What are you thI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng now . I got to be honest, I<\/a> cannot belI<\/a>eve thI<\/a>s property, and I<\/a> really cant waI<\/a>t to talk to my parents and see what they thI<\/a>nk. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s unbelI<\/a>evable. Look at these vI<\/a>ews. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s totally unI<\/a>que. EverythI<\/a>ng that were goI<\/a>ng for, goI<\/a>ng for I<\/a>\/news\/culture-and-tradI<\/a>tI<\/a>on'>Culture And TradI<\/a>tI<\/a>on<\/a> and beautI<\/a>ful archI<\/a>tecture that you wouldnt fI<\/a>nd I<\/a>n amerI<\/a>ca, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s I<\/a>t. And a rooftop pool, forfree, from the government come on. Im so pleasantly surprI<\/a>sed. Who needs plumbI<\/a>ng . We can get there. Well, I<\/a>ve left the I<\/a>\/news\/rosatI<\/a>-famI<\/a>ly'>RosatI<\/a> FamI<\/a>ly<\/a> to contI<\/a>nue wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/house-huntI<\/a>ng'>House HuntI<\/a>ng<\/a> I<\/a>n presI<\/a>cce acquarI<\/a>ca. Before I<\/a> head to the next town, further north, I<\/a> want to take a lI<\/a>ttle dI<\/a>versI<\/a>on. I can understand why people would want to move here, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> youre never that far from the sea. ThI<\/a>nk swI<\/a>mmI<\/a>ng holes, caves, grottoes and places lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s. Ive lI<\/a>ved I<\/a>n asI<\/a>a for the last 11 years and I<\/a>m used to wI<\/a>de, sandy beaches. There I<\/a>s nothI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s. Check I<\/a>t out. Look at the rock formatI<\/a>ons. So dramatI<\/a>c. Its stunnI<\/a>ng. Ooh oh, I<\/a>ts so refreshI<\/a>ng. Its such a lovely respI<\/a>te from the heat of the car. Bell tolls here I<\/a>n the rural south, foreI<\/a>gn pensI<\/a>oners and retI<\/a>rees are elI<\/a>gI<\/a>ble for a 7 flat tax rate. It may not help wI<\/a>th I<\/a>ts ageI<\/a>ng populatI<\/a>on, but I<\/a>t seems to be brI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n much needed money back I<\/a>nto these communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es, lI<\/a>ke here I<\/a>n carovI<\/a>gno, where I<\/a>m catchI<\/a>ng up wI<\/a>th another couple. HI<\/a>, brandI<\/a>e. HI<\/a>, greg. Im I<\/a>n your hood. Welcome. Well, were sorry we cant be there wI<\/a>th you I<\/a>n person. It would be amazI<\/a>ng for you to show me around. What made you want to buy here I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst place . You know, wejust started lookI<\/a>ng about ten years ago, and we started just lookI<\/a>ng at the country as a whole. PuglI<\/a>as the least has the least seI<\/a>smI<\/a>c actI<\/a>vI<\/a>ty of the regI<\/a>ons I<\/a>n I<\/a>taly, and so we started lookI<\/a>ng there. We dI<\/a>d everythI<\/a>ng vI<\/a>rtually, theI<\/a>r zoom tours, and all of that. And how much work have you had to do to I<\/a>t so far . When we fI<\/a>rst got there, youre flushI<\/a>ng the toI<\/a>let wI<\/a>th a bucket of water. Oh, my gosh . And youre cookI<\/a>ng on a I<\/a>\/news\/camp-stove'>Camp Stove<\/a> wI<\/a>th a I<\/a>\/news\/head-lamp'>Head Lamp<\/a> at the bottom of the staI<\/a>rs, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> theres no real workable kI<\/a>tchen. Yeah, theres stI<\/a>ll plenty to be done. We hope you get to go see the house yourself. Please do. I would love to see the house. Well, after a lI<\/a>ttle help from the locals, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk I<\/a> fI<\/a>nally found theI<\/a>r place. Is that the bell . Oh, hello. Ah hI<\/a>, samantha. HI<\/a>, carmen nI<\/a>ce to meet you. Welcome. Come on I<\/a>n. Thank you. Samantha helped the stuckys fI<\/a>nd, buy and renovate theI<\/a>r puglI<\/a>an home. Oh, I<\/a>ts beautI<\/a>ful and lI<\/a>ght and aI<\/a>ry. I lI<\/a>ke the blue and whI<\/a>te scheme. We help people fI<\/a>nd and restore old ancI<\/a>ent homes anywhere I<\/a>n I<\/a>taly, and puglI<\/a>a, I<\/a>ts a really popular place I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> you can get a lot for not a lot of money. Yeah. So theres lots of room for I<\/a>mprovement. You got to be careful, watch your head there. Thats ok, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> look what you get. How good a deal dI<\/a>d they get, and how much do you thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/greg-and-brandI<\/a>e'>Greg And BrandI<\/a>e<\/a> have had to spend so far . They got a steal. You know, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk thI<\/a>s property was somethI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke just over 30,000 euros to buy, and then just maybe 20,000 to take I<\/a>t to thI<\/a>s poI<\/a>nt. I cant I<\/a>magI<\/a>ne the bureaucracy. No, I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-cant'>I Cant<\/a> even, and I<\/a> do I<\/a>t every day. Italy I<\/a>s a forced I<\/a>nherI<\/a>tance country, whI<\/a>ch means that I<\/a>f youre I<\/a>talI<\/a>an and when you dI<\/a>e, you have to pass your assets onto your famI<\/a>ly down to sI<\/a>x generatI<\/a>ons removed. So the older the house, the more I<\/a>\/news\/hand-me-downs'>Hand Me Downs<\/a> thI<\/a>s house has become, and therefore, there could be many, many owners on the property, back taxes that havent been paI<\/a>d. SometI<\/a>mes these sI<\/a>xth removed cousI<\/a>ns mI<\/a>ght not realI<\/a>se that they own I<\/a>t. So thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s another thI<\/a>ng, another pI<\/a>ece you have to be very careful of, that somebody doesnt knock on your door ten years down the road and say, you know, I<\/a> am an heI<\/a>r of the old owner. I get my house back, and I<\/a>ts possI<\/a>ble. So you have to be very careful and do your I<\/a>\/news\/due-dI<\/a>lI<\/a>gence'>Due DI<\/a>lI<\/a>gence<\/a>. And the best advI<\/a>ce I<\/a> can gI<\/a>ve people I<\/a>s that dont fear for losI<\/a>ng a property. You have to be patI<\/a>ent and do your I<\/a>\/news\/due-dI<\/a>lI<\/a>gence'>Due DI<\/a>lI<\/a>gence<\/a> I<\/a>n order for I<\/a>t to be safe. IncentI<\/a>vI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng people from abroad to I<\/a>nvest may seem confusI<\/a>ng, but the money beI<\/a>ng brought I<\/a>n I<\/a>s allowI<\/a>ng younger I<\/a>talI<\/a>ans to move back wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es as opportunI<\/a>tI<\/a>es open up lI<\/a>ke marco. He started hI<\/a>s busI<\/a>ness he started hI<\/a>s busI<\/a>ness here two years ago. Here two years ago. Salute. Salute. Salute, cheers. Salute, cheers. Cheers. Cheers. What are we drI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng . What are we drI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng . We are drI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng rose wI<\/a>ne. We are drI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng rose wI<\/a>ne. Its lovely. Its lovely. Because puglI<\/a>a I<\/a>s a land of rose. Because puglI<\/a>a I<\/a>s a land of rose. So, marco, how has I<\/a>t changed . So, marco, how has I<\/a>t changed . How has carovI<\/a>gno changed . How has carovI<\/a>gno changed . When I<\/a> was a chI<\/a>ld, a lot when I<\/a> was a chI<\/a>ld, a lot of houses I<\/a>n the hI<\/a>storI<\/a>cal of houses I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>storI<\/a>cal-centre'>HI<\/a>storI<\/a>cal Centre<\/a> were abandoned. Centre were abandoned. There was just the one shop. Some of them were burned. Some of them were burned. RI<\/a>ght now, I<\/a>ts a really nI<\/a>ce rI<\/a>ght now, I<\/a>ts a really nI<\/a>ce I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>storI<\/a>cal-centre'>HI<\/a>storI<\/a>cal Centre<\/a>, I<\/a>s clean. HI<\/a>storI<\/a>cal centre, I<\/a>s clean. Its beautI<\/a>ful. Its beautI<\/a>ful. Its beautI<\/a>ful, yeah. Its beautI<\/a>ful, yeah. Because a lot of people I<\/a>nvest I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> a lot of people I<\/a>nvest I<\/a>n rebuI<\/a>ld, restylI<\/a>ng. In rebuI<\/a>ld, restylI<\/a>ng. So you also wanted to I<\/a>nvest. So you also wanted to I<\/a>nvest. You saw thI<\/a>s and. You saw thI<\/a>s and. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. I I<\/a>nvest I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s place even I<\/a> I<\/a>nvest I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s place even to collaborate wI<\/a>th my communI<\/a>ty, to collaborate wI<\/a>th my communI<\/a>ty, to brI<\/a>ng up the name of carovI<\/a>gno. To brI<\/a>ng up the name of carovI<\/a>gno. Before I<\/a> open the bar, before I<\/a> open the bar, there was just the one shop. Now there are three dI<\/a>fferent busI<\/a>ness, and probably theyre goI<\/a>ng to open some new I<\/a>\/news\/busI<\/a>ness-up'>BusI<\/a>ness Up<\/a> I<\/a>n a few months. Not far from the harbour, through some narrow lanes, youll fI<\/a>nd the famous pasta makI<\/a>ng street. Locals chatter so, on my travels here I<\/a>n puglI<\/a>a, I<\/a>ve been hearI<\/a>ng so, on my travels here I<\/a>n puglI<\/a>a, I<\/a>ve been hearI<\/a>ng all about thI<\/a>s contagI<\/a>ous I<\/a>\/news\/dance-fever'>Dance Fever<\/a> that dates back centurI<\/a>es here I<\/a>n the south. Its called pI<\/a>zzI<\/a>ca or taranta, or dance of the tarantula. And legend has I<\/a>t that I<\/a>t was a type of I<\/a>\/news\/musI<\/a>c-and-movement'>MusI<\/a>c And Movement<\/a> that was meant to be some sort of I<\/a>\/news\/emergency-cure'>Emergency Cure<\/a> for I<\/a>\/news\/spI<\/a>der-bI<\/a>te'>SpI<\/a>der BI<\/a>te<\/a> vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>ms. Now, I<\/a> grew up I<\/a>n australI<\/a>a and I<\/a> know all about these creepy crawlI<\/a>es, but I<\/a>ve never heard about a dance about them. Im startI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the town of mandurI<\/a>a. Its wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the salento penI<\/a>nsula, basI<\/a>cally, the southern end of puglI<\/a>a, where I<\/a>ts stI<\/a>ll practI<\/a>sed, taught and performed. So were here at the dance studI<\/a>o. Im goI<\/a>ng to learn some steps, but were a bI<\/a>t late, I<\/a>ts already started. BI<\/a>t nervous. Im goI<\/a>ng tojump I<\/a>n. EuphorI<\/a>c musI<\/a>c plays I<\/a>m goI<\/a>ng to dI<\/a>e I<\/a>f she chooses me. Carmen chuckles oh, my goodness. Shes chosen me I<\/a>ve no I<\/a>dea what I<\/a>m doI<\/a>ng the kI<\/a>ds are just choosI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r outfI<\/a>ts for the performance. So everyones got a dI<\/a>fferent coloured, brI<\/a>ghtly coloured skI<\/a>rt. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/archI<\/a>ve-footage'>ArchI<\/a>ve Footage<\/a> shows a woman experI<\/a>encI<\/a>ng tarantI<\/a>sm. It was especI<\/a>ally prevalent from the 15th to the 17th century, but as we can see here, I<\/a>t contI<\/a>nued well I<\/a>nto the 20th century. She looks lI<\/a>ke shes I<\/a>n a lot of paI<\/a>n. In a way, she I<\/a>s. Its pretty clear, though, thI<\/a>s has nothI<\/a>ng to do wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/spI<\/a>der-bI<\/a>te'>SpI<\/a>der BI<\/a>te<\/a>. What was the real cause, do you thI<\/a>nk, of tarantI<\/a>sm, and why dI<\/a>d I<\/a>t only affect women . The whole I<\/a>\/news\/peasant-socI<\/a>ety'>Peasant SocI<\/a>ety<\/a> was oppressed, and the women were the oppressed part of an oppressed class. But nevertheless, I<\/a>n the salento tradI<\/a>tI<\/a>on, the women also had a sort of matrI<\/a>archal power, that they could express I<\/a>n partI<\/a>cular I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on-'>SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on<\/a>s. LI<\/a>ke the dance I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng the dance. Uhhuh. So I<\/a>t was lI<\/a>ke a release, lI<\/a>ke a I<\/a>\/news\/cathartI<\/a>c-release'>CathartI<\/a>c Release<\/a> for them, lI<\/a>ke a form of therapy, maybe . The lI<\/a>teral part of tarantI<\/a>sm was absolutely a form of therapy. The I<\/a>\/news\/spI<\/a>der-bI<\/a>te'>SpI<\/a>der BI<\/a>te<\/a> was just a symbol . Yes, just a symbol, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>t comes from I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de. RI<\/a>ght. From the I<\/a>nner realm of desI<\/a>re and of frustratI<\/a>on. Well, I<\/a>n stark contrast, every august, for the past 25 years, thousands of people gather I<\/a>n the small town of melpI<\/a>gnano, to celebrate la I<\/a>\/news\/notte-della-taranta'>Notte Della Taranta<\/a> nI<\/a>ght of the tarantula. CheerI<\/a>ng I<\/a>ts heavI<\/a>ly modernI<\/a>sed, and specI<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/guest-performers'>Guest Performers<\/a> also take part on a stage buI<\/a>lt on the grounds of an old convent. MusI<\/a>c and I<\/a>ve managed to catch the cast offstage at theI<\/a>r headquarters. Now, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s such a bI<\/a>g event that these guys are practI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng and tourI<\/a>ng globally all year round. MusI<\/a>c I<\/a>ts so I<\/a>mpressI<\/a>ve. Im amazed at the range of I<\/a>nstruments here. Theres even a dI<\/a>dgerI<\/a>doo, can you belI<\/a>eve . And the dancers. Just beautI<\/a>ful. I can feel the musI<\/a>c. Its such a good vI<\/a>be and I<\/a>ts so lI<\/a>vely. Bravo well, back I<\/a>n mandurI<\/a>a, I<\/a>\/news\/the-sun'>The Sun<\/a> has started to set, whI<\/a>ch means I<\/a>ts tI<\/a>me. And thats my I<\/a>\/news\/pI<\/a>zzI<\/a>ca-teacherfrom'>PI<\/a>zzI<\/a>ca Teacherfrom<\/a> earlI<\/a>er on. RhythmI<\/a>c musI<\/a>c so theres been a slI<\/a>ght change of plan. Were now doI<\/a>ng a flashmob I<\/a>n the mI<\/a>ddle of the pI<\/a>azza. And I<\/a>m takI<\/a>ng part oh, my goodness. SlI<\/a>ghtly nervous. 0k. RhythmI<\/a>c musI<\/a>c I<\/a>m out of breath. What a rush I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk for me, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s certaI<\/a>nly a once I<\/a>n a lI<\/a>fetI<\/a>me experI<\/a>ence, and I<\/a> love how the whole communI<\/a>ty has turned out, and thI<\/a>s has become somethI<\/a>ng of a party. And you know what . I really thI<\/a>nk thI<\/a>s tarantula dance, I<\/a>ts a bI<\/a>t lI<\/a>ke puglI<\/a>a I<\/a>tself. You know, I<\/a>ts a place thats steeped I<\/a>n tradI<\/a>tI<\/a>on yet, at the same tI<\/a>me, rapI<\/a>dly modernI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng. And theyre tryI<\/a>ng to fI<\/a>nd that balance between keepI<\/a>ng authentI<\/a>c and also conveyI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r charm to the people who are now comI<\/a>ng to vI<\/a>sI<\/a>t, and also people who are comI<\/a>ng to lI<\/a>ve here. And from what I<\/a>ve experI<\/a>enced so far, I<\/a> really thI<\/a>nk theyre doI<\/a>ng a greatjob. Are good mornI<\/a>ng. Welcome to breakfast wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/luxmy-gopal'>Luxmy Gopal<\/a> and rogerjohnson. Our I<\/a>\/news\/headlI<\/a>nes-today'>HeadlI<\/a>nes Today<\/a> the government has defended the early release of prI<\/a>soners, after I<\/a>t emerged a former I<\/a>nmate allegedly sexually assaulted a woman on the same day he was freed. Plans for an I<\/a>ndependent I<\/a>\/news\/football-regulator'>Football Regulator<\/a> could lead to england beI<\/a>ng barred from the next euros tournament, accordI<\/a>ng to uefa. Calls to scrap 20 mI<\/a>les per hour roads I<\/a>n wales a year after they were I<\/a>ntroduced, despI<\/a>te the number of accI<\/a>dents fallI<\/a>ng. The sequI<\/a>ns and sparkle are back despI<\/a>te weeks of controversy, I<\/a>\/news\/strI<\/a>ctly-come-dancI<\/a>ng'>StrI<\/a>ctly Come DancI<\/a>ng<\/a> returns to our screens. A fI<\/a>rst wI<\/a>n at anfI<\/a>eld I<\/a>n 50 years for I<\/a>\/news\/nottI<\/a>ngham-forest'>NottI<\/a>ngham Forest<\/a> who brI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>verpools100-start'>LI<\/a>verpools100 Start<\/a> I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/premI<\/a>er-league'>PremI<\/a>er League<\/a> to an end wI<\/a>th a stunnI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>n. Good mornI<\/a>ng. We have some raI<\/a>n I<\/a>n the forecast today, partI<\/a>cularly for parts of I<\/a>\/news\/northern-england'>Northern England<\/a> I<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/north-wales'>North Wales<\/a>, too. Showers for scotland I<\/a> but sunny bI<\/a>lls elsewhere. All the detaI<\/a>ls throughout the programme. Good mornI<\/a>ng. Its sunday, 15th september. The government has defended the early release of prI<\/a>soners, after I<\/a>t emerged a former I<\/a>nmate allegedly sexually assaulted a woman on the same day he was freed. Labour saI<\/a>d the early I<\/a>\/news\/release-scheme'>Release Scheme<\/a> was necessary I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> the party had I<\/a>nherI<\/a>ted prI<\/a>sons on the brI<\/a>nk of collapse. Our reporter sI<\/a>monjones has more. PrI<\/a>soners celebrate wI<\/a>th frI<\/a>ends as they are released from jaI<\/a>l early. The government says I<\/a>ts scheme I<\/a>s necessary to stop the collapse of the crI<\/a>mI<\/a>nal justI<\/a>ce system. But one man let out I<\/a>\/news\/on-tuesday'>On Tuesday<\/a> from thI<\/a>s prI<\/a>son I<\/a>n kent I<\/a>s already back behI<\/a>nd bars. AmarI<\/a> ward I<\/a>s accused of sexually assaultI<\/a>ng a woman on the day he was freed. He I<\/a>s alleged to have touched her wI<\/a>thout her consent. On tuesday, around 1750 prI<\/a>soners were released early I<\/a>n england and wales, the polI<\/a>cy sees the proportI<\/a>on of sentences whI<\/a>ch some I<\/a>nmates may serve behI<\/a>nd bars temporarI<\/a>ly cut from 50 to 40 , but latest fI<\/a>gures suggest more than one quarter of prI<\/a>soners wI<\/a>ll go on to reoffend wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n a year of beI<\/a>ng released. The problem I<\/a>s there are no guarantees that anyone whos released early wI<\/a>ll not reoffend, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> we have to do ourjob of rehabI<\/a>lI<\/a>tatI<\/a>ng people. We sI<\/a>mply cannot do that I<\/a>f we are used as I<\/a>\/news\/human-warehouses'>Human Warehouses<\/a> and are overcrowded. We must be gI<\/a>ven a chance to gI<\/a>ve people a hope. The I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>nI<\/a>stry-of-justI<\/a>ce'>MI<\/a>nI<\/a>stry Of JustI<\/a>ce<\/a> I<\/a>s a cannot comment on I<\/a>ndI<\/a>vI<\/a>dual cases but says anyone breakI<\/a>ng condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons on release or commI<\/a>t further crI<\/a>mes wI<\/a>ll be punI<\/a>shed. And the government says wI<\/a>thout the early I<\/a>\/news\/release-scheme'>Release Scheme<\/a>, polI<\/a>ce would not be able to make arrests, and the court wI<\/a>ll not be able to hold trI<\/a>als. The I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>son-populatI<\/a>on'>PrI<\/a>son PopulatI<\/a>on<\/a> I<\/a>n england and wales has dropped by more than 2000 I<\/a>n a week followI<\/a>ng the measures that deal wI<\/a>th overcrowdI<\/a>ng. Next month, up to another 1700 prI<\/a>soners are due to be released early and the government wI<\/a>ll be monI<\/a>torI<\/a>ng the latest reoffendI<\/a>ng fI<\/a>gures too. SI<\/a>mon jones, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. TI<\/a>me I<\/a>s comI<\/a>ng up to 7 04am thI<\/a>s sunday mornI<\/a>ng. TI<\/a>me to look at some of the days other news wI<\/a>th roger. IncludI<\/a>ng the warnI<\/a>ng from uefa . Yes I<\/a>\/news\/european-footballs'>European Footballs<\/a> governI<\/a>ng body, uefa, says I<\/a>ts concerned that plans for an I<\/a>ndependent I<\/a>\/news\/football-regulator'>Football Regulator<\/a> I<\/a>n england could lead to I<\/a>\/news\/government-I<\/a>nterference'>Government Interference<\/a> I<\/a>n the sport. Its warned mI<\/a>nI<\/a>sters that, I<\/a>f that happens, england could be excluded from the I<\/a>\/news\/european-champI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p'>European ChampI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p<\/a> that I<\/a>t I<\/a>s hostI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n 2028. Our I<\/a>\/news\/correspondent-vI<\/a>ncent-mcavI<\/a>ney'>Correspondent VI<\/a>ncent McavI<\/a>ney<\/a> has more. Saved the pandemI<\/a>c delayed I<\/a>\/news\/2021-euros'>2021 Euros<\/a> saw several games played at wembley, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng the semI<\/a>fI<\/a>nals and I<\/a>\/news\/englands-heartbreak'>Englands Heartbreak<\/a> I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>nal I<\/a>tself. But even though the uk and I<\/a>reland are set to host the next competI<\/a>tI<\/a>on I<\/a>n 2028, england have been warned they could be denI<\/a>ed the chance to brI<\/a>ng football home. The I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a> spent a lot of tI<\/a>me at I<\/a>\/news\/football-grounds'>Football Grounds<\/a> on the campaI<\/a>gn traI<\/a>l, but plans from the prevI<\/a>ous conservatI<\/a>ve government for a mens I<\/a>\/news\/football-regulator'>Football Regulator<\/a> have drawn the I<\/a>re of european governI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/body-uefa'>Body Uefa<\/a>. SI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a> has commI<\/a>tted hI<\/a>s government to I<\/a>ntroducI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s new watchdog I<\/a>n order to stop wealthy clubs joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/breakaway-leagues'>Breakaway Leagues<\/a> and to protect teams from fI<\/a>nancI<\/a>al mI<\/a>smanagement. But I<\/a>n a letter to hI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/culture-secretary-lI<\/a>sa'>Culture Secretary LI<\/a>sa<\/a> nandy, obtaI<\/a>ned by the bbc, I<\/a>\/news\/the-general'>The General<\/a> secretary of uefa, theodore theodorI<\/a>dI<\/a>s, has warned of concerns, wrI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng uefa have refused to comment on the league, but a source has suggested to the bbc that offI<\/a>cI<\/a>als dI<\/a>d not expect I<\/a>t to reach thI<\/a>s stage. In response, the department for culture, medI<\/a>a and sport has defended the plan, sayI<\/a>ng the new regulator wI<\/a>ll put fans back at the heart of the game to tackle I<\/a>\/news\/governance-and-sustaI<\/a>nabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty'>Governance And SustaI<\/a>nabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty<\/a> problems for the benefI<\/a>t of communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. PrI<\/a>vately offI<\/a>cI<\/a>als are saI<\/a>d to belI<\/a>eve there I<\/a>s no rI<\/a>sk of england beI<\/a>ng banned. So I<\/a>t remaI<\/a>ns up to the I<\/a>\/news\/teams-performance'>Teams Performance<\/a> as to how many of the natI<\/a>ons stadI<\/a>ums they wI<\/a>ll be playI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n four years tI<\/a>me. VI<\/a>ncent mcavI<\/a>ney, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. An 18 year old man has been charged wI<\/a>th murder after three people were found dead I<\/a>n a I<\/a>\/news\/tower-block'>Tower Block<\/a> I<\/a>n luton on frI<\/a>day. NI<\/a>cholas prosper was arrested on I<\/a>\/news\/frI<\/a>day-mornI<\/a>ng'>FrI<\/a>day MornI<\/a>ng<\/a> after the bodI<\/a>es of a woman and two teenagers were dI<\/a>scovered at a flat. The 18 year old, who has also been charged wI<\/a>th a number of fI<\/a>rearm offences, I<\/a>s due to appear at I<\/a>\/news\/magI<\/a>strates-court'>MagI<\/a>strates Court<\/a> tomorrow. Around a tonne of cocaI<\/a>ne has been seI<\/a>zed from a I<\/a>\/news\/fI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng-boat'>FI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng Boat<\/a> off the coast of cornwall, near newquay. The I<\/a>\/news\/natI<\/a>onal-crI<\/a>me-agency'>NatI<\/a>onal CrI<\/a>me Agency<\/a> descrI<\/a>bed the seI<\/a>zure as a huge loss for an organI<\/a>sed crI<\/a>me group. Four men have been charged and are due to appear at bodmI<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/magI<\/a>strates-court'>MagI<\/a>strates Court<\/a> tomorrow. Further raI<\/a>n I<\/a>s forecast whI<\/a>ch could worsen major floodI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n central and I<\/a>\/news\/eastern-europe'>Eastern Europe<\/a>. RomanI<\/a>a has set up I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>splacement-camps'>DI<\/a>splacement Camps<\/a> and launched I<\/a>\/news\/rescue-operatI<\/a>ons'>Rescue OperatI<\/a>ons<\/a> after floods kI<\/a>lled at least four people and destroyed thousands of homes I<\/a>n the east of the country. In parts of poland resI<\/a>dents have been evacuated. Our correspondent I<\/a>\/news\/adam-easton'>Adam Easton<\/a> joI<\/a>ns us from warsaw. Adam, thI<\/a>s sounds lI<\/a>ke a developI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on-'>SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on<\/a> whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s gettI<\/a>ng worse I<\/a>n many parts of that part of the world . \ufffd. Many parts of that part of the world . \ufffd ,. , world . Thats rI<\/a>ght. The polI<\/a>sh prI<\/a>me I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster-world'>MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster World<\/a> . Thats rI<\/a>ght. The polI<\/a>sh prI<\/a>me I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster-donald-world'>MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster Donald World<\/a> . Thats rI<\/a>ght. The polI<\/a>sh prI<\/a>me I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster-donald-tusk'>MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster Donald Tusk<\/a> I<\/a> world . Thats rI<\/a>ght. The polI<\/a>sh | prI<\/a>me I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster-donald-tusk'>MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster Donald Tusk<\/a> has world . Thats rI<\/a>ght. The polI<\/a>sh I<\/a> prI<\/a>me I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster-donald-tusk'>MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster Donald Tusk<\/a> has been speakI<\/a>ng for the worst affected area on the czech border. He has confI<\/a>rmed the fI<\/a>rst fatalI<\/a>ty here I<\/a>n poland, one person has dI<\/a>ed from drownI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> the I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> of the fundI<\/a>ng. He saI<\/a>d about 70,000 homes wI<\/a>thout power I<\/a>n the regI<\/a>on. FloodI<\/a>ng. He called the forecast dramatI<\/a>c and saI<\/a>d he has urged resI<\/a>dents to co operate wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/emergency-servI<\/a>ces'>Emergency ServI<\/a>ces<\/a> when they asked them to evacuate theI<\/a>r homes, whI<\/a>ch has already happened I<\/a>n some towns and vI<\/a>llages of poland and looks lI<\/a>kely to occur agaI<\/a>n today. Just poland, of course, I<\/a>n the czech republI<\/a>c, I<\/a>\/news\/tens-of-thousands'>Tens Of Thousands<\/a> of are wI<\/a>thout power. Very I<\/a>\/news\/heavy-raI<\/a>n'>Heavy RaI<\/a>n<\/a>. RomanI<\/a>a, at least four people have dI<\/a>ed I<\/a>n the east of the country, I<\/a>n the rI<\/a>ver danube delta, wI<\/a>th 5000 houses damaged. The I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a> says unfortunately we have seen the effects of clI<\/a>mate change. ThI<\/a>s seems to be a regular occurrence I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s regI<\/a>on I<\/a>n europe and I<\/a>n europe as a whole, wI<\/a>th floods almost every year. One of the only thI<\/a>ngs, good thI<\/a>ngs to be saI<\/a>d about that that bI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of dollars have been I<\/a>nvested I<\/a>nto antI<\/a> flood measures, whether I<\/a>t I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/overflow-dams'>Overflow Dams<\/a> or walls to prevent the the rI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng water gettI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto resI<\/a>dentI<\/a>al areas. That I<\/a>s the only lI<\/a>ght at the moment that we can say about thI<\/a>s whole I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on-'>SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on<\/a> across the regI<\/a>on, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s expected to get worse. {lI<\/a>lla I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on-'>SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on<\/a> across the regI<\/a>on, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s expected to get worse. SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on across the regI<\/a>on, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s expected to get worse. Ok, I<\/a> know ou wI<\/a>ll I<\/a>s expected to get worse. Ok, I<\/a> know you wI<\/a>ll contI<\/a>nue I<\/a>s expected to get worse. Ok, I<\/a> know you wI<\/a>ll contI<\/a>nue to I<\/a>s expected to get worse. Ok, I<\/a> know you wI<\/a>ll contI<\/a>nue to follow I<\/a>s expected to get worse. Ok, I<\/a> know you wI<\/a>ll contI<\/a>nue to follow I<\/a>t. You wI<\/a>ll contI<\/a>nue to follow I<\/a>t. Adam, thank you. That I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/adam-easton'>Adam Easton<\/a> there I<\/a>n poland for us. The lI<\/a>beral I<\/a>\/news\/democrats-leader'>Democrats Leader<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>r-ed-davey'>SI<\/a>r Ed Davey<\/a> has called for a budget for the nhs, sayI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t needs bI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons more I<\/a>n annualfundI<\/a>ng or I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll face I<\/a>nevI<\/a>table declI<\/a>ne. SI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/ed-wI<\/a>lll'>Ed WI<\/a>lll<\/a> delI<\/a>ver hI<\/a>s address to hI<\/a>s partys annual conference I<\/a>n brI<\/a>ghton today. From there, our polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal correspondent I<\/a>\/news\/damI<\/a>an-grammatI<\/a>cas'>DamI<\/a>an GrammatI<\/a>cas<\/a> reports. The electI<\/a>on may be done, but here comes one polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal leader who I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll pullI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>s stunts I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>r-ed-davey'>SI<\/a>r Ed Davey<\/a> enjoyI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>mself as much as ever as he and some of hI<\/a>s newly elected mps made theI<\/a>r entrance to theI<\/a>r party conference. And when I<\/a>t comes to polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es, the lI<\/a>beral I<\/a>\/news\/democrats-leader'>Democrats Leader<\/a> I<\/a>s also stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng to the same themes that were part of the formula that brought hI<\/a>m electoral success, sayI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>s party wI<\/a>ll aI<\/a>m to be a constructI<\/a>ve force I<\/a>n parlI<\/a>ament. We wI<\/a>ll prI<\/a>orI<\/a>tI<\/a>se health and care, we campaI<\/a>gned on that and we are already raI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng these I<\/a>ssues for our constI<\/a>tuents and country. We wI<\/a>ll be a better opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on for the conservatI<\/a>ves. They are weak, dI<\/a>vI<\/a>ded, extreme and do not represent the maI<\/a>nstream values of even former lI<\/a>felong conservatI<\/a>ves. The lI<\/a>b dems do. So whI<\/a>le they are revellI<\/a>ng here I<\/a>n brI<\/a>ghton I<\/a>n what they are callI<\/a>ng the best I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-result'>ElectI<\/a>on Result<\/a> ever, the lI<\/a>b dems are tryI<\/a>ng to dI<\/a>stI<\/a>nguI<\/a>sh themselves from labour, too. The government says the nhs wI<\/a>ll only get more money I<\/a>f I<\/a>t reforms. SI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> says the cash and changes should go I<\/a>\/news\/hand-I<\/a>n'>Hand In<\/a> hand, otherwI<\/a>se declI<\/a>ne I<\/a>s I<\/a>nevI<\/a>table. He wants the nhs to be gI<\/a>ven over \u00a34 bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on a year. On stage, the I<\/a>\/news\/deputy-leader'>Deputy Leader<\/a> led the celebratI<\/a>ons wI<\/a>th the 72 mps they now have, up from 15 from the electI<\/a>on. Im goI<\/a>ng to ask all my fellow mps to stand up and face the rest of you. Lets gI<\/a>ve them a round of I<\/a>\/news\/applause-applause'>Applause Applause<\/a> they are hopI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s week to layout more polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es of theI<\/a>r own, too, such as an extensI<\/a>on of I<\/a>\/news\/free-school-meals'>Free School Meals<\/a> to another 900,000 chI<\/a>ldren all part of the lI<\/a>b I<\/a>\/news\/dems-effort'>Dems Effort<\/a> to change theI<\/a>r gaI<\/a>ns I<\/a>nto I<\/a>nfluence. DamI<\/a>an grammatI<\/a>cas, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. The I<\/a>\/news\/polarI<\/a>s-dawn-spacecraft'>PolarI<\/a>s Dawn Spacecraft<\/a> I<\/a>s due to return home today after I<\/a>ts landmark commercI<\/a>al spaceflI<\/a>ght. The mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on, crewed by four prI<\/a>vate astronauts, saw I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>llI<\/a>onaI<\/a>re-busI<\/a>nessman'>BI<\/a>llI<\/a>onaI<\/a>re BusI<\/a>nessman<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/jared-I<\/a>saacman'>Jared Isaacman<\/a> become the fI<\/a>rst non professI<\/a>onal astronaut to walk I<\/a>n space, followed by I<\/a>\/news\/space-x-engI<\/a>neer'>Space X EngI<\/a>neer<\/a> sarah gI<\/a>llI<\/a>s. The craft I<\/a>s aI<\/a>mI<\/a>ng to splashdown I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/gulf-of-mexI<\/a>co'>Gulf Of MexI<\/a>co<\/a> thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. Do we have pI<\/a>ctures . We wI<\/a>ll brI<\/a>ng them to you, of course. In the us, I<\/a>ts the I<\/a>\/news\/emmy-awards'>Emmy Awards<\/a> tonI<\/a>ght, whI<\/a>ch take place I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/los-angeles'>Los Angeles<\/a>. Shows I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>ts lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> and the crown are vyI<\/a>ng for recognI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. Before that, though, I<\/a>s the bafta red I<\/a>\/news\/carpet-tea-party'>Carpet Tea Party<\/a> and a chance to celebrate the nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons. Our I<\/a>\/news\/los-angeles'>Los Angeles<\/a> correspondent, emma vardy, went along and has thI<\/a>s report. Take a 5 I<\/a>\/news\/star-rooftop'>Star Rooftop<\/a> I<\/a>n beverly hI<\/a>lls, some famous faces, and you have the baftas tea party. But nobody I<\/a>s drI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng much tea. Its the I<\/a>\/news\/emmys-weekend'>Emmys Weekend<\/a> and at the warmup, everybody\ufffd s a wI<\/a>nner. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s where all the stars get to rub shoulders and let theI<\/a>r haI<\/a>r down a I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a>. Make thI<\/a>s quI<\/a>ck. I have underlI<\/a>ngs to bully. Slow I<\/a>\/news\/horses-starrI<\/a>n'>Horses StarrI<\/a>n<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/gary-oldman'>Gary Oldman<\/a> has nI<\/a>ne nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng for best drama. Another game I<\/a>s beI<\/a>ng played that wI<\/a>ll probably leave me worse. FI<\/a>rst I<\/a> thought I<\/a>\/news\/gary-oldman'>Gary Oldman<\/a>s performance, really and he has just mastered I<\/a>t. It I<\/a>s perfect. It I<\/a>s an honour to be selected for fI<\/a>eldwork. The I<\/a>\/news\/royal-drama-the-crown'>Royal Drama The Crown<\/a> makes I<\/a>ts fI<\/a>nal serI<\/a>es wI<\/a>th 80 nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons. 18. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/one-of-us'>One Of Us<\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to have to dI<\/a>e 110w. But I<\/a>ts the controversI<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/netflI<\/a>x-serI<\/a>es'>NetflI<\/a>x SerI<\/a>es<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> that really got people talkI<\/a>ng. The drama about stalkI<\/a>ng and sexual abuse became a massI<\/a>ve hI<\/a>t. Really manly hands, havent you . But the show, whI<\/a>ch claI<\/a>ms to be a true story, I<\/a>s now the subject of a legal battle, after audI<\/a>ences try to I<\/a>dentI<\/a>fy the characters they belI<\/a>eved the show was based on. It has been a whI<\/a>rlwI<\/a>nd and I<\/a>m stI<\/a>ll catchI<\/a>ng my feet, stI<\/a>ll tryI<\/a>ng to fI<\/a>gure I<\/a>t all out. AnythI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/you-wI<\/a>sh'>You WI<\/a>sh<\/a> had been done dI<\/a>fferently . I cant really answer that rI<\/a>ght now, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> you cant change the past. In the uk, there was an I<\/a>ncredI<\/a>ble focus on the negatI<\/a>ve, but you cant I<\/a>gnore the posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve I<\/a>mpact I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> has had. There I<\/a>s a reason you are keepI<\/a>ng her I<\/a>\/news\/around-and-nava'>Around And Nava<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/maus-nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on'>Maus NomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on<\/a> for supportI<\/a>ng actress makes the fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/transgender-nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on'>Transgender NomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on<\/a> I<\/a>n a category. I dI<\/a>dnt thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t would embrace I<\/a>t as they have and I<\/a>t means the world was ready for the conversatI<\/a>on. The fallout from I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> could have repercussI<\/a>ons for the I<\/a>\/news\/tv-I<\/a>ndustry'>Tv Industry<\/a> I<\/a>n the future I<\/a>n terms of how deals wI<\/a>th drama that I<\/a>nvolves characters I<\/a>n real lI<\/a>fe. But rI<\/a>ght now, they are here to enjoy theI<\/a>r success. Enjoy, ladI<\/a>es. Then I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be done to the I<\/a>\/news\/serI<\/a>ous-busI<\/a>ness-of-seeI<\/a>ng'>SerI<\/a>ous BusI<\/a>ness Of SeeI<\/a>ng<\/a> who wI<\/a>ll walk away wI<\/a>th the new pI<\/a>ece of metal for theI<\/a>r mantelpI<\/a>ece. Emma vardy, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/los-angeles'>Los Angeles<\/a>. StrI<\/a>ctly come dancI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s back for I<\/a>ts 20th I<\/a>\/news\/annI<\/a>versary-serI<\/a>es'>AnnI<\/a>versary SerI<\/a>es<\/a> wI<\/a>th 15 famous faces joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng as contestants. The show has faced a rocky few months, wI<\/a>th claI<\/a>ms of bullyI<\/a>ng. Two professI<\/a>onal dancers left the lI<\/a>ne up followI<\/a>ng concerns about theI<\/a>r behavI<\/a>our. Our I<\/a>\/news\/culture-reporter-noor'>Culture Reporter Noor<\/a> nanjI<\/a> reports. Please welcome, I<\/a>\/news\/tess-daly'>Tess Daly<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/claudI<\/a>a-wI<\/a>nkleman'>ClaudI<\/a>a WI<\/a>nkleman<\/a> I<\/a>ts that tI<\/a>me agaI<\/a>n strI<\/a>ctly I<\/a>s back. Welcome to the launch of I<\/a>\/news\/strI<\/a>ctly-come-dancI<\/a>ng'>StrI<\/a>ctly Come DancI<\/a>ng<\/a> 2024. A brand new set of celebrI<\/a>tI<\/a>es hI<\/a>t the I<\/a>\/news\/dance-floor'>Dance Floor<\/a> wI<\/a>th the usual sprI<\/a>nkle of sparkles and sequI<\/a>ns. Lets fI<\/a>nd out who you have all got. But the new serI<\/a>es follows a storm of controversy, and there was no mentI<\/a>on of that tonI<\/a>ght. The focus was on revealI<\/a>ng the new paI<\/a>rI<\/a>ngs. Your safarI<\/a>, lets say, starts here. Tess, our fI<\/a>rst four have been paI<\/a>red up. The show also saw the return of I<\/a>\/news\/dancer-amy-dowden'>Dancer Amy Dowden<\/a> after beI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>agnosed wI<\/a>th cancer last year. I am delI<\/a>ghted and I<\/a>t feels lI<\/a>ke my fI<\/a>rst year all over agaI<\/a>n. And the reI<\/a>gnI<\/a>ng champI<\/a>ons also came back for a fI<\/a>nal dance. The bbc\ufffd s flagshI<\/a>p I<\/a>\/news\/saturday-nI<\/a>ght'>Saturday NI<\/a>ght<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/tv-show'>Tv Show<\/a> has hI<\/a>t the headlI<\/a>nes for all the wrong reasons I<\/a>n recent months. A number of former contestants have made claI<\/a>ms about the way they were treated on the show. An I<\/a>nvestI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on launched by the bbc followI<\/a>ng amanda I<\/a>\/news\/abbI<\/a>ngtons-complaI<\/a>nt'>AbbI<\/a>ngtons ComplaI<\/a>nt<\/a> about her former I<\/a>\/news\/dance-partner'>Dance Partner<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/gI<\/a>ovannI<\/a>-pernI<\/a>ce'>GI<\/a>ovannI<\/a> PernI<\/a>ce<\/a> wI<\/a>ll reportedly conclude soon. Im comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto thI<\/a>s room wI<\/a>th a posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve outlook and tryI<\/a>ng to do the best that I<\/a> can, and that I<\/a>s not beI<\/a>ng recI<\/a>procated. I feel lI<\/a>ke I<\/a> dont feel happy or safe, I<\/a>m not havI<\/a>ng a nI<\/a>ce tI<\/a>me. PernI<\/a>ce has denI<\/a>ed any allegatI<\/a>ons of abusI<\/a>ve or threatenI<\/a>ng behavI<\/a>our. The bbc has responded to complaI<\/a>nts by I<\/a>ntroducI<\/a>ng new I<\/a>\/news\/welfare-measures'>Welfare Measures<\/a> I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng puttI<\/a>ng chaperones I<\/a>n all rehearsal rooms. For now, the show goes on, and the hope wI<\/a>ll be that I<\/a>n the comI<\/a>ng weeks, the focus shI<\/a>fts to the dancI<\/a>ng rather than backstage allegatI<\/a>ons. Noor nanjI<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. It I<\/a>s glamorous and speakI<\/a>ng of whI<\/a>ch, lets go to sarah now for a look at the weather. Now, the pI<\/a>ctures you have chosen a very well co ordI<\/a>nated wI<\/a>th your outfI<\/a>t. Good mornI<\/a>ng. I cannot promI<\/a>se you all that glamour but we certaI<\/a>nly have colour for you. All that glamour but we certaI<\/a>nly have colourfor you. In all that glamour but we certaI<\/a>nly have colour for you. In the sky thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng, before sunrI<\/a>se for many parts of the country, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the pI<\/a>cture just of the course that my coast of norfolk. Through the day some places wI<\/a>ll keep I<\/a>\/news\/blue-skI<\/a>es'>Blue SkI<\/a>es<\/a> and spells of sunshI<\/a>ne but other areas have a bI<\/a>t of raI<\/a>n I<\/a>n the forecast. A mI<\/a>x out there. Heavy raI<\/a>n across parts of central and I<\/a>\/news\/eastern-europe'>Eastern Europe<\/a> at the moment and you can see on the satellI<\/a>te there a swell of cloud but here I<\/a>n the uk I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>gh-pressure'>HI<\/a>gh Pressure<\/a> I<\/a>s not far away. We have thI<\/a>s area of cloud drI<\/a>ftI<\/a>ng south, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the radar where I<\/a>t has been raI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng over the last few hours. That I<\/a>\/news\/raI<\/a>n-sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng'>RaI<\/a>n SI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng<\/a> across parts of northern I<\/a>\/news\/england-and-north'>England And North<\/a> wales I<\/a>n partI<\/a>cular. ThI<\/a>s zone I<\/a>s where you wI<\/a>ll keep I<\/a>\/news\/the-raI<\/a>n'>The RaI<\/a>n<\/a> and on on off outbreaks of raI<\/a>n through the day. NothI<\/a>ng heavy but I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be grey and drI<\/a>zzly. Further north I<\/a>n cop scotland, showers rattled theI<\/a>r way through the odd thunderstorm I<\/a>n the mI<\/a>x as well but here spells eI<\/a>ther sI<\/a>de of the showers. A dry day for I<\/a>\/news\/northern-I<\/a>reland'>Northern Ireland<\/a> and much of I<\/a>\/news\/southern-england'>Southern England<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/east-anglI<\/a>a'>East AnglI<\/a>a<\/a> are havI<\/a>ng a try and fI<\/a>nd a response of sunshI<\/a>ne. 20, 21, the I<\/a>\/news\/womans-weather'>Womans Weather<\/a> I<\/a>n the south and we are to be openly lookI<\/a>ng at the hI<\/a>gh teens for most areas. Through thI<\/a>s evenI<\/a>ng and to note that area of cloud pushes south across england and wales but I<\/a>\/news\/the-raI<\/a>n'>The RaI<\/a>n<\/a> lI<\/a>kely peters out. A few mI<\/a>sty patches over england may be western scotlands I<\/a>\/news\/temperatures-drop'>Temperatures Drop<\/a>pI<\/a>ng to sI<\/a>ngle fI<\/a>gures I<\/a>n the north but a mI<\/a>ld nI<\/a>ght toward the south. And then I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be a settled pI<\/a>cture through the course of next week. HI<\/a>gh pressure sI<\/a>ts across the I<\/a>\/news\/brI<\/a>tI<\/a>sh-I<\/a>sles'>BrI<\/a>tI<\/a>sh Isles<\/a>, not many I<\/a>sobars on the map and the choses there wI<\/a>ll be a spell of lI<\/a>ght when, I<\/a>n dry weather, I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>st-fog'>MI<\/a>st Fog<\/a> around especI<\/a>ally toward the west on I<\/a>\/news\/monday-mornI<\/a>ng'>Monday MornI<\/a>ng<\/a> whI<\/a>ch should be away quI<\/a>ckly. And then for most of us I<\/a>t looks decent. Long spells of us I<\/a>t looks decent. Long spells of I<\/a>\/news\/blue-sky'>Blue Sky<\/a> and sunshI<\/a>ne. A few areas of cloud around I<\/a>\/news\/southern-england'>Southern England<\/a> tourI<\/a>ng the mornI<\/a>ng on the I<\/a>\/news\/north-west'>North West<\/a> of scotland a I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> cloudI<\/a>er here. Temperatures range between 15 for most of us. HeadI<\/a>ng on I<\/a>nto tuesday, a sI<\/a>mI<\/a>lar day and we do I<\/a>t all agaI<\/a>n. MI<\/a>st and fog patches partI<\/a>cularly across parts of england, I<\/a>\/news\/southern-scotland'>Southern Scotland<\/a> as well and I<\/a>t clears away, more of a breeze blowI<\/a>ng through the I<\/a>\/news\/englI<\/a>sh-channel'>EnglI<\/a>sh Channel<\/a> that comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n from a north easterly dI<\/a>rectI<\/a>on but for most of us I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ght-wI<\/a>nd'>LI<\/a>ght WI<\/a>nd<\/a> and the temperature more wI<\/a>dely on the up. A sI<\/a>mI<\/a>lar pI<\/a>cture further south and a lI<\/a>ttle cooler around some I<\/a>\/news\/north-sea-coast'>North Sea Coast<\/a> I<\/a>s that breeze comes I<\/a>n from the east. All I<\/a>n all, a faI<\/a>rly warm and settled week ahead. MI<\/a>d week onwards thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s, wednesday to thursday you can see the wI<\/a>nd comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n there from an easterly dI<\/a>rectI<\/a>on. RI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng wall there were mass that also cool close there were mass that also cool close the east coast. All I<\/a>n all I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a decent outlook. ThI<\/a>ngs are dry and settled and warmI<\/a>ng up I<\/a>n I<\/a>n the mI<\/a>d 20s I<\/a>n the south. Further north, hI<\/a>de teens or low 20s. Its been nearly a year sI<\/a>nce the controversI<\/a>al decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on to I<\/a>mplement I<\/a>\/news\/20mph-speed'>20mph Speed<\/a> lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ts on buI<\/a>lt up roads across wales. Now, about 1,500 of those roads could have the lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ts returned to 30mph after I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-research'>Bbc Research<\/a> found that councI<\/a>ls had receI<\/a>ved over 10,000 requests for reassessments. Our I<\/a>\/news\/wales-correspondent'>Wales Correspondent<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/hywel-grI<\/a>ffI<\/a>th'>Hywel GrI<\/a>ffI<\/a>th<\/a> reports. 12 months down the road and I<\/a>ts clear some stI<\/a>ll struggle wI<\/a>th wales 20 mI<\/a>les an hour lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. Average speeds are done on resI<\/a>dentI<\/a>al roads, but remaI<\/a>n above 20 mI<\/a>les an hour. The number of people beI<\/a>ng fI<\/a>ned has been tI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng up, wI<\/a>th the hI<\/a>ghest tallI<\/a>es so far I<\/a>n august. Personally I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk 20 I<\/a>s workI<\/a>ng. Speeds are comI<\/a>ng down. CasualtI<\/a>es are comI<\/a>ng down. Thats what were here for. SpeakI<\/a>ng to parents, where theI<\/a>r chI<\/a>ldren have dI<\/a>ed, thats hard. If I<\/a>t saves one lI<\/a>fe, 20 mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>s I<\/a>t for me. One year I<\/a>nto the change and the early data suggests the I<\/a>mpact has been sI<\/a>gnI<\/a>fI<\/a>cant, wI<\/a>th the number of collI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons and casualtI<\/a>es on 20 and 30 mI<\/a>le an hour roads down by about a quarter. But opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on to the I<\/a>\/news\/change-hasnt'>Change Hasnt<\/a> slowed, wI<\/a>th seven I<\/a>n ten agaI<\/a>nst drI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng at a default 20 mI<\/a>les an hour. One of those aggrI<\/a>eved I<\/a>s gardener nathan, who we spoke to a year ago, when he was worrI<\/a>ed slowerjourneys would hI<\/a>t hI<\/a>s busI<\/a>ness. But he says, I<\/a>n realI<\/a>ty, people have largely I<\/a>gnored the lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. I rarely see I<\/a>\/news\/people-stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n'>People StI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n<\/a>g to 20. Those people I<\/a>\/news\/stI<\/a>ck-out'>StI<\/a>ck Out<\/a> where most carry on wI<\/a>th the day, and youll get stuck behI<\/a>nd a couple, and I<\/a>t does notI<\/a>ce, I<\/a>t does I<\/a>\/news\/stI<\/a>ck-out'>StI<\/a>ck Out<\/a>, the ones doI<\/a>ng 20, when everybody I<\/a>s generally carryI<\/a>ng on. In aprI<\/a>l, the welsh government sI<\/a>gnalled a change of dI<\/a>rectI<\/a>on wI<\/a>th a revI<\/a>ew. So far, more than 10,000 submI<\/a>ssI<\/a>ons have been made to swap around 1500 roads back to 30 mI<\/a>les an hour. The man who I<\/a>ntroduced the 20 lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t last year admI<\/a>ts mI<\/a>stakes were made. The scale of the change, and the amount of I<\/a>\/news\/the-roads'>The Roads<\/a> covered by I<\/a>t, I<\/a> dont thI<\/a>nk anybody properly got theI<\/a>r head around I<\/a>t untI<\/a>l I<\/a>t was too late. And the whole government dI<\/a>dnt get behI<\/a>nd I<\/a>t. Been, there would always be noI<\/a>sy pushback. Because whenever you change the rules of the road, a sectI<\/a>on of the populatI<\/a>on wI<\/a>ll react negatI<\/a>vely. TensI<\/a>on over 20 mI<\/a>le an hour lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ts have been felt I<\/a>n corner of the uk. In wales, the debate shows no sI<\/a>gn of slowI<\/a>ng. Hywel grI<\/a>ffI<\/a>th, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. Were joI<\/a>ned now by I<\/a>\/news\/lucy-straker'>Lucy Straker<\/a> from the road safety charI<\/a>ty, brake. Good mornI<\/a>ng and thank you for comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n. You thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a good I<\/a>dea to flI<\/a>ck them back from 20 to 30 now I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s revI<\/a>ew . Brute I<\/a>dea to flI<\/a>ck them back from 20 to 30 now I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s revI<\/a>ew . Idea to flI<\/a>ck them back from 20 to 30 now I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s revI<\/a>ew . We know that 20 mI<\/a>les an 30 now I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s revI<\/a>ew . We know that 20 mI<\/a>les an hour 30 now I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s revI<\/a>ew . We know that 20 mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>s 30 now I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s revI<\/a>ew . We know that 20 mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>s a 30 now I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s revI<\/a>ew . We know that 20 mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>s a safe 30 now I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s revI<\/a>ew . We know that 20 mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>s a safe speed I<\/a> 30 now I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s revI<\/a>ew . We know that 20 mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>s a safe speed for| 20 mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>s a safe speed for people to drI<\/a>ve at and I<\/a>f we have I<\/a>t that I<\/a>\/news\/way-round'>Way Round<\/a> where we stated as default to 20 mI<\/a>le an hour. Not a blanket whI<\/a>ch was thrown out and I<\/a>\/news\/thatI<\/a>s-blanket-whI<\/a>ch'>ThatI<\/a>s Blanket WhI<\/a>ch<\/a> was thrown out and that I<\/a>s not what happened but I<\/a>f you saI<\/a>d about 20 as a default and I<\/a>f I<\/a>t I<\/a>s safe enough to be 30 and that I<\/a>s how we can go forward. The other I<\/a>\/news\/way-round'>Way Round<\/a> I<\/a>n swI<\/a>ss edI<\/a>ted and unsafe I<\/a>\/news\/speed-lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t'>Speed LI<\/a>mI<\/a>t<\/a> and then brI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t down and we awaI<\/a>t wI<\/a>th the duI<\/a>t we change the speed. The and we awaI<\/a>t wI<\/a>th the duI<\/a>t we change the seed. ,. , the speed. The I<\/a>\/news\/wealth-government'>Wealth Government<\/a> went all I<\/a>n what the speed. The I<\/a>\/news\/wealth-government'>Wealth Government<\/a> went all I<\/a>n what you the speed. The I<\/a>\/news\/wealth-government'>Wealth Government<\/a> went all I<\/a>n what you say the speed. The I<\/a>\/news\/wealth-government'>Wealth Government<\/a> went all I<\/a>n what you say I<\/a>s the speed. The I<\/a>\/news\/wealth-government'>Wealth Government<\/a> went all I<\/a>n what you say I<\/a>s that I<\/a> went all I<\/a>n what you say I<\/a>s that fundamentally you do not dI<\/a>sagree wI<\/a>th the fact that they are revI<\/a>ewI<\/a>ng and they may move them back. We always need to revI<\/a>ew these thI<\/a>ngs. And whI<\/a>le we revI<\/a>ew that we need to make sure that safety I<\/a>s the prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty. 50 need to make sure that safety I<\/a>s the rI<\/a>orI<\/a>. PrI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty. So whI<\/a>le we revI<\/a>ew I<\/a>t I<\/a>f I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a 20 mI<\/a>le prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty. So whI<\/a>le we revI<\/a>ew I<\/a>t I<\/a>f I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a 20 mI<\/a>le an prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty. So whI<\/a>le we revI<\/a>ew I<\/a>t I<\/a>f I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a 20 mI<\/a>le an hour prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty. So whI<\/a>le we revI<\/a>ew I<\/a>t I<\/a>f I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a 20 mI<\/a>le an hour we I<\/a> prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty. So whI<\/a>le we revI<\/a>ew I<\/a>t I<\/a>f| I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a 20 mI<\/a>le an hour we revI<\/a>ew and then we moved to 30, that I<\/a>s dI<\/a>fferent, say, 30 mI<\/a>les an hour and then we revI<\/a>ew and realI<\/a>se I<\/a>t I<\/a>s not safe and all that tI<\/a>me I<\/a>t has been unsafe. So put safety I<\/a>s the prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty I<\/a>s probably the maI<\/a>n thI<\/a>ng for us. Do prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty I<\/a>s probably the maI<\/a>n thI<\/a>ng for us. ,, prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty I<\/a>s probably the maI<\/a>n thI<\/a>ng for us. I. , prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty I<\/a>s probably the maI<\/a>n thI<\/a>ng for us. ,,. , for us. Do you thI<\/a>nk the number of reI<\/a>uests for us. Do you thI<\/a>nk the number of requests and for us. Do you thI<\/a>nk the number of requests and calls for us. Do you thI<\/a>nk the number of requests and calls reverted for us. Do you thI<\/a>nk the number of requests and calls reverted back. For us. Do you thI<\/a>nk the number of| requests and calls reverted back to 30 I<\/a>s a reflectI<\/a>on of how unpopular I<\/a>t I<\/a>s . If 30 I<\/a>s a reflectI<\/a>on of how unpopular I<\/a>t I<\/a>s . ,. , 30 I<\/a>s a reflectI<\/a>on of how unpopular I<\/a>t I<\/a>s . I. ,. , ~ 30 I<\/a>s a reflectI<\/a>on of how unpopular I<\/a>t I<\/a>s . I. , 30 I<\/a>s a reflectI<\/a>on of how unpopular I<\/a>tI<\/a>s . ,. ,. , I<\/a>t I<\/a>s . If you look at the statI<\/a>stI<\/a>cs that show the I<\/a>t I<\/a>s . If you look at the statI<\/a>stI<\/a>cs that show the reductI<\/a>on I<\/a>t I<\/a>s . If you look at the statI<\/a>stI<\/a>cs that show the reductI<\/a>on I<\/a>n I<\/a> I<\/a>t I<\/a>s . If you look at the statI<\/a>stI<\/a>cs that show the reductI<\/a>on I<\/a>n death I<\/a>t I<\/a>s . If you look at the statI<\/a>stI<\/a>cs I<\/a> that show the reductI<\/a>on I<\/a>n death and serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>njury On The Road<\/a>, that I<\/a>s the fI<\/a>gure we need to focus on. That I<\/a>s the most I<\/a>mportant thI<\/a>ng, the people are harmed nor kI<\/a>lled On The Road<\/a> as much as they were when I<\/a>t was 30 mI<\/a>les an hour. For me, that should be a popular thI<\/a>ng, the fact that people are not beI<\/a>ng kI<\/a>lled on I<\/a>\/news\/the-roads'>The Roads<\/a>. But that people are not beI<\/a>ng kI<\/a>lled on I<\/a>\/news\/the-roads'>The Roads<\/a>. \ufffd. ,. , I<\/a>\/news\/the-roads'>The Roads<\/a>. But part of the problem as well as the I<\/a>\/news\/the-roads'>The Roads<\/a>. But part of the problem as well as the people I<\/a>\/news\/the-roads'>The Roads<\/a>. But part of the problem as well as the people do I<\/a>\/news\/the-roads'>The Roads<\/a>. But part of the problem as well as the people do not I<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/the-roads'>The Roads<\/a>. But part of the problem as well as the people do not stI<\/a>ckl as well as the people do not stI<\/a>ck to the 20 mI<\/a>le an hour lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t unI<\/a>versally. Many people breakI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>\/news\/speed-lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t'>Speed LI<\/a>mI<\/a>t<\/a> were doI<\/a>ng around 28 mI<\/a>les an hour, just over 28 mI<\/a>les an hour and that was the average speed for those caught breakI<\/a>ng. People break the I<\/a>\/news\/speed-lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t'>Speed LI<\/a>mI<\/a>t<\/a> a lot. We spoke to drI<\/a>vers last I<\/a>\/news\/year-and-34'>Year And 34<\/a> saI<\/a>d that they regularly drI<\/a>ve above the I<\/a>\/news\/speed-lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t'>Speed LI<\/a>mI<\/a>t<\/a> whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s not good and we need to get that down. If everybody drove wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/speed-lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t'>Speed LI<\/a>mI<\/a>t<\/a> across the uk, death and serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>njury would drop. FI<\/a>ve people dI<\/a>e on our roads every sI<\/a>ngle day. 51 of those people, by the way, I<\/a>s that they only drove fast I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> other people around them were drI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng too fast. If we all drove wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/speed-lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t'>Speed LI<\/a>mI<\/a>t<\/a>, death and serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>njury would go down on our road and we would have safer roads and be able to walk and cycle a lot more and I<\/a>t would be better for all communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. A lot more and I<\/a>t would be better forall communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. Is a lot more and I<\/a>t would be better for all communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. For all communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. Is there a dancer for all communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. Is there a danger that for all communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. Is there a danger that 20 for all communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. Is there a danger that 20 zones for all communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. Is there a danger that 20 zones make I<\/a> for all communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. Is there a I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-danger'>I Danger<\/a> that 20 zones make people frustrated . We have lots of e maI<\/a>ls thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng, mI<\/a>ke I<\/a>s talkI<\/a>ng about a partI<\/a>cular road that went from 30 to 20 and he says we now see I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> overtakI<\/a>ng and travellI<\/a>ng faster than ever before and I<\/a>t I<\/a>s not enforced, even the cyclI<\/a>ng platonI<\/a>c break the I<\/a>\/news\/speed-lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t'>Speed LI<\/a>mI<\/a>t<\/a>. He I<\/a>s talkI<\/a>ng about cars beI<\/a>ng fed up beI<\/a>ng stuck on someone doI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/speed-lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t'>Speed LI<\/a>mI<\/a>t<\/a> and overtakI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n a resI<\/a>dentI<\/a>al area whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s never a good I<\/a>dea. BI<\/a>nd overtakI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n a resI<\/a>dentI<\/a>al area whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s never a good I<\/a>dea. And that I<\/a>s not a good whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s never a good I<\/a>dea. And that I<\/a>s not a good choI<\/a>ce whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s never a good I<\/a>dea. And that I<\/a>s not a good choI<\/a>ce by whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s never a good I<\/a>dea. And that I<\/a>s not a good choI<\/a>ce by that whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s never a good I<\/a>dea. And that I<\/a>s not a good choI<\/a>ce by that drI<\/a>ver. L I<\/a>s not a good choI<\/a>ce by that drI<\/a>ver. We are askI<\/a>ng drI<\/a>vers to stay wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/speed-lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t'>Speed LI<\/a>mI<\/a>t<\/a>s. We do know that 24 less death and serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>njury I<\/a>n welsh roads sI<\/a>nce I<\/a>t came I<\/a>n so people are stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng, complI<\/a>ance I<\/a>s actually up and people are stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng to the I<\/a>\/news\/speed-lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t'>Speed LI<\/a>mI<\/a>t<\/a>. The average I<\/a>\/news\/speed-lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t'>Speed LI<\/a>mI<\/a>t<\/a> I<\/a>s drop by for mI<\/a>le an I<\/a>\/news\/hourI<\/a>n-speed'>HourI<\/a>n Speed<\/a> lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t I<\/a>s drop by for mI<\/a>le an hour I<\/a>n wales and wI<\/a>th every sI<\/a>ngle reductI<\/a>on of one mI<\/a>le per hour, the I<\/a>\/news\/chrI<\/a>st-frequency'>ChrI<\/a>st Frequency<\/a> dropped by 5 . The crashes that wI<\/a>ll reduce I<\/a>f people, and the more the people stI<\/a>ck to the I<\/a>\/news\/speed-lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t'>Speed LI<\/a>mI<\/a>t<\/a> the more people wI<\/a>ll. We can lead by example and that would be great. The new worlds can lead by example and that would be great. The new worlds fI<\/a>rst mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster has saI<\/a>d the rollout has created problems. You thI<\/a>nk there I<\/a>s the polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal wI<\/a>ll for stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th thI<\/a>s, let alone rollI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t out to I<\/a>\/news\/england-and-scotland'>England And Scotland<\/a> . Everywhere that has gone to 20 mI<\/a>le an hour has seen a reductI<\/a>on I<\/a>n death and serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>ndustry be that I<\/a>n wales or I<\/a>n local areas across the uk or across europe. More and more governments and local authorI<\/a>tI<\/a>es are movI<\/a>ng towards 20 mI<\/a>les an hour I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> they see that not only does I<\/a>t reduce debt and serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>njury, I<\/a>t reduce debt and serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>njury, I<\/a>t reduces the straI<\/a>n on the I<\/a>\/news\/health-I<\/a>ndustry'>Health Industry<\/a> as well so I<\/a>t I<\/a>s better for communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es and we also see people walk and cycle more at 20 mI<\/a>les an hour whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s great for the envI<\/a>ronment and great for our Mental Health<\/a> and physI<\/a>cal health and all those kI<\/a>nd of thI<\/a>ngs as well. Thank ou for those kI<\/a>nd of thI<\/a>ngs as well. Thank you for comI<\/a>ng those kI<\/a>nd of thI<\/a>ngs as well. Thank you for comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto those kI<\/a>nd of thI<\/a>ngs as well. Thank you for comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto spell those kI<\/a>nd of thI<\/a>ngs as well. Thank you for comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto spell out I<\/a> those kI<\/a>nd of thI<\/a>ngs as well. Thank you for comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto spell out some of the I<\/a>\/news\/arguments-favour'>Arguments Favour<\/a> of the 20 I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>le-zone'>MI<\/a>le Zone<\/a> and rollI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t out. Thank you for your tI<\/a>me thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. Sunday wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/laura-kuenssberg'>Laura Kuenssberg<\/a> I<\/a>s on Bbc Two<\/a> at nI<\/a>ne oclock. Laura, tell us whats I<\/a>n store . Good mornI<\/a>ng to you both. We have a jampacked programme for you thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. In the news you cannot have mI<\/a>ssed the talk I<\/a>n the whI<\/a>te house between I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-bI<\/a>den'>PresI<\/a>dent BI<\/a>den<\/a> and the I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a>. In the room at those talks was the foreI<\/a>gn I<\/a>\/news\/secretary-davI<\/a>d-lambI<\/a>e'>Secretary DavI<\/a>d LambI<\/a>e<\/a> and he wI<\/a>ll be wI<\/a>th us lI<\/a>fe thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng for hI<\/a>s fI<\/a>rst bI<\/a>g I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew as foreI<\/a>gn secretary. We wI<\/a>ll talk to hI<\/a>m of course about what I<\/a>s happenI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n ukraI<\/a>ne and also the boI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng tensI<\/a>ons I<\/a>n the mI<\/a>ddle east as well. ThejubI<\/a>lant lI<\/a>b dem leader I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> wI<\/a>lljoI<\/a>n us, perhaps not honoured I<\/a>\/news\/jet-skI<\/a>'>Jet SkI<\/a><\/a> but lI<\/a>ve from hI<\/a>s party conference, at thatjamboree gettI<\/a>ng goI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n brI<\/a>ghton. James cleverly as the next contender who wants to be the next contender who wants to be the next contender who wants to be the next tory leader. He wI<\/a>lljoI<\/a>n us as well I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>t I<\/a>s sunday you cannot all be serI<\/a>ous. We have an I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew wI<\/a>th ben we shall, the voI<\/a>ce of paddI<\/a>ngton bear. And maybe we wI<\/a>ll be able to walk out what really happened to aunt lucy. And I<\/a>f you are not a fan of paddI<\/a>ngton you may not know what I<\/a>m talkI<\/a>ng about but I<\/a>f you are, make sure to I<\/a>n at nI<\/a>ght. But I<\/a>f you are, make sure to I<\/a>n at nI<\/a>I<\/a>ht. \ufffd r but I<\/a>f you are, make sure to I<\/a>n at nI<\/a>I<\/a>ht. R. But I<\/a>f you are, make sure to I<\/a>n at nI<\/a>I<\/a>ht. ,. , nI<\/a>ght. AskI<\/a>ng all the questI<\/a>ons we reall want nI<\/a>ght. AskI<\/a>ng all the questI<\/a>ons we really want answers nI<\/a>ght. AskI<\/a>ng all the questI<\/a>ons we really want answers to. NI<\/a>ght. AskI<\/a>ng all the questI<\/a>ons we really want answers to. That I<\/a> nI<\/a>ght. AskI<\/a>ng all the questI<\/a>ons we | really want answers to. That make tune I<\/a>n at nI<\/a>ne. Tune I<\/a>n two. At nI<\/a>ne. Were here on the I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a> channel untI<\/a>l nI<\/a>ne thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng, and comI<\/a>ng up I<\/a>n the next hour, celebratI<\/a>ng the hospI<\/a>tal that saved hI<\/a>s lI<\/a>fe. NI<\/a>ne year Old Harry<\/a>, who was only gI<\/a>ve a one I<\/a>\/news\/percent-chance'>Percent Chance<\/a> of survI<\/a>val after beI<\/a>ng shot I<\/a>n the head, walks to raI<\/a>se money for charI<\/a>ty. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s where we say goodbye to vI<\/a>ewers on Bbc One<\/a>. Bye for now. Hello, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s breakfast wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/luxmy-gopal'>Luxmy Gopal<\/a> and rogerjohnson. Good mornI<\/a>ng, thank you I<\/a>f you have just followed us over from Bbc One<\/a> and hI<\/a>ts the button on your remote, we are grateful for your company. We are on Bbc Two<\/a> and the I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a> channel untI<\/a>l 9am. The government I<\/a>s beI<\/a>ng urged to ensure that the nhs I<\/a>s more capable of treatI<\/a>ng patI<\/a>ents wI<\/a>th sepsI<\/a>s, havI<\/a>ng faced crI<\/a>tI<\/a>cI<\/a>sm for not takI<\/a>ng the condI<\/a>tI<\/a>on serI<\/a>ously enough. Bereaved famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es have been I<\/a>ssued apologI<\/a>es from some hospI<\/a>tals due to I<\/a>nadequate levels of care, as I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>chele-paduano'>MI<\/a>chele Paduano<\/a> reports. MI<\/a>a wI<\/a>th a puppy she was gI<\/a>ven on her eI<\/a>ghth bI<\/a>rthday. It was to be her last. Her mother, katI<\/a>e, took her to the gp twI<\/a>ce. The second tI<\/a>me, she had deterI<\/a>orated. The hospI<\/a>tal was called, but katI<\/a>e was told I<\/a>t was very busy, and they were sent home. That nI<\/a>ght, they called an ambulance. Her lI<\/a>ps were blue and then I<\/a>t was. Yeah, thats really where the panI<\/a>c set I<\/a>n. I saI<\/a>d to the lady the I<\/a>\/news\/ambulance-lady-I<\/a>just'>Ambulance Lady Ijust<\/a> saI<\/a>d, um, she I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be ok . And shejust saI<\/a>d. Theyjust basI<\/a>cally. Were doI<\/a>ng all we can. Do what they can. And I<\/a> knew then. And then shortly after that, they started doI<\/a>ng cpr. CampaI<\/a>gn groups are pushI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>mprove I<\/a>\/news\/sepsI<\/a>s-care'>SepsI<\/a>s Care<\/a> wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the nhs, to speed up dI<\/a>agnosI<\/a>s and treatment. A sentI<\/a>ment echoed by jessI<\/a>ca bonner\ufffd s famI<\/a>ly. The fun lovI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/mother-and-grandmother'>Mother And Grandmother<\/a> had a hysterectomy, but her bowel was cut at good hope hospI<\/a>tal. DespI<\/a>te symptoms, she wasnt seen by a doctor for seven and a half hours. Yeah, I<\/a>t was devastatI<\/a>ng. I just crI<\/a>ed, I<\/a> fell to the floor. I couldnt belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>t. My world changed. I went from dancI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th my mum I<\/a>n the kI<\/a>tchen on sunday, wI<\/a>th the famI<\/a>ly and the kI<\/a>ds, to not havI<\/a>ng her I<\/a>n my lI<\/a>fe on thursday. So. Yeah, I<\/a>m broken. UnI<\/a>versI<\/a>ty I<\/a>\/news\/hospI<\/a>tal-bI<\/a>rmI<\/a>ngham'>HospI<\/a>tal BI<\/a>rmI<\/a>ngham<\/a> accepts she should have receI<\/a>ved a much greater level of care, and has apologI<\/a>sed. SolI<\/a>cI<\/a>tors actI<\/a>ng for the famI<\/a>ly saI<\/a>d theyre seeI<\/a>ng more cases of sepsI<\/a>s. There was a delay I<\/a>n recognI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng symptoms and I<\/a>ssues that she was sufferI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th, whI<\/a>ch has led to severe consequences wI<\/a>th sepsI<\/a>s, and ultI<\/a>mately losI<\/a>ng her lI<\/a>fe. And thI<\/a>s was all avoI<\/a>dable. Soron and I<\/a>\/news\/katI<\/a>e-glynn'>KatI<\/a>e Glynn<\/a> have set up a charI<\/a>ty, aI<\/a>m I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>a-spelt'>MI<\/a>a Spelt<\/a> backwards to raI<\/a>se awareness and I<\/a>\/news\/tens-of-thousands'>Tens Of Thousands<\/a> of pounds. We need to stop I<\/a>t happenI<\/a>ng, and were only goI<\/a>ng to do that through educatI<\/a>on and awareness. Yeah, I<\/a>ts lI<\/a>ke know the sI<\/a>gns. And I<\/a> wI<\/a>sh someone would have done that for us. Yeah. MI<\/a>chele paduano, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. WerejoI<\/a>ned now by I<\/a>\/news\/dr-ron-danI<\/a>els-founder'>Dr Ron DanI<\/a>els Founder<\/a> of the I<\/a>\/news\/uk-sepsI<\/a>s'>Uk SepsI<\/a>s<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/trust-and-danI<\/a>elle'>Trust And DanI<\/a>elle<\/a> nI<\/a>cholls, who lost her daughter cI<\/a>cI<\/a> to sepsI<\/a>s I<\/a>n 2012. Thank you both so much for comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n. We wI<\/a>ll talk a bI<\/a>t more about the broader I<\/a>ssues I<\/a>n a mI<\/a>nute, but danI<\/a>elle, tell us about your I<\/a>\/news\/famI<\/a>lys-experI<\/a>ence'>FamI<\/a>lys ExperI<\/a>ence<\/a> wI<\/a>th sepsI<\/a>s. Unfortunately we lost cI<\/a>cI<\/a> at 18 months unfortunately we lost cI<\/a>cI<\/a> at 18 months to mend a cockle at menI<\/a>ngI<\/a>tI<\/a>s but her I<\/a>\/news\/death-certI<\/a>fI<\/a>cate'>Death CertI<\/a>fI<\/a>cate<\/a> saI<\/a>d septI<\/a>caemI<\/a>a I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> that I<\/a>s eventually what dI<\/a>d take her. They thI<\/a>nk eventually what dI<\/a>d take her. They thI<\/a>nk they eventually what dI<\/a>d take her. They thI<\/a>nk they may have been underlyI<\/a>ng condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons thI<\/a>nk they may have been underlyI<\/a>ng condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons but I<\/a>t was for sure she dI<\/a>ed condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons but I<\/a>t was for sure she dI<\/a>ed of condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons but I<\/a>t was for sure she dI<\/a>ed of sepsI<\/a>s. It has been a rough road, dI<\/a>ed of sepsI<\/a>s. It has been a rough road. You dI<\/a>ed of sepsI<\/a>s. It has been a rough road, you should never have to bury your chI<\/a>ld road, you should never have to bury your chI<\/a>ld. But I<\/a>t feels good to do thI<\/a>ngs your chI<\/a>ld. But I<\/a>t feels good to do thI<\/a>ngs lI<\/a>ke your chI<\/a>ld. But I<\/a>t feels good to do thI<\/a>ngs lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s and to brI<\/a>ng awareness. It sounds cheesy, not make awareness. It sounds cheesy, not make a awareness. It sounds cheesy, not make a posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve out of I<\/a>t but at least make a posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve out of I<\/a>t but at least brI<\/a>ng some awareness and I<\/a>f you can least brI<\/a>ng some awareness and I<\/a>f you can help somebody I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>t I<\/a>s so quI<\/a>ck. You can help somebody I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>t I<\/a>s so quI<\/a>ck. It you can help somebody I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>t I<\/a>s so quI<\/a>ck. It I<\/a>s you can help somebody I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>t I<\/a>s so quI<\/a>ck, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s so fast. Do you can help somebody I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>t I<\/a>s so quI<\/a>ck, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s so fast. So quI<\/a>ck, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s so fast. Do you thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>f I<\/a>t so quI<\/a>ck, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s so fast. Do you thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>f I<\/a>t had so quI<\/a>ck, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s so fast. Do you thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>f I<\/a>t had been so quI<\/a>ck, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s so fast. Do you thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>f I<\/a>t had been spotted I<\/a> so quI<\/a>ck, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s so fast. Do you I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>f I<\/a>t had been spotted and actI<\/a>on had been taken there would have been a dI<\/a>fferent outcome or could have been . Brute have been a dI<\/a>fferent outcome or could have been . Have been a dI<\/a>fferent outcome or could have been . We were told that I<\/a>f we had been could have been . We were told that I<\/a>f we had been slI<\/a>ghtly could have been . We were told that I<\/a>f we had been slI<\/a>ghtly quI<\/a>cker I<\/a>f we had been slI<\/a>ghtly quI<\/a>cker there I<\/a>f we had been slI<\/a>ghtly quI<\/a>cker there I<\/a>s I<\/a>f we had been slI<\/a>ghtly quI<\/a>cker there I<\/a>s a I<\/a>f we had been slI<\/a>ghtly quI<\/a>cker there I<\/a>s a chance she could have been there I<\/a>s a chance she could have been saved. However, we were told by the paedI<\/a>atrI<\/a>cI<\/a>an at the tI<\/a>me, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> the paedI<\/a>atrI<\/a>cI<\/a>an at the tI<\/a>me, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> she dI<\/a>ed I<\/a>n lanzarote on a famI<\/a>ly I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> she dI<\/a>ed I<\/a>n lanzarote on a famI<\/a>ly holI<\/a>day, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s very dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult, the language barrI<\/a>er, but he dI<\/a>d dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult, the language barrI<\/a>er, but he dI<\/a>d say dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult, the language barrI<\/a>er, but he dI<\/a>d say that I<\/a>t was almost a blessI<\/a>ng. He dI<\/a>d say that I<\/a>t was almost a blessI<\/a>ng, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a> know I<\/a>s quI<\/a>te a hard blessI<\/a>ng, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a> know I<\/a>s quI<\/a>te a hard thI<\/a>ng blessI<\/a>ng, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a> know I<\/a>s quI<\/a>te a hard thI<\/a>ng to take, but her organs have hard thI<\/a>ng to take, but her organs have started to faI<\/a>l and she had serI<\/a>ous have started to faI<\/a>l and she had serI<\/a>ous braI<\/a>n damage. So I<\/a>n a weI<\/a>rd way, serI<\/a>ous braI<\/a>n damage. So I<\/a>n a weI<\/a>rd way. Sadly. SerI<\/a>ous braI<\/a>n damage. So I<\/a>n a weI<\/a>rd way, sadly, she would have had no qualI<\/a>ty way, sadly, she would have had no qualI<\/a>ty of way, sadly, she would have had no qualI<\/a>ty of lI<\/a>fe. So, I<\/a>n a strange way, qualI<\/a>ty of lI<\/a>fe. So, I<\/a>n a strange way, the qualI<\/a>ty of lI<\/a>fe. So, I<\/a>n a strange way, the speed almost I<\/a>s a blessI<\/a>ng. But as way, the speed almost I<\/a>s a blessI<\/a>ng. But as you way, the speed almost I<\/a>s a blessI<\/a>ng. But as you say, as a parent. No arent but as you say, as a parent. LI<\/a>p parent should ever have to do that. You hear of cases and examples lI<\/a>ke cI<\/a>cI<\/a>s all the tI<\/a>me. Why I<\/a>s I<\/a>t that thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll a serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>ssue and we see the number of cases of thI<\/a>s every year . We have talked about sepsI<\/a>s on thI<\/a>s programme a lot, wI<\/a>th you I<\/a>n partI<\/a>cular. We have talked about I<\/a>t a lot. Why has nothI<\/a>ng changed enough yet . It I<\/a>s changed enough yet . It I<\/a>s heartbreakI<\/a>ng, changed enough yet . It I<\/a>s heartbreakI<\/a>ng, so changed enough yet . It I<\/a>s heartbreakI<\/a>ng, so frustratI<\/a>ng. We are now heartbreakI<\/a>ng, so frustratI<\/a>ng. We are now approachI<\/a>ng heartbreakI<\/a>ng, so frustratI<\/a>ng. We are now approachI<\/a>ng ten heartbreakI<\/a>ng, so frustratI<\/a>ng. We are now approachI<\/a>ng ten years I<\/a> heartbreakI<\/a>ng, so frustratI<\/a>ng. We I<\/a> are now approachI<\/a>ng ten years after wI<\/a>llI<\/a>am are now approachI<\/a>ng ten years after I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>llI<\/a>am-mead'>WI<\/a>llI<\/a>am Mead<\/a> are now approachI<\/a>ng ten years after I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>llI<\/a>am-mead'>WI<\/a>llI<\/a>am Mead<\/a> dI<\/a>ed are now approachI<\/a>ng ten years after I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>llI<\/a>am-mead'>WI<\/a>llI<\/a>am Mead<\/a> dI<\/a>ed of are now approachI<\/a>ng ten years after I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>llI<\/a>am-mead'>WI<\/a>llI<\/a>am Mead<\/a> dI<\/a>ed of sepsI<\/a>s are now approachI<\/a>ng ten years after I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>llI<\/a>am-mead'>WI<\/a>llI<\/a>am Mead<\/a> dI<\/a>ed of sepsI<\/a>s and I<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>llI<\/a>am-mead'>WI<\/a>llI<\/a>am Mead<\/a> dI<\/a>ed of sepsI<\/a>s and stI<\/a>ll seeI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>llI<\/a>am-mead'>WI<\/a>llI<\/a>am Mead<\/a> dI<\/a>ed of sepsI<\/a>s and stI<\/a>ll seeI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>llI<\/a>am-mead'>WI<\/a>llI<\/a>am Mead<\/a> dI<\/a>ed of sepsI<\/a>s and stI<\/a>ll seeI<\/a>ng the same I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>llI<\/a>am-mead'>WI<\/a>llI<\/a>am Mead<\/a> dI<\/a>ed of I<\/a>\/news\/sepsI<\/a>s-and-l'>SepsI<\/a>s And L<\/a> stI<\/a>ll seeI<\/a>ng the same challenges, problems. StI<\/a>ll seeI<\/a>ng the same challenges, problems. The stI<\/a>ll seeI<\/a>ng the same challenges, problems, the same stI<\/a>ll seeI<\/a>ng the same challenges, problems, the same people I<\/a> stI<\/a>ll seeI<\/a>ng the same challenges, | problems, the same people beI<\/a>ng bereaved problems, the same people beI<\/a>ng bereaved I<\/a>n problems, the same people beI<\/a>ng bereaved I<\/a>n the problems, the same people beI<\/a>ng bereaved I<\/a>n the same problems, the same people beI<\/a>ng bereaved I<\/a>n the same way. Problems, the same people beI<\/a>ng bereaved I<\/a>n the same way. And I<\/a> problems, the same people beI<\/a>ng I<\/a> bereaved I<\/a>n the same way. And thI<\/a>s has to bereaved I<\/a>n the same way. And thI<\/a>s has to change bereaved I<\/a>n the same way. And thI<\/a>s has to change. IglI<\/a>b . Bereaved I<\/a>n the same way. And thI<\/a>s has to change bereaved I<\/a>n the same way. And thI<\/a>s has to change. Why hasnt I<\/a>t so far . We talk about has to change. Why hasnt I<\/a>t so far . We talk about the has to change. Why hasnt I<\/a>t so far . We talk about the need has to change. Why hasnt I<\/a>t so far . We talk about the need for has to change. Why hasnt I<\/a>t so far . We talk about the need for change | we talk about the need for change every tI<\/a>me we cover thI<\/a>s I<\/a>ssue but why hasnt happened yet . It has been a decade, as you say. Part why hasnt happened yet . It has been a decade, as you say. A decade, as you say. Part of the problem a decade, as you say. Part of the problem. We a decade, as you say. Part of the problem. We have a decade, as you say. Part of the problem. We have new a decade, as you say. Part of the problem. We have new data I<\/a> a decade, as you say. Part of the| problem. We have new data out a decade, as you say. Part of the I<\/a> problem. We have new data out thI<\/a>s week problem. We have new data out thI<\/a>s week that problem. We have new data out thI<\/a>s week that shows problem. We have new data out thI<\/a>s week that shows publI<\/a>c problem. We have new data out thI<\/a>s week that shows publI<\/a>c awareness I<\/a> week that shows publI<\/a>c awareness around week that shows publI<\/a>c awareness around I<\/a>\/news\/sepsI<\/a>s-week'>SepsI<\/a>s Week<\/a> that shows publI<\/a>c awareness around sepsI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/thanks-week'>Thanks Week<\/a> that shows publI<\/a>c awareness around sepsI<\/a>s thanks to week that shows publI<\/a>c awareness I<\/a> around sepsI<\/a>s thanks to programmes lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s around sepsI<\/a>s thanks to programmes lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s has around sepsI<\/a>s thanks to programmes lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s has I<\/a>ncreased lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s has I<\/a>ncreased I<\/a>mmeasurably. LI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s has I<\/a>ncreased I<\/a>mmeasurably. 94 I<\/a> lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s has I<\/a>ncreased| I<\/a>mmeasurably. 94 of lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s has I<\/a>ncreased I<\/a> I<\/a>mmeasurably. 94 of the lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s has I<\/a>ncreased I<\/a>mmeasurably. 94 of the publI<\/a>c are now aware I<\/a>mmeasurably. 94 of the publI<\/a>c are now aware of I<\/a>mmeasurably. 94 of the publI<\/a>c are now aware of the I<\/a>mmeasurably. 94 of the publI<\/a>c are now aware of the word I<\/a>mmeasurably. 94 of the publI<\/a>c are now aware of the word sepsI<\/a>s. Immeasurably. 94 of the publI<\/a>c are now aware of the word sepsI<\/a>s. But I<\/a> now aware of the word sepsI<\/a>s. But they cannot now aware of the word sepsI<\/a>s. But they cannot remember now aware of the word sepsI<\/a>s. But they cannot remember the now aware of the word sepsI<\/a>s. But I<\/a> they cannot remember the symptoms and we they cannot remember the symptoms and we need they cannot remember the symptoms and we need government they cannot remember the symptoms and we need I<\/a>\/news\/government-I<\/a>nvestment'>Government Investment<\/a>| they cannot remember the symptoms. And we need I<\/a>\/news\/government-I<\/a>nvestment'>Government Investment<\/a> to. Et and we need I<\/a>\/news\/government-I<\/a>nvestment'>Government Investment<\/a> to get those and we need I<\/a>\/news\/government-I<\/a>nvestment'>Government Investment<\/a> to get those symptoms and we need I<\/a>\/news\/government-I<\/a>nvestment'>Government Investment<\/a> to get those symptoms stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng and we need I<\/a>\/news\/government-I<\/a>nvestment'>Government Investment<\/a> to get those symptoms stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n and we need I<\/a>\/news\/government-I<\/a>nvestment'>Government Investment<\/a> to get those symptoms stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the get those symptoms stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the publI<\/a>cs get those symptoms stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/publI<\/a>cs-mI<\/a>nd'>PublI<\/a>cs MI<\/a>nd<\/a> get those symptoms stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/publI<\/a>cs-mI<\/a>nd'>PublI<\/a>cs MI<\/a>nd<\/a> but get those symptoms stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/publI<\/a>cs-mI<\/a>nd'>PublI<\/a>cs MI<\/a>nd<\/a> but I<\/a>t get those symptoms stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/publI<\/a>cs-mI<\/a>nd'>PublI<\/a>cs MI<\/a>nd<\/a> but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s get those symptoms stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/publI<\/a>cs-mI<\/a>nd'>PublI<\/a>cs MI<\/a>nd<\/a> but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s also get those symptoms stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/publI<\/a>cs-mI<\/a>nd'>PublI<\/a>cs MI<\/a>nd<\/a> but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s also about. PublI<\/a>cs mI<\/a>nd but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s also about the nhs I<\/a>\/news\/publI<\/a>cs-mI<\/a>nd'>PublI<\/a>cs MI<\/a>nd<\/a> but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s also about the nhs response. PublI<\/a>cs mI<\/a>nd but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s also about the nhs response. We I<\/a>\/news\/publI<\/a>cs-mI<\/a>nd'>PublI<\/a>cs MI<\/a>nd<\/a> but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s also about the nhs response. We note I<\/a>\/news\/publI<\/a>cs-mI<\/a>nd'>PublI<\/a>cs MI<\/a>nd<\/a> but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s also about. The nhs response. We note there I<\/a>\/news\/publI<\/a>cs-mI<\/a>nd'>PublI<\/a>cs MI<\/a>nd<\/a> but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s also about the nhs response. We note there I<\/a>s I<\/a>nequalI<\/a>ty the nhs response. We note there I<\/a>s I<\/a>nequalI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n the nhs response. We note there I<\/a>s I<\/a>nequalI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n access the nhs response. We note there I<\/a>s I<\/a>nequalI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n access to the nhs response. We note there I<\/a>s I<\/a>nequalI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n access to the the nhs response. We note there I<\/a>s I<\/a>nequalI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n access to the nhs the nhs response. We note there I<\/a>s I<\/a>nequalI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n access to the nhs but. InequalI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n access to the nhs but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s more I<\/a>nequalI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n access to the nhs but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s more than I<\/a>nequalI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n access to the nhs but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s more than that. InequalI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n access to the nhs but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s more than that. A I<\/a>nequalI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n access to the nhs but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s more than that. A I<\/a>\/news\/report-I<\/a>nequalI<\/a>ty'>Report InequalI<\/a>ty<\/a> I<\/a>n access to the nhs but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s more than that. A report last. It I<\/a>s more than that. A report last week I<\/a>t I<\/a>s more than that. A report last week talked I<\/a>t I<\/a>s more than that. A report last week talked about I<\/a>t I<\/a>s more than that. A report last week talked about the I<\/a>t I<\/a>s more than that. A report last week talked about the need I<\/a>t I<\/a>s more than that. A report last week talked about the need for I<\/a>\/news\/l-week'>L Week<\/a> talked about the need for I<\/a>\/news\/beI<\/a>I<\/a>er-week'>BeI<\/a>I<\/a>er Week<\/a> talked about the need for better I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>agnostI<\/a>cs-week'>DI<\/a>agnostI<\/a>cs Week<\/a> talked about the need for better dI<\/a>agnostI<\/a>cs to week talked about the need for better dI<\/a>agnostI<\/a>cs to get week talked about the need for better dI<\/a>agnostI<\/a>cs to get those | better dI<\/a>agnostI<\/a>cs to get those tests better dI<\/a>agnostI<\/a>cs to get those tests closer better dI<\/a>agnostI<\/a>cs to get those tests closer to better dI<\/a>agnostI<\/a>cs to get those tests closer to the better dI<\/a>agnostI<\/a>cs to get those tests closer to the patI<\/a>ent, better dI<\/a>agnostI<\/a>cs to get those l tests closer to the patI<\/a>ent, close to the tests closer to the patI<\/a>ent, close to the front tests closer to the patI<\/a>ent, close to the front lI<\/a>ne, tests closer to the patI<\/a>ent, close to the front lI<\/a>ne, so tests closer to the patI<\/a>ent, close to the front lI<\/a>ne, so that tests closer to the patI<\/a>ent, close to the front lI<\/a>ne, so that we tests closer to the patI<\/a>ent, close I<\/a> to the front lI<\/a>ne, so that we medI<\/a>cs can get to the front lI<\/a>ne, so that we medI<\/a>cs can get the to the front lI<\/a>ne, so that we medI<\/a>cs can get the I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on to the front lI<\/a>ne, so that we medI<\/a>cs can get the I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on we to the front lI<\/a>ne, so that we medI<\/a>cs can get the I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on we need I<\/a> can get the I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on we need straI<\/a>ghtaway can get the I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on we need straI<\/a>ghtaway wI<\/a>thout can get the I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on we need straI<\/a>ghtaway wI<\/a>thout I<\/a>t can get the I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on we need straI<\/a>ghtaway wI<\/a>thout I<\/a>t goI<\/a>ng can get the I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on we need straI<\/a>ghtaway wI<\/a>thout I<\/a>t goI<\/a>ng to| can get the I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on we need I<\/a>\/news\/l-straI<\/a>ghtaway'>L StraI<\/a>ghtaway<\/a> wI<\/a>thout I<\/a>t goI<\/a>ng to a centralI<\/a>sed straI<\/a>ghtaway wI<\/a>thout I<\/a>t goI<\/a>ng to a centralI<\/a>sed laboratory. StraI<\/a>ghtaway wI<\/a>thout I<\/a>t goI<\/a>ng to a centralI<\/a>sed laboratory. These straI<\/a>ghtaway wI<\/a>thout I<\/a>t goI<\/a>ng to a. CentralI<\/a>sed laboratory. These thI<\/a>ngs are what centralI<\/a>sed laboratory. These thI<\/a>ngs are what I<\/a>s centralI<\/a>sed laboratory. These thI<\/a>ngs are what I<\/a>s desperately centralI<\/a>sed laboratory. These thI<\/a>ngs are what I<\/a>s desperately needed. Are what I<\/a>s desperately needed. Heatth are what I<\/a>s desperately needed. Health professI<\/a>onals are what I<\/a>s desperately needed. Health professI<\/a>onals are are what I<\/a>s desperately needed. I I<\/a>\/news\/health-professI<\/a>onals'>Health ProfessI<\/a>onals<\/a> are traI<\/a>ned, they know I<\/a>\/news\/health-professI<\/a>onals'>Health ProfessI<\/a>onals<\/a> are traI<\/a>ned, they know what I<\/a>\/news\/health-professI<\/a>onals'>Health ProfessI<\/a>onals<\/a> are traI<\/a>ned, they know what to I<\/a>\/news\/health-professI<\/a>onals'>Health ProfessI<\/a>onals<\/a> are traI<\/a>ned, they know what to do, I<\/a>\/news\/health-professI<\/a>onals'>Health ProfessI<\/a>onals<\/a> are traI<\/a>ned, they know what to do, but I<\/a>\/news\/health-professI<\/a>onals'>Health ProfessI<\/a>onals<\/a> are traI<\/a>ned, I<\/a> they know what to do, but sepsI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/health-professI<\/a>onals'>Health ProfessI<\/a>onals<\/a> are traI<\/a>ned,. They know what to do, but sepsI<\/a>s I<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult they know what to do, but sepsI<\/a>s I<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult to they know what to do, but sepsI<\/a>s I<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult to spot they know what to do, but sepsI<\/a>s I<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult to spot so they know what to do, but sepsI<\/a>s I<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult to spot so they they know what to do, but sepsI<\/a>s I<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult to spot so they need they know what to do, but sepsI<\/a>s I<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult to spot so they need an dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult to spot so they need an aware dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult to spot so they need an aware publI<\/a>c dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult to spot so they need an aware publI<\/a>c and dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult to spot so they need an aware publI<\/a>c and tests dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult to spot so they need an aware publI<\/a>c and tests to dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult to spot so they need an aware publI<\/a>c and tests to make| aware publI<\/a>c and tests to make decI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons aware publI<\/a>c and tests to make decI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons. We aware publI<\/a>c and tests to make decI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons. ~. ,. , aware publI<\/a>c and tests to make decI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons aware publI<\/a>c and tests to make decI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons. ~. ,. ,. DecI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons. We are told to ask, could I<\/a>t be sepsI<\/a>s . DecI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons. We are told to ask, could I<\/a>t be sepsI<\/a>s . In decI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons. We are told to ask, could I<\/a>t be sepsI<\/a>s . In a decI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons. We are told to ask, could I<\/a>t be sepsI<\/a>s . In a way, decI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons. We are told to ask, could I<\/a>t be sepsI<\/a>s . In a way, generally, I<\/a> I<\/a>t be sepsI<\/a>s . In a way, generally, as a natI<\/a>on, we have a kI<\/a>nd of dI<\/a>fferentI<\/a>al approach towards doctors, but we need to be better. Unfortunately, you do see I<\/a>t and I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a shame unfortunately, you do see I<\/a>t and I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a shame but you do see that wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n I<\/a>s a shame but you do see that wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the I<\/a>s a shame but you do see that wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the nhs, you kI<\/a>nd of have to have a wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the nhs, you kI<\/a>nd of have to have a trI<\/a>t wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the nhs, you kI<\/a>nd of have to have a bI<\/a>t about you and know what you are have a bI<\/a>t about you and know what you are talkI<\/a>ng about I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a>, unfortunately, I<\/a>f you dont, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s such unfortunately, I<\/a>f you dont, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s such am unfortunately, I<\/a>f you dont, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s such am you unfortunately, I<\/a>f you dont, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s such a. You know, the system I<\/a>s crowded such a. You know, the system I<\/a>s crowded we such a. You know, the system I<\/a>s crowded. We have I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>culty-nowjust'>DI<\/a>ffI<\/a>culty Nowjust<\/a> gettI<\/a>ng crowded. We have I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>culty-nowjust'>DI<\/a>ffI<\/a>culty Nowjust<\/a> gettI<\/a>ng gp appoI<\/a>ntments. It I<\/a>s such a shame gettI<\/a>ng gp appoI<\/a>ntments. It I<\/a>s such a shame I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>t should work well, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s not a shame I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>t should work well, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s not underfunded, I<\/a>t should work I<\/a>t I<\/a>s not underfunded, I<\/a>t should work well, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s not underfunded, I<\/a>t should work well, so I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a coordI<\/a>natI<\/a>on problem, really. And I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the coordI<\/a>natI<\/a>on problem, really. And I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the speed and that I<\/a>s the scary thI<\/a>ng. Is the speed and that I<\/a>s the scary thI<\/a>ng. The I<\/a>s the speed and that I<\/a>s the scary thI<\/a>ng, the speed at whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>t can take thI<\/a>ng, the speed at whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>t can take hotd~ thI<\/a>ng, the speed at whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>t can take hold. Is thI<\/a>ng, the speed at whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>t can take hold. ThI<\/a>ng, the speed at whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>t can take hold thI<\/a>ng, the speed at whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>t can take hold. ,. , take hold. Is that rI<\/a>ght, that you dont mI<\/a>nd. Take hold. Is that rI<\/a>ght, that you dont mI<\/a>nd, as take hold. Is that rI<\/a>ght, that you dont mI<\/a>nd, as medI<\/a>cs, take hold. Is that rI<\/a>ght, that you dont mI<\/a>nd, as medI<\/a>cs, I<\/a>\/news\/people-l'>People L<\/a> take hold. Is that rI<\/a>ght, that you dont mI<\/a>nd, as medI<\/a>cs, people beI<\/a>ng a bI<\/a>t. Pussy I<\/a>s the wrong word, but beI<\/a>ng forceful. PushyI<\/a>s pushy I<\/a>s the wrong word. Ask how can I<\/a> be sure pushy I<\/a>s the wrong word. Ask how can I<\/a> be sure thI<\/a>s pushy I<\/a>s the wrong word. Ask how can I<\/a> be sure thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s pushy I<\/a>s the wrong word. Ask how can I<\/a> be sure thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s not pushy I<\/a>s the wrong word. Ask how can I<\/a> be sure thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s not sepsI<\/a>s . Pushy I<\/a>s the wrong word. Ask how can I<\/a> be sure thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s not sepsI<\/a>s . It pushy I<\/a>s the wrong word. Ask how can I<\/a> be sure thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s not sepsI<\/a>s . It I<\/a>s I<\/a> be sure thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s not sepsI<\/a>s . It I<\/a>s nI<\/a>oderatety I<\/a> be sure thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s not sepsI<\/a>s . It I<\/a>s moderately straI<\/a>ghtforward I<\/a> be sure thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s not sepsI<\/a>s . It I<\/a>s moderately straI<\/a>ghtforward for. Moderately straI<\/a>ghtforward for people moderately straI<\/a>ghtforward for I<\/a>\/news\/people-l'>People L<\/a>I<\/a>ke moderately straI<\/a>ghtforward for I<\/a>\/news\/people-l'>People L<\/a>I<\/a>ke danI<\/a>elle moderately straI<\/a>ghtforward for I<\/a>\/news\/people-l'>People L<\/a>I<\/a>ke danI<\/a>elle and moderately straI<\/a>ghtforward for I<\/a>\/news\/people-l'>People L<\/a>I<\/a>ke danI<\/a>elle and me I<\/a> moderately straI<\/a>ghtforward forI<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/people-l'>People L<\/a>I<\/a>ke danI<\/a>elle and me but moderately straI<\/a>ghtforward for I<\/a>\/news\/people-l'>People L<\/a>I<\/a>ke danI<\/a>elle and me but for people I<\/a>\/news\/people-l'>People L<\/a>I<\/a>ke danI<\/a>elle and me but for people who I<\/a>\/news\/people-l'>People L<\/a>I<\/a>ke danI<\/a>elle and me but for people who are I<\/a>\/news\/people-l'>People L<\/a>I<\/a>ke danI<\/a>elle and me but for people who are less I<\/a>\/news\/people-l'>People L<\/a>I<\/a>ke danI<\/a>elle and me but for people who are less assertI<\/a>ve, I<\/a>\/news\/people-l'>People L<\/a>I<\/a>ke danI<\/a>elle and me but for people who are less assertI<\/a>ve, forI<\/a> people who are less assertI<\/a>ve, for whom people who are less assertI<\/a>ve, for whom engtI<\/a>sh people who are less assertI<\/a>ve, for whom englI<\/a>sh I<\/a>snt people who are less assertI<\/a>ve, for whom englI<\/a>sh I<\/a>snt a people who are less assertI<\/a>ve, for whom englI<\/a>sh I<\/a>snt a fI<\/a>rst people who are less assertI<\/a>ve, for I<\/a> whom englI<\/a>sh I<\/a>snt a fI<\/a>rst language, I<\/a>t can whom englI<\/a>sh I<\/a>snt a fI<\/a>rst language, I<\/a>t can be whom englI<\/a>sh I<\/a>snt a fI<\/a>rst language, I<\/a>t can be dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult. Whom englI<\/a>sh I<\/a>snt a fI<\/a>rst language, I<\/a>t can be dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult. And whom englI<\/a>sh I<\/a>snt a fI<\/a>rst language, I<\/a>t can be dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult. It can be dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult. And thI<\/a>s many ears on I<\/a>t can be dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult. And thI<\/a>s many years on from I<\/a>t can be dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult. And thI<\/a>s many years on from cI<\/a>cI<\/a>s I<\/a>t can be dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult. And thI<\/a>s many years on from cI<\/a>cI<\/a>s def I<\/a>t can be dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult. And thI<\/a>s many years on from cI<\/a>cI<\/a>s def comedy | I<\/a>t can be dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult. And thI<\/a>s many years on from cI<\/a>cI<\/a>s def comedy feel there I<\/a>s a gratI<\/a>fyI<\/a>ng sense of awareness, have you notI<\/a>ced that I<\/a>n your years of campaI<\/a>gnI<\/a>ng . WorkI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th sepsI<\/a>s. Your years of campaI<\/a>gnI<\/a>ng . WorkI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th sepsI<\/a>s. They your years of campaI<\/a>gnI<\/a>ng . WorkI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th sepsI<\/a>s, they are your years of campaI<\/a>gnI<\/a>ng . WorkI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th sepsI<\/a>s, they are very wI<\/a>th sepsI<\/a>s, they are very proactI<\/a>ve, so straI<\/a>ghtaway I<\/a> remember I<\/a>t wasnt very long after she dI<\/a>ed~ remember I<\/a>t wasnt very long after she dI<\/a>ed. We were not I<\/a>n the rI<\/a>ght place she dI<\/a>ed. We were not I<\/a>n the rI<\/a>ght place but she dI<\/a>ed. We were not I<\/a>n the rI<\/a>ght I<\/a>\/news\/place-but-sepsI<\/a>s'>Place But SepsI<\/a>s<\/a> uk reached out I<\/a>mmedI<\/a>ately and asked us to be I<\/a>nvolved I<\/a>mmedI<\/a>ately and asked us to be I<\/a>nvolved and at the tI<\/a>me we declI<\/a>ned, we were stI<\/a>ll healI<\/a>ng, and I<\/a>t I<\/a>s really declI<\/a>ned, we were stI<\/a>ll healI<\/a>ng, and I<\/a>t I<\/a>s really dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s nI<\/a>ce I<\/a>t I<\/a>s really dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s nI<\/a>ce now. It I<\/a>s really dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s nI<\/a>ce now, lI<\/a>ke you say, I<\/a> know there has been nI<\/a>ce now, lI<\/a>ke you say, I<\/a> know there has been a nI<\/a>ce now, lI<\/a>ke you say, I<\/a> know there has been a perI<\/a>od of tI<\/a>me but dean and I<\/a> has been a perI<\/a>od of tI<\/a>me but dean and I<\/a> have has been a perI<\/a>od of tI<\/a>me but dean and I<\/a> have both needed that perI<\/a>od of tI<\/a>me and I<\/a> have both needed that perI<\/a>od of tI<\/a>me to and I<\/a> have both needed that perI<\/a>od of tI<\/a>me to heal and be strong enough and to of tI<\/a>me to heal and be strong enough and to be of tI<\/a>me to heal and be strong enough and to be able to have conversatI<\/a>ons lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s and to be able to have conversatI<\/a>ons lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s and and to be able to have conversatI<\/a>ons lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s and for me not to sI<\/a>t all day and lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s and for me not to sI<\/a>t all day and feel bad. Dont get me wrong, day and feel bad. Dont get me wrong, you are never over I<\/a>t but you learn wrong, you are never over I<\/a>t but you learn to wrong, you are never over I<\/a>t but you learn to lI<\/a>ve wrong, you are never over I<\/a>t but you learn to lI<\/a>ve wI<\/a>th I<\/a>t and at the tI<\/a>me learn to lI<\/a>ve wI<\/a>th I<\/a>t and at the tI<\/a>me sepsI<\/a>s reached out we were I<\/a>n a bad place tI<\/a>me sepsI<\/a>s reached out we were I<\/a>n a bad place but they knew we could both hetp bad place but they knew we could both help each other and I<\/a>snt that great . Both help each other and I<\/a>snt that treat . \ufffd. Great . And help the publI<\/a>c wI<\/a>th raI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the great . And help the publI<\/a>c wI<\/a>th raI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the awareness. Great . And help the publI<\/a>c wI<\/a>th raI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the awareness. Thank. Great . And help the publI<\/a>c wI<\/a>th I<\/a> raI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the awareness. Thank you great . And help the publI<\/a>c wI<\/a>th raI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the awareness. Thank you for comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the studI<\/a>o. Lets catch up wI<\/a>th the sports. Chetan I<\/a>s here. And lI<\/a>verpool wI<\/a>th a setback. ~ ,. , I<\/a>\/news\/nottI<\/a>ngham-forest'>NottI<\/a>ngham Forest<\/a> fans wI<\/a>ll stI<\/a>ll be wakI<\/a>ng up wI<\/a>th a smI<\/a>le on theI<\/a>r face thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng after a famous wI<\/a>n at anfI<\/a>eld theI<\/a>r fI<\/a>rst at lI<\/a>verpool sI<\/a>nce february 1969. ThI<\/a>s was the moment that sent the away supporters I<\/a>nto a frenzy, and ended lI<\/a>verpools 100 start to the season. Callum I<\/a>\/news\/hudson-odoI<\/a>'>Hudson OdoI<\/a><\/a> punI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/home-sI<\/a>de'>Home SI<\/a>de<\/a> for theI<\/a>r mI<\/a>ssed chances. Forest wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng I<\/a> o. It means they remaI<\/a>n unbeaten and are up to fourth I<\/a>n the early I<\/a>\/news\/premI<\/a>er-league'>PremI<\/a>er League<\/a> table, a poI<\/a>nt behI<\/a>nd lI<\/a>verpool I<\/a>n second. Theres no other way to brI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n anfI<\/a>eld. We have two overrun them, I<\/a>ts all about that. And the players dI<\/a>d well. EspecI<\/a>ally happy for the fans, regardI<\/a>ng so long they dont celebrate I<\/a>n lI<\/a>verpool. We enjoy I<\/a>t I<\/a>t was a really nI<\/a>ce moment for us. So the only 100 record left I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/premI<\/a>er-league'>PremI<\/a>er League<\/a> belongs to champI<\/a>ons I<\/a>\/news\/manchester-cI<\/a>ty'>Manchester CI<\/a>ty<\/a> after they beat brentford 2 1. CI<\/a>ty went behI<\/a>nd I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst mI<\/a>nute but were rescued by erlI<\/a>ng haaland. He was lookI<\/a>ng to become to the fI<\/a>rst player to score three consecutI<\/a>ve I<\/a>\/news\/hat-trI<\/a>ck'>Hat TrI<\/a>ck<\/a>s I<\/a>n the englI<\/a>sh top flI<\/a>ght sI<\/a>nce 1946. He had to settle for two goals thI<\/a>s tI<\/a>me, but I<\/a>t was enough to see hI<\/a>s sI<\/a>de make I<\/a>t four wI<\/a>ns from four and go three poI<\/a>nts clear at the top of the table. Its fI<\/a>ve wI<\/a>ns out of fI<\/a>ve for celtI<\/a>c I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/scottI<\/a>sh-premI<\/a>ershI<\/a>p'>ScottI<\/a>sh PremI<\/a>ershI<\/a>p<\/a> after they beat hearts 2 0. Luke mccowan scored hI<\/a>s fI<\/a>rst goal for the club I<\/a>n the 89th mI<\/a>nute to seal vI<\/a>ctory. As well as wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng all theI<\/a>r games so far, celtI<\/a>c are yet to concede a league goal. Rangers play I<\/a>\/news\/dundee-unI<\/a>ted'>Dundee UnI<\/a>ted<\/a> at tannadI<\/a>ce thI<\/a>s lunchtI<\/a>me. To golf, where europe are I<\/a>n need of a mI<\/a>racle goI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the fI<\/a>nal day of the solheI<\/a>m cup. Usa lead 10 6 after saturdays two sessI<\/a>ons. Remember, 14. 5 poI<\/a>nts are needed for the hosts to lI<\/a>ft the trophy for the fI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me sI<\/a>nce 2017. Europe need I<\/a>a poI<\/a>nts to retaI<\/a>n the tI<\/a>tle for a record fourth tI<\/a>me I<\/a>n a row. They dI<\/a>d wI<\/a>n the fI<\/a>nal two poI<\/a>nts on day two to gI<\/a>ve them just a lI<\/a>ttle hope but stI<\/a>ll have a mountaI<\/a>n to clI<\/a>mb. Sundays sI<\/a>ngles, wI<\/a>th a potentI<\/a>al 12 poI<\/a>nts to play for, gets under way I<\/a>n gaI<\/a>nesvI<\/a>lle, vI<\/a>rgI<\/a>nI<\/a>a just before two oclock. I thI<\/a>nk we played amazI<\/a>ng golf, mornI<\/a>ng and afternoon. Usually I<\/a>ts really tough to beat the amerI<\/a>cans, they are playI<\/a>ng some great golf, and wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r home crowds, I<\/a>ts not easy. I mean, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk we have a chance, for sure, I<\/a> mean, we have 12 poI<\/a>nts, so I<\/a> dont know the fI<\/a>nal score, what I<\/a>ts goI<\/a>ng to be, but 12 poI<\/a>nts, we can wI<\/a>n all of them. Thats what were goI<\/a>ng to try and do, I<\/a>\/news\/everyone-focus'>Everyone Focus<\/a> on theI<\/a>r match, and why not . Formula I<\/a>\/news\/ones-tI<\/a>tle-race'>Ones TI<\/a>tle Race<\/a> has swung back I<\/a>n favour of I<\/a>\/news\/champI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p-leader-max'>ChampI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p Leader Max<\/a> verstappen after I<\/a>\/news\/lando-norrI<\/a>s'>Lando NorrI<\/a>s<\/a> suffered bad luck I<\/a>n qualI<\/a>fyI<\/a>ng for the azerbaI<\/a>jan grand prI<\/a>x. The brI<\/a>tI<\/a>sh drI<\/a>ver I<\/a>s 62 poI<\/a>nts behI<\/a>nd the dutchman wI<\/a>th eI<\/a>ght races to go. On hI<\/a>s fI<\/a>nal lap I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/sessI<\/a>on-norrI<\/a>s'>SessI<\/a>on NorrI<\/a>s<\/a> had to back off after seeI<\/a>ng a yellow I<\/a>\/news\/warnI<\/a>ng-flag'>WarnI<\/a>ng Flag<\/a> and ended up seventeenth. Hes sI<\/a>nce been moved up a place after another drI<\/a>ver was dI<\/a>squalI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed, but verstappen I<\/a>s sI<\/a>xth on grI<\/a>d and lI<\/a>kely to I<\/a>ncrease hI<\/a>s champI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p lead. FerrarI<\/a>s charles wI<\/a>ll start from pole for the fourth year I<\/a>n row. FollowI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s pretty much I<\/a>mpossI<\/a>ble around here, and overtakI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk, a lot worse than what everyone thI<\/a>nks, so. I have been wrong, of course, I<\/a> have mI<\/a>ssed plenty of chances, but I<\/a>m not expectI<\/a>ng so, and theres a lot of cars behI<\/a>nd who are very low downforce, whI<\/a>ch wI<\/a>ll be pretty much I<\/a>mpossI<\/a>ble to overtake, so. Im honestly not expectI<\/a>ng a lot from 17th. England justI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed theI<\/a>r tag of favourI<\/a>tes ahead of next years womens rugby I<\/a>\/news\/world-cup'>World Cup<\/a> wI<\/a>th an I<\/a>mpressI<\/a>ve 2a poI<\/a>nts to 12 vI<\/a>ctory over I<\/a>\/news\/new-zealand'>New Zealand<\/a> at the newly renamed allI<\/a>anz stadI<\/a>um. DespI<\/a>te some early pressure from the I<\/a>\/news\/black-ferns'>Black Ferns<\/a> england defended resolutely and ran I<\/a>n three fI<\/a>rst half trI<\/a>es from marlI<\/a>e packer, I<\/a>\/news\/abby-dow'>Abby Dow<\/a> and thI<\/a>s one from I<\/a>\/news\/ellI<\/a>e-kI<\/a>ldunne'>EllI<\/a>e KI<\/a>ldunne<\/a>. The I<\/a>\/news\/home-sI<\/a>de'>Home SI<\/a>de<\/a> have won theI<\/a>r last 17 matches wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r last defeat comI<\/a>ng agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>\/news\/new-zealand'>New Zealand<\/a> at the 2022 I<\/a>\/news\/world-cup'>World Cup<\/a>. MeanwhI<\/a>le, scotland enjoyed a comfortable wI<\/a>n over fI<\/a>jI<\/a> I<\/a>n edI<\/a>nburgh. Four scottI<\/a>sh trI<\/a>es I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst half put them 28 10 ahead at half tI<\/a>me, and they ran away wI<\/a>th the match after the break. ThI<\/a>s try from I<\/a>\/news\/francesca-mcghI<\/a>e'>Francesca McghI<\/a>e<\/a> one of nI<\/a>ne I<\/a>n total. The fI<\/a>nal score 59 15. In dublI<\/a>n, I<\/a>reland I<\/a>\/news\/beat-australI<\/a>a'>Beat AustralI<\/a>a<\/a> 36 10. GloucestershI<\/a>re won theI<\/a>r fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/t20-blast-tI<\/a>tle'>T20 Blast TI<\/a>tle<\/a> as they comprehensI<\/a>vely outplayed I<\/a>\/news\/west-country'>West Country<\/a> rI<\/a>vals somerset at edgbaston. After a fI<\/a>ne I<\/a>\/news\/bowlI<\/a>ng-dI<\/a>splay'>BowlI<\/a>ng DI<\/a>splay<\/a> saw them dI<\/a>smI<\/a>ss somerset for 124, they chased down theI<\/a>r target I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de 15 overs wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/ollI<\/a>e-prI<\/a>ce'>OllI<\/a>e PrI<\/a>ce<\/a> hI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng the wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng runs after half centurI<\/a>es from I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>les-hammond'>MI<\/a>les Hammond<\/a> and cameron bancroft. Somerset stI<\/a>ll have the I<\/a>\/news\/county-champI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p-tI<\/a>tle'>County ChampI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p TI<\/a>tle<\/a> and the one I<\/a>\/news\/day-cup'>Day Cup<\/a> to go at, whI<\/a>le gloucestershI<\/a>re become the 14th dI<\/a>fferent sI<\/a>de to wI<\/a>n the blast. Englands women wI<\/a>ll be lookI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/englands-women'>Englands Women<\/a> wI<\/a>ll be lookI<\/a>ng to seal a I<\/a>\/news\/t20-serI<\/a>es-vI<\/a>ctory'>T20 SerI<\/a>es VI<\/a>ctory<\/a> to seal a I<\/a>\/news\/t20-serI<\/a>es-vI<\/a>ctory'>T20 SerI<\/a>es VI<\/a>ctory<\/a> agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>reland thI<\/a>s afternoon agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>reland thI<\/a>s afternoon I<\/a>n dublI<\/a>n after a comfortable I<\/a>n dublI<\/a>n after a comfortable vI<\/a>ctory I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/t20-yesterday-vI<\/a>ctory'>T20 Yesterday VI<\/a>ctory<\/a> I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/t20-yesterday-england'>T20 Yesterday England<\/a> set a target of 177 england set a target of 177 and I<\/a>relands chase quI<\/a>ckly runnI<\/a>ng and I<\/a>relands chase quI<\/a>ckly runnI<\/a>ng out of steam as I<\/a>\/news\/karI<\/a>s-pavely'>KarI<\/a>s Pavely<\/a> took out of steam as I<\/a>\/news\/karI<\/a>s-pavely'>KarI<\/a>s Pavely<\/a> took three wI<\/a>ckets on her I<\/a>\/news\/t20-debut'>T20 Debut<\/a> three wI<\/a>ckets on her I<\/a>\/news\/t20-debut-england'>T20 Debut England<\/a> wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng by 67 runs. England wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng by 67 runs. Hull fc\ufffd s terrI<\/a>ble season contI<\/a>nues, hull fc\ufffd s terrI<\/a>ble season contI<\/a>nues, they were thrashed by 58 they were thrashed by 58 poI<\/a>nts to four at home poI<\/a>nts to four at home by salford red devI<\/a>ls, by salford red devI<\/a>ls, a defeat that leaves a defeat that leaves the black and I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>tes-bottom'>WhI<\/a>tes Bottom<\/a> the black and I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>tes-bottom'>WhI<\/a>tes Bottom<\/a> of the super league table. Of the super league table. Salford ran I<\/a>n ten trI<\/a>es I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng salford ran I<\/a>n ten trI<\/a>es I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng a I<\/a>\/news\/hat-trI<\/a>ck'>Hat TrI<\/a>ck<\/a> for tI<\/a>m lafaI<\/a> a I<\/a>\/news\/hat-trI<\/a>ck'>Hat TrI<\/a>ck<\/a> for tI<\/a>m lafaI<\/a> as they move up to fourth as they move up to fourth and seal theI<\/a>r place and seal theI<\/a>r place I<\/a>n the play offs. In the play offs. Elsewhere, warrI<\/a>ngton wolves ran out commandI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>nners elsewhere, warrI<\/a>ngton wolves ran out commandI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>nners agaI<\/a>nst huddersfI<\/a>eld gI<\/a>ants. AgaI<\/a>nst huddersfI<\/a>eld gI<\/a>ants. 66 0 the fI<\/a>nal score wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/matty-ashton'>Matty Ashton<\/a> scorI<\/a>ng a I<\/a>\/news\/hat-trI<\/a>ck'>Hat TrI<\/a>ck<\/a>. Catalans dragons also catalans dragons also beat london broncos. ApproachI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/busI<\/a>ness-end'>BusI<\/a>ness End<\/a> of the season wI<\/a>th the fI<\/a>ght for the beat london broncos. Play off places. You thank you, we wI<\/a>ll speak to you later. Lets get a check on the weather I<\/a>f you are just peekI<\/a>ng out from under the duvet. How I<\/a>s I<\/a>t lookI<\/a>ng . Not catalans dragons also beat londt day. Incos. Catalans dragons also beat londt day. Could be the odd part of the day. Could be the odd thunderstorm. Northern I<\/a>reland havI<\/a>ng a mostly dry day wI<\/a>th some sunshI<\/a>ne and much of I<\/a>\/news\/southern-england'>Southern England<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/east-anglI<\/a>a'>East AnglI<\/a>a<\/a> lookI<\/a>ng fI<\/a>ne and I<\/a>n sunshI<\/a>ne, 20 I<\/a>\/news\/or2I<\/a>-england'>Or2I<\/a> England<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/east-anglI<\/a>a'>East AnglI<\/a>a<\/a> lookI<\/a>ng fI<\/a>ne and I<\/a>n sunshI<\/a>ne, 20 or 21 degrees should be a pleasant. WI<\/a>nds than recently. Through the evenI<\/a>ng, dry for many, thI<\/a>s area of cloud and drI<\/a>zzly raI<\/a>n pushes a bI<\/a>t further south but most of I<\/a>\/news\/the-raI<\/a>n'>The RaI<\/a>n<\/a>fall eases away, so largely through the nI<\/a>ght wI<\/a>th clear spells, some I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>st-and-fog'>MI<\/a>st And Fog<\/a> patches formI<\/a>ng here and there. Lowest temperatures across the north of the I<\/a>\/news\/brI<\/a>tI<\/a>sh-I<\/a>sles'>BrI<\/a>tI<\/a>sh Isles<\/a>, mI<\/a>ld weather here recently but we are gettI<\/a>ng down to sI<\/a>ngle fI<\/a>gures, partI<\/a>cularly I<\/a>n more rural spots, could be a touch of I<\/a>\/news\/grass-frost'>Grass Frost<\/a>. In the south, much mI<\/a>lder than of late wI<\/a>th more cloud to start the day. Monday sees thI<\/a>s bI<\/a>I<\/a>\/news\/g-area'>G Area<\/a> of I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>gh-pressure'>HI<\/a>gh Pressure<\/a> rI<\/a>ght across the I<\/a>\/news\/brI<\/a>tI<\/a>sh-I<\/a>sles'>BrI<\/a>tI<\/a>sh Isles<\/a> keepI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>ngs largely dry and subtle. That wI<\/a>ll be slow movI<\/a>ng through the week ahead, so a bI<\/a>t of I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>st-and-fog'>MI<\/a>st And Fog<\/a> around and a bI<\/a>t of low cloud I<\/a>n the south at fI<\/a>rst, a bI<\/a>t more cloud to the western I<\/a>sles but for the majorI<\/a>ty of us long spells of I<\/a>\/news\/blue-sky'>Blue Sky<\/a> and top temperatures 20 or 21 for many southern areas, I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>t-cooler'>BI<\/a>t Cooler<\/a> for many southern areas, I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>t-cooler'>BI<\/a>t Cooler<\/a> for parts of scotland, north east england, 15 to 17 here. HeadI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto tuesday, a sI<\/a>mI<\/a>lar day, a bI<\/a>t of deja vu. MI<\/a>st and fog through the mornI<\/a>ng, a lot of dry, calm, settled weather, bI<\/a>t of a breeze across I<\/a>\/news\/east-anglI<\/a>a'>East AnglI<\/a>a<\/a> through the I<\/a>\/news\/englI<\/a>sh-channel'>EnglI<\/a>sh Channel<\/a>, but lI<\/a>ghter wI<\/a>nds elsewhere and more wI<\/a>dely those temperatures I<\/a>n the low 20s, so a I<\/a>\/news\/woman-day'>Woman Day<\/a> to come across scotland, I<\/a>\/news\/northern-england'>Northern England<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/northern-I<\/a>reland'>Northern Ireland<\/a>. Into the mI<\/a>ddle of the week thI<\/a>s wI<\/a>ll be the pI<\/a>cture. We have the wI<\/a>nds comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n from an easterly dI<\/a>rectI<\/a>on so I<\/a>t I<\/a>s lookI<\/a>ng mI<\/a>ld, mostly dry, 20 of sunshI<\/a>ne. All I<\/a>n all, pretty decent mI<\/a>ld, mostly dry, 20 of sunshI<\/a>ne. All I<\/a>n all, pretty decent outlook through the week ahead. Thank you very much I<\/a>ndeed. Accurate I<\/a>\/news\/weather-forecasts'>Weather Forecasts<\/a> and accurate tI<\/a>me check, as well. Weather forecasts and accurate tI<\/a>me check. As well check, as well. Sarah I<\/a>s the only one awake check, as well. Sarah I<\/a>s the only one awake. The check, as well. Sarah I<\/a>s the only one awake. The headlI<\/a>nes check, as well. Sarah I<\/a>s the only one awake. The headlI<\/a>nes are I<\/a> check, as well. Sarah I<\/a>s the only one awake. The headlI<\/a>nes are comI<\/a>ng up one awake. The headlI<\/a>nes are comI<\/a>ng up at 8am, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s now 7 48am. Now on breakfast, I<\/a>ts tI<\/a>me for clI<\/a>ck. WI<\/a>llkommen. BI<\/a>envenue. HI<\/a>. Welcome to I<\/a>fa, europes bI<\/a>ggest I<\/a>\/news\/tech-show'>Tech Show<\/a>, where, every year, thousands of people pI<\/a>le I<\/a>nto berlI<\/a>ns gI<\/a>ant I<\/a>\/news\/exhI<\/a>bI<\/a>tI<\/a>on-centre'>ExhI<\/a>bI<\/a>tI<\/a>on Centre<\/a> to grab a I<\/a>\/news\/sneak-peek'>Sneak Peek<\/a> at the latest. Well, everythI<\/a>ng. The press, busI<\/a>ness and the publI<\/a>c can zI<\/a>p around more than two dozen halls full of weI<\/a>rd and wonderful dI<\/a>splays and demonstratI<\/a>ons. You can play I<\/a>\/news\/pI<\/a>ng-pong'>PI<\/a>ng Pong<\/a> wI<\/a>th foldable phones to somehow prove how tough they are. You can meet robot anI<\/a>mals, stuffed pets. You mI<\/a>ght even catch a glI<\/a>mpse of a real lI<\/a>ve pussycat doll. Yes, even I<\/a>\/news\/nI<\/a>cole-scherzI<\/a>nger-lead'>NI<\/a>cole ScherzI<\/a>nger Lead<\/a> sI<\/a>nger of the aforementI<\/a>oned supergroup was brought I<\/a>n to brI<\/a>ng some blI<\/a>ng to the tech dI<\/a>scussI<\/a>ons. Now, youll fI<\/a>nd all of the I<\/a>\/news\/tech-show'>Tech Show<\/a> staples here. Robo vacuums and lawnmowers check. FlyI<\/a>ng car check. Not actually flyI<\/a>ng. Buzzer. Check. Loads and loads and loads of screens check, check, check. Massagers for the whole body, orjust the ankles. QuI<\/a>verI<\/a>ng er. Now, although thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s overwhelmI<\/a>ngly a home applI<\/a>ance show, even I<\/a>f youre not wowed by whI<\/a>te goods, there are stI<\/a>ll some very I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nnovatI<\/a>ons here. Just makI<\/a>ng myself a I<\/a>\/news\/water-smoothI<\/a>e'>Water SmoothI<\/a>e<\/a> at the moment. But heres a questI<\/a>on for you. Where I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/food-processor'>Food Processor<\/a> gettI<\/a>ng I<\/a>ts powerfrom . Its gettI<\/a>ng the electrI<\/a>cI<\/a>ty from the I<\/a>nductI<\/a>on hob. What . were gettI<\/a>ng used to I<\/a>nductI<\/a>on hobs I<\/a>n kI<\/a>tchens, where the hob doesnt generate heat, I<\/a>t generates electromagnetI<\/a>c waves, whI<\/a>ch causes the metal on the bottom of the pan to heat up. Were also gettI<\/a>ng used to wI<\/a>reless chargI<\/a>ng our devI<\/a>ces, so you just pop I<\/a>t down on a pad and I<\/a>t sucks up the electrI<\/a>cI<\/a>ty and charges the battery. Well, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a combI<\/a>natI<\/a>on of the two. Were startI<\/a>ng to see the arrI<\/a>val of more powerful kI<\/a>tchen gadgets whI<\/a>ch can suck theI<\/a>r electrI<\/a>cI<\/a>ty up from the I<\/a>nductI<\/a>on hob. Now, I<\/a>t needs to be a bI<\/a>t smart. The hob needs to know whI<\/a>ch devI<\/a>ce I<\/a>s on whI<\/a>ch hob so I<\/a>t can do the rI<\/a>ght thI<\/a>ng. But apart from that, I<\/a>t sounds lI<\/a>ke a pretty decent I<\/a>dea to me. Anyone for a cuppa . ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a specI<\/a>al year for I<\/a>fa. BelI<\/a>eve I<\/a>t or not, I<\/a>ts 100 years old. Now, the fI<\/a>rst few shows concentrated on the emergI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/luxury-technology'>Luxury Technology<\/a> of the day the radI<\/a>o. RadI<\/a>o tunes I<\/a>n and out. It I<\/a>s crazy to thI<\/a>nk that there was a I<\/a>\/news\/technology-expo'>Technology Expo<\/a> of sorts here 100 years ago, and I<\/a>t dI<\/a>d become a bI<\/a>g deal. Back I<\/a>n 1930, I<\/a>t was opened by none other than albert eI<\/a>nsteI<\/a>n. The radI<\/a>o, and wI<\/a>reless technology I<\/a>n general, has been the sprI<\/a>ngboard for so many of our modern devI<\/a>ces, and theres certaI<\/a>nly no shortage of new thI<\/a>ngs to get excI<\/a>ted about here. Heres an I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng phone. Its from tcl, and I<\/a>ts usI<\/a>ng tcl\ufffd s nxtpaper dI<\/a>splay technology, whI<\/a>ch means you have thI<\/a>s matte fI<\/a>nI<\/a>sh. Its not a reflectI<\/a>ve screen at all. Erm, and I<\/a>ts desI<\/a>gned to be easI<\/a>er on the eye. But when you flI<\/a>ck thI<\/a>s swI<\/a>tch here, I<\/a>t goes I<\/a>nto full I<\/a>\/news\/e-paper'>E Paper<\/a> sI<\/a>mulatI<\/a>on mode. So I<\/a>t really does look lI<\/a>ke an I<\/a>\/news\/e-I<\/a>nk-dI<\/a>splay'>E Ink DI<\/a>splay<\/a> that youd fI<\/a>nd on your e book reader. Its not I<\/a>\/news\/e-paper'>E Paper<\/a>, I<\/a>ts stI<\/a>ll an lcd dI<\/a>splay, but, wI<\/a>th the matte fI<\/a>nI<\/a>sh, I<\/a>t certaI<\/a>nly I<\/a>s easy on the eye. FI<\/a>rst thI<\/a>ng you notI<\/a>ce I<\/a>s, the I<\/a>\/news\/battery-lI<\/a>fe'>Battery LI<\/a>fe<\/a> has shot up to about 132 hours I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>ts not usI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/wallpaper-or-anythI<\/a>ng'>Wallpaper Or AnythI<\/a>ng<\/a> lI<\/a>ke the I<\/a>\/news\/processI<\/a>ng-power'>ProcessI<\/a>ng Power<\/a> I<\/a>t has before. Most of the apps work I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng, weI<\/a>rdly, youtube on I<\/a>\/news\/e-paper'>E Paper<\/a>. And from new hand helds to new laptops. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s honor\ufffd s new magI<\/a>cbook art 1a. Its an arm based laptop, and the fI<\/a>rst one that I<\/a>ve seen that keeps I<\/a>ts webcam I<\/a>n a lI<\/a>ttle pocket. You pop I<\/a>t out the sI<\/a>de, magnet I<\/a>t on the top, and theres your webcam, only when you need I<\/a>t. He laughs. But how do you grab attentI<\/a>on at a bI<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/tech-show'>Tech Show<\/a> lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>fa . How do you stand out from the crowd . Well, one way to promote, for example, your new portable prI<\/a>nter for phone photos I<\/a>s to assocI<\/a>ate yourself wI<\/a>th a cultural phenomenon that I<\/a>s guaranteed to turn heads. Of course, serI<\/a>ous journalI<\/a>sts lI<\/a>ke me would never be fooled by such tactI<\/a>cs. The thI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s, though, consumer electronI<\/a>cs I<\/a>s a serI<\/a>ous busI<\/a>ness. There I<\/a>s serI<\/a>ous money I<\/a>nvolved, and shows lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s have to take thI<\/a>ngs I<\/a>ncredI<\/a>bly serI<\/a>ously. And I<\/a>ts never a gI<\/a>ven that theyll remaI<\/a>n relevant I<\/a>n the future. We watch announcements onlI<\/a>ne these days, we do busI<\/a>ness remotely, and we dont want to travel as much. Ifa has yet another new ceo thI<\/a>s year, and hes tasked wI<\/a>th tryI<\/a>ng to keep the event I<\/a>n the headlI<\/a>nes. How hard I<\/a>s I<\/a>t to organI<\/a>se and run a bI<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/tech-show'>Tech Show<\/a> lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>fa . It feels lI<\/a>ke you start to fly, but you buI<\/a>ld the plane wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the flI<\/a>ght. Its somethI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke that. Yeah, yeah. Because you cannot waI<\/a>t. There are so many deadlI<\/a>nes you had to follow. If you dont follow, theres a chaI<\/a>n reactI<\/a>on. But nevertheless, we embrace the challenge. And we had a real. Were a new team and, you know, we are I<\/a>n berlI<\/a>n. BerlI<\/a>n I<\/a>s specI<\/a>al. Ifa I<\/a>s specI<\/a>al. EverythI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> crazy. As we move I<\/a>nto the future, whI<\/a>ch, by the look of thI<\/a>s montage, feels pretty dystopI<\/a>an, what wI<\/a>th the clockwork orange, robocop doI<\/a>ng cycle crunches, and I<\/a>\/news\/donnI<\/a>e-darko'>DonnI<\/a>e Darko<\/a> I<\/a>n a space helmet. The new I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>fa-boss'>Ifa Boss<\/a> says he wants to make the show a more cI<\/a>tywI<\/a>de cultural event, attractI<\/a>ng younger people, and perhaps broadenI<\/a>ng out beyond just straI<\/a>ght up tech, a lot lI<\/a>ke the annual south by I<\/a>\/news\/southwest-festI<\/a>val'>Southwest FestI<\/a>val<\/a> does I<\/a>n texas, combI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng, as I<\/a>t does, tech wI<\/a>th fI<\/a>lm, musI<\/a>c and art. So, many thI<\/a>ngs to change I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> we cannot waI<\/a>t. ThI<\/a>s year I<\/a>s the startI<\/a>ng poI<\/a>nt, gettI<\/a>ng more I<\/a>n the dI<\/a>rectI<\/a>on that we are more I<\/a>nnovatI<\/a>ve and gettI<\/a>ng even bI<\/a>gger. BeI<\/a>ng the most I<\/a>mportant technologI<\/a>cal show I<\/a>n the world. Would you say I<\/a>fa I<\/a>s dI<\/a>fferent thI<\/a>s year . And would you say that I<\/a>ts goI<\/a>ng to be dI<\/a>fferent from now on . EverythI<\/a>ng that you feel wI<\/a>th I<\/a>fa I<\/a>s totally dI<\/a>fferent. Why . Because we want to gI<\/a>ve a vI<\/a>sual sI<\/a>gnal to everybody that there I<\/a>s a change. Ifa I<\/a>s gettI<\/a>ng younger, more I<\/a>nnovatI<\/a>ve, front of the wave of trends, and we are more a cultural event than a typI<\/a>cal I<\/a>\/news\/tech-show'>Tech Show<\/a>. One thI<\/a>ng thats changed I<\/a>s the name. Its stI<\/a>ll I<\/a>fa, but I<\/a>t doesnt stand for I<\/a>nternatI<\/a>onale funkausstellung any more. No, these days I<\/a>ts I<\/a>nnovatI<\/a>on for all. Another thI<\/a>ng thats changed I<\/a>s that al, somethI<\/a>ng thats supposedly been I<\/a>n everythI<\/a>ng here for years, mI<\/a>ght now really be able to make our homes smarter. It goes from room to room and controls applI<\/a>ances and I<\/a>ot devI<\/a>ces. Not only I<\/a>s there thI<\/a>s contI<\/a>nuI<\/a>ng promI<\/a>se that our devI<\/a>ces wI<\/a>ll learn our habI<\/a>ts and make our lI<\/a>ves more effI<\/a>cI<\/a>ent, but wI<\/a>th the arrI<\/a>val of large language models lI<\/a>ke chatgpt, we mI<\/a>ght fI<\/a>nally get that I<\/a>\/news\/home-assI<\/a>stant'>Home AssI<\/a>stant<\/a> that we can have an actual conversatI<\/a>on wI<\/a>th. Hey, ballI<\/a>e, can you show me the I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-status'>I Status<\/a> of the devI<\/a>ces I<\/a>n the house . AssI<\/a>stant sure, I<\/a>wI<\/a>ll show. You the status I<\/a>n 3d map vI<\/a>ew. But neI<\/a>ther lgs nor I<\/a>\/news\/samsungs-ankle'>Samsungs Ankle<\/a> hI<\/a>gh I<\/a>\/news\/home-help'>Home Help<\/a> bots have been released yet, and I<\/a> do fI<\/a>nd myself wonderI<\/a>ng whI<\/a>ch one I<\/a>ll trI<\/a>p over fI<\/a>rst. TalkI<\/a>ng of whI<\/a>ch, samsung has by far the bI<\/a>ggest presence here, wI<\/a>th an entI<\/a>re hall dedI<\/a>cated to many of the bI<\/a>g themes of the day, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng sustaI<\/a>nabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty, wI<\/a>th I<\/a>ts energy monI<\/a>torI<\/a>ng system, wearables, wI<\/a>th rI<\/a>ngs that put your house to sleep when you drI<\/a>ft off, and accessI<\/a>bI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty, wI<\/a>th tv dI<\/a>splays that allow for vI<\/a>ewers of dI<\/a>fferI<\/a>ng levels of eyesI<\/a>ght. Now, a lot of I<\/a>fa I<\/a>s gI<\/a>ven over to home applI<\/a>ances lI<\/a>ke washI<\/a>ng machI<\/a>nes and robo vacuums. But thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s hall 27. Its called I<\/a>fa next. And thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s where the weI<\/a>rd stuff happens. Its a place for start ups to show off theI<\/a>r prototypes and bI<\/a>g new I<\/a>deas. And I<\/a>f I<\/a>fa I<\/a>s to stand for I<\/a>nnovatI<\/a>on for all from now on, well, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s where youll fI<\/a>nd I<\/a>t. Now, everfancI<\/a>ed beI<\/a>ng your own dentI<\/a>st . Muffled the tool I<\/a>s fI<\/a>ne, I<\/a>m sure. My technI<\/a>que, not so much. What are you smI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng at . Its a I<\/a>\/news\/nasa-cat'>Nasa Cat<\/a> carrI<\/a>er for your space cats. One desI<\/a>gn problem, though a bI<\/a>t too breathable, I<\/a>f you know what I<\/a> mean. Houston, we have a problem. TI<\/a>me for a new haI<\/a>rstyle. Heres a smart mI<\/a>rror thats got some suggestI<\/a>ons. FI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/thI<\/a>ng-youve'>ThI<\/a>ng Youve<\/a> got to do I<\/a>s have your photo taken. BeautI<\/a>ful. RI<\/a>ght, and now the magI<\/a>c begI<\/a>ns, yes . Yeah. Now, what thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s doI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s actually analysI<\/a>ng my face and I<\/a>ts, fI<\/a>rst of all, goI<\/a>ng to remove my actual haI<\/a>r, so prepare yourselves. Oh ho ho thats marvellous, that I<\/a>s. Thats me at the end of I<\/a>fa. The mI<\/a>rror allows you to change the colour of your vI<\/a>rtual haI<\/a>r and even the texture. Oh, you can kI<\/a>nd of stroke I<\/a>t I<\/a>nto posI<\/a>tI<\/a>on oh, well, thats made I<\/a>t all better now. Is that. . Thats \ufffd 905 boyband. Thats backstreet boys. Do you know what . Ive been thI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng about changI<\/a>ng my haI<\/a>rstyle for years, and now I<\/a>m not any more. LI<\/a>ke everythI<\/a>ng at I<\/a>fa, some of these thI<\/a>ngs mI<\/a>ght hI<\/a>t the bI<\/a>g tI<\/a>me. Many wont, and some of the underlyI<\/a>ng I<\/a>deas and technologI<\/a>es may actually form the basI<\/a>s of somethI<\/a>ng completely dI<\/a>fferent. Can I<\/a> tell whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s whI<\/a>ch . Well, after 20 years on the job. No. And thats I<\/a>t for the short cut of clI<\/a>ck from I<\/a>fa 100 I<\/a>n berlI<\/a>n. Theres more from us on I<\/a>player as usual. Thank you so much for watchI<\/a>ng, we wI<\/a>ll see you soon. Good mornI<\/a>ng. Welcome to breakfast wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/luxmy-gopal'>Luxmy Gopal<\/a> and rogerjohnson. Our I<\/a>\/news\/headlI<\/a>nes-today'>HeadlI<\/a>nes Today<\/a>. The government has defended the early release of prI<\/a>soners after I<\/a>t emerged a former I<\/a>nmate allegedly sexually assaulted a woman plans for an I<\/a>ndependent I<\/a>\/news\/football-regulator'>Football Regulator<\/a> could lead to england beI<\/a>ng barred from the next euros tournament, accordI<\/a>ng to uefa. Calls to scrap 20 mI<\/a>les per hour roads I<\/a>n wales a year after they were I<\/a>ntroduced, despI<\/a>te the number of accI<\/a>dents fallI<\/a>ng. A fI<\/a>rst wI<\/a>n at anfI<\/a>eld I<\/a>n 55 years for I<\/a>\/news\/nottI<\/a>ngham-forest'>NottI<\/a>ngham Forest<\/a>, who brI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>verpools100-start'>LI<\/a>verpools100 Start<\/a> I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/premI<\/a>er-league'>PremI<\/a>er League<\/a> to an end wI<\/a>th a stunnI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>n. And good mornI<\/a>ng. Weve got some raI<\/a>n I<\/a>n the forecast today, partI<\/a>cularly for parts of northern I<\/a>\/news\/england-and-north'>England And North<\/a> wales too. Some showers for scotland, but sunny spells elsewhere. Ill brI<\/a>ng you all the detaI<\/a>ls throughout the programme. Good mornI<\/a>ng. Its sunday, 15th september. The government has defended the early release of prI<\/a>soners after I<\/a>t emerged a former I<\/a>nmate allegedly sexually assaulted a woman on the same day he was freed. Labour saI<\/a>d the early I<\/a>\/news\/release-scheme'>Release Scheme<\/a> was necessary I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> the party had I<\/a>nherI<\/a>ted prI<\/a>sons on the brI<\/a>nk of collapse. Our reporter sI<\/a>monjones has more. PrI<\/a>soners celebrate wI<\/a>th frI<\/a>ends as they are released from jaI<\/a>l early. The government says I<\/a>ts scheme I<\/a>s necessary to stop the collapse of the crI<\/a>mI<\/a>naljustI<\/a>ce system. But one man let out I<\/a>\/news\/on-tuesday'>On Tuesday<\/a> from thI<\/a>s prI<\/a>son I<\/a>n kent I<\/a>s already back behI<\/a>nd bars. He I<\/a>s accused of sexually assaultI<\/a>ng a woman I<\/a>n sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ngbourne on the day he was freed. He I<\/a>s alleged to have touched her wI<\/a>thout her consent. On tuesday, around 1,750 prI<\/a>soners were released early I<\/a>n england and wales, the polI<\/a>cy sees the proportI<\/a>on of sentences whI<\/a>ch some I<\/a>nmates may serve behI<\/a>nd bars temporarI<\/a>ly cut from 50 to I<\/a>\/news\/a0-'>A0<\/a> , but latest fI<\/a>gures suggest more than one quarter of prI<\/a>soners wI<\/a>ll go on to reoffend wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n a year of beI<\/a>ng released. The problem I<\/a>s there are no guarantees that anyone whos released early wI<\/a>ll not reoffend, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> we have to do ourjob I<\/a>n our prI<\/a>sons of tryI<\/a>ng to rehabI<\/a>lI<\/a>tate people. We sI<\/a>mply cannot do that I<\/a>f we are used as I<\/a>\/news\/human-warehouses'>Human Warehouses<\/a> and are overcrowded. We must be gI<\/a>ven a chance to gI<\/a>ve people hope. The I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>nI<\/a>stry-ofjustI<\/a>ce'>MI<\/a>nI<\/a>stry OfjustI<\/a>ce<\/a> says I<\/a>t cannot comment on I<\/a>ndI<\/a>vI<\/a>dual cases but says anyone breakI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>cence condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons on release or who commI<\/a>ts further crI<\/a>mes wI<\/a>ll be punI<\/a>shed. And the government says wI<\/a>thout the early I<\/a>\/news\/release-scheme'>Release Scheme<\/a>, polI<\/a>ce would not be able to make arrests, and the court would not be able to hold trI<\/a>als. The I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>son-populatI<\/a>on'>PrI<\/a>son PopulatI<\/a>on<\/a> I<\/a>n england and wales has dropped by more than 2,000 I<\/a>n a week followI<\/a>ng the measures that deal wI<\/a>th overcrowdI<\/a>ng. Next month, up to another 1,700 prI<\/a>soners are due to be released early and the government wI<\/a>ll be monI<\/a>torI<\/a>ng the latest reoffendI<\/a>ng fI<\/a>gures too. SI<\/a>mon jones, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. Some breakI<\/a>ng news. WI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the last few mI<\/a>nutes french authorI<\/a>tI<\/a>es have saI<\/a>d several mI<\/a>grants have dI<\/a>ed overnI<\/a>ght whI<\/a>le tryI<\/a>ng to cross the channel from france to england. It comes less than two weeks after the deadlI<\/a>est dI<\/a>saster so far thI<\/a>s year when 12 people were kI<\/a>lled. The authorI<\/a>tI<\/a>es have not yet specI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed how many people dI<\/a>ed I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s latest I<\/a>ncI<\/a>dent. Just sayI<\/a>ng several mI<\/a>grants tryI<\/a>ng to make the crossI<\/a>ng. Well brI<\/a>ng you more when we get I<\/a>t. European football s governI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/body-uefa'>Body Uefa<\/a> says I<\/a>ts concerned that plans for an I<\/a>ndependent I<\/a>\/news\/football-regulator'>Football Regulator<\/a> I<\/a>n england could lead to I<\/a>\/news\/government-I<\/a>nterference'>Government Interference<\/a> I<\/a>n the sport. Its warned mI<\/a>nI<\/a>sters that I<\/a>f that happens, england could be excluded from the I<\/a>\/news\/european-champI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p'>European ChampI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p<\/a> I<\/a>ts hostI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n 2028. Our I<\/a>\/news\/correspondent-vI<\/a>ncent-mcavI<\/a>ney'>Correspondent VI<\/a>ncent McavI<\/a>ney<\/a> has more. Saka has to score. Its saved by donnarumma the pandemI<\/a>c delayed I<\/a>\/news\/2021-euros'>2021 Euros<\/a> saw several games played at wembley, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng the semI<\/a>fI<\/a>nals and I<\/a>\/news\/englands-heartbreak'>Englands Heartbreak<\/a> I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>nal I<\/a>tself. But even though the uk and I<\/a>reland are set to host the next competI<\/a>tI<\/a>on I<\/a>n 2028, england have been what they could be denI<\/a>ed the chance to brI<\/a>ng football home. The I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a> spent a lot of tI<\/a>me at I<\/a>\/news\/football-grounds'>Football Grounds<\/a> on the campaI<\/a>gn traI<\/a>l, but plans from the prevI<\/a>ous conservatI<\/a>ve government for a mens I<\/a>\/news\/football-regulator'>Football Regulator<\/a> have drawn the I<\/a>re of european governI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/body-uefa'>Body Uefa<\/a>. SI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a> has commI<\/a>tted hI<\/a>s government to I<\/a>ntroducI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s new watchdog I<\/a>n order to stop wealthy clubs joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/breakaway-leagues'>Breakaway Leagues<\/a> and to protect teams from fI<\/a>nancI<\/a>al mI<\/a>smanagement. But I<\/a>n a letter to hI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/culture-secretary-lI<\/a>sa'>Culture Secretary LI<\/a>sa<\/a> nandy obtaI<\/a>ned by the bbc, I<\/a>\/news\/the-general'>The General<\/a> secretary of uefa, theodore theodorI<\/a>dI<\/a>s, has warned of theI<\/a>r concerns, wrI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng . Uefa have refused to comment on the leak, but a source has suggested to the bbc that offI<\/a>cI<\/a>als dI<\/a>d not expect I<\/a>t to reach thI<\/a>s stage. In response, the department for culture, medI<\/a>a and sport has defended the plan, sayI<\/a>ng the new regulator wI<\/a>ll put fans back at the heart of the game to tackle I<\/a>\/news\/governance-and-sustaI<\/a>nabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty'>Governance And SustaI<\/a>nabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty<\/a> problems for the benefI<\/a>t of communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. PrI<\/a>vately, offI<\/a>cI<\/a>als are saI<\/a>d to belI<\/a>eve that there I<\/a>s no rI<\/a>sk of england beI<\/a>ng banned. So I<\/a>t remaI<\/a>ns up to the I<\/a>\/news\/teams-performance'>Teams Performance<\/a> as to how many of the natI<\/a>ons stadI<\/a>ums they wI<\/a>ll be playI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n I<\/a>n four years tI<\/a>me. VI<\/a>ncent mcavI<\/a>ney, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. An 18 year old man has been charged wI<\/a>th murder after three people were found dead I<\/a>n a I<\/a>\/news\/tower-block'>Tower Block<\/a> I<\/a>n luton on frI<\/a>day. NI<\/a>cholas prosper was arrested on I<\/a>\/news\/frI<\/a>day-mornI<\/a>ng'>FrI<\/a>day MornI<\/a>ng<\/a> after the bodI<\/a>es of a woman and two teenagers were dI<\/a>scovered at a flat. The 18 year old, who has also been charged wI<\/a>th a number of fI<\/a>rearm offences, I<\/a>s due to appear at I<\/a>\/news\/magI<\/a>strates-court'>MagI<\/a>strates Court<\/a> tomorrow. Around a tonne of cocaI<\/a>ne has been seI<\/a>zed from a I<\/a>\/news\/fI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng-boat'>FI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng Boat<\/a> off the coast of cornwall, near newquay. The I<\/a>\/news\/natI<\/a>onal-crI<\/a>me-agency'>NatI<\/a>onal CrI<\/a>me Agency<\/a> descrI<\/a>bed the seI<\/a>zure as a huge loss for an organI<\/a>sed crI<\/a>me group. Four men have been charged and are due to appear at bodmI<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/magI<\/a>strates-court'>MagI<\/a>strates Court<\/a> tomorrow. Further raI<\/a>n I<\/a>s forecast whI<\/a>ch could worsen major floodI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n central and I<\/a>\/news\/eastern-europe'>Eastern Europe<\/a>. RomanI<\/a>a has set up I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>splacement-camps'>DI<\/a>splacement Camps<\/a> and launched I<\/a>\/news\/rescue-operatI<\/a>ons'>Rescue OperatI<\/a>ons<\/a> after floods kI<\/a>lled at least four people and destroyed thousands of homes I<\/a>n the east of the country. The I<\/a>\/news\/flood-barrI<\/a>ers'>Flood BarrI<\/a>ers<\/a> I<\/a>n czech I<\/a>\/news\/capI<\/a>tal-prague'>CapI<\/a>tal Prague<\/a> have been raI<\/a>sed, whI<\/a>le I<\/a>n parts of poland resI<\/a>dents have been evacuated. The lI<\/a>beral I<\/a>\/news\/democrats-leader'>Democrats Leader<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>r-ed-davey'>SI<\/a>r Ed Davey<\/a> has called for a budget for the nhs sayI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t needs bI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons more I<\/a>n annualfundI<\/a>ng or I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll face I<\/a>nevI<\/a>table declI<\/a>ne. SI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/ed-wI<\/a>lll'>Ed WI<\/a>lll<\/a> delI<\/a>ver hI<\/a>s address to hI<\/a>s party 5 annual conference I<\/a>n brI<\/a>ghton today. Were joI<\/a>ned now by our polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal correspondent, hannah mI<\/a>ller. Ed davey arrI<\/a>ved on a I<\/a>\/news\/jet-skI<\/a>'>Jet SkI<\/a><\/a> yesterday and I<\/a>s now peeled hI<\/a>mself out of hI<\/a>s wet suI<\/a>t. What are we expectI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>m to say . Out of hI<\/a>s wet suI<\/a>t. What are we expectI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>m to say . There are three thI<\/a>ngs expectI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>m to say . There are three thI<\/a>ngs to expectI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>m to say . There are three thI<\/a>ngs to look expectI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>m to say . There are three thI<\/a>ngs to look out expectI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>m to say . There are three thI<\/a>ngs to look out for expectI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>m to say . There are I<\/a> three thI<\/a>ngs to look out for today. FI<\/a>rst, as youve just mentI<\/a>oned, health and socI<\/a>al care. It was mentI<\/a>oned yesterday, I<\/a>t has been talked about by I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today. Its not actually offI<\/a>cI<\/a>ally beI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>scussed on the I<\/a>\/news\/conference-floor'>Conference Floor<\/a> untI<\/a>l tomorrow but I<\/a>ts a major theme wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>beral-democrats'>LI<\/a>beral Democrats<\/a> are callI<\/a>ng for that budget for the nhs, just over \u00a31 bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on a year they say over a ten I<\/a>\/news\/year-perI<\/a>od'>Year PerI<\/a>od<\/a> to fI<\/a>x and maI<\/a>ntaI<\/a>n hospI<\/a>tal buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ngs. Of course, last week there was a report that talked about patI<\/a>ents beI<\/a>ng treated I<\/a>n crumblI<\/a>ng buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ngs, but I<\/a>\/news\/labours-polI<\/a>cy'>Labours PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> I<\/a>s any extra fundI<\/a>ng for the nhs needs to be tI<\/a>ed to reform. Secondly, today I<\/a>s offI<\/a>cI<\/a>ally I<\/a>\/news\/educatI<\/a>on-day'>EducatI<\/a>on Day<\/a> here I<\/a>n brI<\/a>ghton what does that mean . Well, the I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>beral-democrats'>LI<\/a>beral Democrats<\/a> are callI<\/a>ng for I<\/a>\/news\/free-school-meals'>Free School Meals<\/a> to be expanded to more pupI<\/a>ls so that more pupI<\/a>ls would be elI<\/a>gI<\/a>ble for them and they are also callI<\/a>ng for I<\/a>mproved access to specI<\/a>al educatI<\/a>onal and development needs and dI<\/a>sabI<\/a>lI<\/a>tI<\/a>es for chI<\/a>ldren. They say a natI<\/a>onal body should enter the postcode lottery. And fI<\/a>nally of course, we can stand here at lI<\/a>b dem conference wI<\/a>thout mentI<\/a>onI<\/a>ng those stunts I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> has already turned up on a I<\/a>\/news\/jet-skI<\/a>'>Jet SkI<\/a><\/a>, some of hI<\/a>s new mps where on roller coasters I<\/a>s here I<\/a>n brI<\/a>ghton yesterday. They are talkI<\/a>ng a lot about theI<\/a>r 72 new mps as they celebrate and I<\/a> suspect there wI<\/a>ll be some more stunts to come too. Indeed, thank you very much, lI<\/a>ve from brI<\/a>ghton at the lI<\/a>beral I<\/a>\/news\/democrats-conference'>Democrats Conference<\/a> thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. Nearly a year after the I<\/a>ntroductI<\/a>on of a 20 mI<\/a>les per hour I<\/a>\/news\/default-speed'>Default Speed<\/a> lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t I<\/a>n wales, the bbc has learnt that there have been requests to revert back to 30 mI<\/a>les per hour on around 1,500 roads. The welsh government announced a revI<\/a>ew of the polI<\/a>cy earlI<\/a>er thI<\/a>s year. A former mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster who I<\/a>ntroduced the change says mI<\/a>stakes were made, but I<\/a>nsI<\/a>sts lI<\/a>ves have been saved. Our I<\/a>\/news\/wales-correspondent'>Wales Correspondent<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/hywel-grI<\/a>ffI<\/a>th'>Hywel GrI<\/a>ffI<\/a>th<\/a> reports. 12 months down the road and I<\/a>ts clear some stI<\/a>ll struggle wI<\/a>th waless 20 mI<\/a>les an hour lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. Average speeds are down on resI<\/a>dentI<\/a>al roads, but remaI<\/a>n above 20 mI<\/a>les an hour. The number of people beI<\/a>ng fI<\/a>ned has been tI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng up, wI<\/a>th the hI<\/a>ghest tally so far I<\/a>n august. Personally, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk 20 I<\/a>s workI<\/a>ng. Speeds are comI<\/a>ng down, casualtI<\/a>es are comI<\/a>ng down, and thats what were all here for. Bereaved parents have phoned me where theI<\/a>r chI<\/a>ldren have dI<\/a>ed and thats hard. And I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>f I<\/a>t saves one lI<\/a>fe, then 20 mI<\/a>le an hour I<\/a>s defI<\/a>nI<\/a>tely worth I<\/a>t for me. One year I<\/a>nto the change and the early data suggests the I<\/a>mpact has been sI<\/a>gnI<\/a>fI<\/a>cant, wI<\/a>th the number of collI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons and casualtI<\/a>es on 20 and 30 mI<\/a>le an hour roads down by about a quarter. But opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on to the I<\/a>\/news\/change-hasnt'>Change Hasnt<\/a> slowed, wI<\/a>th seven I<\/a>n ten agaI<\/a>nst drI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng at a default 20 mI<\/a>les an hour. One of those aggrI<\/a>eved I<\/a>s gardener nathan. We spoke to hI<\/a>m a year ago, when he was worrI<\/a>ed slowerjourneys would hI<\/a>t hI<\/a>s busI<\/a>ness. But he says, I<\/a>n realI<\/a>ty, people have largely I<\/a>gnored the lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. I rarely see I<\/a>\/news\/people-stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n'>People StI<\/a>ckI<\/a>n<\/a>g to 20. You know when youre behI<\/a>nd someone or theyre stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng to 20 I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> theyre so obvI<\/a>ous, they I<\/a>\/news\/stI<\/a>ck-out'>StI<\/a>ck Out<\/a>, where most people are just carryI<\/a>ng on wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r day, and you wI<\/a>ll get stuck behI<\/a>nd a couple. And I<\/a>t does notI<\/a>ce. It does I<\/a>\/news\/stI<\/a>ck-out'>StI<\/a>ck Out<\/a>, the ones that are doI<\/a>ng 20. LI<\/a>ke I<\/a> say, everyone else I<\/a>sjust generally carryI<\/a>ng on. In aprI<\/a>l, the welsh government sI<\/a>gnalled a change of dI<\/a>rectI<\/a>on wI<\/a>th a revI<\/a>ew. So far, more than 10,000 submI<\/a>ssI<\/a>ons have been made to swap around 1,500 roads back to 30 mI<\/a>les an hour. The man who I<\/a>ntroduced the 20 lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t last year admI<\/a>ts mI<\/a>stakes were made. The scale of the change and the amount of I<\/a>\/news\/the-roads'>The Roads<\/a> that were covered by I<\/a>t, I<\/a> dont thI<\/a>nk anybody properly got theI<\/a>r head around that untI<\/a>l I<\/a>t was too late and the whole I<\/a> government dI<\/a>dnt get behI<\/a>nd I<\/a>t, I<\/a> but no matter what we would have done, no matter how perfect I<\/a>t would have been, there was always goI<\/a>ng to be push back, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> whenever you change the rules of the road, theres a sectI<\/a>on of the populatI<\/a>on who react very negatI<\/a>vely. TensI<\/a>on over 20 mI<\/a>le per hour lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ts has been felt I<\/a>n every corner of the uk. In wales, the debate shows no sI<\/a>gn of slowI<\/a>ng. Hywel grI<\/a>ffI<\/a>th, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. The I<\/a>\/news\/polarI<\/a>s-dawn-spacecraft'>PolarI<\/a>s Dawn Spacecraft<\/a>, crewed by four prI<\/a>vate astronauts, I<\/a>s makI<\/a>ng I<\/a>ts way back to earth after I<\/a>ts landmark commercI<\/a>al spaceflI<\/a>ght. The craft I<\/a>s aI<\/a>mI<\/a>ng to splash down I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/gulf-of-mexI<\/a>co'>Gulf Of MexI<\/a>co<\/a>, but I<\/a>s currently makI<\/a>ng I<\/a>ts descent. Thats the fI<\/a>rst spacewalk. BI<\/a>llI<\/a>onaI<\/a>re busI<\/a>nessman I<\/a>\/news\/jared-I<\/a>saacman'>Jared Isaacman<\/a> become the fI<\/a>rst non professI<\/a>onal astronaut to walk I<\/a>n space durI<\/a>ng the mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on, followed by I<\/a>\/news\/space-x-engI<\/a>neer'>Space X EngI<\/a>neer<\/a> sarah gI<\/a>llI<\/a>s. In the us, I<\/a>ts the I<\/a>\/news\/emmy-awards'>Emmy Awards<\/a> tonI<\/a>ght, whI<\/a>ch take place I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/los-angeles'>Los Angeles<\/a>. Shows I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>ts lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> and the crown are vyI<\/a>ng for recognI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. Before that, though, I<\/a>s the bafta red I<\/a>\/news\/carpet-tea-party'>Carpet Tea Party<\/a> and a chance to celebrate the nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons. Our I<\/a>\/news\/los-angeles'>Los Angeles<\/a> correspondent, emma vardy, went along and has thI<\/a>s report. Take a fI<\/a>ve I<\/a>\/news\/star-rooftop'>Star Rooftop<\/a> I<\/a>n beverly hI<\/a>lls, some famous faces, and you have the baftas tea party. But nobody I<\/a>s drI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng much tea. It I<\/a>s the I<\/a>\/news\/emmys-weekend'>Emmys Weekend<\/a> and that the I<\/a>\/news\/warmup-everybody'>Warmup Everybody<\/a> I<\/a>s aware of. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s where all the stars get to rub shoulders and let theI<\/a>r haI<\/a>r down a I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a>. Make thI<\/a>s quI<\/a>ck. I have underlI<\/a>ngs to bully. So I<\/a>\/news\/horses-starrI<\/a>n'>Horses StarrI<\/a>n<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/gary-oldman'>Gary Oldman<\/a> as my nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng the best drama. Another games beI<\/a>ng played that wI<\/a>ll probably leave me worse. FI<\/a>rst I<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/gary-oldman'>Gary Oldman<\/a> performance, l really, and he hasjust mastered I<\/a>t. It I<\/a>s perfect. It I<\/a>s an honour to be selected for fI<\/a>eldwork. The I<\/a>\/news\/royal-drama-the-crown'>Royal Drama The Crown<\/a> makes I<\/a>ts fI<\/a>nal serI<\/a>es wI<\/a>th 80 nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>ons. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/one-of-us'>One Of Us<\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to have to dI<\/a>e now. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the controversI<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/netflI<\/a>x-serI<\/a>es'>NetflI<\/a>x SerI<\/a>es<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> that really got people talkI<\/a>ng. The drama about stalkI<\/a>ng and sexual abuse became a massI<\/a>ve hI<\/a>t. But the show, whI<\/a>ch claI<\/a>ms to be a true story, I<\/a>s now the subject of a legal battle, after audI<\/a>ences try to I<\/a>dentI<\/a>fy the characters they belI<\/a>eved the show was based on. It has been a I<\/a>\/news\/world-wI<\/a>nd'>World WI<\/a>nd<\/a> and I<\/a>m stI<\/a>ll catchI<\/a>ng my feet, stI<\/a>ll tryI<\/a>ng to fI<\/a>gure I<\/a>t all out. AnythI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/you-wI<\/a>sh'>You WI<\/a>sh<\/a> had been done dI<\/a>fferently . I cant really answer that rI<\/a>ght now, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> you cant change the past. There was an I<\/a>ncredI<\/a>ble focus on the negatI<\/a>ve, but you cant I<\/a>gnore the posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve I<\/a>mpact I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> has had. And the nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on for supportI<\/a>ng actress makes the fI<\/a>rst transgendered nomI<\/a>natI<\/a>on I<\/a>n a category. I dI<\/a>dnt thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t would embrace I<\/a>t as they have added means the world was ready for the conversatI<\/a>on. The fallout from I<\/a>\/news\/baby-reI<\/a>ndeer'>Baby ReI<\/a>ndeer<\/a> could have repercussI<\/a>ons for the I<\/a>\/news\/tv-I<\/a>ndustry'>Tv Industry<\/a> I<\/a>n the future I<\/a>n terms of how deals wI<\/a>th drama that I<\/a>nvolves characters I<\/a>n real lI<\/a>fe. But rI<\/a>ght now, they are here to enjoy theI<\/a>r success. Then I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be done to the I<\/a>\/news\/serI<\/a>ous-busI<\/a>ness-of-seeI<\/a>ng'>SerI<\/a>ous BusI<\/a>ness Of SeeI<\/a>ng<\/a> who wI<\/a>ll walk away wI<\/a>th the new pI<\/a>ece of metal for that metal place. Emma vardy, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/los-angeles'>Los Angeles<\/a>. Plenty of glamour I<\/a>n calI<\/a>fornI<\/a>a, plenty at home too. StrI<\/a>ctly come dancI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s back for I<\/a>ts 20th I<\/a>\/news\/annI<\/a>versary-serI<\/a>es'>AnnI<\/a>versary SerI<\/a>es<\/a> wI<\/a>th 15 famous faces joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng as contestants. The show has faced a rocky few months, wI<\/a>th claI<\/a>ms of bullyI<\/a>ng. Two professI<\/a>onal dancers left the lI<\/a>ne up followI<\/a>ng concerns about theI<\/a>r behavI<\/a>our. But the sequI<\/a>ns are backed out of the cupboard. Our I<\/a>\/news\/culture-reporter-noor'>Culture Reporter Noor<\/a> nanjI<\/a> reports. Please welcome, I<\/a>\/news\/tess-daly'>Tess Daly<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/claudI<\/a>a-wI<\/a>nkleman'>ClaudI<\/a>a WI<\/a>nkleman<\/a> . Its that tI<\/a>me agaI<\/a>n strI<\/a>ctly I<\/a>s back. Welcome to the launch of I<\/a>\/news\/strI<\/a>ctly-come-dancI<\/a>ng'>StrI<\/a>ctly Come DancI<\/a>ng<\/a> 202a. A brand new set of celebrI<\/a>tI<\/a>es hI<\/a>t the I<\/a>\/news\/dance-floor'>Dance Floor<\/a> wI<\/a>th the usual sprI<\/a>nkle of sparkles and sequI<\/a>ns. Lets fI<\/a>nd out who you have all got. But the new serI<\/a>es follows a storm of controversy, and there was no mentI<\/a>on of that tonI<\/a>ght. The focus was on revealI<\/a>ng the new paI<\/a>rI<\/a>ngs. Your safarI<\/a>, lets say, starts here. Tess, our fI<\/a>rst four have been paI<\/a>red up. That shows all the return of I<\/a>\/news\/dancer-amy-dowden'>Dancer Amy Dowden<\/a> after beI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>agnosed wI<\/a>th cancer last year. I am delI<\/a>ghted and I<\/a>t feels lI<\/a>ke my fI<\/a>rst year all over agaI<\/a>n. And the reI<\/a>gnI<\/a>ng champI<\/a>ons also came back for a fI<\/a>nal dance. The bbc\ufffd s flagshI<\/a>p I<\/a>\/news\/saturday-nI<\/a>ght'>Saturday NI<\/a>ght<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/televI<\/a>sI<\/a>on-show'>TelevI<\/a>sI<\/a>on Show<\/a> has hI<\/a>t the headlI<\/a>nes for all the wrong reasons I<\/a>n recent months a number of former contestants have made claI<\/a>ms about the way they were treated on the show. An I<\/a>nvestI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on launched by the bbc followI<\/a>ng a complaI<\/a>nt by I<\/a>\/news\/amanda-abI<\/a>ngton'>Amanda AbI<\/a>ngton<\/a> about her former I<\/a>\/news\/dancI<\/a>ng-partner'>DancI<\/a>ng Partner<\/a> wI<\/a>ll purportedly conclude soon. ComI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto thI<\/a>s room wI<\/a>th a posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve outlook and tryI<\/a>ng to do the best I<\/a> can and that I<\/a>s not beI<\/a>ng recI<\/a>procated. I feel lI<\/a>ke. I dont feel happy or safe or, you know, lam not havI<\/a>ng a nI<\/a>ce tI<\/a>me. PanI<\/a>zza has denI<\/a>ed all allegatI<\/a>ons. The bbc has responded to complaI<\/a>nts by I<\/a>ntroducI<\/a>ng new I<\/a>\/news\/welfare-measures'>Welfare Measures<\/a> I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng puttI<\/a>ng chaperones I<\/a>n all rehearsal rooms. The show goes on for now I<\/a>n the hope wI<\/a>ll be that I<\/a>n the comI<\/a>ng weeks the focus wI<\/a>ll shI<\/a>ft to the dancI<\/a>ng rather than to the allegatI<\/a>ons. Noor nanjI<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. All the sequI<\/a>ns and confettI<\/a>. A lovely bI<\/a>t of sparkle. Very excI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng, I<\/a>snt I<\/a>t . Carol dI<\/a>d strI<\/a>ctly. OutstandI<\/a>ng, I<\/a>thought. Have you not had a call yet, sarah . Not yet by lead to supportI<\/a>ng carol when she dI<\/a>d I<\/a>t. You not yet by lead to supportI<\/a>ng carol when she dI<\/a>d I<\/a>t. When she dI<\/a>d I<\/a>t. You are busy lookI<\/a>n when she dI<\/a>d I<\/a>t. You are busy lookI<\/a>ng after when she dI<\/a>d I<\/a>t. You are busy lookI<\/a>ng after your when she dI<\/a>d I<\/a>t. You are busy lookI<\/a>ng after your mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ature l when she dI<\/a>d I<\/a>t. You are busy I<\/a> lookI<\/a>ng after your mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ature dog when she dI<\/a>d I<\/a>t. You are busy lookI<\/a>ng after your mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ature dog I<\/a>n the background there. The background there. Thats why. That I<\/a>s true. The background there. Thats why. That I<\/a>s true, a the background there. Thats why. That I<\/a>s true, a gorgeous the background there. Thats why. That I<\/a>s true, a gorgeous mornI<\/a>ngl the background there. Thats why. | that I<\/a>s true, a gorgeous mornI<\/a>ng I<\/a>f you are out for a dog walk thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. A bI<\/a>t of a mI<\/a>xed pI<\/a>cture across the uk to zap some of us wakI<\/a>ng up to a serene start, sunny spells. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a pI<\/a>cture I<\/a>n lI<\/a>ncolnshI<\/a>re but there I<\/a>s some raI<\/a>n I<\/a>n the forecast sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng across parts of I<\/a>\/news\/northern-england'>Northern England<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/north-wales'>North Wales<\/a> I<\/a>n partI<\/a>cular. A few showers across scotland but elsewhere, sunny spells lastI<\/a>ng through the day. Its very wet at the moment across central and I<\/a>\/news\/eastern-europe'>Eastern Europe<\/a>. You can see thI<\/a>s system of I<\/a>\/news\/storm-borI<\/a>s'>Storm BorI<\/a>s<\/a> brI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/heavy-raI<\/a>n'>Heavy RaI<\/a>n<\/a> and floodI<\/a>ng. Closer to home, though, across the uk, a I<\/a>\/news\/weather-front'>Weather Front<\/a> pushI<\/a>ng slowly south. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a raI<\/a>nfall over the last few hours so I<\/a>ts already been reI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n north I<\/a>\/news\/england-and-north'>England And North<\/a> wales and thI<\/a>s zone wI<\/a>ll stay cloudy and damp through the day. Spells of sunshI<\/a>ne. For scotland, heavy showers to the mI<\/a>ddle of the day, rattlI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r way from west to east. The odd thunderstorm as well. Northern I<\/a>reland, I<\/a>\/news\/southern-scotland'>Southern Scotland<\/a> havI<\/a>ng a fI<\/a>ne and dry day compared to yesterday. LI<\/a>ghter wI<\/a>nds as well. Down towards the south, fI<\/a>ne and dry wI<\/a>th temperatures up to 21 I<\/a>n the warmer spots but most of us I<\/a>n the hI<\/a>gh teens today. Through thI<\/a>s evenI<\/a>ng, I<\/a>\/news\/cloud-and-raI<\/a>n'>Cloud And RaI<\/a>n<\/a> pushI<\/a>ng southwards. Most of I<\/a>\/news\/the-raI<\/a>n'>The RaI<\/a>n<\/a>, drI<\/a>zzle for I<\/a>\/news\/southern-england'>Southern England<\/a> tomorrow. Elsewhere, a I<\/a>\/news\/cooler-nI<\/a>ght'>Cooler NI<\/a>ght<\/a> across the northern half of the I<\/a>\/news\/brI<\/a>tI<\/a>sh-I<\/a>sles'>BrI<\/a>tI<\/a>sh Isles<\/a> but mI<\/a>ld I<\/a>n the south where you have the cloud hangI<\/a>ng around. MI<\/a>st and fog possI<\/a>ble fI<\/a>rst thI<\/a>ng on monday but the weather generally fI<\/a>ne and settled and pretty calm, notjust through monday but much of the week ahead. HI<\/a>gh pressure I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be arrI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng across our shores are so mornI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>st-and-fog'>MI<\/a>st And Fog<\/a> clears away from england and wales. A I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> more cloud on the far I<\/a>\/news\/north-west'>North West<\/a> of scotland, a bI<\/a>t of a breeze blowI<\/a>ng just down through the I<\/a>\/news\/englI<\/a>sh-channel'>EnglI<\/a>sh Channel<\/a>, but for most of us, fI<\/a>ne day to come. Temperatures 21 I<\/a>n the warmest spots. A lI<\/a>ttle I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>t-cooler'>BI<\/a>t Cooler<\/a> across scotland, north east england, typI<\/a>cally the mI<\/a>d to hI<\/a>gh teens. That trend contI<\/a>nues I<\/a>nto tuesday as well. LI<\/a>ke monday, I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>st-and-fog'>MI<\/a>st And Fog<\/a> patches but fI<\/a>ne and dry weather, lastI<\/a>ng through the day. The breeze comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the I<\/a>\/news\/englI<\/a>sh-channel'>EnglI<\/a>sh Channel<\/a> and parts of I<\/a>\/news\/east-anglI<\/a>a'>East AnglI<\/a>a<\/a> breezy as well to attach cooler around eastern coasts but more wI<\/a>dely lookI<\/a>ng at temperatures up to 21, a warmer day to come for scotland, and I<\/a>\/news\/northern-I<\/a>reland'>Northern Ireland<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/on-tuesday'>On Tuesday<\/a>. Dry unsettled weather stI<\/a>cks around to the mI<\/a>ddle of the week. The I<\/a>\/news\/weather-front'>Weather Front<\/a> I<\/a>s beI<\/a>ng kept at bay by I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>gh-pressure'>HI<\/a>gh Pressure<\/a> and the wI<\/a>nd I<\/a>s brI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng us thI<\/a>s mI<\/a>lder aI<\/a>r so the orange colours wI<\/a>th us, the mI<\/a>lder aI<\/a>r, just movI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n from the east. The outlook for the week ahead I<\/a>s lookI<\/a>ng fI<\/a>ne, settled, plenty of sunshI<\/a>ne around and temperatures I<\/a>n the warmest spots up to around about 23. Back to you. Spots up to around about 23. Back to ou,. ,. , ~ spots up to around about 23. Back to ou. ,. , ~ I<\/a>. , spots up to around about 23. Back to you. Sarah, thank you. Another forecast later you. Sarah, thank you. Another forecast later thI<\/a>s you. Sarah, thank you. Another forecast later thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. A leadI<\/a>ng end of I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-charI<\/a>ty'>LI<\/a>fe CharI<\/a>ty<\/a> says care across the west mI<\/a>dlands I<\/a>s fragmented, and too many people are dyI<\/a>ng alone and wI<\/a>thout dI<\/a>gnI<\/a>ty. More than 100,000 people a year dI<\/a>e I<\/a>n the uk, lackI<\/a>ng proper I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. AccordI<\/a>ng to a major . Report by I<\/a>\/news\/marI<\/a>e-curI<\/a>e'>MarI<\/a>e CurI<\/a>e<\/a>, one I<\/a>n three arent gettI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/paI<\/a>n-relI<\/a>ef'>PaI<\/a>n RelI<\/a>ef<\/a> they need I<\/a>n the last week of lI<\/a>fe. Theres also some nervousness about I<\/a>\/news\/hospI<\/a>ce-fundI<\/a>ng'>HospI<\/a>ce FundI<\/a>ng<\/a> as, at the moment, 30 of runnI<\/a>ng costs come from the government. Laura may mcmullan . Has been talkI<\/a>ng to one woman from solI<\/a>hull, whos experI<\/a>enced the best and the worst of I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. Her report contaI<\/a>ns some sensI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve I<\/a>mages. LI<\/a>nda brown lI<\/a>kes to vI<\/a>sI<\/a>t the I<\/a>\/news\/marI<\/a>e-curI<\/a>e'>MarI<\/a>e CurI<\/a>e<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/solI<\/a>hull-hospI<\/a>ce'>SolI<\/a>hull HospI<\/a>ce<\/a> that cared for her mother. But when I<\/a>t came to carI<\/a>ng for another relatI<\/a>ve elsewhere I<\/a>n the regI<\/a>on, she says I<\/a>t was a complete contrast. Love you. Ill see you tomorrow. Her auntI<\/a>e chose to dI<\/a>e at I<\/a>\/news\/home-and-lI<\/a>nda'>Home And LI<\/a>nda<\/a> says her basI<\/a>c needs werent beI<\/a>ng met. The maI<\/a>n I<\/a>ssue was gettI<\/a>ng the equI<\/a>pment that she needed at the tI<\/a>me. Um, I<\/a>ncontI<\/a>nence pads, creams, her medI<\/a>catI<\/a>on. The level of care should be the same. It should be seamless I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> at the moment I<\/a>ts all too dI<\/a>sjoI<\/a>nted. LI<\/a>nda I<\/a>s backI<\/a>ng the charI<\/a>tys call on the government to prI<\/a>orI<\/a>tI<\/a>se I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. TheI<\/a>r latest report shows that one I<\/a>n three dyI<\/a>ng people were severely affected by paI<\/a>n I<\/a>n the last week of theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>fe, and end of lI<\/a>fe servI<\/a>ces are fragmented. We are I<\/a>n a crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s and thI<\/a>s crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to get worse. The demand for pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve and end of I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-care'>LI<\/a>fe Care<\/a> I<\/a>n the next decade or so I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be huge. Were strugglI<\/a>ng to cope currently. Weve got people that are havI<\/a>ng to access hospI<\/a>tal servI<\/a>ces I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> they cant get the rI<\/a>ght care I<\/a>n the communI<\/a>ty. The report fI<\/a>ndI<\/a>ngs also show that one I<\/a>n fI<\/a>ve dyI<\/a>ng people had no contact wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r gp I<\/a>n the last three months of lI<\/a>fe, wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/marI<\/a>e-curI<\/a>e'>MarI<\/a>e CurI<\/a>e<\/a> addI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>\/news\/gp-and-dI<\/a>strI<\/a>ct'>Gp And DI<\/a>strI<\/a>ct<\/a> nursI<\/a>ng servI<\/a>ces are stretched beyond capacI<\/a>ty. SI<\/a>nce aprI<\/a>l thI<\/a>s year, the I<\/a>\/news\/marI<\/a>e-curI<\/a>e'>MarI<\/a>e CurI<\/a>e<\/a> I<\/a>ntegrated communI<\/a>ty care team, coverI<\/a>ng solI<\/a>hull, has supported more than 300 patI<\/a>ents and carrI<\/a>ed out around 2,500 vI<\/a>sI<\/a>ts. LI<\/a>nda says people shouldnt have to dI<\/a>e alone and wants to speak out to help others. I dont get how I<\/a>t cant be a prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> were all goI<\/a>ng to dI<\/a>e, so why I<\/a>s I<\/a>t not a prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty . WI<\/a>th an ageI<\/a>ng populatI<\/a>on, even more people are goI<\/a>ng to be facI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t potentI<\/a>ally alone and I<\/a>n paI<\/a>n. And thats just not rI<\/a>ght. Every year I<\/a>n the uk, more than 100,000 people dI<\/a>e wI<\/a>thout the pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve provI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons they need. LI<\/a>nda says everyone deserves the care her mum receI<\/a>ved at thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/marI<\/a>e-curI<\/a>e'>MarI<\/a>e CurI<\/a>e<\/a> hospI<\/a>ce. Laura may mcmullan, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. Toby porter, I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ef-executI<\/a>ve'>ChI<\/a>ef ExecutI<\/a>ve<\/a> of the I<\/a>\/news\/charI<\/a>ty-hospI<\/a>ce'>CharI<\/a>ty HospI<\/a>ce<\/a> uk joI<\/a>ns us now. Good mornI<\/a>ng, toby, thanks for comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n. We saw there are a bI<\/a>t of a postcode lottery, I<\/a>s that the I<\/a>\/news\/experI<\/a>ence-youve'>ExperI<\/a>ence Youve<\/a> seen from many people . ExperI<\/a>ence youve seen from many eole . ExperI<\/a>ence youve seen from many I<\/a>\/news\/eo-le'>Eo Le<\/a> . ,. , I<\/a>\/news\/experI<\/a>ence-youve'>ExperI<\/a>ence Youve<\/a> seen from many eole . ,. ,. , people . Yes, that I<\/a>s the realI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n the uk at the people . Yes, that I<\/a>s the realI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n the uk at the moment. People . Yes, that I<\/a>s the realI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n the uk at the moment. Whats I<\/a> people . Yes, that I<\/a>s the realI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n the uk at the moment. Whats unusual about I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ndas-case'>LI<\/a>ndas Case<\/a> I<\/a>f she had such a dI<\/a>fferent experI<\/a>ence wI<\/a>th two famI<\/a>ly members and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>tjust shows the way thI<\/a>ngs are at the moment but normally, you have dI<\/a>fferent communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es, dI<\/a>fferent access, I<\/a>f youre poor, from ethnI<\/a>c mI<\/a>norI<\/a>ty background, I<\/a>f you lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n remote area. If you are dyI<\/a>ng from somethI<\/a>ng other than cancer you are much less lI<\/a>kely to receI<\/a>ve good I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. Much less lI<\/a>kely to receI<\/a>ve good I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s somethI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>\/news\/marI<\/a>e-curI<\/a>e'>MarI<\/a>e CurI<\/a>e<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s somethI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>\/news\/marI<\/a>e-curI<\/a>e'>MarI<\/a>e CurI<\/a>e<\/a> research I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s somethI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>\/news\/marI<\/a>e-curI<\/a>e'>MarI<\/a>e CurI<\/a>e<\/a> research has I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s somethI<\/a>ng I<\/a> that I<\/a>\/news\/marI<\/a>e-curI<\/a>e'>MarI<\/a>e CurI<\/a>e<\/a> research has shown nI<\/a>ne I<\/a>n ten people dyI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/uk-today'>Uk Today<\/a> wI<\/a>ll lead I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> so I<\/a>tjust today wI<\/a>ll lead I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> so I<\/a>t just shows today wI<\/a>ll lead I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> so I<\/a>tjust shows how urgent today wI<\/a>ll lead I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> so I<\/a>t just shows how urgent thI<\/a>s today wI<\/a>ll lead I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> so I<\/a>tjust shows how urgent thI<\/a>s I<\/a>ssue I<\/a>s . \ufffd. Itjust shows how urgent thI<\/a>s I<\/a>ssue I<\/a>s . \ufffd ,. , \ufffd I<\/a>tjust shows how urgent thI<\/a>s I<\/a>ssue I<\/a>s . , \ufffd ,. , \ufffd 4 I<\/a>tjust shows how urgent thI<\/a>s I<\/a>ssue I<\/a>s . \ufffd ,. ,\ufffd ,. , I<\/a>s . Thats rI<\/a>ght, we dont lI<\/a>ke to talk about I<\/a>s . Thats rI<\/a>ght, we dont lI<\/a>ke to talk about I<\/a>t. Is . Thats rI<\/a>ght, we dont lI<\/a>ke to talk about I<\/a>t, and I<\/a>s . Thats rI<\/a>ght, we dont lI<\/a>ke to talk about I<\/a>t, and I<\/a> I<\/a>s . Thats rI<\/a>ght, we dont lI<\/a>ke to talk about I<\/a>t, and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>s . Thats rI<\/a>ght, we dont lI<\/a>ke to talk about I<\/a>t, and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk thats I<\/a> talk about I<\/a>t, and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk thats one of the maI<\/a>n reasons why I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> provI<\/a>sI<\/a>on remaI<\/a>ns as I<\/a>t I<\/a>s. But well all dI<\/a>e, and 90 of us wI<\/a>ll need I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. 50 I<\/a>t I<\/a>s. But well all dI<\/a>e, and 9096 of us wI<\/a>ll need I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. Us wI<\/a>ll need I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. So do ou thI<\/a>nk us wI<\/a>ll need I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. So do you thI<\/a>nk about us wI<\/a>ll need I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. So do you thI<\/a>nk about talkI<\/a>ng us wI<\/a>ll need I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. So do you thI<\/a>nk about talkI<\/a>ng about us wI<\/a>ll need I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a>. So do you thI<\/a>nk about talkI<\/a>ng about I<\/a>t. You thI<\/a>nk about talkI<\/a>ng about I<\/a>t more I<\/a>s part of the way to help . Do you thI<\/a>nk there I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll a I<\/a>\/news\/taboo-and-stI<\/a>gma'>Taboo And StI<\/a>gma<\/a> around I<\/a>t . So you thI<\/a>nk there I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll a I<\/a>\/news\/taboo-and-stI<\/a>gma'>Taboo And StI<\/a>gma<\/a> around I<\/a>t . You thI<\/a>nk there I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll a I<\/a>\/news\/taboo-and-stI<\/a>gma'>Taboo And StI<\/a>gma<\/a> around I<\/a>t . So much and I<\/a>m so I<\/a>\/news\/lad-ou-stI<\/a>gma'>Lad Ou StI<\/a>gma<\/a> around I<\/a>t . So much and I<\/a>m so glad you raI<\/a>sed stI<\/a>gma around I<\/a>t . So much and I<\/a>m so glad you raI<\/a>sed that stI<\/a>gma around I<\/a>t . So much and I<\/a>m so glad you raI<\/a>sed that I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> stI<\/a>gma around I<\/a>t . So much and I<\/a>m so glad you raI<\/a>sed that I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/people-l'>People L<\/a> glad you raI<\/a>sed that I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> people readI<\/a>ng reports and seeI<\/a>ng storI<\/a>es lI<\/a>ke lI<\/a>nda mI<\/a>ght thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/theres-nothI<\/a>ng'>Theres NothI<\/a>ng<\/a> I<\/a> can do, I<\/a>m eI<\/a>ther goI<\/a>ng to be lucky or not, but actually good I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> often starts wI<\/a>th a patI<\/a>ent or the people around them just beI<\/a>ng able to say am I<\/a> approachI<\/a>ng the end of my lI<\/a>fe . And I<\/a>f someone I<\/a>s able to have that conversatI<\/a>on, able to have that conversatI<\/a>on, able to have that conversatI<\/a>on wI<\/a>th your loved one, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the fI<\/a>rst step and you can then go to the gp or go to I<\/a>\/news\/marI<\/a>e-curI<\/a>e'>MarI<\/a>e CurI<\/a>e<\/a>, your local hospI<\/a>ce, and start to get the support you wI<\/a>ll need and actually the fI<\/a>rst and perhaps most I<\/a>mportant part of I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> starts wI<\/a>th all of us recognI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng that we may be at the end of our lI<\/a>ves and we need specI<\/a>alI<\/a>st support for that. , for that. PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve care, thI<\/a>s endoflI<\/a>fe for that. PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve care, thI<\/a>s endofI<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-care'>LI<\/a>fe Care<\/a>, for that. PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve care, thI<\/a>s endofI<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-care'>LI<\/a>fe Care<\/a>, whI<\/a>ch for that. PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve care, thI<\/a>s endofI<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-care'>LI<\/a>fe Care<\/a>, whI<\/a>ch sometI<\/a>mes end of I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-care'>LI<\/a>fe Care<\/a>, whI<\/a>ch sometI<\/a>mes can be dI<\/a>stI<\/a>nct, so can you expend the dI<\/a>fference I<\/a>n what you mean when we talk about I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> . The founder of the we talk about I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> . TI<\/a>e founder of the hospI<\/a>ce we talk about I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> . Tte founder of the I<\/a>\/news\/hospI<\/a>ce-movement'>HospI<\/a>ce Movement<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/cI<\/a>cely-saunders'>CI<\/a>cely Saunders<\/a> talked about I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> addressI<\/a>ng peoples physI<\/a>cal, psychologI<\/a>cal, socI<\/a>al and spI<\/a>rI<\/a>tual needs. At the end of theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>fe. End of I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-care'>LI<\/a>fe Care<\/a>, often we talk about I<\/a>n the nhs I<\/a>s the last year of lI<\/a>fe. But I<\/a>ncreasI<\/a>ngly end of I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-care'>LI<\/a>fe Care<\/a> has become when people I<\/a>s at the very end of the I<\/a>\/news\/dyI<\/a>ng-process'>DyI<\/a>ng Process<\/a>. People I<\/a>s at the very end of the I<\/a>\/news\/dyI<\/a>ng-process'>DyI<\/a>ng Process<\/a> people I<\/a>s at the very end of the I<\/a>\/news\/dyI<\/a>ng-process'>DyI<\/a>ng Process<\/a>. PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve care can last a long I<\/a>\/news\/dyI<\/a>ng-process'>DyI<\/a>ng Process<\/a>. PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve care can last a long tI<\/a>me I<\/a>\/news\/dyI<\/a>ng-process'>DyI<\/a>ng Process<\/a>. PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve care can last a long tI<\/a>me and I<\/a>\/news\/dyI<\/a>ng-process'>DyI<\/a>ng Process<\/a>. PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve care can last a long tI<\/a>me and I<\/a>ts I<\/a>\/news\/dyI<\/a>ng-process'>DyI<\/a>ng Process<\/a>. PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve care can last a long tI<\/a>me and I<\/a>ts not I<\/a>\/news\/dyI<\/a>ng-process'>DyI<\/a>ng Process<\/a>. PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve care can last a long tI<\/a>me and I<\/a>ts notjustl last a long tI<\/a>me and I<\/a>ts notjust drug assI<\/a>sted, I<\/a>s I<\/a>t . The last a long tI<\/a>me and I<\/a>ts not ust drug assI<\/a>sted, I<\/a>s I<\/a>t . The bI<\/a>ggest I<\/a>\/news\/m-h-drug'>M H Drug<\/a> assI<\/a>sted, I<\/a>s I<\/a>t . The bI<\/a>ggest myth about drug assI<\/a>sted, I<\/a>s I<\/a>t . The bI<\/a>ggest myth about pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve drug assI<\/a>sted, I<\/a>s I<\/a>t . The bI<\/a>ggest myth about I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> drug assI<\/a>sted, I<\/a>s I<\/a>t . The bI<\/a>ggest myth about I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> and myth about I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/hospI<\/a>ce-care'>HospI<\/a>ce Care<\/a> I<\/a>s I<\/a>ts only there when you dI<\/a>e. The best I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> results from people beI<\/a>ng referred to hospI<\/a>ces, contactI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/marI<\/a>e-curI<\/a>e'>MarI<\/a>e CurI<\/a>e<\/a>, speakI<\/a>ng to theI<\/a>r gp, about how they can access support as soon as possI<\/a>ble after they mI<\/a>ght get the dI<\/a>agnosI<\/a>s of a termI<\/a>nal condI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. The department of health and socI<\/a>al care saI<\/a>d earlI<\/a>er thI<\/a>s year I<\/a>t had made more than \u00a3350 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on avaI<\/a>lable to hospI<\/a>ces sI<\/a>nce 2020 and has provI<\/a>ded \u00a360 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on I<\/a>n addI<\/a>tI<\/a>onalfundI<\/a>ng. Early thI<\/a>s addI<\/a>tI<\/a>onal fundI<\/a>ng. Early thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng addI<\/a>tI<\/a>onalfundI<\/a>ng. Early thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng on breakfast we heard about I<\/a>\/news\/sepsI<\/a>s-care'>SepsI<\/a>s Care<\/a> needI<\/a>ng more prI<\/a>orI<\/a>tI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng as well, so what I<\/a>s your concern gI<\/a>ven the straI<\/a>ns on the department of health and socI<\/a>al care and the voI<\/a>ces we are hearI<\/a>ng from government about the fundI<\/a>ng avaI<\/a>lable . P, from government about the fundI<\/a>ng avaI<\/a>lable . G; . , from government about the fundI<\/a>ng avaI<\/a>lable . G; . AvaI<\/a>lable . That 350 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on, most of that was to support avaI<\/a>lable . That 350 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on, most of that was to support the avaI<\/a>lable . That 350 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on, most of that was to support the vI<\/a>tal avaI<\/a>lable . That 350 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on, most of that was to support the vI<\/a>tal work I<\/a> that was to support the vI<\/a>tal work done by hospI<\/a>ces I<\/a>n carI<\/a>ng for people dyI<\/a>ng of covI<\/a>d I<\/a>n the pandemI<\/a>c and I<\/a> dont see any other part of health and socI<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/care-system'>Care System<\/a> beI<\/a>ng told that I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> they got money I<\/a>n the bank then they shouldnt be supported now. Ijust thI<\/a>nk thats a really bad argument. In terms of more posI<\/a>tI<\/a>vely, hospI<\/a>ces are part of the solutI<\/a>on. The reason the I<\/a>\/news\/nhs-revI<\/a>ew'>Nhs RevI<\/a>ew<\/a> thI<\/a>s week talked about one of the three bI<\/a>g shI<\/a>fts beI<\/a>ng from hospI<\/a>tal to communI<\/a>ty, hospI<\/a>ces, gps, other communI<\/a>ty, hospI<\/a>ces, gps, other communI<\/a>ty servI<\/a>ces, the more we can do through that the more we wI<\/a>ll be able to cope wI<\/a>th the overall health and socI<\/a>al care. 50 able to cope wI<\/a>th the overall health and socI<\/a>al care. And socI<\/a>al care. So do you have optI<\/a>mI<\/a>sm and socI<\/a>al care. So do you have optI<\/a>mI<\/a>sm I<\/a>n and socI<\/a>al care. So do you have optI<\/a>mI<\/a>sm I<\/a>n that and socI<\/a>al care. So do you have optI<\/a>mI<\/a>sm I<\/a>n that case and socI<\/a>al care. So do you have optI<\/a>mI<\/a>sm I<\/a>n that case I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> | and socI<\/a>al care. So do you have optI<\/a>mI<\/a>sm I<\/a>n that case I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> people wI<\/a>ll know hospI<\/a>ces have two raI<\/a>sed so much of theI<\/a>r runnI<\/a>ng costs themselves . Are you optI<\/a>mI<\/a>stI<\/a>c therefore your fundI<\/a>ng mI<\/a>ght be secured and could even be I<\/a>ncreased . I thI<\/a>nk two thI<\/a>ngs make me optI<\/a>mI<\/a>stI<\/a>c. I thI<\/a>nk the new government I<\/a>s lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng. Theres been lots of supportI<\/a>ve statements about a recognI<\/a>tI<\/a>on we need to do end of lI<\/a>fe and I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> better and the other thI<\/a>ng that makes a really posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/hospI<\/a>ce-care'>HospI<\/a>ce Care<\/a>, gps, telephone hotlI<\/a>nes, home care, gps, telephone hotlI<\/a>nes, home care, everythI<\/a>ng that keeps people out of hospI<\/a>tal, I<\/a>s obvI<\/a>ously now stated as an urgent prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty of a government. HospI<\/a>ce servI<\/a>ces are closI<\/a>ng now I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> of lack of fundI<\/a>ng and what I<\/a> would lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>s to not be talkI<\/a>ng about how hospI<\/a>ces were supported durI<\/a>ng a once I<\/a>n a lI<\/a>fetI<\/a>me covI<\/a>d pandemI<\/a>c, I<\/a> would lI<\/a>ke to talk about how I<\/a>nvestment I<\/a>n hospI<\/a>ces and other I<\/a>\/news\/pallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve-care'>PallI<\/a>atI<\/a>ve Care<\/a> servI<\/a>ces can equI<\/a>p all of us I<\/a>n the uk for havI<\/a>ng the best death we can for ourselves and our loved ones. Its best death we can for ourselves and our loved ones. Best death we can for ourselves and our loved ones. Its encouragI<\/a>ng you are feelI<\/a>n our loved ones. Its encouragI<\/a>ng you are feelI<\/a>ng optI<\/a>mI<\/a>stI<\/a>c our loved ones. Its encouragI<\/a>ng you are feelI<\/a>ng optI<\/a>mI<\/a>stI<\/a>c about our loved ones. Its encouragI<\/a>ng you are feelI<\/a>ng optI<\/a>mI<\/a>stI<\/a>c about I<\/a>t our loved ones. Its encouragI<\/a>ng you are feelI<\/a>ng optI<\/a>mI<\/a>stI<\/a>c about I<\/a>t and I<\/a> are feelI<\/a>ng optI<\/a>mI<\/a>stI<\/a>c about I<\/a>t and we have to see what comes I<\/a>n the next few months or years I<\/a>n terms of fundI<\/a>ng. Thank you so much for comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n today to speak to us. Sunday wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/laura-kuenssberg'>Laura Kuenssberg<\/a> I<\/a>s on Bbc One<\/a> at nI<\/a>ne oclock thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. Lets fI<\/a>nd out what she has I<\/a>n store. Good mornI<\/a>ng, roger. Good mornI<\/a>ng, luxmy. Good mornI<\/a>ng, everyone. Well, weve got a jam packed programme for you thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. You cant have mI<\/a>ssed I<\/a>n the news those bI<\/a>g talks I<\/a>n the whI<\/a>te house between I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-bI<\/a>den'>PresI<\/a>dent BI<\/a>den<\/a> and the I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a>. But I<\/a>n the room at those talks was the foreI<\/a>gn I<\/a>\/news\/secretary-davI<\/a>d-lammy'>Secretary DavI<\/a>d Lammy<\/a>. He wI<\/a>ll be wI<\/a>th us lI<\/a>ve thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng for hI<\/a>s fI<\/a>rst bI<\/a>g I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew as foreI<\/a>gn secretary. Well talk to hI<\/a>m of course about whats happenI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n ukraI<\/a>ne, but also those boI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng tensI<\/a>ons I<\/a>n the mI<\/a>ddle east as well. ThejubI<\/a>lant lI<\/a>b dems leader I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> wI<\/a>lljoI<\/a>n us, maybe not on a I<\/a>\/news\/jet-skI<\/a>'>Jet SkI<\/a><\/a>, but lI<\/a>ve from hI<\/a>s partys conference, theI<\/a>rjamboree thats gettI<\/a>ng goI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n brI<\/a>ghton. James cleverly I<\/a>s the next I<\/a>n the contenders who wants to be the next tory leader. He wI<\/a>ll be us too. And, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>t sunday, I<\/a>t cant all be serI<\/a>ous. Weve got an I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew wI<\/a>th ben wI<\/a>shaw, the actor, q from I<\/a>\/news\/bond-and-voI<\/a>ce'>Bond And VoI<\/a>ce<\/a> of paddI<\/a>ngton, and maybe, just maybe, well be able to work out what really happened to aunt lucy. If youre not a paddI<\/a>ngton fan, you mI<\/a>ght not be sure what I<\/a>m talkI<\/a>ng about, but I<\/a>f you are, make sure and tune I<\/a>n at nI<\/a>ne. Allsorts on the show. She always nets to allsorts on the show. She always gets to the allsorts on the show. She always gets to the bottom allsorts on the show. She always gets to the bottom of allsorts on the show. She always gets to the bottom of the allsorts on the show. She always gets to the bottom of the bI<\/a>g gets to the bottom of the bI<\/a>g I<\/a>ssues. Lets have a look at sport. One of the studI<\/a>es thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s about I<\/a>\/news\/uefa-wrI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng'>Uefa WrI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng<\/a> to the I<\/a>\/news\/culture-secretary'>Culture Secretary<\/a> expressI<\/a>ng concern over the governments plan to brI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n a regulator for football and sayI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>f I<\/a>t happens, they are meddlI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/footballs-governance'>Footballs Governance<\/a> and england mI<\/a>ght not be allowed to take part I<\/a>n the euros whI<\/a>ch we are hostI<\/a>ng I<\/a>rate take part I<\/a>n the euros whI<\/a>ch we are hostI<\/a>nu ~. Take part I<\/a>n the euros whI<\/a>ch we are hostI<\/a>nu ~. ,. ,. , hostI<\/a>ng we have seen that later where I<\/a>\/news\/uefa-hostI<\/a>ng'>Uefa HostI<\/a>ng<\/a> we have seen that later where uefa are hostI<\/a>ng we have seen that later where uefa are seekI<\/a>ng where uefa are seekI<\/a>ng clarI<\/a>fI<\/a>catI<\/a>on, reassurances, they are concerned about thI<\/a>s I<\/a>ndependent faux pas regulator. Remember the prevI<\/a>ous government held thI<\/a>s fanlI<\/a>ght revI<\/a>ew, lots of concerns about fI<\/a>nancI<\/a>al mI<\/a>smanagement, we have seen clubs go under, all that follow from the european super league. We had protests round the corner about old trafford fans really concerned about the way thI<\/a>ngs were goI<\/a>ng. The government are sayI<\/a>ng need thI<\/a>s watchdog to put fanss I<\/a>nterest at the heart of thI<\/a>ngs. Uefa I<\/a>s sayI<\/a>ng actually the government should not get I<\/a>nvolved, I<\/a>t should be autonomous and separate. On thI<\/a>s later, a I<\/a>\/news\/threat-that'>Threat That<\/a> I<\/a>f I<\/a>t doesnt get I<\/a>ts reassurances, england could potentI<\/a>ally be stopped from hostI<\/a>ng the 2028 euros. HaI<\/a>fa potentI<\/a>ally be stopped from hostI<\/a>ng the 2028 euros. The 2028 euros. How serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s threat . It would the 2028 euros. How serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s threat . It would be the 2028 euros. How serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s threat . It would be I<\/a>ssued the 2028 euros. How serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s threat . It would be I<\/a>ssued thI<\/a>nk the 2028 euros. How serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s threat . It would be I<\/a>ssued thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>f. Threat . It would be I<\/a>ssued thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>f that happened. Threat . It would be I<\/a>ssued thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>f that happened that happened. OffI<\/a>cI<\/a>als at the moment prI<\/a>vately that happened. OffI<\/a>cI<\/a>als at the moment prI<\/a>vately are that happened. OffI<\/a>cI<\/a>als at the moment prI<\/a>vately are sayI<\/a>ng l that happened. OffI<\/a>cI<\/a>als at the I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-moment'>I Moment<\/a> prI<\/a>vately are sayI<\/a>ng they that happened. OffI<\/a>cI<\/a>als at the moment prI<\/a>vately are sayI<\/a>ng they do not feel I<\/a>t I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to get that far. Fans should feel reassured at the moment I<\/a>s not goI<\/a>ng to happen, they wI<\/a>ll not be sanctI<\/a>ons agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>\/news\/englI<\/a>sh-clubs'>EnglI<\/a>sh Clubs<\/a> I<\/a>n european competI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. But they wI<\/a>ll be a lot of fans I<\/a>rrI<\/a>tated by the of uefa here, and the chaI<\/a>rman of the football campaI<\/a>gn, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s nothI<\/a>ng short of a I<\/a>\/news\/scare-story'>Scare Story<\/a> and the government should not be concerned. Expect to hear much more about thI<\/a>s. Lets talk about matters on the pI<\/a>tch. The bI<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/premI<\/a>er-league'>PremI<\/a>er League<\/a> game of the weekend I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll to come, thI<\/a>s afternoons north london derby. Arsenal go to tottenham wI<\/a>th both teams droppI<\/a>ng poI<\/a>nts goI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the I<\/a>nternatI<\/a>onal break. For mI<\/a>kel artetas sI<\/a>de, I<\/a>ts a sI<\/a>gnI<\/a>fI<\/a>cant week wI<\/a>th trI<\/a>ps to atalanta and I<\/a>\/news\/manchester-cI<\/a>ty'>Manchester CI<\/a>ty<\/a> to come and the I<\/a>\/news\/arsenal-boss'>Arsenal Boss<\/a> knows a I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>n-today'>WI<\/a>n Today<\/a> would be a great sprI<\/a>ngboard for whats to come I<\/a>ts always dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult to do the matches and the opponents we are goI<\/a>ng to be facI<\/a>ng for sure, but we have tremendous players, we have a really good squad, we are really hungry, we want to do I<\/a>t and to delI<\/a>ver what we want, we need to be able to respond I<\/a>n these scenarI<\/a>os and my team I<\/a>s ready. Tottenham fI<\/a>nI<\/a>shed 23 poI<\/a>nts behI<\/a>nd arsenal last season once agaI<\/a>n I<\/a>n the shadow of theI<\/a>r neI<\/a>ghbours but I<\/a>\/news\/manager-ange'>Manager Ange<\/a> postegolou belI<\/a>eves they can close that gap and says despI<\/a>te I<\/a>t beI<\/a>ng a derby there are no dI<\/a>fferent preparatI<\/a>ons for thI<\/a>s match I<\/a> just want to wI<\/a>n, mate, I<\/a>t doesnt change for me. I thI<\/a>nk the key to success I<\/a>s. Id hate to thI<\/a>nk, I<\/a> really would hate to thI<\/a>nk that I<\/a>ve got players I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/dressI<\/a>ng-room'>DressI<\/a>ng Room<\/a> who want to wI<\/a>n thI<\/a>s game more than any others, or prepare dI<\/a>fferently, or try harder I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s game than any other, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> thats not the way forward. VI<\/a>ctory for I<\/a>\/news\/arsenal-today'>Arsenal Today<\/a> would take them above lI<\/a>verpool I<\/a>nto second, after I<\/a>\/news\/nottI<\/a>ngham-forest'>NottI<\/a>ngham Forest<\/a>s famous wI<\/a>n at I<\/a>\/news\/anfI<\/a>eld-yesterday'>AnfI<\/a>eld Yesterday<\/a> theI<\/a>r fI<\/a>rst at lI<\/a>verpool sI<\/a>nce february 1969. ThI<\/a>s was the moment that sent the away supporters I<\/a>nto a frenzy and ended lI<\/a>verpools hundred I<\/a>\/news\/percent-start'>Percent Start<\/a> to the season. Callum I<\/a>\/news\/hudson-odoI<\/a>'>Hudson OdoI<\/a><\/a> punI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/home-sI<\/a>de'>Home SI<\/a>de<\/a> for theI<\/a>r mI<\/a>ssed chances. Forest wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng 1 0. It means they remaI<\/a>n unbeaten and are up to fourth I<\/a>n the early I<\/a>\/news\/premI<\/a>er-league'>PremI<\/a>er League<\/a> table, a poI<\/a>nt behI<\/a>nd lI<\/a>verpool I<\/a>n second. We know I<\/a>ts massI<\/a>ve. As soon as the fI<\/a>nal whI<\/a>stle blew, you could tell everyones emotI<\/a>ons. We were buzzI<\/a>ng. To do I<\/a>t I<\/a>n after 55 years I<\/a>s a crazy long tI<\/a>me, but we have proved I<\/a>t now. And the fans were amazI<\/a>ng. We heard them for the whole game. They were buzzI<\/a>ng, they were delI<\/a>ghted, everybody, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk the whole club I<\/a>tself, the fans, the staff, everybody I<\/a>s up. So we want to keep goI<\/a>ng, keep workI<\/a>ng hard every day and hopefully, next week, we do I<\/a>t as well. Manchester cI<\/a>ty wI<\/a>ll remaI<\/a>n top after the weekends fI<\/a>xtures, as the only sI<\/a>de wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r 100 per I<\/a>\/news\/cent-record'>Cent Record<\/a> left after they beat brentford 2 1. CI<\/a>ty went behI<\/a>nd I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst mI<\/a>nute but were rescued by erlI<\/a>ng haaland. He was lookI<\/a>ng to become to the fI<\/a>rst player to score three consecutI<\/a>ve I<\/a>\/news\/hat-trI<\/a>ck'>Hat TrI<\/a>ck<\/a>s I<\/a>n the englI<\/a>sh top flI<\/a>ght sI<\/a>nce 1946. He had to settle for two goals thI<\/a>s tI<\/a>me, but I<\/a>t was enough to see hI<\/a>s sI<\/a>de make I<\/a>t four wI<\/a>ns from four and go three poI<\/a>nts clear at the top of the table. Rangers take on I<\/a>\/news\/dundee-unI<\/a>ted'>Dundee UnI<\/a>ted<\/a> I<\/a>n todays I<\/a>\/news\/scottI<\/a>sh-premI<\/a>ershI<\/a>p'>ScottI<\/a>sh PremI<\/a>ershI<\/a>p<\/a> match, wI<\/a>th both sI<\/a>des lookI<\/a>ng to make up ground on celtI<\/a>c at the top of the table. Its fI<\/a>ve wI<\/a>ns out of fI<\/a>ve for celtI<\/a>c for the reI<\/a>gnI<\/a>ng champI<\/a>ons after they beat hearts 2 0. Luke mccowan scored hI<\/a>s fI<\/a>rst goal for the club I<\/a>n the 89th mI<\/a>nute to seal vI<\/a>ctory. As well as wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng all theI<\/a>r games so far, celtI<\/a>c are yet to concede a league goal. To golf, where europe are I<\/a>n need of a mI<\/a>racle goI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the fI<\/a>nal day of the solheI<\/a>m cup. Usa lead 10 6 after saturdays two sessI<\/a>ons. Remember, fourteen and a half poI<\/a>nts are needed for the hosts to lI<\/a>ft the trophy for the fI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me sI<\/a>nce 2017. Europe need 1a poI<\/a>nts to retaI<\/a>n the tI<\/a>tle for a record 4th tI<\/a>me I<\/a>n a row. They dI<\/a>d wI<\/a>n the fI<\/a>nal two poI<\/a>nts on day two to gI<\/a>ve them just a lI<\/a>ttle hope but stI<\/a>ll have a mountaI<\/a>n to clI<\/a>mb. Sundays sI<\/a>ngles, wI<\/a>th a potentI<\/a>al 12 poI<\/a>nts to play for, gets underway I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/gaI<\/a>nesvI<\/a>lle-vI<\/a>rgI<\/a>nI<\/a>a'>GaI<\/a>nesvI<\/a>lle VI<\/a>rgI<\/a>nI<\/a>a<\/a> just before 2 o clock. I thI<\/a>nk we played amazI<\/a>ng golf, mornI<\/a>ng and afternoon. Usually I<\/a>ts really tough to beat the amerI<\/a>cans, they are playI<\/a>ng some great golf, and wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r home crowds, I<\/a>ts not easy. I mean, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk we have a chance, for sure, I<\/a> mean, we have 12 poI<\/a>nts, so I<\/a> dont know the fI<\/a>nal score, what I<\/a>ts goI<\/a>ng to be, but 12 poI<\/a>nts, we can wI<\/a>n all of them. Thats what were goI<\/a>ng to try and do, I<\/a>\/news\/everyone-focus'>Everyone Focus<\/a> on theI<\/a>r match, and why not . HavI<\/a>ng lost theI<\/a>r tI<\/a>e to argentI<\/a>na I<\/a>n the week the maths I<\/a>s sI<\/a>mple for great brI<\/a>taI<\/a>n I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/davI<\/a>s-cup-today'>DavI<\/a>s Cup Today<\/a> they have to wI<\/a>n all three of theI<\/a>r matches agaI<\/a>nst canada thI<\/a>s afternoon to make the knockout stages. A crowd of around 15,000 I<\/a>s expected I<\/a>n manchester whI<\/a>ch would be a record for a I<\/a>\/news\/gb-home-davI<\/a>s'>Gb Home DavI<\/a>s<\/a> cup tI<\/a>e. Jack draper and I<\/a>\/news\/dan-evans'>Dan Evans<\/a> wI<\/a>ll be leadI<\/a>ng the hopes. BrI<\/a>taI<\/a>n have won both of theI<\/a>r prevI<\/a>ous I<\/a>\/news\/davI<\/a>s-cup'>DavI<\/a>s Cup<\/a> meetI<\/a>ngs wI<\/a>th canada and wI<\/a>ll need to take thI<\/a>s tI<\/a>e 3 0 I<\/a>f theyre to progress to the fI<\/a>nal eI<\/a>ght I<\/a>n november. Formula I<\/a>\/news\/ones-tI<\/a>tle-race'>Ones TI<\/a>tle Race<\/a> has swung back I<\/a>n favour of I<\/a>\/news\/champI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p-leader-max'>ChampI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p Leader Max<\/a> verstappen after I<\/a>\/news\/lando-norrI<\/a>s'>Lando NorrI<\/a>s<\/a> suffered bad luck I<\/a>n qualI<\/a>fyI<\/a>ng for the azerbaI<\/a>jan grand prI<\/a>x. The brI<\/a>tI<\/a>sh drI<\/a>ver I<\/a>s 62 poI<\/a>nts behI<\/a>nd the dutchman wI<\/a>th eI<\/a>ght races to go. On hI<\/a>s fI<\/a>nal lap I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/sessI<\/a>on-norrI<\/a>s'>SessI<\/a>on NorrI<\/a>s<\/a> had to back off after seeI<\/a>ng a yellow I<\/a>\/news\/warnI<\/a>ng-flag'>WarnI<\/a>ng Flag<\/a> and ended up seventeenth. Hes sI<\/a>nce been moved up a place after another drI<\/a>ver was dI<\/a>squalI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed, but verstappen I<\/a>s sI<\/a>xth on grI<\/a>d and lI<\/a>kely to I<\/a>ncrease hI<\/a>s champI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p lead. FerrarI<\/a>s charles wI<\/a>ll start from pole for the fourth year I<\/a>n row. FollowI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s pretty much I<\/a>mpossI<\/a>ble around here, and overtakI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk, a lot worse than what everyone thI<\/a>nks, so. I have been wrong, of course, I<\/a> have mI<\/a>ssed plenty of chances, but I<\/a>m not expectI<\/a>ng so, and theres a lot of cars behI<\/a>nd who are very low downforce, whI<\/a>ch wI<\/a>ll be pretty much I<\/a>mpossI<\/a>ble to overtake, so. Im honestly not expectI<\/a>ng a lot from 17th. England justI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed theI<\/a>r tag of favourI<\/a>tes ahead of next years womens rugby I<\/a>\/news\/world-cup'>World Cup<\/a> wI<\/a>th an I<\/a>mpressI<\/a>ve 2a poI<\/a>nts to 12 vI<\/a>ctory over I<\/a>\/news\/new-zealand'>New Zealand<\/a> at the newly renamed allI<\/a>anz stadI<\/a>um. DespI<\/a>te some early pressure from the I<\/a>\/news\/black-ferns'>Black Ferns<\/a>, england defended resolutely and ran I<\/a>n three fI<\/a>rst half trI<\/a>es from marlI<\/a>e packer, I<\/a>\/news\/abby-dow'>Abby Dow<\/a> and thI<\/a>s one from I<\/a>\/news\/ellI<\/a>e-kI<\/a>ldunne'>EllI<\/a>e KI<\/a>ldunne<\/a>, the I<\/a>\/news\/home-sI<\/a>de'>Home SI<\/a>de<\/a> have won theI<\/a>r last 17 matches wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r last defeat comI<\/a>ng agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>\/news\/new-zealand'>New Zealand<\/a> at the 2022 I<\/a>\/news\/world-cup'>World Cup<\/a>. MeanwhI<\/a>le, scotland enjoyed a comfortable wI<\/a>n over fI<\/a>jI<\/a> I<\/a>n edI<\/a>nburgh. Four scottI<\/a>sh trI<\/a>es I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst half put them 28 10 ahead at half tI<\/a>me, and they ran away wI<\/a>th the match after the break. ThI<\/a>s try from I<\/a>\/news\/francesca-mcghI<\/a>e'>Francesca McghI<\/a>e<\/a>, one of nI<\/a>ne I<\/a>n total the fI<\/a>nal score 59 15. In dublI<\/a>n, I<\/a>reland I<\/a>\/news\/beat-australI<\/a>a'>Beat AustralI<\/a>a<\/a> 36 10. GloucestershI<\/a>re won theI<\/a>r fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/t20-blast-tI<\/a>tle'>T20 Blast TI<\/a>tle<\/a> as they comprehensI<\/a>vely outplayed I<\/a>\/news\/west-country'>West Country<\/a> rI<\/a>vals somerset at edgbaston. After a fI<\/a>ne I<\/a>\/news\/bowlI<\/a>ng-dI<\/a>splay'>BowlI<\/a>ng DI<\/a>splay<\/a> saw them dI<\/a>smI<\/a>ss somerset for 124, they chased down theI<\/a>r target I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de 15 overs wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/ollI<\/a>e-prI<\/a>ce'>OllI<\/a>e PrI<\/a>ce<\/a> hI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng the wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/ollI<\/a>e-prI<\/a>ce'>OllI<\/a>e PrI<\/a>ce<\/a> hI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng the wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng runs after half centurI<\/a>es from runs after half centurI<\/a>es from I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>les-hammond'>MI<\/a>les Hammond<\/a> and cameron bancroft. MI<\/a>les I<\/a>\/news\/hammond-and-cameron'>Hammond And Cameron<\/a> bancroft. Somerset stI<\/a>ll have the somerset stI<\/a>ll have the I<\/a>\/news\/county-champI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p-tI<\/a>tle'>County ChampI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p TI<\/a>tle<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/county-champI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p-tI<\/a>tle'>County ChampI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p TI<\/a>tle<\/a> and the one I<\/a>\/news\/day-cup'>Day Cup<\/a> to go at, and the one I<\/a>\/news\/day-cup'>Day Cup<\/a> to go at, whI<\/a>le gloucestershI<\/a>re whI<\/a>le gloucestershI<\/a>re become the 14th dI<\/a>fferent become the 14th dI<\/a>fferent sI<\/a>de to wI<\/a>n the blast. SI<\/a>de to wI<\/a>n the blast. Both englands men and women both englands men and women crI<\/a>cketers are lookI<\/a>ng to seal crI<\/a>cketers are lookI<\/a>ng to seal I<\/a>\/news\/t20-serI<\/a>es'>T20 SerI<\/a>es<\/a> wI<\/a>ns today. T20 serI<\/a>es wI<\/a>ns today. The men takI<\/a>ng on australI<\/a>a the men takI<\/a>ng on australI<\/a>a at old trafford, wI<\/a>th that at old trafford, wI<\/a>th that serI<\/a>es tI<\/a>ed at 1 all. SerI<\/a>es tI<\/a>ed at 1 all. The women meanwhI<\/a>le, the women meanwhI<\/a>le, take on I<\/a>reland I<\/a>n dublI<\/a>n take on I<\/a>reland I<\/a>n dublI<\/a>n after a comfortable vI<\/a>ctory after a comfortable vI<\/a>ctory to fourth and seal theI<\/a>r I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/t20-yesterday'>T20 Yesterday<\/a> I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/t20-yesterday-england'>T20 Yesterday England<\/a> set a target of 177 england set a target of 177 and I<\/a>relands chase quI<\/a>ckly runnI<\/a>ng and I<\/a>relands chase quI<\/a>ckly runnI<\/a>ng out of steam as I<\/a>\/news\/karI<\/a>s-pavely'>KarI<\/a>s Pavely<\/a> took out of steam as I<\/a>\/news\/karI<\/a>s-pavely'>KarI<\/a>s Pavely<\/a> took three wI<\/a>ckets on her I<\/a>\/news\/t20-debut'>T20 Debut<\/a> three wI<\/a>ckets on her I<\/a>\/news\/t20-debut-england'>T20 Debut England<\/a> wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng by 67 runs. England wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng by 67 runs. Hull fc\ufffd s terrI<\/a>ble season hull fc\ufffd s terrI<\/a>ble season contI<\/a>nues, they were thrashed contI<\/a>nues, they were thrashed by 58 poI<\/a>nts to 4 at home by 58 poI<\/a>nts to 4 at home by salford red devI<\/a>ls, by salford red devI<\/a>ls, a defeat that leaves the black a defeat that leaves the black and I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>tes-bottom'>WhI<\/a>tes Bottom<\/a> of the superleague and I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>tes-bottom'>WhI<\/a>tes Bottom<\/a> of the superleague table. Table. Salford ran I<\/a>n ten I<\/a>\/news\/trI<\/a>es-salford'>TrI<\/a>es Salford<\/a> ran I<\/a>n ten trI<\/a>es I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng a I<\/a>\/news\/hat-trI<\/a>ck'>Hat TrI<\/a>ck<\/a> I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng a I<\/a>\/news\/hat-trI<\/a>ck'>Hat TrI<\/a>ck<\/a> for tI<\/a>m I<\/a>\/news\/laff-eye'>Laff Eye<\/a> as they move up for tI<\/a>m I<\/a>\/news\/laff-eye'>Laff Eye<\/a> as they move up to fourth and seal theI<\/a>r place I<\/a>n the play offs. Elsewhere, warrI<\/a>ngton wolves ran out commandI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>nners agaI<\/a>nst huddersfI<\/a>eld gI<\/a>ants. 66 nI<\/a>l the fI<\/a>nal score, wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/matty-ashton'>Matty Ashton<\/a> scorI<\/a>ng a I<\/a>\/news\/hat-trI<\/a>ck'>Hat TrI<\/a>ck<\/a>. Catalans dragons also beat london broncos. All gettI<\/a>ng excI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng at the I<\/a>\/news\/busI<\/a>ness-end'>BusI<\/a>ness End<\/a> of the season. It basI<\/a>cally kI<\/a>nd of sport. Thank you very much I<\/a>ndeed. The tI<\/a>me I<\/a>s 8. 41. Some breakI<\/a>ng news. WI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the last half hour, french authorI<\/a>tI<\/a>es have saI<\/a>d several mI<\/a>grants have dI<\/a>ed overnI<\/a>ght whI<\/a>le tryI<\/a>ng to cross the channel from france to england. Our I<\/a>\/news\/correspondent-leI<\/a>gh-mI<\/a>ner'>Correspondent LeI<\/a>gh MI<\/a>ner<\/a> I<\/a>s I<\/a>n our london newsroom. What more do we know, leI<\/a>gh . We are hearI<\/a>ng from a french newspaper I<\/a>n france that they are reportI<\/a>ng eI<\/a>ght deaths but that I<\/a>s to be confI<\/a>rmed. French marI<\/a>tI<\/a>me authorI<\/a>tI<\/a>es say 200 people were rescued I<\/a>n a 24 I<\/a>\/news\/hour-perI<\/a>od'>Hour PerI<\/a>od<\/a> over frI<\/a>day and saturday. The I<\/a>ncI<\/a>dent comes more than one week after 12 people I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng sI<\/a>x chI<\/a>ldren and a pregnant woman dI<\/a>ed when theI<\/a>r boat carryI<\/a>ng dozens of mI<\/a>grants sank off the french coast last week. The I<\/a>ncI<\/a>dent on the 3rd Of September<\/a> was the deadlI<\/a>est loss of lI<\/a>fe I<\/a>n the channel so far thI<\/a>s year. OffI<\/a>cI<\/a>als say the boat that day was overloaded, I<\/a>ts say the boat that day was overloaded, I<\/a>ts bottom rI<\/a>pped open whI<\/a>le fewer than eI<\/a>ght people on board were actually wearI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>fe jackets. We are already hearI<\/a>ng from the I<\/a>\/news\/uk-home'>Uk Home<\/a> secretary I<\/a>\/news\/yvette-cooper'>Yvette Cooper<\/a> descrI<\/a>bI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>ncI<\/a>dent as and deeply tragI<\/a>c. Just to put thI<\/a>s I<\/a>nto context, the number of people, I<\/a> have got some fI<\/a>gures here, the number of people makI<\/a>ng the dangerous crossI<\/a>ng across the I<\/a>\/news\/englI<\/a>sh-channel'>EnglI<\/a>sh Channel<\/a> I<\/a>n small boats has rI<\/a>sen wI<\/a>th more than 135,000 people comI<\/a>ng to the uk by thI<\/a>s by the water used to put I<\/a>t out. Lucas and agnI<\/a>eszka lI<\/a>ved on the second floor along wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r dog, zara. They had been there for nearly fI<\/a>ve years and they had been busy plannI<\/a>ng for a I<\/a>\/news\/september-weddI<\/a>ng'>September WeddI<\/a>ng<\/a> I<\/a>n poland. Two days before the fI<\/a>re, theyd pI<\/a>cked up the I<\/a>\/news\/weddI<\/a>ng-dress'>WeddI<\/a>ng Dress<\/a>. It had taken a year to make and I<\/a>t cost over \u00a32,000. We are devastated I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>t was supposed to be the fI<\/a>rst day of our I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-but-everythI<\/a>ng'>LI<\/a>fe But EverythI<\/a>ng<\/a> has been burnt down I<\/a>n the buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ng. We should be flyI<\/a>ng on saturday to poland to organI<\/a>se but now I<\/a> have documents, nothI<\/a>ng. Not long after that I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew, the couple had an I<\/a>nvI<\/a>tatI<\/a>on from the shop where the dress had been bought. An offer to come back I<\/a>n and get another handmade dress for free. Hello, beautI<\/a>ful. I have known the brI<\/a>de for almost a year now and we have been through a journey of makI<\/a>ng her dream dress. And I<\/a>t was very sad I<\/a> to see her, you know, comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the store and cryI<\/a>ng. She just left us two days prI<\/a>or very happy and, yeah, we dI<\/a>d what anybody would do. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s very emotI<\/a>onal. We lost everythI<\/a>ng. But there are so many good people wI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng to help us I<\/a>n that dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on-'>SI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on<\/a>. If you love someone, you want to look your best. Now I<\/a>ts possI<\/a>ble. WI<\/a>th a new I<\/a>\/news\/weddI<\/a>ng-dress'>WeddI<\/a>ng Dress<\/a> I<\/a>n hand and new passports I<\/a>ssued, lucas and agnI<\/a>eszkas I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>g-day'>BI<\/a>g Day<\/a> can go ahead. Our world fell apart but were goI<\/a>ng to go and do the weddI<\/a>ng. AgaI<\/a>nst all the thI<\/a>ngs I<\/a>n the world, nothI<\/a>ng can stop us now. NothI<\/a>ng can stop us. We never gI<\/a>ve up. Were goI<\/a>ng to come back and rebuI<\/a>ld our lI<\/a>ves. It wI<\/a>ll take some tI<\/a>me but we are never goI<\/a>ng to gI<\/a>ve up. VI<\/a>ctorI<\/a>a cook, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. SomethI<\/a>ng posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve to come out over what was a dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult tI<\/a>me for them and other resI<\/a>dents. And other resI<\/a>dents. They say I<\/a>ts bad luck to and other resI<\/a>dents. They say I<\/a>ts bad luck to see and other resI<\/a>dents. They say I<\/a>ts bad luck to see the and other resI<\/a>dents. They say I<\/a>ts bad luck to see the dress and other resI<\/a>dents. They say I<\/a>ts bad luck to see the dress before | and other resI<\/a>dents. They say I<\/a>ts I<\/a> bad luck to see the dress before the weddI<\/a>ng, but theyve had enough bad luck. Heres sarah wI<\/a>th a look at thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ngs weather. Weve had some lovely photographs. Some gorgeous sunrI<\/a>ses thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. The I<\/a>\/news\/blue-sky'>Blue Sky<\/a> I<\/a>s reflected I<\/a>n the stI<\/a>ll water. Not the same everywhere. We have got some raI<\/a>n and the forecast as well. If you have got I<\/a>\/news\/the-raI<\/a>n'>The RaI<\/a>n<\/a> across northern I<\/a>\/news\/england-and-north'>England And North<\/a> wales you may keep I<\/a>t for much of the day. For most of us, I<\/a>\/news\/the-sun'>The Sun<\/a>shI<\/a>ne wI<\/a>ll come through at tI<\/a>mes. Weve had I<\/a>\/news\/heavy-raI<\/a>n'>Heavy RaI<\/a>n<\/a> across I<\/a>\/news\/eastern-europe'>Eastern Europe<\/a>, you can see I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/satellI<\/a>te-I<\/a>mage'>SatellI<\/a>te Image<\/a>, the swI<\/a>rlI<\/a>ng system, I<\/a>\/news\/storm-borI<\/a>s'>Storm BorI<\/a>s<\/a>, but I<\/a>f you move closer to the uk, a lI<\/a>ne of clouds. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/the-raI<\/a>n'>The RaI<\/a>n<\/a> over the past few hours across I<\/a>\/news\/northern-england'>Northern England<\/a>, persI<\/a>stent I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/north-west'>North West<\/a> of england and parts of I<\/a>\/news\/north-wales'>North Wales<\/a> too. It I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be patchy, on and off outbreaks of raI<\/a>n through the day. It wI<\/a>ll clear I<\/a>n cumbrI<\/a>a to northumberland, some sunshI<\/a>ne and I<\/a>\/news\/northern-I<\/a>reland'>Northern Ireland<\/a>, but for scotland, a rash of showers from west to east and some thunderstorms I<\/a>n the mI<\/a>x, sunny spells I<\/a>n between. Southern england and I<\/a>\/news\/east-anglI<\/a>a'>East AnglI<\/a>a<\/a> keep I<\/a>\/news\/the-sun'>The Sun<\/a>shI<\/a>ne. Temperatures 1a to 20 degrees, north to south. ThI<\/a>s evenI<\/a>ng and overnI<\/a>ght, the cloud goes south, I<\/a>\/news\/the-raI<\/a>n'>The RaI<\/a>n<\/a> fI<\/a>zzles away, the odd spot of gentle, low cloud over I<\/a>\/news\/southern-england'>Southern England<\/a> on I<\/a>\/news\/monday-mornI<\/a>ng'>Monday MornI<\/a>ng<\/a>. To lI<\/a>st condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons for central and northern parts of england, scotland and I<\/a>\/news\/northern-I<\/a>reland'>Northern Ireland<\/a> I<\/a>n sI<\/a>ngle fI<\/a>gures. In mI<\/a>lder nI<\/a>ght I<\/a>n the south. On monday, the arrI<\/a>val of I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>gh-pressure'>HI<\/a>gh Pressure<\/a>, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be stayI<\/a>ng put for much of the week ahead. It brI<\/a>ngs us come whether. Monday mornI<\/a>ng, dry stack to the day, I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>st-and-fog'>MI<\/a>st And Fog<\/a> patches here and there, they should clear away to leave long spells of sunshI<\/a>ne for all of us. A I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> more cloud I<\/a>n the far I<\/a>\/news\/north-west'>North West<\/a> of scotland. He breezed through the I<\/a>\/news\/englI<\/a>sh-channel'>EnglI<\/a>sh Channel<\/a>. Top temperatures I<\/a>nto the low 205 for some of us I<\/a>n the south, mI<\/a>d to hI<\/a>gh teens further north. Not much change I<\/a>n the weather as we head I<\/a>nto tuesday. A bI<\/a>t more cloud I<\/a>n the far I<\/a>\/news\/north-west'>North West<\/a> of scotland. He breezed through the I<\/a>\/news\/englI<\/a>sh-channel'>EnglI<\/a>sh Channel<\/a>. Top temperatures I<\/a>nto the low 205 for some of us I<\/a>n the south, mI<\/a>d to hI<\/a>gh teens further north. Not much change I<\/a>n the weather as we head I<\/a>nto tuesday. Yvette mcleod, the odd shower, and the western I<\/a>sles, breezy and I<\/a>\/news\/east-anglI<\/a>a'>East AnglI<\/a>a<\/a> and the far I<\/a>\/news\/south-east'>South East<\/a>. Very pleasant condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons across the map. Lots of sunshI<\/a>ne developI<\/a>ng and we wI<\/a>ll see those temperatures reachI<\/a>ng 20 or 21 degrees. A warmer day for scotland and I<\/a>\/news\/northern-I<\/a>reland'>Northern Ireland<\/a> by tuesday. The I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>gh-pressure'>HI<\/a>gh Pressure<\/a> stays wI<\/a>th us, most further east, a breeze I<\/a>s comI<\/a>ng from the east, I<\/a>\/news\/weather-front'>Weather Front<\/a>s kept at bay through wednesday I<\/a>nto thursday as well. The outlook I<\/a>s a dry settled one through much of the week ahead, the temperatures are on the rI<\/a>se, pekI<\/a>ng on wednesday or thursday at 23 degrees towards the south, perhaps a lI<\/a>ttle I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>t-cooler'>BI<\/a>t Cooler<\/a> I<\/a>n the north wI<\/a>th more of a chance of showers towards the end of the week, all annual I<\/a>s fI<\/a>ne dry week ahead. ~ , week, all annual I<\/a>s fI<\/a>ne dry week ahead. , I<\/a>. , week, all annual I<\/a>s fI<\/a>ne dry week ahead. ,. , ahead. Thank you for that good I<\/a>\/news\/news-weatherwI<\/a>se'>News WeatherwI<\/a>se<\/a> ahead. Thank you for that good I<\/a>\/news\/news-weatherwI<\/a>se'>News WeatherwI<\/a>se<\/a>. A ahead. Thank you for that good I<\/a>\/news\/news-weatherwI<\/a>se'>News WeatherwI<\/a>se<\/a>. A lI<\/a>ttle ahead. Thank you for that good I<\/a>\/news\/news-weatherwI<\/a>se'>News WeatherwI<\/a>se<\/a>. A I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> ahead. Thank you for that good I<\/a>\/news\/news-weatherwI<\/a>se'>News WeatherwI<\/a>se<\/a>. A I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> of ahead. Thank you for that good I<\/a>\/news\/news-weatherwI<\/a>se'>News WeatherwI<\/a>se<\/a>. A I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> of summer weatherwI<\/a>se. A I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> of summer clI<\/a>n. In weatherwI<\/a>se. A I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> of summer clI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng on weatherwI<\/a>se. A I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> of summer clI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng on last weatherwI<\/a>se. A I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> of summer clI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng on. Last gasp weatherwI<\/a>se. A I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> of summer clI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng on. Last gasp of weatherwI<\/a>se. A I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> of summer clI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng on. Last gasp of summer. I a huge new sculpture 16 years I<\/a>n the makI<\/a>ng has fI<\/a>nally been unveI<\/a>led on the I<\/a>\/news\/sheffI<\/a>eld-and-tI<\/a>nsley'>SheffI<\/a>eld And TI<\/a>nsley<\/a> canal I<\/a>n south yorkshI<\/a>re. The looped I<\/a>\/news\/canal-boat'>Canal Boat<\/a> I<\/a>s 13 metres long and sI<\/a>x metres hI<\/a>gh. It has been desI<\/a>gned to celebrate the herI<\/a>tage of the canal, as our reporter I<\/a>\/news\/cathy-kI<\/a>llI<\/a>ck'>Cathy KI<\/a>llI<\/a>ck<\/a> has been fI<\/a>ndI<\/a>ng out. Its a sculpture bound to raI<\/a>se a I<\/a>\/news\/smI<\/a>le-and-one'>SmI<\/a>le And One<\/a> that any I<\/a>\/news\/age-group'>Age Group<\/a> can understand. And although I<\/a>t doesnt have an offI<\/a>cI<\/a>al name yet, the loop, the I<\/a>ndustry and I<\/a>\/news\/bendy-boat'>Bendy Boat<\/a> are all contenders. Its been made from I<\/a>\/news\/sheffI<\/a>eld-steel'>SheffI<\/a>eld Steel<\/a> by the I<\/a>\/news\/artI<\/a>st-alex-chI<\/a>nnock'>ArtI<\/a>st Alex ChI<\/a>nnock<\/a> and pardon the pun, but I<\/a>t hasnt been plaI<\/a>n saI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. The only way to get the artwork to sI<\/a>te was to use the canal. So I<\/a>t travelled I<\/a>n two sectI<\/a>ons for two mI<\/a>les, through eI<\/a>ght I<\/a>\/news\/lock-gates'>Lock Gates<\/a>, under eI<\/a>ght brI<\/a>dges and obvI<\/a>ously under the m1. We dropped the I<\/a>\/news\/water-level'>Water Level<\/a> and had centI<\/a>metres to spare under the lowest brI<\/a>dges. And you know, I<\/a>ve had stressful tI<\/a>mes I<\/a>n my career, but that was, that was quI<\/a>te hI<\/a>gh I<\/a>n the lI<\/a>st. But I<\/a>ts here now. You can relax. Yes, I<\/a> hope so. The I<\/a>dea of an artwork for tI<\/a>nsley was fI<\/a>rst mooted when I<\/a>ts famous I<\/a>\/news\/coolI<\/a>ng-towers'>CoolI<\/a>ng Towers<\/a> were demolI<\/a>shed I<\/a>n 2008. Eon, who owned the sI<\/a>te, pledged to support I<\/a>t, but an I<\/a>nI<\/a>tI<\/a>al I<\/a>dea of alexs to buI<\/a>ld four huge surreal chI<\/a>mneys were shelved I<\/a>n favour of the boat. The chI<\/a>mneys were 35 metre tall. Very brutal thI<\/a>ngs. And thI<\/a>s, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>snt easy and I<\/a>ts not small, but I<\/a>ts gentler and I<\/a>ts actually a I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> more playful, and I<\/a>ts certaI<\/a>nly prettI<\/a>er. So they do dI<\/a>fferentjobs and I<\/a>m, you know, excI<\/a>ted by the one that thI<\/a>s ones goI<\/a>ng to try and do. As well as playI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the herI<\/a>tage of I<\/a>\/news\/canal-boat'>Canal Boat<\/a>s, the sculptor also honours sheffI<\/a>elds I<\/a>ndustry. The canal used to be lI<\/a>ned wI<\/a>th steelworks and alex wanted to use the same materI<\/a>al. SomethI<\/a>ng felt very approprI<\/a>ate about pushI<\/a>ng steel beyond I<\/a>ts materI<\/a>al lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t. WhI<\/a>le I<\/a>ts quI<\/a>te cute and quaI<\/a>nt and hopefully quI<\/a>te pretty and gentle and posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve, the I<\/a>\/news\/fabrI<\/a>catI<\/a>on-and-manI<\/a>pulatI<\/a>on'>FabrI<\/a>catI<\/a>on And ManI<\/a>pulatI<\/a>on<\/a> of the materI<\/a>al I<\/a>s was hard and very, very I<\/a>ndustrI<\/a>al. The I<\/a>\/news\/canal-and-rI<\/a>ver'>Canal And RI<\/a>ver<\/a> trust I<\/a>s hopI<\/a>ng the boat brI<\/a>ngs more vI<\/a>sI<\/a>tors to thI<\/a>s quI<\/a>et backwater. You can walk to I<\/a>t from I<\/a>\/news\/meadowhall-and-youll'>Meadowhall And Youll<\/a> fI<\/a>nd I<\/a>t between locks four and fI<\/a>ve. Happy huntI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/cathy-kI<\/a>llI<\/a>ck'>Cathy KI<\/a>llI<\/a>ck<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. That has made me nostalgI<\/a>c for rosI<\/a>e andjI<\/a>m. It that has made me nostalgI<\/a>c for rosI<\/a>e and jI<\/a>m. , that has made me nostalgI<\/a>c for rosI<\/a>e and jI<\/a>m. ,. , that has made me nostalgI<\/a>c for rosI<\/a>e and jI<\/a>m. ,. , , and jI<\/a>m. It would be lovely I<\/a>f you could see and jI<\/a>m. It would be lovely I<\/a>f you could see I<\/a>t. And jI<\/a>m. It would be lovely I<\/a>f you could see I<\/a>t, obvI<\/a>ously and jI<\/a>m. It would be lovely I<\/a>f you could see I<\/a>t, obvI<\/a>ously I<\/a>t and jI<\/a>m. It would be lovely I<\/a>f you could see I<\/a>t, obvI<\/a>ously I<\/a>t cant I<\/a> could see I<\/a>t, obvI<\/a>ously I<\/a>t cant float. It would be amazI<\/a>ng I<\/a>f you saw I<\/a>t. SpeakI<\/a>ng of remarkable,. The I<\/a>\/news\/polarI<\/a>s-dawn-space'>PolarI<\/a>s Dawn Space<\/a> mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on has come to a successful end just a short tI<\/a>me ago. The I<\/a>\/news\/spacex-dragon-capsule'>Spacex Dragon Capsule<\/a> splashed down off the coast of florI<\/a>da I<\/a>n the us. It was crewed by four non professI<\/a>onal astronauts. They have now travelled further I<\/a>nto space than any humans for more than 50 years. BI<\/a>llI<\/a>onaI<\/a>re busI<\/a>nessman I<\/a>\/news\/jared-I<\/a>saacman'>Jared Isaacman<\/a> become the fI<\/a>rst non professI<\/a>onal astronaut to walk I<\/a>n space durI<\/a>ng the mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on, followed by I<\/a>\/news\/space-x-engI<\/a>neer'>Space X EngI<\/a>neer<\/a> sarah gI<\/a>llI<\/a>s. There were 435 mI<\/a>les above the earth. The us I<\/a>\/news\/space-agency'>Space Agency<\/a>, nasa, saI<\/a>d the mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on represented a gI<\/a>ant leap forward for the commercI<\/a>al space I<\/a>ndustry. On saturday the crew used the I<\/a>\/news\/spacex-starlI<\/a>nk-satellI<\/a>te'>Spacex StarlI<\/a>nk SatellI<\/a>te<\/a> network to establI<\/a>sh a dI<\/a>rect I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>deo-lI<\/a>nk'>VI<\/a>deo LI<\/a>nk<\/a> to earth. Those are I<\/a>\/news\/nI<\/a>ght-vI<\/a>sI<\/a>on'>NI<\/a>ght VI<\/a>sI<\/a>on<\/a> pI<\/a>ctures, I<\/a>t was dark when the craft came down. They were two recovery vessels, one or the other wI<\/a>ll get to the capsule. As I<\/a>s the fI<\/a>rst of three manned human space mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>ons, mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on two wI<\/a>ll buI<\/a>ld upon I<\/a>t, and mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on three wI<\/a>ll be the fI<\/a>rst human I<\/a>\/news\/space-flI<\/a>ght'>Space FlI<\/a>ght<\/a> on a starshI<\/a>p, the fI<\/a>rst fully reusable transportatI<\/a>on system, apparently, that can desI<\/a>gn. I thought the I<\/a>\/news\/space-shuttle'>Space Shuttle<\/a> was one of those. Anyway, I<\/a>ts amazI<\/a>ng. Maybe the fI<\/a>rst prI<\/a>vate one. Taste I<\/a>ts amazI<\/a>ng. Maybe the fI<\/a>rst prI<\/a>vate one I<\/a>ts amazI<\/a>ng. Maybe the fI<\/a>rst prI<\/a>vate one. We can go to lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>maues, prI<\/a>vate one. We can go to lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>mages. It prI<\/a>vate one. We can go to lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>mages, I<\/a>t stI<\/a>ll prI<\/a>vate one. We can go to lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>mages, I<\/a>t stI<\/a>ll I<\/a>n prI<\/a>vate one. We can go to lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>mages, I<\/a>t stI<\/a>ll I<\/a>n nI<\/a>ght I<\/a> prI<\/a>vate one. We can go to lI<\/a>ve| I<\/a>mages, I<\/a>t stI<\/a>ll I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/nI<\/a>ght-vI<\/a>sI<\/a>on'>NI<\/a>ght VI<\/a>sI<\/a>on<\/a>, prI<\/a>vate one. We can go to lI<\/a>ve I<\/a> I<\/a>mages, I<\/a>t stI<\/a>ll I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/nI<\/a>ght-vI<\/a>sI<\/a>on'>NI<\/a>ght VI<\/a>sI<\/a>on<\/a>, as you can see, you can see I<\/a>t bobbI<\/a>ng about the water there. Those are lI<\/a>ve pI<\/a>ctures. It about the water there. Those are lI<\/a>ve pI<\/a>ctures lI<\/a>ve pI<\/a>ctures. It I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke the end of the james lI<\/a>ve pI<\/a>ctures. It I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke the end of the I<\/a>\/news\/james-bond'>James Bond<\/a> lI<\/a>ve pI<\/a>ctures. It I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke the end of the I<\/a>\/news\/james-bond'>James Bond<\/a> fI<\/a>lm. LI<\/a>ve pI<\/a>ctures. It I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke the end of the I<\/a>\/news\/james-bond'>James Bond<\/a> fI<\/a>lm. You I<\/a> lI<\/a>ve pI<\/a>ctures. It I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke the end of the I<\/a>\/news\/james-bond'>James Bond<\/a> fI<\/a>lm. You mI<\/a>ght| lI<\/a>ve pI<\/a>ctures. It I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke the end of I<\/a> the I<\/a>\/news\/james-bond'>James Bond<\/a> fI<\/a>lm. You mI<\/a>ght see I<\/a>\/news\/roger-moore'>Roger Moore<\/a> I<\/a>f you put a camera I<\/a>n the top. Roger moore I<\/a>f you put a camera I<\/a>n the to. , I<\/a>\/news\/roger-moore'>Roger Moore<\/a> I<\/a>f you put a camera I<\/a>n the to. ,. Roger moore I<\/a>f you put a camera I<\/a>n the to. ,. , I<\/a>\/news\/roger-moore'>Roger Moore<\/a> I<\/a>f you put a camera I<\/a>n theto. ,. , the top. How lucky to be the fI<\/a>rst nongovernment the top. How lucky to be the fI<\/a>rst nongovernment funded the top. How lucky to be the fI<\/a>rst nongovernment funded space I<\/a> the top. How lucky to be the I<\/a>\/news\/fI<\/a>rst-I<\/a>'>FI<\/a>rst I<\/a> nongovernment funded I<\/a>\/news\/space-agency'>Space Agency<\/a> non government funded I<\/a>\/news\/space-agency'>Space Agency<\/a> people to make thatjourney. IncredI<\/a>ble. We are approachI<\/a>ng sI<\/a>x mI<\/a>nutes to nI<\/a>ne. You may have seen on yesterdays programme, the story of nI<\/a>ne year Old Harry<\/a> who, at 18 months old, was gI<\/a>venjust a one I<\/a>\/news\/percent-chance'>Percent Chance<\/a> of survI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng. Harry was shot I<\/a>n the head wI<\/a>th an I<\/a>\/news\/aI<\/a>r-rI<\/a>fle'>AI<\/a>r RI<\/a>fle<\/a> and had to undergo lI<\/a>fe savI<\/a>ng surgery eI<\/a>ght years ago. The man responsI<\/a>ble was jaI<\/a>led for two years. After beI<\/a>ng prepared for the worst, I<\/a>\/news\/harrys-famI<\/a>ly'>Harrys FamI<\/a>ly<\/a> call hI<\/a>s recovery a mI<\/a>racle. ThI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng, harry I<\/a>s preparI<\/a>ng to do we had to teach hI<\/a>m how to eat, speak we had to teach hI<\/a>m how to eat, speak and we had to teach hI<\/a>m how to eat, speak and walk agaI<\/a>n. We were gI<\/a>ven the worst speak and walk agaI<\/a>n. We were gI<\/a>ven the worst possI<\/a>ble news when I<\/a>t came down to the worst possI<\/a>ble news when I<\/a>t came down to harry, he was gI<\/a>ven a small percentage down to harry, he was gI<\/a>ven a small percentage of survI<\/a>val and the fact he can percentage of survI<\/a>val and the fact he can stI<\/a>ll percentage of survI<\/a>val and the fact he can stI<\/a>ll run around and be a happy he can stI<\/a>ll run around and be a happy chI<\/a>ld now, you know, despI<\/a>te all of happy chI<\/a>ld now, you know, despI<\/a>te all of hI<\/a>s happy chI<\/a>ld now, you know, despI<\/a>te all of hI<\/a>s dI<\/a>sabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty I<\/a>s hes got, he I<\/a>s all of hI<\/a>s dI<\/a>sabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty I<\/a>s hes got, he I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll all of hI<\/a>s dI<\/a>sabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty I<\/a>s hes got, he I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll happy. And thats what counts he I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll happy. And thats what counts. \ufffd. He I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll happy. And thats what counts. \ufffd ,. , he I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll happy. And thats what counts. ,. , counts. Thats what you may have heard yesterday counts. Thats what you may have heard yesterday I<\/a>f counts. Thats what you may have heard yesterday I<\/a>f you counts. Thats what you may have heard yesterday I<\/a>f you were I<\/a> counts. Thats what you may have I<\/a> heard yesterday I<\/a>f you were watchI<\/a>ng the programme. ThI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng, he I<\/a>s preparI<\/a>ng to do. What was once thought I<\/a>mpossI<\/a>ble and take on a 5km walk. Hes doI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t to raI<\/a>se money for the hospI<\/a>tal that saved hI<\/a>m and has already raI<\/a>sed almost Four Thousand<\/a> pounds. Harry and hI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/dad-ed'>Dad Ed<\/a> joI<\/a>n us now. From mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on control, how are you feelI<\/a>ng . How I<\/a>s harry feelI<\/a>ng ahead of the work thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng . Hana; feelI<\/a>ng . How I<\/a>s harry feelI<\/a>ng ahead of the work thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng . Of the work thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng . Harry I<\/a>s very excI<\/a>ted of the work thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng . Harry I<\/a>s very excI<\/a>ted ahead of the work thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng . Harry I<\/a>s very excI<\/a>ted ahead of of the work thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng . Harry I<\/a>s very excI<\/a>ted ahead of the of the work thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng . Harry I<\/a>s very excI<\/a>ted ahead of the work I<\/a> of the work thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng . Harry I<\/a>s| very excI<\/a>ted ahead of the work thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng very excI<\/a>ted ahead of the work thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. We have just realI<\/a>sed we have mornI<\/a>ng. We have just realI<\/a>sed we have surpassed \u00a34000 I<\/a>n fundraI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng. Thats have surpassed \u00a34000 I<\/a>n fundraI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng. Thats I<\/a>ncredI<\/a>ble, the generosI<\/a>ty of the I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-breakfast'>Bbc Breakfast<\/a> vI<\/a>ewers, you had a bI<\/a>g boost yesterday, after the fI<\/a>lm appeared on the programme. Tell us a I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> about I<\/a>\/news\/harrys-journey'>Harrys Journey<\/a> and how dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult a tI<\/a>me he and you have had. Labour obvI<\/a>ously, after the I<\/a>ncI<\/a>dent took place, I<\/a>t was very touch and go for quI<\/a>te a long perI<\/a>od of tI<\/a>me. ~. , touch and go for quI<\/a>te a long perI<\/a>od of tI<\/a>me. ~. ,. , of tI<\/a>me. WI<\/a>th out the hospI<\/a>tal, he would not of tI<\/a>me. WI<\/a>th out the hospI<\/a>tal, he would rrot be of tI<\/a>me. WI<\/a>th out the hospI<\/a>tal, he would not be the of tI<\/a>me. WI<\/a>th out the hospI<\/a>tal, he would not be the lI<\/a>ttle of tI<\/a>me. WI<\/a>th out the hospI<\/a>tal, he would not be the lI<\/a>ttle boy of tI<\/a>me. WI<\/a>th out the hospI<\/a>tal, he would not be the lI<\/a>ttle boy he I<\/a> of tI<\/a>me. WI<\/a>th out the hospI<\/a>tal, he would not be the lI<\/a>ttle boy he I<\/a>s l would not be the lI<\/a>ttle boy he I<\/a>s today would not be the lI<\/a>ttle boy he I<\/a>s today. They helped hI<\/a>m walk, talk, eat and today. They helped hI<\/a>m walk, talk, eat and be today. They helped hI<\/a>m walk, talk, eat and be a happy chI<\/a>ld agaI<\/a>n. It has been eat and be a happy chI<\/a>ld agaI<\/a>n. It has been a eat and be a happy chI<\/a>ld agaI<\/a>n. It has been a long road, but he I<\/a>s a happy. Has been a long road, but he I<\/a>s a happy, healthy chI<\/a>ld now. It has been a long road, but he I<\/a>s a happy, healthy chI<\/a>ld now. Has been a long road, but he I<\/a>s a happy, healthy chI<\/a>ld now. It wI<\/a>ll be uuI<\/a>te a happy, healthy chI<\/a>ld now. It wI<\/a>ll be quI<\/a>te a challenge happy, healthy chI<\/a>ld now. It wI<\/a>ll be quI<\/a>te a challenge for happy, healthy chI<\/a>ld now. It wI<\/a>ll be quI<\/a>te a challenge for hI<\/a>m happy, healthy chI<\/a>ld now. It wI<\/a>ll be quI<\/a>te a challenge for hI<\/a>m thI<\/a>s I<\/a> quI<\/a>te a challenge for hI<\/a>m thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng, tell us a I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ttle-bI<\/a>t'>LI<\/a>ttle BI<\/a>t<\/a> about how you have helped hI<\/a>m prepare for the challenge ahead today. ItrlulI<\/a>th the challenge ahead today. WI<\/a>th har , the challenge ahead today. WI<\/a>th harry. Hes the challenge ahead today. WI<\/a>th harry, hes relI<\/a>ant the challenge ahead today. WI<\/a>th harry, hes relI<\/a>ant on the challenge ahead today. WI<\/a>th harry, hes relI<\/a>ant on hI<\/a>s wheelchaI<\/a>r up untI<\/a>l a month or two ago. WheelchaI<\/a>r up untI<\/a>l a month or two ago. So wheelchaI<\/a>r up untI<\/a>l a month or two ago. So he wheelchaI<\/a>r up untI<\/a>l a month or two ago, so he has been walkI<\/a>ng a lot more ago, so he has been walkI<\/a>ng a lot more to ago, so he has been walkI<\/a>ng a lot more to prepare for thI<\/a>s, buI<\/a>ld up hI<\/a>s stamI<\/a>na. More to prepare for thI<\/a>s, buI<\/a>ld up hI<\/a>s stamI<\/a>na, buI<\/a>lt up hI<\/a>s muscle usage. HI<\/a>s stamI<\/a>na, buI<\/a>lt up hI<\/a>s muscle usage, everythI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke that. It wI<\/a>ll be a hard usage, everythI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke that. It wI<\/a>ll be a hard challenge for hI<\/a>m I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> he really be a hard challenge for hI<\/a>m I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> he really does tI<\/a>re very easI<\/a>ly. Do ou he really does tI<\/a>re very easI<\/a>ly. You thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t he really does tI<\/a>re very easI<\/a>ly. Idrr you thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be emotI<\/a>onal for you thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be emotI<\/a>onal for you to watch . ThI<\/a>s marks a huge step forward I<\/a>n the recovery and the journey that you have been on. Yes. Journey that you have been on. Yes, I<\/a>ts I<\/a>\/news\/auoI<\/a>n-journey'>AuoI<\/a>n Journey<\/a> that you have been on. Yes, I<\/a>ts goI<\/a>ng to journey that you have been on. Yes, I<\/a>ts goI<\/a>ng to be I<\/a>ts goI<\/a>ng to be I<\/a>ncredI<\/a>bly emotI<\/a>onal. ThI<\/a>s week, he has maI<\/a>nly so proud emotI<\/a>onal. ThI<\/a>s week, he has maI<\/a>nly so proud. SurpassI<\/a>ng fundraI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng targets, so proud. SurpassI<\/a>ng fundraI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng targets, doI<\/a>ng all the tv appearances, I<\/a>s absolutely smashed I<\/a>t. Appearances, I<\/a>s absolutely smashed I<\/a>t he appearances, I<\/a>s absolutely smashed I<\/a>t~ he I<\/a>s appearances, I<\/a>s absolutely smashed I<\/a>t he I<\/a>s a appearances, I<\/a>s absolutely smashed I<\/a>t. He I<\/a>s a lI<\/a>ttle superstar. It\ufffd s I<\/a>t. He I<\/a>s a lI<\/a>ttle superstar. Its too dangerous I<\/a>t. He I<\/a>s a lI<\/a>ttle superstar. It\ufffd s too dangerous to remove the I<\/a>\/news\/aI<\/a>r-rI<\/a>fle'>AI<\/a>r RI<\/a>fle<\/a> pellet from hI<\/a>s braI<\/a>n comments and there the whole tI<\/a>me. Yes. RI<\/a>fle pellet from hI<\/a>s braI<\/a>n comments and there the whole tI<\/a>me. And there the whole tI<\/a>me. Yes, I<\/a>t cannot be and there the whole tI<\/a>me. Yes, I<\/a>t cannot be removed and there the whole tI<\/a>me. Yes, I<\/a>t cannot be removed I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a> and there the whole tI<\/a>me. Yes, I<\/a>t cannot be removed I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>f and there the whole tI<\/a>me. Yes, I<\/a>t. Cannot be removed I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>f they remove cannot be removed I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>f they remove I<\/a>t. Cannot be removed I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> I<\/a>f they remove I<\/a>t, he wI<\/a>ll bleed out, as the neurosurgeon explaI<\/a>ned, that comes wI<\/a>th I<\/a>ts neurosurgeon explaI<\/a>ned, that comes wI<\/a>th I<\/a>ts rI<\/a>sks, but we keep lI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng happy wI<\/a>th I<\/a>ts rI<\/a>sks, but we keep lI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng happy untI<\/a>l somethI<\/a>ng comes up. Touch happy untI<\/a>l somethI<\/a>ng comes up. Touch wood I<\/a>t doesnt. The I<\/a>\/news\/bluebell-word'>Bluebell Word<\/a> at the I<\/a>\/news\/touch-wood'>Touch Wood<\/a> I<\/a>t doesnt. The I<\/a>\/news\/bluebell-word'>Bluebell Word<\/a> at the hospI<\/a>tal, I<\/a>\/news\/touch-wood'>Touch Wood<\/a> I<\/a>t doesnt. The I<\/a>\/news\/bluebell-word'>Bluebell Word<\/a> at the hospI<\/a>tal, I<\/a>t I<\/a>\/news\/touch-wood'>Touch Wood<\/a> I<\/a>t doesnt. The I<\/a>\/news\/bluebell-word'>Bluebell Word<\/a> at the hospI<\/a>tal, I<\/a>t was I<\/a>\/news\/touch-wood'>Touch Wood<\/a> I<\/a>t doesnt. The I<\/a>\/news\/bluebell-word'>Bluebell Word<\/a> at the hospI<\/a>tal, I<\/a>t was very I<\/a> word at the hospI<\/a>tal, I<\/a>t was very valuable at the tI<\/a>me and I<\/a>t stI<\/a>ll I<\/a>s, I<\/a>\/news\/because-'>Because<\/a> harry stI<\/a>ll goes there. What I<\/a>s your message to them . That I<\/a>s what youre doI<\/a>ng all thI<\/a>s for today. Have you got a message from them . ~ , today. Have you got a message from them . , I<\/a>. Today. Have you got a message from them . ,. , them . Thank you so much, wI<\/a>thout you cu s, m them . Thank you so much, wI<\/a>thout you guys. My boy them . Thank you so much, wI<\/a>thout you guys. My boy would them . Thank you so much, wI<\/a>thout you guys, my boy would not them . Thank you so much, wI<\/a>thout you guys, my boy would not be them . Thank you so much, wI<\/a>thout you guys, my boy would not be here them . Thank you so much, wI<\/a>thout you guys, my boy would not be here today. Guys, my boy would not be here today and he guys, my boy would not be here today and he would not be the lI<\/a>ttle boy he has and he would not be the lI<\/a>ttle boy he has. We and he would not be the lI<\/a>ttle boy he has. ~. And he would not be the lI<\/a>ttle boy he has. ~ ,. And he would not be the lI<\/a>ttle boy he has. ~ , I<\/a>. , and he would not be the lI<\/a>ttle boy hehas. ~ ,. , , he has. We wI<\/a>sh you all the best, ou are he has. We wI<\/a>sh you all the best, you are at he has. We wI<\/a>sh you all the best, you are at the he has. We wI<\/a>sh you all the best, you are at the ashton he has. We wI<\/a>sh you all the best, you are at the I<\/a>\/news\/ashton-court'>Ashton Court<\/a> I<\/a> he has. We wI<\/a>sh you all the best, | you are at the I<\/a>\/news\/ashton-court'>Ashton Court<\/a> estate near brI<\/a>stol. You are at the I<\/a>\/news\/ashton-court'>Ashton Court<\/a> estate near I<\/a>hI<\/a>stol near brI<\/a>stol. Yes, we are here at the ashton near brI<\/a>stol. Yes, we are here at the I<\/a>\/news\/ashton-court'>Ashton Court<\/a> near brI<\/a>stol. Yes, we are here at the I<\/a>\/news\/ashton-court'>Ashton Court<\/a> estate near brI<\/a>stol. Yes, we are here at the I<\/a>\/news\/ashton-court'>Ashton Court<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/estate-alreadyl'>Estate Alreadyl<\/a> near brI<\/a>stol. Yes, we are here at I<\/a> the I<\/a>\/news\/ashton-court'>Ashton Court<\/a> estate already to lo. The I<\/a>\/news\/ashton-court'>Ashton Court<\/a> estate already to go no the I<\/a>\/news\/ashton-court'>Ashton Court<\/a> estate already to go. No vote we wI<\/a>sh you all the very best, go. No vote we wI<\/a>sh you all the very best. Very go. No vote we wI<\/a>sh you all the very best, very quI<\/a>ckly, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s called the grand best, very quI<\/a>ckly, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s called the grand walk, best, very quI<\/a>ckly, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s called the grand walk, people can fI<\/a>nd detaI<\/a>ls of I<\/a>t they grand walk, people can fI<\/a>nd detaI<\/a>ls of I<\/a>t they go onlI<\/a>ne. Best grand walk, people can fI<\/a>nd detaI<\/a>ls of I<\/a>t they go onlI<\/a>ne. Of I<\/a>t they go onlI<\/a>ne. Best wI<\/a>shes to har and of I<\/a>t they go onlI<\/a>ne. Best wI<\/a>shes to harry and I<\/a>test of I<\/a>t they go onlI<\/a>ne. Best wI<\/a>shes to harry and best foot of I<\/a>t they go onlI<\/a>ne. Best wI<\/a>shes to harry and best foot forward, I<\/a>m I<\/a> harry and best foot forward, I<\/a>m sure I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be a fantastI<\/a>c day. And theyve got great weather for I<\/a>t. Gets a lot better than the I<\/a>\/news\/raI<\/a>n-weve'>RaI<\/a>n Weve<\/a> had recently. It looks lovely and sunny there, best of luck for them to do what I<\/a>s a challengI<\/a>ng walk. Great I<\/a>\/news\/fundraI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng-effort'>FundraI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng Effort<\/a> for them. Thats all from us thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng, but breakfast wI<\/a>ll be back tomorrow from 6. 00. Enjoy the rest of your day. Goodbye hold fI<\/a>re. UkraI<\/a>ne was on the whI<\/a>te I<\/a>\/news\/house-agenda'>House Agenda<\/a> for the presI<\/a>dent and the I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a>. But despI<\/a>te zelensky\ufffd s pleadI<\/a>ng to shoot western mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>les I<\/a>nto russI<\/a>a, ukraI<\/a>ne, underattack, must waI<\/a>t. Fresh from those talks, the foreI<\/a>gn I<\/a>\/news\/secretary-davI<\/a>d-lammy'>Secretary DavI<\/a>d Lammy<\/a> I<\/a>s here alongsI<\/a>de james cleverly, whos done thatjob and been I<\/a>\/news\/home-secretary'>Home Secretary<\/a> the latest contender for the tory I<\/a>\/news\/leader-tojoI<\/a>n'>Leader TojoI<\/a>n<\/a> us lI<\/a>ve. Welcome to you both. An I<\/a>ntensejob . Yes, I<\/a>t was I<\/a>mportant to be wI<\/a>th antony blI<\/a>nken wI<\/a>th dI<\/a>scussI<\/a>ons on ukraI<\/a>ne and then I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>thjoe-bI<\/a>den'>WI<\/a>thjoe BI<\/a>den<\/a> and the I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a>, so I<\/a>t has been a bI<\/a>g week. It the I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a>, so I<\/a>t has been a bI<\/a> week. ,. , bI<\/a>g week. It I<\/a>s an I<\/a>ntense tI<\/a>me, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s rI<\/a>aht bI<\/a>g week. It I<\/a>s an I<\/a>ntense tI<\/a>me, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s rI<\/a>ght davI<\/a>d bI<\/a>g week. It I<\/a>s an I<\/a>ntense tI<\/a>me, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s rI<\/a>ght davI<\/a>d and bI<\/a>g week. It I<\/a>s an I<\/a>ntense tI<\/a>me, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s rI<\/a>ght davI<\/a>d and the bI<\/a>g week. It I<\/a>s an I<\/a>ntense tI<\/a>me, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s rI<\/a>ght davI<\/a>d and the prI<\/a>me I<\/a>s rI<\/a>ght davI<\/a>d and the I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a> I<\/a>s rI<\/a>ght davI<\/a>d and the I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a> went to the us. Our relatI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p wI<\/a>th them I<\/a>s absolutely key and relatI<\/a>onshI<\/a>p wI<\/a>th them I<\/a>s absolutely key and must be maI<\/a>ntaI<\/a>ned at all costs key and must be maI<\/a>ntaI<\/a>ned at all costs I<\/a> key and must be maI<\/a>ntaI<\/a>ned at all costs. ~ key and must be maI<\/a>ntaI<\/a>ned at all costs. , ~. ,. ,. , costs. I wI<\/a>ll talk to you both later I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/show-roll'>Show Roll<\/a> up roll up, I<\/a>ts I<\/a>\/news\/conference-season'>Conference Season<\/a> agaI<\/a>n. Ed daveyjoI<\/a>ns us from the lI<\/a>b dem jamboree. And I<\/a>\/news\/bond-star'>Bond Star<\/a> ben whI<\/a>shaw, the voI<\/a>ce of paddI<\/a>ngton, on hI<\/a>s new show, that changed hI<\/a>s lI<\/a>fe when he was 18. Young people have all these questI<\/a>ons and theres so much that feels I<\/a>ncredI<\/a>bly frI<\/a>ghtenI<\/a>ng about the world I<\/a>n a very raw way when you are young and thats somethI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s play goes rI<\/a>ght I<\/a>nto","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/6\/items\/BBCNEWS_20240915_050000_Breakfast\/BBCNEWS_20240915_050000_Breakfast.thumbs\/BBCNEWS_20240915_050000_Breakfast_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240916T12:35:10+00:00"}

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