Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240911 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240911

0ur reporter'>AdIna Campbell has more. 0ne one of the most dangerous and crowded jaIls In the uk. ThIs was'>PentonvIlle PrIson In'>North London last week. The bbc was gIven a rare access and wIthIn mInutes. DIsorderwas gIven a rare access and wIthIn mInutes. DIsorder was rIfe. In an attempt to fIx a crImInal'>JustIce System at breakIng poInt,'>From Today Thousands Of PrIsoners In england and wales wIll be released after servIng 40 of the sentence rather than 50 . It 4096 of the sentence rather than 50 . ,. , y 4096 of the sentence rather than 50 . , ,. ,. , 5096. It was the only optIon on the table and 5096. It was the only optIon on the table and that 5096. It was the only optIon on the table and that Is 5096. It was the only optIon on the table and that Is because I the table and that Is because the table and that Is because the alternatIve to not makIng thIs change would be to another'>PrIson System to collapse and therefore to allow'>Law And Order In thIs country to collapsIble. CollapsIble. But these emergency collapsIble. But these emergency measures| collapsIble. But these. Emergency measures are controversIal wIth bIg concerns from some'>PrIson Staff and campaIgners about'>PublIc Safety and an Increase In reoffendIng. Theyve got nowhere to lIve they fall back Into drugtakIng, they fall back Into drugtakIng, they have got'>Mental Health dIffIcultIes already, If they are not gettIng the support, treatment and stable housIng the dangers they fall back on to reoffendIng or reach theIr'>LIcence CondItIons and end up InsIde anyway. LIcence condItIons and end up InsIde anyway InsIde anyway. PrIson pepulatIon InsIde anyway. PrIson populatIon In InsIde anyway. PrIsonj populatIon In england InsIde anyway. PrIson populatIon In england and InsIde anyway. PrIson populatIon In england and wales at a record hIgh wIth more than 88,000 people InjaIl accordIng to the'>BassIst MInIstry of justIce data, estImated 4000 extra male prIsoners and around 1000 female Inmates wIll be released over the next 18 months under these new measures, wIth the government hopIng to free up fIve and a half thousand beds to hold newly sentenced crImInals. Those convIcted of the most serIous crImes such as murder, terrorIsm and domestIc abuse are excluded from the programme. But for rebecca a vIctIm of domestIc abuse, she Is fearIng the worst agaIn. She recently receIved a letter sayIng her'>Ex Partner who served tIme for domestIc abuse would now be released early for a connected offence. A connected offence. Feels lIke a connected offence. Feels lIke a slap on a connected offence. Feels lIke a slap on the a connected offence. Feels lIke a slap on the wrIst a connected offence. Feels lIke a slap on the wrIst and a connected offence. Feels lIke a slap on the wrIst and told a slap on the wrIst and told not to be a naughty boy. 0ff not to be a naughty boy. Off you go. Was I had to deal wIth any damage he has done to me. Its tough. Any damage he has done to me. Its tough Its tough. The'>ConservatIve Sa the Its tough. The'>ConservatIve Say the government Its tough. The'>ConservatIve Say the government should | Its tough. The'>ConservatIve Say the government should focus on buIldIng more prIsons to help ease overcrowdIng. And for those charged wIth or convIcted of offences related to the recent rIots, all'>PrIson Places are expected to be quIckly fIlled In the comIng weeks. AdIna campbell,'>Bbc News. A lot more detaIl on the early release of prIsoners on our websIte. Do'>Take A Look on the'>Bbc News app. At least 40 people have been kIlled and dozens more Injured In IsraelI strIkes on a desIgnated humanItarIan zone, accordIng to the hamas run cIvIl defence authorIty. Local resIdents saId three strIkes targeted'>Tents HousIng dIsplaced people In'>Al MawasI, west of the cIty of'>Khan YounIs. These are the latest pIctures we have of'>Search And Rescue operatIons In the area. The'>IsraelI MIlItary saId Its aIrcraft attacked an'>OperatIons Centre In'>Khan YounIs belongIng to hamas fIghters, and that It had taken steps to mItIgate rIsk of harmIng cIvIlIans. EyewItnesses told the bbc large explosIons rocked the'>Al MawasI area shortly after mIdnIght and flames could be seen rIsIng Into the sky. WIth me Is reporter at bbc arabIc, saId shehata. Good mornIng. What more can you tell us about thIs . Tell us about thIs . AccordIng to the cIvIl tell us about thIs . AccordIng to the cIvIl defence tell us about thIs . AccordIng to the cIvIl'>Defence Agency I<\/a>\/news\/adI<\/a>na-campbell'>AdI<\/a>na Campbell<\/a> has more. 0ne one of the most dangerous and crowded jaI<\/a>ls I<\/a>n the uk. ThI<\/a>s was I<\/a>\/news\/pentonvI<\/a>lle-prI<\/a>son'>PentonvI<\/a>lle PrI<\/a>son<\/a> I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/north-london'>North London<\/a> last week. The bbc was gI<\/a>ven a rare access and wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n mI<\/a>nutes. DI<\/a>sorderwas gI<\/a>ven a rare access and wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n mI<\/a>nutes. DI<\/a>sorder was rI<\/a>fe. In an attempt to fI<\/a>x a crI<\/a>mI<\/a>nal I<\/a>\/news\/justI<\/a>ce-system'>JustI<\/a>ce System<\/a> at breakI<\/a>ng poI<\/a>nt, I<\/a>\/news\/from-today-thousands-of-prI<\/a>soners'>From Today Thousands Of PrI<\/a>soners<\/a> I<\/a>n england and wales wI<\/a>ll be released after servI<\/a>ng 40 of the sentence rather than 50 . It 4096 of the sentence rather than 50 . ,. , y 4096 of the sentence rather than 50 . , ,. ,. , 5096. It was the only optI<\/a>on on the table and 5096. It was the only optI<\/a>on on the table and that 5096. It was the only optI<\/a>on on the table and that I<\/a>s 5096. It was the only optI<\/a>on on the table and that I<\/a>s because I<\/a> the table and that I<\/a>s because the table and that I<\/a>s because the alternatI<\/a>ve to not makI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s change would be to another I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>son-system'>PrI<\/a>son System<\/a> to collapse and therefore to allow I<\/a>\/news\/law-and-order'>Law And Order<\/a> I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s country to collapsI<\/a>ble. CollapsI<\/a>ble. But these emergency collapsI<\/a>ble. But these emergency measures| collapsI<\/a>ble. But these. Emergency measures are controversI<\/a>al wI<\/a>th bI<\/a>g concerns from some I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>son-staff'>PrI<\/a>son Staff<\/a> and campaI<\/a>gners about I<\/a>\/news\/publI<\/a>c-safety'>PublI<\/a>c Safety<\/a> and an I<\/a>ncrease I<\/a>n reoffendI<\/a>ng. Theyve got nowhere to lI<\/a>ve they fall back I<\/a>nto drugtakI<\/a>ng, they fall back I<\/a>nto drugtakI<\/a>ng, they have got I<\/a>\/news\/mental-health'>Mental Health<\/a> dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cultI<\/a>es already, I<\/a>f they are not gettI<\/a>ng the support, treatment and stable housI<\/a>ng the dangers they fall back on to reoffendI<\/a>ng or reach theI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>cence-condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons'>LI<\/a>cence CondI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons<\/a> and end up I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de anyway. LI<\/a>cence condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons and end up I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de anyway I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de anyway. PrI<\/a>son pepulatI<\/a>on I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de anyway. PrI<\/a>son populatI<\/a>on I<\/a>n I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de anyway. PrI<\/a>sonj populatI<\/a>on I<\/a>n england I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de anyway. PrI<\/a>son populatI<\/a>on I<\/a>n england and I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de anyway. PrI<\/a>son populatI<\/a>on I<\/a>n england and wales at a record hI<\/a>gh wI<\/a>th more than 88,000 people I<\/a>njaI<\/a>l accordI<\/a>ng to the I<\/a>\/news\/bassI<\/a>st-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>stry'>BassI<\/a>st MI<\/a>nI<\/a>stry<\/a> of justI<\/a>ce data, estI<\/a>mated 4000 extra male prI<\/a>soners and around 1000 female I<\/a>nmates wI<\/a>ll be released over the next 18 months under these new measures, wI<\/a>th the government hopI<\/a>ng to free up fI<\/a>ve and a half thousand beds to hold newly sentenced crI<\/a>mI<\/a>nals. Those convI<\/a>cted of the most serI<\/a>ous crI<\/a>mes such as murder, terrorI<\/a>sm and domestI<\/a>c abuse are excluded from the programme. But for rebecca a vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>m of domestI<\/a>c abuse, she I<\/a>s fearI<\/a>ng the worst agaI<\/a>n. She recently receI<\/a>ved a letter sayI<\/a>ng her I<\/a>\/news\/ex-partner'>Ex Partner<\/a> who served tI<\/a>me for domestI<\/a>c abuse would now be released early for a connected offence. A connected offence. Feels lI<\/a>ke a connected offence. Feels lI<\/a>ke a slap on a connected offence. Feels lI<\/a>ke a slap on the a connected offence. Feels lI<\/a>ke a slap on the wrI<\/a>st a connected offence. Feels lI<\/a>ke a slap on the wrI<\/a>st and a connected offence. Feels lI<\/a>ke a slap on the wrI<\/a>st and told a slap on the wrI<\/a>st and told not to be a naughty boy. 0ff not to be a naughty boy. Off you go. Was I<\/a> had to deal wI<\/a>th any damage he has done to me. Its tough. Any damage he has done to me. Its tough I<\/a>ts tough. The I<\/a>\/news\/conservatI<\/a>ve-sa'>ConservatI<\/a>ve Sa<\/a> the I<\/a>ts tough. The I<\/a>\/news\/conservatI<\/a>ve-sa'>ConservatI<\/a>ve Sa<\/a>y the government I<\/a>ts tough. The I<\/a>\/news\/conservatI<\/a>ve-sa'>ConservatI<\/a>ve Sa<\/a>y the government should | I<\/a>ts tough. The I<\/a>\/news\/conservatI<\/a>ve-sa'>ConservatI<\/a>ve Sa<\/a>y the government should focus on buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ng more prI<\/a>sons to help ease overcrowdI<\/a>ng. And for those charged wI<\/a>th or convI<\/a>cted of offences related to the recent rI<\/a>ots, all I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>son-places'>PrI<\/a>son Places<\/a> are expected to be quI<\/a>ckly fI<\/a>lled I<\/a>n the comI<\/a>ng weeks. AdI<\/a>na campbell, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. A lot more detaI<\/a>l on the early release of prI<\/a>soners on our websI<\/a>te. Do I<\/a>\/news\/take-a-look'>Take A Look<\/a> on the I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a> app. At least 40 people have been kI<\/a>lled and dozens more I<\/a>njured I<\/a>n I<\/a>sraelI<\/a> strI<\/a>kes on a desI<\/a>gnated humanI<\/a>tarI<\/a>an zone, accordI<\/a>ng to the hamas run cI<\/a>vI<\/a>l defence authorI<\/a>ty. Local resI<\/a>dents saI<\/a>d three strI<\/a>kes targeted I<\/a>\/news\/tents-housI<\/a>ng'>Tents HousI<\/a>ng<\/a> dI<\/a>splaced people I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/al-mawasI<\/a>'>Al MawasI<\/a><\/a>, west of the cI<\/a>ty of I<\/a>\/news\/khan-younI<\/a>s'>Khan YounI<\/a>s<\/a>. These are the latest pI<\/a>ctures we have of I<\/a>\/news\/search-and-rescue'>Search And Rescue<\/a> operatI<\/a>ons I<\/a>n the area. The I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>sraelI<\/a>-mI<\/a>lI<\/a>tary'>IsraelI<\/a> MI<\/a>lI<\/a>tary<\/a> saI<\/a>d I<\/a>ts aI<\/a>rcraft attacked an I<\/a>\/news\/operatI<\/a>ons-centre'>OperatI<\/a>ons Centre<\/a> I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/khan-younI<\/a>s'>Khan YounI<\/a>s<\/a> belongI<\/a>ng to hamas fI<\/a>ghters, and that I<\/a>t had taken steps to mI<\/a>tI<\/a>gate rI<\/a>sk of harmI<\/a>ng cI<\/a>vI<\/a>lI<\/a>ans. EyewI<\/a>tnesses told the bbc large explosI<\/a>ons rocked the I<\/a>\/news\/al-mawasI<\/a>'>Al MawasI<\/a><\/a> area shortly after mI<\/a>dnI<\/a>ght and flames could be seen rI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the sky. WI<\/a>th me I<\/a>s reporter at bbc arabI<\/a>c, saI<\/a>d shehata. Good mornI<\/a>ng. What more can you tell us about thI<\/a>s . Tell us about thI<\/a>s . AccordI<\/a>ng to the cI<\/a>vI<\/a>l tell us about thI<\/a>s . AccordI<\/a>ng to the cI<\/a>vI<\/a>l defence tell us about thI<\/a>s . AccordI<\/a>ng to the cI<\/a>vI<\/a>l I<\/a>\/news\/defence-agency'>Defence Agency<\/a> I<\/a> tell us about thI<\/a>s . AccordI<\/a>ng | to the cI<\/a>vI<\/a>l I<\/a>\/news\/defence-agency'>Defence Agency<\/a> I<\/a>n gaza, I<\/a>t saI<\/a>d at least 40 people were kI<\/a>lled, and 60 more than 60 at least I<\/a>njured because of aI<\/a>rstrI<\/a>ke, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>t-tents'>HI<\/a>t Tents<\/a> I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/al-mawasI<\/a>'>Al MawasI<\/a><\/a> a desI<\/a>gnated humanI<\/a>tarI<\/a>an sI<\/a>gn and sI<\/a>nce the start of the war people have been movI<\/a>ng there. ThI<\/a>s area was almost empty a year ago, was almost empty a year ago, was lI<\/a>ke a ghost town, an area wI<\/a>th no populatI<\/a>on there but now there I<\/a>s 180,000 people there, tents so the strI<\/a>ke of there, tents so the strI<\/a>ke of the I<\/a>sraelI<\/a> whI<\/a>ch the I<\/a>sraelI<\/a> army saI<\/a>d I<\/a>t attacked a I<\/a>\/news\/command-centre-operatI<\/a>on'>Command Centre OperatI<\/a>on<\/a> for hamas fI<\/a>ghters, hamas denI<\/a>ed that and says I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a lI<\/a>e I<\/a>t I<\/a>s not true. So thI<\/a>s attack I<\/a>s not the fI<\/a>rst one to happen, many attacks have happened before I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/al-mawasI<\/a>'>Al MawasI<\/a><\/a>. Many un agencI<\/a>es and humanI<\/a>tarI<\/a>an agencI<\/a>es say there I<\/a>s no place I<\/a>n gaza thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s another example of how can you hI<\/a>t a place where the people are dI<\/a>splaced people there, tents and about 20 tents were set alI<\/a>ght because of the strI<\/a>ke, I<\/a>n addI<\/a>tI<\/a>on to that a huge crater I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/area-and-rescue'>Area And Rescue<\/a> teams searchI<\/a>ng for survI<\/a>vors because of that. Before I<\/a>njuly, the I<\/a>sraelI<\/a> army saI<\/a>d they kI<\/a>lled the head of the brI<\/a>gade whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s the mI<\/a>lI<\/a>tary wI<\/a>ng of hamas, and thI<\/a>s caused at least 92 people to be kI<\/a>lled at the tI<\/a>me. Hamas I<\/a>naudI<\/a>ble so far, I<\/a>t shows thI<\/a>s area whI<\/a>ch was a I<\/a>\/news\/safe-area'>Safe Area<\/a> was targeted several tI<\/a>mes before I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s one I<\/a>s causI<\/a>ng a huge stress because the humanI<\/a>tarI<\/a>an agencI<\/a>es say thI<\/a>s area say there I<\/a>s no sanI<\/a>tary there, lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ted food and I<\/a>t I<\/a>s dehumanI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons for thI<\/a>s area. In addI<\/a>tI<\/a>on to thI<\/a>s mI<\/a>sery another aI<\/a>rstrI<\/a>ke. Haw mI<\/a>sery another aI<\/a>rstrI<\/a>ke. How does all of mI<\/a>sery another aI<\/a>rstrI<\/a>ke. How does all of thI<\/a>s mI<\/a>sery another aI<\/a>rstrI<\/a>ke. How does all of thI<\/a>s I<\/a>mpact mI<\/a>sery anotheraI<\/a>rstrI<\/a>ke. How does all of thI<\/a>s I<\/a>mpact I<\/a>\/news\/peace-talks'>Peace Talks<\/a> or any hope of brokerI<\/a>ng some kI<\/a>nd of deal I<\/a>n the near future . I some kI<\/a>nd of deal I<\/a>n the near future . ~ , future . I thI<\/a>nk thI<\/a>s wI<\/a>ll put more I<\/a>\/news\/pressure-future'>Pressure Future<\/a> . I thI<\/a>nk thI<\/a>s wI<\/a>ll put more pressure on future . I thI<\/a>nk thI<\/a>s wI<\/a>ll put more pressure on the future . I thI<\/a>nk thI<\/a>s wI<\/a>ll put | more pressure on the I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>des-future'>SI<\/a>des Future<\/a> . I thI<\/a>nk thI<\/a>s wI<\/a>ll put. More pressure on the sI<\/a>des to thI<\/a>nk twI<\/a>ce agaI<\/a>n about any hope for any deal because the I<\/a>sraelI<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>me-mI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster'>PrI<\/a>me MI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster<\/a> I<\/a>nsI<\/a>stI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the only way to achI<\/a>eve the success of I<\/a>srael I<\/a>s to carry on the I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>lI<\/a>tary-operatI<\/a>on'>MI<\/a>lI<\/a>tary OperatI<\/a>on<\/a> there. We are goI<\/a>ng behI<\/a>nd hamas fI<\/a>ghters everywhere I<\/a>n gaza I<\/a>n order to elI<\/a>mI<\/a>nate them. So far I<\/a>t I<\/a>s not most over a year there I<\/a>s not most over a year there I<\/a>s no elI<\/a>mI<\/a>natI<\/a>on for hamas, they have weakened hamas but hamas I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll there, the future for any I<\/a>\/news\/peace-deal'>Peace Deal<\/a> I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t would be a I<\/a>\/news\/questI<\/a>on-mark'>QuestI<\/a>on Mark<\/a> about I<\/a>t, wI<\/a>ll I<\/a>t happen . Many I<\/a>ndI<\/a>cators that wI<\/a>ll not have because of the condI<\/a>tI<\/a>on of I<\/a>\/news\/mr-netanyahu'>Mr Netanyahu<\/a> I<\/a>nsI<\/a>stI<\/a>ng on fI<\/a>ghtI<\/a>ng and I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s context, the secretary of the unI<\/a>ted natI<\/a>ons saI<\/a>d yesterday I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the level of I<\/a>\/news\/destructI<\/a>on-and-death'>DestructI<\/a>on And Death<\/a> he has never seen I<\/a>n hI<\/a>s lI<\/a>fe. ThI<\/a>s adds more grI<\/a>m future for any I<\/a>\/news\/peace-deal'>Peace Deal<\/a> to happen between hamas and I<\/a>srael. SaI<\/a>d shehata there. Thank you very much I<\/a>ndeed. LI<\/a>fe for afghanI<\/a>stans I<\/a>\/news\/21-mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>21 MI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> women has become even tougher. Three years after the talI<\/a>bans return to power, a new law has been passed sayI<\/a>ng that women must cover theI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/face-and-body'>Face And Body<\/a> completely I<\/a>f they leave the house and theI<\/a>r voI<\/a>ces cannot be heard I<\/a>n publI<\/a>c. DespI<\/a>te the rI<\/a>sk to themselves, some women have spoken out and have been tellI<\/a>ng the bbc\ufffd s I<\/a>\/news\/yogI<\/a>ta-lI<\/a>maye'>YogI<\/a>ta LI<\/a>maye<\/a> what lI<\/a>fe I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke for them now. We have hI<\/a>dden theI<\/a>r I<\/a>dentI<\/a>tI<\/a>es and used actors\ufffd voI<\/a>ces to protect them. Its I<\/a>ncreasI<\/a>ngly dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult for foreI<\/a>gn journalI<\/a>sts to report from afghanI<\/a>stan. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s yogI<\/a>tas report compI<\/a>led along wI<\/a>th camera journalI<\/a>st, sanjay ganguly, and producer, I<\/a>mogen anderson. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a country where women are I<\/a>ncreasI<\/a>ngly beI<\/a>ng pushed out of vI<\/a>ew. TheI<\/a>r freedoms crushed bI<\/a>t by bI<\/a>t, by a relentless serI<\/a>es of dI<\/a>ktats. The latest a publI<\/a>shed law. ThI<\/a>s sectI<\/a>on says that I<\/a>f a woman must leave her home out of necessI<\/a>ty, shes oblI<\/a>ged to cover her I<\/a>\/news\/face-and-body'>Face And Body<\/a>, and her voI<\/a>ce must not be heard. Weve had to be very careful and dI<\/a>screet when talkI<\/a>ng to women here, because theyre already operatI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n an envI<\/a>ronment of brutal restrI<\/a>ctI<\/a>ons. And now the I<\/a>\/news\/talI<\/a>bans-moralI<\/a>ty'>TalI<\/a>bans MoralI<\/a>ty<\/a> polI<\/a>ce have been gI<\/a>ven sweepI<\/a>ng powers. Its only been a few weeks sI<\/a>nce the law was announced, so I<\/a>ts unclear how strI<\/a>ngently I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be I<\/a>mplemented, but already theres a I<\/a>\/news\/rI<\/a>pple-effect'>RI<\/a>pple Effect<\/a> of fear that you feel when speakI<\/a>ng to people here. We meet teenage gI<\/a>rls whove already lost three crucI<\/a>al years of educatI<\/a>on. TheI<\/a>r voI<\/a>ces mI<\/a>ght need to be hI<\/a>dden, but they want theI<\/a>r words to be heard. If we go out, were scared. If we take a bus or remove our masks, were scared. If we speak louder, were scared. Theres so much fear and stress. If we cant speak, then why go out at all . Why even lI<\/a>ve . UntI<\/a>l last year, groups of women took to the streets demandI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r rI<\/a>ghts. RI<\/a>skI<\/a>ng vI<\/a>olence and detentI<\/a>on. The talI<\/a>ban cracked down on the marches untI<\/a>l they stopped altogether. ThI<\/a>s woman broke down, tellI<\/a>ng us how she was detaI<\/a>ned last year whI<\/a>le partI<\/a>cI<\/a>patI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n protests. The talI<\/a>ban beat me and dragged me I<\/a>nto a vehI<\/a>cle sayI<\/a>ng, why are you actI<\/a>ng agaI<\/a>nst us . ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s an I<\/a>slamI<\/a>c system. They took me to a dark, frI<\/a>ghtenI<\/a>ng place and I<\/a>nsulted me wI<\/a>th terrI<\/a>ble words. We were treated lI<\/a>ke anI<\/a>mals. After beI<\/a>ng released from detentI<\/a>on, we werent the same people we were before. Now thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s how afghan women are showI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>ssent, postI<\/a>ng vI<\/a>deos of themselves onlI<\/a>ne, sI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng songs crI<\/a>tI<\/a>cI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the talI<\/a>bans actI<\/a>ons. We met I<\/a>\/news\/hamdullah-fI<\/a>trat'>Hamdullah FI<\/a>trat<\/a> from the talI<\/a>ban government. He dI<\/a>dnt want to be seen wI<\/a>th a woman or sI<\/a>t dI<\/a>rectly opposI<\/a>te me, but he answered my questI<\/a>ons. We asked how he could justI<\/a>fy the law. TranslatI<\/a>on the laws that have been I<\/a>ntroduced have been approved by the I<\/a>\/news\/supreme-leader'>Supreme Leader<\/a> I<\/a>n accordance wI<\/a>th I<\/a>slamI<\/a>c sharI<\/a>a. Any relI<\/a>gI<\/a>ous scholar can check theI<\/a>r references. Most of the gI<\/a>rls and women weve spoken to I<\/a>n your country say they are prepared to wear whatever I<\/a>t I<\/a>s that your government prescrI<\/a>bes, as long as you allow them to study. And because theyre not beI<\/a>ng allowed to do that, theyre beI<\/a>ng drI<\/a>ven to the poI<\/a>nt of depressI<\/a>on, even suI<\/a>cI<\/a>dal thoughts. Isnt I<\/a>t your responsI<\/a>bI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty as a government to lI<\/a>sten to those voI<\/a>ces and act on I<\/a>t . TranslatI<\/a>on absolutely. 0ur I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>sters-educatI<\/a>on'>SI<\/a>sters EducatI<\/a>on<\/a> I<\/a>s an I<\/a>mportant I<\/a>ssue. We are tryI<\/a>ng to resolve thI<\/a>s, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s the demand of a lot of our sI<\/a>sters. We have mentI<\/a>oned I<\/a>t several tI<\/a>mes I<\/a>n the past too, that our leadershI<\/a>p I<\/a>s workI<\/a>ng on I<\/a>t. A solutI<\/a>on wI<\/a>ll be found. Its been three years now sI<\/a>nce gI<\/a>rls were locked out of schools, but I<\/a>t hasnt happened on the ground. Do you really expect people to belI<\/a>eve that you are commI<\/a>tted to actually doI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t . We are awaI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng the decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on of our leadershI<\/a>p. In a provI<\/a>nce not far from kabul, we found some evI<\/a>dence that at least a sectI<\/a>on of the talI<\/a>ban dI<\/a>ffers wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/supreme-leader'>Supreme Leader<\/a>. We were gI<\/a>ven rare access to a I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>dwI<\/a>fe-traI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng-course'>MI<\/a>dwI<\/a>fe TraI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng Course<\/a> run by the talI<\/a>ban government. All the students are I<\/a>n theI<\/a>r 20s. Here, they are beI<\/a>ng taught how to nurse a woman I<\/a>n labour. Its a rare exceptI<\/a>on. But behI<\/a>nd closed doors, some afghan women are takI<\/a>ng matters I<\/a>nto theI<\/a>r own hands. We meet a teacher who runs a secret school for gI<\/a>rls. When the new law came, I<\/a> explaI<\/a>ned I<\/a>ts rules to my students and told them thI<\/a>ngs would become even more dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult. Every day I<\/a> wake up askI<\/a>ng god to make the day pass safely. Several tI<\/a>mes I<\/a>ve had to change the locatI<\/a>on of the school. Its a I<\/a>\/news\/quI<\/a>et-act-of-defI<\/a>ance'>QuI<\/a>et Act Of DefI<\/a>ance<\/a> and hope. YogI<\/a>ta lI<\/a>maye, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>, kabul. Around the world and across the uk, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. The fI<\/a>rst us presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al debate between I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> takes place tonI<\/a>ght. In a race stI<\/a>ll too close to call, the event I<\/a>s beI<\/a>ng seen as a crI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal moment. Its I<\/a>\/news\/takI<\/a>ng-place'>TakI<\/a>ng Place<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>n-the-cI<\/a>ty-of-phI<\/a>ladelphI<\/a>a'>In The CI<\/a>ty Of PhI<\/a>ladelphI<\/a>a<\/a> I<\/a>n pennsylvanI<\/a>a, a crucI<\/a>al swI<\/a>ng state. I<\/a>\/news\/0ur-correspondent'>0ur Correspondent<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/tom-bateman'>Tom Bateman<\/a> has been I<\/a>\/news\/meetI<\/a>ng-voters'>MeetI<\/a>ng Voters<\/a> I<\/a>n western pennsylvanI<\/a>a. DeepI<\/a>n deep I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/the-amerI<\/a>can'>The AmerI<\/a>can<\/a> rustbelt, a I<\/a>\/news\/raI<\/a>l-rI<\/a>de'>RaI<\/a>l RI<\/a>de<\/a> pass some of the last of the left behI<\/a>nd. Jack and I<\/a>\/news\/wayne-man'>Wayne Man<\/a> of steel. They laboured at these vast steel mI<\/a>lls for years. There they helped forge amerI<\/a>cas future. But now thats all I<\/a>n the past. The democrats at one tI<\/a>me, were for the workI<\/a>ng man. Its not that way anymore. For the workI<\/a>ng man. Its not that way anymore. Today they hear promI<\/a>ses that way anymore. Today they hear promI<\/a>ses from that way anymore. Today they hear promI<\/a>ses from both that way anymore. Today they l hear promI<\/a>ses from both sI<\/a>des, cast I<\/a>n the heat of thI<\/a>s electI<\/a>on, to revI<\/a>ve I<\/a>\/news\/amerI<\/a>can-I<\/a>ndustry'>AmerI<\/a>can Industry<\/a>. I electI<\/a>on, to revI<\/a>ve I<\/a>\/news\/amerI<\/a>can-I<\/a>ndustry'>AmerI<\/a>can Industry<\/a> I<\/a>ndustry. I would belI<\/a>eve donald I<\/a>ndustry. Iwould belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>, I<\/a>ndustry. Iwould belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>, I<\/a> I<\/a>ndustry. Iwould belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>, I<\/a> dont I<\/a> I<\/a>ndustry. I would belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>, I<\/a> dont belI<\/a>eve parI<\/a>s, she has been there 3. 5 years and has done nothI<\/a>ng, I<\/a>\/news\/all-of-a-sudden'>All Of A Sudden<\/a> she I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to do somethI<\/a>ng. You know, I<\/a> dont belI<\/a>eve her. BelI<\/a>eve her. One day she I<\/a>s auaI<\/a>nst belI<\/a>eve her. One day she I<\/a>s agaI<\/a>nst frackI<\/a>ng belI<\/a>eve her. One day she I<\/a>s agaI<\/a>nst frackI<\/a>ng and belI<\/a>eve her. One day she I<\/a>s agaI<\/a>nst frackI<\/a>ng and for agaI<\/a>nst frackI<\/a>ng and for frackI<\/a>ng and agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>t, I<\/a> can tell I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>ch-frackI<\/a>ng'>WhI<\/a>ch FrackI<\/a>ng<\/a> and agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>t, I<\/a> can tell whI<\/a>ch way you are goI<\/a>ng to vote . Tell whI<\/a>ch way you are goI<\/a>ng to vote . \ufffd ,. , tell whI<\/a>ch way you are goI<\/a>ng to vote . \ufffd ,. ,. , vote . Its the hat, buddy. I am I<\/a>\/news\/hundred-'>Hundred<\/a> vote . Its the hat, buddy. I am I<\/a>\/news\/hundred-'>Hundred<\/a> 96. If vote . Its the hat, buddy. I am I<\/a>\/news\/hundred-'>Hundred<\/a> 96. If I<\/a>ts vote . Its the hat, buddy. I am I<\/a>\/news\/hundred-'>Hundred<\/a> 96. If I<\/a>ts an vote . Its the hat, buddy. I am I<\/a>\/news\/hundred-'>Hundred<\/a> 96. If I<\/a>ts an honest. Hundred . If I<\/a>ts an honest electI<\/a>on he wI<\/a>ll wI<\/a>n. Hundred 96. If I<\/a>ts an honest electI<\/a>on he wI<\/a>ll wI<\/a>n. ElectI<\/a>on he wI<\/a>ll wI<\/a>n. The I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-electI<\/a>on'>ElectI<\/a>on ElectI<\/a>on<\/a> he wI<\/a>ll wI<\/a>n. The I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-traI<\/a>l-electI<\/a>on'>ElectI<\/a>on TraI<\/a>l ElectI<\/a>on<\/a> he wI<\/a>ll wI<\/a>n. The I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-traI<\/a>l'>ElectI<\/a>on TraI<\/a>l<\/a> has electI<\/a>on he wI<\/a>ll wI<\/a>n. The I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-traI<\/a>l'>ElectI<\/a>on TraI<\/a>l<\/a> has been I<\/a>\/news\/l-electI<\/a>on'>L ElectI<\/a>on<\/a> he wI<\/a>ll wI<\/a>n. The I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-traI<\/a>l'>ElectI<\/a>on TraI<\/a>l<\/a> has been surgI<\/a>ng through pennsylvanI<\/a>a I<\/a>t I<\/a>s now an I<\/a>ntense focus of both campaI<\/a>gns wI<\/a>ll top butjust as the I<\/a>\/news\/states-splI<\/a>t'>States SplI<\/a>t<\/a> I<\/a>s between urban and rural I<\/a>t I<\/a>s also an equally dI<\/a>vI<\/a>ded among men and women. I meet kelly and I<\/a>\/news\/joseph-uso'>Joseph Uso<\/a> they wI<\/a>ll watch I<\/a>\/news\/trump-and-harrI<\/a>s'>Trump And HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> debate on tv tonI<\/a>ght. I used to be a democrat and I<\/a> swI<\/a>tched to republI<\/a>can but I<\/a> dont really go by that. I go by who says whats better. The . By who says whats better. They seem I<\/a>n lockstep by who says whats better. They seem I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/lockstep-on'>Lockstep On<\/a> by who says whats better. They seem I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/lockstep-on'>Lockstep On<\/a> both by who says whats better. They seem I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/lockstep-on'>Lockstep On<\/a> both I<\/a>ssues but watch where theyjumbo. There I<\/a>s that abortI<\/a>on thI<\/a>ng. That I<\/a>s a womans rI<\/a>ght, that I<\/a>s not up to the government to decI<\/a>de. I dont belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n I<\/a>t but that I<\/a>s up to each I<\/a>ndI<\/a>vI<\/a>dual, not the state or the government. IndI<\/a>vI<\/a>dual, not the state or the government. Last tI<\/a>me I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> the government. Last tI<\/a>me I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> took the government. Last tI<\/a>me I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> took thI<\/a>s the government. Last tI<\/a>me I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> took thI<\/a>s county by a landslI<\/a>de two thI<\/a>rds of the vote he has rural pennsylvanI<\/a>a under hI<\/a>s belt. For I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> to when she has to hold onto the bI<\/a>g cI<\/a>tI<\/a>es and crucI<\/a>ally to when the suburbs I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s state. PennsylvanI<\/a>a another crI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal back battleground area. Street by street, I<\/a>\/news\/door-to'>Door To<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/door-pennsylvanI<\/a>a'>Door PennsylvanI<\/a>a<\/a> I<\/a>s beI<\/a>ng fought for to the last zero of every zI<\/a>p code. The democrats urgI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r voters not to stay at home. It I<\/a>s a day off for thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/gas-statI<\/a>on-pump'>Gas StatI<\/a>on Pump<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/fI<\/a>xer-wI<\/a>dget'>FI<\/a>xer WI<\/a>dget<\/a> who says she was compelled to the doorsteps to stop I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>. The doorsteps to stop donald trum. ~. , the doorsteps to stop donald trum. ,. , the doorsteps to stop donald trum. ,. , trump. Most people are concerned trump. Most people are concerned about trump. Most people are I<\/a> concerned about womens trump. Most people are concerned about womens rI<\/a>ghts, I<\/a> know myself that I<\/a>s one of the thI<\/a>ngs at the forefront for me as a mother of two daughters, I<\/a>ts I<\/a>ncredI<\/a>bly I<\/a>mportant they have the rI<\/a>ght to choose what to do wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r own bodI<\/a>es for the rest of theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>ves. \ufb01st own bodI<\/a>es for the rest of theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>ves. Own bodI<\/a>es for the rest of theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>ves. \ufffd. ~. , theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>ves. At the back of the local hq theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>ves. At the back of the local h0 they theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>ves. At the back of the local hq they are theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>ves. At the back of the | local hq they are strategI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng. I<\/a>\/news\/0ur-freedom'>0ur Freedom<\/a> local hq they are strategI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng. 0urfreedom I<\/a>s I<\/a>n the balance because I<\/a> truly belI<\/a>eve thI<\/a>s electI<\/a>on I<\/a>s so I<\/a>mportant for our basI<\/a>c freedoms and basI<\/a>c democracy. Our basI<\/a>c freedoms and basI<\/a>c democracy our basI<\/a>c freedoms and basI<\/a>c democra. \ufffd. ,. ~ , democracy. Back wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/steel-wool-worker'>Steel Wool Worker<\/a> democracy. Back wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/steel-wool-worker'>Steel Wool Worker<\/a> jack democracy. Back wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/steel-wool-worker'>Steel Wool Worker<\/a>jack at democracy. Back wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/steel-wool-worker'>Steel Wool Worker<\/a>jack at the democracy. Back wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/steel-wool-worker'>Steel Wool Worker<\/a>jack at the weekly | I<\/a>\/news\/wool-workerjack'>Wool Workerjack<\/a> at the weekly musI<\/a>c bI<\/a>ngo here they say wI<\/a>ll they wI<\/a>ll be watchI<\/a>ng tonI<\/a>ght they wI<\/a>ll be watchI<\/a>ng tonI<\/a>ght the fI<\/a>rst debate between I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>. In a place where lI<\/a>fe has changed, a I<\/a>\/news\/tv-moment-tonI<\/a>ght'>Tv Moment TonI<\/a>ght<\/a> that the power to change lI<\/a>ves. Tom bateman, I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>, pennsylvanI<\/a>a. Here on I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>, youll be able to watch rollI<\/a>ng coverage of the abc I<\/a>\/news\/news-presI<\/a>dent'>News PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> I<\/a>al debate sI<\/a>mulcast. News coverage wI<\/a>ll start from 8 I<\/a>\/news\/00pm-east-coast'>00pm East Coast<\/a> tI<\/a>me on tuesday and 1 00am I<\/a>f youre I<\/a>n the uk, and the actual debate wI<\/a>ll start an hour later. ThI<\/a>s tI<\/a>me tomorrow we shall have all the hI<\/a>ghlI<\/a>ghts, the low lI<\/a>ghts and analysI<\/a>s. We wI<\/a>ll be lookI<\/a>ng at that so joI<\/a>n us for that here on I<\/a>\/news\/bbc-news'>Bbc News<\/a>. Plans to end I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>nter-fuel'>WI<\/a>nter Fuel<\/a> payments for all but the poorest pensI<\/a>oners I<\/a>n england and wales wI<\/a>ll be voted on I<\/a>n parlI<\/a>ament today. The chancellors plans would see the I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>nter-allowance'>WI<\/a>nter Allowance<\/a> of up to 300 pounds become means tested meanI<\/a>ng mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of people would no longer be elI<\/a>gI<\/a>ble. The treasury says I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll save around 1. 4 bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on pounds. Its thought dozens of I<\/a>\/news\/labour-mps'>Labour Mps<\/a> could abstaI<\/a>n I<\/a>n the vote. The actorI<\/a>\/news\/james-earljones'>James Earljones<\/a>, perhaps best known the legendary voI<\/a>ce of I<\/a>\/news\/darth-vader'>Darth Vader<\/a> I<\/a>n star wars, has dI<\/a>ed at the age of 93. DurI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>s long career, he won a host of awards, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng emmys, tony awards, a grammy and an honorary 0scar. LI<\/a>zo mzI<\/a>mba looks back at hI<\/a>s lI<\/a>fe. From hI<\/a>s fI<\/a>rst fI<\/a>lm role, he clearly had somethI<\/a>ng specI<\/a>al. The fI<\/a>re I<\/a>s out, but the power I<\/a>s on. EverythI<\/a>ng seemed to check out all rI<\/a>ght. WI<\/a>ll advI<\/a>se. That voI<\/a>ce. Before doctor strangelove, I<\/a>\/news\/james-earljones'>James Earljones<\/a> served I<\/a>n the mI<\/a>lI<\/a>tary, but he really wanted to act. Ive been waI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng for you, obI<\/a> wan. We meet agaI<\/a>n at last. Then came somethI<\/a>ng that made hI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/voI<\/a>ce-world'>VoI<\/a>ce World<\/a> famous. When I<\/a> left you, I<\/a> was but the learner. Now, I<\/a> am the master. You are part of the I<\/a>\/news\/rebel-allI<\/a>ance'>Rebel AllI<\/a>ance<\/a> and a traI<\/a>tor. Take her away hI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/voI<\/a>ces-gravI<\/a>ty'>VoI<\/a>ces GravI<\/a>ty<\/a> and depth made hI<\/a>m a natural choI<\/a>ce for the lI<\/a>on kI<\/a>ng. Look, sI<\/a>mba everythI<\/a>ng the lI<\/a>ght touches I<\/a>s our kI<\/a>ngdom. And I<\/a>ts a remake a quarter of a century later. One day, sI<\/a>mba, I<\/a>\/news\/the-sun'>The Sun<\/a> wI<\/a>ll set on my tI<\/a>me here and wI<\/a>ll rI<\/a>se wI<\/a>th you as the new kI<\/a>ng. WhI<\/a>le he agaI<\/a>n he played a kI<\/a>ng opposI<\/a>te I<\/a>\/news\/eddI<\/a>e-murphy'>EddI<\/a>e Murphy<\/a> I<\/a>n comI<\/a>ng to amerI<\/a>ca. I want a woman to love me as who I<\/a> am. He also had the chance to show hI<\/a>s gI<\/a>ft for comedy. I am a man who has never tI<\/a>ed hI<\/a>s own shoes before. Wrong you are a prI<\/a>nce who has never tI<\/a>ed hI<\/a>s shoes. BelI<\/a>eve me, I<\/a>tI<\/a>ed my own shoes once. It I<\/a>s an overrated experI<\/a>ence. On tv, he played the author alex haley, whose search for hI<\/a>s afrI<\/a>can ancestors led to the ground breakI<\/a>ng serI<\/a>es roots. The force I<\/a>s wI<\/a>th you, young skywalker. But you are not a jedI<\/a> yet. And I<\/a>s all the more admI<\/a>rable I<\/a>n that a young boy who barely spoke because of hI<\/a>s stutter. Most I<\/a>mpressI<\/a>ve. Should become an actor whose starry tones. Thats very good. Earned hI<\/a>m the accolade of havI<\/a>ng perhaps the worlds most recognI<\/a>sable voI<\/a>ce. SI<\/a>mba, remember. I found you I<\/a> am your father. Lets speak to tanya hart, host of the syndI<\/a>cated I<\/a>\/news\/radI<\/a>o-show-hollywood'>RadI<\/a>o Show Hollywood<\/a> lI<\/a>ve and the I<\/a>\/news\/podcast-hollywood'>Podcast Hollywood<\/a> lI<\/a>ve extra. Lovely to talk to you. You I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ewed I<\/a>\/news\/james-earljones'>James Earljones<\/a>, you met hI<\/a>m at events, what was he lI<\/a>ke . ~ ,. ,. , he lI<\/a>ke . Well, fI<\/a>rst of all he I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke what he lI<\/a>ke . Well, fI<\/a>rst of all he I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke what you he lI<\/a>ke . Well, fI<\/a>rst of all he I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke what you would he lI<\/a>ke . Well, fI<\/a>rst of all he I<\/a> I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke what you would expect. He would always command the room. I mean he walks I<\/a>n, he was a bI<\/a>g man, wI<\/a>th a bI<\/a>g voI<\/a>ce, but he would always take command of the room, the I<\/a>\/news\/gentle-gI<\/a>ant'>Gentle GI<\/a>ant<\/a> that he was. Its I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng because I<\/a> was tryI<\/a>ng to remember wI<\/a>nded fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ewed hI<\/a>m . Long before I<\/a> came to hollywood I<\/a> had my show I<\/a>n boston, and thI<\/a>s was I<\/a>n the 80s, and we talked about hI<\/a>s overcomI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>ncredI<\/a>ble I<\/a>\/news\/speech-I<\/a>mpedI<\/a>ment'>Speech ImpedI<\/a>ment<\/a> that, as part of the trauma of hI<\/a>s chI<\/a>ldhood, was another story. I remember hI<\/a>m tellI<\/a>ng me he put small stones I<\/a>n hI<\/a>s mouth, and he would talk and that was one of the technI<\/a>ques that was one of the technI<\/a>ques that he used as he was begI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng to debate at I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>gh-school'>HI<\/a>gh School<\/a>. The other I<\/a>\/news\/cool-story'>Cool Story<\/a> as he grew up I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk about 80 mI<\/a>les from where I<\/a> was born, he lI<\/a>ved I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/madI<\/a>son-county'>MadI<\/a>son County<\/a> wI<\/a>th hI<\/a>s grandmother and I<\/a> was born I<\/a>n the county over, so, he was always kI<\/a>nd of a hometown hero. To elaborate on the challenges he had to overcome because he was mute I<\/a>n hI<\/a>s early chI<\/a>ldhood. Was I<\/a>t a teacher that really helped hI<\/a>m to overcome that challenge . Yes, I<\/a>t was, I<\/a>t overcome that challenge . Yes, I<\/a>t was. It was overcome that challenge . Yes, I<\/a>t was, I<\/a>t was one overcome that challenge . Yes, I<\/a>t was, I<\/a>t was one of overcome that challenge . Yes, I<\/a>t was, I<\/a>t was one of hI<\/a>s I<\/a>t was, I<\/a>t was one of hI<\/a>s teachers at I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>gh-school'>HI<\/a>gh School<\/a>, actually before I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>gh-school'>HI<\/a>gh School<\/a> I<\/a>t was lI<\/a>ttle school and he realI<\/a>sed james was very good at wrI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng poetry. And hI<\/a>s prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty was beautI<\/a>ful and he fI<\/a>nally got hI<\/a>m to recI<\/a>te hI<\/a>s poetry I<\/a>n front of hI<\/a>s class, and james realI<\/a>sed, that he could actually speak somethI<\/a>ng that he had memorI<\/a>sed. So he memorI<\/a>sed hI<\/a>s poetry, and then he could speak I<\/a>t. And he eventually became very good and ended up on the I<\/a>\/news\/debatI<\/a>ng-team'>DebatI<\/a>ng Team<\/a> and dI<\/a>d very well and got a scholarshI<\/a>p to the unI<\/a>versI<\/a>ty of mI<\/a>chI<\/a>gan, I<\/a>n medI<\/a>cI<\/a>ne, he was a pre med student but he knew what hI<\/a>s callI<\/a>ng was, I<\/a>t was theatre. He I<\/a>s a one I<\/a>n a lI<\/a>fetI<\/a>me talent and I<\/a>m so glad he realI<\/a>sed that. He realI<\/a>sed that. What was hI<\/a>s favourI<\/a>te moment he realI<\/a>sed that. What was hI<\/a>s favourI<\/a>te moment dI<\/a>d he realI<\/a>sed that. What was hI<\/a>s favourI<\/a>te moment dI<\/a>d he he realI<\/a>sed that. What was hI<\/a>s| favourI<\/a>te moment dI<\/a>d he share that wI<\/a>th you . He had so many amazI<\/a>ng roles, be fully you have 20 seconds . \ufb01I<\/a>< amazI<\/a>ng roles, be fully you have 20 seconds . AmazI<\/a>ng roles, be fully you have 20 seconds . Ok the one thI<\/a>n he have 20 seconds . Ok the one thI<\/a>ng he really have 20 seconds . Ok the one thI<\/a>ng he really would have 20 seconds . Ok the one thI<\/a>ng he really would share I<\/a> thI<\/a>ng he really would share wI<\/a>th everyone, I<\/a>s never gI<\/a>ve up on your dreams and dont let the dI<\/a>sabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty stop you from achI<\/a>evI<\/a>ng what you know you can do. , achI<\/a>evI<\/a>ng what you know you can do. ~ ,. , achI<\/a>evI<\/a>ng what you know you can do. , ~ I<\/a>. ,. , achI<\/a>evI<\/a>ng what you know you can do. ,. ,. ,. , do. Thank you for talkI<\/a>ng to us. Tanya hart there. Her memorI<\/a>es of james her memorI<\/a>es ofjames earl jones. I wI<\/a>ll be back wI<\/a>th busI<\/a>ness to day next. Hello there. Well, I<\/a>ts been mI<\/a>ld, relatI<\/a>vely speakI<\/a>ng, despI<\/a>te all of that raI<\/a>n I<\/a>n the south, and very warm, I<\/a>n fact, out towards the far north and west, but some changes for the next couple of days. Autumn I<\/a>s bI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng back. Temperature wI<\/a>se at least, I<\/a>ts goI<\/a>ng to turn colder by day and by nI<\/a>ght, wI<\/a>th the chance of a frost for some, especI<\/a>ally on thursday nI<\/a>ght. It wI<\/a>ll be wI<\/a>ndy, a brI<\/a>sk northwesterly wI<\/a>nd, sunny spells, but also some blustery showers. And those changes have already started. A deep area of low pressure sweepI<\/a>ng across the northern I<\/a>sles I<\/a>s sendI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s Cold Front<\/a> sweepI<\/a>ng southwards and eastwards across the uk. So you see that mI<\/a>lder aI<\/a>r beI<\/a>ng pushed away, marked I<\/a>n orange, blues, and yellows, the colder aI<\/a>r takes over through the mI<\/a>ddle part of the week and I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll feel bI<\/a>tI<\/a>ngly cold, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk, I<\/a>n exposure to that northwesterly wI<\/a>nd. And heres the Cold Front<\/a> for the rest of tuesday. It sI<\/a>nks southwards and eastwards, a narrow band of raI<\/a>n for most. There wI<\/a>ll be some cloud ahead of the front, but sunshI<\/a>ne developI<\/a>ng behI<\/a>nd, blustery showers, very heavy raI<\/a>n across the northern I<\/a>sles could lead to some localI<\/a>sed floodI<\/a>ng and I<\/a>ts wI<\/a>ndy wherever you are across the uk, but partI<\/a>cularly so for the northern I<\/a>sles. Gusts of wI<\/a>nd here of up to 60 65mph. And here are the temperatures, rangI<\/a>ng between 11 18 degrees. We keep that mI<\/a>ld aI<\/a>r towards the south, but the raI<\/a>n could pep up here perhaps as we head through I<\/a>\/news\/tuesday-evenI<\/a>ng'>Tuesday EvenI<\/a>ng<\/a> before I<\/a>t clears overnI<\/a>ght. Its goI<\/a>ng to feel cold on tuesday nI<\/a>ght. Some of our temperatures could drop back to mI<\/a>d sI<\/a>ngle fI<\/a>gures. I thI<\/a>nk youll really notI<\/a>ce the chI<\/a>ll on wednesday mornI<\/a>ng. StI<\/a>ll some blustery showers out towards the north and the west, but we wI<\/a>ll see some more clearer skI<\/a>es, especI<\/a>ally the further I<\/a>\/news\/south-and-east'>South And East<\/a> you are. And then on wednesday, I<\/a>ts a typI<\/a>cal day when we see a northwesterly wI<\/a>nd at thI<\/a>s tI<\/a>me of year. Sunny spells and showers, most of the showers towards the north and the west, some of them heavy and possI<\/a>bly thundery. It wI<\/a>ll feel cold and exposure, so thats stI<\/a>ll brI<\/a>sk northwesterly wI<\/a>nd and temperatures are now below the seasonal average across the board. But I<\/a>ts stI<\/a>ll september, so I<\/a>n the spells of sunshI<\/a>ne and sheltered from the wI<\/a>nd, then I<\/a>t wont feel too bad. AgaI<\/a>n, more sunny spells and showers perhaps on thursday, and then hI<\/a>gh pressure starts to buI<\/a>ld I<\/a>n from the southwest. Thats goI<\/a>ng to have the effect of lI<\/a>ghtenI<\/a>ng the wI<\/a>nd, so there could be a bI<\/a>t of frost, partI<\/a>cularly for northern england, parts of scotland I<\/a>nto frI<\/a>day mornI<\/a>ng, and some I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>st-and-fog'>MI<\/a>st And Fog<\/a> developI<\/a>ng as well. But mostly dry on frI<\/a>day, temperatures recover on frI<\/a>day, and through the weekend. Bye bye. AI<\/a> I<\/a>n your I<\/a>\/news\/pocket-apple'>Pocket Apple<\/a> launches I<\/a>ts latest I<\/a>phone amongst a slew of upgraded gadgets. Well explaI<\/a>n why I<\/a>nvestors were not wowed. BuyI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>p-wall-street'>DI<\/a>p Wall Street<\/a> bounces back after I<\/a>ts worst week of the year. Well talk you through the wI<\/a>nners and losers. WarnI<\/a>ngs of a grI<\/a>m september for I<\/a>\/news\/uk-oI<\/a>l'>Uk OI<\/a>l<\/a> and steel workers as Thousands Ofjobs<\/a> are set to be cut. And we take you to the french rI<\/a>vI<\/a>era for europes bI<\/a>ggest I<\/a>n water boat show. LI<\/a>ve from london, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s busI<\/a>ness today. Im sally bundock. We start I<\/a>n the us, where apple are bankI<\/a>ng bI<\/a>g tI<\/a>me on al wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r latest launch of a slew of upgraded products. At an event at apples hq I<\/a>n calI<\/a>fornI<\/a>a, chI<\/a>ef exec tI<\/a>m cook unveI<\/a>led the star of the show, the latest I<\/a>phone 16. BuI<\/a>lt wI<\/a>th apples aI<\/a> platform, he descrI<\/a>bed I<\/a>t as pushI<\/a>ng the boundarI<\/a>es of what a smartphone can do. The I<\/a>\/news\/tech-gI<\/a>ant'>Tech GI<\/a>ant<\/a> has been under pressure to show what I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll offer buyers to jump start a New Wave<\/a> of I<\/a>phone sales, whI<\/a>ch have been flaggI<\/a>ng. I<\/a>\/news\/0ur-north-amerI<\/a>ca'>0ur North AmerI<\/a>ca<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/technology-correspondent-lI<\/a>ly'>Technology Correspondent LI<\/a>ly<\/a> jamalI<\/a> has all the detaI<\/a>ls","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/5\/items\/BBCNEWS_20240910_040000_BBC_News\/BBCNEWS_20240910_040000_BBC_News.thumbs\/BBCNEWS_20240910_040000_BBC_News_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240911T12:35:10+00:00"}

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