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what is the latest on this visit, what kind of welcome has president putin received? fix, president putin received? very warm welcome, it was very late into the night, you could say early morning, pyongyang time when bled —— vladimir putin touchdown for the first time in more than two decades and there on the tarmac to warmly welcome one of staunchest supporters, kim jong—un the leader of north korea. official guard stood at attention at the airport on the runway as the two leaders embraced and smiled, then they walked down the red carpet lined with red roses and then onto a waiting motorcade. this took them through the streets and motorways of pyongyang, that were lined with vladimir putin's huge posters, banners welcoming the russian leader and also russian flags all along the motorway. it is not just about red roses and red carpet that welcome and the photo ops these two leaders will get, the president is going to have a busy day ahead of him, a tea party is on the cards, a visit to the only orthodox church, but crucially talks between the two leaders, both these men know they have very very few supporters as they grow isolated on the international stage will stop both know has —— both know they have something each the other wants. north korean media said they've "exchanged their pent—up inmost thoughts" — do we know what those were? is this relationship purely transactional, or something more? gosh, to know the inner thoughts of those two leaders, would be to have the most sought after journalists would be to have the most sought afterjournalists if would be to have the most sought after journalists if we did that, it would be very difficult to know. what we do know is there are indications of what they are thinking, especially towards each other. there are two main goals here, one is the optics of this, this is the third time these leaders me, especially significant because it is very rare for vladimir putin to make that kind of trip. his first trip for nearly a quarter of a century. they want to tell the world and especially america and the west they are not isolated as the west tells them to be, they do have each other, they have friends that will support them. impractical, they also have urgent shopping lists for one another, north korea has a depleting economy that needs more money and food, its needs more money and food, its needs fuel as well which they are very short on. and of course they need technology, the last time that north korea tried to launch a spy satellite was in late may, that failed when it exploded as it launched and they need advanced technology that russia given all the restrictions and the sanctions still can provide, russia's depleting stockpile of munitions needs replenishing because the war in ukraine goes on and pyongyang is in a situation and a position to provide that. despite the denial by pyongyang in moscow we know from here from north korean officials and united states north korean munitions and missiles have been used in russia's war in ukraine. very few people can provide north korea and russia with that kind of support, there are still limitations to what the leaders can give each other but i think this visit will explore what they can provide each other within those limitations. irate within those limitations. we will look for _ within those limitations. we will look for your reporting on that throughout the visit. thank you so much for that. here in the us, president joe biden unveiled a large—scale immigration program that will make a pathway to residency much simpler for about half a million undocumented people married to us citizens who risk deportation because they are living in the country illegally. under the changes, those who have been in the us for at least ten years can apply for permanent residency, also known as a green card, from within the country. this means they won't have to leave their families and the life they've made in the us to go through the application process. the policy could also benefit nearly 50,000 children with a parent who is married to a us citizen. they'd be shielded from deportation and allowed to live and work in the us. previously, federal laws required that an undocumented person married to an american must first leave the country to apply for residency. president biden also announced an initiative that would benefit so—called dreamers — young immigrants who arrived to the us as children and were permitted to stay under the obama—era daca programme, deferred action for childhood arrivals. under the new biden directive, the young people will be able to swiftly receive employer—sponsored work visas and eventually apply for green cards. just two weeks ago, president biden imposed a major crackdown at the us—mexico border, cutting off access to asylum for people who cross into the us illegally. concerns over immigration have proven to be an election—year headache for mr biden who, in the face of mounting criticism over his handling of the issue, has defended the new policy. this is a commonsense fix. to streamline the process for obtaining legal status for immigrants married to american citizens who live here and lived here for a long time. the steps i am taking is overwhelmingly supported by the american people, no matter what the other team says. polls show over 70% of americans support this. cheering. for more on the political situation surrounding president biden�*s executive order, here's our north america correspondent, nomia iqbal. there is no doubt the president is politically vulnerable on this issue. we saw two weeks ago, a crackdown he announced at the border where if the number hits a certain threshold, the border will shut down. that did get some criticism, there is pressure by progressives within his own party to have a more humane approach. you do also have donald trump, his rival, that has made immigration at big platform of his. and a lot of the announcements he is making, they are almost punitive measures when it comes to immigrants and have been criticised by many as almost potentially being legally unsound. he promised the biggest mass deportation in us history if he does win the election and he says the day after the inauguration, he will start enacting those policies. it might be he is upping the ante and there is pressure potentially on biden but it is fair to say yes it is politics but politics becomes policy once enough people care about it and polls consistently show immigration is a big concern for american voters. earlier, democratic congresswoman pramila jayapal spoke to the bbc about her support for biden�*s new order. she's a ranking member of the immigration integrity, security and enforcement subcommittee in congress when it you look at what this means, families will be kept together and us citizens married to an undocumented spouse or have an undocumented child will album —— will be able to say president biden thank you for keeping our family together. i think most americans think if you are a us citizen and you marry somebody they will be able to stay in this country but we have a very arcane and bizarre process with somebody has to leave the country if they are undocumented, no guarantees about whether they can back in, all president biden has done is safe you can stay here and apply and there's going to provide for a lot of people. obviously after they have been here ten years there are other requirements but it is a great step forward. for more i'm joined by immigration lawyer fiona mcentee, the managing attorney of the firm, mcentee law group. voices on both sides of the aisle calling out for immigration reform, both in the short—term and for long—term cases and pathways to residency, just how significant a move is this? thanks for having me. i think as we heard on the soundbite, this is one of the most significant immigration reliefs we have seen definitely since daca. many people who will benefit from the policies announced today. the white house says about half a million people who are in the us illegally are married to us citizens, what is life like for them currently? you deal with a lot of them in your course of work. we do. our phones were ringing with people with hope they might be able to qualify. it is important when we think about is to think about the people they can benefit from them. it is limited to at least the first policy limited to spouses of us citizens that have been in here for a significant period of time. the requirements are they have benefit tenuous, with the data we saw actually saying majority of people that are qualified for this have been in the us for 23 years. i was thinking how much has my life changed in 23 years or any of our lives changed. these people have been stuck in this limbo. so much has changed in the world and they have family outside the us they have not been able to see. they have just been stuck here. i think for people they can benefit from it, it is truly life changing. will this change be perceived to be risky for them, or a welcome development? i think the important thing to point out is there is a misconception of lots of things in relation to the immigration system but a lot of people think if you are married to a us citizen that you can apply for a green card. and you may be able to apply but may not be able to complete the process in the us and this policy is going to impact people who did not make a lawful entry. they are here undocumented and are not able to adjust their status to green card in the us. otherwise these people would have to leave the us for an extended period of time and be separated from theirfamilies. with any legal thing you were applying for any to make sure you get a screening from an attorney and qualified experienced attorneys, there will be a lot of resources available to people to make sure they assess their eligibility for these programmes before they apply. i think they can benefit a lot of people. we want to make sure people are getting the screening they need in order to make sure this is the appropriate move for them. that's for people that are spouses of us citizens. what about the second part of the policy the president biden unveiled today relating to those on daca, how will they benefit? we don't have all the details about these particular programmes. we have some details and will get more details in the coming weeks and months. in relation to the second group of people, the president acknowledged the benefit in keeping people that are educated in the us here in the us. from what we have seen, it will apply to people that have daca and maybe other people that could have applied for it had that programme not been blocked, it's for those people with a us college education and also have an employer that is willing to sponsor them for work—related visas. were it not for this procedural thing in the law what they have to leave and trigger a bar, these procedural hurdles prevent people from accessing auctions that other people can apply for. the idea that it will benefit those people, i think a lot of people would agree that keeping educated hard—working people in the us is going to be a good thing. i am excited about the opportunity it opens up to them, their employers and families as well. we know how polarised immigration is in this country. could it be reversed by another president in the future? first off, it is unfair that people's lives are being used as political pawns back and forth between one administration to the next, what we need is for congress to pass on comprehensive immigration reform and address some of these things so that people are not left in limbo wondering what will happen from one administration to the next. from what we know in relation to some of his other waivers, if they are granted and received, it is unlikely they could be reversed by a subsequent administration. who knows if they're pending, what might happen. we have to remember these are human beings lives at stake and the back—and—forth rollercoasters are truly not fair. just to know how all these changes are impacting people and theirfamilies, there are citizens and children who have daca parents in this limbo. we hope we get some permanent fixes in the law. now, it is a welcome change. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. let's look at some stories making news in the uk. a 19—year—old from lancashire is reportedly missing in tenerife. jay slater hasn't been heard from since monday morning when he called a friend to say he was lost and his phone was low on battery. his last known location was in the mountainous rural de teno national park. search dogs and mountain rescue teams are helping with the search. the actor sir ian mckellan, who's 85, says he is "looking forward to returning to work" and is "hugely indebted" to nhs staff who treated him after he fell from the stage in london monday night. the producers of the show player kings say the play will return on thursday. they say sir ian will perform again when he was ready. the japanese state visit to the uk next week will not include the traditional trip to 10 downing street to meet the prime minister. that's because of the ongoing uk election. instead, prime minister rishi sunak and opposition leader keir starmer are expected to attend a formal banquet at buckingham palace held for emperor naruhito and empress masako. you're live with bbc news. israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, has criticized the us for what he claims is a delay in military aid needed for the war against hamas. relations between the two allies have become strained recently over the rising civilian death toll in gaza. here's a portion of those comments, which mr netanyahu posted on social media on tuesday. i said it is inconceivable that in the past few months the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunition to israel. america's closest ally fighting for its life against iran and other common enemies. the us pushed back, with white house press secretary karine jean—pierre saying: "we genuinely do not know what he's talking about. "there have been some recent delays." last month, the biden administration paused a delivery of larger bombs over concerns about their impact on civilians. but a new round of arms sales, including f—is fighterjets, was recently approved by democratic lawmakers — part of nearly $4 billion in annual military aid. us secretary of state antony blinken was asked about mr netanyahu's comments. we have wanted one case, the president has talked about it publicly, the 2000 pound bombs and the concerns we have them used in densely populated areas. that remains and we continue to work through that but there have been no change in our posture and our posture is to make it that israel has what it needs to defend itself against many threats. meanwhile, concerns are growing that attacks between israeli forces and the lebanese militant group, hezbollah, could escalate. on tuesday, the israeli military said plans for an attack in southern lebanon had been approved. israel's foreign minister warned hezbollah of an "all—out war." a top white house aide is in lebanon the us special envoy amos hochstein, met israeli leaders on monday, calling for urgent de—escalation of cross—border fire. rescuers have been searching the sea off southern italy for survivors from two shipwrecks, which left 11 people dead. dozens of people are missing after one boat sunk off the coast of calabria. the other happened near the island of lampedusa. the italian coastguard said it has been looking for "possible missing persons" since late sunday. more than 200,000 refugees and migrants arrived in europe by sea last year. this graph shows the number of boat crossings over the past 5 years. you can see italy marked in green. our correspondent mark lowen has more. these are two separate shipwrecks that took place in the italian coastal waters, the first was a vessel coming from turkey, its set off eight days ago from the turkish coast with migrants from iran, iraq, syria and was found by a french pleasure vote, at least 65 people are thought to have been missing from that migrant vessel that ran into a disaster and so the italian officials are scouring the waters to see if they can find any of those 65 people, among them 26 our children. and then another migrant vessel that was picked up migrant vessel that was picked up off the coast of lampedusa, the tiny ireland between north africa and sicily, it had flooded and when the italian coastguard went and found the vessel, they found ten bodies in the bottom. and one survivor died after being rescued. so even though the number of migrant rivals this year is less than half what it was in the same period last year, it shows once againjust the same period last year, it shows once again just how deadly this crossing is. the un says 800 migrants have died so far this year trying to make the crossing and in the last ten years, 23 one half thousand people have died or disappeared trying to get over the central mediterranean. what the eu is trying to tackle this as strike bilateral deals with people in africa, libya, tunisia and egypt to pay them to step up their patrols of the borders and try to stop the migrants from setting off in the first place. that is having mixed success in some countries and it has been heavily criticised by ngos believing migrants and countries in north africa when many of them are facing inhumane conditions. across the globe millions are being impacted by extreme heat and volatile weather — including here in the us. nearly 80 million americans, or more than 20% of the population, are currently subject to extreme heat alerts as an early summer heatwave engulfs the northeast. new york is opening cooling centers for the first time this year, with its governor warning that the heatwave could likely result in more deaths. high temperatures can cause dehydration and heatstroke, or even worsen pre—existing health conditions. further west — wildfires are raging in northern california, where firefighters continue to battle what's become known as the post fire. on the other side of the world in saudi arabia, more than 550 hajj pilgrims are reported to have died of heat—related conditions. the annual muslim pilgrimage is taking place under extreme temperatures in mecca. in france, officials expressed concerns that a summer heatwave could endanger olympic athletes. experts say climate change is prompting extreme fluctuations in weather across the globe. new york police released justin timberlake's mugshot after the singer was arrested tuesday morning for driving while intoxicated in the hamptons. he has since appeared in court, where he was formally charged and released without bail. court documents show mr timberlake was stopped after driving through a stop sign. our new york correspondent nada tawfik has more. justin timberlake was out for the night on monday in the hamptons, a wealthy new york beach destination popular with celebrities in the summer. he was out with friends when he was arrested by police in the early hours of tuesday for driving while intoxicated. now, the suffolk county district attorney's office provided no further comment, but court documents detail that he was stopped just after 1230 in the morning, after he drove through a stop sign. an officer pulled him over and noted that his eyes were bloodshot and glassy, that his breath smelled strongly of alcohol, and that he also performed poorly on all standard field sobriety tests. now, the officer said that the pop star told him that he had one martini and was following his friends home. and the tmz website about celebrity gossip included reporting that timberlake's friends allegedly tried to convince officers to let him go, that timberlake refused a breathalyser test and was ultimately taken away in handcuffs. now, penalties for drunk driving in the hamptons town of sag harbour include a fine of up to $1,000, suspended driving privileges and a maximum, though not mandatory, one year in jail. now, the 43—year—old, who first rose to fame with the boy band nsync, has spoken about his struggle with excessive drinking and overcoming addiction. and he is currently on tour and is due to perform in chicago this week and here in new york at madison square garden next week. thailand's upper house of parliament has approved a law to give equal marriage rights to same sex couples. it will now be sent to the king for royal assent. our reporter in bangkok panisa aemocha has more details. this has been decades for us, for the thai people, especially for the lgbt group and advocate to fight for the bill, to be to be here finally. but the officials ones date back to about 2012 and now thailand is the first asian country, this has been decades for us, for the thai people, this country, to pass the same sex marriage legislations. so, yeah, at the moment, the thai people, the international organisations also congratulates on the passing of the bill. there's still opposition even to the senate parliament today, as we mentioned, that the term for gender—specific term, such as husband and wife, has been removed from the bill. and some of the senate argue that the fact that the bills remove all the gender—specific term or will undermine, unquote, undermine the family structures and jeopardise the right of heterosexuals, men and women. but alas, the parliament has passed the bill. thailand will become just the third country in all of asia to allow for marriage equality. taiwan legalized same sex marriage in 2019, and nepal did sojust last year. and, finally, willie mays, one of the greatest baseball players in the history of the game, has passed away. his long—time team the san francisco giants wrote: known as the �*say hey kid,�* mays was a two—time most valuable player, and a 24—time all—star. his legacy transcends the sport. he was among the first generation of african american players in major league baseball. and was awarded the presidential medal of freedom by president obama in 2015, who said: "it's because of giants like willie that someone like me could even think about running for president." on that note we will leave it there. that is it from washington. thank you so much for watching. stay with us here on bbc news. take care. hello. here in the uk, we're at long last starting to see the signs of some weather that feels much more like summer than it has done so far this month. other side of the atlantic, though, eastern canada, eastern side of the united states, summer has arrived with a vengeance. a long lasting, intense and life—threatening heat wave, potentially record breaking, will affect many cities in the east. temperatures into the high 30s by day. but add on the humidity levels, it will feel like it's above a0 degrees for days on end. now, that sort of heat is not coming our way, but it will affect our weather in some form. we've got heat and humidity out towards the east, clashing with cooler conditions out in the west at the moment. and that is starting to fire up a jet stream which will send ripples across the atmosphere, and at long last, move ourjet stream from south of us, bringing cooler air to the north of us, drawing in something a little bit warmer and high pressure, which through the second half of the weekend and beyond, will mean drier and warmer weather more widely. just a few showers to get the weekend under way. but notice the temperatures back to where they should be for the time of year, if not a bit above across most parts of the uk. now to get there, still a few blips around, one such on wednesday morning in terms of temperature. chilly start, scotland, northern ireland, for some temperatures down into lowest single figures, but otherwise a fine day for the vast majority on wednesday. most places will be dry, varying amounts of clouds, some good sunny spells. northern ireland, england and wales. a slim chance of a shower in the hills, most will be fine. more cloud, though, into the north and west of scotland could bring some patchy rain, a drizzle, particularly later in the day. and temperatures here, 11—14 celsius, but most climbing a bit, especially across scotland and northern ireland. warmer there than in recent days. another fresh start to thursday, most places dry. showers just close to the near continent, and more cloud to the north and west, which could bring the odd isolated shower. but for the vast majority, it should be a fine day again, if not more cloud than we see on wednesday. temperatures, though, similar to wednesday's values for most. now, thursday night into friday, we've got one area of low pressure near the continent, very close to the southeast, another one which will push weather fronts into the west as we go through thursday night and into friday morning. so western areas seeing a bit more of a change here. more breeze, more cloud, outbreaks of rain possible. central eastern areas, most should just stay dry through the day. best the sunshine in the morning, more cloud into the afternoon, warm in any strong sunshine, and the weather front will bring outbreaks of rain eastwards across most parts during friday night into saturday morning, and then that dry weather develops more widely. take care. voice-over: this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines for you at the top of the hour, which is straight after this programme. welcome to hardtalk. i'm stephen sackur. from donetsk to kharkiv, this promises to be a summer of desperate defence for the ukrainian forces battling russia's relentless front line assault. but maybe more dispiriting for kyiv is the potential deterioration of the diplomatic situation. yes, ukraine is getting significant new military and financial assistance from its allies, but from the us to europe, political forces opposed to continued support for kyiv are on the rise. my guest is ukraine's foreign minister, dmytro kuleba. could ukraine be bounced into a deal on putin's terms?

Related Keywords

Us , Country , Citizens , Immigrants , Thailand , Same Sex Marriage , Southeast Asian , Vladimir Putin , Airport , State Visit , Russian , North Korean , Capital Pyongyang , Caitriona Perry , Two , Putin , Pyongyang , Visit , Trip , Support , Kim Jong Un , Ukraine , War , Shaimaa Khalil , Food , Space Technology , Fuel , Story , Currency , Return , Help , Seoul , President Putin , Fix , Kind , Welcome , Supporters , Time , The Leader , Tarmac , Touchdown , Guard , Attention , One , Leaders , Red Carpet , Streets , Motorways , Runway , Red Roses , Waiting Motorcade , Leader , Posters , Motorway , Banners , Flags , Tea Party , Photo Ops , Cards , Orthodox Church , Something , Media , Men , Stage , Both , Has , Wants , Pent Up Inmost Thoughts , Most , Relationship , Thoughts , Gosh , Transactional , Each Other , Journalists , Indications , Optics , Thinking , Afterjournalists , Know , Goals , West , World , Needs Fuel , Friends , Money , Another , Shopping Lists , Technology , Course , Spy Satellite , May , Munitions , Replenishing , Sanctions , Restrictions , Officials , Situation , Missiles , Position , People , Limitations , Mother , Joe Biden , Reporting , Presidency , Immigration Program , Pathway , A Million , Families , Green Card , Life , Changes , Deportation , Permanent Residency , Risk , Ten , Policy , Children , Citizen , Work , Parent , Laws , Application Process , 50000 , President , Dreamers Young Immigrants , President Obama , Person , Initiative , Daca Programme , Green Cards , Work Visas , Biden Directive , Immigration , Concerns , Illegally , Criticism , Crackdown , Biden Who , Mounting , Handling , Headache , Asylum , Access , Face , Us Mexico Border , Issue , Commonsense Fix , Process , Polls , Status , Team , Matter , Cheering , 70 , Biden S , Executive Order , No Doubt , Nomia Iqbal , Border , Number , Lot , Pressure , Donald Trump , Rival , Progressives , Party , Making , Threshold , Platform , Announcements , Approach , Election , Many , History , Mass Deportation , Measures , Policies , Inauguration , Ante , Pramila Jayapal , Politics , Concern , Voters , Democratic , Bbc , New Order , Member , Security , Subcommittee , Immigration Integrity , Enforcement , Family , Child , Spouse , Album , Somebody , Requirements , Step , Safe , Move , Fiona Mcentee , Immigration Reform , Sides , More , Voices , Cases , Aisle , Mcentee Law Group , The Firm , Soundbite , Thanks , Reliefs , White House , Phones , Hope , Majority , Spouses , Data , 23 , Limbo , It , Lives , Life Changing , Thing , Relation , Things , Misconception , Development , Lots , Immigration System , Entry , Screening , Theirfamilies , Attorneys , Resources , Programmes , Order , Eligibility , Part , Details , Benefit , Group , Employer , Visas , College Education , Law , Keeping , Bar , Hurdles , Idea , Opportunity , Employers , Pawns , First Off , Administration , Some , Next , Congress , Waivers , Rollercoasters , Stake , Human Beings , Change , Uk , Bbc News , Fixes , Parents , Jay Slater Hasn T , News , Friend , Phone , Stories , Location , Battery , Tenerife , Lancashire , 19 , Ian Mckellan , Staff , Teams , Search , Mountain Rescue , Search Dogs , Rural De Teno National Park , Nhs , London , 85 , Play , Sir , The Show Player Kings Say , Japanese , Producers , Benjamin Netanyahu , Keir Starmer , Banquet , Rishi Sunak , Downing Street , Empress Masako , Emperor Naruhito , Buckingham Palace , 10 Downing Street , 10 , Military Aid , Israel , Allies , Relations , Delay , Hamas , Comments , Social Media , Death Toll , Portion , Gaza , Ally Fighting , Ammunition , Weapons , Withholding , Enemies , Saying , Back , Iran , White House Press Secretary , Karine , Jean Pierre , Delays , Bombs , Impact , Delivery , Civilians , Secretary Of State , Case , Arms Sales , Lawmakers , Ground , Is Fighterjets , Antony Blinken , 4 Billion , 6 Billion , Posture , Pound Bombs , Areas , 2000 , Forces , Threats , Attacks , Militant Group , Hezbollah , Lebanese , Escalate , Amos Hochstein , Foreign Minister , Aide , Attack , Plans , All Out War , Met Israeli Leaders On Monday , Southern Lebanon , Israeli Military , On Tuesday , Shipwrecks , Boat , Fire , Rescuers , Survivors , De Escalation , Dozens , Sea Off Southern Italy , 11 , Migrants , Coast , Island , Refugees , Missing Persons , Italian , Lampedusa , Calabria , Europe By Sea Last , 200000 , Mark Lowen , Green , Graph , 5 , Migrant Vessel , Place , First , Waters , Iraq , Turkey , Syria , Eight , Disaster , Pleasure Vote , French , 65 , North Africa , Ireland , Sicily , 26 , Coastguard , Survivor , Rivals , Bottom , Bodies , Half , Crossing , Fun , 800 , Deals , Strike , Mediterranean , Africa , Eu , Egypt , Libya , Tunisia , Success , Countries , Borders , Patrols , Setting , Ngos , Heat , Conditions , Globe , Population , Millions , 80 Million , 20 , Temperatures , New York , Summer Heatwave , Northern California , Cooling Centers , Heatwave , Heatstroke , Health Conditions , Northeast , Deaths , Governor Warning , Dehydration , West Wildfires , Side , Firefighters , Muslim Pilgrimage , Saudi Arabia , 550 , Weather , Fluctuations , Climate Change , Mecca , Olympic Athletes , Experts , Justin Timberlake , Court , Police , Hamptons , Mugshot , Singer , Bail , Tuesday Morning , Summer , Stop Sign , Court Documents , Driving , Celebrities , Nada Tawfik , Comment , Office , Suffolk County , District Attorney , 1230 , Officer , Breath , Alcohol , Field , Glassy , Eyes , Home , Martini , Pop Star , Sobriety Tests , Officers , Website , Breathalyser Test , Celebrity Gossip , Handcuffs , Tmz , Penalties , Drunk Driving , Fine , Jail , Privileges , Maximum , Town , Sag Harbour , 1000 , 000 , Chicago , Struggle , Drinking , Fame , Addiction , Tour , First Rose , Boy Band Nsync , 43 , Senate , Marriage , Sex , King , Couples , Rights , Upper House , Madison Square Garden , Royal Assent , Bill , Reporter , Lgbt Group , Advocate , Panisa Aemocha , Sex Marriage Legislations , 2012 , Term , Opposition , Organisations , Passing , Husband , Wife , Bills , Family Structures , Fact , Unquote , Willie Mays , Wall , Sex Marriage , Heterosexuals , Marriage Equality , Men And Women , Asia , Nepal , Taiwan , 2019 , San Francisco Giants , Baseball Players , Game , Players , Legacy , Sport , Generation , All Star , Most Valuable Player , African American , Medal Of Freedom , Major League Baseball , 24 , Someone , Giants , 2015 , Note , Watching , Stay , Take Care , Washington , Signs , Heat Wave , Vengeance , Eastern Canada , Atlantic , Least , Way , Sort , Cities , Breaking , Add , Humidity Levels , Form , 30 , North , Jet Stream , South , Humidity , Clashing , Drawing , Atmosphere , Ripples , Ourjet Stream , Weekend , Bit , High Pressure , Showers , Beyond , Parts , Terms , Temperature , Blips , Figures , Northern Ireland , Chilly Start , Scotland , Places , Chance , Clouds , Shower , Climbing , Rain , Spells , Amounts , Chills , Drizzle , Celsius , More Cloud , West Of Scotland , Wales , England , 14 , Cloud , Continent , Southeast , Weather Fronts , Similar , Values , Area , Sunshine , Outbreaks , Weather Front , Afternoon , Breeze , Central Eastern Areas , Rain Possible , Rain Eastwards , Voice Over , Headlines , Top , Programme , Promises , Deterioration , Dispiriting , Defence , Assault , Russia , Kyiv , Hardtalk , Stephen Sackur , Donetsk , Kharkiv , Front Line , Dmytro Kuleba , Guest , Rise , Assistance , Yes , Europe , Deal ,

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