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hence? _ not had become adequate two days hence? ., . . , not had become adequate two days hence? ., ., ., , ,., not had become adequate two days hence? ., ., ., , ., hence? you have answered your own cuestion. hence? you have answered your own question. compliance _ hence? you have answered your own question. compliance was _ hence? you have answered your own question. compliance was not - hence? you have answered your own question. compliance was not going | question. compliance was not going up question. compliance was not going up fast enough and that more evidence was accumulating about the spread of the virus. you evidence was accumulating about the spread of the virus.— spread of the virus. you knew already it _ spread of the virus. you knew already it was _ spread of the virus. you knew already it was an _ spread of the virus. you knew already it was an exponential| already it was an exponential spread — already it was an exponential spread. you didn't know any more about— spread. you didn't know any more about what— spread. you didn't know any more about what the ultimate outcome would _ about what the ultimate outcome would be — about what the ultimate outcome would be because that rested upon whatever— would be because that rested upon whatever decision you might take on the monday. that the basic future hadn't _ the monday. that the basic future hadn't altered. it was still an exponential growth. you put measures in place _ exponential growth. you put measures in place which you in good faith betief— in place which you in good faith belief to — in place which you in good faith belief to do the trick and only three — belief to do the trick and only three days had passed, one weekend, before _ three days had passed, one weekend, before you _ three days had passed, one weekend, before you then move to the next ultimate — before you then move to the next ultimate level, a lockdown. yes. as we have discussed, my _ ultimate level, a lockdown. yes. as we have discussed, my view - ultimate level, a lockdown. yes. as we have discussed, my view was i we have discussed, my view was sterner measures earlier. i think both the accumulating evidence but also the force of argument made it clear that more action was required. if the conclusion that you're seeking is did we adopt measures knowing that they were inadequate, i profoundly feared they would not be enough, but of course, in any debate within government you make your case and accept that you will not always prevail. and accept that you will not always revail. . , ., , and accept that you will not always revail. ., , ., , .,, . prevail. finally on this topic, the nhs. prevail. finally on this topic, the nhs- there _ prevail. finally on this topic, the nhs. there is _ prevail. finally on this topic, the nhs. there is very _ prevail. finally on this topic, the nhs. there is very little - prevail. finally on this topic, the nhs. there is very little debate | prevail. finally on this topic, the | nhs. there is very little debate in the covid — nhs. there is very little debate in the covid about the impact of the nhs~ _ the covid about the impact of the nhs~ i_ the covid about the impact of the nhs. iwill the covid about the impact of the nhs. i will not take you through all of the _ nhs. i will not take you through all of the material. perhaps we could 'ust of the material. perhaps we could just have — of the material. perhaps we could just have upon the screen a summary of the _ just have upon the screen a summary of the material referring to the likely— of the material referring to the likely impact on the nhs. 274— 026. if we just _ likely impact on the nhs. 274— 026. if we just very shortly look at this document, — if we just very shortly look at this document, 274—0 to six, and scroll through— document, 274—0 to six, and scroll through to — document, 274—0 to six, and scroll through to this time, which is right about— through to this time, which is right about the — through to this time, which is right about the 21st, 27, 20 3rd of march, so pages _ about the 21st, 27, 20 3rd of march, so pages five and six. perhaps one more _ so pages five and six. perhaps one more page — so pages five and six. perhaps one more page. there are multiple references to the likely impact on the nhs — references to the likely impact on the nhs being either overwhelmed or over topped or collapse. then if we io over topped or collapse. then if we go forward — over topped or collapse. then if we go forward one page, page eight, we can see _ go forward one page, page eight, we can see on _ go forward one page, page eight, we can see on the 21st of march at a covid _ can see on the 21st of march at a covid meeting the chief medical officer— covid meeting the chief medical officer gives figures about how it in lohdoh — officer gives figures about how it in london might be overwhelmed. forward _ in london might be overwhelmed. forward one page further. the chief executive _ forward one page further. the chief executive of the nhs response dealing — executive of the nhs response dealing with the worsening situation, about how the nhs is aiming — situation, about how the nhs is aiming for— situation, about how the nhs is aiming for more ventilated beds, more _ aiming for more ventilated beds, more surge capacity, how it will make _ more surge capacity, how it will make more hospitals available, then over one _ make more hospitals available, then over one more page to the 22nd and the 23rd _ over one more page to the 22nd and the 23rd of— over one more page to the 22nd and the 23rd of march, references to a major— the 23rd of march, references to a major drive — the 23rd of march, references to a major drive to free up capacity. occupancy— major drive to free up capacity. occupancy now at the lowest than in decades _ occupancy now at the lowest than in decades. planning for ramping up ventilators. finally, overto page 11, references to dublin to the risks— 11, references to dublin to the risks that _ 11, references to dublin to the risks that the nhs would not cope. in risks that the nhs would not cope. in tight _ risks that the nhs would not cope. in light of— risks that the nhs would not cope. in light of all that, two questions. firstly, _ in light of all that, two questions. firstly, to — in light of all that, two questions. firstly, to what extent did that covid — firstly, to what extent did that covid body on the monday look at the hard data _ covid body on the monday look at the hard data relating to the anticipated impact on the nhs, the figures, _ anticipated impact on the nhs, the figures, the ico beds, the ventilators and so on? or did covid 'ust ventilators and so on? or did covid just assume — ventilators and so on? or did covid just assume that if it didn't act on the weight— just assume that if it didn't act on the weight that it advised the nhs would _ the weight that it advised the nhs would just collapse?— the weight that it advised the nhs would just collapse? several things. firstl , would just collapse? several things. firstly. one — would just collapse? several things. firstly. one did _ would just collapse? several things. firstly, one did not— would just collapse? several things. firstly, one did not need _ would just collapse? several things. firstly, one did not need to - would just collapse? several things. firstly, one did not need to know. firstly, one did not need to know the precise nature of capacity within the nhs to be influenced by the broad argument that continued exponential growth would overwhelm it. by definition. there would be a level of growth that almost no health system could have coped with, if the virus was left unchecked. or if inadequate measures have been put in place. both before and after, i am other ministers sought information and were informed about the precise nature of the capacity constraints within the nhs. again, when we talk about beds, we have to recognise that for intensive care beds you need notjust equipment, but trained individuals. doctors, nurses, others. so nhs capacity constraints are driven by the number of specialists and by the equipments, as well as by physical capacity, as well. we may go on to talk about the nightingale hospitals that were built. it was an amazing feat. the inference that some people choose that somehow you could magic up choose that somehow you could magic up significant additional capacity within the nhs at rapid speed. the truth of course says that what you are fundamentally relying on is not just ventilator capacity, but the capacity of train clinicians. i don't wish to get into the debate about— don't wish to get into the debate about the — don't wish to get into the debate about the mechanics of the nhs. the question— about the mechanics of the nhs. the question is— about the mechanics of the nhs. the question is this, there was, it appears — question is this, there was, it appears a _ question is this, there was, it appears a general assumption that if these _ appears a general assumption that if these steps were not taken, the final step — these steps were not taken, the final step was not taken, then on account— final step was not taken, then on account of— final step was not taken, then on account of exponential growth the nhs would ultimately add some unknown point in the future collapse _ unknown point in the future collapse. there was no alternative in that _ collapse. there was no alternative in that sense. what debate was given as to the _ in that sense. what debate was given as to the difference, the distinction between the likely impact — distinction between the likely impact on the nhs under the friday the 20th— impact on the nhs under the friday the 20th measures as opposed to the tockdown— the 20th measures as opposed to the lockdown measure being advocated on the monday. did anybody in covid —— cobra _ the monday. did anybody in covid —— cobra say— the monday. did anybody in covid —— cobra say what will be the ultimate impact _ cobra say what will be the ultimate impact of— cobra say what will be the ultimate impact of this final step as opposed to the _ impact of this final step as opposed to the measures imposed on the friday? — to the measures imposed on the frida ? , ., ., ., friday? everything revolved around whether or not _ friday? everything revolved around whether or not we _ friday? everything revolved around whether or not we could _ friday? everything revolved around whether or not we could suppress i friday? everything revolved around i whether or not we could suppress the growth of the virus and whether the virus will continue to grow exponentially. if you suppress the growth of the virus, then you can begin to see at some point the curve coming down and the pressure removed or at least reduced on the nhs. if it goes up, ie if you're not managing to take r down below one, then sooner or later the nhs would be overwhelmed until you get it back below one. 50 be overwhelmed until you get it back below one. ., , ., be overwhelmed until you get it back below one. ., y., be overwhelmed until you get it back below one. . y., ., below one. so are you saying that what cobra _ below one. so are you saying that what cobra was _ below one. so are you saying that what cobra was only _ below one. so are you saying that what cobra was only this - below one. so are you saying that what cobra was only this final. below one. so are you saying that l what cobra was only this final step would _ what cobra was only this final step would suffice to bring the r rate below _ would suffice to bring the r rate below one, that you couldn't dabble gamble _ below one, that you couldn't dabble gamble that the earlier measure on the friday— gamble that the earlier measure on the friday would be sufficient? you have to _ the friday would be sufficient? you have to take that final step because only that _ have to take that final step because only that would give you the sufficient degree of sureness that you were — sufficient degree of sureness that you were doing everything you could to bring _ you were doing everything you could to bring r _ you were doing everything you could to bring r below one? exactly. can we turn _ to bring r below one? exactly. can we turn to— to bring r below one? exactly. can we turn to an entirely different subject. — we turn to an entirely different subject, the structures within governments for responding to the crisis? _ governments for responding to the crisis? you — governments for responding to the crisis? you became chair of what was then known as covid o. i am going to try to summarise the position structurally and if you could indicate _ structurally and if you could indicate if you agree and will move on swiftty~ — indicate if you agree and will move on swiftly. the devolved administration health ministers attended initial cobra meetings, then~ ~~ _ attended initial cobra meetings, then... you attended 16 cobra meetings, you sent the nose to the prime _ meetings, you sent the nose to the prime minister on the 30th of november highlighting the shortcomings of the cobra machinery. he had _ shortcomings of the cobra machinery. he had been forced out of cobra because — he had been forced out of cobra because the video technology didn't work _ because the video technology didn't work had _ because the video technology didn't work. had there been any changes to the machinery within cobra, within the machinery within cobra, within the corridor and the rooms particularly in the cabinet office, between — particularly in the cabinet office, between march when the crisis crashed — between march when the crisis crashed upon this country and november when he wrote that new to the prime _ november when he wrote that new to the prime minister about the shortcomings in the machinery? had there _ shortcomings in the machinery? had there been— shortcomings in the machinery? had there been changes, had the room been _ there been changes, had the room been updated at all? | there been changes, had the room been updated at all?— been updated at all? i think there were some _ been updated at all? i think there were some changes, _ been updated at all? i think there were some changes, but - been updated at all? i think there were some changes, but i - been updated at all? i think there were some changes, but i would. been updated at all? i think there - were some changes, but i would have to check, cobra can refer both to one single physical room, but also to the act of convening people. i'm not sure how much i can say, but there is more than one cobra room. where the significant changes to the machinery. — where the significant changes to the machinery, the data links, the video. — machinery, the data links, the video, where there changes between march _ video, where there changes between march and _ video, where there changes between march and september? | video, where there changes between march and september?— video, where there changes between march and september? i believe they were but there _ march and september? i believe they were but there are _ march and september? i believe they were but there are clearly _ were but there are clearly insufficient.— were but there are clearly insufficient. ., ., insufficient. you took part in what was called the _ insufficient. you took part in what was called the quad, _ insufficient. you took part in what was called the quad, a _ insufficient. you took part in what was called the quad, a group - insufficient. you took part in what was called the quad, a group of. was called the quad, a group of ministers — was called the quad, a group of ministers comprising the prime minister. — ministers comprising the prime minister, the chancellor of the exchequer, mr hancock and yourself in the _ exchequer, mr hancock and yourself in the early— exchequer, mr hancock and yourself in the early part of the crisis. from — in the early part of the crisis. from march there was instituted the 950 meetings which were chaired by the prime _ 950 meetings which were chaired by the prime minister. they took place between _ the prime minister. they took place between the 17th of march in the 15th of— between the 17th of march in the 15th of may. you note in your statement that those meetings were important, but there is a limit to what _ important, but there is a limit to what they— important, but there is a limit to what they could do because of time, the need _ what they could do because of time, the need to— what they could do because of time, the need to update the prime minister. _ the need to update the prime minister, dealwith the need to update the prime minister, deal with the daily events of government and so on. then you chaired _ of government and so on. then you chaired what — of government and so on. then you chaired what was known as the general— chaired what was known as the general public services ministerial implementation group, that was convened — implementation group, that was convened between march and may. you raised _ convened between march and may. you raised in _ convened between march and may. you raised in the _ convened between march and may. you raised in the e—mails to other ministers _ raised in the e—mails to other ministers and to the cabinets office. — ministers and to the cabinets office, mark said welcome your concerns — office, mark said welcome your concerns about whether or not the ti l ht concerns about whether or not the right governance structures were in place _ right governance structures were in place and _ right governance structures were in place and as part of your raising of these _ place and as part of your raising of these concerns, in may they were done _ these concerns, in may they were done away— these concerns, in may they were done away with and then there was a system _ done away with and then there was a system known as covid s and covid s. did you _ system known as covid s and covid s. did you have — system known as covid s and covid s. did you have in march 2020 e—mail correspondence with an advisor in downing — correspondence with an advisor in downing street called minera, he was in charge _ downing street called minera, he was in charge of— downing street called minera, he was in charge of the policy team there, about— in charge of the policy team there, about the — in charge of the policy team there, about the way that the migs are operating? | about the way that the migs are 0 eratin: ? ~ about the way that the migs are operating?— operating? i thinki did, that's riuht. operating? i thinki did, that's right- but _ operating? i thinki did, that's right- but it — operating? i thinki did, that's right. but it matters _ operating? i thinki did, that's right. but it matters not - operating? i thinki did, that's. right. but it matters not because the were right. but it matters not because they were done _ right. but it matters not because they were done away _ right. but it matters not because they were done away with. - right. but it matters not because they were done away with. covid| right. but it matters not because - they were done away with. covid was chaired _ they were done away with. covid was chaired by— they were done away with. covid was chaired by the prime minister, but he also _ chaired by the prime minister, but he also chaired covid o occasionally, but you were the main chair. _ occasionally, but you were the main chair. and _ occasionally, but you were the main chair. and those meetings started in june. _ chair. and those meetings started in june. and _ chair. and those meetings started in june, and covid s went through all the way— june, and covid s went through all the way to— june, and covid s went through all the way to february 2021. would it be right _ the way to february 2021. would it be right to — the way to february 2021. would it be right to say that's covid o convened _ be right to say that's covid o convened around hundred and 50 times between _ convened around hundred and 50 times between may 2020 in september 2021. 145. we _ between may 2020 in september 2021. 145. we heard that the covid—19 task force _ 145. we heard that the covid—19 task force was _ 145. we heard that the covid—19 task force was the secretariat for covid 0. yes. _ force was the secretariat for covid 0. yes. hannah mcnamara raises this issue _ 0. yes. hannah mcnamara raises this issue in— 0. yes. hannah mcnamara raises this issue in the _ 0. yes. hannah mcnamara raises this issue in the wind —— in her witness statement — issue in the wind —— in her witness statement saying if there is to be a criticism _ statement saying if there is to be a criticism of— statement saying if there is to be a criticism of covid o and s, and there — criticism of covid o and s, and there is— criticism of covid o and s, and there is witness to show that they operated — there is witness to show that they operated in a much better level than the predecessors, her concern was that they— the predecessors, her concern was that they were quite narrow and the full cabinet is better to bring in a wider— full cabinet is better to bring in a wider perspective, a body that is more _ wider perspective, a body that is more grounded in consequences and in the complexities of the world as it is. would — the complexities of the world as it is. would you agree with that that if there _ is. would you agree with that that if there is— is. would you agree with that that if there is a — is. would you agree with that that if there is a deficiency, if there was _ if there is a deficiency, if there was a — if there is a deficiency, if there was a deficiency, there are quite narrowly— was a deficiency, there are quite narrowly comprised bodies? no. | narrowly comprised bodies? no. i think for effective _ narrowly comprised bodies? tip. i think for effective decision—making when you're dealing with the crisis the cabinet is constituted in a size thatis the cabinet is constituted in a size that is unwieldy. and there is a crisis there tends to be in cabinets, wall cabinets are similar. one can argue that perhaps the wrong people are around the table, but i think the cabinets as a structure, given the need for rapid action, doesn't meet the needs of the hour and we saw that in for example the falklands war, when decision—making needed to be taken in a nimble way by the prime minister, her then foreign secretary, defence secretary. foreign secretary, defence secretary-— foreign secretary, defence secretary. foreign secretary, defence secreta .~ , , secretary. why do you send your witness statement _ secretary. why do you send your witness statement that - secretary. why do you send your witness statement that there - secretary. why do you send your| witness statement that there was secretary. why do you send your i witness statement that there was in fact and _ witness statement that there was in fact and need to bring the wider cabinet — fact and need to bring the wider cabinet into and when it was done it was occasionally too little too late. — was occasionally too little too late. . , ., , late. there are several points there. late. there are several points there- the — late. there are several points there. the first _ late. there are several points there. the first thing - late. there are several points there. the first thing is - late. there are several points there. the first thing is that l late. there are several points i there. the first thing is that you do need to have, first of all, a strategy team, an inner cabinet or whatever composition. then need cabinet committees in order to give operational decisions, hence covid 0. it is the case that when you have worked out what those decisions are, you do need a broader cabinet discussion in order to ensure that there is appropriate by n, that there is appropriate by n, that there is appropriate by n, that there is political consent, that there is political consent, that there is political consent, that there is collective agreement, but all of these things are matters of judgment and they exist across a continuum, so what i would say is the reason why we moved away from the reason why we moved away from the mig model, is there is a danger in having a department, again the reflection of any individual, covid 0 reflection of any individual, covid o allowed oversight across government about how each individual department was seeking to deliver towards the agreed goal, but cabinet pots macro overall, one can look back at and say there were certain moments when the cabinet should have been involved earlier and some of that decision making, but sometimes there was an understandable need for speed. there was an understandable need for seed. . . there was an understandable need for seed. ., , , . , there was an understandable need for seed. . ,, ,., , speed. that is perfectly plain, but there were _ speed. that is perfectly plain, but there were occasions _ speed. that is perfectly plain, but there were occasions when - speed. that is perfectly plain, but| there were occasions when cabinet should _ there were occasions when cabinet should have been more involved than it was. _ should have been more involved than it was. you _ should have been more involved than it was, you accept that. was it the case _ it was, you accept that. was it the case as— it was, you accept that. was it the case as we — it was, you accept that. was it the case as we can see that in relation to the _ case as we can see that in relation to the 23rd — case as we can see that in relation to the 23rd of march decision to impose — to the 23rd of march decision to impose mandatory stay at home waters. — impose mandatory stay at home waters, that was announced at the country— waters, that was announced at the country on — waters, that was announced at the country on the monday, cabinet didn't— country on the monday, cabinet didn't sit— country on the monday, cabinet didn't sit until the tuesday, in relation — didn't sit until the tuesday, in relation to— didn't sit until the tuesday, in relation to the second lockdown, the decision— relation to the second lockdown, the decision was effectively debated and resolved _ decision was effectively debated and resolved at the covid estimating rather _ resolved at the covid estimating rather than cabinet, and resolved at the covid estimating ratherthan cabinet, and in resolved at the covid estimating rather than cabinet, and in relation to the _ rather than cabinet, and in relation to the third — rather than cabinet, and in relation to the third lockdown the driver for that decision came from the united kingdom _ that decision came from the united kingdom chief medical officers that the whole country had to go to level five. would — the whole country had to go to level five. would you agree with those in a statement of fact? yes. yes. i have been asked to break at 1245. no, i have been asked to break at 1245. no. it— i have been asked to break at 1245. no. it is— i have been asked to break at 1245. no. it is the — i have been asked to break at 1245. no, it is the perfect— i have been asked to break at 1245. no, it is the perfect moment. - i have been asked to break at 1245. no, it is the perfect moment. we. i have been asked to break at 1245. no, it is the perfect moment. we are determined — no, it is the perfect moment. we are determined to _ no, it is the perfect moment. we are determined to make _ no, it is the perfect moment. we are determined to make sure _ no, it is the perfect moment. we are determined to make sure we - no, it is the perfect moment. we are determined to make sure we get - determined to make sure we get through— determined to make sure we get through the _ determined to make sure we get through the new _ determined to make sure we get through the new evidence - determined to make sure we get through the new evidence today. determined to make sure we get. through the new evidence today. i shall— through the new evidence today. i shall return — through the new evidence today. i shall return at _ through the new evidence today. i shall return at 1:35pm. _ the baroness thanking everybody for this morning, we have heard from michael gove, giving evidence at the covid inquiry. he has been giving evidence for the best part of three hours. early on in his evidence he apologised to the victims and families he said so much loss due to government mistakes and the covid pandemic. he said every decision was difficult and that politicians are human beings. we said we are fallible, we make mistakes. he said that borisjohnson fallible, we make mistakes. he said that boris johnson found fallible, we make mistakes. he said that borisjohnson found decisions that boris johnson found decisions to impose restrictions very difficult as they went against his instincts. he also defended the former health secretary matt hancock, who has been strongly criticised by some at the inquiry, for his actions. we are going to hearfrom the former for his actions. we are going to hear from the former health secretary also this week. let's move on to some other stories. a major charity claims that 20,000 lives in the uk could be saved every year of the uk could be saved every year of the government adopts a new plan for tackling the disease. cancer research has called for a quicker diagnosis and treatment as well as the recruitment of thousands more staff. when kelly harrop started feeling ill eight years ago, lung cancer never crossed her mind. she was 40, which is young for it, and had never smoked. and she was fit and active, working as a stable hand. my lung, they said there was something there that they weren't quite sure about, but they said, "oh, it can't be cancer or anything because you don't drink, you don't smoke." iran six times a week. i was doing half marathons and tough mudders and all those kind of things and never had any symptoms whatsoever. it turns out her cancer was caused by a rare gene. she's been helping a trial called tracer x that's studying lots of patients' tumours to understand why and how different ones grow and find new ways to stop them. we hope to be able to develop new therapies that can leverage and improve the immune system's activity to stop the cancer from growing and spreading. cancer is becoming more common. currently, one in two of us will get cancer in our lifetime, but by 2040 in the uk, experts expect there will be half a million new cases diagnosed each year. cancer research uk says that outlook could change for the better if politicians prepare now. it's launched a manifesto of priorities for this government and the next ahead of a general election. the to—do list includes more money for research to close an estimated billion pound funding gap, greater disease prevention, earlier diagnosis and better tests and treatments, as well as cutting nhs waiting lists and investing in staff. what we want is for all the major parties in the run—up to the general election to look at and take the strategic decisions that are needed to really turn the tide on cancer, to help people live longer, better lives free from the fear of cancer. government says it's committed to fighting cancer and is investing for the future. kelly had lots of chemo and a third of a lung removed. it was tough, but her cancer�*s gone. she ran the london marathon in april and hopes to do it again next i think i am more determined now than i was before because you can't let these things win, can you? kelly ran the london marathon in april and she hopes to do it again next year to raise more money for cancer research. there are hundreds of millions of trees in the uk and they bring so much to our landscape. now the public are being asked to grow a tree in 2023 to help celebrate and support them. it marks 50 years from a similar campaign to restore forests around the country. they're all around us — helping our environment and our health. and now a new generation are learning the importance of trees. these children at a primary school in reading are planting saplings as part of national tree week — all under the watchful eye of head gardener kieran. so important because deforestation is killing animal habitat and, like — birds, for example — when they cut down trees, their nest will go down with it. so when we plant these, the birds around this area can be like, "ooh, nice — a tree! oh, wait — oh, my god, there's so many trees here!" i think we just do it because we want to help everyone in the world. like, we want to help our school, we want to help the nation and our community by planting lots of trees. with flooding and extreme temperatures affecting more and more of us, experts say trees provide a natural defence. they say that a young, - healthy tree has the net cooling power of ten air conditioners going for 20 hours a day. - that's so, you know, immense — the power of trees. _ people have this emotional, visceral attachment to treesj and to the natural world. and i think that's why — they give a lotto us, i that we need to give back to them. don't just walk away — - mulch them, water them, weed them, treat them - as if they were your family. the chopping down of the sycamore gap tree in an act of vandalism devastated many. forensic experts were even brought in to look for clues. the stokes family in hampshire know all about the emotional attachment to trees. what's that? the ladybird? and a snail. a snail! david and his sonjohn are showing john's daughter, amy, one of the trees they planted back in 1973. you know, there was "plant a tree in 73" was the message. it was it was the story. and then it became "plant some more in '74". yeah. and then it became "still alive in '75" and "dead as sticks by '76". so here's the picture from 1973. and there's you, dave. yeah. and there's rachel... rachel. ..and me tucked in behind here. and we negotiated 50 trees from the local authority, and there are 50 houses in the grove — so it was one tree per house. organisers are hoping hundreds of thousands of saplings will be planted across the uk as part of national tree week. back in reading, these children are finishing their digging... hold it up, hold it up. ..hoping their small saplings will grow into a forest for future generations to enjoy. charlotte gallagher, bbc news. hello. there has been a bit more sunshine around today, but it has been colder, as well. if anything it is going to get even colder with temperatures a few degrees below what we would normally have this time of year. it is quick generally dry. a few wintry showers around that area of low pressure today. this cold front is arriving across scotland, northern ireland and northern england. in the early evening you will find frost developing with temperatures between three and 5 degrees further south. with the colder air further north will be a few wintry showers moving down, but in the south across england and will still be more cloud developing, sunlight showers heading down towards the south—west or temperatures should remain above freezing because of the cloud. elsewhere, we are looking at a more widespread frost on it could be as low as —8 in parts of scotland. a bit milder towards the south—west. with the cloud continues to break up we will see some showers flirting with the south—west. some more showers in northern scotland and running down the north sea coast. there will be some snow over the hills in scotland and the north york moors. fora hills in scotland and the north york moors. for a large part of the country it will be dry but colder than today. we are focusing on this area of low pressure as we head into thursday. it looks like it is continuing to steer to the south of the uk, bringing some wet weather to the uk, bringing some wet weather to the english channel. if there is any snow from that it is just a low risk of dartmoor. it should really be out in the english channel, keeping its in the english channel, keeping its in this cold air once again. a cold, but largely sunny day on thursday with some showers in the north—west running down those north sea coasts, there will be some sleet and snow in those as well. temperatures only three, four, 5 degrees. this is the temperature anomaly chart. it is colder than it would normally be at this time of year across the uk and across large parts of europe where there is more snow in the forecast. i don't think there will be too much snow in the forecast as we head into the beginning of december. we'll stay cold. a lot of the time it will be dry with sunshine, with frost at night. today at one — a breakthrough in the attempt to rescue 41 construction workers who've been trapped in a collapsed tunnel in northern india for more than a fortnight. rescue teams have managed to push an evacuation pipe through the rubble and are hoping to pull out the trapped men one by one. rescue teams have managed to push an evacuation pipe through the rubble and are hoping to pull out the trapped men one by one. our correspondent is at the scene. everybody is eagerly waiting for those first men to come out of the tunnel. and also on the programme this lunchtime... the boss of wilko apologises after 12,000 people lost theirjobs when the retailer collapsed. an escalating row between britain and greece over the parthenon sculptures or elgin marbles. the greek prime minister is said to be surprised and annoyed rishi sunak cancelled a meeting with him. the inquest opens today into the death of primary school head ruth perry. her family say she took her own life while waiting for an ofsted report. if there are lessons that can be learned so that no head teacher has to go through what ruth went through, then that would be a positive outcome. and tiny fragments from a 4.5 billion—year—old asteroid arrive in the uk for analysis. could they yield secrets about the origins of life on earth? and coming up on bbc news — another var controversy as wolves manager gary o'neil says bad refereeing is affecting livelihoods and reputations after their defeat at fulham.

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