Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240704 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240704

urgent action, critical. a warning notice in 2018 because of an episode in a school in kent that alerted schools to how to identify rac and to be aware of it. more guidance was issued in 2021 and 2022 about how to manage rac. and the expert advice at that point was that if it's not in a critical condition, then it's safe to use continue to use rooms that have provided the rac isn't in a critical condition. cas evans is headteacher at a primary school in leicester. her school was closed back in may, due to concerns about the concrete. she's been telling us it was one of the hardest things to deal with in her career, and described some of the disruption. it took away all the toilets and kitchen and dining rooms so we had to think about catering and there as the sudden rush to get as much out of the rooms as possible as well as the rush to find accommodation for 250 children, six classes. let's get more now from our correspondent helen wilkinson who's at a school in south london 0ne one of the big problems as schools have got so little time to prepare, we had about the disruption. that comes as we have been saying just days before the start of the new academic year with children in england the majority going back to school next week. we are outside the corpus christi catholic school and brixton, they have already got plans in place, this is a primary school that has been identified as having confirmed this type of concrete that has been causing the issues in part of thejunior site and has been causing the issues in part of the junior site and they have had to put out a statement on the 18th of august so they have had some time more than other schools to put plans in place and what will happen is we think around 200 of the pupils will have to go to a nearby school about a mile away for the start of term and that is where they will be relocated. it is not clear how long they will be relocated for and that will be individual case bake across england for the affected schools, it depends how much of the concrete has been found and whether it is just and part of the school or all the school. they have got plans and place, there will be disruption for many pupils but a very similar picture for the other schools affected and we have been hearing that some schools will have to fully this, others partially close and head teachers are having to scramble to try and get everything in place because schools go back next week so logistically very tricky time for schools and also the school list, the schools affected has not yet been published by the government, what they have said as the list of schools they will publish that but want head teachers to contact parents first of all, they will be finding out from schools if they have not already but there will be no doubt many concerned parents across england might be thinking will my child's school be one affected and until they get the full list there will be a great deal of anxiety. if you are one of the parents she was talking about and i'm not sure what is happening on a few had a teacher, look at the bbc news website that is a live page you can see and it will bring you moment by moment updates, everything new that comes in on the story, details about what to do if your school is affected on a few have concerns, the bbc news website and you will see the live page with all the information you need. a court has sentenced two members of the far—right proud boys militia to long prison terms for storming the us capitol building in january 2021. joseph biggs, a former leader of the proud boys, was given 17 years — one of the longest sentences among the hundreds convicted for the capitol attack. prosecutors say biggs was a key figure in the organised attempts to forcibly overturn presidentjoe biden�*s 2020 election victory. another leader, zachary rehl, recieved 15 years. let's hear now from norman pattis, the attorney who represented the proud boys leaderjoseph biggs. after the sentencing he drew the link between his client — and donald trump — let's listen to what he said... i think there is a broader country, a crisis of legitimacy going on in this country right now. if you look at the current presidential race — where's donald trump in all of this? he stood on the ellipse, basically told people — 7a million of his followers — the election�*s stolen, go to the capitol, fight like hell or you won't have a country any more. some people listened to him. were they supposed to know that he was full of hot air and was he full of hot air? i look forward to his trials, i look forward to seeing him testify some day. you know, if your president tells you your country's been stolen, the country that people fought and died for, people are trying to take your vote from you, how are you supposed to react to that? and these people reacted violently and to their detriment. let's put all of that into context now — here's our north america correspondent peter bowes. these are some of the longest sentences imposed on anyone tried and convicted for their involvement in the january 6th attacks. and in the case ofjoe biggs, he was seen as one of the leaders. one of the leaders in the crowd who encouraged people to move into the capitol building, at the very moment that the then vice president, mike pence, was certifying the result of the 2020 election. and we now know that, of course, donald trump had spoken to that crowd earlier in the day. he had discouraged, strongly discouraged, mike pence from certifying the election and encouraged the crowd to move to the capitol building. we know that there have been scores and scores of trials. there are more people to be sentenced and some cases are still on—going. but in the case ofjoe biggs and zachary rehl, they have now been sentenced. both men appeared in court before their sentencing and expressed remorse in the strongest terms. joe biggs, described as one of the instigators of what happened, said that he had been seduced by the crowd, that he said he just moved forward. he said, "my curiosity got the better of me. i'm not a terrorist. i don't have hate in my heart." zachary rehl said he regretted involving himself with any of it. he said he let politics consume his life and he lost track of who and what mattered. now, their sentences of 15 and 17 years are significantly less than thejudge could have imposed. in fact, prosecutors were asking for 30 plus years, and the judge explained that he wasn't belittling the level of violence on that day, but that, in effect, he was getting the situation in proportion. that this hadn't been a mass casualty event and that the law existed to punish the worst of the worst, perhaps for longer sentences. so that was his reasoning for imposing the sentences that he did. we also heard from the lawyer representing both of these two men, norman pattis, who questioned why his clients were being punished for this crime of sedition when they had been following the lead of donald trump and, in effect, suggesting that donald trump should also be charged in the same way. but he said he hadn't been by the special prosecutor. in fact, he said it was the very same crime that mr trump had arguably encouraged others to commit. earlier we heard from the chair of republican 0verseas here in the uk, greg swenson — he explained how former president trump could use this situation in his favour. it is probably a good idea thejudge used proper discretion, the prosecution of these cases have been very aggressive but of course they were anybody storming the capitol deserves to be prosecuted. i do not think it takes the republican party, these were friends groups and do not reflect the party in general. does it take donald _ reflect the party in general. does it take donald trump? _ reflect the party in general. does it take donald trump? he - reflect the party in general. does it take donald trump? he said home of the supposed to know mr trump was full of hot, he was linking him dead at 30 what happened, the attorney. it remains to be seen whether this implicates president trump on whether people will think he is associated with both of these fringe groups. that remains to be seen, i think the president so far has anything used these indictments and the mugshot last week to his advantage, major bumps and pulling from the indictment and an fundraising so i do not know of the sport finally be one of the issues that actually affect negatively but so far he has taken advantage of the prosecutions. so far he has taken advantage of the prosecutions-— so far he has taken advantage of the prosecutions. does that concern you? it should not — prosecutions. does that concern you? it should not be _ prosecutions. does that concern you? it should not be that _ prosecutions. does that concern you? it should not be that way. _ prosecutions. does that concern you? it should not be that way. in - prosecutions. does that concern you? it should not be that way. in many - it should not be that way. in many the secs it should not be that way. in many the specs it _ it should not be that way. in many the specs it seems _ it should not be that way. in many the specs it seems the _ it should not be that way. in many the specs it seems the left - it should not be that way. in many the specs it seems the left and - it should not be that way. in many i the specs it seems the left and much of the media in the us once trump to be the candidate and that is one of the reasons they have continued with the reasons they have continued with the indictment is because they do want him to be the candidate, they assume president trump is the one candidate plays that biden can beat so so far he has taken advantage of it, the most obvious was the mugshot, he raised $7 million, i hope voters will look at the other candidates are notjust remain obsessed with president trump, we should go through a healthy primary and campaigning season. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news one of the uk's biggest mortgage lenders say house prices have seen their biggest annual fall since 2009. the figures from nationwide show prices dropped by 5—point—3 percent lower than the year before. it said higher borrowing costs for buyers had led to a slowdown in activity in the housing market. concerns are being raised that blood cancer patients are facing round trips of 200 miles or more to access some of their care in argyll. charity blood cancer uk said vulnerable patients are making long journeys after the loss of some local services in 0ban. nhs greater glasgow and clyde say virtual consultations are available, but in—person appointments are at a centre in glasgow. a welsh rally has been recognised for its environmental sustainability by formula 0ne's governing body. race organisers said it's the first event to fully offset the emissions of all competing vehicles. it is the only uk rally to receive fia's environmental accreditation, two years in a row. you're live with bbc news. large parts of england are without rail services today, as thousands of train drivers take part in the latest strike in their long—running pay dispute. members of the aslef union have rejected proposals for their pay to increase by four percent, two years in a row, in return for changes to ways of working. drivers will also ban overtime on saturday, coinciding with a strike by the rail, maritime and transport union in its dispute over pay, jobs and conditions.both unions blame the government for blocking any chance of a deal by refusing to allow train operators to make an offer they can recommend to their members. earlier we heard from the general seretary of the aslef union, mick whelan who explained why these strikes are taking place today — and whether there's any hope of the action coming to an end. well, quite simply, like many people in the country, as key workers, we went to work during the pandemic. we got other key workers to work. the private companies made £500 million and we did not see the pay increase. in year three, like every other worker when the cost of living started to increase and inflation went up, we went and asked for a pay rise. we are now four years without a pay rise and for some of my members as we get to february next year, it will be half a decade without a pay rise. on two occasions we received deceit by the rail delivery group. the first occasion, i have to believe the minister's move when they put out a deal we hadn't seen or negotiated. then they asked us to go back into talks and we set parameters for those talks. all the other things they wanted to talk about we put into various companies because they all attract different values in different terms and conditions are different companies but we sit down with them because we want it to succeed. then they put a deal together with all our red lines in it and set it up to fail. so that is where we are today, still campaigning for a pay rise four years on. and you obviously are at euston station today, far more quiet than it would usually be but you know that commuters, that rail passengers are losing patience and their support is important to you. so what would you say to them when they ask why you've chosen the end of the school holidays for your latest strike? there is no ideal day to pick a strike. you are going to hit a concert or event. i spent my whole life trying to grow this industry, encouraging people onto railways, trying to get fares down. looking for us to be the centre of a green revolution which i believe is necessary for kyoto paris. i don't want to be here today apologising to the passengers once more what is a political dispute by westminster. we don't have a problem in scotland or wales. for open access and we have done 1a pay deals in the last 12 months elsewhere. but it is ideological for westminster. the rail minister himself when he gave evidence to the select committee admitted the strikes had cost over £1 billion and we could have solved the dispute several times ever. this is ideological, nothing to do with realisation. and what about your members, are any suggesting you make further concessions? no. these deals have been rejected. all our members know what is in those deals and they have supported us by giving us mandates again in the ballots we are false to do every six months, 92—96% in favour of strike action. i'm carrying out the wishes of the people behind me who are standing in the rain and losing money. i do what they want me to do. the fact is it can't continue indefinitely. how many more strikes are you prepared to pull? we will do this as long as our members tell us that's what they want us to do. bear in mind, how many years do the workers in these privatised companies, who don't work for the government, companies earning hundreds of millions of pounds out of the taxpayer and paying dividends to their shareholders but not paying the british worker to work for them question that there is something wrong in the model somewhere. it is almost five years without a pay rise. do they expect us to go ten? hundreds of flights were cancelled in china's guangdong province and hong kong as super typhoon saola moved closer to the mainland forcing authorities to raise a strong storm advisory. three tropical cyclones have formed in the northwest pacific ocean and south china sea, with saola and haikui already labelled typhoons. another one — called kirogi — is the most distant from land and is still classified as a tropical storm. with more on this here's sarah keith lucas. we have seen a very busy spell and the typhoon season with more to come. you can see saola rotating, it has a large typhoon moving gradually closer to the coast of the south—west of china approaching hong kong, at will probably be the worst typhoon to impact hong kong in five years and following closely will be the next typhoon pushing in to want taiwan but lets look at the track of typhoon saola and it will move close to the coast of hong kong, could be about 300 millimetres of rain falling over the mountainous areas before moving back to the south china sea. looking at the rainfall, the green colours indicate the torrential rainfall, very close to hong kong over the next 24—hour was but notjust hong kong over the next 24—hour was but not just the hong kong over the next 24—hour was but notjust the rain, strong wins from the east pushing up the sea—level in the region so we could see coastal inundation as the sea rises around three metres compared to normal, pushing graduate to the south—west but you can see the next storm system lining up which will push across taiwan a potentially second landfall in a similar area and southern china next week so the combination of the heavy rainfall, strong wins and the coastal inundation that will mean some very severe weather across the region over the next few days. let's live to hong kong, there are substantial preparations being made. they have been holding a press conference, a real one yesterday before the arrival of the storm emphasising everything will be ready, there will be extra police helping with the aftermath and people standing by to evacuate low—lying areas in case they got flooded so the government is trying to give a picture of taking no chances because in 2018 there are two major typhoons in hong kong and ended up with the government facing criticism and i can tell you the hong kong meteorological agency has raised the typhoon warning signal by one rank to the second highest which means it is getting really close, just 50 kilometres away from hong kong and could get as close as a0 kilometres which would bring all these potential hazards you have had from the weather colic, tidal waves and rain faults of the attic in no chance and telling people to stay safe and stay away from waterfronts and other risky places. for safe and stay away from waterfronts and other risky places.— and other risky places. for that raise change — and other risky places. for that raise change any _ and other risky places. for that raise change any of— and other risky places. for that raise change any of the - raise change any of the preparations. it raise change any of the preparations.— raise change any of the preparations. raise change any of the --rearations. , , ., preparations. it is mostly about rotocol preparations. it is mostly about protocol because _ preparations. it is mostly about protocol because the _ preparations. it is mostly about protocol because the system i preparations. it is mostly aboutl protocol because the system has preparations. it is mostly about - protocol because the system has been in hong kong for decades so when it reached number nine last night at shutdown most of the businesses and the stock market, schools and bus services. now it would be trains being scaled back from running a limited schedule to only the underground section so that is a further shutdown of the city but something hong kong has been getting used to in the past decades when typhoons hit hong kong. i5 used to in the past decades when typhoons hit hong kong.- used to in the past decades when typhoons hit hong kong. is that any sense of how _ typhoons hit hong kong. is that any sense of how long _ typhoons hit hong kong. is that any sense of how long that _ typhoons hit hong kong. is that any sense of how long that will - sense of how long that will continue, how long people in hong kong will be hunkering down as it passes by. kong will be hunkering down as it asses b . ~ ., kong will be hunkering down as it asses b . ~ . ., ., ., passes by. what we have learned from the authorities _ passes by. what we have learned from the authorities in _ passes by. what we have learned from the authorities in the _ passes by. what we have learned from the authorities in the forecast - passes by. what we have learned from the authorities in the forecast in - the authorities in the forecast in the authorities in the forecast in the past few days as most of the continue into saturday because even when it leaves the vicinity of hong kong you still have the tail on the other side crossing the territory so ed could still be a typhoon that would affect hong kong and skip some lockdown into saturday and toby start to see it reaching the western side of southern china depending on the other elements on whether they could lower the signal at any point and people could resume their lives outdoors. ., ., , ., ~ outdoors. you have been talking about everything _ outdoors. you have been talking about everything authorities - outdoors. you have been talking about everything authorities are| about everything authorities are doing and people in hong kong what they have experienced, and they quite stoic and a moment like this on is there some nervousness. definitely nervousness because this has been possibly the strongest one of the five strongest typhoons to hit southern china since 19a0 so even an hong kong there was a bit of panic buying and supermarkets on thursday and even today when the storm is to come around lunch hour there was the number eight signal which means people should have stayed home but then the people and my neighbourhood going to nearby supermarkets to get some food stock and there are some people jogging you do see empty shelves in the supermarket which tells you how panicked people are this time. thank ou. and finally this hour — a story about a big cheese. or to be more accurate, a record—breaking ball of it. the huge delicacy was made in a mexican village in the southern state of chiapas — and it weighed in at 558 kilogrammes. it required eighty chefs and around six thousand litres of milk to make it... the team behind the record attempt said that they were thrilled to have made history with the biggest piece of cheese the world has ever seen. stay with us here on bbc news. hello there. the 1st of september and meteorologically speaking, the first day of autumn. now, this morning, it may have felt a bit autumnal for some of us. we had some mist and fog out there first thing this morning, but that's pretty much now cleared away. and we're looking at some fine weather for the rest of today. low pressure yesterday brought us some outbreaks of rain, but higher pressure builds in as we go through the weekend and indeed into the start of next week as well. what does that mean? well, it means for most of us, it's going to be dry. there will be some lengthy spells of sunshine and it's going to turn warmer as well. but for the rest of today, still some cloud across northern ireland, southern scotland, the far north northeast of england. a few spots of rain here, showers developing elsewhere across england and wales in between some sunshine. largely dry across scotland this afternoon and maximum temperatures, 17, 18 degrees here, up to about 20 to 23 celsius in the south east of england. now, through this evening tonight, any of those showers will tend to fade away. and then really most of us looking at some clear skies, but beneath those clear skies, there'll be some patches of mist and fog forming. quite a mild night for england and wales, 12 to 1a, a bit chillier across scotland, especially in the countryside. temperatures down into fairly low single figures. so saturday morning, yes, we might wake up to some mist and fog, but that will generally clear away. and for most it's a dry day with that sunshine, a few showers across south wales and through southern areas of england, those will be very isolated though. for most it'll stay dry and it's a touch warmer. so saturday afternoon, 21 to 2a degrees on sunday, almost a repeat performance, one or two patches, mist and fog. there will be further cloud moving its way into the far north and northwest of scotland. some outbreaks of rain here, most though dry, sunny and warm and temperatures widely in the low to mid twenties. a bit chillier, though, where you've got the cloud and outbreaks of rain. now, this is the jet stream. we've been talking about this a lot in the weather recently. it's been positioned across the uk, giving us rain. as we go through in the next few days, it's arching to the north of the uk and that allows warmer air to spread in from the south. so into next week, look at this, plenty of fine and sunny weather around. temperatures potentially in the mid to high twenties, maybe 30 celsius the middle of next week, before a bit more unsettled by friday. bye bye. peak fed... have we seen the last rise in us interest rates? employment numbers out later today could hold the answer. move over beyonce! here comes noonoouri! warner music signs it's first digital pop star— all made using artificial intelligence.... raising big concerns for some in the industry. welcome to world business report. i'm aaron heslehurst. we start in the us — where there there are growing bets on wall street that interest rates may not have to rise any further. figures closely watched by the us federal reserve showed the price of goods fell at an annual rate of half a percent injuly. that's raised hopes that after 11 hikes in the cost of borrowing — the us fed may have won the battle against soaring inflation. all eyes now are on official employment numbers for

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Hearing , Everything , Teachers , Head , Others , School List , Wall , Parents , Thinking , Head Teachers , Deal , Child , Anxiety , Bbc News , Page , Website , Few , Teacher , Story , Updates , Details , Everything New , Sentences , Members , Joseph Biggs , Court , Boys , Prison Terms , Information , Militia , Us Capitol Building , 17 , January 2021 , Two , Norman Pattis , Zachary Rehl , Presidentjoe Biden , Prosecutors , Figure , Hundreds , Attack , Attempts , Victory , 2020 , 15 , Donald Trump , Sentencing , Client , Link , Leaderjoseph Biggs , People , Country , Election , Stolen , Where , Race , Legitimacy , Crisis , Ellipse , Followers , 7 , Hair , Trials , More , Hell , Vote , Detriment , Context , Attacks , Involvement , Anyone , North America , Peter Bowes , January 6th , 6 , Case , Crowd , Leaders , Ofjoe Biggs , Vice President , Result , Mike Pence , Course , Cases , Scores , Men , Terms , Remorse , Instigators , Hate In My Heart , Curiosity , Terrorist , Fact , Life , Politics , Track , Thejudge , 30 , Judge , Situation , Effect , Wasn T Belittling , Proportion , Violence , Event , Both , Reasoning , Worst , Casualty , Law , Lawyer , Clients , Lead , Crime , Sedition , Trump , Way , Special Prosecutor , Hadn T , Favour , Uk , Chair , The , Republican 0verseas , Greg Swenson , Prosecution , Idea , Discretion , Republican Party , Anybody , Party , General , Home , Groups , Friends , Implicates , Mugshot , Fringe Groups , Indictments , Anything , Advantage , Indictment , Fundraising , Sport , Bumps , Concern , In Prosecutions , Specs , Many , Left , Much , Secs , Candidate , Reasons , Media , It , Obvious , Million , 7 Million , World , Season , Candidates , Voters , Campaigning , Figures , House Prices , News One , Borrowing Costs , Show Prices , Mortgage Lenders , Stories , 5 , 3 , 2009 , Blood Cancer Patients , Activity , Housing Market , Buyers , Led , Slowdown , Services , Centre , Patients , Journeys , Care , Trips , Loss , Consultations , Charity Blood Cancer Uk , Glasgow , Argyll , 0ban , Clyde , Nhs Greater Glasgow , Formula 0ne S Governing Body , Rally , Accreditation , Sustainability , Emissions , Vehicles , Race Organisers , Welsh , Fia , Strike , Row , Thousands , Parts , Pay Dispute , Train Drivers , Rail Services Today , Pay , Changes , Proposals , Working , Drivers , Return , Ways , Aslef Union Have , Four , Chance , Dispute , Strikes , Aslef Union , The General Seretary , Rail , Unions , Jobs , Train Operators , Offer , Mick Whelan , Companies , End , Key Workers , Hope , Pandemic , Rise , Inflation , Cost , Worker , Pay Rise , Pay Increase , Three , 500 Million , 00 Million , Move , Minister , Occasions , Occasion , Deceit , Rail Delivery Group , Deal We Hadn T , Talks , Conditions , Parameters , Values , Red Lines , Euston Station , Rail Passengers , Patience , Support , Commuters , School Holidays , Industry , Concert , Railways , Fares , Green Revolution , Deals , Scotland , Wales , Problem , Passengers , Apologising , Open Access , Westminster , Kyoto Paris , 1 , Elsewhere , Rail Minister , Committee , Evidence , 12 , Concessions , Times , Realisation , Nothing , Billion , 1 Billion , Ballots , Strike Action , Wishes , Money , Standing In The Rain , 96 , 92 , Workers , Bear , Mind , Something , Millions , Somewhere , Shareholders , Dividends , Taxpayer , Who Don T Work , British , Ten , Hong Kong , Authorities , Cyclones , Storm Advisory , Flights , Mainland , China S , Super Typhoon Saola , Guangdong Province , Pacific Ocean , Typhoons , Typhoon Saola , Storm , South China Sea , Haikui , Distant , Land , Kirogi , Spell , Sarah , Keith Lucas , Typhoon , Coast , South West , Areas , Rain Falling , 300 , Notjust , Rainfall , Wins , Colours , 24 , Inundation , Region , Sea , East , Sea Level , Graduate , Storm System Lining Up , Southern China , Area , Combination , Taiwan A Potentially Second Landfall , Weather , Preparations , Press Conference , Arrival , Aftermath , Police , Chances , Typhoon Warning Signal , Criticism , Meteorological Agency , Highest , Kilometres , Rank , 50 , Places , Waterfronts , Attic , Waves , Weather Colic , Hazards , Rain Faults , Raise , Change , System , Protocol , Rearations , Rotocol , Nine , Shutdown , Trains , Businesses , Stock Market , Bus , Schedule , City , Section , Sense , Hit Hong Kong , Typhoons Hit Hong Kong , I5 , Forecast , Kong , Asses B , Side , Vicinity , Ed , Territory , Tail , Lockdown , Signal , Elements , Lives , Nervousness , Bit , Hit Southern China , 19 , Supermarkets , Panic Buying , Eight , Food Stock , Neighbourhood , Shelves , Supermarket , Thank Ou , Cheese , Delicacy , Estate , Ball , Mexican Village , Chiapas , 558 , Team , Record , Attempt , Milk , Piece , Stay , History , Chefs , Eighty , Six Thousand , Autumn , Meteorologically Speaking , 1st Of September , Rain , Mist , Outbreaks , Pressure , Thing , Rest , Morning , Weekend , Sunshine , Cloud , Spells , Spots , Southern Scotland , Northern Ireland , Showers , Temperatures , Celsius In The South East Of England , 20 , 23 , Fog , Skies , Countryside , Patches , South Wales , Repeat Performance , 21 , 2 , Bit Chillier , Jet Stream , Low , Lot , Mid Twenties , South , North , Fine , Arching , Bye , Friday , Interest Rates , Employment Numbers , Peak Fed , Answer , Warner Music , Pop Star , Artificial Intelligence , Noonoouri , Bets , Wall Street , World Business Report , Aaron Heslehurst , Price , Rate , Borrowing , Injuly , Goods , Hikes , Battle , Eyes , Fed May , Federal Reserve , 11 ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240704 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240704

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urgent action, critical. a warning notice in 2018 because of an episode in a school in kent that alerted schools to how to identify rac and to be aware of it. more guidance was issued in 2021 and 2022 about how to manage rac. and the expert advice at that point was that if it's not in a critical condition, then it's safe to use continue to use rooms that have provided the rac isn't in a critical condition. cas evans is headteacher at a primary school in leicester. her school was closed back in may, due to concerns about the concrete. she's been telling us it was one of the hardest things to deal with in her career, and described some of the disruption. it took away all the toilets and kitchen and dining rooms so we had to think about catering and there as the sudden rush to get as much out of the rooms as possible as well as the rush to find accommodation for 250 children, six classes. let's get more now from our correspondent helen wilkinson who's at a school in south london 0ne one of the big problems as schools have got so little time to prepare, we had about the disruption. that comes as we have been saying just days before the start of the new academic year with children in england the majority going back to school next week. we are outside the corpus christi catholic school and brixton, they have already got plans in place, this is a primary school that has been identified as having confirmed this type of concrete that has been causing the issues in part of thejunior site and has been causing the issues in part of the junior site and they have had to put out a statement on the 18th of august so they have had some time more than other schools to put plans in place and what will happen is we think around 200 of the pupils will have to go to a nearby school about a mile away for the start of term and that is where they will be relocated. it is not clear how long they will be relocated for and that will be individual case bake across england for the affected schools, it depends how much of the concrete has been found and whether it is just and part of the school or all the school. they have got plans and place, there will be disruption for many pupils but a very similar picture for the other schools affected and we have been hearing that some schools will have to fully this, others partially close and head teachers are having to scramble to try and get everything in place because schools go back next week so logistically very tricky time for schools and also the school list, the schools affected has not yet been published by the government, what they have said as the list of schools they will publish that but want head teachers to contact parents first of all, they will be finding out from schools if they have not already but there will be no doubt many concerned parents across england might be thinking will my child's school be one affected and until they get the full list there will be a great deal of anxiety. if you are one of the parents she was talking about and i'm not sure what is happening on a few had a teacher, look at the bbc news website that is a live page you can see and it will bring you moment by moment updates, everything new that comes in on the story, details about what to do if your school is affected on a few have concerns, the bbc news website and you will see the live page with all the information you need. a court has sentenced two members of the far—right proud boys militia to long prison terms for storming the us capitol building in january 2021. joseph biggs, a former leader of the proud boys, was given 17 years — one of the longest sentences among the hundreds convicted for the capitol attack. prosecutors say biggs was a key figure in the organised attempts to forcibly overturn presidentjoe biden�*s 2020 election victory. another leader, zachary rehl, recieved 15 years. let's hear now from norman pattis, the attorney who represented the proud boys leaderjoseph biggs. after the sentencing he drew the link between his client — and donald trump — let's listen to what he said... i think there is a broader country, a crisis of legitimacy going on in this country right now. if you look at the current presidential race — where's donald trump in all of this? he stood on the ellipse, basically told people — 7a million of his followers — the election�*s stolen, go to the capitol, fight like hell or you won't have a country any more. some people listened to him. were they supposed to know that he was full of hot air and was he full of hot air? i look forward to his trials, i look forward to seeing him testify some day. you know, if your president tells you your country's been stolen, the country that people fought and died for, people are trying to take your vote from you, how are you supposed to react to that? and these people reacted violently and to their detriment. let's put all of that into context now — here's our north america correspondent peter bowes. these are some of the longest sentences imposed on anyone tried and convicted for their involvement in the january 6th attacks. and in the case ofjoe biggs, he was seen as one of the leaders. one of the leaders in the crowd who encouraged people to move into the capitol building, at the very moment that the then vice president, mike pence, was certifying the result of the 2020 election. and we now know that, of course, donald trump had spoken to that crowd earlier in the day. he had discouraged, strongly discouraged, mike pence from certifying the election and encouraged the crowd to move to the capitol building. we know that there have been scores and scores of trials. there are more people to be sentenced and some cases are still on—going. but in the case ofjoe biggs and zachary rehl, they have now been sentenced. both men appeared in court before their sentencing and expressed remorse in the strongest terms. joe biggs, described as one of the instigators of what happened, said that he had been seduced by the crowd, that he said he just moved forward. he said, "my curiosity got the better of me. i'm not a terrorist. i don't have hate in my heart." zachary rehl said he regretted involving himself with any of it. he said he let politics consume his life and he lost track of who and what mattered. now, their sentences of 15 and 17 years are significantly less than thejudge could have imposed. in fact, prosecutors were asking for 30 plus years, and the judge explained that he wasn't belittling the level of violence on that day, but that, in effect, he was getting the situation in proportion. that this hadn't been a mass casualty event and that the law existed to punish the worst of the worst, perhaps for longer sentences. so that was his reasoning for imposing the sentences that he did. we also heard from the lawyer representing both of these two men, norman pattis, who questioned why his clients were being punished for this crime of sedition when they had been following the lead of donald trump and, in effect, suggesting that donald trump should also be charged in the same way. but he said he hadn't been by the special prosecutor. in fact, he said it was the very same crime that mr trump had arguably encouraged others to commit. earlier we heard from the chair of republican 0verseas here in the uk, greg swenson — he explained how former president trump could use this situation in his favour. it is probably a good idea thejudge used proper discretion, the prosecution of these cases have been very aggressive but of course they were anybody storming the capitol deserves to be prosecuted. i do not think it takes the republican party, these were friends groups and do not reflect the party in general. does it take donald _ reflect the party in general. does it take donald trump? _ reflect the party in general. does it take donald trump? he - reflect the party in general. does it take donald trump? he said home of the supposed to know mr trump was full of hot, he was linking him dead at 30 what happened, the attorney. it remains to be seen whether this implicates president trump on whether people will think he is associated with both of these fringe groups. that remains to be seen, i think the president so far has anything used these indictments and the mugshot last week to his advantage, major bumps and pulling from the indictment and an fundraising so i do not know of the sport finally be one of the issues that actually affect negatively but so far he has taken advantage of the prosecutions. so far he has taken advantage of the prosecutions-— so far he has taken advantage of the prosecutions. does that concern you? it should not — prosecutions. does that concern you? it should not be _ prosecutions. does that concern you? it should not be that _ prosecutions. does that concern you? it should not be that way. _ prosecutions. does that concern you? it should not be that way. in - prosecutions. does that concern you? it should not be that way. in many - it should not be that way. in many the secs it should not be that way. in many the specs it _ it should not be that way. in many the specs it seems _ it should not be that way. in many the specs it seems the _ it should not be that way. in many the specs it seems the left - it should not be that way. in many the specs it seems the left and - it should not be that way. in many i the specs it seems the left and much of the media in the us once trump to be the candidate and that is one of the reasons they have continued with the reasons they have continued with the indictment is because they do want him to be the candidate, they assume president trump is the one candidate plays that biden can beat so so far he has taken advantage of it, the most obvious was the mugshot, he raised $7 million, i hope voters will look at the other candidates are notjust remain obsessed with president trump, we should go through a healthy primary and campaigning season. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news one of the uk's biggest mortgage lenders say house prices have seen their biggest annual fall since 2009. the figures from nationwide show prices dropped by 5—point—3 percent lower than the year before. it said higher borrowing costs for buyers had led to a slowdown in activity in the housing market. concerns are being raised that blood cancer patients are facing round trips of 200 miles or more to access some of their care in argyll. charity blood cancer uk said vulnerable patients are making long journeys after the loss of some local services in 0ban. nhs greater glasgow and clyde say virtual consultations are available, but in—person appointments are at a centre in glasgow. a welsh rally has been recognised for its environmental sustainability by formula 0ne's governing body. race organisers said it's the first event to fully offset the emissions of all competing vehicles. it is the only uk rally to receive fia's environmental accreditation, two years in a row. you're live with bbc news. large parts of england are without rail services today, as thousands of train drivers take part in the latest strike in their long—running pay dispute. members of the aslef union have rejected proposals for their pay to increase by four percent, two years in a row, in return for changes to ways of working. drivers will also ban overtime on saturday, coinciding with a strike by the rail, maritime and transport union in its dispute over pay, jobs and conditions.both unions blame the government for blocking any chance of a deal by refusing to allow train operators to make an offer they can recommend to their members. earlier we heard from the general seretary of the aslef union, mick whelan who explained why these strikes are taking place today — and whether there's any hope of the action coming to an end. well, quite simply, like many people in the country, as key workers, we went to work during the pandemic. we got other key workers to work. the private companies made £500 million and we did not see the pay increase. in year three, like every other worker when the cost of living started to increase and inflation went up, we went and asked for a pay rise. we are now four years without a pay rise and for some of my members as we get to february next year, it will be half a decade without a pay rise. on two occasions we received deceit by the rail delivery group. the first occasion, i have to believe the minister's move when they put out a deal we hadn't seen or negotiated. then they asked us to go back into talks and we set parameters for those talks. all the other things they wanted to talk about we put into various companies because they all attract different values in different terms and conditions are different companies but we sit down with them because we want it to succeed. then they put a deal together with all our red lines in it and set it up to fail. so that is where we are today, still campaigning for a pay rise four years on. and you obviously are at euston station today, far more quiet than it would usually be but you know that commuters, that rail passengers are losing patience and their support is important to you. so what would you say to them when they ask why you've chosen the end of the school holidays for your latest strike? there is no ideal day to pick a strike. you are going to hit a concert or event. i spent my whole life trying to grow this industry, encouraging people onto railways, trying to get fares down. looking for us to be the centre of a green revolution which i believe is necessary for kyoto paris. i don't want to be here today apologising to the passengers once more what is a political dispute by westminster. we don't have a problem in scotland or wales. for open access and we have done 1a pay deals in the last 12 months elsewhere. but it is ideological for westminster. the rail minister himself when he gave evidence to the select committee admitted the strikes had cost over £1 billion and we could have solved the dispute several times ever. this is ideological, nothing to do with realisation. and what about your members, are any suggesting you make further concessions? no. these deals have been rejected. all our members know what is in those deals and they have supported us by giving us mandates again in the ballots we are false to do every six months, 92—96% in favour of strike action. i'm carrying out the wishes of the people behind me who are standing in the rain and losing money. i do what they want me to do. the fact is it can't continue indefinitely. how many more strikes are you prepared to pull? we will do this as long as our members tell us that's what they want us to do. bear in mind, how many years do the workers in these privatised companies, who don't work for the government, companies earning hundreds of millions of pounds out of the taxpayer and paying dividends to their shareholders but not paying the british worker to work for them question that there is something wrong in the model somewhere. it is almost five years without a pay rise. do they expect us to go ten? hundreds of flights were cancelled in china's guangdong province and hong kong as super typhoon saola moved closer to the mainland forcing authorities to raise a strong storm advisory. three tropical cyclones have formed in the northwest pacific ocean and south china sea, with saola and haikui already labelled typhoons. another one — called kirogi — is the most distant from land and is still classified as a tropical storm. with more on this here's sarah keith lucas. we have seen a very busy spell and the typhoon season with more to come. you can see saola rotating, it has a large typhoon moving gradually closer to the coast of the south—west of china approaching hong kong, at will probably be the worst typhoon to impact hong kong in five years and following closely will be the next typhoon pushing in to want taiwan but lets look at the track of typhoon saola and it will move close to the coast of hong kong, could be about 300 millimetres of rain falling over the mountainous areas before moving back to the south china sea. looking at the rainfall, the green colours indicate the torrential rainfall, very close to hong kong over the next 24—hour was but notjust hong kong over the next 24—hour was but not just the hong kong over the next 24—hour was but notjust the rain, strong wins from the east pushing up the sea—level in the region so we could see coastal inundation as the sea rises around three metres compared to normal, pushing graduate to the south—west but you can see the next storm system lining up which will push across taiwan a potentially second landfall in a similar area and southern china next week so the combination of the heavy rainfall, strong wins and the coastal inundation that will mean some very severe weather across the region over the next few days. let's live to hong kong, there are substantial preparations being made. they have been holding a press conference, a real one yesterday before the arrival of the storm emphasising everything will be ready, there will be extra police helping with the aftermath and people standing by to evacuate low—lying areas in case they got flooded so the government is trying to give a picture of taking no chances because in 2018 there are two major typhoons in hong kong and ended up with the government facing criticism and i can tell you the hong kong meteorological agency has raised the typhoon warning signal by one rank to the second highest which means it is getting really close, just 50 kilometres away from hong kong and could get as close as a0 kilometres which would bring all these potential hazards you have had from the weather colic, tidal waves and rain faults of the attic in no chance and telling people to stay safe and stay away from waterfronts and other risky places. for safe and stay away from waterfronts and other risky places.— and other risky places. for that raise change — and other risky places. for that raise change any _ and other risky places. for that raise change any of— and other risky places. for that raise change any of the - raise change any of the preparations. it raise change any of the preparations.— raise change any of the preparations. raise change any of the --rearations. , , ., preparations. it is mostly about rotocol preparations. it is mostly about protocol because _ preparations. it is mostly about protocol because the _ preparations. it is mostly about protocol because the system i preparations. it is mostly aboutl protocol because the system has preparations. it is mostly about - protocol because the system has been in hong kong for decades so when it reached number nine last night at shutdown most of the businesses and the stock market, schools and bus services. now it would be trains being scaled back from running a limited schedule to only the underground section so that is a further shutdown of the city but something hong kong has been getting used to in the past decades when typhoons hit hong kong. i5 used to in the past decades when typhoons hit hong kong.- used to in the past decades when typhoons hit hong kong. is that any sense of how _ typhoons hit hong kong. is that any sense of how long _ typhoons hit hong kong. is that any sense of how long that _ typhoons hit hong kong. is that any sense of how long that will - sense of how long that will continue, how long people in hong kong will be hunkering down as it passes by. kong will be hunkering down as it asses b . ~ ., kong will be hunkering down as it asses b . ~ . ., ., ., passes by. what we have learned from the authorities _ passes by. what we have learned from the authorities in _ passes by. what we have learned from the authorities in the _ passes by. what we have learned from the authorities in the forecast - passes by. what we have learned from the authorities in the forecast in - the authorities in the forecast in the authorities in the forecast in the past few days as most of the continue into saturday because even when it leaves the vicinity of hong kong you still have the tail on the other side crossing the territory so ed could still be a typhoon that would affect hong kong and skip some lockdown into saturday and toby start to see it reaching the western side of southern china depending on the other elements on whether they could lower the signal at any point and people could resume their lives outdoors. ., ., , ., ~ outdoors. you have been talking about everything _ outdoors. you have been talking about everything authorities - outdoors. you have been talking about everything authorities are| about everything authorities are doing and people in hong kong what they have experienced, and they quite stoic and a moment like this on is there some nervousness. definitely nervousness because this has been possibly the strongest one of the five strongest typhoons to hit southern china since 19a0 so even an hong kong there was a bit of panic buying and supermarkets on thursday and even today when the storm is to come around lunch hour there was the number eight signal which means people should have stayed home but then the people and my neighbourhood going to nearby supermarkets to get some food stock and there are some people jogging you do see empty shelves in the supermarket which tells you how panicked people are this time. thank ou. and finally this hour — a story about a big cheese. or to be more accurate, a record—breaking ball of it. the huge delicacy was made in a mexican village in the southern state of chiapas — and it weighed in at 558 kilogrammes. it required eighty chefs and around six thousand litres of milk to make it... the team behind the record attempt said that they were thrilled to have made history with the biggest piece of cheese the world has ever seen. stay with us here on bbc news. hello there. the 1st of september and meteorologically speaking, the first day of autumn. now, this morning, it may have felt a bit autumnal for some of us. we had some mist and fog out there first thing this morning, but that's pretty much now cleared away. and we're looking at some fine weather for the rest of today. low pressure yesterday brought us some outbreaks of rain, but higher pressure builds in as we go through the weekend and indeed into the start of next week as well. what does that mean? well, it means for most of us, it's going to be dry. there will be some lengthy spells of sunshine and it's going to turn warmer as well. but for the rest of today, still some cloud across northern ireland, southern scotland, the far north northeast of england. a few spots of rain here, showers developing elsewhere across england and wales in between some sunshine. largely dry across scotland this afternoon and maximum temperatures, 17, 18 degrees here, up to about 20 to 23 celsius in the south east of england. now, through this evening tonight, any of those showers will tend to fade away. and then really most of us looking at some clear skies, but beneath those clear skies, there'll be some patches of mist and fog forming. quite a mild night for england and wales, 12 to 1a, a bit chillier across scotland, especially in the countryside. temperatures down into fairly low single figures. so saturday morning, yes, we might wake up to some mist and fog, but that will generally clear away. and for most it's a dry day with that sunshine, a few showers across south wales and through southern areas of england, those will be very isolated though. for most it'll stay dry and it's a touch warmer. so saturday afternoon, 21 to 2a degrees on sunday, almost a repeat performance, one or two patches, mist and fog. there will be further cloud moving its way into the far north and northwest of scotland. some outbreaks of rain here, most though dry, sunny and warm and temperatures widely in the low to mid twenties. a bit chillier, though, where you've got the cloud and outbreaks of rain. now, this is the jet stream. we've been talking about this a lot in the weather recently. it's been positioned across the uk, giving us rain. as we go through in the next few days, it's arching to the north of the uk and that allows warmer air to spread in from the south. so into next week, look at this, plenty of fine and sunny weather around. temperatures potentially in the mid to high twenties, maybe 30 celsius the middle of next week, before a bit more unsettled by friday. bye bye. peak fed... have we seen the last rise in us interest rates? employment numbers out later today could hold the answer. move over beyonce! here comes noonoouri! warner music signs it's first digital pop star— all made using artificial intelligence.... raising big concerns for some in the industry. welcome to world business report. i'm aaron heslehurst. we start in the us — where there there are growing bets on wall street that interest rates may not have to rise any further. figures closely watched by the us federal reserve showed the price of goods fell at an annual rate of half a percent injuly. that's raised hopes that after 11 hikes in the cost of borrowing — the us fed may have won the battle against soaring inflation. all eyes now are on official employment numbers for

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Politics , Track , Thejudge , 30 , Judge , Situation , Effect , Wasn T Belittling , Proportion , Violence , Event , Both , Reasoning , Worst , Casualty , Law , Lawyer , Clients , Lead , Crime , Sedition , Trump , Way , Special Prosecutor , Hadn T , Favour , Uk , Chair , The , Republican 0verseas , Greg Swenson , Prosecution , Idea , Discretion , Republican Party , Anybody , Party , General , Home , Groups , Friends , Implicates , Mugshot , Fringe Groups , Indictments , Anything , Advantage , Indictment , Fundraising , Sport , Bumps , Concern , In Prosecutions , Specs , Many , Left , Much , Secs , Candidate , Reasons , Media , It , Obvious , Million , 7 Million , World , Season , Candidates , Voters , Campaigning , Figures , House Prices , News One , Borrowing Costs , Show Prices , Mortgage Lenders , Stories , 5 , 3 , 2009 , Blood Cancer Patients , Activity , Housing Market , Buyers , Led , Slowdown , Services , Centre , Patients , Journeys , Care , Trips , Loss , Consultations , Charity Blood Cancer Uk , Glasgow , Argyll , 0ban , Clyde , Nhs Greater Glasgow , Formula 0ne S Governing Body , Rally , Accreditation , Sustainability , Emissions , Vehicles , Race Organisers , Welsh , Fia , Strike , Row , Thousands , Parts , Pay Dispute , Train Drivers , Rail Services Today , Pay , Changes , Proposals , Working , Drivers , Return , Ways , Aslef Union Have , Four , Chance , Dispute , Strikes , Aslef Union , The General Seretary , Rail , Unions , Jobs , Train Operators , Offer , Mick Whelan , Companies , End , Key Workers , Hope , Pandemic , Rise , Inflation , Cost , Worker , Pay Rise , Pay Increase , Three , 500 Million , 00 Million , Move , Minister , Occasions , Occasion , Deceit , Rail Delivery Group , Deal We Hadn T , Talks , Conditions , Parameters , Values , Red Lines , Euston Station , Rail Passengers , Patience , Support , Commuters , School Holidays , Industry , Concert , Railways , Fares , Green Revolution , Deals , Scotland , Wales , Problem , Passengers , Apologising , Open Access , Westminster , Kyoto Paris , 1 , Elsewhere , Rail Minister , Committee , Evidence , 12 , Concessions , Times , Realisation , Nothing , Billion , 1 Billion , Ballots , Strike Action , Wishes , Money , Standing In The Rain , 96 , 92 , Workers , Bear , Mind , Something , Millions , Somewhere , Shareholders , Dividends , Taxpayer , Who Don T Work , British , Ten , Hong Kong , Authorities , Cyclones , Storm Advisory , Flights , Mainland , China S , Super Typhoon Saola , Guangdong Province , Pacific Ocean , Typhoons , Typhoon Saola , Storm , South China Sea , Haikui , Distant , Land , Kirogi , Spell , Sarah , Keith Lucas , Typhoon , Coast , South West , Areas , Rain Falling , 300 , Notjust , Rainfall , Wins , Colours , 24 , Inundation , Region , Sea , East , Sea Level , Graduate , Storm System Lining Up , Southern China , Area , Combination , Taiwan A Potentially Second Landfall , Weather , Preparations , Press Conference , Arrival , Aftermath , Police , Chances , Typhoon Warning Signal , Criticism , Meteorological Agency , Highest , Kilometres , Rank , 50 , Places , Waterfronts , Attic , Waves , Weather Colic , Hazards , Rain Faults , Raise , Change , System , Protocol , Rearations , Rotocol , Nine , Shutdown , Trains , Businesses , Stock Market , Bus , Schedule , City , Section , Sense , Hit Hong Kong , Typhoons Hit Hong Kong , I5 , Forecast , Kong , Asses B , Side , Vicinity , Ed , Territory , Tail , Lockdown , Signal , Elements , Lives , Nervousness , Bit , Hit Southern China , 19 , Supermarkets , Panic Buying , Eight , Food Stock , Neighbourhood , Shelves , Supermarket , Thank Ou , Cheese , Delicacy , Estate , Ball , Mexican Village , Chiapas , 558 , Team , Record , Attempt , Milk , Piece , Stay , History , Chefs , Eighty , Six Thousand , Autumn , Meteorologically Speaking , 1st Of September , Rain , Mist , Outbreaks , Pressure , Thing , Rest , Morning , Weekend , Sunshine , Cloud , Spells , Spots , Southern Scotland , Northern Ireland , 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