Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240708

a british man whojoined the islamic state group in syria is convicted of hostage—taking and conspiring to murder two britons and four americans. and dealing with unwanted immigration offshore — how male asylum—seekers entering the uk could be given a one—way ticket to rwanda. this agreement fully complies with all international and national law, and as part of this ground—breaking agreement, the uk is making a substantial investment in the economic development of rwanda. live from our studio in singapore... this is bbc news. it's newsday. it's six in the morning in singapore and one o'clock in the morning in ukraine, where president volodymyr zelensky has said european countries that continue to buy oil from russia are aiding the country's war against them, and they will have blood on their hands. he's urged western leaders to speed up the delivery of military aid to help ukraine. he's been talking to the bbc�*s clive myrie, who sat down with president zelensky in his wartime bunker. mr president, clive myrie, a pleasure to meet you, good to see you... for the entirety of the war, volodymyr zelensky has called this heavily fortified building home in the centre of kyiv. and how difficult has it been for you to be here throughout all this, without your family? it is myjob. it's myjob. i have to do it, and it's difficult without family to be anywhere. his wife and children are safe at an undisclosed location. his companions here, heavily armed troops, sandbags and minds. there was no light at all? at the start of the war, they walked around in the darkness here, afraid of russian shelling. like our country, our country going through the dark to victory, i hope so. as we enter what is labelled the situation room, the president gets a text. from macron. oh, it's emmanuel macron? we have connections, that's it! he's dropped you a message, i can see. just tried to reach you, my friend — when you have some time! so, we're holding up mr macron. i can see the plus 33, that's paris. that's true! a few minutes later, he returns. his preoccupation — a renewed military onslaught about to begin in the east. are you getting the right weapons you need from the west? translation: we need weapons today so we can fight, _ we cannot wait until some country decides to give or sell us weapons. some have still not decided on this, and we cannot wait for two or three weeks or a month. the united states, the united kingdom and some european countries are helping, but we needed sooner, we need it now. is it enough? we don't think so. the priority word is sooner, the priority word is quickly, the priority word is now. he's a president who's been cut off from his people, a citizenry suffering unimaginable horrors at the hands of a ruthless adversary. he's full of hate, he says, for russia's troops and their leaders, gradually limiting the scope for talks. the scope for peace talks. how do you sit across the table to try and stop the war? to try to stop the war? how do you do that? putin is, in this process, closing the possibilities. bucha, mariupol. so, i don't have... you know, it's not about me, it's more about russia. they will not have so many chances, in the long period, to speak with. period, to speak with us. and european countries, despite other sanctions, still sending billions to russia in oil and gas revenues. translation: we don't understand how you can | make money out of blood. unfortunately, some european countries have done this. before the war began, i spoke to chancellor angela merkel and said if a full—scale invasion of ukraine happens, they will go further into poland and after that they will be on the border with germany. and european countries, despite other sanctions, how do you maintain hope in the future given everything that has happened? it's not hope, it's certainty. that you'll win? yes, of course. mr president, thank you. thank you so much. president zelensky speaking to clive my ring. russia's ministry of defence says that the flagship of its black sea fleet, the moskva, has sunk while being towed back to port in stormy weather. the warship had been badly damaged by a fire and explosion, according to officials. they said ammunition on board exploded in an unexplained fire on wednesday. ukraine says it struck the moskva with cruise missiles fired from the coast — a claim moscow denies. the sio—crew vessel has led russia's naval assault on ukraine, making it an important symbolic and military target. so, what are the russians saying about this? our correspondent steve rosenberg gave us this update from moscow. the symbol of russia's black sea fleet, the moskva, was an enormous symbol, a symbol of russia's military might. and the fact that this symbol has been engulfed in fire, has been put out of action, has now sunk while being towed back to harbour — that, i think, is a major blow to the prestige of the russian armed forces. and it kind of goes against what president putin was saying just a couple of days ago when he declared that what he calls his special military operation was going according to plan. talking of president putin, a couple of things struck me, clive, when i was listening to your interview. the first thing is how different the presidents of russia and ukraine are. on the one hand, you've got president zelensky trying to get his message out to the world, giving interviews to western journalists. vladimir putin hasn't given interviews to the western media since russia attacked ukraine. but there's one thing the two men have in common — publicly, at least, they both insist they're going to win. steve rosenberg there. let's get more now on those ukrainian and russian claims and counter—claims about what's happening on the ground. joining me from colorado springs is chair of urban warfare studies at the madison policy forum, majorjohn spencer. it's great to get you on the programme, major spencer. iwant it's great to get you on the programme, major spencer. i want to ask you about your reaction to the news that the moskva has now sunk. how damaging is this for the russian military�*s capabilities? i how damaging is this for the russian military's capabilities?— military's capabilities? i think it's huge- _ military's capabilities? i think it's huge- i — military's capabilities? i think it's huge. i don't _ military's capabilities? i think it's huge. i don't think- military's capabilities? i think it's huge. i don't think it's - military's capabilities? i think| it's huge. i don't think it'sjust its huge. i don't think it'sjust symbolic. that was a class cruiser. i don't care who you believe, the fact that is it sunk to the bottom of the black sea. it was the linchpin to command control to air defence of the black sea fleet. this is huge. i would put it on the level of the defeat of russia from taking kyiv. it's that much of an event. it would be huge to putin, to his new theatre commander. i'm celebrating. this is huge. theatre commander. i'm celebrating. this is huge-— this is huge. ma'or spencer, 'ust to sa , how this is huge. ma'or spencer, 'ust to say. how do i this is huge. major spencer, 'ust to say. howdo you i this is huge. major spencer, 'ust to say, how do you see i this is huge. major spencer, 'ust to say, how do you see the _ this is huge. major spencer, just to say, how do you see the russians l say, how do you see the russians reacting to this and what do they do next? where they go from here? i’m next? where they go from here? i“n very concerned about that, actually, that there are air sirens going out in almost every major city in ukraine. i don't know if they'll strike back and increase their war crimes and bombings. clearly, they're not rational in what they do. they're losing on this is the losing momentum, and that a billion and billion and billion dollar loss to them, let alone the loss in political will and the people. i don't know if you remember they sunk a submarine, and it was a big deal to putin. and his inner circles. this will affect them big time and what they're trying to do now that they're losing and trying to take eastern ukraine, but this in combination with the momentum that the ukrainians have with the us announcement of different weapons, this is big. announcement of different weapons, this is bi. a, ., announcement of different weapons, this is bi. ., . announcement of different weapons, thisisbia. ., . ~ . this is big. ma'or spencer, ukraine claims this is big. major spencer, ukraine claims instructs _ this is big. major spencer, ukraine claims instructs the _ this is big. major spencer, ukraine claims instructs the world - this is big. major spencer, ukraine claims instructs the world trip - this is big. major spencer, ukraine claims instructs the world trip with j claims instructs the world trip with its own michelle. does ukraine have its own michelle. does ukraine have its own michelle. does ukraine have its own capability —— its own missiles? its own capability -- its own missiles?— its own capability -- its own missiles? ~ , �* ., , missiles? absolutely. i'm actually fine with people _ missiles? absolutely. i'm actually fine with people believing - missiles? absolutely. i'm actually fine with people believing they . fine with people believing they didn't do it because no matter what, the russian fleet will stay back farther from the coast, not knowing where it came from and how it came from. call it what you will, but they had land—based cruises missiles capable of bringing down this ship. we have seen russia just the flying logic and some of the military things, so, allowing this from your flagship to be by itself —— premier flagship. they had the capability. do i care people believe they did it? a little bit.— it? a little bit. thank you so much for “oininu it? a little bit. thank you so much forjoining us— it? a little bit. thank you so much forjoining us with _ it? a little bit. thank you so much forjoining us with your— it? a little bit. thank you so much forjoining us with your thoughts, | forjoining us with your thoughts, majorjohn spencer. in other news from ukraine, a british man has reportedly been captured while fighting against russia. the family of aiden aslin has appealed for him to be treated humanely after russian media said he had been captured in the beseiged city of mariupol. he has appeared in photos and videos, restrained and in handcuffs. well, there's lots more on this story on our website, including extensive reporting on that interview with president zelensky talking to my colleague clive myrie. just head over to or download the bbc news app. let's take a look at some other stories in the headlines. the un world food programme has dispatched 47 trucks with humanitarian aid to the troubled northern tigray region of ethiopia. a truce agreed last month by rebel forces and the ethiopian government appears to be holding. the i7—month conflict has created a humanitarian crisis and sparked fears of a famine in tigray. the world's richest person, tesla boss elon musk, has offered to buy the social media platform twitter. mr musk said he would pay $54 a share for the company, valuing it at $40 billion. he said he was the right person to �*unlock�* what he called twitter�*s �*extraordinary potential�*. let's turn to china now, where there are signs of growing tension in shanghai after video emerged of a confrontation between police and people being forced out of their homes as the city enters its third week of a covid lockdown. clashes occurred as police forcibly moved people out of residential compounds, which are being turned into temporary quarantine centres. our correspondent robin brant reports from shanghai. crowd shouts. three weeks into lockdown, some here in shanghai are angry. in broad daylight, a confrontation. the police up against the people. horns honk. woman screams. scenes like this have become increasingly unusual here, but then, so is locking down almost 25 million people. head to toe in protective suits, in an eastern district of the city, officers were forcing people out of their rented apartments... they could turn them into temporary quarantine facilities, all in the name of a war against a resurgent covid. but for some, it was just too much. their homes requested, their desperation easy for all to hear. their homes sequested, their desperation easy for all to hear. woman cries. a few miles away, there was an organised protest — a bold stand as the lockdown takes hold. in a country where you can be arrested for picking quarrels, they're angry about a local school being turned into another quarantine facility. police with riot shields forced them off the streets in the end. this was on a small scale... ..but it's a sign of anger and frustration as this lockdown goes on. larger scale social unrest is what the ruling communist party their homes sequestered, their desperation easy for all to hear. fears the most and would likely tolerate the least. robin brant, bbc news, shanghai. the channel crossing back ends in rwanda, the plan to tackle asylum—seekers by processing their claims in east africa. pol pot, one of the century's greatest mass murderers, is reported to have died of natural causes. he and the khmer rouge movement he led were responsible for the deaths of an estimated 1.7 million cambodians. there have been violent protests in indonesia, where playboy has gone on sale for the first time. traditionalist muslim leaders have expressed disgust. the magazine's offices have been attacked, and its editorial staff have gone into hiding. it was clear that paula's only contest was with the clock. and, as for a sporting legacy, paula radcliffe's competitors will be chasing her new world—best time for years to come. quite quietly, but quicker and quicker, she seemedj just to slide away under i the surface and disappear. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm karishma vaswani in singapore. our headlines... 50 days into the war in ukraine, president zelensky tells the bbc his heart is now filled with hate for russia and says each alleged russian atrocity reduces any hope of peace. russia's defence ministry says the flagship of its black sea fleet, moskva, has sunk, a day after ukraine said the cruiser had been hit by its missiles. in other news for you today, the british government has announced controversial plans to send some asylum—seekers to rwanda. single men crossing the english channel in small boats will be flown more than 6000 kilometres on a one—way ticket to east africa, to be processed and resettled. opposition politicians here have called the plan �*evil�* and �*despicable', and campaigners are pointing to rwanda's poor record on human rights. mark easton sent this report from the rwandan capital, kigali. a handshake in the grip of controversy. this formal agreement between britain and rwanda is, according to the home secretary, a world—first in the approach to dealing with asylum seekers. men and women arriving in the uk by an unofficial route will have their request for sanctuary ruled inadmissible, classed as an illegal migrant, and could be forcibly relocated 4,000 miles south to rebuild their life in east africa. we, as two ministers, stand here today absolutely committed to changing some of the norms around the broken global migration system, because for too long, other countries, and by the way, naysayers, just sit on their hands and have been watching people die. the migration and economic development partnership sees the uk send an initial £120 million for educational projects in rwanda, in return for the small african state helping deal with what's become a humiliation for ministers who promised to control britain's borders. record numbers of asylum seekers arriving across record numbers of asylum—seekers arriving across the channel in small boats. the prime minister was in dover today to launch a series of policies designed to show the government getting serious with the problem of people traffickers exploiting desperate migrants. this innovative approach, driven by our shared humanitarian impulse and made possible by brexit freedoms, will provide safe and legal routes for asylum, while disrupting the business model of the gangs. among the key measures announced, that the royal navy will take operational control of the channel crossing response but the centrepiece of the response is to deal with rwanda. if it happens, this is where the first of those flown to kigali will be housed — currently a private hostel. is it reserved for people coming from britain? i is it reserved for people coming from britain? today's guided tour also included a meeting with a yemeni refugee who has successfully made his home in the country. the weather is really great the whole year, no change! yeah, i think this is most of the things that i like, how is the process with the government, how is everything like easy and clear. many, though, have profound concerns about the practicality, the cost, and the humanity of this deal — the british government sending off traumatised asylum—seekers halfway around the world to rebuild their lives in a country they've never been to. rwanda is still a country recovering from genocide — half a million people killed in the mid—�*90s. criticised by the uk for its human rights record last year, this may seem an odd choice of partner to entrust with protecting the human rights of traumatised and vulnerable asylum—seekers. israel scrapped a similar arrangement with rwanda in 2018, after it emerged that asylum—seekers ended up in the hands of people traffickers. there were accounts of rape, torture, enslavement and murder, as desperate refugees headed north to try to get into europe across the mediterranean. opposition politicians were united in condemning the deal. they�* re unworkable, they're extortionate, they're going to cost the taxpayer billions of pounds, and theyjust reflect a prime minister who's got no grip, no answers. it's clearly not going to work, there is no evidence that it there's no evidence that it will stop these appalling criminal gangs, these traffickers, and it's going to be incredibly expensive as well. it's horrendous, a pathetic. and cruel political stunt that will do real harm to asylum seekers and no harm to people smugglers. i the hope — to stop the small boats. the ambition — potentially for tens of thousands of people to be packed onto planes to rwanda. the reality — a government expecting a challenge in the courts seeking to scupper this proposal before it begins. mark easton, bbc news, rwanda. a former british national who joined the islamic state group in syria has been found guilty in the united states of hostage—taking and conspiracy related to the murders of four americans in syria. el shafee el—sheikh was part of an is militant cell dubbed the beatles by hostages because of their british accents. a warning, you may find some of this report by nomia iqbal distressing. nearly a decade later, el shafee elsheikh will finally pay for his crimes. he has been found guilty of being a member of the gang who kidnapped and beheaded hostages in syria. the victims were american journalists james foley, steven sotloff, and aid workers peter kassig and kayla mueller. he also conspired in the deaths of british aid workers david haines and alan henning. none of their bodies have ever been found. they were killed in an act of barbarism that shocked the world, and now, theirfamilies have finally gotjustice. it was a lot more emotional. i expected to be happy, excited but, you know, it's the realisation that, you know, he's guilty, and what he's done to all the families, all the hostages. i've not slept a full night's sleep, probably, since my dad was killed in 2014. so, hopefully, tonight, i'll get a full night's sleep. i wanted him to have a fair trial. he was given the best, in terms of mercy and justice, as opposed to what our citizens and the british citizens went through. all of them have been in court every day, reliving the nightmare. kayla mueller�*s mother wept on the stand, as she read out ransom e—mails sent by elsheikh, saying the gang wanted millions for her daughter to be freed. former hostages who were released after the ransom was paid described elsheikh and his accomplices as "sadists", who electrocuted, water—boarded and starved them. one said he tried to kill himself to escape. the defence tried to make out this was a case of mistaken identity, relying on the fact he always wore a full mask around hostages. when the verdicts came through, elsheikh showed very little reaction. the families quietly wept, held each other�*s hands, and there was an audible sigh of relief. it's taken them nearly ten years to getjustice. in the us, police in michigan have released video footage of a white officer shooting dead a black man during a confrontation. it shows patrick lyoya being shot in the back of the head as the two men wrestle after a traffic stop. our correspondentjohn sudworth has the story. hey, stay in the car! stay in the car! once again, what began as a minor police matter — 26—year—old patrick lyoya pulled over in his car and questioned by a white officer in a michigan suburb... do you have a driver's licence? do you speak english? yes _ ..has put the question of racial justice and policing back in the national spotlight. muffled speech there's a struggle over the taser, before mr lyoya is forced face—down to the ground. let go of the taser! and then, as the struggle continues, the police officer draws his gun... gunshot ..and fires one fatal shot to the back of the head. his mother and father spoke of their anger that their sons have been killed by a bullet on the streets of america. —— son. protests have already been held, but now the release of the video has the potential to spark a wider outcry. the officer whose name is not yet been released for a set of investigation while american yet again grapples with the questions posed by a police shooting of an unarmed black man. john studwork, bbc news, washington. and finally, let's end the programme with a wedding. two of the indian film industry's biggest stars ranbir kapoor and alia bhatt have tied the knot. the actors got married in a private ceremony in mumbai with family and close friends in attendance. the couple will have a more lavish wedding reception at the weekend. they are considered a power couple in bollywood with millions of fans around the world. that's it from us. thanks so much forjoining us on newsday. the weather is looking pretty decent across much of the country. could see a little bit of rain pushing into the far north and west as we head through eastern sunday. but i think for many, it will stay fine, dry and warm. temperatures into the low 20s celsius across the warmest part of the south and east of england. have these weather fronts across western areas, but this high pressure will exert its force and keep them out at bay. for good friday, many places will start dry with some sunshine. a bit of coastal mist and fog around. further west, we'll have more cloud. down into southwest england, the odd shower around here. the odd shower could develop elsewhere. most places, though, will be dry. as we head through friday night, most places will be dry. we'll see some low cloud, mist and fog returning across more southern and western areas. it's going to be a mild night, but under clear skies, it's going to be a mild night, but under clearskies, could it's going to be a mild night, but under clear skies, could be fairly chilly. for saturday, another dry day. after that cool start, temperatures will rise. again, there is a slim chance of a shower developing here and there. bit more cloud across the very far west. this is where we start to see a little bit of difference, a little change in the weather through easter sunday into monday. we could start to see our area of high pressure break—out. pushing weather fronts and west to east. because these weather fronts will bump into this area of high pressure, there will be fizzling. i think easter sunday, the very far west of the country, most of the country will be dry with plenty of sunshine and quite warm with temperatures reaching 20 or 21 degrees. easter monday, that front clears. slightly fresher day to come, low pressure to the north of the uk. elsewhere, ithink come, low pressure to the north of the uk. elsewhere, i think it's largely fine, dry and settled. temperatures a little bit lower. this is bbc news, the headlines. ukraine's president volodymyr zelensky has said eu countries still buying russian oil and gas have blood on their hands. he told the bbc that energy payments were funding russia's war machine. russia's defence ministry says the flagship of its black sea fleet, moskva, has sunk a day after ukraine said the cruiser had been hit by its missiles. the sinking happened while it was being towed back to port in stormy weather. a former british national who joined the islamic state group in syria, has been found guilty of the murders of four americans at a trial in the us. el shafee elsheikh was part of a cell dubbed the beatles because of their british accents.

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On Newsday , Reporting , Singapore , Russia , Volodymyr Zelensky Has , Eastern Ukraine , War , Atrocity , Hope , Hate , Bbc , Peace , Heart , Headlines , Karishma Vaswani , 50 , Putin , Process , Possibilities , Mariupol , Bucha , Missiles , Moskva , Flagship , Explosion , Black Sea Fleet , Asylum Seekers , British , Hostage Taking , Syria , Britons , Immigration , Man Whojoined The Islamic State Group , Americans , Four , Two , Rwanda , Agreement , Part , Ticket , Investment , Development , Law , One , Bbc News , Studio , Country , Countries , President , Oil , Morning , Six , Hands , Blood , Leaders , Clive Myrie , Military Aid , Delivery , Western , Who , Sat , Bunker , Pleasure , Entirety , Family , Home , Centre , This , Building , Myjob , Kyiv , It , Companions , Troops , Anywhere , Children , Location , Minds , Sandbags , Wife , Wall , Darkness , Victory , Light , Shelling , Text , Connections , Macron , Situation Room , Message , Friend , Weapons , East , West , Military Onslaught , Paris , Plus 33 , Some , Translation , Priority Word , Helping , Three , People , Word , Priority , Citizenry , Cut Off , Scope , Talks , Peace Talks , Adversary , Horrors , Table , Chances , Sanctions , Gas , Angela Merkel , Revenues , Money , Invasion , Border , Poland , Germany , Everything , Course , Certainty , Yes , Stormy Weather , Ring , Ministry Of Defence , Fire , Coast , Cruise Missiles , Officials , Warship , Ammunition , Claim Moscow , Steve Rosenberg , Target , Assault , Update , Crew Vessel , Sio , Fact , Symbol , Prestige , Blow , Action , Put , Kind , Against , Russian Armed Forces , Things , Couple , Thing , Interview , Presidents , Military Operation , Clive , World , Men , Ukraine , Hand , Interviews , Media , Journalists , Hasn T Given , Claims , Counter Claims , Ground , Spencer , Programme , Majorjohn Spencer , Chair , Urban Warfare Studies , Colorado Springs , Madison Policy Forum , Iwant , Capabilities , News , Reaction , Cruiser , Class , I Military , Think It Sjust , Defence , Control , Care , Bottom , Linchpin , Level , Black Sea , Defeat , Commander , Much , Theatre , Event , Ust , Say , Ust To Sa , Ma Or Spencer , Theatre Commander , Ust To Say , City , War Crimes , Air Sirens , Bombings , Momentum , Loss , Dollar Loss , Will , A Billion , Deal , Big Time , Submarine , Circles , Announcement , Bi , Big , Combination , Michelle , Thisisbia , Fine , Capability , Russian Fleet , Matter , Ship , Logic , Change , Thoughts , Man , Aiden Aslin , Fighting , Photos , Russian Media , Beseiged , Story , Videos , Look , Lots , Website , Colleague , Handcuffs , App , Headlines , Government , Stories , Aid , Trucks , Truce , Holding , Rebel Forces , Un World Food Programme , Northern Tigray Region , Ethiopia , 47 , Elon Musk , Musk , Famine , Conflict , Crisis , Fears , Twitter , Tigray , Social Media Platform , Tesla Boss , Company , Potential , Share , 4 , 0 Billion , 54 , 40 Billion , Police , Homes , Lockdown , Video , Confrontation , Clashes , China , Shanghai , Tension , Signs , Resurgent Covid , Let , Correspondent Robin Brant Reports , Compounds , Crowd Shouts , Temporary Quarantine Centres , In Broad Daylight , Woman , Horns , Scenes , Toe , Suits , Apartments , Officers , Head , Eastern District , 25 Million , Quarantine Facilities , All In The Name Of A War Against , Stand , Desperation , Homes Sequested , Protest , Woman Cries , Picking Quarrels , Quarantine Facility , School , Anger , Streets , Scale , Unrest , Sign , Frustration , The End , Riot Shields , Most , Communist Party , Least , Robin Brant , Plan , East Africa , Channel Crossing Back Ends , Deaths , Pol Pot , Murderers , Natural Causes , Movement , He Led , Cambodians , Khmer Rouge , 1 7 Million , Protests , Magazine , Offices , Time , Sale , Staff , Disgust , Playboy , Indonesia , Muslim , Paula Radcliffe , Competitors , Contest , Hiding , Clock , Sporting Legacy , Surface , Karishma Vaswani In Singapore , Defence Ministry , Boats , Plans , Hit , English Channel , British Government , Opposition Politicians , Evil , Campaigners , Resettled , 6000 , Human Rights , Grip , Report , Handshake , Controversy , Record , Pointing , Kigali , Rwandan Capital , Home Secretary , Mark Easton , Approach , South , Migrant , Sanctuary , Route , Women , Request , 4000 , Ministers , Life , Migration System , Norms , Migration , Naysayers , Projects , Economic Development Partnership , The Way , 20 Million , 120 Million , Estate , Record Numbers , Channel , Borders , Control Britain , Humiliation , Return , African , Prime Minister , Traffickers , Policies , Migrants , Series , Problem , Impulse , Dover , Brexit Freedoms , Gangs , Asylum , Measures , Business Model , Routes , Channel Crossing Response , Royal Navy , Refugee , First , Centrepiece , Response , Meeting , Housed Currently A Private Hostel , Guided Tour , To Kigali , Weather , Many , Concerns , Humanity , Practicality , Lives , Cost , Partner , Odd , Mid , Choice , 90 , A Million , Murder , Refugees , Arrangement , Rape , Torture , Accounts , Israel , Enslavement , 2018 , Extortionate , Taxpayer Billions , Mediterranean , Europe , Theyjust , Evidence , Work , Answers , Stunt , People Smugglers , Harm , Planes , Courts , Ambition , Tens Of Thousands , Challenge , Proposal , Hostages , National , El Shafee Sheikh , Murders , Cell , Group , Islamic , The Beatles , Conspiracy , Accents , Crimes , Warning , Member , Nomia Iqbal Distressing , Kayla Mueller , Gang , James Foley , David Haines , Aid Workers , American Journalists , Peter Kassig , Steven Sotloff , Victims , None , Bodies , Barbarism , Act , Lot , Alan Henning , Theirfamilies , Families , Sleep , Realisation , Dad , 2014 , Justice , Trial , Citizens , Best , Terms , Mercy , Millions , Daughter , Reliving The Nightmare , Ransom E Mails , Accomplices , Ransom , Sadists , Case , Identity , Each Other S Hands , Verdicts , Relief , Sigh , Mask , Officer , Lyoya , Patrick , Video Footage , Michigan , Ten , Car , Back , Stay , Patrick Lyoya , Traffic Stop , Minor , Correspondentjohn Sudworth , 26 , Driver , Question , Suburb , Licence , Policing , Spotlight , English , Struggle , Taser , Speech , Let Go , Police Officer , Gunshot , Gun , Father , Mother , Bullet , Sons , Son , Release , Name , Outcry , Set , Investigation , Questions , Police Shooting , Black Man , Wedding , John Studwork , Washington , Indian Film Industry , Actors , Power Couple , Stars , Friends , Knot , Ceremony , Attendance , Bollywood , Fans , Wedding Reception , Alia Bhatt , Ranbir Kapoor , Mumbai , Thanks , Rain , Eastern Sunday , High Pressure , Temperatures , Areas , Weather Fronts , Force , Celsius , England , Bay , 20 , Places , Cloud , Sunshine , Fog , Mist , Down Into , Odd Shower , Elsewhere , Friday Night , Skies , Clear Skies , Shower , Chance , Pressure , Area , Easter Sunday , Difference , Fizzling , Plenty , North , Front , Ithink Come , 21 , Eu , Energy Payments , War Machine , Beatles ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240708

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a british man whojoined the islamic state group in syria is convicted of hostage—taking and conspiring to murder two britons and four americans. and dealing with unwanted immigration offshore — how male asylum—seekers entering the uk could be given a one—way ticket to rwanda. this agreement fully complies with all international and national law, and as part of this ground—breaking agreement, the uk is making a substantial investment in the economic development of rwanda. live from our studio in singapore... this is bbc news. it's newsday. it's six in the morning in singapore and one o'clock in the morning in ukraine, where president volodymyr zelensky has said european countries that continue to buy oil from russia are aiding the country's war against them, and they will have blood on their hands. he's urged western leaders to speed up the delivery of military aid to help ukraine. he's been talking to the bbc�*s clive myrie, who sat down with president zelensky in his wartime bunker. mr president, clive myrie, a pleasure to meet you, good to see you... for the entirety of the war, volodymyr zelensky has called this heavily fortified building home in the centre of kyiv. and how difficult has it been for you to be here throughout all this, without your family? it is myjob. it's myjob. i have to do it, and it's difficult without family to be anywhere. his wife and children are safe at an undisclosed location. his companions here, heavily armed troops, sandbags and minds. there was no light at all? at the start of the war, they walked around in the darkness here, afraid of russian shelling. like our country, our country going through the dark to victory, i hope so. as we enter what is labelled the situation room, the president gets a text. from macron. oh, it's emmanuel macron? we have connections, that's it! he's dropped you a message, i can see. just tried to reach you, my friend — when you have some time! so, we're holding up mr macron. i can see the plus 33, that's paris. that's true! a few minutes later, he returns. his preoccupation — a renewed military onslaught about to begin in the east. are you getting the right weapons you need from the west? translation: we need weapons today so we can fight, _ we cannot wait until some country decides to give or sell us weapons. some have still not decided on this, and we cannot wait for two or three weeks or a month. the united states, the united kingdom and some european countries are helping, but we needed sooner, we need it now. is it enough? we don't think so. the priority word is sooner, the priority word is quickly, the priority word is now. he's a president who's been cut off from his people, a citizenry suffering unimaginable horrors at the hands of a ruthless adversary. he's full of hate, he says, for russia's troops and their leaders, gradually limiting the scope for talks. the scope for peace talks. how do you sit across the table to try and stop the war? to try to stop the war? how do you do that? putin is, in this process, closing the possibilities. bucha, mariupol. so, i don't have... you know, it's not about me, it's more about russia. they will not have so many chances, in the long period, to speak with. period, to speak with us. and european countries, despite other sanctions, still sending billions to russia in oil and gas revenues. translation: we don't understand how you can | make money out of blood. unfortunately, some european countries have done this. before the war began, i spoke to chancellor angela merkel and said if a full—scale invasion of ukraine happens, they will go further into poland and after that they will be on the border with germany. and european countries, despite other sanctions, how do you maintain hope in the future given everything that has happened? it's not hope, it's certainty. that you'll win? yes, of course. mr president, thank you. thank you so much. president zelensky speaking to clive my ring. russia's ministry of defence says that the flagship of its black sea fleet, the moskva, has sunk while being towed back to port in stormy weather. the warship had been badly damaged by a fire and explosion, according to officials. they said ammunition on board exploded in an unexplained fire on wednesday. ukraine says it struck the moskva with cruise missiles fired from the coast — a claim moscow denies. the sio—crew vessel has led russia's naval assault on ukraine, making it an important symbolic and military target. so, what are the russians saying about this? our correspondent steve rosenberg gave us this update from moscow. the symbol of russia's black sea fleet, the moskva, was an enormous symbol, a symbol of russia's military might. and the fact that this symbol has been engulfed in fire, has been put out of action, has now sunk while being towed back to harbour — that, i think, is a major blow to the prestige of the russian armed forces. and it kind of goes against what president putin was saying just a couple of days ago when he declared that what he calls his special military operation was going according to plan. talking of president putin, a couple of things struck me, clive, when i was listening to your interview. the first thing is how different the presidents of russia and ukraine are. on the one hand, you've got president zelensky trying to get his message out to the world, giving interviews to western journalists. vladimir putin hasn't given interviews to the western media since russia attacked ukraine. but there's one thing the two men have in common — publicly, at least, they both insist they're going to win. steve rosenberg there. let's get more now on those ukrainian and russian claims and counter—claims about what's happening on the ground. joining me from colorado springs is chair of urban warfare studies at the madison policy forum, majorjohn spencer. it's great to get you on the programme, major spencer. iwant it's great to get you on the programme, major spencer. i want to ask you about your reaction to the news that the moskva has now sunk. how damaging is this for the russian military�*s capabilities? i how damaging is this for the russian military's capabilities?— military's capabilities? i think it's huge- _ military's capabilities? i think it's huge- i — military's capabilities? i think it's huge. i don't _ military's capabilities? i think it's huge. i don't think- military's capabilities? i think it's huge. i don't think it's - military's capabilities? i think| it's huge. i don't think it'sjust its huge. i don't think it'sjust symbolic. that was a class cruiser. i don't care who you believe, the fact that is it sunk to the bottom of the black sea. it was the linchpin to command control to air defence of the black sea fleet. this is huge. i would put it on the level of the defeat of russia from taking kyiv. it's that much of an event. it would be huge to putin, to his new theatre commander. i'm celebrating. this is huge. theatre commander. i'm celebrating. this is huge-— this is huge. ma'or spencer, 'ust to sa , how this is huge. ma'or spencer, 'ust to say. how do i this is huge. major spencer, 'ust to say. howdo you i this is huge. major spencer, 'ust to say, how do you see i this is huge. major spencer, 'ust to say, how do you see the _ this is huge. major spencer, just to say, how do you see the russians l say, how do you see the russians reacting to this and what do they do next? where they go from here? i’m next? where they go from here? i“n very concerned about that, actually, that there are air sirens going out in almost every major city in ukraine. i don't know if they'll strike back and increase their war crimes and bombings. clearly, they're not rational in what they do. they're losing on this is the losing momentum, and that a billion and billion and billion dollar loss to them, let alone the loss in political will and the people. i don't know if you remember they sunk a submarine, and it was a big deal to putin. and his inner circles. this will affect them big time and what they're trying to do now that they're losing and trying to take eastern ukraine, but this in combination with the momentum that the ukrainians have with the us announcement of different weapons, this is big. announcement of different weapons, this is bi. a, ., announcement of different weapons, this is bi. ., . announcement of different weapons, thisisbia. ., . ~ . this is big. ma'or spencer, ukraine claims this is big. major spencer, ukraine claims instructs _ this is big. major spencer, ukraine claims instructs the _ this is big. major spencer, ukraine claims instructs the world - this is big. major spencer, ukraine claims instructs the world trip - this is big. major spencer, ukraine claims instructs the world trip with j claims instructs the world trip with its own michelle. does ukraine have its own michelle. does ukraine have its own michelle. does ukraine have its own capability —— its own missiles? its own capability -- its own missiles?— its own capability -- its own missiles? ~ , �* ., , missiles? absolutely. i'm actually fine with people _ missiles? absolutely. i'm actually fine with people believing - missiles? absolutely. i'm actually fine with people believing they . fine with people believing they didn't do it because no matter what, the russian fleet will stay back farther from the coast, not knowing where it came from and how it came from. call it what you will, but they had land—based cruises missiles capable of bringing down this ship. we have seen russia just the flying logic and some of the military things, so, allowing this from your flagship to be by itself —— premier flagship. they had the capability. do i care people believe they did it? a little bit.— it? a little bit. thank you so much for “oininu it? a little bit. thank you so much forjoining us— it? a little bit. thank you so much forjoining us with _ it? a little bit. thank you so much forjoining us with your— it? a little bit. thank you so much forjoining us with your thoughts, | forjoining us with your thoughts, majorjohn spencer. in other news from ukraine, a british man has reportedly been captured while fighting against russia. the family of aiden aslin has appealed for him to be treated humanely after russian media said he had been captured in the beseiged city of mariupol. he has appeared in photos and videos, restrained and in handcuffs. well, there's lots more on this story on our website, including extensive reporting on that interview with president zelensky talking to my colleague clive myrie. just head over to or download the bbc news app. let's take a look at some other stories in the headlines. the un world food programme has dispatched 47 trucks with humanitarian aid to the troubled northern tigray region of ethiopia. a truce agreed last month by rebel forces and the ethiopian government appears to be holding. the i7—month conflict has created a humanitarian crisis and sparked fears of a famine in tigray. the world's richest person, tesla boss elon musk, has offered to buy the social media platform twitter. mr musk said he would pay $54 a share for the company, valuing it at $40 billion. he said he was the right person to �*unlock�* what he called twitter�*s �*extraordinary potential�*. let's turn to china now, where there are signs of growing tension in shanghai after video emerged of a confrontation between police and people being forced out of their homes as the city enters its third week of a covid lockdown. clashes occurred as police forcibly moved people out of residential compounds, which are being turned into temporary quarantine centres. our correspondent robin brant reports from shanghai. crowd shouts. three weeks into lockdown, some here in shanghai are angry. in broad daylight, a confrontation. the police up against the people. horns honk. woman screams. scenes like this have become increasingly unusual here, but then, so is locking down almost 25 million people. head to toe in protective suits, in an eastern district of the city, officers were forcing people out of their rented apartments... they could turn them into temporary quarantine facilities, all in the name of a war against a resurgent covid. but for some, it was just too much. their homes requested, their desperation easy for all to hear. their homes sequested, their desperation easy for all to hear. woman cries. a few miles away, there was an organised protest — a bold stand as the lockdown takes hold. in a country where you can be arrested for picking quarrels, they're angry about a local school being turned into another quarantine facility. police with riot shields forced them off the streets in the end. this was on a small scale... ..but it's a sign of anger and frustration as this lockdown goes on. larger scale social unrest is what the ruling communist party their homes sequestered, their desperation easy for all to hear. fears the most and would likely tolerate the least. robin brant, bbc news, shanghai. the channel crossing back ends in rwanda, the plan to tackle asylum—seekers by processing their claims in east africa. pol pot, one of the century's greatest mass murderers, is reported to have died of natural causes. he and the khmer rouge movement he led were responsible for the deaths of an estimated 1.7 million cambodians. there have been violent protests in indonesia, where playboy has gone on sale for the first time. traditionalist muslim leaders have expressed disgust. the magazine's offices have been attacked, and its editorial staff have gone into hiding. it was clear that paula's only contest was with the clock. and, as for a sporting legacy, paula radcliffe's competitors will be chasing her new world—best time for years to come. quite quietly, but quicker and quicker, she seemedj just to slide away under i the surface and disappear. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm karishma vaswani in singapore. our headlines... 50 days into the war in ukraine, president zelensky tells the bbc his heart is now filled with hate for russia and says each alleged russian atrocity reduces any hope of peace. russia's defence ministry says the flagship of its black sea fleet, moskva, has sunk, a day after ukraine said the cruiser had been hit by its missiles. in other news for you today, the british government has announced controversial plans to send some asylum—seekers to rwanda. single men crossing the english channel in small boats will be flown more than 6000 kilometres on a one—way ticket to east africa, to be processed and resettled. opposition politicians here have called the plan �*evil�* and �*despicable', and campaigners are pointing to rwanda's poor record on human rights. mark easton sent this report from the rwandan capital, kigali. a handshake in the grip of controversy. this formal agreement between britain and rwanda is, according to the home secretary, a world—first in the approach to dealing with asylum seekers. men and women arriving in the uk by an unofficial route will have their request for sanctuary ruled inadmissible, classed as an illegal migrant, and could be forcibly relocated 4,000 miles south to rebuild their life in east africa. we, as two ministers, stand here today absolutely committed to changing some of the norms around the broken global migration system, because for too long, other countries, and by the way, naysayers, just sit on their hands and have been watching people die. the migration and economic development partnership sees the uk send an initial £120 million for educational projects in rwanda, in return for the small african state helping deal with what's become a humiliation for ministers who promised to control britain's borders. record numbers of asylum seekers arriving across record numbers of asylum—seekers arriving across the channel in small boats. the prime minister was in dover today to launch a series of policies designed to show the government getting serious with the problem of people traffickers exploiting desperate migrants. this innovative approach, driven by our shared humanitarian impulse and made possible by brexit freedoms, will provide safe and legal routes for asylum, while disrupting the business model of the gangs. among the key measures announced, that the royal navy will take operational control of the channel crossing response but the centrepiece of the response is to deal with rwanda. if it happens, this is where the first of those flown to kigali will be housed — currently a private hostel. is it reserved for people coming from britain? i is it reserved for people coming from britain? today's guided tour also included a meeting with a yemeni refugee who has successfully made his home in the country. the weather is really great the whole year, no change! yeah, i think this is most of the things that i like, how is the process with the government, how is everything like easy and clear. many, though, have profound concerns about the practicality, the cost, and the humanity of this deal — the british government sending off traumatised asylum—seekers halfway around the world to rebuild their lives in a country they've never been to. rwanda is still a country recovering from genocide — half a million people killed in the mid—�*90s. criticised by the uk for its human rights record last year, this may seem an odd choice of partner to entrust with protecting the human rights of traumatised and vulnerable asylum—seekers. israel scrapped a similar arrangement with rwanda in 2018, after it emerged that asylum—seekers ended up in the hands of people traffickers. there were accounts of rape, torture, enslavement and murder, as desperate refugees headed north to try to get into europe across the mediterranean. opposition politicians were united in condemning the deal. they�* re unworkable, they're extortionate, they're going to cost the taxpayer billions of pounds, and theyjust reflect a prime minister who's got no grip, no answers. it's clearly not going to work, there is no evidence that it there's no evidence that it will stop these appalling criminal gangs, these traffickers, and it's going to be incredibly expensive as well. it's horrendous, a pathetic. and cruel political stunt that will do real harm to asylum seekers and no harm to people smugglers. i the hope — to stop the small boats. the ambition — potentially for tens of thousands of people to be packed onto planes to rwanda. the reality — a government expecting a challenge in the courts seeking to scupper this proposal before it begins. mark easton, bbc news, rwanda. a former british national who joined the islamic state group in syria has been found guilty in the united states of hostage—taking and conspiracy related to the murders of four americans in syria. el shafee el—sheikh was part of an is militant cell dubbed the beatles by hostages because of their british accents. a warning, you may find some of this report by nomia iqbal distressing. nearly a decade later, el shafee elsheikh will finally pay for his crimes. he has been found guilty of being a member of the gang who kidnapped and beheaded hostages in syria. the victims were american journalists james foley, steven sotloff, and aid workers peter kassig and kayla mueller. he also conspired in the deaths of british aid workers david haines and alan henning. none of their bodies have ever been found. they were killed in an act of barbarism that shocked the world, and now, theirfamilies have finally gotjustice. it was a lot more emotional. i expected to be happy, excited but, you know, it's the realisation that, you know, he's guilty, and what he's done to all the families, all the hostages. i've not slept a full night's sleep, probably, since my dad was killed in 2014. so, hopefully, tonight, i'll get a full night's sleep. i wanted him to have a fair trial. he was given the best, in terms of mercy and justice, as opposed to what our citizens and the british citizens went through. all of them have been in court every day, reliving the nightmare. kayla mueller�*s mother wept on the stand, as she read out ransom e—mails sent by elsheikh, saying the gang wanted millions for her daughter to be freed. former hostages who were released after the ransom was paid described elsheikh and his accomplices as "sadists", who electrocuted, water—boarded and starved them. one said he tried to kill himself to escape. the defence tried to make out this was a case of mistaken identity, relying on the fact he always wore a full mask around hostages. when the verdicts came through, elsheikh showed very little reaction. the families quietly wept, held each other�*s hands, and there was an audible sigh of relief. it's taken them nearly ten years to getjustice. in the us, police in michigan have released video footage of a white officer shooting dead a black man during a confrontation. it shows patrick lyoya being shot in the back of the head as the two men wrestle after a traffic stop. our correspondentjohn sudworth has the story. hey, stay in the car! stay in the car! once again, what began as a minor police matter — 26—year—old patrick lyoya pulled over in his car and questioned by a white officer in a michigan suburb... do you have a driver's licence? do you speak english? yes _ ..has put the question of racial justice and policing back in the national spotlight. muffled speech there's a struggle over the taser, before mr lyoya is forced face—down to the ground. let go of the taser! and then, as the struggle continues, the police officer draws his gun... gunshot ..and fires one fatal shot to the back of the head. his mother and father spoke of their anger that their sons have been killed by a bullet on the streets of america. —— son. protests have already been held, but now the release of the video has the potential to spark a wider outcry. the officer whose name is not yet been released for a set of investigation while american yet again grapples with the questions posed by a police shooting of an unarmed black man. john studwork, bbc news, washington. and finally, let's end the programme with a wedding. two of the indian film industry's biggest stars ranbir kapoor and alia bhatt have tied the knot. the actors got married in a private ceremony in mumbai with family and close friends in attendance. the couple will have a more lavish wedding reception at the weekend. they are considered a power couple in bollywood with millions of fans around the world. that's it from us. thanks so much forjoining us on newsday. the weather is looking pretty decent across much of the country. could see a little bit of rain pushing into the far north and west as we head through eastern sunday. but i think for many, it will stay fine, dry and warm. temperatures into the low 20s celsius across the warmest part of the south and east of england. have these weather fronts across western areas, but this high pressure will exert its force and keep them out at bay. for good friday, many places will start dry with some sunshine. a bit of coastal mist and fog around. further west, we'll have more cloud. down into southwest england, the odd shower around here. the odd shower could develop elsewhere. most places, though, will be dry. as we head through friday night, most places will be dry. we'll see some low cloud, mist and fog returning across more southern and western areas. it's going to be a mild night, but under clear skies, it's going to be a mild night, but under clearskies, could it's going to be a mild night, but under clear skies, could be fairly chilly. for saturday, another dry day. after that cool start, temperatures will rise. again, there is a slim chance of a shower developing here and there. bit more cloud across the very far west. this is where we start to see a little bit of difference, a little change in the weather through easter sunday into monday. we could start to see our area of high pressure break—out. pushing weather fronts and west to east. because these weather fronts will bump into this area of high pressure, there will be fizzling. i think easter sunday, the very far west of the country, most of the country will be dry with plenty of sunshine and quite warm with temperatures reaching 20 or 21 degrees. easter monday, that front clears. slightly fresher day to come, low pressure to the north of the uk. elsewhere, ithink come, low pressure to the north of the uk. elsewhere, i think it's largely fine, dry and settled. temperatures a little bit lower. this is bbc news, the headlines. ukraine's president volodymyr zelensky has said eu countries still buying russian oil and gas have blood on their hands. he told the bbc that energy payments were funding russia's war machine. russia's defence ministry says the flagship of its black sea fleet, moskva, has sunk a day after ukraine said the cruiser had been hit by its missiles. the sinking happened while it was being towed back to port in stormy weather. a former british national who joined the islamic state group in syria, has been found guilty of the murders of four americans at a trial in the us. el shafee elsheikh was part of a cell dubbed the beatles because of their british accents.

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On Newsday , Reporting , Singapore , Russia , Volodymyr Zelensky Has , Eastern Ukraine , War , Atrocity , Hope , Hate , Bbc , Peace , Heart , Headlines , Karishma Vaswani , 50 , Putin , Process , Possibilities , Mariupol , Bucha , Missiles , Moskva , Flagship , Explosion , Black Sea Fleet , Asylum Seekers , British , Hostage Taking , Syria , Britons , Immigration , Man Whojoined The Islamic State Group , Americans , Four , Two , Rwanda , Agreement , Part , Ticket , Investment , Development , Law , One , Bbc News , Studio , Country , Countries , President , Oil , Morning , Six , Hands , Blood , Leaders , Clive Myrie , Military Aid , Delivery , Western , Who , Sat , Bunker , Pleasure , Entirety , Family , Home , Centre , This , Building , Myjob , Kyiv , It , Companions , Troops , Anywhere , Children , Location , Minds , Sandbags , Wife , Wall , Darkness , Victory , Light , Shelling , Text , Connections , Macron , Situation Room , Message , Friend , Weapons , East , West , Military Onslaught , Paris , Plus 33 , Some , Translation , Priority Word , Helping , Three , People , Word , Priority , Citizenry , Cut Off , Scope , Talks , Peace Talks , Adversary , Horrors , Table , Chances , Sanctions , Gas , Angela Merkel , Revenues , Money , Invasion , Border , Poland , Germany , Everything , Course , Certainty , Yes , Stormy Weather , Ring , Ministry Of Defence , Fire , Coast , Cruise Missiles , Officials , Warship , Ammunition , Claim Moscow , Steve Rosenberg , Target , Assault , Update , Crew Vessel , Sio , Fact , Symbol , Prestige , Blow , Action , Put , Kind , Against , Russian Armed Forces , Things , Couple , Thing , Interview , Presidents , Military Operation , Clive , World , Men , Ukraine , Hand , Interviews , Media , Journalists , Hasn T Given , Claims , Counter Claims , Ground , Spencer , Programme , Majorjohn Spencer , Chair , Urban Warfare Studies , Colorado Springs , Madison Policy Forum , Iwant , Capabilities , News , Reaction , Cruiser , Class , I Military , Think It Sjust , Defence , Control , Care , Bottom , Linchpin , Level , Black Sea , Defeat , Commander , Much , Theatre , Event , Ust , Say , Ust To Sa , Ma Or Spencer , Theatre Commander , Ust To Say , City , War Crimes , Air Sirens , Bombings , Momentum , Loss , Dollar Loss , Will , A Billion , Deal , Big Time , Submarine , Circles , Announcement , Bi , Big , Combination , Michelle , Thisisbia , Fine , Capability , Russian Fleet , Matter , Ship , Logic , Change , Thoughts , Man , Aiden Aslin , Fighting , Photos , Russian Media , Beseiged , Story , Videos , Look , Lots , Website , Colleague , Handcuffs , App , Headlines , Government , Stories , Aid , Trucks , Truce , Holding , Rebel Forces , Un World Food Programme , Northern Tigray Region , Ethiopia , 47 , Elon Musk , Musk , Famine , Conflict , Crisis , Fears , Twitter , Tigray , Social Media Platform , Tesla Boss , Company , Potential , Share , 4 , 0 Billion , 54 , 40 Billion , Police , Homes , Lockdown , Video , Confrontation , Clashes , China , Shanghai , Tension , Signs , Resurgent Covid , Let , Correspondent Robin Brant Reports , Compounds , Crowd Shouts , Temporary Quarantine Centres , In Broad Daylight , Woman , Horns , Scenes , Toe , Suits , Apartments , Officers , Head , Eastern District , 25 Million , Quarantine Facilities , All In The Name Of A War Against , Stand , Desperation , Homes Sequested , Protest , Woman Cries , Picking Quarrels , Quarantine Facility , School , Anger , Streets , Scale , Unrest , Sign , Frustration , The End , Riot Shields , Most , Communist Party , Least , Robin Brant , Plan , East Africa , Channel Crossing Back Ends , Deaths , Pol Pot , Murderers , Natural Causes , Movement , He Led , Cambodians , Khmer Rouge , 1 7 Million , Protests , Magazine , Offices , Time , Sale , Staff , Disgust , Playboy , Indonesia , Muslim , Paula Radcliffe , Competitors , Contest , Hiding , Clock , Sporting Legacy , Surface , Karishma Vaswani In Singapore , Defence Ministry , Boats , Plans , Hit , English Channel , British Government , Opposition Politicians , Evil , Campaigners , Resettled , 6000 , Human Rights , Grip , Report , Handshake , Controversy , Record , Pointing , Kigali , Rwandan Capital , Home Secretary , Mark Easton , Approach , South , Migrant , Sanctuary , Route , Women , Request , 4000 , Ministers , Life , Migration System , Norms , Migration , Naysayers , Projects , Economic Development Partnership , The Way , 20 Million , 120 Million , Estate , Record Numbers , Channel , Borders , Control Britain , Humiliation , Return , African , Prime Minister , Traffickers , Policies , Migrants , Series , Problem , Impulse , Dover , Brexit Freedoms , Gangs , Asylum , Measures , Business Model , Routes , Channel Crossing Response , Royal Navy , Refugee , First , Centrepiece , Response , Meeting , Housed Currently A Private Hostel , Guided Tour , To Kigali , Weather , Many , Concerns , Humanity , Practicality , Lives , Cost , Partner , Odd , Mid , Choice , 90 , A Million , Murder , Refugees , Arrangement , Rape , Torture , Accounts , Israel , Enslavement , 2018 , Extortionate , Taxpayer Billions , Mediterranean , Europe , Theyjust , Evidence , Work , Answers , Stunt , People Smugglers , Harm , Planes , Courts , Ambition , Tens Of Thousands , Challenge , Proposal , Hostages , National , El Shafee Sheikh , Murders , Cell , Group , Islamic , The Beatles , Conspiracy , Accents , Crimes , Warning , Member , Nomia Iqbal Distressing , Kayla Mueller , Gang , James Foley , David Haines , Aid Workers , American Journalists , Peter Kassig , Steven Sotloff , Victims , None , Bodies , Barbarism , Act , Lot , Alan Henning , Theirfamilies , Families , Sleep , Realisation , Dad , 2014 , Justice , Trial , Citizens , Best , Terms , Mercy , Millions , Daughter , Reliving The Nightmare , Ransom E Mails , Accomplices , Ransom , Sadists , Case , Identity , Each Other S Hands , Verdicts , Relief , Sigh , Mask , Officer , Lyoya , Patrick , Video Footage , Michigan , Ten , Car , Back , Stay , Patrick Lyoya , Traffic Stop , Minor , Correspondentjohn Sudworth , 26 , Driver , Question , Suburb , Licence , Policing , Spotlight , English , Struggle , Taser , Speech , Let Go , Police Officer , Gunshot , Gun , Father , Mother , Bullet , Sons , Son , Release , Name , Outcry , Set , Investigation , Questions , Police Shooting , Black Man , Wedding , John Studwork , Washington , Indian Film Industry , Actors , Power Couple , Stars , Friends , Knot , Ceremony , Attendance , Bollywood , Fans , Wedding Reception , Alia Bhatt , Ranbir Kapoor , Mumbai , Thanks , Rain , Eastern Sunday , High Pressure , Temperatures , Areas , Weather Fronts , Force , Celsius , England , Bay , 20 , Places , Cloud , Sunshine , Fog , Mist , Down Into , Odd Shower , Elsewhere , Friday Night , Skies , Clear Skies , Shower , Chance , Pressure , Area , Easter Sunday , Difference , Fizzling , Plenty , North , Front , Ithink Come , 21 , Eu , Energy Payments , War Machine , Beatles ,

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