Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

deported ahead of the australian open. and the screen actors guild announce their award nominees, with will smith, kirsten dunst and stars from the hit tv show squid game all in contention for one of hollywood's biggest accolades. welcome to our viewers on pbs in america and around the globe. for the first time, borisjohnson has admitted he did attend a downing street party during last year's lockdown, and for the first time, the leader of the opposition has called on him to resign. the prime minister urged all sides to await the findings of an internal inquiry led by the senior civil servant sue grey. but as far as lawbreaking goes, many would say he has already admitted that his advisors, if not the prime minister himself, were in breach of laws that many others have been fined for breaking. our political editor laura kuenssberg has the latest. a mess — there is no other word. the prime minister belatedly trying to clean up. reporter: are you going to apologise? with an admission of possible rule—breaking, an apology from a weakened leader. but will the answers to today's prime minister's questions see boris johnson through? mr speaker, i want to apologise. i know that millions of people across this country have made extraordinary sacrifices over the last 18 months, and i know the rage they feel with me and with the government i lead, when they think that in downing street itself, the rules are not being properly followed by the people who make the rules. there were things we simply did not get right, and i must take responsibility. claiming, to disbelief in the commons, that technically a "bring your own booze" organised drinks event was within the lockdown rules. even if it could be said technically to fall within the guidance, there would be millions and millions of people who simply would not see it that way. well, there we have it. after months of deceit and deception, the pathetic spectacle of a man who's run out of road. his defence — his defence that he didn't realise he was at a party... laughter. so ridiculous that it's actually offensive to the british public. labour able to mock the unusually subdued tory showman. when the whole country was locked down, he was hosting boozy parties in downing street. is he now going to do the decent thing and resign? i regret very much — i regret very much that we did not do things differently that evening. the prime minister pretended that he had been assured there were no parties. now, it turns out he was at the parties all along. can't the prime minister see why the british public think he's lying through his teeth? mr speaker, it's up to the right honourable gentleman to choose how he conducts himself in this place. laughter. there was derision — laughter — at the prime minister's defence. six questions later, election—winner borisjohnson looked defeated. this is notjust a westminster drama. it's exactly midday. we are heading over to westminster, where prime minister boris johnson. .. it was the must—watch from the morning sofa — the country seeing repeated calls for boris johnson to quit. will the prime minister, for the good of the country, accept that the party is over and decide to resign? do the decent thing and resign. do the honourable thing and resign. and he must resign. and the concern on his own side is potent. the number of mps saying it is overfor mrjohnson growing in the shadows, and calls for him to quit out in the open now. even from the mp who is also the leader of the conservatives in scotland. i explained to the prime minister today that i felt he should stand down because of this, but that is ultimately his decision. but do the conservatives — does the country — really have the appetite for more political turmoil? there was a sprinkling of supportive messages — some loyalfriends in government for mrjohnson, too. what is needed above all is a doubling down and a determination to rebuild trust between the government that the prime minister leads and the british people. borisjohnson�*s admission and apology in there has bought him a little time — a pause until the report into what did or didn't happen in number ten is complete. yet, for many on his own side, he has already lost the benefit of the doubt. growing numbers of his own mps want him out, discussing frantically how and when his exit could happen. it is not inevitable, though, that he'll be hastened out of office, but it's no longer impossible to imagine that the prime minister might be gone before too long. look at this. this is a fantastic garden you've got here. it is indeed a beautiful garden. this was a former bomb crater. a place prime minister was happy to show off in days gone by. do you see yourself being here for the very long term? well, we're working very hard, laura. but his time in residence could be brought to an early close by what happened literally in his own backyard. laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. the official inquiry into a series of alleged parties held during lockdown in number ten and other parts of whitehall is still going on, but it is not known when sue gray, the senior civil servant in charge, will release her findings. our deputy political editor vicki young considers the political fallout of the last few weeks and months. it has been a disastrous few months for the prime minister, and he stood here today accused of deception, of treating the british people with contempt. some on his own side think this could be a tipping point that leads to his downfall, but this is a man who has recovered from setbacks before, and cabinet colleagues are rallying round. i think it's right, as he was saying today in the house of commons, that sue gray is given the time to conduct that investigation. there'll be a full accounting, the prime minister will come back to the house of commons, and that's the right way to handle this. and sue gray is a senior civil servant who spent years in whitehall as the head of propriety and ethics. she'll be investigating a long list of allegations that covid rules were broken in downing street, starting during the first lockdown in 2020. a photo taken on 15 may showed the prime minister, his wife and staff in the downing street garden with bottles of wine and cheese. when asked about it, borisjohnson said... a few days later, about 100 people were invited by e—mail to socially distanced drinks in the number ten garden. today, the prime minister admitted he attended for around 25 minutes. and on 15 december, multiple sources told the bbc there was a christmas quiz for number ten staff. borisjohnson took part remotely, but others gathered in one room. a video obtained by itv news showed the prime minister's then press secretary, allegra stratton, joking about reports of an event on 18 december, saying... this fictional party was a business meeting. and it was not socially distanced. those that worked with theresa may in downing street say clawing back support can be difficult. the issues that this government are suffering from at the moment are self—inflicted wounds and are about the way in which the prime minister is running his government. it's not clear to me that he's ever going to be able to fully recover his reputation from what's happened. but the starting point, i think, has to be to get all of the facts out there, to be completely honest about what has happened. conservative mps wanted borisjohnson as their leader because they thought he could win them elections. brexit and his unique campaigning style made him a vote winner. but governing brings different challenges — the endless scrutiny, having to watch every word you say — and some fear that it is his flawed judgment thatis now being exposed. and on that, his former closest adviser, dominic cummings, has become his harshest critic — accusing him of not being up to thejob. for months, there were questions about how mrjohnson paid for a lavish refurbishment of his downing street flat. his standards adviser said he had acted unwisely. and then when former minister 0wen paterson was involved in a row over sleaze, he tried to change the rules to protect him, backtracked, and the lib dems then won the safe tory seat. borisjohnson�*s authority has been severely dented, and all this a huge distraction from the policies he promised to deliver. vicki young, bbc news, westminster. if you want to know more about the political consequences for the british prime minister, just go to the bbc news website. there you'll find more analysis on what kind of support borisjohnson still has from his conservative party. the duke of york has failed to get a civil case dismissed in the united states which accuses him of sexually assaulting a teenage girl. virginia giuffre is suing prince andrew, claiming that he abused her when she was 17 at the homes ofjeffrey epstein and ghislaine maxwell. the prince has strenuously denied the allegations, but the ruling by the judge in new york today means the civil trial can now go ahead. 0ur royal correspondent nicholas witchell reports. everything for andrew had rested on this ruling, and it has gone against him. in his 43—page ruling in the case of virginia giuffre, plaintiff, and prince andrew, duke of york, defendant, the judge's conclusion was very straightforward. "the defendant's motion to dismiss the complaint is denied in all respects," thejudge wrote. the possibility of appealing at this stage appears to be remote, so these are andrew's basic options. he can settle out of court. there would be no admission of liability, but he would pay a perhaps substantial sum to virginia giuffre. he can default — that is ignore the court case — and by default, there would be a finding against him. finally, he could fight it out in court. he would have to give a deposition under oath. the rival stories would be tested, the matter would be decided in open court. lawyers who have been following the case say none of the options will be attractive to him. andrew's got no good options now. he can't make things better, so essentially, i think he's either going to have to engage in the trial process or he's going to have to settle, and that may well be his least—worst option. but it would be up to virginia giuffre to decide whether to accept any out—of—court settlement. at the moment, she doesn't seem inclined to do so. in a statement, her lawyer said... all of which leaves andrew facing the prospect of a bruising court case and the queen, in this, her platinum jubilee year, of enduring months of upset. in his newsnight interview, the one in which he said he couldn't remember meeting the then—17—year—old virginia giuffre, andrew was asked whether he felt his behaviour had damaged the queen and the royalfamily. i don't believe it's been damaging to the queen at all. it has to me. if i was in a position to be able to answer all these questions in a way that gave sensible answers, other than the ones that i've given that gave closure, then i'd love it. but i'm afraid i can't, because i'm just as much in the dark as many people. if andrew does fight on, he'll have to answer all the other side's questions under oath, and he will be able to declare his innocence and his lawyers will be able to test virginia giuffre's allegations. but at what price to the reputation of the royal family? as lawyers are saying, he has no good options. nicholas witchell, bbc news. nato's secretary—general has warned there is still a real risk of new armed conflict in europe. jens stoltenberg spoke after talks with russia which left significant differences unresolved. he said nato was ready for more dialogue over ukraine, where 100,000 russian troops have massed at the border. 0ur defence correspondent jonathan beale has been following events and sent this update from brussels. talks lasted four hours, longer than expected. but like the talks between the us and russia earlier in the week, they ended without breakthrough. both sides not budging on their demands. for russia, that is a guarantee from nato not to enlarge. nato emphatically saying that it will keep the door open for new member states. and for nato, de—escalation. they want to see russia withdraw the 100,000 troops they have now amassed on ukraine's border. no indication that russia would do that. that is whyjens stoltenberg said todayit is whyjens stoltenberg said today it was a dangerous situation with a very real risk of a new armed conflict in europe. that is why the russians have warned of unpredictable consequences if relations don't improve. the one glimmer of hope is that talks might still continue. nato has made that offer, russia is yet to agree. diplomacy isn't dead yet. that said, the threat of war hasn't gone away either. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: hollwywood's screen actors guild announce their award nominees. we will find out who made the cut and who fell short. day one of operation desert storm to force the iraqis out of kuwait has seen the most intense air attacks since the second world war. tobacco is america's oldest industry, and it's one of its biggest, but the industry is nervous of this report. this may tend to make people want to stop smoking cigarettes. there is not a street that is unaffected. l huge parts of kobe were simplyl demolished as buildings crashed into one another. this woman said she'd been given no help and no advice| by the authorities. she stood outside the ruins of her business. j tens of thousands of black children in south africa have taken advantage of laws, passed by the country's new multiracial government, and enrolled at formerly white schools. tonight sees the 9,610th performance of her long—running play, the mousetrap. when they heard of her death today, the management considered whether to cancel tonight's performance, but agatha christie would have been the last person to want such a thing. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: the uk prime minister boris johnson is facing calls to resign from within his own party after admitting he attended a downing street drinks gathering at the height of covid lockdown and offering an apology. prince andrew will face a civil trial over allegations he sexually assaulted virginia giuffre when she was underage, after a us judge ruled her lawsuit against him can proceed. he denies the allegations. all eyes remain on australian immigration minister, alex hawke who's due to make a decision on whether or not to deport tennis world number one, novak djokovic. in a statement released on wednesday, the tennis star admitted there were mistakes on his immigration forms and to meeting a journalist despite testing positive for covid. djokovic, who is unvaccinated, had his visa revoked shortly after arriving in australia. a judge dramatically overturned the decision though, ordering the release of the player from a hotel detention facility. he's still hoping to defend his title at the australian open which gets under way next week. meanwhile, the covidsafe event plan the tournament has been amended to ensure the health and safety of fans, with an announcement ticket sales will be paused at 50% capacity. paul sakkal is the victorian political reporter for the age. thank you for coming on. the draw for the first round of competition is a few hours away now but still no confirmation from the government as to what will happen with novak djokovic. will happen with novak djokovic— will happen with novak d'okovic. . , ~ will happen with novak d'okovic. ., , . ., djokovic. that is right. we are -robabl djokovic. that is right. we are probably still _ djokovic. that is right. we are probably still hours _ djokovic. that is right. we are probably still hours away - djokovic. that is right. we are probably still hours away from the decision from the immigration minister. we have been told that that will probably come this afternoon around the same time as the draw. we do not know if it will come before or after the draw, clearly it would be best before but also told the djokovic's lawyers will appeal the decision if he is deported again and that would send the case back to the same judge, judge anthony kelly, and we are told the federal court may not be able to sit on friday local time which means it would have to extend out to monday, the first day of the tournament. so what is unclear is whether djokovic, if he is to appeal a potential re— cancellation, whether he will be sent back to immigration detention or whether he will be allowed to remain in the community and potentially play the open other cases being adjudicated although that would be relatively extraordinary. d0 relatively extraordinary. do ou relatively extraordinary. do you think — relatively extraordinary. do you think one of the reasons potentially for the delay in announcement is maybe because the investigation could have widened because we now know, obviously, that novak djokovic allegedly made a couple of offences in serbia and spain as well before entering australia. i think that has contributed partly to the extension. we know that as of last night we reported the investigation had widened and they are looking at his isolation breaches in serbia, his potential illegal entry into spain and the errors he made in his australian travel declaration as well as the inconsistencies on when he actually found out about his positive test. whether it was night before the children's tennis event he attended mask lists or after. he said it was before in his sworn affidavit and then said it was after in his instagram post so the government, i think, his instagram post so the government, ithink, if his instagram post so the government, i think, if they are to re— cancel his visa, the grounds are almost certainly to be that he did not have a valid medical exemption to enter australia, a fundamental point about whether prior infection was sufficient. if the government was wavering slightly in the last couple of days as to whether or not i think public opinion has potentially swayed arc in favour of the government and against novak djokovic yesterday. when the player admitted to meeting people when he was covid infected and also giving questionable excuses about his attendance at events. so i think the government had an unexpectedly good day and the court of public opinion yesterday and djokovic at about one. yesterday and d'okovic at about one. �* , , yesterday and d'okovic at about one. ~ , , ., ., one. and, briefly, one of the djokovic _ one. and, briefly, one of the djokovic campaign _ one. and, briefly, one of the djokovic campaign doing - one. and, briefly, one of the. djokovic campaign doing while waiting confirmation either way. hasjust been waiting confirmation either way. has just been getting on with training and hoping he will play? i with training and hoping he will play?— with training and hoping he will -la ? ~ , ., will play? i think his training and doing — will play? i think his training and doing a _ will play? i think his training and doing a little _ will play? i think his training and doing a little bit - will play? i think his training and doing a little bit more . will play? i think his training i and doing a little bit more gym work and coursework he would ordinarily do because he was, essentially, lock in a room for three or four days. essentially, lock in a room for three orfour days. i think essentially, lock in a room for three or four days. i think he has some catching up to do. his team have been out of cafe's and spotted by melburnians in the inner south—eastern suburbs. djokovic is staying at a house into rack, in the eastern suburbs, the wealthy suburbin eastern suburbs, the wealthy suburb in melbourne and a very high net worth there. i think they are going about preparation is normal but big clouds over his attendance at the open. it clouds over his attendance at the open-— the open. it will be interesting - the open. it will be interesting to - the open. it will be interesting to see l the open. it will be - interesting to see what happens. thank you very much indeed forjoining us. american actor will smith has boosted his hopes of winning his first oscar after being nominated for a screen actors guild award, one of hollywood's top prizes. the full—list of nominations were released on wednesday. the awards are voted for by other actors, and are seen as one of the key oscars precursors. why don't you hit a few balls. what are your names? i'm venus. i'm serena. will smith has been nominated for playing tennis superstars venus and serena williams' father in king richard. this latest nomination comes just days after he won the best drama actor prize at the golden globes. and three nods for netflix's western, the power of the dogs, with benedict cumberbatch, kirsten dunst and kodi smit—mcphee all recognised in acting categories. in tv — squid gamejoins other contenders such as succession, ted lasso and mare of easttown. it's making sag awards history as the first foreign—language and first korean series tv nominee. there were also a lot of surprise and snubs. let's get all the details with sandro monetti, editor—in—chief of the hollywood international filmmaker magazine. he's in los angeles. thank you forjoining us. a lot of focus — thank you forjoining us. a lot of focus on _ thank you forjoining us. a lot of focus on will _ thank you forjoining us. a lot of focus on will smith - thank you forjoining us. a lot of focus on will smith and - of focus on will smith and while _ of focus on will smith and while he _ of focus on will smith and while he has _ of focus on will smith and while he has only- of focus on will smith and while he has only been. while he has only been nominated _ while he has only been nominated people - while he has only been nominated people are i while he has only been- nominated people are saying this could _ nominated people are saying this could indicate _ nominated people are saying this could indicate his - nominated people are saying this could indicate his first i this could indicate his first oscan _ this could indicate his first oscar. ., ., ., oscar. could it? the long wait could finally _ oscar. could it? the long wait could finally be _ oscar. could it? the long wait could finally be over. - oscar. could it? the long wait could finally be over. will- could finally be over. will smith has four grammys but zero oscars. will hejoin smith has four grammys but zero oscars. will he join that list of great actors never to have won one. harrison ford, tom cruise, ian mckellen or is he going to put a victory in the box? he is the heavy favourite but it is not always good to be the front runner. last year chadwick roseman was considered odds—on and anthony hopkins came in at the last moment to steal the trophy. so will smith is a heavy favourite for making richard but he takes nothing for granted. aha, richard but he takes nothing for granted-— for granted. a lot of talk about kirsten _ for granted. a lot of talk about kirsten stewart i for granted. a lot of talkl about kirsten stewart not for granted. a lot of talk - about kirsten stewart not being nominated despite being tipped for an oscar herself. what are the other surprises? will for an oscar herself. what are the other surprises? will smith and kristin _ the other surprises? will smith and kristin stewart _ the other surprises? will smith and kristin stewart were - the other surprises? will smith and kristin stewart were the i and kristin stewart were the heavy favourites and her performance as princess diana income expense are not even included. the one film that seems to be running the table through award season is the power of the dog and that is a dark drama about toxic masculinity in the old west and that has got three nominations at the screen actors guild. so has house of gucci, and actors favourite. lady gaga in there as well with jarrod leto and it is a wide—open award season. spring, summer, winter, fall, the only season that matters here in hollywood is award season and i love it.- season and i love it. squid game makes _ season and i love it. squid game makes history, - season and i love it. squid game makes history, thel season and i love it. squid - game makes history, the first foreign—language tv nominee. we had so much about squid game over the last 12 months or so here. tell us about that. it may have subtitles but everybody could understand the sub text. it is about a56 economically deprived people who try to make a fortune by going in for a quiz game that it has deadly consequences. and what an achievement after all these years, finally a show not in the english language getting three nominations at the screen actors guild. as you mentioned, succession has five, ted lasso has five as well, a top drama and a top sitcom but everybody is talking about squid game and i expect that to win at least one trophy. i expect that to win at least one trophy-— one trophy. and there was obviously... _ one trophy. and there was obviously... -- _ one trophy. and there was obviously... -- unlike - one trophy. and there was obviously... -- unlike the| obviously... —— unlike the globin —— golden globes with this one be televised? the golden globes _ this one be televised? the golden globes and - this one be televised? tue: golden globes and our this one be televised? tte: golden globes and our nonevent and this is now the second biggest award show in hollywood and as indicated at the studied is a great indicator as to what will win an oscar because actors who vote for this are the largest voting body of the academy. there is a lot of crossover in the membership so i don't expect there will be much difference between the screen actors guild winners and the oscar winners. i am getting awards fever!— awards fever! there is a lot to look forward _ awards fever! there is a lot to look forward to. _ awards fever! there is a lot to look forward to. and - awards fever! there is a lot to look forward to. and that - awards fever! there is a lot to look forward to. and that is i look forward to. and that is all we have time for, thank you forjoining us. stay tuned right here to bbc news. hello there. it's been an unsettled start to 2022, hasn't it? but wednesday changed all that for many across england and wales. after a frosty and foggy start, we had pictures like this — a beautiful scene in wrexham, hardly a cloud in the sky. it was chilly with it, but further north, we had more cloud. however, it was scotland and northern ireland that had the milder weather, with temperatures topping out at 12 or 13 degrees across eastern scotland and northeast england. now, this was the situation on wednesday, and it's a fairly similar story to close out the working week. high pressure's still with us, a south—westerly feeding cloud and a little bit of patchy drizzle across the far north and west. but under those clearer skies and with very light winds, we will see frost and fog forming once again. so, temperatures potentially down as low as —3 in a few rural parts, the exception, the far north of scotland. yes, it will be frosty, but also, it will be foggy, particularly for parts of england and wales. some of the fog dense in places, and it may well take most of the morning before it slowly lifts into low cloud and hopefully disperses. so, a pretty miserable start, but hopefully improving later on. the cloud, that south—westerly breeze again thick enough for a spot or two of drizzle, but we could see double figures across the far north of scotland, despite the winds gusting in excess of a0—50 miles per hour across the northern isles. so, a blustery afternoon here, light winds, not shifting that fog some time soon. so, temperatures will struggle just a touch — 6—8 degrees across england and wales. as we move out of thursday into friday, the high pressure not moving very far very fast, which basically means we will continue to see a good deal of quiet weather. this weather front again increasing the risk of tonight, patchy rain, nothing particularly significant. fog could be more extensive on friday, and as a result, it could be slow to clear. if that happens, one or two places might not see temperatures climbing out of freezing, but if we get the sunshine coming through again, we're looking at 5—7 to the south, maximum of ten or 11 degrees across the far north. now, as we move towards the weekend, that quite theme will stay with us. a good deal of dry weather. the question is just how much sunshine we will see. this is bbc news. the headlines: uk prime minister borisjohnson is facing calls to resign from within his own party after he admitted attending a drinks party at his residence during a coronavirus lockdown. one mp from his conservative party has called his position untenable. but several cabinet colleagues have backed mrjohnson. the uk's prince andrew is facing a civil trial in the united states over allegations of sexual assault after a judge refused to dismiss the case brought by virginia giuffre, accusing him of abusing her when she was 17. on the day of the draw for the australian open, —— both nato and russia have warned the situation in eastern europe remains dangerous after their first face—to—face talks in two years produced no breakthrough. russia says the way forward is still unclear. nato says there is still a real danger of armed conflict in europe. during the pandemic, thousands of dog thefts were reported across the uk and ireland.

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Finding , Is , Liability , Sum , Default , Lawyers , Rival Stories , Matter , None , Open Court , Deposition Under Oath , Trial Process , Statement , Option , Lawyer , Out Of Court Settlement , Prospect , Queen , Meeting , Interview , Newsnight , Upset , Platinum Jubilee , Couldn T , Position , Royal Family , Behaviour , Closure , Fight On , Ones , Dark , Oath , Innocence , Price , Saying , Nicholas Witchell , Armed Conflict , Risk , Eastern Europe , Jens Stoltenberg , Differences , Secretary General , Events , Jonathan Beale , Dialogue , Update , 0ur Defence , Brussels , 100000 , Four , Breakthrough , Demands , Guarantee , Member States , Indication , De Escalation , Situation , Todayit , Russians , Glimmer , Hope , Relations , Whyjens Stoltenberg , Diplomacy Isn T , War Hasn T , Offer , Threat , Stay , Cut , Hollwywood , Industry , Air Attacks , Biggest , Operation Desert Storm , Day One , Second World War , Kuwait , Iraqis , Street , Woman , Report , Buildings , Advice , Authorities , Business , Smoking Cigarettes , Another , Ruins , Help , J Tens Of Thousands Black Children , Simplyl , Kobe , Play , Performance , Schools , Mousetrap , Advantage , South Africa , 9610 , Person , Management , Death , Agatha Christie , Headlines , Party , Lawsuit , Immigration Minister , Whether , Eyes , Immigration , Testing Positive , Tennis World , Wednesday , Number One , Mistakes , Journalist , Australian , Tennis Star , Who , Alex Hawke , Visa , Player , Release , Unvaccinated , Hotel Detention Facility , Tournament , Announcement Ticket Sales , Title , Safety , Event Plan , Health , Capacity , Fans , Covidsafe , 50 , Age , Paul Sakkal , Draw , Confirmation , Djokovic , We Are Robabl Djokovic , Competition , Novak D Okovic , Federal Court , Anthony Kelly , Re Cancellation , Community , Immigration Detention , Cases , Delay , Announcement , Couple , Reasons , Do Ou , Offences , Extension , Isolation Breaches , Serbia , Spain , Test , Inconsistencies , Children , Errors , Entry , Australian Travel Declaration , Mask Lists , Tennis Event , Affidavit , Grounds , Instagram Post , Ithink , Infection , Wavering , Exemption , Opinion , Favour , Arc , Briefly , Campaign , Attendance , Djokovic One , Excuses , Court Of Public Opinion , Campaign Doing One , Training , Doing , Coursework , Little , Gym Work , Hasjust , La , Lock , Eastern Suburbs , Melburnians , Team , Cafe S , House Into Rack , Three , Clouds , The Open , Preparation , Suburbin , Melbourne , Net Worth , Oscar , Actors , Nominations , Awards , Screen Actors Guild Award , Prizes , Hopes , American Actor , Venus And Serena Williams , Oscars Precursors , Balls , Don T , Names , Venus , Tennis Superstars , Power , Golden Globes , King Richard , Nomination , Nods , Dogs , Western , Best Drama Actor Prize , Benedict Cumberbatch , Kodi Smit Mcphee , Netflix , Squid , Succession , Lasso , Ted , Gamejoins , Contenders , Language , Making Sag Awards , Mare , Categories , Easttown , Korean , Lot , Tv Nominee , Sandro Monetti , Surprise , Details , Snubs , The Hollywood International Filmmaker Magazine , Focus , Focus On Will Smith , Oscan , Focus On , Forjoining Us , Thank You , Wait , Oscars , Grammys , Victory , Box , Ian Mckellen , Tom Cruise , Harrison Ford , Zero , Trophy , Nothing , Favourite , Runner , Making Richard , Anthony Hopkins , Chadwick Roseman , Surprises , Kirsten Stewart , Talk , Will , Kristin , Favourites , Talkl , Aha , Season , Film , Dog , Income Expense , Table , Princess Diana , Drama , House Of Gucci , Masculinity , Lady Gaga , Old West , Jarrod Leto , Squid Game , History , Spring , Summer , Game Over , Everybody , Quiz Game , Text , Fortune , Subtitles , 12 , Show , English , Achievement , Sitcom , Five , Globes , Award , Nonevent , Tue , Tte , Globin , Winners , Indicator , Membership , Vote , Difference , Academy , Crossover , Voting Body , Fever , Awards Fever , Cloud , England , North , Scene , Sky , Wales , Pictures , Wrexham , 2022 , Temperatures , Weather , Story , Northern Ireland , Working Week , 13 , High Pressure , Drizzle , Feeding Cloud , Bit , Winds , Frost , Skies , Fog , Places , Some , Exception , Most , Yes , , Figures , Spot , Breeze , The Cloud , Excess , Gusting , Light Winds , Northern Isles , 6 , 8 , Deal , Weather Front , Sunshine , Patchy Rain , Result , Freezing , Friday , Question , South , Maximum , Theme , 5 , 7 , 11 , Drinks Party , Sexual Assault , Danger , Thousands , Pandemic , Dog Thefts , Ireland ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

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deported ahead of the australian open. and the screen actors guild announce their award nominees, with will smith, kirsten dunst and stars from the hit tv show squid game all in contention for one of hollywood's biggest accolades. welcome to our viewers on pbs in america and around the globe. for the first time, borisjohnson has admitted he did attend a downing street party during last year's lockdown, and for the first time, the leader of the opposition has called on him to resign. the prime minister urged all sides to await the findings of an internal inquiry led by the senior civil servant sue grey. but as far as lawbreaking goes, many would say he has already admitted that his advisors, if not the prime minister himself, were in breach of laws that many others have been fined for breaking. our political editor laura kuenssberg has the latest. a mess — there is no other word. the prime minister belatedly trying to clean up. reporter: are you going to apologise? with an admission of possible rule—breaking, an apology from a weakened leader. but will the answers to today's prime minister's questions see boris johnson through? mr speaker, i want to apologise. i know that millions of people across this country have made extraordinary sacrifices over the last 18 months, and i know the rage they feel with me and with the government i lead, when they think that in downing street itself, the rules are not being properly followed by the people who make the rules. there were things we simply did not get right, and i must take responsibility. claiming, to disbelief in the commons, that technically a "bring your own booze" organised drinks event was within the lockdown rules. even if it could be said technically to fall within the guidance, there would be millions and millions of people who simply would not see it that way. well, there we have it. after months of deceit and deception, the pathetic spectacle of a man who's run out of road. his defence — his defence that he didn't realise he was at a party... laughter. so ridiculous that it's actually offensive to the british public. labour able to mock the unusually subdued tory showman. when the whole country was locked down, he was hosting boozy parties in downing street. is he now going to do the decent thing and resign? i regret very much — i regret very much that we did not do things differently that evening. the prime minister pretended that he had been assured there were no parties. now, it turns out he was at the parties all along. can't the prime minister see why the british public think he's lying through his teeth? mr speaker, it's up to the right honourable gentleman to choose how he conducts himself in this place. laughter. there was derision — laughter — at the prime minister's defence. six questions later, election—winner borisjohnson looked defeated. this is notjust a westminster drama. it's exactly midday. we are heading over to westminster, where prime minister boris johnson. .. it was the must—watch from the morning sofa — the country seeing repeated calls for boris johnson to quit. will the prime minister, for the good of the country, accept that the party is over and decide to resign? do the decent thing and resign. do the honourable thing and resign. and he must resign. and the concern on his own side is potent. the number of mps saying it is overfor mrjohnson growing in the shadows, and calls for him to quit out in the open now. even from the mp who is also the leader of the conservatives in scotland. i explained to the prime minister today that i felt he should stand down because of this, but that is ultimately his decision. but do the conservatives — does the country — really have the appetite for more political turmoil? there was a sprinkling of supportive messages — some loyalfriends in government for mrjohnson, too. what is needed above all is a doubling down and a determination to rebuild trust between the government that the prime minister leads and the british people. borisjohnson�*s admission and apology in there has bought him a little time — a pause until the report into what did or didn't happen in number ten is complete. yet, for many on his own side, he has already lost the benefit of the doubt. growing numbers of his own mps want him out, discussing frantically how and when his exit could happen. it is not inevitable, though, that he'll be hastened out of office, but it's no longer impossible to imagine that the prime minister might be gone before too long. look at this. this is a fantastic garden you've got here. it is indeed a beautiful garden. this was a former bomb crater. a place prime minister was happy to show off in days gone by. do you see yourself being here for the very long term? well, we're working very hard, laura. but his time in residence could be brought to an early close by what happened literally in his own backyard. laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. the official inquiry into a series of alleged parties held during lockdown in number ten and other parts of whitehall is still going on, but it is not known when sue gray, the senior civil servant in charge, will release her findings. our deputy political editor vicki young considers the political fallout of the last few weeks and months. it has been a disastrous few months for the prime minister, and he stood here today accused of deception, of treating the british people with contempt. some on his own side think this could be a tipping point that leads to his downfall, but this is a man who has recovered from setbacks before, and cabinet colleagues are rallying round. i think it's right, as he was saying today in the house of commons, that sue gray is given the time to conduct that investigation. there'll be a full accounting, the prime minister will come back to the house of commons, and that's the right way to handle this. and sue gray is a senior civil servant who spent years in whitehall as the head of propriety and ethics. she'll be investigating a long list of allegations that covid rules were broken in downing street, starting during the first lockdown in 2020. a photo taken on 15 may showed the prime minister, his wife and staff in the downing street garden with bottles of wine and cheese. when asked about it, borisjohnson said... a few days later, about 100 people were invited by e—mail to socially distanced drinks in the number ten garden. today, the prime minister admitted he attended for around 25 minutes. and on 15 december, multiple sources told the bbc there was a christmas quiz for number ten staff. borisjohnson took part remotely, but others gathered in one room. a video obtained by itv news showed the prime minister's then press secretary, allegra stratton, joking about reports of an event on 18 december, saying... this fictional party was a business meeting. and it was not socially distanced. those that worked with theresa may in downing street say clawing back support can be difficult. the issues that this government are suffering from at the moment are self—inflicted wounds and are about the way in which the prime minister is running his government. it's not clear to me that he's ever going to be able to fully recover his reputation from what's happened. but the starting point, i think, has to be to get all of the facts out there, to be completely honest about what has happened. conservative mps wanted borisjohnson as their leader because they thought he could win them elections. brexit and his unique campaigning style made him a vote winner. but governing brings different challenges — the endless scrutiny, having to watch every word you say — and some fear that it is his flawed judgment thatis now being exposed. and on that, his former closest adviser, dominic cummings, has become his harshest critic — accusing him of not being up to thejob. for months, there were questions about how mrjohnson paid for a lavish refurbishment of his downing street flat. his standards adviser said he had acted unwisely. and then when former minister 0wen paterson was involved in a row over sleaze, he tried to change the rules to protect him, backtracked, and the lib dems then won the safe tory seat. borisjohnson�*s authority has been severely dented, and all this a huge distraction from the policies he promised to deliver. vicki young, bbc news, westminster. if you want to know more about the political consequences for the british prime minister, just go to the bbc news website. there you'll find more analysis on what kind of support borisjohnson still has from his conservative party. the duke of york has failed to get a civil case dismissed in the united states which accuses him of sexually assaulting a teenage girl. virginia giuffre is suing prince andrew, claiming that he abused her when she was 17 at the homes ofjeffrey epstein and ghislaine maxwell. the prince has strenuously denied the allegations, but the ruling by the judge in new york today means the civil trial can now go ahead. 0ur royal correspondent nicholas witchell reports. everything for andrew had rested on this ruling, and it has gone against him. in his 43—page ruling in the case of virginia giuffre, plaintiff, and prince andrew, duke of york, defendant, the judge's conclusion was very straightforward. "the defendant's motion to dismiss the complaint is denied in all respects," thejudge wrote. the possibility of appealing at this stage appears to be remote, so these are andrew's basic options. he can settle out of court. there would be no admission of liability, but he would pay a perhaps substantial sum to virginia giuffre. he can default — that is ignore the court case — and by default, there would be a finding against him. finally, he could fight it out in court. he would have to give a deposition under oath. the rival stories would be tested, the matter would be decided in open court. lawyers who have been following the case say none of the options will be attractive to him. andrew's got no good options now. he can't make things better, so essentially, i think he's either going to have to engage in the trial process or he's going to have to settle, and that may well be his least—worst option. but it would be up to virginia giuffre to decide whether to accept any out—of—court settlement. at the moment, she doesn't seem inclined to do so. in a statement, her lawyer said... all of which leaves andrew facing the prospect of a bruising court case and the queen, in this, her platinum jubilee year, of enduring months of upset. in his newsnight interview, the one in which he said he couldn't remember meeting the then—17—year—old virginia giuffre, andrew was asked whether he felt his behaviour had damaged the queen and the royalfamily. i don't believe it's been damaging to the queen at all. it has to me. if i was in a position to be able to answer all these questions in a way that gave sensible answers, other than the ones that i've given that gave closure, then i'd love it. but i'm afraid i can't, because i'm just as much in the dark as many people. if andrew does fight on, he'll have to answer all the other side's questions under oath, and he will be able to declare his innocence and his lawyers will be able to test virginia giuffre's allegations. but at what price to the reputation of the royal family? as lawyers are saying, he has no good options. nicholas witchell, bbc news. nato's secretary—general has warned there is still a real risk of new armed conflict in europe. jens stoltenberg spoke after talks with russia which left significant differences unresolved. he said nato was ready for more dialogue over ukraine, where 100,000 russian troops have massed at the border. 0ur defence correspondent jonathan beale has been following events and sent this update from brussels. talks lasted four hours, longer than expected. but like the talks between the us and russia earlier in the week, they ended without breakthrough. both sides not budging on their demands. for russia, that is a guarantee from nato not to enlarge. nato emphatically saying that it will keep the door open for new member states. and for nato, de—escalation. they want to see russia withdraw the 100,000 troops they have now amassed on ukraine's border. no indication that russia would do that. that is whyjens stoltenberg said todayit is whyjens stoltenberg said today it was a dangerous situation with a very real risk of a new armed conflict in europe. that is why the russians have warned of unpredictable consequences if relations don't improve. the one glimmer of hope is that talks might still continue. nato has made that offer, russia is yet to agree. diplomacy isn't dead yet. that said, the threat of war hasn't gone away either. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: hollwywood's screen actors guild announce their award nominees. we will find out who made the cut and who fell short. day one of operation desert storm to force the iraqis out of kuwait has seen the most intense air attacks since the second world war. tobacco is america's oldest industry, and it's one of its biggest, but the industry is nervous of this report. this may tend to make people want to stop smoking cigarettes. there is not a street that is unaffected. l huge parts of kobe were simplyl demolished as buildings crashed into one another. this woman said she'd been given no help and no advice| by the authorities. she stood outside the ruins of her business. j tens of thousands of black children in south africa have taken advantage of laws, passed by the country's new multiracial government, and enrolled at formerly white schools. tonight sees the 9,610th performance of her long—running play, the mousetrap. when they heard of her death today, the management considered whether to cancel tonight's performance, but agatha christie would have been the last person to want such a thing. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: the uk prime minister boris johnson is facing calls to resign from within his own party after admitting he attended a downing street drinks gathering at the height of covid lockdown and offering an apology. prince andrew will face a civil trial over allegations he sexually assaulted virginia giuffre when she was underage, after a us judge ruled her lawsuit against him can proceed. he denies the allegations. all eyes remain on australian immigration minister, alex hawke who's due to make a decision on whether or not to deport tennis world number one, novak djokovic. in a statement released on wednesday, the tennis star admitted there were mistakes on his immigration forms and to meeting a journalist despite testing positive for covid. djokovic, who is unvaccinated, had his visa revoked shortly after arriving in australia. a judge dramatically overturned the decision though, ordering the release of the player from a hotel detention facility. he's still hoping to defend his title at the australian open which gets under way next week. meanwhile, the covidsafe event plan the tournament has been amended to ensure the health and safety of fans, with an announcement ticket sales will be paused at 50% capacity. paul sakkal is the victorian political reporter for the age. thank you for coming on. the draw for the first round of competition is a few hours away now but still no confirmation from the government as to what will happen with novak djokovic. will happen with novak djokovic— will happen with novak d'okovic. . , ~ will happen with novak d'okovic. ., , . ., djokovic. that is right. we are -robabl djokovic. that is right. we are probably still _ djokovic. that is right. we are probably still hours _ djokovic. that is right. we are probably still hours away - djokovic. that is right. we are probably still hours away from the decision from the immigration minister. we have been told that that will probably come this afternoon around the same time as the draw. we do not know if it will come before or after the draw, clearly it would be best before but also told the djokovic's lawyers will appeal the decision if he is deported again and that would send the case back to the same judge, judge anthony kelly, and we are told the federal court may not be able to sit on friday local time which means it would have to extend out to monday, the first day of the tournament. so what is unclear is whether djokovic, if he is to appeal a potential re— cancellation, whether he will be sent back to immigration detention or whether he will be allowed to remain in the community and potentially play the open other cases being adjudicated although that would be relatively extraordinary. d0 relatively extraordinary. do ou relatively extraordinary. do you think — relatively extraordinary. do you think one of the reasons potentially for the delay in announcement is maybe because the investigation could have widened because we now know, obviously, that novak djokovic allegedly made a couple of offences in serbia and spain as well before entering australia. i think that has contributed partly to the extension. we know that as of last night we reported the investigation had widened and they are looking at his isolation breaches in serbia, his potential illegal entry into spain and the errors he made in his australian travel declaration as well as the inconsistencies on when he actually found out about his positive test. whether it was night before the children's tennis event he attended mask lists or after. he said it was before in his sworn affidavit and then said it was after in his instagram post so the government, i think, his instagram post so the government, ithink, if his instagram post so the government, i think, if they are to re— cancel his visa, the grounds are almost certainly to be that he did not have a valid medical exemption to enter australia, a fundamental point about whether prior infection was sufficient. if the government was wavering slightly in the last couple of days as to whether or not i think public opinion has potentially swayed arc in favour of the government and against novak djokovic yesterday. when the player admitted to meeting people when he was covid infected and also giving questionable excuses about his attendance at events. so i think the government had an unexpectedly good day and the court of public opinion yesterday and djokovic at about one. yesterday and d'okovic at about one. �* , , yesterday and d'okovic at about one. ~ , , ., ., one. and, briefly, one of the djokovic _ one. and, briefly, one of the djokovic campaign _ one. and, briefly, one of the djokovic campaign doing - one. and, briefly, one of the. djokovic campaign doing while waiting confirmation either way. hasjust been waiting confirmation either way. has just been getting on with training and hoping he will play? i with training and hoping he will play?— with training and hoping he will -la ? ~ , ., will play? i think his training and doing — will play? i think his training and doing a _ will play? i think his training and doing a little _ will play? i think his training and doing a little bit - will play? i think his training and doing a little bit more . will play? i think his training i and doing a little bit more gym work and coursework he would ordinarily do because he was, essentially, lock in a room for three or four days. essentially, lock in a room for three orfour days. i think essentially, lock in a room for three or four days. i think he has some catching up to do. his team have been out of cafe's and spotted by melburnians in the inner south—eastern suburbs. djokovic is staying at a house into rack, in the eastern suburbs, the wealthy suburbin eastern suburbs, the wealthy suburb in melbourne and a very high net worth there. i think they are going about preparation is normal but big clouds over his attendance at the open. it clouds over his attendance at the open-— the open. it will be interesting - the open. it will be interesting to - the open. it will be interesting to see l the open. it will be - interesting to see what happens. thank you very much indeed forjoining us. american actor will smith has boosted his hopes of winning his first oscar after being nominated for a screen actors guild award, one of hollywood's top prizes. the full—list of nominations were released on wednesday. the awards are voted for by other actors, and are seen as one of the key oscars precursors. why don't you hit a few balls. what are your names? i'm venus. i'm serena. will smith has been nominated for playing tennis superstars venus and serena williams' father in king richard. this latest nomination comes just days after he won the best drama actor prize at the golden globes. and three nods for netflix's western, the power of the dogs, with benedict cumberbatch, kirsten dunst and kodi smit—mcphee all recognised in acting categories. in tv — squid gamejoins other contenders such as succession, ted lasso and mare of easttown. it's making sag awards history as the first foreign—language and first korean series tv nominee. there were also a lot of surprise and snubs. let's get all the details with sandro monetti, editor—in—chief of the hollywood international filmmaker magazine. he's in los angeles. thank you forjoining us. a lot of focus — thank you forjoining us. a lot of focus on _ thank you forjoining us. a lot of focus on will _ thank you forjoining us. a lot of focus on will smith - thank you forjoining us. a lot of focus on will smith and - of focus on will smith and while _ of focus on will smith and while he _ of focus on will smith and while he has _ of focus on will smith and while he has only- of focus on will smith and while he has only been. while he has only been nominated _ while he has only been nominated people - while he has only been nominated people are i while he has only been- nominated people are saying this could _ nominated people are saying this could indicate _ nominated people are saying this could indicate his - nominated people are saying this could indicate his first i this could indicate his first oscan _ this could indicate his first oscar. ., ., ., oscar. could it? the long wait could finally _ oscar. could it? the long wait could finally be _ oscar. could it? the long wait could finally be over. - oscar. could it? the long wait could finally be over. will- could finally be over. will smith has four grammys but zero oscars. will hejoin smith has four grammys but zero oscars. will he join that list of great actors never to have won one. harrison ford, tom cruise, ian mckellen or is he going to put a victory in the box? he is the heavy favourite but it is not always good to be the front runner. last year chadwick roseman was considered odds—on and anthony hopkins came in at the last moment to steal the trophy. so will smith is a heavy favourite for making richard but he takes nothing for granted. aha, richard but he takes nothing for granted-— for granted. a lot of talk about kirsten _ for granted. a lot of talk about kirsten stewart i for granted. a lot of talkl about kirsten stewart not for granted. a lot of talk - about kirsten stewart not being nominated despite being tipped for an oscar herself. what are the other surprises? will for an oscar herself. what are the other surprises? will smith and kristin _ the other surprises? will smith and kristin stewart _ the other surprises? will smith and kristin stewart were - the other surprises? will smith and kristin stewart were the i and kristin stewart were the heavy favourites and her performance as princess diana income expense are not even included. the one film that seems to be running the table through award season is the power of the dog and that is a dark drama about toxic masculinity in the old west and that has got three nominations at the screen actors guild. so has house of gucci, and actors favourite. lady gaga in there as well with jarrod leto and it is a wide—open award season. spring, summer, winter, fall, the only season that matters here in hollywood is award season and i love it.- season and i love it. squid game makes _ season and i love it. squid game makes history, - season and i love it. squid game makes history, thel season and i love it. squid - game makes history, the first foreign—language tv nominee. we had so much about squid game over the last 12 months or so here. tell us about that. it may have subtitles but everybody could understand the sub text. it is about a56 economically deprived people who try to make a fortune by going in for a quiz game that it has deadly consequences. and what an achievement after all these years, finally a show not in the english language getting three nominations at the screen actors guild. as you mentioned, succession has five, ted lasso has five as well, a top drama and a top sitcom but everybody is talking about squid game and i expect that to win at least one trophy. i expect that to win at least one trophy-— one trophy. and there was obviously... _ one trophy. and there was obviously... -- _ one trophy. and there was obviously... -- unlike - one trophy. and there was obviously... -- unlike the| obviously... —— unlike the globin —— golden globes with this one be televised? the golden globes _ this one be televised? the golden globes and - this one be televised? tue: golden globes and our this one be televised? tte: golden globes and our nonevent and this is now the second biggest award show in hollywood and as indicated at the studied is a great indicator as to what will win an oscar because actors who vote for this are the largest voting body of the academy. there is a lot of crossover in the membership so i don't expect there will be much difference between the screen actors guild winners and the oscar winners. i am getting awards fever!— awards fever! there is a lot to look forward _ awards fever! there is a lot to look forward to. _ awards fever! there is a lot to look forward to. and - awards fever! there is a lot to look forward to. and that - awards fever! there is a lot to look forward to. and that is i look forward to. and that is all we have time for, thank you forjoining us. stay tuned right here to bbc news. hello there. it's been an unsettled start to 2022, hasn't it? but wednesday changed all that for many across england and wales. after a frosty and foggy start, we had pictures like this — a beautiful scene in wrexham, hardly a cloud in the sky. it was chilly with it, but further north, we had more cloud. however, it was scotland and northern ireland that had the milder weather, with temperatures topping out at 12 or 13 degrees across eastern scotland and northeast england. now, this was the situation on wednesday, and it's a fairly similar story to close out the working week. high pressure's still with us, a south—westerly feeding cloud and a little bit of patchy drizzle across the far north and west. but under those clearer skies and with very light winds, we will see frost and fog forming once again. so, temperatures potentially down as low as —3 in a few rural parts, the exception, the far north of scotland. yes, it will be frosty, but also, it will be foggy, particularly for parts of england and wales. some of the fog dense in places, and it may well take most of the morning before it slowly lifts into low cloud and hopefully disperses. so, a pretty miserable start, but hopefully improving later on. the cloud, that south—westerly breeze again thick enough for a spot or two of drizzle, but we could see double figures across the far north of scotland, despite the winds gusting in excess of a0—50 miles per hour across the northern isles. so, a blustery afternoon here, light winds, not shifting that fog some time soon. so, temperatures will struggle just a touch — 6—8 degrees across england and wales. as we move out of thursday into friday, the high pressure not moving very far very fast, which basically means we will continue to see a good deal of quiet weather. this weather front again increasing the risk of tonight, patchy rain, nothing particularly significant. fog could be more extensive on friday, and as a result, it could be slow to clear. if that happens, one or two places might not see temperatures climbing out of freezing, but if we get the sunshine coming through again, we're looking at 5—7 to the south, maximum of ten or 11 degrees across the far north. now, as we move towards the weekend, that quite theme will stay with us. a good deal of dry weather. the question is just how much sunshine we will see. this is bbc news. the headlines: uk prime minister borisjohnson is facing calls to resign from within his own party after he admitted attending a drinks party at his residence during a coronavirus lockdown. one mp from his conservative party has called his position untenable. but several cabinet colleagues have backed mrjohnson. the uk's prince andrew is facing a civil trial in the united states over allegations of sexual assault after a judge refused to dismiss the case brought by virginia giuffre, accusing him of abusing her when she was 17. on the day of the draw for the australian open, —— both nato and russia have warned the situation in eastern europe remains dangerous after their first face—to—face talks in two years produced no breakthrough. russia says the way forward is still unclear. nato says there is still a real danger of armed conflict in europe. during the pandemic, thousands of dog thefts were reported across the uk and ireland.

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May , Covid , 15 May , 15 , 2020 , It , Drinks , E Mail , 100 , 25 , Room , Part , Allegra Stratton , Quiz , Sources , Video , Itv News , 15 December , Reports , Business Meeting , 18 December , Point , Reputation , Wounds , Issues , Say Clawing Back Support , Suffering , Theresa May , Vote Winner , Campaigning , Elections , Facts , Style , Brexit , Governing , Dominic Cummings , Challenges , Judgment , Closest , Scrutiny , Fear , Thatis , Standards Adviser , Critic , Refurbishment , Flat , Unwisely , Thejob , Harshest , 0wen Paterson , Authority , Sleaze , Seat , Row , Safe Tory , Lib Dems , 0 , Consequences , Support Borisjohnson , Analysis , Kind , Policies , Distraction , Website , Virginia Giuffre , Ghislaine Maxwell , Homes Ofjeffrey Epstein , 17 , Judge , Trial , Ruling , Nicholas Witchell Reports , Everything , New York , 0ur , Defendant , Conclusion , Plaintiff , Duke Of York , 43 , Options , Court , Respects , Complaint , Motion , Stage , Possibility , Thejudge , Court Case , 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