Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Film Review 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Film Review 20240709

hello, and a very warm welcome to the film review on bbc news. taking us through this week's cinema releases is anna smith. a very warm welcome, anna. nice to see you again. thank you. what have you been watching? i've got a varied menu for you today. we're starting with a restaurant film. it's set over one night over a busy london restaurant. it's called boiling point and it stars stephen graham. then we're going for a slice of licorice pizza. this is set in 1973 and it comes from the great paul thomas anderson. and finally, we're looking at a film starring benedict cumberbatch, the electrical life of louis wain. that looks like something for everyone. so, tell us about boiling point. this is a fascinating film. this was shot in one take in a london restaurant and the idea is that stephen graham plays a chef who's struggling. he's having a bit of a hard time with this family, with his financial woes, and then it's the busiest night of the year in this restaurant and it's really an ensemble drama, so you see everybody working together in this restaurant, trying to make a busy night work. let's have a look at a clip. 0k. hey, mad friday, it's going to be busy, which is good, and we picked some more covers up today. what? so, we're looking at about 100. so, we've got to turn the tables over but obviously not make people feel rushed, yeah? which we can do. we've got a proposal in tonight. they're going to he sat on here, table 13, so, yeah, treat them like royalty. and a celebrity chef in, alexander skye. who? he's going to he sat in the front. alastair... alastair skye. yeah — yeah, him. he's going to he sat at the front. a bottle of chateau on his table, billy, yeah? copy that. good, swearing. brilliant! really loud. there's no way you can hear me from back there. well, you are not out here, i'm out here, and i can hearyou, so let'sjust bring it down, yeah? filthy. good. anything else been on the bar that we're low on? low on cointreau, low on prosecco, low on bitters. i'lljust give them halves for tonight. ok, so we're low on quite a lot. good, anything else from you guys? no, just, we need to push the veg and we need to push the fish. - 0k, push veg, push... we need to take a selfie for the instagram. hey! everybody in. ooh, see, i'm feeling very slightly tense watching that — in a good way. it is a stressful film, it's meant to be a stressful film, but it's so involving, it's immersive — notjust knowing that it's shot in one take but feeling that authenticity — you can feel it. it's actually written and directed by phil barantini, who used to be a chef, so he knows. 0h, did he? 0h! he knows, yeah, and you just kind of feel this is authentic and, of course, they throw a lot of drama at the situation. it almost feels like a lot of episodes of fawlty towers put together in a really serious, dramatic format, because you have the food critic in, you've got the proposal, there's a potential allergy, you know, everything is kind of stacking up against them, but itjust feels real. well, that's interesting, isn't it, it feels real, because — because the restaurant industry is so pressurised — we've all watched behind—the—scenes documentaries and read books. and stephen graham — i mean, who doesn't love him as an actor? and i'm thinking he was cast for a reason — obviously, no plot spoilers — but, you know, that in itself makes me think, "something tough's gonna happen!" he's a very great, dramatic actor. of course, you know, he's very good at improvisation, which also happens quite a lot in this film, actually. they did several takes and i think each one was probably quite different, but this one�*s absolutely terrific. and it's so good to see stephen graham at the centre of a movie because quite often, he is playing the bit parts or supporting artist but, yeah, he's the centre of the story here and it's great. yeah, and known for television, and here he is in a film, and this point about it was filmed in one take — now, is that really the case? because we know that they can be tweaked a bit, they can be spliced. it's not the longest film in the world, but nonetheless, to do it in one take is extraordinary. it really is. it's very unusual. i mean, films like birdman have sort of claimed it or simulated one take, but they have been edited. and there was a film called victoria, which i love, which did it in one take and this has a similar idea. they genuinely did four takes and picked the best one. it's amazing. that's definitely one to watch. take us on to — take us back to the 1970s. yes, indeed, so this is paul thomas anderson's film licorice pizza, and it's based a lot on his recollections and also the recollections of a friend who was a child star and then went on to become a bit of an entrepreneur and a producer. and it stars cooper hoffman, who is the son of philip seymour hoffman, of course, who's worked with paul thomas anderson a lot before he passed away. and this young, cheeky guy, gary, is 15 years old and he thinks it's a good idea to chat up a woman of 25, who is played by alana haim, so that's the basic premise is there's this kind of "will they, won't they?" unconventional friendship develops over time and it's a kind of episodic structure. as you can see, there's a lot of kind of cameos from the likes of bradley cooper. some of the characters are based on real life and some of them aren't, but there's a lot of a kind of hollywood personality in there — sean penn pops up — so it's got an unusual structure, but it's a very light touch for paul thomas anderson — i think it's one of his lighterfilms. it's one of his lighter films, but i feel really mixed about this. 0k. because that central premise of 15—year—old boy, 25—year—old woman — it just doesn't work! that doesn't work! and that central conceit doesn't work, even though there are lots of other things about the film that are terrific, particularly just the way it feels and you feel like you're... i mean, i was very, very young in the time when it was set, but you feel, from everything you see and read about the �*70s, that you're totally back in that period. it's very vivid, but i agree. to me, it is set up as a romantic comedy, but it's not romantic to me because i didn't really believe in the central relationship... yes — you can't believe in it. ..or didn't want it to happen. and this, to me, plays into what they call the stalker trope as well, you know, because this boy who is so persistent and he's constantly calling her, she's telling him that she's not at all interested. he persists, he persists — he even phones up and doesn't speak on the end of the phone, which is kind of stalker behaviour. but often in these kind of male—skewed romantic comedies, that's presented as rather quaint and appealing and cute, whereas the reverse is rarely true in films, so much as i did enjoy all the things you talk about it, i did have a problem with that. yes, yes. and well, the cardinal thing, you see, the cardinal thing i did halfway through. i loved the first 45 minutes and then i started doing this, and that's never a good sign, is it? i felt... i know you talked about an episodic structure, but it dragged in the middle. picks up at the end, but it really drags in the middle. i think it's too long. i've seen it twice and i think i enjoyed it more the second time because i prepared for that and ijust relaxed into it. and i think if you relax into it, it's very funny. there's laugh—out—loud moments — it is a good laugh, but, yeah, if you're expecting a normal structure, you may be disappointed. yeah! anyway... don't go for the structure! what's your third choice this week? so the electrical life of louis wain. 50 louis wain — i had not heard of him, i thought, but as soon as i saw the pictures that he drew of cats with big eyes, sometimes playing snooker, doing crazy things, i realised that i knew who he was. and in this film, he's played by benedict cumberbatch, and it goes back to his sort of struggling artist days. and we start off finding him trying to get work, scribbling away, and in the scene we're about to see, he meets tobyjones's editor who offers him some work. let's have a look. 0k. why were you throwing peanuts at a bull? i heard they like peanuts - and that it calms them down. but it didn't work. trouble with these - show cows — huge egos. it's a good job you can draw, mrwain, orwe would have parted ways some time ago — and don't think i haven't noticed the state of your visage! oh, this wasn't from. the bull, sirwilliam — i've just come from a boxing class with the greatjem mace. - boxing? mm. so, when did you draw this? on the train, from memory. all of them? mm—hm. so, how fast do you work, exactly? oh, just let me show you... he hums i'll be frank with you, mr wain. one of our speediest and most prolific staff illustrators has been poached by a rival publication. do you think you'd be up to it? yes, obviously. i don't find this work- very taxing, sirwilliam. i do it to pay the bills— and to provide for the five hungry and precocious sisters that i live at home with — until they get. married, of course. as a matter of fact, i i find the whole thing rather inconvenient. hm. it is a good watch? i'm not sure what to make of that. it is a good watch. as you can see, benedict is great as that kind of eccentric character, but what i liked about this, it then went on to explore his relationship with his wife, who's played by claire foy. and what they did — and it was very unusual at the time — they adopted a little stray cat, and this was the seed of his obsession with cats and when he started drawing cats. and it's very unusual to see that. normally, you know, you have the kind of man's best friend film about dogs, but to see a film which is very romantic and lovely about a couple's relationship with a cat, i thought was rather charming. 0k. charming? is that... ? that's what. . . ? it goes on to deal with his mental health in a way which is rather quirky and i think works on some levels, but to me, i was very moved by that particular sequence with claire fey and i think it's a lovely watch. 0k. and your best out this week, anna? so titane�*s still out in cinemas. and this is the palme d'or winner which shocked the world. bit of an unusual film. i like about it is this is by a feminist female director — she did an incredible film called raw — and it's essentially very hard to describe, but it is a kind of body horror film about a woman who goes on the run, but it also explores a lot about gender, about parenthood, and there's kind of a serious relationship drama at its core as well, so i think if you get past the gore, then you're in luck. 0k! that's a good warning. "if you can get past the gore..." let's hold that thought. a quick thought about dvd or streaming, because there's a really interesting documentary, it seems to me, that's out. the rescue. this is a fascinating film from the directors of free solo, and it's about the dramatic thai cave rescue from 2018, so the football team of boys who were rescued. and it really is an incredible story, and they talk to two british men who are cave divers who had to kind of problem—solve, along with a lot of other people throughout the world, who were trying to figure out exactly how to get these boys out. and it's a real lesson in strategy and working together, and it's very inspiring. yeah, and everyone, i think, will remember. we all followed that news story. you don't — you didn't have to be a news junkie to know about that and everyone was gripped by that, so to hear how the rescuers did it, i think is... i haven't seen it yet, but it sounds fascinating. even when you know what happened, it's absolutely riveting. i was completely gripped. wow. so, yeah, recommend. well, there is a good recommendation. anna, good to see you. thank you very much indeed. and enjoy your cinema—going, whatever you choose to go and see this week. see you very soon. bye— bye. hello again. it was quite a wet and windy start to the weekend. saturday brought widespread outbreaks of rain. the wettest place, northwest wales, picking up 3a milimetres of rain. the strong winds towards the isle of wight pushing the waves into the coastline here. towards the end of the day, we had a lovely sunset in dumfries and galloway in west scotland. now, the driving area of low pressure that brought the wet and windy weather on saturday is here, and it's still on the charts through sunday. what's going to happen is it's going to weaken significantly as it moves its way across scotland. however, it will still be bringing a little bit of rain with that across parts of scotland and northern england as well. now, for the time being, we've still got some fairly brisk winds blowing in. they're bringing scattered showers across western areas. there is a little bit of sleet mixed in with some of these across the high ground, scotland, northern england, northern ireland as well, with temperatures close to freezing but on the whole just staying above except in northern scotland, where temperatures could get down to about —5 in the deeper valleys in aberdeenshire. now, for many, it's going to be a fine start to the day, but that area of low pressure is going to push this band of rain across scotland, northern ireland, and through the afternoon, the rain moves its way across northern england. it will turn lighter and patchier, perhaps reaching the north of wales late in the day. still across the midlands, east anglia, most of southern england, a lot of dry weather. we end the day with this band of light patchy rain pushing into cornwall. well, that is associated with this warm front, and that warm front is going to pivot its way into the uk as we go through monday. now, with that, yes, will come mild air, but there will be a lot of cloud around, mist and fog patches quite common around the coasts and hills. and it will be quite damp at times, too, with a bit of light rain and drizzle. bit of heavier rain into western scotland, where a cold front will begin to move in late in the day. temperatures — the mildest across western areas of the uk just ahead of this front. in the wast, a little bit cooler, highs of around 7 or so. now, by tuesday, this is our cold front now pushing its way southwards across england and wales. that will clear outbreaks of rain southwards. a mixture of bright spells and showers for scotland. a lot of dry weather in between for northern ireland, northern england and north wales as well. you'll notice the cooler air starting to move back in from the north and west, with temperatures here around 7—8, the mildest air in the south. now, beyond that, high pressure is going to build into the south of the uk. and that means, increasingly, in the week ahead, the weather will become fine and dry with some sunny spells. this is bbc news. i'm lukwesa burak with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. more than 150,000 people in the uk have now died, within 28 days of a positive covid test since the pandemic began. a serenade to novak djokovic who says he had a vaccine exemption to enter australia because he had covid last month. at least 21 people have died in north eastern pakistan, after heavy snowfall traps thousands in their vehicles. time to shine — the james webb telescope — the biggest observatory sent into orbit, successfully unfolds its mirrored panels.

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Everybody , Sian Photographer , Pictures , Red Dress , Ictures , Stunning , Alexander Mcqueen , Photographer , Fit , Italian , Potential Cueen , Queen , Anna Smith , Papers , Sian , Jane Hill , Aubrey , Film Review , Bye , Bbc News , Cinema Releases , Hello , Stephen Graham , Restaurant , Set , Restaurant Film , Boiling Point , Licorice Pizza , Menu , Slice , London , 1973 , One , Man S Best Friend Film About Dogs , Paul Thomas Anderson , Bit , Idea , Louis Wain , Us , Everyone , Chef , Life , Benedict Cumberbatch , Something , About Boiling Point , Family , Woes , 0k , Look , Night Work , Ensemble Drama , Clip , 0k , People , Proposal , Table , Celebrity Chef , Royalty , Tables , Alexander Skye , 100 , 13 , Way , Front , Alastair Skye , Good , Chateau , Bottle , Swearing , Alastair , Yeah , Billy , Who , Anything , Hearyou , Cointreau , Bar , Bitters , I Lljust , Filthy , Lot , Selfie , Push , Veg , Push Veg , Fish , Instagram , Ooh , Phil Barantini , Shot , Authenticity , 0h , 0 , Course , Drama , Feel , Situation , Episodes , Format , Food Critic , Fawlty Towers , Kind , Everything , Isn T It , Doesn T , Books , Allergy , Documentaries , Restaurant Industry , I Mean , Itjust , Actor , Plot Spoilers , Cast , Something Tough S Gonna Happen , Centre , Improvisation , Story , Artist , Point , Case , Television , Movie , Bit Parts , World , Films , Film , Victoria , Recollections , Yes , Film Licorice Pizza , 1970 , Four , Cooper Hoffman , Young , Son , Friend , Star , Producer , Child , Entrepreneur , Philip Seymour Hoffman , Cheeky Guy , Gary , 15 , Woman , Friendship , Premise , Cameos , Episodic Structure , Alana Haim , Bradley Cooper , 25 , Structure , Some , Characters , Real Life , Aren T , Personality , Sean Penn , Hollywood , It , Boy , Lighterfilms , Central Conceit Doesn T Work , Things , Lots , 70 , Relationship , Romantic Comedy , Stalker Trope , The End , Reverse , Phones , Phone , Comedies , Stalker Behaviour , Thing , Problem , Cardinal , Sign , 45 , Middle , Picks , Louis Wain , Laugh , Choice , Don T Go , 50 , Cats , Snooker , Eyes , Sort , Work , Scene , Peanuts , Bull , Editor , Trouble , It Didn T Work , Tobyjones , Scribbling Away , Boxing , Don T You Didn , Think I Haven T , Wasn T , Egos , Visage , Estate , Job , Class , Greatjem Mace , Ways , The Bull , Sirwilliam , Mrwain , Orwe , Hm , Wall , Train , Memory , Staff , Rival Publication , Illustrators , Bills , Five , Watch , Sisters , Matter , Fact , Married , Wife , Character , Claire Foy , Cat , Obsession , Seed , Couple , Works , Mental Health , Levels , Sequence , Charming , Claire Fey , Director , Winner , Cinemas , Palme D Or , Body Horror Film , On The Run , Well , Gore , Gender , Parenthood , Luck , Core , Thought , Solo , Football Team , Thai Cave Rescue , Rescue , Directors , Documentary , Warning , Streaming , Dvd , That S Out , 2018 , Cave Divers , Men , Boys , Lesson , Strategy , British , Two , News Story , Rescuers , Haven T , News Junkie , Recommendation , Recommend , Rain , Winds , Outbreaks , Weekend , Place , Waves , Northwest Wales , Hello Again , Up 3a Milimetres Of Rain , Isle Of Wight , Saturday , 3 , Weather , Pressure , West Scotland , Driving Area , Coastline , Dumfries And Galloway , Northern England , Charts , Parts , Sunday , Temperatures , Showers , Areas , Whole , Sleet , Northern Scotland , Northern Ireland , The High Ground , Area , Valleys , Many , Band , Afternoon , The Rain , Rain Across Scotland , Aberdeenshire , , North Wales , North , Patchier , Most , Southern England , Band Of Light Patchy Rain Pushing , Midlands , East Anglia , Cornwall , Air , Light Rain , Times , Hills , Coasts , Fog , Mist , Cloud Around , Western Scotland , Cold Front , Mildest , Cooler , Drizzle , Wast , Highs , 7 , Spells , Mixture , Rain Southwards , South , High Pressure , West , 8 , Fine , Headlines , Viewers , Lukwesa Burak , Covid Test , Pandemic , Around The World , 28 , 150000 , Novak Djokovic , Vaccine Exemption , Australia , 21 , Observatory , Vehicles , Panels , Orbit , James Webb Telescope , North Eastern Pakistan ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Film Review 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Film Review 20240709

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hello, and a very warm welcome to the film review on bbc news. taking us through this week's cinema releases is anna smith. a very warm welcome, anna. nice to see you again. thank you. what have you been watching? i've got a varied menu for you today. we're starting with a restaurant film. it's set over one night over a busy london restaurant. it's called boiling point and it stars stephen graham. then we're going for a slice of licorice pizza. this is set in 1973 and it comes from the great paul thomas anderson. and finally, we're looking at a film starring benedict cumberbatch, the electrical life of louis wain. that looks like something for everyone. so, tell us about boiling point. this is a fascinating film. this was shot in one take in a london restaurant and the idea is that stephen graham plays a chef who's struggling. he's having a bit of a hard time with this family, with his financial woes, and then it's the busiest night of the year in this restaurant and it's really an ensemble drama, so you see everybody working together in this restaurant, trying to make a busy night work. let's have a look at a clip. 0k. hey, mad friday, it's going to be busy, which is good, and we picked some more covers up today. what? so, we're looking at about 100. so, we've got to turn the tables over but obviously not make people feel rushed, yeah? which we can do. we've got a proposal in tonight. they're going to he sat on here, table 13, so, yeah, treat them like royalty. and a celebrity chef in, alexander skye. who? he's going to he sat in the front. alastair... alastair skye. yeah — yeah, him. he's going to he sat at the front. a bottle of chateau on his table, billy, yeah? copy that. good, swearing. brilliant! really loud. there's no way you can hear me from back there. well, you are not out here, i'm out here, and i can hearyou, so let'sjust bring it down, yeah? filthy. good. anything else been on the bar that we're low on? low on cointreau, low on prosecco, low on bitters. i'lljust give them halves for tonight. ok, so we're low on quite a lot. good, anything else from you guys? no, just, we need to push the veg and we need to push the fish. - 0k, push veg, push... we need to take a selfie for the instagram. hey! everybody in. ooh, see, i'm feeling very slightly tense watching that — in a good way. it is a stressful film, it's meant to be a stressful film, but it's so involving, it's immersive — notjust knowing that it's shot in one take but feeling that authenticity — you can feel it. it's actually written and directed by phil barantini, who used to be a chef, so he knows. 0h, did he? 0h! he knows, yeah, and you just kind of feel this is authentic and, of course, they throw a lot of drama at the situation. it almost feels like a lot of episodes of fawlty towers put together in a really serious, dramatic format, because you have the food critic in, you've got the proposal, there's a potential allergy, you know, everything is kind of stacking up against them, but itjust feels real. well, that's interesting, isn't it, it feels real, because — because the restaurant industry is so pressurised — we've all watched behind—the—scenes documentaries and read books. and stephen graham — i mean, who doesn't love him as an actor? and i'm thinking he was cast for a reason — obviously, no plot spoilers — but, you know, that in itself makes me think, "something tough's gonna happen!" he's a very great, dramatic actor. of course, you know, he's very good at improvisation, which also happens quite a lot in this film, actually. they did several takes and i think each one was probably quite different, but this one�*s absolutely terrific. and it's so good to see stephen graham at the centre of a movie because quite often, he is playing the bit parts or supporting artist but, yeah, he's the centre of the story here and it's great. yeah, and known for television, and here he is in a film, and this point about it was filmed in one take — now, is that really the case? because we know that they can be tweaked a bit, they can be spliced. it's not the longest film in the world, but nonetheless, to do it in one take is extraordinary. it really is. it's very unusual. i mean, films like birdman have sort of claimed it or simulated one take, but they have been edited. and there was a film called victoria, which i love, which did it in one take and this has a similar idea. they genuinely did four takes and picked the best one. it's amazing. that's definitely one to watch. take us on to — take us back to the 1970s. yes, indeed, so this is paul thomas anderson's film licorice pizza, and it's based a lot on his recollections and also the recollections of a friend who was a child star and then went on to become a bit of an entrepreneur and a producer. and it stars cooper hoffman, who is the son of philip seymour hoffman, of course, who's worked with paul thomas anderson a lot before he passed away. and this young, cheeky guy, gary, is 15 years old and he thinks it's a good idea to chat up a woman of 25, who is played by alana haim, so that's the basic premise is there's this kind of "will they, won't they?" unconventional friendship develops over time and it's a kind of episodic structure. as you can see, there's a lot of kind of cameos from the likes of bradley cooper. some of the characters are based on real life and some of them aren't, but there's a lot of a kind of hollywood personality in there — sean penn pops up — so it's got an unusual structure, but it's a very light touch for paul thomas anderson — i think it's one of his lighterfilms. it's one of his lighter films, but i feel really mixed about this. 0k. because that central premise of 15—year—old boy, 25—year—old woman — it just doesn't work! that doesn't work! and that central conceit doesn't work, even though there are lots of other things about the film that are terrific, particularly just the way it feels and you feel like you're... i mean, i was very, very young in the time when it was set, but you feel, from everything you see and read about the �*70s, that you're totally back in that period. it's very vivid, but i agree. to me, it is set up as a romantic comedy, but it's not romantic to me because i didn't really believe in the central relationship... yes — you can't believe in it. ..or didn't want it to happen. and this, to me, plays into what they call the stalker trope as well, you know, because this boy who is so persistent and he's constantly calling her, she's telling him that she's not at all interested. he persists, he persists — he even phones up and doesn't speak on the end of the phone, which is kind of stalker behaviour. but often in these kind of male—skewed romantic comedies, that's presented as rather quaint and appealing and cute, whereas the reverse is rarely true in films, so much as i did enjoy all the things you talk about it, i did have a problem with that. yes, yes. and well, the cardinal thing, you see, the cardinal thing i did halfway through. i loved the first 45 minutes and then i started doing this, and that's never a good sign, is it? i felt... i know you talked about an episodic structure, but it dragged in the middle. picks up at the end, but it really drags in the middle. i think it's too long. i've seen it twice and i think i enjoyed it more the second time because i prepared for that and ijust relaxed into it. and i think if you relax into it, it's very funny. there's laugh—out—loud moments — it is a good laugh, but, yeah, if you're expecting a normal structure, you may be disappointed. yeah! anyway... don't go for the structure! what's your third choice this week? so the electrical life of louis wain. 50 louis wain — i had not heard of him, i thought, but as soon as i saw the pictures that he drew of cats with big eyes, sometimes playing snooker, doing crazy things, i realised that i knew who he was. and in this film, he's played by benedict cumberbatch, and it goes back to his sort of struggling artist days. and we start off finding him trying to get work, scribbling away, and in the scene we're about to see, he meets tobyjones's editor who offers him some work. let's have a look. 0k. why were you throwing peanuts at a bull? i heard they like peanuts - and that it calms them down. but it didn't work. trouble with these - show cows — huge egos. it's a good job you can draw, mrwain, orwe would have parted ways some time ago — and don't think i haven't noticed the state of your visage! oh, this wasn't from. the bull, sirwilliam — i've just come from a boxing class with the greatjem mace. - boxing? mm. so, when did you draw this? on the train, from memory. all of them? mm—hm. so, how fast do you work, exactly? oh, just let me show you... he hums i'll be frank with you, mr wain. one of our speediest and most prolific staff illustrators has been poached by a rival publication. do you think you'd be up to it? yes, obviously. i don't find this work- very taxing, sirwilliam. i do it to pay the bills— and to provide for the five hungry and precocious sisters that i live at home with — until they get. married, of course. as a matter of fact, i i find the whole thing rather inconvenient. hm. it is a good watch? i'm not sure what to make of that. it is a good watch. as you can see, benedict is great as that kind of eccentric character, but what i liked about this, it then went on to explore his relationship with his wife, who's played by claire foy. and what they did — and it was very unusual at the time — they adopted a little stray cat, and this was the seed of his obsession with cats and when he started drawing cats. and it's very unusual to see that. normally, you know, you have the kind of man's best friend film about dogs, but to see a film which is very romantic and lovely about a couple's relationship with a cat, i thought was rather charming. 0k. charming? is that... ? that's what. . . ? it goes on to deal with his mental health in a way which is rather quirky and i think works on some levels, but to me, i was very moved by that particular sequence with claire fey and i think it's a lovely watch. 0k. and your best out this week, anna? so titane�*s still out in cinemas. and this is the palme d'or winner which shocked the world. bit of an unusual film. i like about it is this is by a feminist female director — she did an incredible film called raw — and it's essentially very hard to describe, but it is a kind of body horror film about a woman who goes on the run, but it also explores a lot about gender, about parenthood, and there's kind of a serious relationship drama at its core as well, so i think if you get past the gore, then you're in luck. 0k! that's a good warning. "if you can get past the gore..." let's hold that thought. a quick thought about dvd or streaming, because there's a really interesting documentary, it seems to me, that's out. the rescue. this is a fascinating film from the directors of free solo, and it's about the dramatic thai cave rescue from 2018, so the football team of boys who were rescued. and it really is an incredible story, and they talk to two british men who are cave divers who had to kind of problem—solve, along with a lot of other people throughout the world, who were trying to figure out exactly how to get these boys out. and it's a real lesson in strategy and working together, and it's very inspiring. yeah, and everyone, i think, will remember. we all followed that news story. you don't — you didn't have to be a news junkie to know about that and everyone was gripped by that, so to hear how the rescuers did it, i think is... i haven't seen it yet, but it sounds fascinating. even when you know what happened, it's absolutely riveting. i was completely gripped. wow. so, yeah, recommend. well, there is a good recommendation. anna, good to see you. thank you very much indeed. and enjoy your cinema—going, whatever you choose to go and see this week. see you very soon. bye— bye. hello again. it was quite a wet and windy start to the weekend. saturday brought widespread outbreaks of rain. the wettest place, northwest wales, picking up 3a milimetres of rain. the strong winds towards the isle of wight pushing the waves into the coastline here. towards the end of the day, we had a lovely sunset in dumfries and galloway in west scotland. now, the driving area of low pressure that brought the wet and windy weather on saturday is here, and it's still on the charts through sunday. what's going to happen is it's going to weaken significantly as it moves its way across scotland. however, it will still be bringing a little bit of rain with that across parts of scotland and northern england as well. now, for the time being, we've still got some fairly brisk winds blowing in. they're bringing scattered showers across western areas. there is a little bit of sleet mixed in with some of these across the high ground, scotland, northern england, northern ireland as well, with temperatures close to freezing but on the whole just staying above except in northern scotland, where temperatures could get down to about —5 in the deeper valleys in aberdeenshire. now, for many, it's going to be a fine start to the day, but that area of low pressure is going to push this band of rain across scotland, northern ireland, and through the afternoon, the rain moves its way across northern england. it will turn lighter and patchier, perhaps reaching the north of wales late in the day. still across the midlands, east anglia, most of southern england, a lot of dry weather. we end the day with this band of light patchy rain pushing into cornwall. well, that is associated with this warm front, and that warm front is going to pivot its way into the uk as we go through monday. now, with that, yes, will come mild air, but there will be a lot of cloud around, mist and fog patches quite common around the coasts and hills. and it will be quite damp at times, too, with a bit of light rain and drizzle. bit of heavier rain into western scotland, where a cold front will begin to move in late in the day. temperatures — the mildest across western areas of the uk just ahead of this front. in the wast, a little bit cooler, highs of around 7 or so. now, by tuesday, this is our cold front now pushing its way southwards across england and wales. that will clear outbreaks of rain southwards. a mixture of bright spells and showers for scotland. a lot of dry weather in between for northern ireland, northern england and north wales as well. you'll notice the cooler air starting to move back in from the north and west, with temperatures here around 7—8, the mildest air in the south. now, beyond that, high pressure is going to build into the south of the uk. and that means, increasingly, in the week ahead, the weather will become fine and dry with some sunny spells. this is bbc news. i'm lukwesa burak with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. more than 150,000 people in the uk have now died, within 28 days of a positive covid test since the pandemic began. a serenade to novak djokovic who says he had a vaccine exemption to enter australia because he had covid last month. at least 21 people have died in north eastern pakistan, after heavy snowfall traps thousands in their vehicles. time to shine — the james webb telescope — the biggest observatory sent into orbit, successfully unfolds its mirrored panels.

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