Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

a few of us got to see a white christmas. this cloud brought rain and health snow in the north during boxing day with more cloud and rain waiting in the wings down to the south—west. the big story for this week will be this surge of very, very mild air wafting up from the south and affecting all parts of the uk as we move towards the end. hello and thank you forjoining us. sorry for the interruption there from the weather in our headlines but let's get straight on to our top story. and that is leaders from around the world have been paying tribute to desmond tutu — one of the heroes of the anti—apartheid movement — who's died at the age of 90. president biden praised the courage and moral clarity of the former archbishop of cape town. the un secretary general, antonio guterres, called him an inspiration to generations. our africa correspondent andrew harding looks back at his life. raise our hands and we say we will be free! desmond tutu was an exuberant figure, an outspoken anglican priest who became one of the world's great moral voices. it was during south africa's long and violent struggle against white minority rule that he rose to prominence, condemning the apartheid government, comparing them to the nazis. the system of this country, apartheid, is immoral. the system of this country is evil. with nelson mandela hidden away in prison, tutu soon became the face of south africa's struggle for freedom and forjustice. he leaves behind a legacy, one of the last of the generation of people who told us that apartheid was wrong and stood up for human rights everywhere. and he never stopped doing that. in 1994, tutu was awarded the nobel peace prize and he used his global platform to criticise britain and america for being too soft on the apartheid government. eventually mandela was released, but the advent of democracy presented tutu with new challenges in a country that he now dubbed "the rainbow nation". often in tears, tutu presided over south africa's truth and reconciliation commission, seeking to expose and to heal the wounds of apartheid. he specialised in forgiveness, but with accountability. and that pursuit ofjustice continued, especially when south africa's democratic politicians plunged into corruption. i am warning you that we will pray as we prayed for the downfall of the apartheid government, we will pray for the downfall of a government that misrepresents us. inevitably, desmond tutu made enemies, but his genius was for winning people over, one could say for provoking love. he certainly wants that when he dies the epitaph will be very clear — that desmond tutu loved, he laughed, he cried, and that is what he was, he was always a man of tremendous joy. the one thing that helps desmond tutu stand out and occupy this unique place in south african history is that he was there at every step of the way through this country's tortuous journey from apartheid to democracy and beyond, with that clear, moral, often angry, sometimes laughing voice, a man defined above all by his sense of hope. flags will fly at half—mast across south africa with a week of tributes being organised to remember archbishop tutu — or arch as he liked to be known. his funeral will take place on the first of january. many south africans have been gathering outside his homes in cape town and soweto to lay wreaths and light candles. our correspondent nomsa maseko reports from soweto. paying their last respects, people from all walks of life dropped off flowers here at desmond tutu's soweto home, demonstrating what the 90—year—old stood for. he was the voice of reason, the face of reconciliation and south africa's moral compass. this is a dark day to us south africans because he is the light and the icon of this country. he used to be a father to us, his wife used to be a mother to us. it was desmond tutu, known affectionately as "the arch", who coined the phrase "rainbow nation" to describe south africa's ethnic diversity. more than any other, you know sometimes when you have some problems, you just go to him and he willjust give you a prayer and you go to the chapel and hear him pray for us every day when we have problems. several memorial services are expected to be held in honour of desmond tutu over the next few days. for people here in soweto, they remember the arch as a unifying figure who played a prominent role in south africa becoming a democracy. flowers were laid in cape town too where he died at his home surrounded by family and friends. a seven—day send—off is being planned, including a lying in state and a mass to be held by the anglican church. nomsa maseko, bbc news, soweto. charlayne hunter—gault is an american journalist and author, who got to know archbishop tutu and interviewed him many times. shejoins me now. thank you for your time. time and again we have heard that he had a genius for winning people over. how did he win you over? fix, for winning people over. how did he win you over?- did he win you over? a good question- — did he win you over? a good question. he _ did he win you over? a good question. he was _ did he win you over? a good question. he was such - did he win you over? a good question. he was such a - did he win you over? a good l question. he was such a warm person. in fact there was even a time when i was moderating a programme by an organisation that worked to help south africans get in control of their finances and so forth, shared interest it was called. he was being honoured and i was moderating and at some point he justjumped up and walked onstage and started singing happy birthday to me. that is the kind of guy he was. even though there had been times when i interviewed him and i asked him tough questions. some younger people do not appreciate the way that the truth and reconciliation commission is working or honouring them. but he was just someone who could relate to everybody, no matter what their political positions were all their professional positions were. he wasjust their professional positions were. he was just somebody who had a capacity to feel compassion for everybody and people who had mistreated his own people. i people who had mistreated his own maple-— people who had mistreated his own --eole. ., ., own people. i want to come back to the truth _ own people. i want to come back to the truth and _ own people. i want to come back to the truth and reconciliation . to the truth and reconciliation commission injust to the truth and reconciliation commission in just a to the truth and reconciliation commission injust a moment but you pre—empted me because i think we have a bit of his rendition for your birthday greetings. i want to show the view was that first. let's just play that. i? view was that first. let's 'ust play thatfi view was that first. let's 'ust -la that. , ., play that. # happy birthday to ou. # play that. # happy birthday to vow # happy _ play that. # happy birthday to you. # happy birthday - play that. # happy birthday to you. # happy birthday to - play that. # happy birthday to you. # happy birthday to you | play that. # happy birthday to i you. # happy birthday to you # happy— you. # happy birthday to you # happy birthday dear charlene # happy— happy birthday dear charlene # happy birthday dear charlene # happy birthday to you! he did _ happy birthday to you! he did not do things by halves, did he? he enjoyed it as much as you still enjoy it now. let me bring you onto that, to the point that interests me about the truth and reconciliation commission. because forall the truth and reconciliation commission. because for all of the things in the extraordinary work he did in terms of aunt —— anti—apartheid efforts, that commission seem to be a message to a world who were wondering if this could possibly work and he had to hold that on his shoulders. that been quite a burden. it shoulders. that been quite a burden. . , shoulders. that been quite a burden. ., , ., shoulders. that been quite a burden. ., ., , ., burden. it was, no doubt a burden. it was, no doubt a burden but _ burden. it was, no doubt a burden but you _ burden. it was, no doubt a burden but you never - burden. it was, no doubt a | burden but you never knew burden. it was, no doubt a - burden but you never knew that when you watched him in action. because his philosophy while he was very antagonistic... i wouldn't say antagonistic but he wanted the change in the society to reflect all of its people in equal proportion. he nevertheless wanted to bring those who had opposed that idea into, into the country and into his idea of how south africa should be. and so even though he had to deal with people who had been extremely difficult and horrible, actually, to so many of his own people, that was a part of his, i don't know, a part of his philosophy that you can forgive people if they show a need to be forgiven and that was what the point of the truth and reconciliation commission was about. fin the truth and reconciliation commission was about. on that level it would _ commission was about. on that level it would be _ commission was about. on that level it would be fair _ commission was about. on that level it would be fair to - commission was about. on that level it would be fair to say - level it would be fair to say that the man over your shoulder they are, nelson mandela, and desmond tutu very much fell in line on that message. but they had to accommodate each other as well as a bit, didn't they? i am sorry?— as well as a bit, didn't they? iamsor ? ., ., i am sorry? nelson mandela and the archbishop _ i am sorry? nelson mandela and the archbishop did _ i am sorry? nelson mandela and the archbishop did have - i am sorry? nelson mandela and the archbishop did have to - the archbishop did have to accommodate each other a little bit on their long road. they shared an auntie —— anti—apartheid campaign and battle and many views but i understand the arch was ready to remonstrate with mandela when he thought it was appropriate. when he thought it was appmpriate-_ when he thought it was appropriate. when he thought it was a- --roriate. . ., appropriate. that was the thing about his ability _ appropriate. that was the thing about his ability to _ about his ability to communicate with all people including those who believed in what he believed in, social justice and equality for everyone. but he never hesitated to tell anybody, including nelson mandela if he did not think that the positions they were taking were right and i think that what cause people like nelson mandela, one of the greats of our time, to listen to him was that they appreciated that he, that they appreciated that he, that he understood people, our people, and that it was important to bring in even people who had been, who had opposed equality for all. and so even when he had to speak to nelson mandela in an honest way to say, well, i do not quite agree with you, the position that he had taken over the years had enabled him to take that kind of role and be respect for it. he that kind of role and be respect for it.— that kind of role and be resect for it. ., , ~ ., respect for it. he was known for speaking _ respect for it. he was known for speaking truth _ respect for it. he was known for speaking truth to - respect for it. he was known for speaking truth to power, | for speaking truth to power, wasn't he. let me just ask you as a last thought, he is one of the great iconic figures of the time. his passing does mark the end of an era, i think, for many people in terms of south africa and the extraordinary journey that the country has been on. do you look to the future with a sense of foreboding, perhaps, that people like archbishop tutu are no longer here? ha. people like archbishop tutu are no longer here?— no longer here? no. because i have been _ no longer here? no. because i have been through _ no longer here? no. because i have been through periods - no longer here? no. because i have been through periods in i no longer here? no. because i. have been through periods in my own life when we have had to challenge things that were not appropriate to equality for all people and yet we overcame and so i think that the message that we should take away from archbishop tutu's life is that you have to do, in the words of nelson mandela and also in the words of various civil rights leaders like martin luther king, you have to keep on keeping on and i think that is the legacy of someone like archbishop tutu who has confronted the worst things in his life and in the life of his people and people all over the world. you have to keep on keeping on and believing in humanity in all of its aspects. that is a very good message on a propitious moment for south africa. keep on keeping on. thank you so much forjoining us. thank you so much for “oining us. . ~' thank you so much for “oining us. . ~ , ., thank you so much for “oining us. . ~' i., ., thank you so much for “oining us. . ~ ., ., israel's government has approved a $300 million plan to consolidate its control of the golan heights. this area is regarded by most of the world as occupied territory. it was captured from syria during the six—day war more than half a century ago and later annexed. the israeli prime minister, naftali bennett, told a special cabinet meeting held in the golan that the aim was to double thejewish population there to nearly 50,000 within the next few years. translation: first, it must be said, the golan heights are israel's. there is no doubt about it. israeli law has been applied here since 1981. it's beyond all debate. trump administration first recognised this, and now, biden administration has made it clear that there is no change in this policy. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: we look at the life of the trailblazer bbc radio presenterjanice long after her death at the age of 66. tomorrow we will use money we picked up in belgium and then in france and it will be the same money.— in france and it will be the same mone . , ., ., same money. george harrison, the former— same money. george harrison, the former beetle, _ same money. george harrison, the former beetle, is _ the former beetle, is recovering after being stabbed. a man is being held by police on suspicion of attempted murder. i on suspicion of attempted murder. ~ ., , ., ., murder. i think it was good. just murder. i think it was good. just good? _ murder. i think it was good. just good? no, _ murder. i think it was good. just good? no, fantastic. i hello. you are watching bbc news. tributes flow for desmond tutu. flights between hong kong and south korea are the latest to be cancelled as air travel around the world continues to be disrupted by the pandemic. the hong kong government has suspended korean air lines flights for two weeks after some passengers tested positive for coronavirus on arrival. in the us, airlines said many pilots and other crew members had been forced to isolate after testing positive. here's our business reporterjonathanjosephs. departure boards full of holiday disappointment. cornavirus means a growing number of flights are not taking off as planned. in the us, many airlines are struggling to find enough crew to staff all the services, leading to frustration among those who want to spend the holiday season with loved ones. i'm only travelling because my father is sick and i don't know how much longer he has left, so i wanted to see him for christmas, but other than that, i would stay home. i booked this in february and we had no idea we would still be dealing with covid. we don't normally. travel at christmas. it's our first time - and may be the last. as cases of omicron have surged in the us, so too have the number of pilots, cabin crew and other airline staff forced to isolate. the boss of the world's second—biggest airline, delta, saw this coming, and last week, wrote to the us centres for disease control, urging them to cut the isolation period from ten days to five for some staff, as he warned of significant disruption. while the number of flights that have been grounded are a small percentage of the total, it's more than normal, and no less frustrating for passengers. as in parts of the us, the problem injapan has been the weather. scenes like this have stopped many flights taking off. in china, the city of xian is still under lockdown as the authorities try to stop coronavirus spreading. its airport, along with those in beijing, shanghai and elsewhere, have seen some of the worst disruption. with the winter olympics just weeks away, travel restrictions are regarded as crucial to keeping case numbers down. in the wake of omicron, governments across europe are also imposing new restrictions, so airlines there are also reassessing their schedules for the coming weeks. airlines around the world have lost billions through the pandemic, so we'll hope the number of passengers starts to rise again soon. jonathan josephs, bbc news. that is the international picture _ that is the international picture. tighter- that is the international. picture. tighter restrictions are in— picture. tighter restrictions are in place _ picture. tighter restrictions are in place and _ picture. tighter restrictions are in place and that - picture. tighter restrictions are in place and that will. picture. tighter restrictions| are in place and that will be more — are in place and that will be more in _ are in place and that will be more in place _ are in place and that will be more in place on _ are in place and that will be more in place on monday. i are in place and that will be i more in place on monday. the ma'ors include social distancing rules. nothing for england so far. another set of restrictions. social life will be curtailed as majors are brought back in an attempt to slow omicron. almost two years into the pandemic, this latest set of rules has been met with a mixed response in cardio. —— cardiff. generally, we are ok. response in cardio. -- cardiff. generally, we are ok.- generally, we are ok. across hosuitality — generally, we are ok. across hospitality venues, _ generally, we are ok. across hospitality venues, social - distancing measures are back in place _ distancing measures are back in lace. ., , , , , place. one of the issues is staffing- — place. one of the issues is staffing- it _ place. one of the issues is staffing. it increases - place. one of the issues is i staffing. it increases because of the table service. spectators will be banned with limits on attendances in scotland. when it comes to household mixing, all three have guidance in place and not lords. restrictions in northern irish and scottish pubs and restaurants come into force tomorrow. executives have said they will keep the measures and a review and the first minister said this will be in place for at least three weeks. the welsh government's three weekly review into restrictions is due at the end of january. first minister mark drakeford has said they will look at these rules frequently, leaving the gates open for a potential easing of restrictions sooner rather than later if the spread of omicron is not as severe as originally thought. let's get some other news for you now. a fire has caused huge smoke at a shopping centre in nigeria. the firefighters arrived two hours after the blaze broke out. because of the fire is not known and there is no reports of any casualties. two dams have collapsed in brazil with residents evacuated. the swollen rivers. the structure to give away. on sunday, rising waters overwhelmed another damn further north. people in more than 100 cities in the philippines are without power following typhoon rai which tore through the country. disaster officials want it could take until february to restore electricity supplies. tens of thousands of homes were damaged and there is a lack of food and clean water. 378 people are now known to have been killed by the typhoon. the bbc radio presenter janice long, who was the first woman to have her own daily show on radio one, has died at the age of 66. in a broadcasting career that spanned five decades, she was also the first woman to present top of the pops. our entertainment correspondent, lizo mzimba, looks back at her life. it's with a band who have been together for a year. they come from leighton buzzard. it's their first appearance on top of the pops. it's kajagoogoo with too shy. janice long making history. the first regular female host on top of the pops. it's u2 in at number 23 and new year's day. she ended nearly 20 years of men dominating the presenting line—up. i was absolutely thrilled to bits with the fact that i was introducing u2. and that doesn't get, you know, your first top of the pops! # all is quiet... show business ran in the family. herfirst tv appearance was alongside her younger brother, keith chegwin, on the children's show multi—coloured swap shop. hello, and welcome to the show. a year later shejoined radio 1, the first woman to have a daily show on the pop music station. the stadium was filled with 72,000 people. as well as being a voice recognised by millions on the radio, she was one of the presenters at the live aid charity concert. of which state is edward kennedy a senator? and over the years appeared on a huge range of different tv shows. next week's hit parade with peterjames barnard powell and gary davies. she'll be remembered as a female trailblazer and as someone with an infectious passion for music. that is janice long who has died at the age of 66 after a short illness. unusually rough waves and high winds in the waters off southeastern australia have forced a quarter of the sailing boats competing in the annual sydney to hobart yacht race to withdraw. of the 88 vessels that set out on sunday morning, just 64 are left to battle out the final eight hundred or so kilometres to tasmania. the event was cancelled last year for the first time since it began in 1945 because of the pandemic. we will have more of that on the website, of course. you can reach me on twitter — i'm @bbcdavid eades. hello. a few of us got to see a white christmas, but for many more, it was too mild for snow. this stripe of cloud brought rain and some snow in the north during boxing day. there is more cloud waiting in the wings in the south—west. the big story will be the surge of a very mild air, wafting up from the south and affecting all parts of the uk as we move towards the end. it will be mild but with some wind and rain at times. we will start monday with cloud, mist and fog. rain into the south—west of england which will. northward. elsewhere, some of the mist and fog and cloud will tend to lift and break and we will see some spells of sunshine in the far north of england, northern ireland and scotland, albeit with some showers in the far north. temperatures ranging from 6 degrees in aberdeen to 12 in plymouth through the afternoon. and then through monday night, a bit more rain potentially down towards the south. another lump of wet weather starting to push into northern ireland, parts of northern england, southern scotland. the winds will start to pick up down towards the south and the west as well. very mild in the south. a little bit chilly up towards the north. and then, as we go through tuesday, this area of wet weather will spread out of northern ireland into southern scotland, northern england, parts we will see some sunny spells to the far north and to the far south but it will be really quite windy across parts of england and wales. some of these western coasts could see gusts of 40 to maybe 50 mph. quite mild in the south — 12 degrees. further north, a little bit cooler but those temperatures still quite respectable for the time of year. however, there is even milder weather on the way. as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, we see this next frontal system pushing in from the south—west, a band of rain that'll drive its way north—eastwards, some snow for a time over high ground in scotland, but this will mostly be rain because that mild air will be working its way in. temperatures down towards the south on wednesday afternoon up to 16, maybe 17 degrees. still a little bit chilly for some northern areas but as we move towards the end of the week and the end of the year, that mild weather spreads to all parts. there will still be some rain at times. this is bbc news, the headlines leaders from around the world have been paying tribute to desmond tutu — one of the heroes of the anti—apartheid movement — who's died at the age of 90. president biden praised his courage and the un secretary general, antonio guterres, called him an inspiration to generations. israel's government has approved a $300 million plan to consolidate its control of the golan heights. this area is regarded by most of the world as occupied territory. the israeli prime minister, naftali bennett, told a special cabinet meeting that the aim was to double thejewish population there within the next few years. omicron is causing chaos for travellers — with 7000 flights cancelled around the world over the christmas weekend. flight operators said many pilots and crew were testing positive for the virus. many cities are also under lockdown and travel restrictions are seen as crucial to keeping down infections. forsome, a dip in the sea is as much

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Bbc News , David Eades , Desmond Tutu , Age , Man , Tributes , Death , Stories , 90 , World , Life , Government , Plan , Courage , Number , Israeli , Much , Service , Others , Settlers , Golan Heights , Principled Conviction , Omicron , Territory , Pilots , Travellers , Crew , Chaos , Infections , Seven Thousand , Rain , Cloud , North , Snow , Few , Us , White Christmas , Health , South , Parts , Rain Waiting In The Wings , Story , Surge , Air Wafting , South West , Uk , Weather , Headlines , Hello , Interruption , One , Archbishop , Biden , Cape Town , Who , Tribute , Heroes , Leaders , Clarity , Anti Apartheid Movement , South Africa , Antonio Guterres , Generations , Inspiration , Andrew Harding , Hands , Un , Figure , Priest , Voices , Anglican , Country , Apartheid Government , Apartheid , System , Rule , Struggle , Minority , Prominence , Nazis , Nelson Mandela , Tutu Soon , South Africa S Struggle For Freedom And Forjustice , Face , Prison , People , Last , Legacy , Generation , Human Rights , Everywhere , 1994 , Tutu , Democracy , Platform , Advent , Nobel Peace Prize , Truth And Reconciliation Commission , Challenges , Rainbow Nation , Tears , Wounds , Corruption , Politicians , Forgiveness , Accountability , Pursuit Ofjustice , Downfall , Genius , Epitaph , Love , Enemies , Place , Thing , Joy , Desmond Tutu Stand Out , South African History , Wall , Way , Voice , Sense , Step , Tortuous Journey From Apartheid To Democracy And Beyond , Moral , Hope , Clear , Flags , Half Mast , Arch , Homes , Nomsa Maseko , Soweto , First , Funeral , Candles , Wreaths , Flowers , Respects , Walks , Soweto Home , Reconciliation , The Voice Of Reason , Moral Compass , Father , The Arch , Icon , Mother , Wife , Phrase , Problems , Other , Diversity , Chapel , Prayer , Role , Memorial Services , Honour , Family , State , Home , Friends , Mass , Lying , Anglican Church , Seven , Times , Journalist , Author , Shejoins , Charlayne Hunter Gault , Question , Fact , Person , Fix , Control , Organisation , Programme , Birthday , Point , Kind , Guy , Interest , Finances , Questions , Someone , Everybody , Positions , Somebody , Matter , Capacity , Truth , Bit , Compassion , Maple , Truth And Reconciliation Commission Injust A Moment , Eole , Own , View , Rendition , Birthday Greetings , Ust Play Thatfi View , Let S , Ust La That , Charlene , Things , Halves , Commission , Message , Terms , Aunt , Efforts , Work , Burden , Shoulders , No Doubt , It Shoulders , A Burden , Action , Change , Philosophy , Society , Idea , Proportion , I Don T Know , Many , Part , Need , Level , It , Shoulder , Fin , Line , Road , Iamsor , Views , Auntie , Battle , Campaign , Ability , Equality , Social Justice , Roriate , Everyone , Greats , Anybody , Position , Respect , Power , Speaking , Thought , Resect , Wasn T He , End , Passing , Figures , Journey , Mark , Foreboding , Ha , Words , Rights , Martin Luther King , Oining , Aspects , Humanity , Keep On Keeping , Propitious Moment , I , Area , Most , Six Day War , Syria , Six , 00 Million , 300 Million , Aim , Naftali Bennett , Meeting , Cabinet , Translation , Thejewish Population , 50000 , Administration , Doubt , Law , Debate , 1981 , Trailblazer , Bbc Radio , Policy , Stay , Presenterjanice , Money , France , Belgium , 66 , Mone , George Harrison , Beetle , Attempted Murder , Suspicion , Police , Murder , Fantastic , I Hello , Airlines , Pandemic , Flights , Passengers , Air Travel Around The World , Hong Kong Government , Latest , Korean Air Lines , Hong Kong , South Korea , Coronavirus On Arrival , Two , Positive , Testing , Members , Departure Boards , Business Reporterjonathanjosephs , Holiday Disappointment , Cornavirus , Services , Planned , Season , Frustration , Loved Ones , Covid , Airline Staff , Cases , Travel At Christmas , Cabin Crew , Boss , Centres For Disease Control , Staff , Coming , The World S Second Biggest Airline , Delta , Ten , Five , Disruption , Total , Percentage , Problem Injapan , Lockdown , Airport , City , Authorities , Xian , Scenes , Coronavirus Spreading , China , Restrictions , Elsewhere , Some , Governments , Case Numbers , Wake , Shanghai , In Beijing , Winter Olympics , Schedules , Billions , Europe , Jonathan Josephs , Picture , Ma Ors , Will , Nothing , Distancing Rules , South West Of England , Set , Majors , Attempt , Response , Cardio , Rules , Cardiff , Measures , Issues , Hospitality Venues , Distancing Measures , Lace , Hosuitality , Southern Scotland , Staffing , Table Service , Spectators , Three , Attendances , Limits , Household Mixing , Guidance , First Minister , Review , Executives , Restaurants , Pubs , Force , Lords , Northern Irish , Gates , Weekly Review , Easing , Has , The End , Welsh , Mark Drakeford , News , Spread , Fire , Reports , Firefighters , Smoke , Blaze , Casualties , Shopping Centre , Nigeria , Dams , Residents , Brazil , Cities , Rai , Structure , Waters , Rivers , Philippines , On Sunday , 100 , Lack , Disaster Officials , Food , Electricity Supplies , Tens Of Thousands , 378 , Janice Long , Top Of The Pops , Woman , Show , Broadcasting Career , Typhoon , Radio One , Band , Lizo Mzimba , Appearance , Leighton Buzzard , Kajagoogoo , Janice Long Making History , Line Up , U2 , Host , Men , 23 , 20 , Bits , Show Business Ran , Doesn T Get , Keith Chegwin , Tv Appearance , Children S Show Multi Coloured Swap Shop , Herfirst , Welcome To The Show , 1 , Radio , Presenters , Pop Music Station , Stadium , Millions , 72000 , Peterjames Barnard Powell , Edward Kennedy , Tv Shows , Charity Concert , Range , Hit Parade , Gary Davies , Live Aid , Passion , Music , Winds , Waves , Illness , Sailing Boats , Vessels , Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race , Southeastern Australia , Sunday Morning , 88 , 64 , Event , Time , Tasmania , Eight Hundred , 1945 , Course , Website , Twitter , Bcdavid Eades , More , Stripe , The Big Story , Air , Waiting In The Wings , Wind , Fog , Temperatures , Spells , Showers , Sunshine , Break , Afternoon , Lump , West , Northern England , Plymouth , Monday Night , 12 , 6 , Gusts , Coasts , 50 , 40 , Areas , Ground , 17 , 16 , Cabinet Meeting , 7000 , Travel , Virus , Flight Operators , Forsome , Sea ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

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a few of us got to see a white christmas. this cloud brought rain and health snow in the north during boxing day with more cloud and rain waiting in the wings down to the south—west. the big story for this week will be this surge of very, very mild air wafting up from the south and affecting all parts of the uk as we move towards the end. hello and thank you forjoining us. sorry for the interruption there from the weather in our headlines but let's get straight on to our top story. and that is leaders from around the world have been paying tribute to desmond tutu — one of the heroes of the anti—apartheid movement — who's died at the age of 90. president biden praised the courage and moral clarity of the former archbishop of cape town. the un secretary general, antonio guterres, called him an inspiration to generations. our africa correspondent andrew harding looks back at his life. raise our hands and we say we will be free! desmond tutu was an exuberant figure, an outspoken anglican priest who became one of the world's great moral voices. it was during south africa's long and violent struggle against white minority rule that he rose to prominence, condemning the apartheid government, comparing them to the nazis. the system of this country, apartheid, is immoral. the system of this country is evil. with nelson mandela hidden away in prison, tutu soon became the face of south africa's struggle for freedom and forjustice. he leaves behind a legacy, one of the last of the generation of people who told us that apartheid was wrong and stood up for human rights everywhere. and he never stopped doing that. in 1994, tutu was awarded the nobel peace prize and he used his global platform to criticise britain and america for being too soft on the apartheid government. eventually mandela was released, but the advent of democracy presented tutu with new challenges in a country that he now dubbed "the rainbow nation". often in tears, tutu presided over south africa's truth and reconciliation commission, seeking to expose and to heal the wounds of apartheid. he specialised in forgiveness, but with accountability. and that pursuit ofjustice continued, especially when south africa's democratic politicians plunged into corruption. i am warning you that we will pray as we prayed for the downfall of the apartheid government, we will pray for the downfall of a government that misrepresents us. inevitably, desmond tutu made enemies, but his genius was for winning people over, one could say for provoking love. he certainly wants that when he dies the epitaph will be very clear — that desmond tutu loved, he laughed, he cried, and that is what he was, he was always a man of tremendous joy. the one thing that helps desmond tutu stand out and occupy this unique place in south african history is that he was there at every step of the way through this country's tortuous journey from apartheid to democracy and beyond, with that clear, moral, often angry, sometimes laughing voice, a man defined above all by his sense of hope. flags will fly at half—mast across south africa with a week of tributes being organised to remember archbishop tutu — or arch as he liked to be known. his funeral will take place on the first of january. many south africans have been gathering outside his homes in cape town and soweto to lay wreaths and light candles. our correspondent nomsa maseko reports from soweto. paying their last respects, people from all walks of life dropped off flowers here at desmond tutu's soweto home, demonstrating what the 90—year—old stood for. he was the voice of reason, the face of reconciliation and south africa's moral compass. this is a dark day to us south africans because he is the light and the icon of this country. he used to be a father to us, his wife used to be a mother to us. it was desmond tutu, known affectionately as "the arch", who coined the phrase "rainbow nation" to describe south africa's ethnic diversity. more than any other, you know sometimes when you have some problems, you just go to him and he willjust give you a prayer and you go to the chapel and hear him pray for us every day when we have problems. several memorial services are expected to be held in honour of desmond tutu over the next few days. for people here in soweto, they remember the arch as a unifying figure who played a prominent role in south africa becoming a democracy. flowers were laid in cape town too where he died at his home surrounded by family and friends. a seven—day send—off is being planned, including a lying in state and a mass to be held by the anglican church. nomsa maseko, bbc news, soweto. charlayne hunter—gault is an american journalist and author, who got to know archbishop tutu and interviewed him many times. shejoins me now. thank you for your time. time and again we have heard that he had a genius for winning people over. how did he win you over? fix, for winning people over. how did he win you over?- did he win you over? a good question- — did he win you over? a good question. he _ did he win you over? a good question. he was _ did he win you over? a good question. he was such - did he win you over? a good question. he was such a - did he win you over? a good l question. he was such a warm person. in fact there was even a time when i was moderating a programme by an organisation that worked to help south africans get in control of their finances and so forth, shared interest it was called. he was being honoured and i was moderating and at some point he justjumped up and walked onstage and started singing happy birthday to me. that is the kind of guy he was. even though there had been times when i interviewed him and i asked him tough questions. some younger people do not appreciate the way that the truth and reconciliation commission is working or honouring them. but he was just someone who could relate to everybody, no matter what their political positions were all their professional positions were. he wasjust their professional positions were. he was just somebody who had a capacity to feel compassion for everybody and people who had mistreated his own people. i people who had mistreated his own maple-— people who had mistreated his own --eole. ., ., own people. i want to come back to the truth _ own people. i want to come back to the truth and _ own people. i want to come back to the truth and reconciliation . to the truth and reconciliation commission injust to the truth and reconciliation commission in just a to the truth and reconciliation commission injust a moment but you pre—empted me because i think we have a bit of his rendition for your birthday greetings. i want to show the view was that first. let's just play that. i? view was that first. let's 'ust play thatfi view was that first. let's 'ust -la that. , ., play that. # happy birthday to ou. # play that. # happy birthday to vow # happy _ play that. # happy birthday to you. # happy birthday - play that. # happy birthday to you. # happy birthday to - play that. # happy birthday to you. # happy birthday to you | play that. # happy birthday to i you. # happy birthday to you # happy— you. # happy birthday to you # happy birthday dear charlene # happy— happy birthday dear charlene # happy birthday dear charlene # happy birthday to you! he did _ happy birthday to you! he did not do things by halves, did he? he enjoyed it as much as you still enjoy it now. let me bring you onto that, to the point that interests me about the truth and reconciliation commission. because forall the truth and reconciliation commission. because for all of the things in the extraordinary work he did in terms of aunt —— anti—apartheid efforts, that commission seem to be a message to a world who were wondering if this could possibly work and he had to hold that on his shoulders. that been quite a burden. it shoulders. that been quite a burden. . , shoulders. that been quite a burden. ., , ., shoulders. that been quite a burden. ., ., , ., burden. it was, no doubt a burden. it was, no doubt a burden but _ burden. it was, no doubt a burden but you _ burden. it was, no doubt a burden but you never - burden. it was, no doubt a | burden but you never knew burden. it was, no doubt a - burden but you never knew that when you watched him in action. because his philosophy while he was very antagonistic... i wouldn't say antagonistic but he wanted the change in the society to reflect all of its people in equal proportion. he nevertheless wanted to bring those who had opposed that idea into, into the country and into his idea of how south africa should be. and so even though he had to deal with people who had been extremely difficult and horrible, actually, to so many of his own people, that was a part of his, i don't know, a part of his philosophy that you can forgive people if they show a need to be forgiven and that was what the point of the truth and reconciliation commission was about. fin the truth and reconciliation commission was about. on that level it would _ commission was about. on that level it would be _ commission was about. on that level it would be fair _ commission was about. on that level it would be fair to - commission was about. on that level it would be fair to say - level it would be fair to say that the man over your shoulder they are, nelson mandela, and desmond tutu very much fell in line on that message. but they had to accommodate each other as well as a bit, didn't they? i am sorry?— as well as a bit, didn't they? iamsor ? ., ., i am sorry? nelson mandela and the archbishop _ i am sorry? nelson mandela and the archbishop did _ i am sorry? nelson mandela and the archbishop did have - i am sorry? nelson mandela and the archbishop did have to - the archbishop did have to accommodate each other a little bit on their long road. they shared an auntie —— anti—apartheid campaign and battle and many views but i understand the arch was ready to remonstrate with mandela when he thought it was appropriate. when he thought it was appmpriate-_ when he thought it was appropriate. when he thought it was a- --roriate. . ., appropriate. that was the thing about his ability _ appropriate. that was the thing about his ability to _ about his ability to communicate with all people including those who believed in what he believed in, social justice and equality for everyone. but he never hesitated to tell anybody, including nelson mandela if he did not think that the positions they were taking were right and i think that what cause people like nelson mandela, one of the greats of our time, to listen to him was that they appreciated that he, that they appreciated that he, that he understood people, our people, and that it was important to bring in even people who had been, who had opposed equality for all. and so even when he had to speak to nelson mandela in an honest way to say, well, i do not quite agree with you, the position that he had taken over the years had enabled him to take that kind of role and be respect for it. he that kind of role and be respect for it.— that kind of role and be resect for it. ., , ~ ., respect for it. he was known for speaking _ respect for it. he was known for speaking truth _ respect for it. he was known for speaking truth to - respect for it. he was known for speaking truth to power, | for speaking truth to power, wasn't he. let me just ask you as a last thought, he is one of the great iconic figures of the time. his passing does mark the end of an era, i think, for many people in terms of south africa and the extraordinary journey that the country has been on. do you look to the future with a sense of foreboding, perhaps, that people like archbishop tutu are no longer here? ha. people like archbishop tutu are no longer here?— no longer here? no. because i have been _ no longer here? no. because i have been through _ no longer here? no. because i have been through periods - no longer here? no. because i have been through periods in i no longer here? no. because i. have been through periods in my own life when we have had to challenge things that were not appropriate to equality for all people and yet we overcame and so i think that the message that we should take away from archbishop tutu's life is that you have to do, in the words of nelson mandela and also in the words of various civil rights leaders like martin luther king, you have to keep on keeping on and i think that is the legacy of someone like archbishop tutu who has confronted the worst things in his life and in the life of his people and people all over the world. you have to keep on keeping on and believing in humanity in all of its aspects. that is a very good message on a propitious moment for south africa. keep on keeping on. thank you so much forjoining us. thank you so much for “oining us. . ~' thank you so much for “oining us. . ~ , ., thank you so much for “oining us. . ~' i., ., thank you so much for “oining us. . ~ ., ., israel's government has approved a $300 million plan to consolidate its control of the golan heights. this area is regarded by most of the world as occupied territory. it was captured from syria during the six—day war more than half a century ago and later annexed. the israeli prime minister, naftali bennett, told a special cabinet meeting held in the golan that the aim was to double thejewish population there to nearly 50,000 within the next few years. translation: first, it must be said, the golan heights are israel's. there is no doubt about it. israeli law has been applied here since 1981. it's beyond all debate. trump administration first recognised this, and now, biden administration has made it clear that there is no change in this policy. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: we look at the life of the trailblazer bbc radio presenterjanice long after her death at the age of 66. tomorrow we will use money we picked up in belgium and then in france and it will be the same money.— in france and it will be the same mone . , ., ., same money. george harrison, the former— same money. george harrison, the former beetle, _ same money. george harrison, the former beetle, is _ the former beetle, is recovering after being stabbed. a man is being held by police on suspicion of attempted murder. i on suspicion of attempted murder. ~ ., , ., ., murder. i think it was good. just murder. i think it was good. just good? _ murder. i think it was good. just good? no, _ murder. i think it was good. just good? no, fantastic. i hello. you are watching bbc news. tributes flow for desmond tutu. flights between hong kong and south korea are the latest to be cancelled as air travel around the world continues to be disrupted by the pandemic. the hong kong government has suspended korean air lines flights for two weeks after some passengers tested positive for coronavirus on arrival. in the us, airlines said many pilots and other crew members had been forced to isolate after testing positive. here's our business reporterjonathanjosephs. departure boards full of holiday disappointment. cornavirus means a growing number of flights are not taking off as planned. in the us, many airlines are struggling to find enough crew to staff all the services, leading to frustration among those who want to spend the holiday season with loved ones. i'm only travelling because my father is sick and i don't know how much longer he has left, so i wanted to see him for christmas, but other than that, i would stay home. i booked this in february and we had no idea we would still be dealing with covid. we don't normally. travel at christmas. it's our first time - and may be the last. as cases of omicron have surged in the us, so too have the number of pilots, cabin crew and other airline staff forced to isolate. the boss of the world's second—biggest airline, delta, saw this coming, and last week, wrote to the us centres for disease control, urging them to cut the isolation period from ten days to five for some staff, as he warned of significant disruption. while the number of flights that have been grounded are a small percentage of the total, it's more than normal, and no less frustrating for passengers. as in parts of the us, the problem injapan has been the weather. scenes like this have stopped many flights taking off. in china, the city of xian is still under lockdown as the authorities try to stop coronavirus spreading. its airport, along with those in beijing, shanghai and elsewhere, have seen some of the worst disruption. with the winter olympics just weeks away, travel restrictions are regarded as crucial to keeping case numbers down. in the wake of omicron, governments across europe are also imposing new restrictions, so airlines there are also reassessing their schedules for the coming weeks. airlines around the world have lost billions through the pandemic, so we'll hope the number of passengers starts to rise again soon. jonathan josephs, bbc news. that is the international picture _ that is the international picture. tighter- that is the international. picture. tighter restrictions are in— picture. tighter restrictions are in place _ picture. tighter restrictions are in place and _ picture. tighter restrictions are in place and that - picture. tighter restrictions are in place and that will. picture. tighter restrictions| are in place and that will be more — are in place and that will be more in _ are in place and that will be more in place _ are in place and that will be more in place on _ are in place and that will be more in place on monday. i are in place and that will be i more in place on monday. the ma'ors include social distancing rules. nothing for england so far. another set of restrictions. social life will be curtailed as majors are brought back in an attempt to slow omicron. almost two years into the pandemic, this latest set of rules has been met with a mixed response in cardio. —— cardiff. generally, we are ok. response in cardio. -- cardiff. generally, we are ok.- generally, we are ok. across hosuitality — generally, we are ok. across hospitality venues, _ generally, we are ok. across hospitality venues, social - distancing measures are back in place _ distancing measures are back in lace. ., , , , , place. one of the issues is staffing- — place. one of the issues is staffing- it _ place. one of the issues is staffing. it increases - place. one of the issues is i staffing. it increases because of the table service. spectators will be banned with limits on attendances in scotland. when it comes to household mixing, all three have guidance in place and not lords. restrictions in northern irish and scottish pubs and restaurants come into force tomorrow. executives have said they will keep the measures and a review and the first minister said this will be in place for at least three weeks. the welsh government's three weekly review into restrictions is due at the end of january. first minister mark drakeford has said they will look at these rules frequently, leaving the gates open for a potential easing of restrictions sooner rather than later if the spread of omicron is not as severe as originally thought. let's get some other news for you now. a fire has caused huge smoke at a shopping centre in nigeria. the firefighters arrived two hours after the blaze broke out. because of the fire is not known and there is no reports of any casualties. two dams have collapsed in brazil with residents evacuated. the swollen rivers. the structure to give away. on sunday, rising waters overwhelmed another damn further north. people in more than 100 cities in the philippines are without power following typhoon rai which tore through the country. disaster officials want it could take until february to restore electricity supplies. tens of thousands of homes were damaged and there is a lack of food and clean water. 378 people are now known to have been killed by the typhoon. the bbc radio presenter janice long, who was the first woman to have her own daily show on radio one, has died at the age of 66. in a broadcasting career that spanned five decades, she was also the first woman to present top of the pops. our entertainment correspondent, lizo mzimba, looks back at her life. it's with a band who have been together for a year. they come from leighton buzzard. it's their first appearance on top of the pops. it's kajagoogoo with too shy. janice long making history. the first regular female host on top of the pops. it's u2 in at number 23 and new year's day. she ended nearly 20 years of men dominating the presenting line—up. i was absolutely thrilled to bits with the fact that i was introducing u2. and that doesn't get, you know, your first top of the pops! # all is quiet... show business ran in the family. herfirst tv appearance was alongside her younger brother, keith chegwin, on the children's show multi—coloured swap shop. hello, and welcome to the show. a year later shejoined radio 1, the first woman to have a daily show on the pop music station. the stadium was filled with 72,000 people. as well as being a voice recognised by millions on the radio, she was one of the presenters at the live aid charity concert. of which state is edward kennedy a senator? and over the years appeared on a huge range of different tv shows. next week's hit parade with peterjames barnard powell and gary davies. she'll be remembered as a female trailblazer and as someone with an infectious passion for music. that is janice long who has died at the age of 66 after a short illness. unusually rough waves and high winds in the waters off southeastern australia have forced a quarter of the sailing boats competing in the annual sydney to hobart yacht race to withdraw. of the 88 vessels that set out on sunday morning, just 64 are left to battle out the final eight hundred or so kilometres to tasmania. the event was cancelled last year for the first time since it began in 1945 because of the pandemic. we will have more of that on the website, of course. you can reach me on twitter — i'm @bbcdavid eades. hello. a few of us got to see a white christmas, but for many more, it was too mild for snow. this stripe of cloud brought rain and some snow in the north during boxing day. there is more cloud waiting in the wings in the south—west. the big story will be the surge of a very mild air, wafting up from the south and affecting all parts of the uk as we move towards the end. it will be mild but with some wind and rain at times. we will start monday with cloud, mist and fog. rain into the south—west of england which will. northward. elsewhere, some of the mist and fog and cloud will tend to lift and break and we will see some spells of sunshine in the far north of england, northern ireland and scotland, albeit with some showers in the far north. temperatures ranging from 6 degrees in aberdeen to 12 in plymouth through the afternoon. and then through monday night, a bit more rain potentially down towards the south. another lump of wet weather starting to push into northern ireland, parts of northern england, southern scotland. the winds will start to pick up down towards the south and the west as well. very mild in the south. a little bit chilly up towards the north. and then, as we go through tuesday, this area of wet weather will spread out of northern ireland into southern scotland, northern england, parts we will see some sunny spells to the far north and to the far south but it will be really quite windy across parts of england and wales. some of these western coasts could see gusts of 40 to maybe 50 mph. quite mild in the south — 12 degrees. further north, a little bit cooler but those temperatures still quite respectable for the time of year. however, there is even milder weather on the way. as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, we see this next frontal system pushing in from the south—west, a band of rain that'll drive its way north—eastwards, some snow for a time over high ground in scotland, but this will mostly be rain because that mild air will be working its way in. temperatures down towards the south on wednesday afternoon up to 16, maybe 17 degrees. still a little bit chilly for some northern areas but as we move towards the end of the week and the end of the year, that mild weather spreads to all parts. there will still be some rain at times. this is bbc news, the headlines leaders from around the world have been paying tribute to desmond tutu — one of the heroes of the anti—apartheid movement — who's died at the age of 90. president biden praised his courage and the un secretary general, antonio guterres, called him an inspiration to generations. israel's government has approved a $300 million plan to consolidate its control of the golan heights. this area is regarded by most of the world as occupied territory. the israeli prime minister, naftali bennett, told a special cabinet meeting that the aim was to double thejewish population there within the next few years. omicron is causing chaos for travellers — with 7000 flights cancelled around the world over the christmas weekend. flight operators said many pilots and crew were testing positive for the virus. many cities are also under lockdown and travel restrictions are seen as crucial to keeping down infections. forsome, a dip in the sea is as much

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Bbc News , David Eades , Desmond Tutu , Age , Man , Tributes , Death , Stories , 90 , World , Life , Government , Plan , Courage , Number , Israeli , Much , Service , Others , Settlers , Golan Heights , Principled Conviction , Omicron , Territory , Pilots , Travellers , Crew , Chaos , Infections , Seven Thousand , Rain , Cloud , North , Snow , Few , Us , White Christmas , Health , South , Parts , Rain Waiting In The Wings , Story , Surge , Air Wafting , South West , Uk , Weather , Headlines , Hello , Interruption , One , Archbishop , Biden , Cape Town , Who , Tribute , Heroes , Leaders , Clarity , Anti Apartheid Movement , South Africa , Antonio Guterres , Generations , Inspiration , Andrew Harding , Hands , Un , Figure , Priest , Voices , Anglican , Country , Apartheid Government , Apartheid , System , Rule , Struggle , Minority , Prominence , Nazis , Nelson Mandela , Tutu Soon , South Africa S Struggle For Freedom And Forjustice , Face , Prison , People , Last , Legacy , Generation , Human Rights , Everywhere , 1994 , Tutu , Democracy , Platform , Advent , Nobel Peace Prize , Truth And Reconciliation Commission , Challenges , Rainbow Nation , Tears , Wounds , Corruption , Politicians , Forgiveness , Accountability , Pursuit Ofjustice , Downfall , Genius , Epitaph , Love , Enemies , Place , Thing , Joy , Desmond Tutu Stand Out , South African History , Wall , Way , Voice , Sense , Step , Tortuous Journey From Apartheid To Democracy And Beyond , Moral , Hope , Clear , Flags , Half Mast , Arch , Homes , Nomsa Maseko , Soweto , First , Funeral , Candles , Wreaths , Flowers , Respects , Walks , Soweto Home , Reconciliation , The Voice Of Reason , Moral Compass , Father , The Arch , Icon , Mother , Wife , Phrase , Problems , Other , Diversity , Chapel , Prayer , Role , Memorial Services , Honour , Family , State , Home , Friends , Mass , Lying , Anglican Church , Seven , Times , Journalist , Author , Shejoins , Charlayne Hunter Gault , Question , Fact , Person , Fix , Control , Organisation , Programme , Birthday , Point , Kind , Guy , Interest , Finances , Questions , Someone , Everybody , Positions , Somebody , Matter , Capacity , Truth , Bit , Compassion , Maple , Truth And Reconciliation Commission Injust A Moment , Eole , Own , View , Rendition , Birthday Greetings , Ust Play Thatfi View , Let S , Ust La That , Charlene , Things , Halves , Commission , Message , Terms , Aunt , Efforts , Work , Burden , Shoulders , No Doubt , It Shoulders , A Burden , Action , Change , Philosophy , Society , Idea , Proportion , I Don T Know , Many , Part , Need , Level , It , Shoulder , Fin , Line , Road , Iamsor , Views , Auntie , Battle , Campaign , Ability , Equality , Social Justice , Roriate , Everyone , Greats , Anybody , Position , Respect , Power , Speaking , Thought , Resect , Wasn T He , End , Passing , Figures , Journey , Mark , Foreboding , Ha , Words , Rights , Martin Luther King , Oining , Aspects , Humanity , Keep On Keeping , Propitious Moment , I , Area , Most , Six Day War , Syria , Six , 00 Million , 300 Million , Aim , Naftali Bennett , Meeting , Cabinet , Translation , Thejewish Population , 50000 , Administration , Doubt , Law , Debate , 1981 , Trailblazer , Bbc Radio , Policy , Stay , Presenterjanice , Money , France , Belgium , 66 , Mone , George Harrison , Beetle , Attempted Murder , Suspicion , Police , Murder , Fantastic , I Hello , Airlines , Pandemic , Flights , Passengers , Air Travel Around The World , Hong Kong Government , Latest , Korean Air Lines , Hong Kong , South Korea , Coronavirus On Arrival , Two , Positive , Testing , Members , Departure Boards , Business Reporterjonathanjosephs , Holiday Disappointment , Cornavirus , Services , Planned , Season , Frustration , Loved Ones , Covid , Airline Staff , Cases , Travel At Christmas , Cabin Crew , Boss , Centres For Disease Control , Staff , Coming , The World S Second Biggest Airline , Delta , Ten , Five , Disruption , Total , Percentage , Problem Injapan , Lockdown , Airport , City , Authorities , Xian , Scenes , Coronavirus Spreading , China , Restrictions , Elsewhere , Some , Governments , Case Numbers , Wake , Shanghai , In Beijing , Winter Olympics , Schedules , Billions , Europe , Jonathan Josephs , Picture , Ma Ors , Will , Nothing , Distancing Rules , South West Of England , Set , Majors , Attempt , Response , Cardio , Rules , Cardiff , Measures , Issues , Hospitality Venues , Distancing Measures , Lace , Hosuitality , Southern Scotland , Staffing , Table Service , Spectators , Three , Attendances , Limits , Household Mixing , Guidance , First Minister , Review , Executives , Restaurants , Pubs , Force , Lords , Northern Irish , Gates , Weekly Review , Easing , Has , The End , Welsh , Mark Drakeford , News , Spread , Fire , Reports , Firefighters , Smoke , Blaze , Casualties , Shopping Centre , Nigeria , Dams , Residents , Brazil , Cities , Rai , Structure , Waters , Rivers , Philippines , On Sunday , 100 , Lack , Disaster Officials , Food , Electricity Supplies , Tens Of Thousands , 378 , Janice Long , Top Of The Pops , Woman , Show , Broadcasting Career , Typhoon , Radio One , Band , Lizo Mzimba , Appearance , Leighton Buzzard , Kajagoogoo , Janice Long Making History , Line Up , U2 , Host , Men , 23 , 20 , Bits , Show Business Ran , Doesn T Get , Keith Chegwin , Tv Appearance , Children S Show Multi Coloured Swap Shop , Herfirst , Welcome To The Show , 1 , Radio , Presenters , Pop Music Station , Stadium , Millions , 72000 , Peterjames Barnard Powell , Edward Kennedy , Tv Shows , Charity Concert , Range , Hit Parade , Gary Davies , Live Aid , Passion , Music , Winds , Waves , Illness , Sailing Boats , Vessels , Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race , Southeastern Australia , Sunday Morning , 88 , 64 , Event , Time , Tasmania , Eight Hundred , 1945 , Course , Website , Twitter , Bcdavid Eades , More , Stripe , The Big Story , Air , Waiting In The Wings , Wind , Fog , Temperatures , Spells , Showers , Sunshine , Break , Afternoon , Lump , West , Northern England , Plymouth , Monday Night , 12 , 6 , Gusts , Coasts , 50 , 40 , Areas , Ground , 17 , 16 , Cabinet Meeting , 7000 , Travel , Virus , Flight Operators , Forsome , Sea ,

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