Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

in venezuela, where there's extreme poverty despite rich oil reserves, scepticism that regional elections will change anything at all. and we look at the recent successes of asian films and content as global streaming services go all out to invest in the region. a number of people have been killed after a vehicle was driven through barricades into crowds taking part in a holiday parade in the us state of wisconsin. the incident occurred in the city of waukesha, around 30 kilometres west of milwaukee, around liz30pm local time. the parade had just got underway in the city centre. videos started emerging on social media of the incident shortly after it happened. in this one from the city's facebook page, you can see the red suv speed past the camera, followed shortly after by a policeman running after it. and in this video posted by a member of the public, you can see a child dancing in the street, before the car speeds past, narrowly missing her. the waukesha chief of police gave an update. the vehicle struck more than 20 individuals, some of those individuals, some of those individuals were children and there were some fatalities as a result of this incident. we will not be releasing information on the fidelity is at this time, while we are working to identify the family members the deceased. and 0fficer did discharge his weapon at the suspect�*s vehicle to try to stop the vehicle. no bystanders were injured as a result of the weapon discharge. the officer involved has had the permit for six and a half years. the victims were transferred by the fire department to the hospital, a police officer was also transferred, and ambulances also transferred victims from the scene to the hospital. we are not looking for that we are no longer looking for a suspect vehicle, we do have a positive interest in custody at the moment but this is still a very fluid investigation. and this is the mayor of waukesha, shawn reilly, at that same press conference. today our community faced a horrible tragedy in what should have been a community of celebration. i am deeply saddened to know that so many in our community went to a parade that ended up dealing with injury and heartache. the police chief also said that schools would be closed on monday, perhaps no surprise. 0ur north america correspondent peter bowes gave me more details. really the new information that we are getting is the information that people have been dreading, confirmation that some people have lost their lives, that there were children involved, including children involved, including children amongst the casualties. more than ten children taken to hospital. we don't know the condition of those people that have been treated for their injuries, and so many questions still swirling around this. we just don't know, or clearly we don't know the motive, we know that there was someone in custody, we don't know whether the authorities are still looking for other people involved in this, the police a little while ago issued a shelter in place orderfor anyone within ago issued a shelter in place order for anyone within half a mile of the downtown area where this happened, so they would stay shelter in place until the all clear is given. we don't exactly know the reason for that, it could well be that they don't want people going to that area and making a chaotic situation even more difficult to investigate, that could well be the reason, but clearly, people have been told that the all clear had been given in terms of safety, that the danger to local people was over, but clearly still a lot of tension in that area, and as i said, lots of questions remaining unanswered. given that there _ remaining unanswered. given that there is _ remaining unanswered. given that there is so _ remaining unanswered. given that there is so much - remaining unanswered. given that there is so much we - remaining unanswered. given| that there is so much we don't know as you pointed out there, one has to be very careful with the facts and with speculation, but i do appreciate that the city is barely an hour from kenosha, and kyle rittenhouse has onlyjust been cleared over the fatal killings of two men and one other being injured. there are people making connections, which is perhaps a slightly loose but it's difficult to avoid the. it’s difficult to avoid the. it's very difficult _ difficult to avoid the. it's very difficult to - difficult to avoid the. it�*s very difficult to avoid because you hear wisconsin, which is not a state that is talked about every day but clearly has been very high profile in the news for the last week or so for the very reasons you have just explained, so people i think understandably might wonder whether there is any connection. we have to say quite plainly that we have absolutely no suggestion at this stage that there is any connection between the events of the last few days, and what has happened over the last few hours. clearly there was a very strong security presence in kenosha last night, the authorities being prepared in case there was any trouble following that decision of the jury, which there was not, they have been protests around the united states, people protesting and objecting to the decision that the jury came to, but by and large, those protests and demonstrations have been peaceful, so it may welljust be an unusual coincidence that these two events are unfolding about an hour apart. let's get some of the day's other news two of the 17 north americans who were abducted by a haitian gang in mid—october have been freed. the church they're affiliated with says the pair is "safe, in good spirits, and being cared for" — but hasn't given any further details. haiti has one of the highest rates of kidnapping in the world, and that's only worsened in the wake of presidentjovenel moise's assassination in july. record rainfall in the canadian province of british columbia has led to a state of emergency being declared after a phenomenon known as an "atmospheric river" brought a month's worth of rain in two days. the rainfall washed away roads and some rail lines, cutting off vancouver and the lower mainland region from the rest of the country. more bad weather is on the way. israeli prime minister naftali bennett has ordered security to be boosted after a member of the palestinian group hamas opened fire in jerusalem's old city. one person was killed and three others were wounded, before the attacker was shot dead by police. the missing chinese tennis star peng shuai has told the international olympic committee she is "safe and well" during a video call with its president, thomas bach. the athlete hasn't been seen in public since she made accusations of sexual assault against a senior chinese politician several weeks ago. 0ur china correspondent jon sudworth reports. this appears to be the first solid evidence of peng shuai's whereabouts since she made her allegation. released by chinese state media operatives, you can hear her name being announced. and then a smile and a wave, seemingly sent to send a message, "all is well." but there are few allegations more sensitive in china than the one of sexual assault levelled against a man as senior as former vice premier zhang gaoli. and previous material released by state media meant to show that peng shuai is not being held under duress has only fuelled further speculation. peng shuai is also reported to have held the video confidence, conference with the head of the international olympic committee in which sue says she is safe and well but once her privacy respected but clearly she is operating with what the chinese state media wants her to say, so the question is from now on, to what extent can outsiders really know about her safety? just a few weeks before china is hosted you the olympics, that question is still in the air. ~ . ., that question is still in the air. ~ , . air. we can see that the situation _ air. we can see that the situation inside - air. we can see that the situation inside the - air. we can see that the i situation inside the country has deteriorated significantly. 0ne really wonders if players even feel safe to go and compete there.- even feel safe to go and compete there. even feel safe to go and com ete there. ., , ., compete there. the trouble for china is that _ compete there. the trouble for china is that these _ compete there. the trouble for china is that these allegations | china is that these allegations are of such a sensitive nature that it finds itself in a bit of a binder. the more it tries to prove that all is normal, the more questions there are. and the greater the gap is exposed between the propaganda value of an 0lympics that is meant to be all about openness, and a political system that is all about control. 0lympics officials insist politics should be kept out of sport. this player has put the front and centre of court. the belgian capital brussels has become the latest european city to see unrest over tightened coronavirus restrictions. tens of thousands of people marched in protest, and there were a0 arrests. these disturbances follow protests in a number of european countries, and there was a third night of unrest in some dutch cities, as anna holligan reports. another day of unrest unsettling another european capital. this is brussels tonight. what began as an organised peaceful march quickly turned nasty, some protesters threw fireworks at police, others targeted their vehicles. 0fficers intervened with tear gas and water cannon. belgium brought in new rules in response to a sharp rise in infections. demonstrators are mainly angry about the use of covid—i9 passes, which stops the unvaccinated from entering venues such as restaurants or bars. some object to plans to make vaccinations mandatory for health workers. translation: we know that the virus is there. but we leave it to people to decide whether or not to be vaccinated. translation: i came to give my opinion about freedom of expression and individual choice and really, to be able to respect everyone's choices. the netherlands witnessed the most extreme violence this weekend. rotterdam was rocked by rioters. police opened fire, shooting at the crowd with live rounds in response to what they described as a life—threatening situation. vandals torched bicycles in the hague, thejustice minister believes organised criminals may be behind this. translation: these are not demonstrations. these are attacks on police and firefighters. more than 50 arrests have been made and many more will follow. these startling demos happening too in austria, croatia and denmark, reflecting the frustrations around covid—i9 restrictions to things considered necessary to bring down record high infection rates. and there's more trouble here in the netherlands. small groups of people destroying things in the northern city and reports of unrest elsewhere too. it is mostly peaceful now, but the catalyst for the still exists in many countries are watching and wondering whether this latest disturbing symptom may be coming their way. the world health organization has urged governments to redouble their efforts and reinforce the basics. average 48% of the european population is wearing a mask indoors. any percentage above that will have an immediate effect. with varying vaccine rates, getting the shots and is seen as critical. but they will not cure the distrust or divisions seeping through some european societies. anna holligan reporting there. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: breaking the stereotypes in asian films, as money streams into asian content and movies. president kennedy was shot down and died almost immediately. the murder ofjohn kennedy is a disaster of the whole free world. he caught the imagination of the world. the first of a new generation of leaders. margaret thatcher is resigning as leader of the conservative party and prime minister. before leaving number 10 to see the queen, she told her cabinet, "it is a funny old world". angela merkel became germany's first woman chancellor, _ easily securing - the security she needed. attempts to fly the hot—air balloon had to be abandoned after a few minutes, but nobody seemed to mind very much. as one local comic put it, "it is not hot air we need, it is hard cash". cuba has declared nine days of mourning following the death of fidel castro, at the age of 90. castro developed close ties with the soviet union in the 1960s and it was an alliance that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war with the cuban missile crisis. this is bbc world news. the latest headlines: hello again. you watching bbc world news with me, david eades. a number of people have died after a car crashed into a crowd in the us state of wisconsin. the chinese tennis star peng shuai, who disappeared after alleging she'd been sexually assaulted, has told the international olympic committee she's safe and well. the sudanese prime minister abdalla hamdok has been reinstated. he made his first appearance on national tv since the coup nearly a month ago to sign a political deal with the military generals who had ousted and arrested him. protests against the military have continued across the country with thousands marching on the presidential palace in the capital khartoum. our africa correspondent andrew harding reports. this is supposed to be a breakthrough moment for sudan — a time to celebrate. but it is not looking that way right now. instead, angry civilians have taken to the streets of the capital khartoum, risking their lives once again to protest. they say they have been betrayed. here's why. earlier today, sudan's generals — soldiers who seized power in a military coup last month — announced a deal. the coup leader, general berhan, said a new transitional government would put sudan back on the road to democracy. this man agreed. he is the prime minister, seen in public here for the first time since he was placed under house arrest by the military. now he is arguing that a compromise deal is better than more bloodshed. translation: we are trying to preserve the blood - of sudanese youths. i know our youth has the capacity for sacrifice, determination, and giving up all that is precious, but sudanese blood is precious. let us stop the bloodshed and direct the youth's energy into construction and development. the past few days in khartoum have been brutal. security forces have killed dozens of unarmed protesters. all chant. we were in the city during the military crackdown and saw the defiance of civilians who had been fighting for democracy for two years now, ever since a popular revolution ousted one of africa's most ruthless dictatorships. today, many sudanese want the generals to be held to account, but fear the military are manoeuvring to stay in power. this man called the prime minister a "sell—out", his deal with the generals "treason". "the deal doesn't represent the sudanese people, in the blood that has been spilled," says this man. so, now what? the street protests are likely to continue, but a political compromise with the military may be appealing to some in sudan. the deal has foreign backing and could nudge a chaotic nation away from even greater instability. andrew harding, bbc news, johannesburg. the opposition in venezuela has taken part in regional and local elections for the first time in years, having boycotted them previously amid fears that the vote might be rigged. this time, president nicolas maduro has made concessions, inviting eu observers and allowing opposition members onto the board that oversees elections. but there's widespread scepticism that any significant political change will take place in a country where three quarters of the population lives in extreme poverty, despite venezuela having the world's largest oil reserves. our south america correspondent katy watson now reports from the oil capital, maracaibo. an ode to venezuela and an overture to the world. president nicolas maduro pulled out all the stops to look good in these elections. this week, winning a guinness world record for the largest orchestra. this in a country that's known for its record inflation. this was a clear display of soft power, a clear display of soft power, a message to the world that it is feeling pretty confident about these elections. but few musicians here in venezuela share that confidence. danielle worked for the renowned national orchestra school. as with so many governmentjobs, he never got paid. translation: it has been four years and i cannot afford a piano. there are other priorities like eating, day—to—day living here in venezuela. we have a huge responsibility, especially today. responsibility, especially toda . ., , .,~ , responsibility, especially toda. , today. keen to shake his status as international _ today. keen to shake his status as international pariah, - as international pariah, president maduro invited the eu to observe the vote. for many, they provide reassurance. fix, to observe the vote. for many, they provide reassurance.- they provide reassurance. a lot of them actually _ they provide reassurance. a lot of them actually appreciate - they provide reassurance. lot of them actually appreciate our presence. they said that our presence. they said that our presence would make the whole process more transparent. this was once _ process more transparent. this was once the — process more transparent. this was once the beating _ process more transparent. this was once the beating heart of the country's oil riches. now, it is a playground for its poon it is a playground for its poor. oil production has been reduced to a trickle. one of which is slipping out of the ageing pipes and the beauty thatis ageing pipes and the beauty that is left. this lake is to sustain venezuela. we have the oil rigs on the back, it is to be a healthy fishing industry, people used to swim in this lake and now it is totally dead,it lake and now it is totally dead, it is sticky underfoot and the stench is unbearable. yannis has been fishing since he was a boy but his livelihood have been destroyed. nicolas maduro blames us sanctions for the country's collapse. there is no doubt they have maybe economic crisis far worse but yannis says the government has to take some responsibility. translation:— to take some responsibility. translation: �* ., ., translation: before the in all four of this _ translation: before the in all four of this you _ translation: before the in all four of this you could _ translation: before the in all four of this you could see - four of this you could see boats working, they were not of many oil spills, all of this was beautiful and now it's a cemetery. was beautiful and now it's a cemetery-— was beautiful and now it's a cemete . , ., ., cemetery. he feels abandoned, as do most _ cemetery. he feels abandoned, as do most people _ cemetery. he feels abandoned, as do most people who - cemetery. he feels abandoned, as do most people who live - cemetery. he feels abandoned, as do most people who live on | as do most people who live on the lake. power cuts keep them in the dark here. the disused flare often their only guide. but yannis is voting for change. katy watson, bbc news. the presidential election in chile is heading for a run—off between candidates at the extremes of the political spectrum. with 80% of ballots counted, the far—right former congressmanjose antonio kast is in the lead with 28% of the vote. in second place with 25% is the left—wing former student leader gabriel boric. india's bollywood films have been going strong for decades but the global success of south korea's squid game has raised the bar for asian content. with the success of films like crazy rich asians and shang—chi and the legend of the ten rings, there's also a shift in how asians are being portrayed in western movies. sarah toms reports from singapore. think about all the people that have walked these floors. last madame is surprisingly steamy singaporean tv drama that falls a fictitious female brothel owner in the 1940s. it won best asian drama at the busan international film festival last year, and the executive director says it doesn't hurt that last madame is now on netflix, giving the series an international audience. i think content is a very important part of shredding the racism and the fear of each other�*s culture. and i hope that these platforms will be able to do that so we are able to show more of asian content to the world rather than the other way around as well, yeah. video streaming services are investing heavily in asian content. there's been a wave of financial and critical successes for productions in the region. south korean dramas are especially popular. tv series like squid game and the film parasite have been huge hits as more realistic portrayals of asian society in western movies. constance lau has seen both sides with the role in last madame after a small part in crazy rich asians, the us blockbuster with an—all asian cast. since i was a little girl, i always want to be in a hollywood movie. but because i never saw anyone who was similar to me on screen — except for mulan, but she is a disney character! — so i thought that that was unachievable. and now, with all the new and diverse stories that are coming out all over the world, i don't think that a lot of us feel the need to just be in hollywood. i think we can be everywhere now. with films like shang—chi and the legend of the ten rings, hollywood has come a long way. but despite its critical success, marvel�*s first asian superhero movie is still another kung fu epic, so there's plenty more room to break down the stereotypes. there is definitely an opportunity there to tell a broader storyline about asians who are not any of those, right? asians as mothers, asians as fathers, asians as a working parent. asian audiences want realistic stories about real asian people. and they are prepared to pay for it here at the box office and on streaming services. that has film—makers, studios and content platforms working to ensure that cameras keep rolling in asia and for asia. sarah toms, bbc news. just time to bring you the main details of what is the lead story at the moment. a number of people have died and others have been injured after a car drove at high speed into a christmas parade in the us state of wisconsin. police say a person of interest is in custody. they went so far as to say that 11 adults and i2 they went so far as to say that 11 adults and 12 children were taken to hospital after this incident in the town of walkinshaw in wisconsin. and schools have been kept closed for monday —— waukesha. more on the website. you are watching bbc news. hello. sunnier, colderweather by day means clearer, frostier conditions at night. and for many, it will be a frost as monday begins but a fine, dry, sunny day to come. now, feeling chilly, although temperatures are edging back closer to average for the time of year. we've lost that straight wind from the north and around this area of high pressure, some less chilly air feeding in and so, temperatures willjust recover closer to average for the time of year. and it is high pressure, and that means a lot of dry weather for the next couple of days so cloud is going to increase, as we will see in a moment. not much cloud around, though, first thing monday with the extent of the frost — just the north coast of northern ireland, far north of scotland and down the east coast of england avoiding that frost. northern scotland with cloud and breeze seeing some patchy rain. some showers feeding in towards kent, sussex and the channel islands. and some cloud increasing in northern ireland during the day. but for most out of that clear, frosty start, it's another sunny day to come, but feeling chilly — even though these temperatures not far from average. it's all relative compared, of course, with the really mild autumn that we've had so far. now, cloud will increase from the north as we go through monday night and into tuesday morning across scotland, northern ireland, into northern england and wales. the clearer skies in south wales, the midlands and toward southern england is where we are most likely to have a frost on tuesday morning. there could also be some mist and fog patches. but frost is less widespread as tuesday begins. but there is more cloud around. now, despite the cloud, most places will stay dry but still some patchy rain across parts of northern and western scotland. best of any lingering sunny spells will be in southern england, south wales, parts of the midlands as well. more tens showing up on the chart here, so temperatures have edged up a little bit. won't last long, though, because through wednesday, there's another cold front moving southwards. for thursday, we are into colder air coming down the north and then, at the end of the week, we're watching this area of low pressure which is likely turn things windier and wetter. so then, later this week, we are getting back into the colder air and as the wind picks up around that area of low pressure, wind chill will be more of a factor, along with an increasing chance of overnight frost as well. so a fairly quiet few days before the weather turns more active later in the week. colder, wetter, windier and an increasing chance of getting some wintry showers as well. to the brink of nuclear war with the cuban missile crisis. this is bbc news, the headlines: a number of people have been killed and more than 20 people injured, many of them children, after a car crashed into a parade in the city of waukesha in the us state of wisconsin. police are yet to confirm the exact number of fatalities. they say a person of interest is in custody. chinese tennis star, peng shuai, has spoken to officials from the international olympic committee on a video call. the ioc said ms peng assured them she was safe and well, but wanted her privacy respected. she hadn't been seen since making sexual assault allegations against a former senior politician. chile's presidential election is heading for a run—off between candidates at the extremes of the political spectrum. the far right former congressmanjose antonio kast will face off next month against the left—wing former student leader gabriel boric.

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Bbc News , People , Parade , Number , Stories , Car , Us State Of Wisconsin , Globe , Uk , David Eades , 20 , Peng Shuai , Video Call , Custody , Investigation , Suspect , Chinese , Officials , Olympic , A Person Of Interest , Country , Unrest , Brussels , Well Belgium , Covid , European , 30000 , Content , Asian , Elections , Region , Films , Successes , Services , Poverty , Scepticism , Venezuela , Anything , Oil Reserves , Vehicle , Part , Crowds , Barricades , Holiday Parade , City , Incident , Videos , Waukesha , In The City Centre , Social Media , Milwaukee , 30 , Facebook , Policeman , Speed , Camera , Suv , Red , One , Public , Member , Dancing In The Street , Child , Video , Update , Chief Of Police , Children , Information , Individuals , Some , Fatalities , Result , Fidelity , 0fficer , Family Members , Weapon , Bystanders , Deceased , 0 , Hospital , Victims , Officer , Police Officer , Weapon Discharge , Permit , Fire Department , Six , Interest , Ambulances , Scene , Community , Shawn Reilly , Press Conference , Celebration , Tragedy , Schools , Dealing , Police Chief , Injury , Heartache , Surprise , Details , Lives , Confirmation , 0ur , North America , Peter Bowes , Questions , Condition , Injuries , Casualties , Don T Know , Ten , Police , Anyone , Place , Shelter , Orderfor , Authorities , Motive , Someone , Area , Reason , Clear , Downtown Area , Order , Lot , Situation , Safety , Investigate , Terms , Danger , Speculation , Tension , Facts , Lots , Being , Men , Killings , Kyle Rittenhouse , Kenosha , Two , State , Connections , Wisconsin , It , Profile , Connection , Suggestion , Events , News , Reasons , Stage , Trouble , Security Presence , Case , Kenosha Last Night , Protests , Decision , Demonstrations , Jury , United States , News Two , North Americans , Coincidence , Gang , 17 , World , Hasn T , Cared For , Rates , Pair , Mid October , Spirits , Kidnapping , Wake , Church , Haiti , Record Rainfall , Assassination , Worth , State Of Emergency , Phenomenon , Province , Presidentjovenel Moise , British Columbia , Atmospheric River , Way , Rain , Weather , Naftali Bennett , Security , Rainfall , Roads , Rail Lines , Mainland , Rest , Vancouver , Israeli , Others , Person , Attacker , Palestinian Group Hamas Opened Fire In Jerusalem S Old City , Three , President , Politician , Sexual Assault , Correspondent , Star , Athlete , International Olympic Committee , Tennis , Accusations , Thomas Bach , Allegation , Evidence , Whereabouts , State Media Operatives , Jon Sudworth Reports , Wall , Wave , Message , Name , Smile , Man , Allegations , State Media , Zhang Gaoli , China , Former , Senior , Duress , Material , Conference , Video Confidence , Head , Question , Extent , Privacy , Sue , Outsiders , Air , Olympics , There , Bit , Com Ete , Nature , Players , Safe , Situation Inside Air , I , Propaganda Value , 0lympics , Greater , Binder , Openness , Gap , System , Politics , Control , Player , Centre , Court , Sport , Front , Belgian Capital Brussels , Countries , Restrictions , Arrests , Protest , Night , A0 , Cities , Disturbances , Tens Of Thousands , Anna Holligan Reports , European Capital , Protesters , Vehicles , Fireworks , Water Cannon , Tear Gas , 0fficers , Peaceful March Quickly , Nasty , Response , Use , Demonstrators , Restaurants , Rules , Infections , Rise , Bars , Unvaccinated , Venues , Plans , Object , Covid I9 Passes , Belgium , Translation , Health Workers , Virus , Vaccinations , Weekend , Choice , Choices , Violence , Everyone , Opinion , Netherlands , Rotterdam , Freedom Of Expression , Crowd , Fire , Rioters , Rounds , Bicycles , Hague , Vandals , Thejustice Minister , More , Many , Firefighters , Criminals , Attacks , 50 , Things , Demos , Infection Rates , Frustrations , Covid I9 , Denmark , Croatia , Austria , Reports , Groups , Elsewhere , Catalyst , Mask , Governments , Population , Symptom , Efforts , Basics , World Health Organization , 48 , Vaccine Rates , Distrust , Shots , Divisions , Effect , Percentage , Stereotypes , Reporting , Societies , Money , Stay , Anna Holligan , President Kennedy , Movies , Disaster , Murder , Leaders , Leader , Generation , Imagination , Conservative Party , Margaret Thatcher , Chancellor , Queen , Cabinet , Old World , Angela Merkel , Germany , 10 , Fidel Castro , Cash , Comic , Attempts , Nobody , Mourning , Death , Cuba , Hot Air Balloon , Nine , 90 , War , Brink , Cuban Missile Crisis , Headlines , Bbc World News , Alliance , Ties , Soviet Union , 1960 , Abdalla Hamdok , Sudanese , Chinese Tennis Star , Generals , Military , Deal , Coup , Tv , Thousands , Appearance , Palace , Capital Khartoum , Breakthrough , Andrew Harding Reports , Africa , Civilians , Streets , Power , Soldiers , Military Coup , Berhan , Democracy , Government , Time , Back On The Road , Blood , Bloodshed , Compromise Deal , Youth , Youths , Determination , Capacity , Sacrifice , House Arrest , Khartoum , Construction , Development , Energy , Security Forces , Chant , Defiance , Crackdown , Revolution , Fighting , Dozens , Unarmed Protesters , Sell Out , Prime Minister , Dictatorships , Manoeuvring , Account , The Deal Doesn T , Treason , Street , Compromise , Nation , Backing , Opposition , Fears , Instability , Andrew Harding , Johannesburg , Vote , Change , Nicolas Maduro , Eu , Board , Opposition Members , Quarters , Observers , Concessions , Oil Capital , South America Correspondent Katy Watson , Overture , Ode , Maracaibo , Orchestra , Guinness World Record , Danielle , Display , Confidence , Record Inflation , Musicians , Orchestra School , Piano , Governmentjobs , Four , Responsibility , Eating , Priorities , Presence , Status , Reassurance , International Pariah , Fix , Playground , Process , Oil Riches , Beating , Oil Production , Beating Heart Of The Country , Poon , Poor , Trickle , Lake , Beauty , It Lake , Pipes , Back , Fishing Industry , Oil Rigs , Beauty Thatis Ageing Pipes , Yannis , Livelihood , Stench , Doubt , Fishing , Boy , Sanctions , Collapse , Crisis , Oil Spills , Boats Working , Cemetery , Cemete , Power Cuts , Spectrum , Candidates , Extremes , Election , Chile , Voting , Ballots , Guide , Flare , Katy Watson , 80 , Gabriel Boric , Lead , Congressmanjose Antonio Kast , India S Bollywood Films , 28 , 25 , Squid Game , Rings , Success , Legend , Shang Chi , Shift , Crazy Rich Asians , Bar , South Korea , Last , Floors , Western Movies , Sarah Toms , Singapore , Drama , Tv Drama , Brothel Owner , Busan International Film Festival Last Year , 1940 , Platforms , Audience , Series , Fear , Each Other S Culture , Racism , Executive Director , Doesn T Hurt , Netflix , Well , Video Streaming Services , Tv Series , Film Parasite , Dramas , Productions , Society , Hits , Portrayals , Blockbuster , Sides , Role , Constance Lau , Girl , Hollywood Movie , Asian Cast , Mulan , Saw , Character , All Over The World , Feel , Hollywood , Everywhere , Disney , Superhero Movie , Room , Kung Fu Epic , Marvel , Opportunity , Audiences , Storyline , Fathers , Mothers , Working Parent , Rolling In Asia And For , Box Office , Studios , Cameras , Film Makers , Story , Person Of Interest , Adults , Town , Walkinshaw , 12 , 11 , Website , Frost , Temperatures , Sunnier , Fine , Conditions , Chilly , Edging , Colderweather , Pressure , Wind , High Pressure , Air Feeding , Cloud , Thing , Southern England , Coast , Increase , Breeze , Western Scotland , Northern Ireland , Northern Scotland , East Coast , Showers , Most , Average , Sunny Day , Kent , Sussex , Channel Islands , North , South Wales , Course , Relative , Northern England , Monday Night , Parts , Places , Mist , Fog Patches , Tens , Chart , Won T , Spells , Cold Front Moving Southwards , Wetter , The End , Chance , Overnight Frost , Wind Chill , Windier , Factor , Peng , Tennis Star , Ms , She Hadn T ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

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in venezuela, where there's extreme poverty despite rich oil reserves, scepticism that regional elections will change anything at all. and we look at the recent successes of asian films and content as global streaming services go all out to invest in the region. a number of people have been killed after a vehicle was driven through barricades into crowds taking part in a holiday parade in the us state of wisconsin. the incident occurred in the city of waukesha, around 30 kilometres west of milwaukee, around liz30pm local time. the parade had just got underway in the city centre. videos started emerging on social media of the incident shortly after it happened. in this one from the city's facebook page, you can see the red suv speed past the camera, followed shortly after by a policeman running after it. and in this video posted by a member of the public, you can see a child dancing in the street, before the car speeds past, narrowly missing her. the waukesha chief of police gave an update. the vehicle struck more than 20 individuals, some of those individuals, some of those individuals were children and there were some fatalities as a result of this incident. we will not be releasing information on the fidelity is at this time, while we are working to identify the family members the deceased. and 0fficer did discharge his weapon at the suspect�*s vehicle to try to stop the vehicle. no bystanders were injured as a result of the weapon discharge. the officer involved has had the permit for six and a half years. the victims were transferred by the fire department to the hospital, a police officer was also transferred, and ambulances also transferred victims from the scene to the hospital. we are not looking for that we are no longer looking for a suspect vehicle, we do have a positive interest in custody at the moment but this is still a very fluid investigation. and this is the mayor of waukesha, shawn reilly, at that same press conference. today our community faced a horrible tragedy in what should have been a community of celebration. i am deeply saddened to know that so many in our community went to a parade that ended up dealing with injury and heartache. the police chief also said that schools would be closed on monday, perhaps no surprise. 0ur north america correspondent peter bowes gave me more details. really the new information that we are getting is the information that people have been dreading, confirmation that some people have lost their lives, that there were children involved, including children involved, including children amongst the casualties. more than ten children taken to hospital. we don't know the condition of those people that have been treated for their injuries, and so many questions still swirling around this. we just don't know, or clearly we don't know the motive, we know that there was someone in custody, we don't know whether the authorities are still looking for other people involved in this, the police a little while ago issued a shelter in place orderfor anyone within ago issued a shelter in place order for anyone within half a mile of the downtown area where this happened, so they would stay shelter in place until the all clear is given. we don't exactly know the reason for that, it could well be that they don't want people going to that area and making a chaotic situation even more difficult to investigate, that could well be the reason, but clearly, people have been told that the all clear had been given in terms of safety, that the danger to local people was over, but clearly still a lot of tension in that area, and as i said, lots of questions remaining unanswered. given that there _ remaining unanswered. given that there is _ remaining unanswered. given that there is so _ remaining unanswered. given that there is so much - remaining unanswered. given that there is so much we - remaining unanswered. given| that there is so much we don't know as you pointed out there, one has to be very careful with the facts and with speculation, but i do appreciate that the city is barely an hour from kenosha, and kyle rittenhouse has onlyjust been cleared over the fatal killings of two men and one other being injured. there are people making connections, which is perhaps a slightly loose but it's difficult to avoid the. it’s difficult to avoid the. it's very difficult _ difficult to avoid the. it's very difficult to - difficult to avoid the. it�*s very difficult to avoid because you hear wisconsin, which is not a state that is talked about every day but clearly has been very high profile in the news for the last week or so for the very reasons you have just explained, so people i think understandably might wonder whether there is any connection. we have to say quite plainly that we have absolutely no suggestion at this stage that there is any connection between the events of the last few days, and what has happened over the last few hours. clearly there was a very strong security presence in kenosha last night, the authorities being prepared in case there was any trouble following that decision of the jury, which there was not, they have been protests around the united states, people protesting and objecting to the decision that the jury came to, but by and large, those protests and demonstrations have been peaceful, so it may welljust be an unusual coincidence that these two events are unfolding about an hour apart. let's get some of the day's other news two of the 17 north americans who were abducted by a haitian gang in mid—october have been freed. the church they're affiliated with says the pair is "safe, in good spirits, and being cared for" — but hasn't given any further details. haiti has one of the highest rates of kidnapping in the world, and that's only worsened in the wake of presidentjovenel moise's assassination in july. record rainfall in the canadian province of british columbia has led to a state of emergency being declared after a phenomenon known as an "atmospheric river" brought a month's worth of rain in two days. the rainfall washed away roads and some rail lines, cutting off vancouver and the lower mainland region from the rest of the country. more bad weather is on the way. israeli prime minister naftali bennett has ordered security to be boosted after a member of the palestinian group hamas opened fire in jerusalem's old city. one person was killed and three others were wounded, before the attacker was shot dead by police. the missing chinese tennis star peng shuai has told the international olympic committee she is "safe and well" during a video call with its president, thomas bach. the athlete hasn't been seen in public since she made accusations of sexual assault against a senior chinese politician several weeks ago. 0ur china correspondent jon sudworth reports. this appears to be the first solid evidence of peng shuai's whereabouts since she made her allegation. released by chinese state media operatives, you can hear her name being announced. and then a smile and a wave, seemingly sent to send a message, "all is well." but there are few allegations more sensitive in china than the one of sexual assault levelled against a man as senior as former vice premier zhang gaoli. and previous material released by state media meant to show that peng shuai is not being held under duress has only fuelled further speculation. peng shuai is also reported to have held the video confidence, conference with the head of the international olympic committee in which sue says she is safe and well but once her privacy respected but clearly she is operating with what the chinese state media wants her to say, so the question is from now on, to what extent can outsiders really know about her safety? just a few weeks before china is hosted you the olympics, that question is still in the air. ~ . ., that question is still in the air. ~ , . air. we can see that the situation _ air. we can see that the situation inside - air. we can see that the situation inside the - air. we can see that the i situation inside the country has deteriorated significantly. 0ne really wonders if players even feel safe to go and compete there.- even feel safe to go and compete there. even feel safe to go and com ete there. ., , ., compete there. the trouble for china is that _ compete there. the trouble for china is that these _ compete there. the trouble for china is that these allegations | china is that these allegations are of such a sensitive nature that it finds itself in a bit of a binder. the more it tries to prove that all is normal, the more questions there are. and the greater the gap is exposed between the propaganda value of an 0lympics that is meant to be all about openness, and a political system that is all about control. 0lympics officials insist politics should be kept out of sport. this player has put the front and centre of court. the belgian capital brussels has become the latest european city to see unrest over tightened coronavirus restrictions. tens of thousands of people marched in protest, and there were a0 arrests. these disturbances follow protests in a number of european countries, and there was a third night of unrest in some dutch cities, as anna holligan reports. another day of unrest unsettling another european capital. this is brussels tonight. what began as an organised peaceful march quickly turned nasty, some protesters threw fireworks at police, others targeted their vehicles. 0fficers intervened with tear gas and water cannon. belgium brought in new rules in response to a sharp rise in infections. demonstrators are mainly angry about the use of covid—i9 passes, which stops the unvaccinated from entering venues such as restaurants or bars. some object to plans to make vaccinations mandatory for health workers. translation: we know that the virus is there. but we leave it to people to decide whether or not to be vaccinated. translation: i came to give my opinion about freedom of expression and individual choice and really, to be able to respect everyone's choices. the netherlands witnessed the most extreme violence this weekend. rotterdam was rocked by rioters. police opened fire, shooting at the crowd with live rounds in response to what they described as a life—threatening situation. vandals torched bicycles in the hague, thejustice minister believes organised criminals may be behind this. translation: these are not demonstrations. these are attacks on police and firefighters. more than 50 arrests have been made and many more will follow. these startling demos happening too in austria, croatia and denmark, reflecting the frustrations around covid—i9 restrictions to things considered necessary to bring down record high infection rates. and there's more trouble here in the netherlands. small groups of people destroying things in the northern city and reports of unrest elsewhere too. it is mostly peaceful now, but the catalyst for the still exists in many countries are watching and wondering whether this latest disturbing symptom may be coming their way. the world health organization has urged governments to redouble their efforts and reinforce the basics. average 48% of the european population is wearing a mask indoors. any percentage above that will have an immediate effect. with varying vaccine rates, getting the shots and is seen as critical. but they will not cure the distrust or divisions seeping through some european societies. anna holligan reporting there. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: breaking the stereotypes in asian films, as money streams into asian content and movies. president kennedy was shot down and died almost immediately. the murder ofjohn kennedy is a disaster of the whole free world. he caught the imagination of the world. the first of a new generation of leaders. margaret thatcher is resigning as leader of the conservative party and prime minister. before leaving number 10 to see the queen, she told her cabinet, "it is a funny old world". angela merkel became germany's first woman chancellor, _ easily securing - the security she needed. attempts to fly the hot—air balloon had to be abandoned after a few minutes, but nobody seemed to mind very much. as one local comic put it, "it is not hot air we need, it is hard cash". cuba has declared nine days of mourning following the death of fidel castro, at the age of 90. castro developed close ties with the soviet union in the 1960s and it was an alliance that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war with the cuban missile crisis. this is bbc world news. the latest headlines: hello again. you watching bbc world news with me, david eades. a number of people have died after a car crashed into a crowd in the us state of wisconsin. the chinese tennis star peng shuai, who disappeared after alleging she'd been sexually assaulted, has told the international olympic committee she's safe and well. the sudanese prime minister abdalla hamdok has been reinstated. he made his first appearance on national tv since the coup nearly a month ago to sign a political deal with the military generals who had ousted and arrested him. protests against the military have continued across the country with thousands marching on the presidential palace in the capital khartoum. our africa correspondent andrew harding reports. this is supposed to be a breakthrough moment for sudan — a time to celebrate. but it is not looking that way right now. instead, angry civilians have taken to the streets of the capital khartoum, risking their lives once again to protest. they say they have been betrayed. here's why. earlier today, sudan's generals — soldiers who seized power in a military coup last month — announced a deal. the coup leader, general berhan, said a new transitional government would put sudan back on the road to democracy. this man agreed. he is the prime minister, seen in public here for the first time since he was placed under house arrest by the military. now he is arguing that a compromise deal is better than more bloodshed. translation: we are trying to preserve the blood - of sudanese youths. i know our youth has the capacity for sacrifice, determination, and giving up all that is precious, but sudanese blood is precious. let us stop the bloodshed and direct the youth's energy into construction and development. the past few days in khartoum have been brutal. security forces have killed dozens of unarmed protesters. all chant. we were in the city during the military crackdown and saw the defiance of civilians who had been fighting for democracy for two years now, ever since a popular revolution ousted one of africa's most ruthless dictatorships. today, many sudanese want the generals to be held to account, but fear the military are manoeuvring to stay in power. this man called the prime minister a "sell—out", his deal with the generals "treason". "the deal doesn't represent the sudanese people, in the blood that has been spilled," says this man. so, now what? the street protests are likely to continue, but a political compromise with the military may be appealing to some in sudan. the deal has foreign backing and could nudge a chaotic nation away from even greater instability. andrew harding, bbc news, johannesburg. the opposition in venezuela has taken part in regional and local elections for the first time in years, having boycotted them previously amid fears that the vote might be rigged. this time, president nicolas maduro has made concessions, inviting eu observers and allowing opposition members onto the board that oversees elections. but there's widespread scepticism that any significant political change will take place in a country where three quarters of the population lives in extreme poverty, despite venezuela having the world's largest oil reserves. our south america correspondent katy watson now reports from the oil capital, maracaibo. an ode to venezuela and an overture to the world. president nicolas maduro pulled out all the stops to look good in these elections. this week, winning a guinness world record for the largest orchestra. this in a country that's known for its record inflation. this was a clear display of soft power, a clear display of soft power, a message to the world that it is feeling pretty confident about these elections. but few musicians here in venezuela share that confidence. danielle worked for the renowned national orchestra school. as with so many governmentjobs, he never got paid. translation: it has been four years and i cannot afford a piano. there are other priorities like eating, day—to—day living here in venezuela. we have a huge responsibility, especially today. responsibility, especially toda . ., , .,~ , responsibility, especially toda. , today. keen to shake his status as international _ today. keen to shake his status as international pariah, - as international pariah, president maduro invited the eu to observe the vote. for many, they provide reassurance. fix, to observe the vote. for many, they provide reassurance.- they provide reassurance. a lot of them actually _ they provide reassurance. a lot of them actually appreciate - they provide reassurance. lot of them actually appreciate our presence. they said that our presence. they said that our presence would make the whole process more transparent. this was once _ process more transparent. this was once the — process more transparent. this was once the beating _ process more transparent. this was once the beating heart of the country's oil riches. now, it is a playground for its poon it is a playground for its poor. oil production has been reduced to a trickle. one of which is slipping out of the ageing pipes and the beauty thatis ageing pipes and the beauty that is left. this lake is to sustain venezuela. we have the oil rigs on the back, it is to be a healthy fishing industry, people used to swim in this lake and now it is totally dead,it lake and now it is totally dead, it is sticky underfoot and the stench is unbearable. yannis has been fishing since he was a boy but his livelihood have been destroyed. nicolas maduro blames us sanctions for the country's collapse. there is no doubt they have maybe economic crisis far worse but yannis says the government has to take some responsibility. translation:— to take some responsibility. translation: �* ., ., translation: before the in all four of this _ translation: before the in all four of this you _ translation: before the in all four of this you could _ translation: before the in all four of this you could see - four of this you could see boats working, they were not of many oil spills, all of this was beautiful and now it's a cemetery. was beautiful and now it's a cemetery-— was beautiful and now it's a cemete . , ., ., cemetery. he feels abandoned, as do most _ cemetery. he feels abandoned, as do most people _ cemetery. he feels abandoned, as do most people who - cemetery. he feels abandoned, as do most people who live - cemetery. he feels abandoned, as do most people who live on | as do most people who live on the lake. power cuts keep them in the dark here. the disused flare often their only guide. but yannis is voting for change. katy watson, bbc news. the presidential election in chile is heading for a run—off between candidates at the extremes of the political spectrum. with 80% of ballots counted, the far—right former congressmanjose antonio kast is in the lead with 28% of the vote. in second place with 25% is the left—wing former student leader gabriel boric. india's bollywood films have been going strong for decades but the global success of south korea's squid game has raised the bar for asian content. with the success of films like crazy rich asians and shang—chi and the legend of the ten rings, there's also a shift in how asians are being portrayed in western movies. sarah toms reports from singapore. think about all the people that have walked these floors. last madame is surprisingly steamy singaporean tv drama that falls a fictitious female brothel owner in the 1940s. it won best asian drama at the busan international film festival last year, and the executive director says it doesn't hurt that last madame is now on netflix, giving the series an international audience. i think content is a very important part of shredding the racism and the fear of each other�*s culture. and i hope that these platforms will be able to do that so we are able to show more of asian content to the world rather than the other way around as well, yeah. video streaming services are investing heavily in asian content. there's been a wave of financial and critical successes for productions in the region. south korean dramas are especially popular. tv series like squid game and the film parasite have been huge hits as more realistic portrayals of asian society in western movies. constance lau has seen both sides with the role in last madame after a small part in crazy rich asians, the us blockbuster with an—all asian cast. since i was a little girl, i always want to be in a hollywood movie. but because i never saw anyone who was similar to me on screen — except for mulan, but she is a disney character! — so i thought that that was unachievable. and now, with all the new and diverse stories that are coming out all over the world, i don't think that a lot of us feel the need to just be in hollywood. i think we can be everywhere now. with films like shang—chi and the legend of the ten rings, hollywood has come a long way. but despite its critical success, marvel�*s first asian superhero movie is still another kung fu epic, so there's plenty more room to break down the stereotypes. there is definitely an opportunity there to tell a broader storyline about asians who are not any of those, right? asians as mothers, asians as fathers, asians as a working parent. asian audiences want realistic stories about real asian people. and they are prepared to pay for it here at the box office and on streaming services. that has film—makers, studios and content platforms working to ensure that cameras keep rolling in asia and for asia. sarah toms, bbc news. just time to bring you the main details of what is the lead story at the moment. a number of people have died and others have been injured after a car drove at high speed into a christmas parade in the us state of wisconsin. police say a person of interest is in custody. they went so far as to say that 11 adults and i2 they went so far as to say that 11 adults and 12 children were taken to hospital after this incident in the town of walkinshaw in wisconsin. and schools have been kept closed for monday —— waukesha. more on the website. you are watching bbc news. hello. sunnier, colderweather by day means clearer, frostier conditions at night. and for many, it will be a frost as monday begins but a fine, dry, sunny day to come. now, feeling chilly, although temperatures are edging back closer to average for the time of year. we've lost that straight wind from the north and around this area of high pressure, some less chilly air feeding in and so, temperatures willjust recover closer to average for the time of year. and it is high pressure, and that means a lot of dry weather for the next couple of days so cloud is going to increase, as we will see in a moment. not much cloud around, though, first thing monday with the extent of the frost — just the north coast of northern ireland, far north of scotland and down the east coast of england avoiding that frost. northern scotland with cloud and breeze seeing some patchy rain. some showers feeding in towards kent, sussex and the channel islands. and some cloud increasing in northern ireland during the day. but for most out of that clear, frosty start, it's another sunny day to come, but feeling chilly — even though these temperatures not far from average. it's all relative compared, of course, with the really mild autumn that we've had so far. now, cloud will increase from the north as we go through monday night and into tuesday morning across scotland, northern ireland, into northern england and wales. the clearer skies in south wales, the midlands and toward southern england is where we are most likely to have a frost on tuesday morning. there could also be some mist and fog patches. but frost is less widespread as tuesday begins. but there is more cloud around. now, despite the cloud, most places will stay dry but still some patchy rain across parts of northern and western scotland. best of any lingering sunny spells will be in southern england, south wales, parts of the midlands as well. more tens showing up on the chart here, so temperatures have edged up a little bit. won't last long, though, because through wednesday, there's another cold front moving southwards. for thursday, we are into colder air coming down the north and then, at the end of the week, we're watching this area of low pressure which is likely turn things windier and wetter. so then, later this week, we are getting back into the colder air and as the wind picks up around that area of low pressure, wind chill will be more of a factor, along with an increasing chance of overnight frost as well. so a fairly quiet few days before the weather turns more active later in the week. colder, wetter, windier and an increasing chance of getting some wintry showers as well. to the brink of nuclear war with the cuban missile crisis. this is bbc news, the headlines: a number of people have been killed and more than 20 people injured, many of them children, after a car crashed into a parade in the city of waukesha in the us state of wisconsin. police are yet to confirm the exact number of fatalities. they say a person of interest is in custody. chinese tennis star, peng shuai, has spoken to officials from the international olympic committee on a video call. the ioc said ms peng assured them she was safe and well, but wanted her privacy respected. she hadn't been seen since making sexual assault allegations against a former senior politician. chile's presidential election is heading for a run—off between candidates at the extremes of the political spectrum. the far right former congressmanjose antonio kast will face off next month against the left—wing former student leader gabriel boric.

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Bbc News , People , Parade , Number , Stories , Car , Us State Of Wisconsin , Globe , Uk , David Eades , 20 , Peng Shuai , Video Call , Custody , Investigation , Suspect , Chinese , Officials , Olympic , A Person Of Interest , Country , Unrest , Brussels , Well Belgium , Covid , European , 30000 , Content , Asian , Elections , Region , Films , Successes , Services , Poverty , Scepticism , Venezuela , Anything , Oil Reserves , Vehicle , Part , Crowds , Barricades , Holiday Parade , City , Incident , Videos , Waukesha , In The City Centre , Social Media , Milwaukee , 30 , Facebook , Policeman , Speed , Camera , Suv , Red , One , Public , Member , Dancing In The Street , Child , Video , Update , Chief Of Police , Children , Information , Individuals , Some , Fatalities , Result , Fidelity , 0fficer , Family Members , Weapon , Bystanders , Deceased , 0 , Hospital , Victims , Officer , Police Officer , Weapon Discharge , Permit , Fire Department , Six , Interest , Ambulances , Scene , Community , Shawn Reilly , Press Conference , Celebration , Tragedy , Schools , Dealing , Police Chief , Injury , Heartache , Surprise , Details , Lives , Confirmation , 0ur , North America , Peter Bowes , Questions , Condition , Injuries , Casualties , Don T Know , Ten , Police , Anyone , Place , Shelter , Orderfor , Authorities , Motive , Someone , Area , Reason , Clear , Downtown Area , Order , Lot , Situation , Safety , Investigate , Terms , Danger , Speculation , Tension , Facts , Lots , Being , Men , Killings , Kyle Rittenhouse , Kenosha , Two , State , Connections , Wisconsin , It , Profile , Connection , Suggestion , Events , News , Reasons , Stage , Trouble , Security Presence , Case , Kenosha Last Night , Protests , Decision , Demonstrations , Jury , United States , News Two , North Americans , Coincidence , Gang , 17 , World , Hasn T , Cared For , Rates , Pair , Mid October , Spirits , Kidnapping , Wake , Church , Haiti , Record Rainfall , Assassination , Worth , State Of Emergency , Phenomenon , Province , Presidentjovenel Moise , British Columbia , Atmospheric River , Way , Rain , Weather , Naftali Bennett , Security , Rainfall , Roads , Rail Lines , Mainland , Rest , Vancouver , Israeli , Others , Person , Attacker , Palestinian Group Hamas Opened Fire In Jerusalem S Old City , Three , President , Politician , Sexual Assault , Correspondent , Star , Athlete , International Olympic Committee , Tennis , Accusations , Thomas Bach , Allegation , Evidence , Whereabouts , State Media Operatives , Jon Sudworth Reports , Wall , Wave , Message , Name , Smile , Man , Allegations , State Media , Zhang Gaoli , China , Former , Senior , Duress , Material , Conference , Video Confidence , Head , Question , Extent , Privacy , Sue , Outsiders , Air , Olympics , There , Bit , Com Ete , Nature , Players , Safe , Situation Inside Air , I , Propaganda Value , 0lympics , Greater , Binder , Openness , Gap , System , Politics , Control , Player , Centre , Court , Sport , Front , Belgian Capital Brussels , Countries , Restrictions , Arrests , Protest , Night , A0 , Cities , Disturbances , Tens Of Thousands , Anna Holligan Reports , European Capital , Protesters , Vehicles , Fireworks , Water Cannon , Tear Gas , 0fficers , Peaceful March Quickly , Nasty , Response , Use , Demonstrators , Restaurants , Rules , Infections , Rise , Bars , Unvaccinated , Venues , Plans , Object , Covid I9 Passes , Belgium , Translation , Health Workers , Virus , Vaccinations , Weekend , Choice , Choices , Violence , Everyone , Opinion , Netherlands , Rotterdam , Freedom Of Expression , Crowd , Fire , Rioters , Rounds , Bicycles , Hague , Vandals , Thejustice Minister , More , Many , Firefighters , Criminals , Attacks , 50 , Things , Demos , Infection Rates , Frustrations , Covid I9 , Denmark , Croatia , Austria , Reports , Groups , Elsewhere , Catalyst , Mask , Governments , Population , Symptom , Efforts , Basics , World Health Organization , 48 , Vaccine Rates , Distrust , Shots , Divisions , Effect , Percentage , Stereotypes , Reporting , Societies , Money , Stay , Anna Holligan , President Kennedy , Movies , Disaster , Murder , Leaders , Leader , Generation , Imagination , Conservative Party , Margaret Thatcher , Chancellor , Queen , Cabinet , Old World , Angela Merkel , Germany , 10 , Fidel Castro , Cash , Comic , Attempts , Nobody , Mourning , Death , Cuba , Hot Air Balloon , Nine , 90 , War , Brink , Cuban Missile Crisis , Headlines , Bbc World News , Alliance , Ties , Soviet Union , 1960 , Abdalla Hamdok , Sudanese , Chinese Tennis Star , Generals , Military , Deal , Coup , Tv , Thousands , Appearance , Palace , Capital Khartoum , Breakthrough , Andrew Harding Reports , Africa , Civilians , Streets , Power , Soldiers , Military Coup , Berhan , Democracy , Government , Time , Back On The Road , Blood , Bloodshed , Compromise Deal , Youth , Youths , Determination , Capacity , Sacrifice , House Arrest , Khartoum , Construction , Development , Energy , Security Forces , Chant , Defiance , Crackdown , Revolution , Fighting , Dozens , Unarmed Protesters , Sell Out , Prime Minister , Dictatorships , Manoeuvring , Account , The Deal Doesn T , Treason , Street , Compromise , Nation , Backing , Opposition , Fears , Instability , Andrew Harding , Johannesburg , Vote , Change , Nicolas Maduro , Eu , Board , Opposition Members , Quarters , Observers , Concessions , Oil Capital , South America Correspondent Katy Watson , Overture , Ode , Maracaibo , Orchestra , Guinness World Record , Danielle , Display , Confidence , Record Inflation , Musicians , Orchestra School , Piano , Governmentjobs , Four , Responsibility , Eating , Priorities , Presence , Status , Reassurance , International Pariah , Fix , Playground , Process , Oil Riches , Beating , Oil Production , Beating Heart Of The Country , Poon , Poor , Trickle , Lake , Beauty , It Lake , Pipes , Back , Fishing Industry , Oil Rigs , Beauty Thatis Ageing Pipes , Yannis , Livelihood , Stench , Doubt , Fishing , Boy , Sanctions , Collapse , Crisis , Oil Spills , Boats Working , Cemetery , Cemete , Power Cuts , Spectrum , Candidates , Extremes , Election , Chile , Voting , Ballots , Guide , Flare , Katy Watson , 80 , Gabriel Boric , Lead , Congressmanjose Antonio Kast , India S Bollywood Films , 28 , 25 , Squid Game , Rings , Success , Legend , Shang Chi , Shift , Crazy Rich Asians , Bar , South Korea , Last , Floors , Western Movies , Sarah Toms , Singapore , Drama , Tv Drama , Brothel Owner , Busan International Film Festival Last Year , 1940 , Platforms , Audience , Series , Fear , Each Other S Culture , Racism , Executive Director , Doesn T Hurt , Netflix , Well , Video Streaming Services , Tv Series , Film Parasite , Dramas , Productions , Society , Hits , Portrayals , Blockbuster , Sides , Role , Constance Lau , Girl , Hollywood Movie , Asian Cast , Mulan , Saw , Character , All Over The World , Feel , Hollywood , Everywhere , Disney , Superhero Movie , Room , Kung Fu Epic , Marvel , Opportunity , Audiences , Storyline , Fathers , Mothers , Working Parent , Rolling In Asia And For , Box Office , Studios , Cameras , Film Makers , Story , Person Of Interest , Adults , Town , Walkinshaw , 12 , 11 , Website , Frost , Temperatures , Sunnier , Fine , Conditions , Chilly , Edging , Colderweather , Pressure , Wind , High Pressure , Air Feeding , Cloud , Thing , Southern England , Coast , Increase , Breeze , Western Scotland , Northern Ireland , Northern Scotland , East Coast , Showers , Most , Average , Sunny Day , Kent , Sussex , Channel Islands , North , South Wales , Course , Relative , Northern England , Monday Night , Parts , Places , Mist , Fog Patches , Tens , Chart , Won T , Spells , Cold Front Moving Southwards , Wetter , The End , Chance , Overnight Frost , Wind Chill , Windier , Factor , Peng , Tennis Star , Ms , She Hadn T ,

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