Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

labour accuses the home secretary of "dangerous incompetence" over channel migrant crossings — as more than three times as many and — the taxi driver from the liverpool terror attack has released a statement saying it's a "miracle" he is alive, and thanking the public for their �*amazing generosity�*. welcome to bbc news. one of the biggestjobs in football management has become vacant. manchester united have sacked their manager ole gunnar solskjaer this morning following yesterday's 4—1 defeat at watford. the club have suffered a string of poor results and are currently 7th in the premier league table. joe lynskey looks back on solskjaer�*s time at manchester united. for manchester united, he was the coach with the connection. the playing icon who became manager. no—one hoped the end would be like this. in ole gunnar solskjaer�*s last match, his team were beaten 4—1 by watford, the end of a run of seven league games with one win and now three humiliations. last month, united lost 5—0 at home to liverpool and, on the same ground, were beaten by manchester city. defeat to bitter rivals have caused the most damage. the boys, of course, they're disappointed. they've let themselves down and the fans down. it's hard to stand here and explain that, but that's football, and we have to take the flak for it. solskjaerjoined united 25 years ago. he was the striker whose late goals meant so much. super sub has done it again! in 2018, he became temporary manager and their form was so good, he was the standout choice. but, as permanent boss, there have been no trophies. this was meant to be the year it came good. cristiano ronaldo scored twice on his debut, but even his goals haven't stopped this dismal run. now even the players don't hold back. it was embarrassing. we don't know what to do with the ball, we don't know how to defend properly, we are conceding a lot of goals. yeah, it's another nightmare. since 2013, everything's changed. united now seek a fifth permanent boss since sir alex ferguson left. as a player under him, solskjaer won six league titles. and, this time for solskjaer, there is no late turnaround. joe lynskey, bbc news. but, as a coach, too much has gone wrong and, this time for solskjaer, there is no late turnaround. joe lynskey, bbc news. and — the taxi driver from the liverpool terror attack has released a statement saying it's a "miracle" he is alive, if you are manager of manchester united really should be like, is at chelsea, pet guardian at manchester city, juergen klopp for liverpool, know, you city, juergen klopp for liverpool, know, you know, city, juergen klopp for liverpool, know, you know, -entlemen city, juergen klopp for liverpool, know, you know, -entlemen were know, you know, gentlemen were already proven because it you walk into manchester united and is actually completely different creature to any of those but i just went in there, chelsea city are livable. i was at the europa league final a summer which they lost on penalties in the goalkeeper missed the decisive penalty and it wasn't his fault of course and i think he hasjust come up his fault of course and i think he has just come up short. if you asked me to crystallise into one reason why he failed i would say not signing a defensive midfielder or a really good midfielder like say declan faes at this time in the summer. it is not rinaldo�*s fault but he did not need another striker who could score a hatful of goals because he has cavani there, marcus that's red, jason green sea want to criticise —— —— marcus rashford, jason greenwood, and elise took get like that. what that is not for the want of money, isn't it? you got money to spend? it is a bit of a list of atomic make that manchester united did not spend money. they most certainly do and i am also right in thinking that legal associate since he was appointed as kind of had the biggest budget. —— ole gunnar solskjaer since appointed has had the biggest budget. he has built a very good squad, missing one or two games and also the club now is in a far better, happier place and why that is important is he will not win anything unless a football club is, you know, pulling together all in one direction. under use only and are venial, it certainly was not and are venial, it certainly was not and is doing now despite the recent really bad form —— —— underjoes aim and are venial, it certainly was not and are venial, it certainly was not and is doing now despite the recent really bad form —— —— and h is a football club is, you know, pulling together all in one direction. under use only venial, _ together all in one direction. under use only venial, it _ together all in one direction. under use only venial, it certainly - together all in one direction. under use only venial, it certainly was - use only venial, it certainly was not and is doing now despite the recent really bad form —— —— under joes aim of ennio. we never his something along those lines saying thank you, solskjaer, you did a proud, the last three months ripped off but before that you did us proud and you have a source of solace. you said that's used night it was a different kind of put them on in the premier league sides. what was going wrong and what to you been the fact that they needed?— wrong and what to you been the fact that they needed? under movie knew it wasn't very — that they needed? under movie knew it wasn't very happy _ that they needed? under movie knew it wasn't very happy place, _ that they needed? under movie knew it wasn't very happy place, top - that they needed? under movie knew it wasn't very happy place, top to - it wasn't very happy place, top to bottom and up to the executive vice chairman there were problems and people were getting on and it was a divisive place and therefore you are really not going to as they say, obviously football as a team game on the field but it is also a team game off the field. within the club, if one has to be happy going into work and that one has restored that end now nearly three years since he walked into the place, december 19 i believe, itjust was not like that at all and he leave the club in a far, far, better healthier spot than it was when he walked in and that should not be underestimated because it took time and that is a definite skill solskjaer had and he displayed so whoever walks in now and takes over, you know, can thank him for that. might make jamiejackson from that. might make jamie jackson from the that. might make jamiejackson from the guardian newspaper speaking tours earlier. ——jamiejackson from the guardian newspaper speaking to us earlier. the taxi driver from the liverpool terror attack has released a statement and thanked the public for their �*amazing generosity�*. david perry released the following statement alongside his wife rachel. tributes have also been paid to the response from the public, emergency responders and hospital staff, in an open letter from police and local political figures. written on behalf of liverpool�*s mayorjoanne anderson, senior merseyside police leaders, and metro mayor steve rotheram, it said... "the ultimate goal of terrorism is to create discord, distrust and fear in our communities, and whilst we know some people may be anxious and concerned... we have seen people across liverpool standing shoulder to shoulder. that�*s because liverpool always pulls together at times like this and the pride of all our communities is there for all to see." there�*s been a second night of violent protests in the netherlands against covid lockdown restrictions. trouble flared in several cities and towns, with a number the health secretary sajid javid says the covid booster programme should prevent britain experiencing the spike in cases seen in the netherlands and other parts of europe. the jabs are being extended to the over forties from tomorrow. mrjavid said there are no plans to put any european countries back on the travel ban list, danjohnson reports this is the european backlash to tightening lockdowns, restricted freedoms, even mandated vaccinations, all in response to a wave of rising covid cases by sajid javid, the health secretary here in the uk. by sajid javid, but here in the uk. the health secretary this morning ruled out compulsory vaccinations with the focus instead on the boosterjab campaign. well, we are extending it from tomorrow, actually, to people in the age group, a0 to a9, and we will keep under review how that might be extended in the future. and we�*re seeing record numbers of people come forward. but i would urge everyone to, if they are eligible to do so, to come forward, because that�*s the best way we can look forward to the kind of christmas that we all want to see. there�*s no plan to restrict travel. the feeling is the delta variant may be spreading through europe, but it�*s already here. our vaccination rates are good, but one of the scientists behind the oxford—astrazeneca vaccine was asked, are we getting close to herd immunity? well, it depends what you mean by herd immunity. if you mean stopping the virus so it can no longer spread, that's not going to be a thing. unfortunately, this virus is going to be with us for decades ahead. if you mean slowing it down, then that's something which the vaccines are already doing. we know the pandemic has hit some people harder than others. and the health secretary thinks he�*s found one reason why. these pulse oximeter devices, used to measure oxygen in the blood, give more accurate readings from white skin. so there�*ll now be a review to make sure medical equipment�*s equally effective whatever your skin colour. it's absolutely crucial that those who use pulse oximeters- in their practice or- provide them to the public, take skin pigmentation - into account when considering effectiveness amongst users. this is not to say that. pulse oximeters are bad. what we are saying is that. more care needs to be taken when looking at the the readings from these devices. _ but, as parts of europe lock down and close up once again, and the christmas markets are quiet, the short—term question here is whether we can stay immune from further covid restrictions. dan johnson, bbc news. let�*s hear more from the health secretary sajid javid about his concerns over pulse oximeters, which measure oxygen in the blood. mrjavid was speaking to the bbc. i think possibly, yes, yes. i don't have the full facts, and that will be a cross... these oximeters are being used in every country and they have the same problem, and the reason is a lot of these medical devices, even some of the drugs, and some of the procedures, some of the textbooks, most of them are put together in majority—white countries and i think there' a systemic issue around this. labour has accused the government of "comprehensivelyfailing" to deal with people using small boats to cross the channel to the uk. nearly 25,000 people have arrived so far this year, almost three times the total number of migrants in 2020. yesterday the prime minister announced a cabinet office review into ways of stemming the flow of migrants making the crossing. the shadow home secretary nick thomas—symonds has accused the government of "dangerous" incompetence. there are thousands of lives being risked in the english channel on a day—to—day basis, i�*m afraid, and the home secretary�*s incompetence on this matter is dangerous. what would i be doing as home secretary? well, i would be firstly getting an effective deal with the french authorities. the issue with priti patel is that she�*s more interested in a diplomatic spat than she is in a workable deal. it focuses on patrols. in a diplomatic spat than she is in a workable deal, and the deal as we have it focuses on the coast — it focuses on patrols. now, i�*m not saying that isn�*t important — it is — but we also need in that deal to be looking upstream. we need to be looking away from the coast to disrupt these vile people—smugglers on the long routes, the long, well—established routes the people have taken to reach northern france in the first place. well, mr thomas simmons also said he would like a replacement for the dublin agreement which allows eu countries to transfer asylum seekers back to the first member state can do meant that they can be proven to have entered. the uk left the agreement after brexit. the health secretary sajid javid said the home office is working to find ways to return people to other countries. whatever agreement it wasn�*t going to be the dublin agreement, because, as i say, it never worked. we do need new agreements with countries, predominantly with the countries where most of the failed asylum seekers are coming from, and those aren�*t always european countries. and this home secretary has done that — she has signed new agreements and put those in place with countries like india. but, also, i would say that the pandemic has made returning people across the world, across asylum systems much harder, and we do have to take that into account as well. the uk health secretary sajid javid has said some people may have died as a result of potential racial bias in the design and use of some medical devices. the government has launched a review following research suggesting that, during the pandemic, patients from some ethnic minorities have been at greater risk of receiving inaccurate results from oximeters, which measure oxygen in the blood. ministers want to know whether this also prevented people from being given the most appropriate treatment for covid—i9. what is a pulse oximeter? villa cheap and _ what is a pulse oximeter? villa cheap and noninvasive - what is a pulse oximeter? if lie cheap and noninvasive way of measuring oxygen levels in hospital and in the community. the alternative and more accurate way of measuring oxygen levels is taking blood, blood gas sample from an aspirin the —— from an artery or vein but that�*s far more invasive. it is basically a little gadget that attaches to a person�*s fingernail and sends a beam of light through the bloodstream measures the amount of oxygen based on the wavelength of the light that the device sends back. studies dating back 30 years have consistently shown that these oximeters are less accurate in people with darker skin tones and it is thought that skin pigmentation may affect the way in which the light to do much absorbed, although research shows that these oximeters consistently overestimate oxygen levels and darker skinned people by about 2%. it doesn�*t sound like much but that could pose a serious danger to health. quite what you have spoken to some of the people have been affected in this way. what they said? pulse oximeters have been increasingly used during the coronavirus pandemic because the oxygen levels of people who have covid—i9 can drop to dangerously low thresholds without them even noticing. that is a condition known as silent high proxy and i have spoken to patients who have been using oximeters at home and the devices are telling them that their oxygen is within safe levels but they have then gone on to develop symptoms of hypoxaemia such as shortness of breath, racing pulse and dizziness and they�*ve ended up needing hospital treatment and doctors that i�*ve spoken to have also come across cases of patients they�*ve been treating in intensive care who have had their oxygen levels measured with an oximeter as well as using bull, blood gas samples and there has been a discrepancy between the two readings so higher or normal readings coming from the oximeter but lower or more accurate readings from the blood sample. now, we know that people from black, asian and minority ethnic communities are more likely to get coronavirus and become severely unwell and die from it and medical experts are now also the health secretary believe that potential inaccuracies in these devices may be a contributing factor to this because if oxygen levels and is detected in time, if low oxygen levels aren�*t detected in time and weather delays in people receiving treatment then this could have serious consequences including brain damage, paralysis and even death. why hasn�*t this potential racial bias been picked up before? back why hasn't this potential racial bias been picked up before? back in jul . bias been picked up before? back in jul , nhs bias been picked up before? back in july. nhs england — bias been picked up before? back in july, nhs england and _ bias been picked up before? back in july, nhs england and the - bias been picked up before? back in july, nhs england and the body - bias been picked up before? back in| july, nhs england and the body that regulates medicines and health care�*s products the mh of new guidance on pulse oximeters recognising the growing evidence that these devices could produce misleading readings for people with darker skin tones and at the time the advised people to continue using the advised people to continue using the devices but to speak to a medical professional and monitor their oxygen levels over time and that actually came after the nhs health and race observatory published a report earlier in the year recommending that the mhra caveat is an urgent review into the use of pulse oximeters. now we�*ve heard today that the health secretary is going to appoint an independent chairman to lead this with you into pulse oximeters and initial findings of expected at the end of january. initial findings of expected at the end ofjanuary. the consequences initial findings of expected at the end of january. the consequences of this are significant, though, because the pandemic has already shone a light on health inequalities experienced by black asian and minority ethnic communities and depending what this review finds, if widely used medical technology is found to be failing those who are already marginalised and that would show that racial disparities in health care run deeper than initially thought. fix, health care run deeper than initially thought.— health care run deeper than initiall thou:ht. �* ., initially thought. a health reporter initially thought. a health reporter in solihull. thank _ initially thought. a health reporter in solihull. thank you _ initially thought. a health reporter in solihull. thank you very - initially thought. a health reporter in solihull. thank you very much l initially thought. a health reporter. in solihull. thank you very much for joining us. spot now and a full vote from the bbc sport centre with gavin. lets aet some bbc sport centre with gavin. lets get some on _ bbc sport centre with gavin. lets get some on the _ bbc sport centre with gavin. lets get some on the big news from manchester united who have, of course, sacked a legal songster today —— sacked coach mike today. jane dougal has more from old trafford. saturday�*s 4—1 defeat to watford seem to be the final straw when there were boos ringing round the stadium from the away end as they managed to pass on the pitch and it is understood that that defeat prompted the owners, the to call an agent meeting when they took us to the manager and earlier it was released a statement by the club confirming they had parted company with coach mac. in a statement they said ole gunnar solskjaer would always be a legend at manchester united and it is with great regret we have reached this difficult decision. while the past few weeks have been disappointing they should not obscure all the work is done over the past four years. the statement also confirmed that one of the members are backroom staff michael carrick will take charge of team for forthcoming games while the club looks to appoint an interim manager until the end of the season and then presumably a permanent manager will be found this summer. while this was a hard decision to make it was a necessary one. it was hard because solskjaer was so beloved of this club. he scored the winning goal at the champions league final in 1999 helping united on the way to the trouble for that year but it was necessary because in his three years as manager he did not manage to secure any silverware at —— on their way to the treble. as we know, in the premier league there is no room for sentiment. it's it�*s city are currently two goals up at the stadium. women�*s super league leaders arsenal won 2—0 at manchester united in today�*s early kick off. it was goalless at half—time but soon afterwards, netherlands international viviane miedema cut in to score her 13th goal in 16 games. and i—0 became 2—0 after katie mccabe won arsenal a penalty and scored from it. that keeps the gunners unbeaten and top of the table. and there are four other games to look forward to throughout the afternoon... there are goals flying in at chelsea at the moment, 4—0 against birmingham city sacked manager scott booth. sam kerr with a hat—trick before half—time as chelsea look to keep pace with arsenal at the top. big day in international rugby union action in ireland�*s men are currently leading argentina 24—7 as half—time in that one. and england�*s women are up against the united states. these are live pictures from the sixways stadium. england currently lead to 17—0 and you can watch live coverage on bbc iplayer and bbc sports website. wales take on canada at five. the final round of the season ending event in golf�*s european tour has reached its conclusion in dubai and for rory mcilroy, itjust wasn�*t his day. the world number eight teed off the final day with a one—shot lead, but momentum began to shift after hitting the flag on the 15th. as 24—year old collin morikawa claimed victory to become the first american to win on the european tour, finishing 17—under par. there�*s been gold for britain�*s bryony page this morning at the trampoline and tumbling world championships in baku. there�*s plenty more on the website, including all the latest on the qatar grand prix. lewis hamilton started on pole and leads at the moment from championship leader max verstappen. you can find more on that and all of our stories on the bbc sport website. i believe some people are watching that rather than us, gavin, which is quite upsetting. h0??? that rather than us, gavin, which is quite wetting-— that rather than us, gavin, which is quite upsetting-— that rather than us, gavin, which is i quite upsetting._ when quite upsetting. how dare they! when the finished quite upsetting. how dare they! when they finished they _ quite upsetting. how dare they! when they finished they might _ quite upsetting. how dare they! when they finished they might join - quite upsetting. how dare they! when they finished they might join us. - quite upsetting. how dare they! when they finished they might join us. we l they finished they mightjoin us. we will still be here. the rac has issued a warning over soaring petrol prices as drivers face tough choices in managing their budgets. the motoring organisation has said the record prices at the pumps are hitting families at a time when pressures on finances are already high. joining me now is rod dennis from the rac ifinished i finished today and those paying 153 a litre and leaded petrol and maybe it�*s time i switch to an electric car! what is the one you are giving?— are giving? fighter is extremely hiuh now are giving? fighter is extremely high new last — are giving? fighter is extremely high now last month _ are giving? fighter is extremely high now last month we - are giving? fighter is extremely high now last month we saw- are giving? fighter is extremely i high now last month we saw petrol prices rise at their fastest in many, many years and they are no extremely high levels. the average price of petrol looks like you have paid over the ultimate fate and the average price is found about £1 47 at the moment and £150 average price is found about £1 47 at the moment and £1 50 for diesel and what we are saying here at the rac is if we look at what is happening in the wholesale market this is the price which retailers by fuel in full and there has been some dramatic drops in the last few days what we�*re saying to retailers especially the biggest ones as they really should be cutting petrol prices now. the price that drivers are paying on average at the moment simply is the price which retailers buy fuel in full and there has been some dramatic drops in the last few days what we�*re saying to retailers especially the biggest ones as they really should be cutting petrol prices now. the price that drivers are paying on average at the moment simply isn�*tjustified on the basis of what retailers are spending themselves.— of what retailers are spending themselves. , �* ., ., themselves. isn't there often are like, though _ themselves. isn't there often are like, though between _ themselves. isn't there often are like, though between resale - themselves. isn't there often are i like, though between resale prices catching up with wholesale and they could explain away that way? i think that was the — could explain away that way? i think that was the case _ could explain away that way? i think that was the case if _ could explain away that way? i think that was the case if they _ could explain away that way? i think that was the case if they were - that was the case if they were buying food on a sporadic basis, smaller retailers who don�*t top up that often perhaps winning new fields deliveries every fortnight or so if you�*re one of biggest retailers and supermarkets you are buying fuel all the time and we have said this consistently at the rac that this effective rocket in feather and prices going up extremely quickly when wholesale markets going up or dropping really slowly when prices are going down and given what you said in the intro there we know there is a huge amount of pressure on household finances going into this winter particularly with high inflation, high domestic energy prices as well. we really think it is notjustified retailers to hold on to the amount of extra money they�*re making at the moment. the prices do seem particularly high because they did drop quite a lot during not done, didn�*t they, because people were travelling in the demand dropped. what sort of leverage if he really got, though, against these big buyers and sellers of petrol? it is against these big buyers and sellers of etrol? , ., , . ., , of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would like _ of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would like to _ of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would like to think _ of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would like to think here - of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would like to think here at - of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would like to think here at the l i would like to think here at the rac we have got a good record of calling for retailers to cut prices for them to actually follow. what we�*re doing are looking at what is happening in the wholesale market which is all we ever do another time in the domestic energy markets inhibit the rac we do that the drivers when it comes to petrol and diesel prices. we know retailers are paying as much fuel at the moment and we would really like especially at the present time for those price reductions that retailers are benefiting from to be passed on at the pumps. what has been happening here is the amount of margin retailers are taken as demand at 10p on every litre at the moment and thatis on every litre at the moment and that is double what it was basically before covid—19 was a bounce they are taking significantly more at the moment and all we�*re saying is play fair especially people are particularly hard up and depend on their vehicles and actually start to charge petrol prices at much more affordable levels.— affordable levels. thank you very much. shoppers are being warned that some retailers may not have enough stock for black friday this week, because of supply chain issues. the uk�*s online retail association, the imrg, says problems getting goods from china and a shortage of drivers and warehouse staff mean stock might not arrive on time. our business correspondent caroline davies has more. we know that the course of the last 20 months have been difficult for many retailers. the pandemic, of course, caused stop—starts in the supply chain, backlogs at ports and on top of that, difficulties in some cases in getting hgv lorry drivers to be able to transport the goods to wherever they are needed. now, on top of that, we are building up to black friday, which is a big day in the shopping calendar where retailers slash the prices of some of their goods in order to encourage people to purchase in the run—up to christmas. it was originally something that started in the usa and has come over to the uk in recent years. but some tech retailers are already concerned that there may be some disruption due to delays in deliveries. now, that�*s according to the imrg, which is the uk�*s online retail association. retailers will often buy goods well in advance of black friday, maybe months in advance, and quite often bulk bulk buy them so that then they can sell them at a discount and still make a profit. however, if those goods are delayed by 4—6 weeks, that means they may have to change their promotional campaigns from that particular stock to whatever they do now have in stock and is available to sell. according to the group�*s insights director, asia is a real pinch point for this, and goods coming out of asia in particular. some companies may be able to find a workaround, they might have deep pockets to be able to do that, but others, he says, might really find themselves in a difficult position. he also says that there are worries that some retailers might not be able to find enough staff to fill their warehouses or hgv drivers to transport their goods. having said that, just because some products may be a bit more difficult to come by, he also says there will be plenty of tech products on the shelves. as the picture suggests sunday has been a bright, fresh day across many parts of the british isles, certainly a cooler field and we have had of late and this is a feeling we notice heading to the next few days as well in the short term some isolated showers for some areas and they will tend to away as we get on through the next few hours or so and overnight we willjust be left with a few across this far south—eastern quarter. weatherfronts a few across this far south—eastern quarter. weather fronts just pushing in across the far north of scotland, keeping the temperatures up and further south the sky is clear and quite markedly and i think we will end up with quite a spreads fast many inland area or bright fresh that the new day on monday for southern scotland, much of england and wales, northern ireland to other clubs appear know is that bit cloudier across the north of scotland with bits and pieces of rain coming through what is now going to be more westerly piece of av notjust going to be more westerly piece of av not just feeling going to be more westerly piece of av notjust feeling as cold as it did do over the course of sunday but still a high of over 10 degrees. hello, this is bbc news. the headlines... ole gunnar solskjaer has been sacked as manchester united�*s manager. michael carrick has been placed in temporary charge. fires and fighting on the streets of the hague ? lockdown protesters clash with dutch police in a second night of violence. in the uk, an investigation is being launched into whether there is racial bias in the design of some medical devices used by the national health service. the health secretary said people may have died as a result of the issue. labour accuses the home secretary of dangerous incompetence over channel migrant crossings, is more than three times as many people have crossed from france to the uk by boat this year compared to 2020. and the taxi driver from the liverpool terror attack has released a statement saying it�*s a miracle he�*s alive, and thanking the public for their amazing generosity. now on bbc news, it�*s time for the media show. hello. last week�*s attack in liverpool leads our conversation today. how do you report responsibly on an incident like that? when is the right moment to use the word "terrorism"? and is the doorstep morally wrong? also on the media show — a new streaming service launched on sky this week. can the traditional tv stations claw back an audience from netflix and disney? let�*s start by introducing today�*s guests. simon walker is chief executive at marquee tv. and simon, for listeners who don�*t know, what exactly is marquee tv?

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Ole Gunnar Solskjaer S , Manchester United , Bbc News , Headlines , Fighting , Manager , Fires , Hague , Figures , Streets , Last Night , The Club , People , Devices , Sajid Javid , Bias , Merseyside Police , Uk , Design , Investigation , Violence , Protesters , National Health Service , Dutch , Oximeters , Issue , Result , Country , Facts , Problem , Yes , Statement , Taxi Driver , Home Secretary , Times , Labour , Liverpool , Miracle , Terror Attack , Dangerous Incompetence , Channel Migrant Crossings , Three , Public , Generosity , One , Defeat , Football Management , Biggestjobs , Watford , 1 , 4 , Football Club , Results , String , End , Joe Lynskey , Playing Icon , Coach , Team , Run , Connection , Last , The End , Premier League Table , Seven , 7 , Course , Boys , Home , Games , Ground , Damage , Win , Humiliations , Rivals , Fans , Manchester City , 0 , 5 , Goals , Football , Striker , Flak , Solskjaerjoined , 25 , Form , Standout Choice , Trophies , Permanent Boss , 2018 , Cristiano Ronaldo , Players , Debut , Ball , Goals Haven T , Lot , Alex Ferguson , Nightmare , Player , Boss , Left , League Titles , Everything , 2013 , Six , Turnaround , Know , City , Juergen Klopp , Creature , Gentlemen , Pet Guardian , Entlemen , Chelsea , Wasn T , Goalkeeper , Fault , Summer , Reason , Penalty , Penalties , Europa League Final , Midfielder , Say Declan Faes , Hatful , Marcus That , Cavani , Money , It , Want , Isn T , Red , Jason Greenwood , Marcus Rashford , Elise , Jason Green Sea , Kind , Budget , Bit , List , Associate , Atomic , Place , Anything , Squad , Two , All In One Direction , Aim , Use , Something , Ennio , Lines , Venial , Joes , Solace , Source , Problems , Fact , Movie , Put , Executive Vice Chairman , Work , Team Game , Game , Field , The Field , Wall , Far , Itjust , December 19 , 19 , Newspaper , Jamiejackson , Skill Solskjaer , Tours , Jamie Jackson , Us , David Perry , Rachel , Response , Staff , Hospital , Emergency Responders , Tributes , Letter , Communities , Terrorism , Goal , Steve Rotheram , Leaders , Discord , Behalf , Senior , Distrust , Fear , Mayorjoanne Anderson , Standing , Shoulder , Pride , Night , Protests , Covid , Lockdown Restrictions , Cases , Parts , Trouble , Number , Spike , Covid Booster Programme , Towns , Cities , Jabs , Europe , Prevent Britain , Countries , Health Secretary , Restricted Freedoms , Vaccinations , Danjohnson , Backlash , Forties , Wave , Plans , Mrjavid , Travel Ban List , Morning , Focus , Boosterjab Campaign , Way , Review , Group , A0 To A9 , Record , Numbers , Everyone , Feeling , Herd Immunity , Vaccine , Plan , Scientists , Vaccination Rates , Travel , Delta Variant , Oxford , Pandemic , Virus , Vaccines , Others , Spread , Thing , It Down , Pulse Oximeter , Blood Gas Sample , Readings , Oxygen , Skin , Skin Colour , Equipment , Pulse Oximeters , Skin Pigmentation , Who , Effectiveness , Practice , Users , Saying , Care Needs , Markets , Restrictions , Question , Europe Lock , Quiet , Dan Johnson , Measure Oxygen , Cross , Concerns , Some , Government , Most , Channel , Comprehensivelyfailing , Boats , Procedures , Textbooks , Drugs , Ways , Incompetence , Cabinet Office Review , Migrants , Lives , Shadow Home Secretary , Thousands , Flow , The Crossing , Prime Minister , Nick Thomas Symonds , 2020 , 25000 , Deal , Basis , Home Secretary S Incompetence , Matter , Authorities , English Channel , French , Spat , Patrols , She , Priti Patel , Isn , Routes , Thomas Simmons , Coast , Smugglers , Reach Northern France , Agreement , Asylum Seekers , Home Office , Member State , Replacement , Dublin , Eu , Brexit , Agreements , It Wasn , Aren , World , India , Asylum Systems , Research , Has , Oxygen Levels , Patients , Treatment , Noninvasive , Minorities , Ministers , Villa , Risk , Lie , Covid I9 , Villa Cheap , Measuring Oxygen Levels , Community , Artery , Alternative , Aspirin , Amount , Light , Device , Bloodstream , Beam , Gadget , Wavelength , Vein , Person S Fingernail , Skin Tones , Studies , 30 , Health , Danger , Sound , It Doesn , 2 , Condition , Thresholds , Levels , Symptoms , Hypoxaemia , Proxy , Hospital Treatment , Pulse , Intensive Care , Racing , Dizziness , Doctors , Shortness Of Breath , Oximeter , Blood Sample , Blood Gas , Bull , Discrepancy , Black , Inaccuracies , Experts , Asian , Delays , Factor , Weather , Back , Consequences , Jul , Brain Damage , Body , Hasn T , Paralysis , Death , Health Care , Products , Medicines , Evidence , Report , Observatory , Professional , Race , Mhra , Findings , Chairman , Caveat , Review Finds , Health Inequalities , Ofjanuary , Health Reporter , Technology , Fix , Initiall Thou , Ht , Disparities , Solihull , Bbc Sport Centre With Gavin , News , Thank , Vote , Songster , Mike Today , Jane Dougal , Old Trafford , Owners , Stadium , Boos , Straw , Round , Agent , Pitch , Decision , Company , Regret , Legend , Coach Mac , Michael Carrick , Charge , Interim Manager , Members , Four , Season , Champions League , 1999 , Room , Treble , Silverware , Sentiment , Arsenal , Women , Viviane Miedema Cut , Super League , 13 , 16 , Gunners , Table , Afternoon , I 0 , Big Day , Top , Scott Booth , Ireland , Hat Trick , Action , Rugby Union , Men , Birmingham City , Pace , Sam Kerr , England , Pictures , Sixways Stadium , Argentina , 24 , 17 , European Tour , Rory Mcilroy , Coverage , Conclusion , Ending Event , Golf , Itjust Wasn , Bbc Sports Website , Wales , Bbc Iplayer , Canada , Dubai , Five , Eight , Gold , Momentum , One Shot Lead , Victory , Par , Page , Trampoline , Flag , The European Tour , Collin Morikawa , First American , Bryony , 15 , Bbc Sport , Max Verstappen , Latest , Pole , Stories , Lewis Hamilton , Tumbling World Championships , Baku , Grand Prix , Qatar , Gavin , Wetting , H0 , We L , Drivers , Prices , Petrol Prices , Rac , Pumps , Finances , Budgets , Choices , Pressures , Warning , Families , Rod Dennis , Motoring Organisation , Petrol , Fighter , Litre , Car , Rac Ifinished , 153 , Price , Diesel , Many , Fate , 150 , 47 , 50 , , Retailers , Market , Ones , Fuel , Drops , Average , Tjustified , Case , Resale Prices , Supermarkets , Resale , Fields Deliveries , Top Up , Don T , Buying Food , Rocket , Household Finances , Pressure , Intro , Winter , Feather , Energy Prices , Making , Inflation , Demand , Sellers , Buyers , Leverage , Li , Etrol , Energy Markets , Calling , Doing , Price Reductions , Margin , Play , We , Double , Thatis , Bounce , Vehicles , 10 , Shoppers , Goods , Stock , Caroline Davies , Supply Chain Issues , Warehouse Staff , Shortage , Online Retail Association , Black Friday , Imrg , China , 20 , Lorry Drivers , Backlogs , Supply Chain , Difficulties , Hgv , Shopping Calendar , Order , Run Up To , Advance , Tech Retailers , Deliveries , Disruption , Bulk , Discount , Profit , 6 , Workaround , Companies , Director , Pinch Point , Campaigns , Insights , Asia , Coming Out Of Asia In Particular , Position , Pockets , Warehouses , Worries , Difficult , Cooler Field , Tech Products , Picture , Term , Shelves , British Isles , Few , Showers , Areas , Weather Fronts , Southern Scotland , Weatherfronts , Sky , Much , Area , Temperatures , Northern Ireland , Piece , Clubs , High , Pieces , North , Av , Bits , Rain , Av Notjust , S Manager , Hello , Lockdown Protesters , Boat , France , Media Show , Attack , Doorstep , Conversation , Incident , Word , On The Media Show , Marquee Tv , Tv Stations , Chief Executive , Service , Listeners , Audience , Guests , Simon Walker , Netflix , Disney ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240709

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labour accuses the home secretary of "dangerous incompetence" over channel migrant crossings — as more than three times as many and — the taxi driver from the liverpool terror attack has released a statement saying it's a "miracle" he is alive, and thanking the public for their �*amazing generosity�*. welcome to bbc news. one of the biggestjobs in football management has become vacant. manchester united have sacked their manager ole gunnar solskjaer this morning following yesterday's 4—1 defeat at watford. the club have suffered a string of poor results and are currently 7th in the premier league table. joe lynskey looks back on solskjaer�*s time at manchester united. for manchester united, he was the coach with the connection. the playing icon who became manager. no—one hoped the end would be like this. in ole gunnar solskjaer�*s last match, his team were beaten 4—1 by watford, the end of a run of seven league games with one win and now three humiliations. last month, united lost 5—0 at home to liverpool and, on the same ground, were beaten by manchester city. defeat to bitter rivals have caused the most damage. the boys, of course, they're disappointed. they've let themselves down and the fans down. it's hard to stand here and explain that, but that's football, and we have to take the flak for it. solskjaerjoined united 25 years ago. he was the striker whose late goals meant so much. super sub has done it again! in 2018, he became temporary manager and their form was so good, he was the standout choice. but, as permanent boss, there have been no trophies. this was meant to be the year it came good. cristiano ronaldo scored twice on his debut, but even his goals haven't stopped this dismal run. now even the players don't hold back. it was embarrassing. we don't know what to do with the ball, we don't know how to defend properly, we are conceding a lot of goals. yeah, it's another nightmare. since 2013, everything's changed. united now seek a fifth permanent boss since sir alex ferguson left. as a player under him, solskjaer won six league titles. and, this time for solskjaer, there is no late turnaround. joe lynskey, bbc news. but, as a coach, too much has gone wrong and, this time for solskjaer, there is no late turnaround. joe lynskey, bbc news. and — the taxi driver from the liverpool terror attack has released a statement saying it's a "miracle" he is alive, if you are manager of manchester united really should be like, is at chelsea, pet guardian at manchester city, juergen klopp for liverpool, know, you city, juergen klopp for liverpool, know, you know, city, juergen klopp for liverpool, know, you know, -entlemen city, juergen klopp for liverpool, know, you know, -entlemen were know, you know, gentlemen were already proven because it you walk into manchester united and is actually completely different creature to any of those but i just went in there, chelsea city are livable. i was at the europa league final a summer which they lost on penalties in the goalkeeper missed the decisive penalty and it wasn't his fault of course and i think he hasjust come up his fault of course and i think he has just come up short. if you asked me to crystallise into one reason why he failed i would say not signing a defensive midfielder or a really good midfielder like say declan faes at this time in the summer. it is not rinaldo�*s fault but he did not need another striker who could score a hatful of goals because he has cavani there, marcus that's red, jason green sea want to criticise —— —— marcus rashford, jason greenwood, and elise took get like that. what that is not for the want of money, isn't it? you got money to spend? it is a bit of a list of atomic make that manchester united did not spend money. they most certainly do and i am also right in thinking that legal associate since he was appointed as kind of had the biggest budget. —— ole gunnar solskjaer since appointed has had the biggest budget. he has built a very good squad, missing one or two games and also the club now is in a far better, happier place and why that is important is he will not win anything unless a football club is, you know, pulling together all in one direction. under use only and are venial, it certainly was not and are venial, it certainly was not and is doing now despite the recent really bad form —— —— underjoes aim and are venial, it certainly was not and are venial, it certainly was not and is doing now despite the recent really bad form —— —— and h is a football club is, you know, pulling together all in one direction. under use only venial, _ together all in one direction. under use only venial, it _ together all in one direction. under use only venial, it certainly - together all in one direction. under use only venial, it certainly was - use only venial, it certainly was not and is doing now despite the recent really bad form —— —— under joes aim of ennio. we never his something along those lines saying thank you, solskjaer, you did a proud, the last three months ripped off but before that you did us proud and you have a source of solace. you said that's used night it was a different kind of put them on in the premier league sides. what was going wrong and what to you been the fact that they needed?— wrong and what to you been the fact that they needed? under movie knew it wasn't very — that they needed? under movie knew it wasn't very happy _ that they needed? under movie knew it wasn't very happy place, _ that they needed? under movie knew it wasn't very happy place, top - that they needed? under movie knew it wasn't very happy place, top to - it wasn't very happy place, top to bottom and up to the executive vice chairman there were problems and people were getting on and it was a divisive place and therefore you are really not going to as they say, obviously football as a team game on the field but it is also a team game off the field. within the club, if one has to be happy going into work and that one has restored that end now nearly three years since he walked into the place, december 19 i believe, itjust was not like that at all and he leave the club in a far, far, better healthier spot than it was when he walked in and that should not be underestimated because it took time and that is a definite skill solskjaer had and he displayed so whoever walks in now and takes over, you know, can thank him for that. might make jamiejackson from that. might make jamie jackson from the that. might make jamiejackson from the guardian newspaper speaking tours earlier. ——jamiejackson from the guardian newspaper speaking to us earlier. the taxi driver from the liverpool terror attack has released a statement and thanked the public for their �*amazing generosity�*. david perry released the following statement alongside his wife rachel. tributes have also been paid to the response from the public, emergency responders and hospital staff, in an open letter from police and local political figures. written on behalf of liverpool�*s mayorjoanne anderson, senior merseyside police leaders, and metro mayor steve rotheram, it said... "the ultimate goal of terrorism is to create discord, distrust and fear in our communities, and whilst we know some people may be anxious and concerned... we have seen people across liverpool standing shoulder to shoulder. that�*s because liverpool always pulls together at times like this and the pride of all our communities is there for all to see." there�*s been a second night of violent protests in the netherlands against covid lockdown restrictions. trouble flared in several cities and towns, with a number the health secretary sajid javid says the covid booster programme should prevent britain experiencing the spike in cases seen in the netherlands and other parts of europe. the jabs are being extended to the over forties from tomorrow. mrjavid said there are no plans to put any european countries back on the travel ban list, danjohnson reports this is the european backlash to tightening lockdowns, restricted freedoms, even mandated vaccinations, all in response to a wave of rising covid cases by sajid javid, the health secretary here in the uk. by sajid javid, but here in the uk. the health secretary this morning ruled out compulsory vaccinations with the focus instead on the boosterjab campaign. well, we are extending it from tomorrow, actually, to people in the age group, a0 to a9, and we will keep under review how that might be extended in the future. and we�*re seeing record numbers of people come forward. but i would urge everyone to, if they are eligible to do so, to come forward, because that�*s the best way we can look forward to the kind of christmas that we all want to see. there�*s no plan to restrict travel. the feeling is the delta variant may be spreading through europe, but it�*s already here. our vaccination rates are good, but one of the scientists behind the oxford—astrazeneca vaccine was asked, are we getting close to herd immunity? well, it depends what you mean by herd immunity. if you mean stopping the virus so it can no longer spread, that's not going to be a thing. unfortunately, this virus is going to be with us for decades ahead. if you mean slowing it down, then that's something which the vaccines are already doing. we know the pandemic has hit some people harder than others. and the health secretary thinks he�*s found one reason why. these pulse oximeter devices, used to measure oxygen in the blood, give more accurate readings from white skin. so there�*ll now be a review to make sure medical equipment�*s equally effective whatever your skin colour. it's absolutely crucial that those who use pulse oximeters- in their practice or- provide them to the public, take skin pigmentation - into account when considering effectiveness amongst users. this is not to say that. pulse oximeters are bad. what we are saying is that. more care needs to be taken when looking at the the readings from these devices. _ but, as parts of europe lock down and close up once again, and the christmas markets are quiet, the short—term question here is whether we can stay immune from further covid restrictions. dan johnson, bbc news. let�*s hear more from the health secretary sajid javid about his concerns over pulse oximeters, which measure oxygen in the blood. mrjavid was speaking to the bbc. i think possibly, yes, yes. i don't have the full facts, and that will be a cross... these oximeters are being used in every country and they have the same problem, and the reason is a lot of these medical devices, even some of the drugs, and some of the procedures, some of the textbooks, most of them are put together in majority—white countries and i think there' a systemic issue around this. labour has accused the government of "comprehensivelyfailing" to deal with people using small boats to cross the channel to the uk. nearly 25,000 people have arrived so far this year, almost three times the total number of migrants in 2020. yesterday the prime minister announced a cabinet office review into ways of stemming the flow of migrants making the crossing. the shadow home secretary nick thomas—symonds has accused the government of "dangerous" incompetence. there are thousands of lives being risked in the english channel on a day—to—day basis, i�*m afraid, and the home secretary�*s incompetence on this matter is dangerous. what would i be doing as home secretary? well, i would be firstly getting an effective deal with the french authorities. the issue with priti patel is that she�*s more interested in a diplomatic spat than she is in a workable deal. it focuses on patrols. in a diplomatic spat than she is in a workable deal, and the deal as we have it focuses on the coast — it focuses on patrols. now, i�*m not saying that isn�*t important — it is — but we also need in that deal to be looking upstream. we need to be looking away from the coast to disrupt these vile people—smugglers on the long routes, the long, well—established routes the people have taken to reach northern france in the first place. well, mr thomas simmons also said he would like a replacement for the dublin agreement which allows eu countries to transfer asylum seekers back to the first member state can do meant that they can be proven to have entered. the uk left the agreement after brexit. the health secretary sajid javid said the home office is working to find ways to return people to other countries. whatever agreement it wasn�*t going to be the dublin agreement, because, as i say, it never worked. we do need new agreements with countries, predominantly with the countries where most of the failed asylum seekers are coming from, and those aren�*t always european countries. and this home secretary has done that — she has signed new agreements and put those in place with countries like india. but, also, i would say that the pandemic has made returning people across the world, across asylum systems much harder, and we do have to take that into account as well. the uk health secretary sajid javid has said some people may have died as a result of potential racial bias in the design and use of some medical devices. the government has launched a review following research suggesting that, during the pandemic, patients from some ethnic minorities have been at greater risk of receiving inaccurate results from oximeters, which measure oxygen in the blood. ministers want to know whether this also prevented people from being given the most appropriate treatment for covid—i9. what is a pulse oximeter? villa cheap and _ what is a pulse oximeter? villa cheap and noninvasive - what is a pulse oximeter? if lie cheap and noninvasive way of measuring oxygen levels in hospital and in the community. the alternative and more accurate way of measuring oxygen levels is taking blood, blood gas sample from an aspirin the —— from an artery or vein but that�*s far more invasive. it is basically a little gadget that attaches to a person�*s fingernail and sends a beam of light through the bloodstream measures the amount of oxygen based on the wavelength of the light that the device sends back. studies dating back 30 years have consistently shown that these oximeters are less accurate in people with darker skin tones and it is thought that skin pigmentation may affect the way in which the light to do much absorbed, although research shows that these oximeters consistently overestimate oxygen levels and darker skinned people by about 2%. it doesn�*t sound like much but that could pose a serious danger to health. quite what you have spoken to some of the people have been affected in this way. what they said? pulse oximeters have been increasingly used during the coronavirus pandemic because the oxygen levels of people who have covid—i9 can drop to dangerously low thresholds without them even noticing. that is a condition known as silent high proxy and i have spoken to patients who have been using oximeters at home and the devices are telling them that their oxygen is within safe levels but they have then gone on to develop symptoms of hypoxaemia such as shortness of breath, racing pulse and dizziness and they�*ve ended up needing hospital treatment and doctors that i�*ve spoken to have also come across cases of patients they�*ve been treating in intensive care who have had their oxygen levels measured with an oximeter as well as using bull, blood gas samples and there has been a discrepancy between the two readings so higher or normal readings coming from the oximeter but lower or more accurate readings from the blood sample. now, we know that people from black, asian and minority ethnic communities are more likely to get coronavirus and become severely unwell and die from it and medical experts are now also the health secretary believe that potential inaccuracies in these devices may be a contributing factor to this because if oxygen levels and is detected in time, if low oxygen levels aren�*t detected in time and weather delays in people receiving treatment then this could have serious consequences including brain damage, paralysis and even death. why hasn�*t this potential racial bias been picked up before? back why hasn't this potential racial bias been picked up before? back in jul . bias been picked up before? back in jul , nhs bias been picked up before? back in july. nhs england — bias been picked up before? back in july, nhs england and _ bias been picked up before? back in july, nhs england and the - bias been picked up before? back in july, nhs england and the body - bias been picked up before? back in| july, nhs england and the body that regulates medicines and health care�*s products the mh of new guidance on pulse oximeters recognising the growing evidence that these devices could produce misleading readings for people with darker skin tones and at the time the advised people to continue using the advised people to continue using the devices but to speak to a medical professional and monitor their oxygen levels over time and that actually came after the nhs health and race observatory published a report earlier in the year recommending that the mhra caveat is an urgent review into the use of pulse oximeters. now we�*ve heard today that the health secretary is going to appoint an independent chairman to lead this with you into pulse oximeters and initial findings of expected at the end of january. initial findings of expected at the end ofjanuary. the consequences initial findings of expected at the end of january. the consequences of this are significant, though, because the pandemic has already shone a light on health inequalities experienced by black asian and minority ethnic communities and depending what this review finds, if widely used medical technology is found to be failing those who are already marginalised and that would show that racial disparities in health care run deeper than initially thought. fix, health care run deeper than initially thought.— health care run deeper than initiall thou:ht. �* ., initially thought. a health reporter initially thought. a health reporter in solihull. thank _ initially thought. a health reporter in solihull. thank you _ initially thought. a health reporter in solihull. thank you very - initially thought. a health reporter in solihull. thank you very much l initially thought. a health reporter. in solihull. thank you very much for joining us. spot now and a full vote from the bbc sport centre with gavin. lets aet some bbc sport centre with gavin. lets get some on _ bbc sport centre with gavin. lets get some on the _ bbc sport centre with gavin. lets get some on the big news from manchester united who have, of course, sacked a legal songster today —— sacked coach mike today. jane dougal has more from old trafford. saturday�*s 4—1 defeat to watford seem to be the final straw when there were boos ringing round the stadium from the away end as they managed to pass on the pitch and it is understood that that defeat prompted the owners, the to call an agent meeting when they took us to the manager and earlier it was released a statement by the club confirming they had parted company with coach mac. in a statement they said ole gunnar solskjaer would always be a legend at manchester united and it is with great regret we have reached this difficult decision. while the past few weeks have been disappointing they should not obscure all the work is done over the past four years. the statement also confirmed that one of the members are backroom staff michael carrick will take charge of team for forthcoming games while the club looks to appoint an interim manager until the end of the season and then presumably a permanent manager will be found this summer. while this was a hard decision to make it was a necessary one. it was hard because solskjaer was so beloved of this club. he scored the winning goal at the champions league final in 1999 helping united on the way to the trouble for that year but it was necessary because in his three years as manager he did not manage to secure any silverware at —— on their way to the treble. as we know, in the premier league there is no room for sentiment. it's it�*s city are currently two goals up at the stadium. women�*s super league leaders arsenal won 2—0 at manchester united in today�*s early kick off. it was goalless at half—time but soon afterwards, netherlands international viviane miedema cut in to score her 13th goal in 16 games. and i—0 became 2—0 after katie mccabe won arsenal a penalty and scored from it. that keeps the gunners unbeaten and top of the table. and there are four other games to look forward to throughout the afternoon... there are goals flying in at chelsea at the moment, 4—0 against birmingham city sacked manager scott booth. sam kerr with a hat—trick before half—time as chelsea look to keep pace with arsenal at the top. big day in international rugby union action in ireland�*s men are currently leading argentina 24—7 as half—time in that one. and england�*s women are up against the united states. these are live pictures from the sixways stadium. england currently lead to 17—0 and you can watch live coverage on bbc iplayer and bbc sports website. wales take on canada at five. the final round of the season ending event in golf�*s european tour has reached its conclusion in dubai and for rory mcilroy, itjust wasn�*t his day. the world number eight teed off the final day with a one—shot lead, but momentum began to shift after hitting the flag on the 15th. as 24—year old collin morikawa claimed victory to become the first american to win on the european tour, finishing 17—under par. there�*s been gold for britain�*s bryony page this morning at the trampoline and tumbling world championships in baku. there�*s plenty more on the website, including all the latest on the qatar grand prix. lewis hamilton started on pole and leads at the moment from championship leader max verstappen. you can find more on that and all of our stories on the bbc sport website. i believe some people are watching that rather than us, gavin, which is quite upsetting. h0??? that rather than us, gavin, which is quite wetting-— that rather than us, gavin, which is quite upsetting-— that rather than us, gavin, which is i quite upsetting._ when quite upsetting. how dare they! when the finished quite upsetting. how dare they! when they finished they _ quite upsetting. how dare they! when they finished they might _ quite upsetting. how dare they! when they finished they might join - quite upsetting. how dare they! when they finished they might join us. - quite upsetting. how dare they! when they finished they might join us. we l they finished they mightjoin us. we will still be here. the rac has issued a warning over soaring petrol prices as drivers face tough choices in managing their budgets. the motoring organisation has said the record prices at the pumps are hitting families at a time when pressures on finances are already high. joining me now is rod dennis from the rac ifinished i finished today and those paying 153 a litre and leaded petrol and maybe it�*s time i switch to an electric car! what is the one you are giving?— are giving? fighter is extremely hiuh now are giving? fighter is extremely high new last — are giving? fighter is extremely high now last month _ are giving? fighter is extremely high now last month we - are giving? fighter is extremely high now last month we saw- are giving? fighter is extremely i high now last month we saw petrol prices rise at their fastest in many, many years and they are no extremely high levels. the average price of petrol looks like you have paid over the ultimate fate and the average price is found about £1 47 at the moment and £150 average price is found about £1 47 at the moment and £1 50 for diesel and what we are saying here at the rac is if we look at what is happening in the wholesale market this is the price which retailers by fuel in full and there has been some dramatic drops in the last few days what we�*re saying to retailers especially the biggest ones as they really should be cutting petrol prices now. the price that drivers are paying on average at the moment simply is the price which retailers buy fuel in full and there has been some dramatic drops in the last few days what we�*re saying to retailers especially the biggest ones as they really should be cutting petrol prices now. the price that drivers are paying on average at the moment simply isn�*tjustified on the basis of what retailers are spending themselves.— of what retailers are spending themselves. , �* ., ., themselves. isn't there often are like, though _ themselves. isn't there often are like, though between _ themselves. isn't there often are like, though between resale - themselves. isn't there often are i like, though between resale prices catching up with wholesale and they could explain away that way? i think that was the — could explain away that way? i think that was the case _ could explain away that way? i think that was the case if _ could explain away that way? i think that was the case if they _ could explain away that way? i think that was the case if they were - that was the case if they were buying food on a sporadic basis, smaller retailers who don�*t top up that often perhaps winning new fields deliveries every fortnight or so if you�*re one of biggest retailers and supermarkets you are buying fuel all the time and we have said this consistently at the rac that this effective rocket in feather and prices going up extremely quickly when wholesale markets going up or dropping really slowly when prices are going down and given what you said in the intro there we know there is a huge amount of pressure on household finances going into this winter particularly with high inflation, high domestic energy prices as well. we really think it is notjustified retailers to hold on to the amount of extra money they�*re making at the moment. the prices do seem particularly high because they did drop quite a lot during not done, didn�*t they, because people were travelling in the demand dropped. what sort of leverage if he really got, though, against these big buyers and sellers of petrol? it is against these big buyers and sellers of etrol? , ., , . ., , of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would like _ of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would like to _ of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would like to think _ of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would like to think here - of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would like to think here at - of petrol? it is a difficult one but i would like to think here at the l i would like to think here at the rac we have got a good record of calling for retailers to cut prices for them to actually follow. what we�*re doing are looking at what is happening in the wholesale market which is all we ever do another time in the domestic energy markets inhibit the rac we do that the drivers when it comes to petrol and diesel prices. we know retailers are paying as much fuel at the moment and we would really like especially at the present time for those price reductions that retailers are benefiting from to be passed on at the pumps. what has been happening here is the amount of margin retailers are taken as demand at 10p on every litre at the moment and thatis on every litre at the moment and that is double what it was basically before covid—19 was a bounce they are taking significantly more at the moment and all we�*re saying is play fair especially people are particularly hard up and depend on their vehicles and actually start to charge petrol prices at much more affordable levels.— affordable levels. thank you very much. shoppers are being warned that some retailers may not have enough stock for black friday this week, because of supply chain issues. the uk�*s online retail association, the imrg, says problems getting goods from china and a shortage of drivers and warehouse staff mean stock might not arrive on time. our business correspondent caroline davies has more. we know that the course of the last 20 months have been difficult for many retailers. the pandemic, of course, caused stop—starts in the supply chain, backlogs at ports and on top of that, difficulties in some cases in getting hgv lorry drivers to be able to transport the goods to wherever they are needed. now, on top of that, we are building up to black friday, which is a big day in the shopping calendar where retailers slash the prices of some of their goods in order to encourage people to purchase in the run—up to christmas. it was originally something that started in the usa and has come over to the uk in recent years. but some tech retailers are already concerned that there may be some disruption due to delays in deliveries. now, that�*s according to the imrg, which is the uk�*s online retail association. retailers will often buy goods well in advance of black friday, maybe months in advance, and quite often bulk bulk buy them so that then they can sell them at a discount and still make a profit. however, if those goods are delayed by 4—6 weeks, that means they may have to change their promotional campaigns from that particular stock to whatever they do now have in stock and is available to sell. according to the group�*s insights director, asia is a real pinch point for this, and goods coming out of asia in particular. some companies may be able to find a workaround, they might have deep pockets to be able to do that, but others, he says, might really find themselves in a difficult position. he also says that there are worries that some retailers might not be able to find enough staff to fill their warehouses or hgv drivers to transport their goods. having said that, just because some products may be a bit more difficult to come by, he also says there will be plenty of tech products on the shelves. as the picture suggests sunday has been a bright, fresh day across many parts of the british isles, certainly a cooler field and we have had of late and this is a feeling we notice heading to the next few days as well in the short term some isolated showers for some areas and they will tend to away as we get on through the next few hours or so and overnight we willjust be left with a few across this far south—eastern quarter. weatherfronts a few across this far south—eastern quarter. weather fronts just pushing in across the far north of scotland, keeping the temperatures up and further south the sky is clear and quite markedly and i think we will end up with quite a spreads fast many inland area or bright fresh that the new day on monday for southern scotland, much of england and wales, northern ireland to other clubs appear know is that bit cloudier across the north of scotland with bits and pieces of rain coming through what is now going to be more westerly piece of av notjust going to be more westerly piece of av not just feeling going to be more westerly piece of av notjust feeling as cold as it did do over the course of sunday but still a high of over 10 degrees. hello, this is bbc news. the headlines... ole gunnar solskjaer has been sacked as manchester united�*s manager. michael carrick has been placed in temporary charge. fires and fighting on the streets of the hague ? lockdown protesters clash with dutch police in a second night of violence. in the uk, an investigation is being launched into whether there is racial bias in the design of some medical devices used by the national health service. the health secretary said people may have died as a result of the issue. labour accuses the home secretary of dangerous incompetence over channel migrant crossings, is more than three times as many people have crossed from france to the uk by boat this year compared to 2020. and the taxi driver from the liverpool terror attack has released a statement saying it�*s a miracle he�*s alive, and thanking the public for their amazing generosity. now on bbc news, it�*s time for the media show. hello. last week�*s attack in liverpool leads our conversation today. how do you report responsibly on an incident like that? when is the right moment to use the word "terrorism"? and is the doorstep morally wrong? also on the media show — a new streaming service launched on sky this week. can the traditional tv stations claw back an audience from netflix and disney? let�*s start by introducing today�*s guests. simon walker is chief executive at marquee tv. and simon, for listeners who don�*t know, what exactly is marquee tv?

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Letter , Communities , Terrorism , Goal , Steve Rotheram , Leaders , Discord , Behalf , Senior , Distrust , Fear , Mayorjoanne Anderson , Standing , Shoulder , Pride , Night , Protests , Covid , Lockdown Restrictions , Cases , Parts , Trouble , Number , Spike , Covid Booster Programme , Towns , Cities , Jabs , Europe , Prevent Britain , Countries , Health Secretary , Restricted Freedoms , Vaccinations , Danjohnson , Backlash , Forties , Wave , Plans , Mrjavid , Travel Ban List , Morning , Focus , Boosterjab Campaign , Way , Review , Group , A0 To A9 , Record , Numbers , Everyone , Feeling , Herd Immunity , Vaccine , Plan , Scientists , Vaccination Rates , Travel , Delta Variant , Oxford , Pandemic , Virus , Vaccines , Others , Spread , Thing , It Down , Pulse Oximeter , Blood Gas Sample , Readings , Oxygen , Skin , Skin Colour , Equipment , Pulse Oximeters , Skin Pigmentation , Who , Effectiveness , Practice , Users , Saying , Care Needs , Markets , Restrictions , Question , Europe 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Person S Fingernail , Skin Tones , Studies , 30 , Health , Danger , Sound , It Doesn , 2 , Condition , Thresholds , Levels , Symptoms , Hypoxaemia , Proxy , Hospital Treatment , Pulse , Intensive Care , Racing , Dizziness , Doctors , Shortness Of Breath , Oximeter , Blood Sample , Blood Gas , Bull , Discrepancy , Black , Inaccuracies , Experts , Asian , Delays , Factor , Weather , Back , Consequences , Jul , Brain Damage , Body , Hasn T , Paralysis , Death , Health Care , Products , Medicines , Evidence , Report , Observatory , Professional , Race , Mhra , Findings , Chairman , Caveat , Review Finds , Health Inequalities , Ofjanuary , Health Reporter , Technology , Fix , Initiall Thou , Ht , Disparities , Solihull , Bbc Sport Centre With Gavin , News , Thank , Vote , Songster , Mike Today , Jane Dougal , Old Trafford , Owners , Stadium , Boos , Straw , Round , Agent , Pitch , Decision , Company , Regret , Legend , Coach Mac , Michael Carrick , Charge , Interim Manager , Members , Four 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