Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News at Six 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News at Six 20240709

our journey, ourjourney, our life sentence is just begun, life without our beautiful boy. margaret keenan — the first person in the world to get a covid vaccine — receives her boosterjab, and urges others to get one. climate change protests dominate the run—up to sunday's election in germany to replace angela merkel as chancellor after 16 years. and a right royal pairing — the queen of british tennis, emma raducanu, teams up with the duchess of cambridge. and coming up on the bbc news channel. defending champions europe win their opening foursome on the opening day of the ryder cup, but hosts the usa are hitting back at whistling straits. good evening. senior ministers have been meeting to discuss the issue of fuel delivery, after bp and esso said they had shut a small number of petrol stations due to a lack of tanker drivers. ministers and fuel providers have said there is plenty of petrol and that motorists should carry on as normal — but despite the reassurances, customers have been pictured queuing at some petrol stations. there are more than 8,000 petrol stations across the uk, butjust a small number are experiencing delivery issues — around 100 of them. the problem has been caused by a shortage of hauliers — the industry says around 100,000 more lorry drivers are needed. the government says it has made changes to attract more people into the industry. but ministers aren't ruling out changing visa rules to bring in drivers from the eu — or using soldiers to drive fuel tankers. our business correspondent katy austin reports. the government has told people not to panic—buy, but that didn't stop these drivers queueing at petrol stations today, including bromley, evesham and sheffield. this is the third petrol station we have seen queues at. this is the third petrol station we have seen queues at. we actually have to get petrol. we are not panic—buying. the boss of another in stockport is waiting to hear when his next supplies will arrive. well, they are saying that, we hope we get it, but we can't guarantee it. so, we're just not sure until we get, in about two days' time, at current rates, we'll want another. whether we'll get it or not, we just don't know at the moment. the firm that delivers for bp sought to reassure motorists. 0ur the runs keep rollinger, we have seen a small amount of panic buying anally be clear, if people adhere to their normal buys patterns there is more than enough resilience in the station service network to deal with that. there is no need for people to rush out and fill up, the country is not running out of fuel there isn't a shortage of fuel. where we are seeing issues, it's because of another problem — the lack of available lorry drivers. it's thought this currently a shortfall of tens of thousands in the uk. the problem has been building for years but has been made worse by factors including the pandemic and brexit. this haulage firm in northampton has never found recruitment so hard. in the past few months, we've increased salaries twice, by a significant amount, which we then need to pass on to our customers, where we can. so, this is all driving up costs, basically? absolutely, it is. next door, there is a business which trains up new drivers. steering quickly, driving as slow as you can. it's getting plenty of interest from locals. the testing system is set to change soon to make it simpler, but the manager here says that's not a quick fix for the shortage. the idea is that they remove the middle test, so that you can go from your fiat 500 straight into an articulated vehicle class one, cat ce. in actuality, you're probably going to find that the pass rate will drop. the course length will have to be longer. you're going to be delivering fewer tests. the government has so far resisted calls for temporary visas to plug the gap. however, today, the transport secretary didn't rule it out. i would do what ever is required, if that would help, what i don't want to do and i have been hinting at this, is undercut with as has happened before, cheaper european drivers and then find that our drivers and then find that our drivers drop out because they are being undercut. that doesn't solve the problem, it creates a new problem. after a week when warnings of supply chain problems and labour shortages have dominated, businesses say action is needed fast to prevent the wheels coming off the economy's recovery. katy austin, bbc news. 0ur deputy political vicki young is at westminster. vicki, ministers have been meeting this afternoon, what are their options? this afternoon, what are their 0 tions? , , ., options? the first thing is a message — options? the first thing is a message of— options? the first thing is a message of don't _ options? the first thing is a message of don't pan - options? the first thing is a - message of don't pan international community saying look, there is plenty of fuel. the problem is there aren't plenty of driver, so they are considering relaxing immigration rules, that would mean giving temporary visas to drivers. now, thatis temporary visas to drivers. now, that is not an overwhelmingly popular idea, with many cabinet ministers, why not? the point of a new immigration system brought in after brexit was to stop companies relying on cheap foreign labour, to concentrate on the workforce here, train them better pay hiring wage, what ministers don't want to do is undermine that, but i think they know this situation could get worse pretty rapidly and they are going to have to act, despite any political embarrassment that might bring. i think borisjohnson knows if he does go down this route the visas would have to be temporary, limited to certain worker, he will know his political opponent also be more than ready to stand there and say we told you so. thank you. vicky young reporting from westminster. vicky young reporting from westminster. three schoolchildren have been sentenced to a total of 28 years in detention or prison for killing 13—year—old 0lly stephens at a berkshire beauty spot. a girl lured him to the field in reading where two boys stabbed him to death in january this year. 0ur correspondent helena wilkinson has more. 0lly was, his parents say, generous, caring and always a stand up for the defenceless. here he is leaving home on the day he was killed. he'd just told his mum he loved her. and then i went to the door and it was a boy that i knew... ..0lly wouldn't have anything to do with normally. and he said "0lly�*s been stabbed." and ijust remember running back towards the stairs, because stuart was upstairs and shouting "0lly�*s been stabbed," and his sister was up there as well, and they both came screaming down the stairs, and you ran out without your shoes on over to the field, and ijust, i remember when i got there, stuart just fell to his knees, and he just was screaming "my boy, my boy, no." and he screamed that, and i looked over and 0lly wasjust com pletely lifeless. an off duty nurse found 0lly. she tried to resuscitate him but he died at the scene. today 0lly�*s parents came to the court to see the three ia—year—olds who killed their son sentenced for their crimes. to have shared the short amount of time we had with him was a gift in itself. we relaxed for a few moments, preoccupied with getting on with life, and took our eyes off him forjust a moment. it cost us and him dearly. 0urjourney, our life sentence has just begun. life without our beautiful boy. 0lly was lured to the park by the girl as part of a set up. the two boys were already there, waiting to attack. videos and photos found on the boys' mobiles were shown to the jury. this is the younger boy, showing off his knives in his bedroom. he was 13 when he stabbed 0lly. the older boy was 14, and had posed with a knife for photos himself. in her sentencing remarks, judge heather norton addressed the three ia—year—olds. she said what they had done that day was utterly cruel. she said to them they had taken one life, damaged their own futures and caused so much pain to so many people. when 0lly left home the day he was killed, his parents said he had a spring in his step, and laughter in his heart. that, they say, is how they will remember him. helena wilkinson, bbc news, reading crown court. more than 350,000 people have booked a coronavirus boosterjab since the programme was launched in england last week. from today the top—up vaccinations — available to the over—50s, as well as those most vulnerable to the virus — can be booked throughout the uk. 0ur health editor hugh pym reports. reunited, 91—year—old maggie keenan and matron may parsons. reunited, 91-year-old maggie keenan and matron may parsons.— and matron may parsons. morning. mac uie. and matron may parsons. morning. maggie- good _ and matron may parsons. morning. maggie. good morning,. _ and matron may parsons. morning. maggie. good morning,. . - and matron may parsons. morning. maggie. good morning,. . so- and matron may parsons. morning. maggie. good morning,. . so nicel and matron may parsons. morning. l maggie. good morning,. . so nice to see ou. maggie. good morning,. . so nice to see yom in — maggie. good morning,. . so nice to see you. in december, _ maggie. good morning,. . so nice to see you. in december, may- maggie. good morning,. . so nice to see you. in december, may gave - see you. in december, may gave mac aie see you. in december, may gave maggie her— see you. in december, may gave maggie her pfizer _ see you. in december, may gave maggie her pfizerjab, _ see you. in december, may gave maggie her pfizerjab, the - see you. in december, may gave maggie her pfizerjab, the first . see you. in december, may gavej maggie her pfizerjab, the first in the world. today they were back at university hospital coventry for their boosterjabs.— university hospital coventry for| their boosterjabs.- since their booster 'abs. ready. since that first their boosterjabs. ready. since that first dose, _ their boosterjabs. ready. since that first dose, maggie - their boosterjabs. ready. since that first dose, maggie says - their boosterjabs. ready. sincej that first dose, maggie says she their boosterjabs. ready. since - that first dose, maggie says she has had attention from round the world. i am big news. had attention from round the world. i am big news-— i am big news. what is it like being bi news? i am big news. what is it like being big news? 0h... _ i am big news. what is it like being big news? oh... i— i am big news. what is it like being big news? oh... i did _ i am big news. what is it like being big news? oh... i did a _ i am big news. what is it like being big news? oh... i did a lot - i am big news. what is it like being big news? oh... i did a lot of- i am big news. what is it like being big news? oh... i did a lot of white writhina. big news? oh... i did a lot of white writhing- i— big news? oh... i did a lot of white writhing. i have _ big news? oh... i did a lot of white writhing. i have met— big news? oh... i did a lot of white writhing. i have met some - big news? oh... i did a lot of white writhing. i have met some lovely . writhing. i have met some lovely people by writing to them, you know. i write loads of letters now. it is lovel to i write loads of letters now. it is lovely to see — i write loads of letters now. it is lovely to see people _ i write loads of letters now. it is lovely to see people and sometimes we, disregard the fact we don't see people _ we, disregard the fact we don't see people who are very human, we like the company of others, and to see maggie _ the company of others, and to see maggie doing so well is heart—warming for me to see her over the time _ heart—warming for me to see her over the time. bui— heart-warming for me to see her over the time. �* ., ., the time. but with more than five million in the _ the time. but with more than five million in the uk, _ the time. but with more than five million in the uk, who _ the time. but with more than five million in the uk, who have - the time. but with more than five million in the uk, who have to . the time. but with more than five | million in the uk, who have to had any dose, the head of nhs england is stepping up the drive to persuade more people to get vaccinated. think the message — more people to get vaccinated. think the message will— more people to get vaccinated. think the message will be _ more people to get vaccinated. “i�*i “ia; the message will be follow the science, so if we have young people, or indeed people of any cage, who are —— age who are uncertain about whether it is right for them, then follow the science, it is still the best thing you can do to protect yourself, to protect others. having moved quickly _ yourself, to protect others. having moved quickly ahead _ yourself, to protect others. having moved quickly ahead of— yourself, to protect others. having moved quickly ahead of most - yourself, to protect others. having| moved quickly ahead of most other nations the uk has fallen back a bit against some of the leading economies, in terms of share of the population who have been fully vaccinated. it is worth noting that some other countries started offering jabs to children before the uk did. but the uk is ahead of countries like the us, japan, and germany. experts say the vaccination programme has been successful but there are still challenges it programme has been successful but there are still challenges— there are still challenges if you have not had _ there are still challenges if you have not had your _ there are still challenges if you have not had your vaccine - there are still challenges if you | have not had your vaccine come there are still challenges if you - have not had your vaccine come for war and we need to try and maintain the enthusiasm that we saw earlier in the programme, for the boosters. for those that are eligible. all of these things are difficult. there is fatigue in the population an we need to keep people's minds focussed on the importance of the measures. the full roll out of _ the importance of the measures. the full roll out of covid vaccines to iz—is—year—olds has started in england and scotland. wales an northern ireland are set to follow. in england the latest weekly survey oaths the only age group to see case rate rise was the under 16s. the government's latest coronavirus figures for the uk, show there were 35,623 new infections recorded in the latest 24—hour period. that means, in the past week, there was an average of 33,459 new cases per day. there were 7,124 people in hospital with covid, according to the latest data. another 180 deaths have been recorded — that's of people who died within 28 days of a positive covid test, taking the average number per day in the last week to 143. 0n vaccinations, 89.6% ofpeople aged 16 or over have had theirfirstjab, while 82.1% are now double vaccinated. police are searching for a man captured on cctv near where the primary school teacher sabina nessa was killed in south—east london a week ago. the images show the man walking in pegler square on the evening the 28—year—old was attacked. officers are also questioning another man on suspicion of murder. a vigil in remembrance of sabina is due to start in the next hour. june kelly reports. last friday sabina nessa had finished her working week as a primary school teach e and was looking forward to the weekend. seven days on she is in thoughts of so many who never knew her but who are horrified and angry at the way her young live has been taken. sabrina who was 28 was on her way to a pub in kidbrooke village in south—east london, to meet a frond. she never arrived. police are trying to track down this man, detectives are desperate to identify him. he was caught on cctv walking in pegler square which is where sabina nessa was heading. it is understood he had access o this silver car. hf is understood he had access 0 this silver car. , ., ., , ., silver car. if you have seen him or know who — silver car. if you have seen him or know who he _ silver car. if you have seen him or know who he s — silver car. if you have seen him or know who he s please _ silver car. if you have seen him or know who he s please come - silver car. if you have seen him or. know who he s please come forward. any little bit of information may be critical for us.— critical for us. sabina nessa's body was found last _ critical for us. sabina nessa's body was found last saturday _ critical for us. sabina nessa's body was found last saturday in - critical for us. sabina nessa's body was found last saturday in the - critical for us. sabina nessa's body. was found last saturday in the park, the day after she disappeared. her killing has once again brought into sharp focus the issue of violence against women, their safety on the streets and male attitudes. this afternoon police carried out searches in pegler square. this evening this will the scene of a candle—lit vigil in memory of sabina nessa. any gibbs has led this community response. we nessa. any gibbs has led this community response. we holding this viuil, this community response. we holding this vigil, this evening, _ community response. we holding this vigil, this evening, to _ community response. we holding this vigil, this evening, to stand? - vigil, this evening, to stand? solidarity as a community to honour sabina and to share some respect, for her life, you know, she was a human being that existed in our community, and you know, wejust want to ensure that you know, she, her family feels that love from our community. her family feels that love from our community-— her family feels that love from our communi . , �*, ., ., community. this evening's memorial in kidbrooke — community. this evening's memorial in kidbrooke comes _ community. this evening's memorial in kidbrooke comes six _ community. this evening's memorial in kidbrooke comes six months - community. this evening's memorial in kidbrooke comes six months after| in kidbrooke comes six months after the vigilfossilfuel oar in kidbrooke comes six months after the vigil fossil fuel oar murder victim gaia servadio. tenth —— sarah everard. tonight round the country vigils are to be held. as people light a candle thoughts will turn to women whose lives have been lost through violence. well, in the spring, there was the vigilfor sarah everard, who was murdered by a police officer. then there was the memorial for bieber henry and nicole smallman, who were murdered in a pot, add now another victim, another vigil, and another family changed forever. —— who were murdered in a park. this issue of violence against women is resonating around the country, and that is why we will see so many vigils tonight. many thanks, jim kelly. the time is just after 6.15 our top story this evening: this is the third petrol station we have seen queues at.— this is the third petrol station we have seen queues at. ministers meet to discuss the — have seen queues at. ministers meet to discuss the problem _ have seen queues at. ministers meet to discuss the problem of— have seen queues at. ministers meet to discuss the problem of petrol - to discuss the problem of petrol stations having to shut because of a shortage of drivers. and the 43rd ryder cup finally tees off in wisconsin. can europe upset the odds to win again? coming up in sportsday on the bbc news channel: anthonyjoshua prepares to put his reputation and his four heavyweight belts on the line in tomorrow night's big fight with 0leksandr usyk. this sunday will mark the end of a political era in germany, when elections take place for a new leader to replace angela merkel as chancellor after 16 years. a whole generation of young germans have known no other leader, and one of the big issues of the election campaign has been climate change, with activists holding big rallies in cities across the country. 0ur europe editor katya adler reports now on the campaign to succeed her. a mass protest cum street party rallied outside parliament today to call attention to the climate crisis. it is a big election issue here. angela merkel has done a terrific job in bringing the climate change to the agenda, but i think there are limits to what she was able to do. i hope there will be a change, a more green change. of course, there's the potential for germany to take a dramatic new direction after 16 years of angela merkel, and that would be felt here and abroad. this is the eu's most influential country. but in the end, most germans are stability—hungry, so the calls for radical change, while loud, are limited. what we are probably looking at here is change but with a small c. these are the frontrunners to replace angela merkel. a social democrat the current favourite in polls, a conservative, and trailing behind, the green party candidate. all the campaigns have been exceptionally low— key. they feared alienating voters who will miss chancellor merkel. here she is with the conservative candidate. hers is a tough act to follow. here at home and on the world stage. she worked with four us presidents, five uk prime ministers, and went to 100 eu summits during her time in government. a reputation like angela merkel�*s takes a while to build. it can't be won overnight in an election. that's what you see, they are kind of waiting literally for what's happening here. 0n the global landscape, i mean, it really matters, and i think merkel was a very well respected leader, so everybody is looking at who was going to follow in her footsteps. it might be a long wait. sunday's election is only the start. the vote is predicted to be tight, withdrawn drawn—out coalition talks to follow. the merkel era is almost over, but not quite. katya adler, bbc news, berlin. when the government relaxed the law on medical cannabis in 2018, it opened the door to wider research into how the plant might be used to treat a variety of illnesses. scientists across the uk are working to understand how cannabis extracts could help with conditions from pain and asthma to brain cancer. 0ur health correspondent catherine burns has been looking at the possibilities. gardening helps charles deal with the physical symptoms of parkinson's disease, but his life isn't always rooted in reality. like half of patients he's also developed psychosis. for him this comes as hallucinations, often threatening or violent. they can come at any time. they very often, when you're waking up from being asleep and you suddenly find yourself in a different environment. medicines normally used to treat psychosis can clash with parkinson's drugs, so charles is trying something different. i would like you to repeat the actions that i show you. he is one of the first patients taking part in a clinical trial at kings college hospital, hoping to reduce or even stop the hallucinations. it's using a cannabis extract, cbd. if cbd were to be useful in treating parkinson's psychosis, it will really change the landscape of treatment for parkinson's psychosis. they will have longer lives, they will have happier lives. charles only takes this cbd for six weeks. it is the earliest part of the trial funded by parkinson's uk. next step is a larger, second stage. this research is very different to the wellness products so popular on the high street. they aren't medicines, but food supplements. it means they can't claim to treat illnesses, but also aren't tested so rigorously. charles' daughter kirstie has moved in to help take care of him, and is getting used to his hallucinations. one where i walked in and saw you in the middle of it. i came into the flat and found it was full of people, talking to each other, and ignoring me completely. in fact, looking straight through me and walking straight through me and gradually it faded away. he said "am i going mad?" i found that pretty scary at the time. scientists need special permission to grow cannabis crops like this for clinical trials. the plant has more than 100 substances with medical potential. so far, just a few medicines using cannabis have been approved in the uk, including for epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. but there's a real sense that cannabis based medicine could be used for so much more. there's already evidence it can help with things like sleep problems and easing pain. in this lab they are working to see how cbd could possibly help treat conditions like asthma and arthritis. the cannabinoid field is exploding. you can see that by the number of pharmaceutical companies who have experience in developing drugs, are actually trying to understand how these cannabinoids work in this body, but unless we put in the invest to really understand this properly, we are actually, i think, not going to exploit cannabis based medicines as well as we could. in the meantime, charles hopes his part in the trial will make a difference for other parkinson's patients. things are likely to get worse for me, and it might be something that helps. it would be nice think one was doing something worthwhile. 0ur health correspondent, catherine burns, reporting there. a 31—year—old man accused of murdering three children and a woman in derbyshire last weekend has appeared before derby crown court. damien bendall spoke only to confirm his name via a video link from custody. the bodies of 35—year—old terri harris, her 11—year—old daughter lacey bennett, her 13—year—old sonjohn, and lacey's friend, 11—year—old connie gent, were found last sunday at a house in killamarsh. the labour party conference starts tomorrow, with labour promising to end what it calls the outrageous practice of overseas buyers acquiring more than half of new homes in housing of elements. labour says it will give first—time buyers exclusive rights for six months to buy newly built homes. it also wants property developers to make a bigger contribution towards affordable housing. the uk's teenage tennis star emma radacanu has been in action again today, but this time with a new partner on court — the duchess of cambridge. the us open winner was joined by kate for an official homecoming welcome at the lawn tennis association, following her historic grand slam triumph earlier this month. 0ur sports editor, dan roan was there. the most royal of rallies. the new queen of british tennis enjoying a knock up with the duchess of cambridge today, one of the few people who can match emma raducanu's fame after her crowning triumph at the us 0pen. her remarkable victory celebrated with a homecoming event at the headquarters of the lta, where kate is patron. raducanu telling me what she made of her doubles partner. what was it like playing tennis with royalty today? yeah, it was amazing. the duchess was extremely good and we had a lot of fun out there with the other winners too. she was good. do you think the lta may have missed a trick by not signing her up? definitely. british winners in the doubles and wheelchair events in new york were also celebrated today. but it was raducanu who stole the show at the us open, one of the biggest shocks in tennis history. the sport's desperate to capitalise, the teenager's appeal clear to see at this 0&a session today. your message to these young players who want to be the next emma raducanu? keep going, keep believing and have that inner belief, because even when all the odds are against you, you can still do wonderful things. the last time emma raducanu trained here she was just one of a number of up coming british tennis prospects. since then, of course, she has been catapulted to sporting stardom, but all the signs are she is enjoying every moment. i still feel like i'm the same person as i was three weeks' ago, i am just adjusting to it right now, but i'm having a lot of fun. raducanu's yet to decide which event she will play next, but did reveal she would split from the coach who guided her to us open glory, wanting a more experienced mentor. i definitely want to keep just improving, and being the best version of myself on the court and off the court, and maximising my potential, and i still think i have a lot of room for development, in terms of my tennis career and where it can go, so, yeah, excited to start working on it. i always wanted to be a ball girl. but raducanu's ambitions are set far higher now. her sights set on much more success, both on and off the court. dan roan, bbc news. the boxer anthonyjoshua has weighed in at 240 pounds ahead of the latest bout in his bid to become undisputed heavyweight champion. joshua will defend his wba, wbo, ibf and ibo titles against ukranian 0leksandr usyk at the tottenham hotspur stadium in north london tomorrow night. he'll be more than a stone heavier than usykk, who is the former undisputed world cruiserweight champion. the 43rd ryder cup is under way with the world's top players from the united states and europe teaming up to compete for their team. the rescheduled competition is taking place in america on the shores of lake michigan three years after europe last romped to victory. 0ur sports correspondent, andy swiss, reports from whistling straits golf course in wisconsin. # born in the usa #. while _ # born in the usa #. white mightjust six in the morning, but already— white mightjust six in the morning, but already come straits was rocking _ but already come straits was rocking. the dawn dash was on as thousahds— rocking. the dawn dash was on as thousands battled for the best seals — thousands battled for the best seats. ., , , ., seats. come sunrise, the sound of american optimism _ seats. come sunrise, the sound of american optimism echoed - seats. come sunrise, the sound of american optimism echoed round | seats. come sunrise, the sound of. american optimism echoed round the course. .x american optimism echoed round the course. american optimism echoed round the course-_ how _ american optimism echoed round the course._ how confident - american optimism echoed round the course._ how confident are j course. usa! usa! how confident are ou cu s course. usa! usa! how confident are you guys feeling? _ course. usa! usa! how confident are you guys feeling? my _ course. usa! usa! how confident are you guys feeling? my god, _ course. usa! usa! how confident are you guys feeling? my god, are - course. usa! usa! how confident are you guys feeling? my god, are you i you guys feeling? my god, are you kiddin: ? you guys feeling? my god, are you kidding? 10096. _ you guys feeling? my god, are you kidding? 10096. confident. - you guys feeling? my god, are you kidding? 10096. confident. can't. you guys feeling? my god, are you | kidding? 10096. confident. can't bet auainst m kidding? 10096. confident. can't bet against my boys- — kidding? 10096. confident. can't bet against my boys. usa, _ kidding? 10096. confident. can't bet against my boys. usa, baby. - kidding? 10096. confident. can't bet against my boys. usa, baby. usa! i against my boys. usa, baby. usa! usa! _ against my boys. usa, baby. usa! usa! ., ., , �* , against my boys. usa, baby. usa! usa! ., a , , against my boys. usa, baby. usa! usa! ., a , ., usa! for europe's players, though, the welcome _ usa! for europe's players, though, the welcome wasn't _ usa! for europe's players, though, the welcome wasn't quite _ usa! for europe's players, though, the welcome wasn't quite so - usa! for europe's players, though, the welcome wasn't quite so warm. jon rahm and sergio garcia. booing _ b00|ng in the ryder cup, anything is possible. just watch this. america boss mikejordan spieth with one of the most remarkable shots you will ever see. garcia and john ron held on, first point to europe, but the us came charging back. victory for dustinjohnson and colin morrow, as they showed their pinpoint precision. they showed their pinpoint precision-— they showed their pinpoint recision. ., ,, ., ., ., , precision. glorious shot, glorious shot. and another _ precision. glorious shot, glorious shot. and another american - precision. glorious shot, glorious shot. and another american win l shot. and another american win followed, shot. and another american win followed. a _ shot. and another american win followed, a wayward _ shot. and another american win followed, a wayward morning i shot. and another american win | followed, a wayward morning for shot. and another american win - followed, a wayward morning for rory michael roy as he and ian poulter were sadly beaten, and with brooks koepka clinching a third point for the us, it is the hosts who have the early initiative. so, yes, the us leading 3—1 after the morning matches here. the afternoon matches are just getting under way. matches here. the afternoon matches arejust getting under way. there is of course still a long way to go. we won't know the winners of the ryder cup until sunday. but those us fans here will be feeling even more confident. andy, many thanks. time for a look at the weather. here's sarah keith—lucas. many of us have seen another day of one september sunshine. mostly dry, but not across the board. this was the picture in belmont in herefordshire earlier. blue sky around, lasting into the evening hours. 0ver around, lasting into the evening hours. over the weekend, some of us seeing more sunshine like this, but other areas will have a little more clout. wherever you are, it is still warm for the time of year. in fact, temperatures for some of us are five or six degrees above average for the time of year across that we can. if we fast forward to the middle of next week, you can see the change in colour on the map, showing we will have temperatures around average or even a few degrees below by the time we get to next week, so a shock to the system for some of us. altima arrives from around monday. for now, we have a lot of clout around this evening and some patchy rain tonight for the north—west of scotland. another quite humid night, temperatures generally sitting in the mid teens. we are likely to start saturday morning with a fair amount of low cloud, some misty and murky patches, but they clear away quickly and the sunshine tends to break holes in the cloud. temperatures in the warmer spots around 22 or 23 celsius. with light wind, that will feel very

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Ministers , Problem , Petrol Stations , Petrol Station , Drivers , Shortage , Thfrges , Station , Motorists , Queues , Queuing , Etrol , Being , People , Government , Country , Fuel , Patterns , Need , Options , Lorry Driver Shortage , Resilience , Buying , Service Station Network , Whole , Cars , Face , Programme , Family , Death , Olly Stephens , Father , Killing , Sentencing , Teenagers , Devastation , Consumers , Three , 13 , Boy , World , Chancellor Merkel , Life , Life Sentence , Vaccine , Person , Others , Election , Ourjourney , Boosterjab , Germany , Run Up To Sunday , Margaret Keenan , Climate Change Protests , Covid , One , Match Emma Raducanu , Playing Tennis With Royalty Today , Queen , Pairing , Duchess Of Cambridge , British , 16 , Bbc News Channel , Usa , Europe , Champions , Win , Ryder Cup , Foursome , Whistling Straits , Petrol , Number , Issue , Esso , Tanker Drivers , Lack , Fuel Delivery , Bp , Fuel Providers , Meeting , Customers , Delivery , Reassurances , Butjust , 100 , 8000 , Lorry Drivers , Industry , Changes , Hauliers , 100000 , Didn T , Katy Austin , Visa Rules , Fuel Tankers , Soldiers , Panic Buy , Bromley , Eu , Boss , Panic Buying , Sheffield , Evesham , In Stockport , Another , Supplies , Rates , Two , Amount , Firm , 0ur , Rollinger , Runs , Panic Buying Anally , 0 , Fuel There Isn T A Shortage , Network , Issues , Shortfall , Factors , Haulage Firm , Pandemic , Building , Recruitment , Northampton , Brexit , Tens Of Thousands , Business , Salaries , Costs , Testing System , Interest , Steering , Locals , Manager , Idea , Test , Fix , Vehicle , Fiat , Pass Rate , Class , Cat Ce , Actuality , 500 , Course , Visas , Calls , Tests , Length , Gap , Action , Supply Chain Problems , Labour Shortages , Doesn T , Wheels , Economy , Recovery , Warnings , Businesses , Thing , Message Options , Message Of Options , 0ur Deputy Political Vicki Young , Westminster , Tions , Message , Look , Driver , Don T , Don T Pan International Community , Immigration Rules , Aren T Plenty , Thatis , Point , Cabinet Ministers , Labour , Workforce , Companies , Immigration System , Hiring Wage , Act , Embarrassment , Borisjohnson , Situation , Route , Opponent , Worker , Vicky Young Reporting , 0lly Stephens , Boys , Field , Girl , Schoolchildren , Correspondent Helena Wilkinson , Detention , Reading , Prison , Total , Berkshire Beauty Spot , 28 , Parents , Stand Up , Defenceless , 0lly Wouldn T , Door , 0lly , Home , Mum , , Stairs , Ijust , Stuart , Well , Sister , Shoes , Running Back , Nurse , Knees , 0lly Wasjust Com Pletely Lifeless , Court , Scene , Ia Year Olds , Gift , Son , Crimes , Part , Park , Set Up , Eyes , 0urjourney , Photos , Videos , Showing , The Boys , Mobiles , Jury , Bedroom , Knives , Heather Norton , Knife , Sentencing Remarks , 14 , Pain , Futures , Spring , Step , Crown Court , Heart , England , Coronavirus Boosterjab , Laughter , 350000 , Vaccinations , Virus , 0ur Health Editor , Over 50s , Hugh Pym , 50 , Maggie Keenan , Matron May Parsons , L Maggie , Matron May Parsons , Ou , Mac Uie , Nicel , 91 , Round , Dose , Boosterjabs , Attention , Pfizerjab , Sincej , Booster , Yom In Maggie , May Maggie , May Gavej Maggie , Abs , Pfizer , Her Pfizerjab , University Hospital Coventry , Boosterjabs University Hospital Coventry , Mac Aie , Big News , Lot , Loads , Letters , News , White Writhing , White Writhina , 0h , Fact , Company , Warming , Maggie , Science , Drive , Heart Warming , Head , Who , Nhs England , Have , Ia , Who Have To , Bui , Five Million , Five , Age , Cage , Some , Terms , Countries , Children , Yourself , Bit , Share , Economies , Population , Nations , Jabs , War , Vaccination Programme , It Programme , Challenges , Japan , Experts , Things , Importance , Measures , Boosters , Wall , Fatigue , Enthusiasm , Minds , Vaccines , Case Rate Rise , Age Group , Weekly Survey Oaths , Scotland , Northern Ireland , Wales , Show , Hospital , Deaths , Cases , Average , Infections , Data , 24 , 33459 , 35623 , 7124 , 180 , Covid Test , Theirfirstjab , 82 1 , 89 6 , 143 , Man , Sabina Nessa , Cctv , Police , Murder , Officers , Suspicion , East London , Images , Man Walking In Pegler Square , Vigil , Remembrance , June Kelly , Weekend , Thoughts , Primary School Teach E , Seven , Way , Sabrina , Live , Frond , Pub , Kidbrooke Village , Car , Cctv Walking , Detectives , Access O , Hf , Pegler Square , Body , Silver , Know , Him , Critical , He , Silver Car , Information , Saturday In The Park , Women , Violence , Afternoon Police , Safety , Streets , Attitudes , Focus , Searches , Evening , Gibbs , Community , Community Response , Memory , Viuil , Solidarity , We Nessa , Human Being , Respect , Wejust , Memorial , Love , Sarah Everard , Communi , Kidbrooke Community , Oar , Vigilfossilfuel , Tenth , Gaia Servadio , Fossil Fuel Oar Murder , Six , Lives , Country Vigils , Candle , Bieber Henry , Police Officer , Vigilfor , Victim , Add , Forever , Pot , Murdered In A Park , Nicole Smallman , Vigils , Thanks , Story , Jim Kelly , 6 15 , 43rd Ryder Cup , 43 , Odds , Reputation , Boxer Anthonyjoshua , Ukranian 0leksandr Usyk , Wisconsin , Belts , Fight , Line , Sportsday , Four , Place , Leader , Elections , Sunday , Germans , Rallies , Katya Adler , Activists , Election Campaign , Campaign , Climate Change , 0ur Europe , Cities , Generation , Mass Protest Cum Street Party , Climate Crisis , Parliament , Green Change , Potential , Job , Agenda , Direction , Radical Change , The End , Frontrunners , Candidate , Campaigns , Conservative , Democrat , Behind , Favourite , Polls , Green Party , Prime Ministers , Voters , Miss , The World Stage , 0n The Global Landscape , Everybody , Kind , Vote , Start , Footsteps , Wait , Coalition , Berlin , Cannabis , Illnesses , Scientists , Conditions , Plant , Variety , Law , 2018 , Catherine Burns , Asthma , Gardening , Brain Cancer , Possibilities , Symptoms , Deal , 0ur Health Correspondent , Parkinson S Disease , Psychosis , Patients , Hallucinations , Half , Isn T Always Rooted , Reality , Something , Drugs , Environment , Actions , Cannabis Extract , Kings College Hospital , Clinical Trial , Cbd , Charles , Trial , Landscape , Treatment , Research , Larger , Food Supplements , Parkinson S Uk , Wellness Products , They Aren T Medicines , High Street , Second Stage , Kirstie , Aren T , Middle , Take Care , Each Other , Flat , Medicines , Trials , Cannabis Crops , Substances , Permission , More , Sleep Problems , Medicine , Epilepsy , Sense , Multiple Sclerosis , Pharmaceutical Companies , Experience , Arthritis , Lab , Cannabinoid Field , Cannabinoids , Invest , Think , Parkinson S , Difference , Reporting , Woman , Derbyshire , Derby , 31 , Harris , Lacey Bennett , Custody , Name , Video Link , Bodies , Friend , Damien Bendall , Sonjohn , Connie Gent , 35 , 11 , Labour Party Conference , Buyers , Practice , House , Killamarsh , Homes , Housing , Property Developers , Elements , Contribution , Rights , Uk S Teenage Tennis Star Emma Radacanu , Partner , Duchess , Winner , Triumph , Homecoming , Us Open , 0ur Sports Editor , Kate , Cambridge , Grand Slam , Lawn Tennis Association , Dan Roan , Knock Up , Royal , Homecoming Event , Victory , Patron , Headquarters , Fame , 0pen , Fun , Winners , Wheelchair Events , Trick , Doubles , New York , Players , Sport , Teenager , Shocks , Tennis History , Appeal , Belief , Going , British Tennis Prospects , Signs , Sporting Stardom , Coach , Event , Mentor , Glory , Version , Development , Tennis Career , Room , Ball Girl , Ambitions , Success , Sights , Joshua , Champion , Bout , Bid , Heavyweight , Wba , 240 , Stadium , Titles , Cruiserweight , North London , Usykk , Wbo , Tottenham Hotspur , Ibo , Ibf , Competition , America , Shores , Team , Lake Michigan , 0ur Sports Correspondent , Andy Swiss , Seats , Straits , Dash , Rocking , Born In The Usa , Thousands , Seals Thousands , The Dawn , Thousahds Rocking , White Mightjust , Optimism , God , Course , Come Sunrise , The Sound Of American Optimism , Cu S Course , 10096 , Baby , Kidding , Wasn T , Can T Bet , Can T , Sergio Garcia , Can T Bet Auainst , Jon Rahm , Booing , B00 Ng , America Boss Mikejordan Spieth , Shots , Pinpoint Precision , John Ron , Dustinjohnson , Colin Morrow , Shot , Precision , Michael Roy , Clinching , Win L , Wayward , Ian Poulter , Brooks Koepka , Pinpoint Recision , Matches , Afternoon Matches , Hosts , Long Way To Go , Initiative , Yes , 3 , 1 , Fans , Weather , Many , Board , Picture , Sarah Keith Lucas , Herefordshire , Belmont , Blue Sky , Temperatures , Clout , Sunshine , Areas , System , Shock , Map , Colour , Altima , Teens , Night , West Of Scotland , Rain Tonight , The Cloud , Spots , Holes , Patches , Celsius , Light Wind , 22 , 23 ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Six 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News at Six 20240709

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our journey, ourjourney, our life sentence is just begun, life without our beautiful boy. margaret keenan — the first person in the world to get a covid vaccine — receives her boosterjab, and urges others to get one. climate change protests dominate the run—up to sunday's election in germany to replace angela merkel as chancellor after 16 years. and a right royal pairing — the queen of british tennis, emma raducanu, teams up with the duchess of cambridge. and coming up on the bbc news channel. defending champions europe win their opening foursome on the opening day of the ryder cup, but hosts the usa are hitting back at whistling straits. good evening. senior ministers have been meeting to discuss the issue of fuel delivery, after bp and esso said they had shut a small number of petrol stations due to a lack of tanker drivers. ministers and fuel providers have said there is plenty of petrol and that motorists should carry on as normal — but despite the reassurances, customers have been pictured queuing at some petrol stations. there are more than 8,000 petrol stations across the uk, butjust a small number are experiencing delivery issues — around 100 of them. the problem has been caused by a shortage of hauliers — the industry says around 100,000 more lorry drivers are needed. the government says it has made changes to attract more people into the industry. but ministers aren't ruling out changing visa rules to bring in drivers from the eu — or using soldiers to drive fuel tankers. our business correspondent katy austin reports. the government has told people not to panic—buy, but that didn't stop these drivers queueing at petrol stations today, including bromley, evesham and sheffield. this is the third petrol station we have seen queues at. this is the third petrol station we have seen queues at. we actually have to get petrol. we are not panic—buying. the boss of another in stockport is waiting to hear when his next supplies will arrive. well, they are saying that, we hope we get it, but we can't guarantee it. so, we're just not sure until we get, in about two days' time, at current rates, we'll want another. whether we'll get it or not, we just don't know at the moment. the firm that delivers for bp sought to reassure motorists. 0ur the runs keep rollinger, we have seen a small amount of panic buying anally be clear, if people adhere to their normal buys patterns there is more than enough resilience in the station service network to deal with that. there is no need for people to rush out and fill up, the country is not running out of fuel there isn't a shortage of fuel. where we are seeing issues, it's because of another problem — the lack of available lorry drivers. it's thought this currently a shortfall of tens of thousands in the uk. the problem has been building for years but has been made worse by factors including the pandemic and brexit. this haulage firm in northampton has never found recruitment so hard. in the past few months, we've increased salaries twice, by a significant amount, which we then need to pass on to our customers, where we can. so, this is all driving up costs, basically? absolutely, it is. next door, there is a business which trains up new drivers. steering quickly, driving as slow as you can. it's getting plenty of interest from locals. the testing system is set to change soon to make it simpler, but the manager here says that's not a quick fix for the shortage. the idea is that they remove the middle test, so that you can go from your fiat 500 straight into an articulated vehicle class one, cat ce. in actuality, you're probably going to find that the pass rate will drop. the course length will have to be longer. you're going to be delivering fewer tests. the government has so far resisted calls for temporary visas to plug the gap. however, today, the transport secretary didn't rule it out. i would do what ever is required, if that would help, what i don't want to do and i have been hinting at this, is undercut with as has happened before, cheaper european drivers and then find that our drivers and then find that our drivers drop out because they are being undercut. that doesn't solve the problem, it creates a new problem. after a week when warnings of supply chain problems and labour shortages have dominated, businesses say action is needed fast to prevent the wheels coming off the economy's recovery. katy austin, bbc news. 0ur deputy political vicki young is at westminster. vicki, ministers have been meeting this afternoon, what are their options? this afternoon, what are their 0 tions? , , ., options? the first thing is a message — options? the first thing is a message of— options? the first thing is a message of don't _ options? the first thing is a message of don't pan - options? the first thing is a - message of don't pan international community saying look, there is plenty of fuel. the problem is there aren't plenty of driver, so they are considering relaxing immigration rules, that would mean giving temporary visas to drivers. now, thatis temporary visas to drivers. now, that is not an overwhelmingly popular idea, with many cabinet ministers, why not? the point of a new immigration system brought in after brexit was to stop companies relying on cheap foreign labour, to concentrate on the workforce here, train them better pay hiring wage, what ministers don't want to do is undermine that, but i think they know this situation could get worse pretty rapidly and they are going to have to act, despite any political embarrassment that might bring. i think borisjohnson knows if he does go down this route the visas would have to be temporary, limited to certain worker, he will know his political opponent also be more than ready to stand there and say we told you so. thank you. vicky young reporting from westminster. vicky young reporting from westminster. three schoolchildren have been sentenced to a total of 28 years in detention or prison for killing 13—year—old 0lly stephens at a berkshire beauty spot. a girl lured him to the field in reading where two boys stabbed him to death in january this year. 0ur correspondent helena wilkinson has more. 0lly was, his parents say, generous, caring and always a stand up for the defenceless. here he is leaving home on the day he was killed. he'd just told his mum he loved her. and then i went to the door and it was a boy that i knew... ..0lly wouldn't have anything to do with normally. and he said "0lly�*s been stabbed." and ijust remember running back towards the stairs, because stuart was upstairs and shouting "0lly�*s been stabbed," and his sister was up there as well, and they both came screaming down the stairs, and you ran out without your shoes on over to the field, and ijust, i remember when i got there, stuart just fell to his knees, and he just was screaming "my boy, my boy, no." and he screamed that, and i looked over and 0lly wasjust com pletely lifeless. an off duty nurse found 0lly. she tried to resuscitate him but he died at the scene. today 0lly�*s parents came to the court to see the three ia—year—olds who killed their son sentenced for their crimes. to have shared the short amount of time we had with him was a gift in itself. we relaxed for a few moments, preoccupied with getting on with life, and took our eyes off him forjust a moment. it cost us and him dearly. 0urjourney, our life sentence has just begun. life without our beautiful boy. 0lly was lured to the park by the girl as part of a set up. the two boys were already there, waiting to attack. videos and photos found on the boys' mobiles were shown to the jury. this is the younger boy, showing off his knives in his bedroom. he was 13 when he stabbed 0lly. the older boy was 14, and had posed with a knife for photos himself. in her sentencing remarks, judge heather norton addressed the three ia—year—olds. she said what they had done that day was utterly cruel. she said to them they had taken one life, damaged their own futures and caused so much pain to so many people. when 0lly left home the day he was killed, his parents said he had a spring in his step, and laughter in his heart. that, they say, is how they will remember him. helena wilkinson, bbc news, reading crown court. more than 350,000 people have booked a coronavirus boosterjab since the programme was launched in england last week. from today the top—up vaccinations — available to the over—50s, as well as those most vulnerable to the virus — can be booked throughout the uk. 0ur health editor hugh pym reports. reunited, 91—year—old maggie keenan and matron may parsons. reunited, 91-year-old maggie keenan and matron may parsons.— and matron may parsons. morning. mac uie. and matron may parsons. morning. maggie- good _ and matron may parsons. morning. maggie. good morning,. _ and matron may parsons. morning. maggie. good morning,. . - and matron may parsons. morning. maggie. good morning,. . so- and matron may parsons. morning. maggie. good morning,. . so nicel and matron may parsons. morning. l maggie. good morning,. . so nice to see ou. maggie. good morning,. . so nice to see yom in — maggie. good morning,. . so nice to see you. in december, _ maggie. good morning,. . so nice to see you. in december, may- maggie. good morning,. . so nice to see you. in december, may gave - see you. in december, may gave mac aie see you. in december, may gave maggie her— see you. in december, may gave maggie her pfizer _ see you. in december, may gave maggie her pfizerjab, _ see you. in december, may gave maggie her pfizerjab, the - see you. in december, may gave maggie her pfizerjab, the first . see you. in december, may gavej maggie her pfizerjab, the first in the world. today they were back at university hospital coventry for their boosterjabs.— university hospital coventry for| their boosterjabs.- since their booster 'abs. ready. since that first their boosterjabs. ready. since that first dose, _ their boosterjabs. ready. since that first dose, maggie - their boosterjabs. ready. since that first dose, maggie says - their boosterjabs. ready. sincej that first dose, maggie says she their boosterjabs. ready. since - that first dose, maggie says she has had attention from round the world. i am big news. had attention from round the world. i am big news-— i am big news. what is it like being bi news? i am big news. what is it like being big news? 0h... _ i am big news. what is it like being big news? oh... i— i am big news. what is it like being big news? oh... i did _ i am big news. what is it like being big news? oh... i did a _ i am big news. what is it like being big news? oh... i did a lot - i am big news. what is it like being big news? oh... i did a lot of- i am big news. what is it like being big news? oh... i did a lot of white writhina. big news? oh... i did a lot of white writhing- i— big news? oh... i did a lot of white writhing. i have _ big news? oh... i did a lot of white writhing. i have met— big news? oh... i did a lot of white writhing. i have met some - big news? oh... i did a lot of white writhing. i have met some lovely . writhing. i have met some lovely people by writing to them, you know. i write loads of letters now. it is lovel to i write loads of letters now. it is lovely to see — i write loads of letters now. it is lovely to see people _ i write loads of letters now. it is lovely to see people and sometimes we, disregard the fact we don't see people _ we, disregard the fact we don't see people who are very human, we like the company of others, and to see maggie _ the company of others, and to see maggie doing so well is heart—warming for me to see her over the time _ heart—warming for me to see her over the time. bui— heart-warming for me to see her over the time. �* ., ., the time. but with more than five million in the _ the time. but with more than five million in the uk, _ the time. but with more than five million in the uk, who _ the time. but with more than five million in the uk, who have - the time. but with more than five million in the uk, who have to . the time. but with more than five | million in the uk, who have to had any dose, the head of nhs england is stepping up the drive to persuade more people to get vaccinated. think the message — more people to get vaccinated. think the message will— more people to get vaccinated. think the message will be _ more people to get vaccinated. “i�*i “ia; the message will be follow the science, so if we have young people, or indeed people of any cage, who are —— age who are uncertain about whether it is right for them, then follow the science, it is still the best thing you can do to protect yourself, to protect others. having moved quickly _ yourself, to protect others. having moved quickly ahead _ yourself, to protect others. having moved quickly ahead of— yourself, to protect others. having moved quickly ahead of most - yourself, to protect others. having| moved quickly ahead of most other nations the uk has fallen back a bit against some of the leading economies, in terms of share of the population who have been fully vaccinated. it is worth noting that some other countries started offering jabs to children before the uk did. but the uk is ahead of countries like the us, japan, and germany. experts say the vaccination programme has been successful but there are still challenges it programme has been successful but there are still challenges— there are still challenges if you have not had _ there are still challenges if you have not had your _ there are still challenges if you have not had your vaccine - there are still challenges if you | have not had your vaccine come there are still challenges if you - have not had your vaccine come for war and we need to try and maintain the enthusiasm that we saw earlier in the programme, for the boosters. for those that are eligible. all of these things are difficult. there is fatigue in the population an we need to keep people's minds focussed on the importance of the measures. the full roll out of _ the importance of the measures. the full roll out of covid vaccines to iz—is—year—olds has started in england and scotland. wales an northern ireland are set to follow. in england the latest weekly survey oaths the only age group to see case rate rise was the under 16s. the government's latest coronavirus figures for the uk, show there were 35,623 new infections recorded in the latest 24—hour period. that means, in the past week, there was an average of 33,459 new cases per day. there were 7,124 people in hospital with covid, according to the latest data. another 180 deaths have been recorded — that's of people who died within 28 days of a positive covid test, taking the average number per day in the last week to 143. 0n vaccinations, 89.6% ofpeople aged 16 or over have had theirfirstjab, while 82.1% are now double vaccinated. police are searching for a man captured on cctv near where the primary school teacher sabina nessa was killed in south—east london a week ago. the images show the man walking in pegler square on the evening the 28—year—old was attacked. officers are also questioning another man on suspicion of murder. a vigil in remembrance of sabina is due to start in the next hour. june kelly reports. last friday sabina nessa had finished her working week as a primary school teach e and was looking forward to the weekend. seven days on she is in thoughts of so many who never knew her but who are horrified and angry at the way her young live has been taken. sabrina who was 28 was on her way to a pub in kidbrooke village in south—east london, to meet a frond. she never arrived. police are trying to track down this man, detectives are desperate to identify him. he was caught on cctv walking in pegler square which is where sabina nessa was heading. it is understood he had access o this silver car. hf is understood he had access 0 this silver car. , ., ., , ., silver car. if you have seen him or know who — silver car. if you have seen him or know who he _ silver car. if you have seen him or know who he s — silver car. if you have seen him or know who he s please _ silver car. if you have seen him or know who he s please come - silver car. if you have seen him or. know who he s please come forward. any little bit of information may be critical for us.— critical for us. sabina nessa's body was found last _ critical for us. sabina nessa's body was found last saturday _ critical for us. sabina nessa's body was found last saturday in - critical for us. sabina nessa's body was found last saturday in the - critical for us. sabina nessa's body. was found last saturday in the park, the day after she disappeared. her killing has once again brought into sharp focus the issue of violence against women, their safety on the streets and male attitudes. this afternoon police carried out searches in pegler square. this evening this will the scene of a candle—lit vigil in memory of sabina nessa. any gibbs has led this community response. we nessa. any gibbs has led this community response. we holding this viuil, this community response. we holding this vigil, this evening, _ community response. we holding this vigil, this evening, to _ community response. we holding this vigil, this evening, to stand? - vigil, this evening, to stand? solidarity as a community to honour sabina and to share some respect, for her life, you know, she was a human being that existed in our community, and you know, wejust want to ensure that you know, she, her family feels that love from our community. her family feels that love from our community-— her family feels that love from our communi . , �*, ., ., community. this evening's memorial in kidbrooke — community. this evening's memorial in kidbrooke comes _ community. this evening's memorial in kidbrooke comes six _ community. this evening's memorial in kidbrooke comes six months - community. this evening's memorial in kidbrooke comes six months after| in kidbrooke comes six months after the vigilfossilfuel oar in kidbrooke comes six months after the vigil fossil fuel oar murder victim gaia servadio. tenth —— sarah everard. tonight round the country vigils are to be held. as people light a candle thoughts will turn to women whose lives have been lost through violence. well, in the spring, there was the vigilfor sarah everard, who was murdered by a police officer. then there was the memorial for bieber henry and nicole smallman, who were murdered in a pot, add now another victim, another vigil, and another family changed forever. —— who were murdered in a park. this issue of violence against women is resonating around the country, and that is why we will see so many vigils tonight. many thanks, jim kelly. the time is just after 6.15 our top story this evening: this is the third petrol station we have seen queues at.— this is the third petrol station we have seen queues at. ministers meet to discuss the — have seen queues at. ministers meet to discuss the problem _ have seen queues at. ministers meet to discuss the problem of— have seen queues at. ministers meet to discuss the problem of petrol - to discuss the problem of petrol stations having to shut because of a shortage of drivers. and the 43rd ryder cup finally tees off in wisconsin. can europe upset the odds to win again? coming up in sportsday on the bbc news channel: anthonyjoshua prepares to put his reputation and his four heavyweight belts on the line in tomorrow night's big fight with 0leksandr usyk. this sunday will mark the end of a political era in germany, when elections take place for a new leader to replace angela merkel as chancellor after 16 years. a whole generation of young germans have known no other leader, and one of the big issues of the election campaign has been climate change, with activists holding big rallies in cities across the country. 0ur europe editor katya adler reports now on the campaign to succeed her. a mass protest cum street party rallied outside parliament today to call attention to the climate crisis. it is a big election issue here. angela merkel has done a terrific job in bringing the climate change to the agenda, but i think there are limits to what she was able to do. i hope there will be a change, a more green change. of course, there's the potential for germany to take a dramatic new direction after 16 years of angela merkel, and that would be felt here and abroad. this is the eu's most influential country. but in the end, most germans are stability—hungry, so the calls for radical change, while loud, are limited. what we are probably looking at here is change but with a small c. these are the frontrunners to replace angela merkel. a social democrat the current favourite in polls, a conservative, and trailing behind, the green party candidate. all the campaigns have been exceptionally low— key. they feared alienating voters who will miss chancellor merkel. here she is with the conservative candidate. hers is a tough act to follow. here at home and on the world stage. she worked with four us presidents, five uk prime ministers, and went to 100 eu summits during her time in government. a reputation like angela merkel�*s takes a while to build. it can't be won overnight in an election. that's what you see, they are kind of waiting literally for what's happening here. 0n the global landscape, i mean, it really matters, and i think merkel was a very well respected leader, so everybody is looking at who was going to follow in her footsteps. it might be a long wait. sunday's election is only the start. the vote is predicted to be tight, withdrawn drawn—out coalition talks to follow. the merkel era is almost over, but not quite. katya adler, bbc news, berlin. when the government relaxed the law on medical cannabis in 2018, it opened the door to wider research into how the plant might be used to treat a variety of illnesses. scientists across the uk are working to understand how cannabis extracts could help with conditions from pain and asthma to brain cancer. 0ur health correspondent catherine burns has been looking at the possibilities. gardening helps charles deal with the physical symptoms of parkinson's disease, but his life isn't always rooted in reality. like half of patients he's also developed psychosis. for him this comes as hallucinations, often threatening or violent. they can come at any time. they very often, when you're waking up from being asleep and you suddenly find yourself in a different environment. medicines normally used to treat psychosis can clash with parkinson's drugs, so charles is trying something different. i would like you to repeat the actions that i show you. he is one of the first patients taking part in a clinical trial at kings college hospital, hoping to reduce or even stop the hallucinations. it's using a cannabis extract, cbd. if cbd were to be useful in treating parkinson's psychosis, it will really change the landscape of treatment for parkinson's psychosis. they will have longer lives, they will have happier lives. charles only takes this cbd for six weeks. it is the earliest part of the trial funded by parkinson's uk. next step is a larger, second stage. this research is very different to the wellness products so popular on the high street. they aren't medicines, but food supplements. it means they can't claim to treat illnesses, but also aren't tested so rigorously. charles' daughter kirstie has moved in to help take care of him, and is getting used to his hallucinations. one where i walked in and saw you in the middle of it. i came into the flat and found it was full of people, talking to each other, and ignoring me completely. in fact, looking straight through me and walking straight through me and gradually it faded away. he said "am i going mad?" i found that pretty scary at the time. scientists need special permission to grow cannabis crops like this for clinical trials. the plant has more than 100 substances with medical potential. so far, just a few medicines using cannabis have been approved in the uk, including for epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. but there's a real sense that cannabis based medicine could be used for so much more. there's already evidence it can help with things like sleep problems and easing pain. in this lab they are working to see how cbd could possibly help treat conditions like asthma and arthritis. the cannabinoid field is exploding. you can see that by the number of pharmaceutical companies who have experience in developing drugs, are actually trying to understand how these cannabinoids work in this body, but unless we put in the invest to really understand this properly, we are actually, i think, not going to exploit cannabis based medicines as well as we could. in the meantime, charles hopes his part in the trial will make a difference for other parkinson's patients. things are likely to get worse for me, and it might be something that helps. it would be nice think one was doing something worthwhile. 0ur health correspondent, catherine burns, reporting there. a 31—year—old man accused of murdering three children and a woman in derbyshire last weekend has appeared before derby crown court. damien bendall spoke only to confirm his name via a video link from custody. the bodies of 35—year—old terri harris, her 11—year—old daughter lacey bennett, her 13—year—old sonjohn, and lacey's friend, 11—year—old connie gent, were found last sunday at a house in killamarsh. the labour party conference starts tomorrow, with labour promising to end what it calls the outrageous practice of overseas buyers acquiring more than half of new homes in housing of elements. labour says it will give first—time buyers exclusive rights for six months to buy newly built homes. it also wants property developers to make a bigger contribution towards affordable housing. the uk's teenage tennis star emma radacanu has been in action again today, but this time with a new partner on court — the duchess of cambridge. the us open winner was joined by kate for an official homecoming welcome at the lawn tennis association, following her historic grand slam triumph earlier this month. 0ur sports editor, dan roan was there. the most royal of rallies. the new queen of british tennis enjoying a knock up with the duchess of cambridge today, one of the few people who can match emma raducanu's fame after her crowning triumph at the us 0pen. her remarkable victory celebrated with a homecoming event at the headquarters of the lta, where kate is patron. raducanu telling me what she made of her doubles partner. what was it like playing tennis with royalty today? yeah, it was amazing. the duchess was extremely good and we had a lot of fun out there with the other winners too. she was good. do you think the lta may have missed a trick by not signing her up? definitely. british winners in the doubles and wheelchair events in new york were also celebrated today. but it was raducanu who stole the show at the us open, one of the biggest shocks in tennis history. the sport's desperate to capitalise, the teenager's appeal clear to see at this 0&a session today. your message to these young players who want to be the next emma raducanu? keep going, keep believing and have that inner belief, because even when all the odds are against you, you can still do wonderful things. the last time emma raducanu trained here she was just one of a number of up coming british tennis prospects. since then, of course, she has been catapulted to sporting stardom, but all the signs are she is enjoying every moment. i still feel like i'm the same person as i was three weeks' ago, i am just adjusting to it right now, but i'm having a lot of fun. raducanu's yet to decide which event she will play next, but did reveal she would split from the coach who guided her to us open glory, wanting a more experienced mentor. i definitely want to keep just improving, and being the best version of myself on the court and off the court, and maximising my potential, and i still think i have a lot of room for development, in terms of my tennis career and where it can go, so, yeah, excited to start working on it. i always wanted to be a ball girl. but raducanu's ambitions are set far higher now. her sights set on much more success, both on and off the court. dan roan, bbc news. the boxer anthonyjoshua has weighed in at 240 pounds ahead of the latest bout in his bid to become undisputed heavyweight champion. joshua will defend his wba, wbo, ibf and ibo titles against ukranian 0leksandr usyk at the tottenham hotspur stadium in north london tomorrow night. he'll be more than a stone heavier than usykk, who is the former undisputed world cruiserweight champion. the 43rd ryder cup is under way with the world's top players from the united states and europe teaming up to compete for their team. the rescheduled competition is taking place in america on the shores of lake michigan three years after europe last romped to victory. 0ur sports correspondent, andy swiss, reports from whistling straits golf course in wisconsin. # born in the usa #. while _ # born in the usa #. white mightjust six in the morning, but already— white mightjust six in the morning, but already come straits was rocking _ but already come straits was rocking. the dawn dash was on as thousahds— rocking. the dawn dash was on as thousands battled for the best seals — thousands battled for the best seats. ., , , ., seats. come sunrise, the sound of american optimism _ seats. come sunrise, the sound of american optimism echoed - seats. come sunrise, the sound of american optimism echoed round | seats. come sunrise, the sound of. american optimism echoed round the course. .x american optimism echoed round the course. american optimism echoed round the course-_ how _ american optimism echoed round the course._ how confident - american optimism echoed round the course._ how confident are j course. usa! usa! how confident are ou cu s course. usa! usa! how confident are you guys feeling? _ course. usa! usa! how confident are you guys feeling? my _ course. usa! usa! how confident are you guys feeling? my god, _ course. usa! usa! how confident are you guys feeling? my god, are - course. usa! usa! how confident are you guys feeling? my god, are you i you guys feeling? my god, are you kiddin: ? you guys feeling? my god, are you kidding? 10096. _ you guys feeling? my god, are you kidding? 10096. confident. - you guys feeling? my god, are you kidding? 10096. confident. can't. you guys feeling? my god, are you | kidding? 10096. confident. can't bet auainst m kidding? 10096. confident. can't bet against my boys- — kidding? 10096. confident. can't bet against my boys. usa, _ kidding? 10096. confident. can't bet against my boys. usa, baby. - kidding? 10096. confident. can't bet against my boys. usa, baby. usa! i against my boys. usa, baby. usa! usa! _ against my boys. usa, baby. usa! usa! ., ., , �* , against my boys. usa, baby. usa! usa! ., a , , against my boys. usa, baby. usa! usa! ., a , ., usa! for europe's players, though, the welcome _ usa! for europe's players, though, the welcome wasn't _ usa! for europe's players, though, the welcome wasn't quite _ usa! for europe's players, though, the welcome wasn't quite so - usa! for europe's players, though, the welcome wasn't quite so warm. jon rahm and sergio garcia. booing _ b00|ng in the ryder cup, anything is possible. just watch this. america boss mikejordan spieth with one of the most remarkable shots you will ever see. garcia and john ron held on, first point to europe, but the us came charging back. victory for dustinjohnson and colin morrow, as they showed their pinpoint precision. they showed their pinpoint precision-— they showed their pinpoint recision. ., ,, ., ., ., , precision. glorious shot, glorious shot. and another _ precision. glorious shot, glorious shot. and another american - precision. glorious shot, glorious shot. and another american win l shot. and another american win followed, shot. and another american win followed. a _ shot. and another american win followed, a wayward _ shot. and another american win followed, a wayward morning i shot. and another american win | followed, a wayward morning for shot. and another american win - followed, a wayward morning for rory michael roy as he and ian poulter were sadly beaten, and with brooks koepka clinching a third point for the us, it is the hosts who have the early initiative. so, yes, the us leading 3—1 after the morning matches here. the afternoon matches are just getting under way. matches here. the afternoon matches arejust getting under way. there is of course still a long way to go. we won't know the winners of the ryder cup until sunday. but those us fans here will be feeling even more confident. andy, many thanks. time for a look at the weather. here's sarah keith—lucas. many of us have seen another day of one september sunshine. mostly dry, but not across the board. this was the picture in belmont in herefordshire earlier. blue sky around, lasting into the evening hours. 0ver around, lasting into the evening hours. over the weekend, some of us seeing more sunshine like this, but other areas will have a little more clout. wherever you are, it is still warm for the time of year. in fact, temperatures for some of us are five or six degrees above average for the time of year across that we can. if we fast forward to the middle of next week, you can see the change in colour on the map, showing we will have temperatures around average or even a few degrees below by the time we get to next week, so a shock to the system for some of us. altima arrives from around monday. for now, we have a lot of clout around this evening and some patchy rain tonight for the north—west of scotland. another quite humid night, temperatures generally sitting in the mid teens. we are likely to start saturday morning with a fair amount of low cloud, some misty and murky patches, but they clear away quickly and the sunshine tends to break holes in the cloud. temperatures in the warmer spots around 22 or 23 celsius. with light wind, that will feel very

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