more pressure on the governor of new york to resign over allegations of sexual misconduct — but andrew cuomo refuses to step down. italy announces new coronavirus restrictions to stop the number of new cases — schools, shops and restaurants will close from monday. choral singing. a national service is held in new zealand to remember the 51 people killed when a gunman opened fire at two mosques in christchurch in 2019. at one o'clock uk time we will be joined _ at one o'clock uk time we will be joined by— at one o'clock uk time we will be joined by viewers _ at one o'clock uk time we will be joined by viewers on _ at one o'clock uk time we will be joined by viewers on bbc- at one o'clock uk time we will be joined by viewers on bbc one - at one o'clock uk time we will be joined by viewers on bbc one for| at one o'clock uk time we will be. joined by viewers on bbc one for a summary— joined by viewers on bbc one for a summary of— joined by viewers on bbc one for a summary of the _ joined by viewers on bbc one for a summary of the international - joined by viewers on bbc one for a summary of the international and i summary of the international and national— summary of the international and national news _ now on bbc news — click looks at a new way of buying and authenticating very high—value assets online. the team explores how it works and why it is so secure. this week — a collection of collectables. but will pikachu trump this mega collage? is a tweet from the past the future of art? and will a midsummer night's dream become a nightmare in spandex? welcome to click! this week, we're going to be talking about rare and collectible items. now, lara, you've been looking into something that's been getting a lot of hype recently, haven't you? i have. now, can you tell me what is the most collectible item you have in your house? um... this shirt? oh, i know — this thing. everyone's always asking me about this online. how about you ? well, i managed to dig out my peter andre doll! it's has been signed by peter andre himself! no way! all hail the andre! now, the thing is there are plenty of collectible, valuable things in the world and by definition, each one of them is very rare. so it might surprise you to learn that people have started to buy digital collectables. see, the thing is, you can make an identical copy of a digital file — you can make millions of them if you want, just with a couple of button presses — so surely, that means that digital items can't be unique. can they? jack dorsey seems to think so. the founder of twitter has put his first—ever tweet up for auction, which may now sell for over $2.5 million — even though we can all access it whenever we want. the secret is that proof of ownership is stored elsewhere online, as something called an nft or non—fungible token — a unique marker that can't be copied, changed or disputed. synth pop artist grimes has sold limited edition copies of her digital art for almost $6 million. and musician blau sold limited edition copies of his ultraviolet album for a whopping $11 million — again, even though anyone can access them online. i don't know about you, but this sounds nuts! laughs. it is rather hard to get your head around. but the idea of somebody being able to prove that they own something completely digital is nothing new. you can prove who owns a bitcoin because there's a public, unchangeable record, and that sits on something called the blockchain. and these nfts use exactly the same technology, just with a bit of a tweak, allowing creators to attach all sorts of conditions to the item that they're selling. along with proof of ownership, they can say how it can be sold or how it can be used. nfts can serve as proof of sale for absolutely anything. but all the buzz has been around the sale of digital items. as art galleries shut up shop over most of the past year, it has opened the door to a greater interest in digitalart. and this week, high—end auction house christies new york completed its first ever digital—only art sale. this is a digital art piece by mike winkelmann... one image for each 5,000 days. ..known as beeple to his 1.8 million instagram followers. for the past 13 years, he has been creating an image every single day. ..down the bottom here, we have the last one. and now, he'as combined these pictures, creating one massive digital artwork entitled everydays: the first 5000 days. within the first hour of the auction going live, it reached $1 million, eventually selling for an eye—watering $69.3 million. but this is not beeple's first nft. the last sale that i did, part of it is everybody got these screens. so these are digital picture frames. they've got, like, a signed, numbered titanium backplate so they're — they're, you know, just like any other print or whatever. but it's — it's digital, it's a screen. the screen will not last for ever. it will absolutely die. but the nft will not die. the nft will keep going. when you consider how much free content your average 3dcg artist has to create for their instagram account or their tiktok account, it's an awful lot of work. to be able to monetise any aspect of that the way influencers in other fields do i think is very important. the way nfts are made up on a lot of these sites, - including superrare, is there's a royalty. i this new way of selling . and buying art, the artist is forever hooked up - or forever part of the deal. there's a very iconic piece | of art nft by xcopy called right—click and save as guy and itjust sold for- $172,000 on superrare. people inside the community, we like to make fun of people j that say "why you paying money for this when i can right click- and save that image and it's mine?" - they put this to me, "well, what if someone takes a screenshot of the jpeg that's on the website — isn't that tantamount to the artwork?" and i said it is tantamount to the symbol of the artwork but no, it isn't. there is no way to copy or replicate the actual non—fungible token here. it solves for that problem and really complicates everything at the same time. nft art sales are new. some feel it's a way to support the artist, while others are gambling on the idea that in years to come, the pieces will rise substantially in value and that it isn'tjust a buzz that will die out. but what is more concerning right now is what the nfts might be doing to our planet. this interactive site estimates the damage as blockchain networks are notoriously power hungry. but maybe we'll overcome this. nfts are new and so are its marketplaces. the rules of the game are still being written. for traditional art lovers, though, the idea of owning something that can't be hung on a wall and anyone may be able to look at freely can be off—putting. but like many a great artist's work, maybe in years to come, they will prove their worth. or maybe they won't. but while most of us are not art collectors, digital or otherwise, the idea of spending big money through digital tokens could have many uses, including buying the biggest thing you're ever likely to —a property. buying a house is complicated. it's notjust a matter of being able to afford it, but also committing to that cash being tied up. so imagine you have a mortgage. ownership of your home is split between you and the bank. but the idea of tokenisation is that that ownership can be broken down into any number of pieces, and that means you could have any number of owners. it should also offer some flexibility for you to be able to buy and sell parts of your house if you want to. it's already happening in some places, including new york and dubai. in england and wales, the land registry has been looking at the idea. so we've run a couple of prototypes over the last two years, really to see whether actually technology could enable this. so rather than it being a barrier, could it become an enabler? so i think it opens up opportunities for homeownership but also equally, i think it opens up opportunities in terms of lending against a property. and we all know with increased opportunities becomes wider competition as well. i think the entries at the moment into the market are quite high, in terms of lending. what this allows is to lower those entries to market to own a property. the important thing is land registry issues that token, so it's almost kind of government issuing that token, and that adds an extra sense of assurance and credibility and guarantee. the proof of concept was run in 2019 and it showed that this could technically work, bringing the buying process down from weeks to minutes. however we do this, it's done in such a way that everyone can consume it, without understanding what blockchain is, without understanding what tokenisation is. co—owning a home can be daunting, even when it's with someone you know well, so the idea that we may be owning homes with strangers could feel intimidating. i think this is all about, you know, setting things up in the right way so homeowners should have the ability to own their own home and if they have sold off some of it to other investors, then they should have the right to call that back as part of the deal that they do with those investors. there is still a long way to go for both the lenders and us, whether buying or selling, to be ready to go digital. but in a world where we're used to doing so many things at the click of a button, i can certainly see the appeal. ultimately, tokenisation could simplify everything by leaving a trail of who owns what and what they need to know, with full transparency. but like every new bit of tech, it may bring with it its own problems. we had the 2008 financial crisis which was caused by fancy financial products that people did not really understand. theyjust saw a big number or "i can afford a house now" or something like that. and they got into really deep water. and when the system fell over, people lost everything. so we know about fancy financial products. they're dangerous because people don't understand them. they could lose everything and we don't need tokens as an excuse to do this bad idea again. hello and welcome to the week in tech. it was the week that russia's media watchdog announced it would slow down twitter as it accused the social media giant failure to remove harmful content. and ride—hailing giant ola unveiled plans for the world's largest two—wheeler factory in india, which aims to make 10 million electric scooters each year. espoo in finland is piloting a street—sweeping robot that runs on minimalfuel and power. this self—driving device will work night, using lidar sensors and processing thousands of images each second to help it work safely for up to 17 hours. clothes can now turn motion and perspiration into sustainable energy. lovely! some electricity is generated when these pads brush each other, but biofuel cells also spark an electron frenzy when near to sweaty skin. together, these methods can power a small gadget. thankfully, it's all totally washable. and finally, a robot painter with a vision. instead of random creativity, this a! artist acts on aesthetic values, programmed in by its makers injapan. different instructions mean different artworks. you shrewd and naivsh sprite, what hast thou done? i know not. it's a midsummer night's dream but not as you know it. these are the final rehearsals for dream, a new show from the royal shakespeare company inspired by both shakespeare's original play and the times we live in. as em and jamie move around the space, their motion capture suits allow their movement to be married onto the characters of puck, peaseblossom and the rest of the inhabitants of fairyland. it has been a while since i've had a chance to get into a mocap suit and for some reason it's more of a squeeze than it was since before lockdown. i can't think pie — i mean why. in many ways this is less like theatre acting and more like the kind of acting that hollywood performers have been doing in c6! films for quite a number of years now. you can interact with a fellow performer in the same space but what you actually end up looking like, well, that's up to the digital artist. inexplicably, i have become the black power ranger who i think was only a background character in the original shakespeare text. so what are the differences between performing in mocap and performing live on the stage? on a stage, a lot of it is through eye contact but if you can't see that the two characters have eyes how else can you express that? how can you tell you're talking to someone? if you're giving attention, your energy to them. is it a suspicious eye contact or a welcoming, lovely to see you. let's take the phrase for example, how now puck? it means, what's going on, how are you? if we're looking at your avatar and my avatar, i want you to say how now to me as you normally would. how now, puck. yeah, cas, cas. now try to say it in your body as if you were suspicious of me? how now puck? try make it bigger so if i was doing suspicious it would be now, puck? i got you, 0k. how now, puck. nice, nice. did i get the oscar? yeah, i think so. laughs what's weird is that would be considered overacting normally, i'd think. yeah, absolutely. there is a really subtle line and i think one of the most interesting things is finding the subtlety in your voice and vocal quality, and still making it read through the body. in each of the 12 live performances, tom here will use a virtual camera to decide the shots the audience sees, but this is far from a passive show. viewers get to join in and control fireflies that guide puck through the forest, and that means the actors have to improvise depending on the path the audience chooses. now sweet friends, i need your help, light my way. the soundscape is also live. em please the �*gesturement�*, a gesture controlled instruments that puck plays in the air. so in theatre, the actors very much rely on each other onstage and also on the technical crew to get the lighting and the scenery sorted. in movies, it's much more about the technical side because there's so much more that can go wrong. and it strikes me this is a mixture of the two, where it's live, you only get one take and you're also reliant on all of the technical staff working perfectly, including your balls. and when your balls don't register properly, your leg can drop off. laughs this is a very live environment. a real interesting challenge in working in a motion capture system, a performance capture system, in a controlled chaos. and interestingly, this is not the first live virtual environment that we've looked at recently that has been built using unreal engine, created by the makers of the game fortnite. unreal engine allows us that flexibility to plug lots of different elements in that would be used in a live environment and control them in a game engine. example, if you move a fader on a lighting desk, a light in the unreal engine will work correspondingly. and it gives us that direct control and flexibility for live performances. this project has been in development for a couple of years now so rather than just being a quick stopgap while theatres are closed, this is a full—on r&d project to explore how theatre can continue to evolve as it has done for centuries. there are so many tools available to us, so many ways in order for us to tell a story, a narrative and connect with an audience, so this is another one of those tools. and also in terms of accessibility, it opens the door for so many people who might not be able to come to certain places. and when we are allowed back into the stalls and the circles, some of this technology could start being integrated into live performances and lead to... well, who knows what kind of show in the future? in this particular project we are testing the technology but who is to say we couldn't look at those motion capture suits and craft a beautiful costume around them? and i think that's what is exciting about this is if you put this technology in the hands of artists, expected and amazing things can happen. haste, make no delay. dream runs until the 20th of march online and as an added bonus, i won't be in it. now earlier in the program we looked at how digital art was being turned into nfts. but another bunch of collectables that are being tokenised are trading cards. remember top trumps in the playground at school. well, all of that is being moved online, especially in the world of sports where some nfts going for millions. so how does that stack up to the big money you can make in physical trading cards? omar has been finding out. this pack of football cards costs just a pound. seems about right, but people are now spending thousands of pounds to get their favourite players. according to ebay where a lot of cards are sold, sales have skyrocketed by 1a2% — that's around 4 million cards. and these cards have also gotten caught up in nft mania with their digital versions selling for high prices. so rare are one company trying to capitalise on the search, selling digital football cards using blockchain technology to collect, trade and even play a fantasy football game with. and massive footballers and clubs are promoting the platform. just like the rarest physical football cards, the most sought after nfts are fetching incredibly high prices. the priciest sorare token, a kylian mbappe card was sold for more than £25,000. in the us, clips of basketball stars have been made into moments by nba top shots. if you want to see elite athletes make a slamming block like this, you can go to youtube and watch it. if you want to own that play in a way that no—one else can, the league mightjust sell it to you for hundreds of thousands of dollars. but who would want to pay that kind of money for what is essentially a blockchain enabled gif? well, this guy did — his name isjesse schwartz and he spent an obscene amount on this lebronjames dunk. how much exactly was that, jesse? $208,000. it was the record—setting purchase. 200... laughs. why? i mean, i was doing beanie babies, pokemon and sneakers when i was probably eight, nine years old. top shot was something i got on a few months ago and it really spoke to me because it really felt like the early days of collecting and being able to buy and sell stuff like i used to do on ebay when i was younger. it just felt like that $208,000, even though it was the record, it was really good value it's 5 worth seven figures run out. it's 5 worth seven figures right now. 0k. i've got to ask and i'm sure many other people are wondering as well, this gif is not restricted, people can still use it, notjust you. does that devalue it for you at all that anyone can still use it? for me, it's the total opposite. one analogy i like to use is the mona lisa, everyone knows there's one mona lisa. and anyone can go and make a fake one but there is only one. all that attention, when people are using it, whether it is a meme or a postcard or whatever it may be, thatjust increases the value of the mona lisa because it popularises that image. it's the same thing here, the more people who watch this highlight, the better. asjesse said, he was a keen collector of pokemon cards back in the �*90s. well, so was i! i own tons of them. and now in the past year they've made a bit of a resurgence. content creators have made loads of videos full of nostalgia, opening very old card packs. oh my god! we got a charizard! and because of the online hype, ebay has seen pokemon cards being traded this year up 57a% from 2019. and the money they're going! take this card. i got it in a pack when i was a kid. dark raichu, a secret rare. i checked online about 10 years ago to see how much one of these would go for. first edition, mint condition, about 50 quid. now, £850! my collection nowadays, because of the last year and a half is probably worth a quarter of $1 million. if i were to get it graded and looked at and all of that but it's fine, it's fine. ——but it's mine, it's mine! so, good old physical collectables are still relevant and highly sought after. but in the future, will digital collectables take over? well, let's ask the next generation of collectors who are going to grow up with both nfts and physical cards? come on. i think it's really important to play with people with these kind of cards face—to—face and interact with people properly. with actual physical cards, you can actually give them to people. if you are doing it online, you have to do it from a different device and it will be very complicated. yes! yeah, you miss out on the social element but digital—only nfts can also be anything — drawings, gifs, music, videos, tweets. the potential scope goes way beyond what is collected physically. personally, i'm attached to the nostalgia of physical cards. but for the next generation of collectors, that might not be the case. that was omar, who has a crazy amount of pokemon cards. they're not nfts but i reckon he's sitting on quite a bit of money there. anyway, that is it from us for this week. as ever, you can find the team on social media, on youtube, instagram, facebook and twitter at bbc click. thanks for watching and we'll see you soon. goodbye. hello, everyone, hope you're doing all right. it's been pretty unsettled over the past couple of days, we have seen very strong winds overnight with gusts of up to 70 mph in places and we have seen heavy outbreaks of rain as well. this is happening because we have an area of low pressure nearby that is feeding in these weather fronts which in turn are introducing that rain and if you look at the white lines here, the isobars, when they are packed closely together like that it generally means it will be pretty windy so that tells us what will happen next essentially on the pressure chart, but we are turning a corner over the next couple of days, everyone. something brighter and drier on the horizon, but we're not quite there yet, however. there's the headline for the weekend — we're expecting further blustery showers but we will see sunny spells as well. let's have a look at the graphics. the heaviest of the showers will continue to feed into parts of northern ireland, western parts of scotland, the north—west of england and down towards the south—west of england as well. we will see more in the way of sunny spells further east. i think we will see some of these across wales, top temperatures probably around 10 or 11 celsius in the far south—east but for most of us it will be between six and eight celsius, still very windy with wind gusts up to 50 mph and that is even further inland. overnight we will see further showers, again moving in on that brisk breeze and as with last night and today on higher ground some of these will turn to a bit of sleet or snow and we may hear the odd rumble of thunder out there as well but we will see clear skies across much of the country, it will be too windy for a widespread frost but having said that we will still get down to about one or two celsius. as for tomorrow, here is how it is shaping up. we will see plenty of sunny spells initially, then this feature starts to move in from the west, introducing heavy spells of rain into northern ireland, western parts of scotland, cumbria, the north—west of england and eventually into wales, but you can see here you can almost wrap a lot of dry weather around that feature so we will see sunnier spells to the east and over the coming days, less of this and more of something that looks a bit like this, so it's turning more settled and the reason as to why that's happening is here on the pressure chart, we have a big area of high pressure building, so we are going from low pressure that i was talking about earlier to that situation which means more of us will see brightness and some sunshine as well, so things are settling down as we look towards the middle of this coming week. i'll keep you posted. that is how it is looking. see you soon. good afternoon. a serving metropolitan police officer has appeared in court charged with the kidnap and murder of sarah everard. the 33 year old who disappeared while walking home in south london ten days ago. her body was discovered in woodland in kent a week after she went missing. 48 year old wayne couzens appeared before magistrates this morning — as our correspondent helena wilkinson reports.

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Police Officer ,Bbc News ,Headlines ,People ,Murder ,Kidnap ,Country ,Protests ,Sarah Everard ,Event ,Sarah ,Old Wayne Couzens ,South London ,Military Coup ,Doorstop Vigil ,Myanmar ,Security Forces ,48 ,Eight ,Pressure ,New York ,Governor ,Allegations ,Sexual Misconduct ,Andrew Cuomo ,Coronavirus ,Italy ,Number ,Restrictions ,Service ,Restaurants ,Shops ,Schools ,Cases ,Gunman ,New Zealand ,51 ,Fire ,Mosques ,2019 ,Two ,One ,Way ,Viewers ,Summary ,Team ,Bbc One ,Buying ,News ,Looks ,Authenticating ,Assets ,Collectables ,Will Pikachu Trump ,A Midsummer Night S Dream ,Collection ,Nightmare ,Tweet ,Spandex ,The Future Of Art ,Something ,Lot ,Item ,Items ,House ,Hype ,Shirt ,Haven T You ,Um ,Lara ,World ,Things ,Thing ,Everyone ,Peter Andre ,Wall ,Collectible ,Doll ,The Thing ,Definition ,Couple ,Millions ,Button Presses ,File ,Copy ,Jack Dorsey ,Ownership ,Auction ,Proof ,Founder ,Twitter ,Secret ,Access , 5 Million ,2 5 Million ,Marker ,Nft ,Elsewhere ,Anyone ,Grimes ,Copies ,Blau ,Art ,Ultraviolet Album ,Synth Pop ,6 Million ,11 Million ,1 Million ,A Million ,Idea ,Laughs ,Somebody ,Head ,Nfts ,Bit ,Blockchain ,Technology ,Record ,Creators ,Nothing ,Public ,Bitcoin ,Tweak ,Sorts ,Conditions ,Door ,Most ,Buzz ,Sale ,Shop ,Art Galleries ,Anything ,Interest ,Image ,Art Sale ,Auction House ,Digital Art ,Mike Winkelmann ,5000 ,Instagram ,Bottom ,Beeple ,1 8 Million ,13 ,Artwork ,Everydays ,He As ,Pictures ,69 3 Million ,9 3 Million ,Everybody ,Part ,Titanium Backplate ,First Nft ,Screens ,Picture Frames ,It ,Whatever ,Screen ,Sprint ,Artist ,Work ,Aspect ,Account ,Content ,3dcg ,3 ,Selling ,Royalty ,Sites ,Buying Art ,Fields ,Influencers ,Superrare ,Money ,Guy ,Save ,Deal ,Piece ,Forever ,Community ,Art Nft ,Fun ,On Superrare ,Itjust ,Xcopy ,72000 ,172000 ,Someone ,Screenshot ,Isn T ,Jpeg ,Symbol ,Everything ,Token ,Problem ,Value ,Pieces ,Others ,Nft Art Sales ,Gambling ,Planet ,Site ,Blockchain Networks ,Damage ,Power Hungry ,Game ,Marketplaces ,Art Lovers ,Rules ,Worth ,Us ,Tokens ,Property ,Art Collectors ,Spending ,Buses ,Matter ,Cash ,Notjust ,Home ,Owners ,Tokenisation ,Bank ,Mortgage ,Places ,Flexibility ,Land Registry ,Parts ,England ,Wales ,Dubai ,Prototypes ,Barrier ,Opportunities ,Terms ,Lending ,Homeownership ,Competition ,Enabler ,Know ,Market ,Entries ,Government ,Proof Of Concept ,Sense ,Credibility ,Assurance ,Guarantee ,Run ,Buying Process ,Understanding ,Homes ,Strangers ,Investors ,Homeowners ,Back ,Setting ,Ability ,Trail ,Click ,Lenders ,Button ,Appeal ,Products ,Crisis ,Transparency ,Saw ,Problems ,Theyjust ,2008 ,System ,Water ,Hello ,Excuse ,Media Watchdog ,Russia ,Plans ,Social Media Giant Failure ,Giant Ola ,Factory In India ,Finland ,Espoo ,10 Million ,Robot ,Self Driving Device ,Processing Thousands ,Power ,Lidar Sensors ,Minimalfuel ,Images ,Clothes ,Second ,Motion ,Perspiration Into Sustainable Energy ,17 ,Electricity ,Biofuel ,Cells ,Electron Frenzy ,Pads Brush Each Other ,Skin ,Gadget ,Methods ,Robot Painter ,Totally Washable ,Injapan ,Values ,Artworks ,Creativity ,Instructions ,Vision ,Artist Acts ,What ,Naivsh Sprite ,Motion Capture Suits ,Show ,Dream ,Play ,Space ,Times ,Shakespeare ,Move ,Jamie ,Em ,Rehearsals ,Royal Shakespeare Company ,Puck ,Characters ,Rest ,Movement ,Inhabitants ,Fairyland ,Peaseblossom ,Reason ,Kind ,Ways ,Mocap ,Performers ,Suit ,Doing ,Pie ,Chance ,Squeeze ,Theatre Acting ,C6 ,Films ,Lockdown ,Hollywood ,Black Power Ranger ,Performer ,Stage ,Background Character ,Differences ,Shakespeare Text ,Attention ,Eye Contact ,Example ,Phrase ,Energy ,Welcoming ,Eyes ,What S Going On ,Avatar ,Body ,0k ,Guide Puck Through The Forest ,Cas ,Nice ,0k ,Line ,Oscar ,Overacting ,Performances ,Audience ,Peach ,Subtlety ,Shots ,Quality ,Voice ,Camera ,Tom ,12 ,Actors ,Soundscape ,Path ,Friends ,Help ,Theatre ,Lighting ,Instruments ,Gesturement ,Gesture ,Hair ,Crew ,Mixture ,Scenery ,Side ,Movies ,Balls ,Leg ,Staff ,Environment ,Engine ,Performance Capture System ,Motion Capture System ,Challenge ,Chaos ,Game Fortnite ,Unreal Engine ,Game Engine ,Elements ,Lots ,Project ,Flight ,Fader ,Lighting Desk ,Theatres ,Tools ,Stopgap ,Development ,Narrative ,Accessibility ,Order ,Connect ,Story ,Some ,Stalls ,Circles ,Artists ,Costume ,Hands ,Delay ,Haste ,Bonus ,Program ,20th Of March ,20 ,Trading Cards ,Bunch ,Tokenised ,Playground ,School ,Sports ,Stack ,Big Money ,Cards ,Pack ,Omar ,Ebay ,Thousands ,Players ,Sales ,Football Cards Costs ,Pound ,Finding Out ,Prices ,1a2 ,Company ,Versions ,Nft Mania ,1 ,4 Million ,Football Cards ,Trade ,Platform ,Clubs ,Blockchain Technology ,Footballers ,Fantasy Football Game ,Sorare Token ,Kylian Mbappe ,25000 ,Youtube ,Block ,Athletes ,Clips Of Basketball Stars ,Nba ,Mightjust ,Dollars ,Hundreds ,Amount ,Name ,Isjesse Schwartz ,Lebronjames Dunk ,Jesse ,Purchase 200 ,08000 ,208000 ,200 ,Top Shot ,Pokemon ,Sneakers ,Beanie Babies ,Nine ,Collecting ,Stuff ,Figures ,5 ,Seven ,Mona Lisa ,Opposite ,Analogy ,Fake ,Notjust You ,Thatjust ,Highlight ,Meme ,Postcard ,Better ,Pokemon Cards ,Collector ,Videos ,Tons ,Resurgence ,Loads ,Asjesse ,90 ,Nostalgia ,Card Packs ,Year Up 57a ,Charizard ,Oh My God ,57 ,Kid ,Dark Raichu ,10 ,Half ,First Edition ,Mint Condition ,50 ,850 ,It S Mine ,Collectors ,Generation ,Will Digital Collectables ,Come On ,Face To ,Device ,Element ,Potential Scope ,Physical Cards ,Tweets ,Music ,Case ,Drawings ,Gifs ,Facebook ,Thanks ,Goodbye ,Gusts ,Winds ,70 ,Area ,Rain ,Weather Fronts ,Feeding ,Lines ,Isobars ,Outbreaks ,Spells ,Showers ,Pressure Chart ,Headline ,Look ,Horizon ,Graphics ,Corner ,Heaviest ,Western Parts ,North West ,South West Of England ,Scotland ,Northern Ireland ,Celsius ,Mph ,Wind ,Temperatures ,Breeze ,South East ,Six ,11 ,Skies ,Snow ,Sleet ,Thunder ,Frost ,Odd Rumble ,Ground ,Feature ,West ,Weather ,Cumbria ,More ,Happening ,Least ,Building ,Situation ,Well ,Brightness ,Middle ,Sunshine ,Gold ,Court ,33 ,Magistrates ,Correspondent Helena Wilkinson Reports ,Woodland ,Kent ,Ten 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