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hello and welcome. by prince harry and his wife meghan in their interview with oprah winfrey — saying the royal family is saddened to learn how challenging the last few years have been for the couple. the statement says that some issues, particularly that of race, are concerning. but it doesn't admit any wrongdoing — and says it will address the claims privately. our royal correspondent nicholas witchell reports. the revelations in their interview have been heard. there has been hurt on both sides. tonight, buckingham palace issued a statement from her majesty the queen. it read... it amounted to just 61 words. the palace made it clear it would not be commenting further. earlier, while the palace was pondering its response the daily business of the british royal family continued. the prince of wales was at a vaccination centre in northwest london. a normal visit, apart from the inevitable question... sir, can i ask, what did you think of the interview? millions around the world have now heard meghan�*s claim to have been suicidal but ignored, and her assertion of a racial slur by a member of the royalfamily about her then unborn baby. in those months when i was pregnant, all around this same time, so we have in tandem the conversation of, "he won't be given security, he's not going to be given a title", and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born. what? meghan�*s estranged father thomas markle watched the interview on us television. what did he make of his daughter's claims? i don't think the british royal family are racist. the thing about what colour will the baby be or how dark will the baby be, i'm guessing and hoping it's just a dumb question. closely linked to the question of racial prejudice in the couple's view, is the role of the british tabloid media. this is what meghan said in the interview... there's a reason that these tabloids have holiday parties at the palace. they're hosted by the palace. the tabloids are. you know, there is a construct that is at play there, and because from the beginning of our relationship they were so attacking and inciting so much racism, really, it changed the risk level, because it wasn't just catty gossip. it was bringing out a part of people that was racist in how it was charged. and here, amid the blanket coverage, some voices are saying, yes, there was a double standard in the way that meghan was reported. you have to draw conclusions from the way meghan was systematically criticised and attacked for things which other, white, members of the royal family could get away with. and so a sharply divided debate continues. was meghan the naive american who never understood the nature of being a british royal, or a huge potential asset who was wasted and wronged by an inflexible institution? one unexpected consequence of the reaction to harry and meghan�*s interview has been tv presenter piers morgan losing hisjob as a breakfast anchor. he'd made derogatory comments about the duchess following her interview. the comments led to a huge number of complaints to the broadcasting regulators in the uk. mr morgan also had an on—screen row with a co—presenter, who accused him of �*continuing to trash�* meghan. his employer, itv, said he was leaving the good morning britain show with immediate effect. jawn murray is a television presenter and commentator. he's in washington. good to talk to you. you know as well as anybody that news moves fast. is as well as anybody that news moves fast.— moves fast. is it still news over there? _ moves fast. is it still news over there? let _ moves fast. is it still news over there? let me - moves fast. is it still news over there? let me tell i moves fast. is it still news l over there? let me tell you, what a difference a day makes. all last week there were a lot of british experts, a lot of oil experts all over american television talking about what a lot of people and the people in the us, particularly hollywood stars have rallied behind meghan michael leave was a smear campaign, that story of a legend living in the palace. many of those commentators were talking about that and at wing as though it was a serious investigation that was going to take place. can i tell you, that after sunday night, those same experts were all over television talking about how damning this was to the palace, how the palace was going to have to respond, that this was historic and no—one had ever seen anything like it before. hollywood rallied behind miller meghan michael and african—american people in particular who are still fighting for racial and social justice in the us, their story about baby archie and the colour of his skin, that resonated with people. it invoked so much emotion. there were parallel synergies with some of the things we're dealing with and it has dominated the new cycle all week long. 50 dominated the new cycle all week long-— week long. so a 61 word resnonse _ week long. so a 61 word response from - week long. so a 61 word i response from buckingham palace. , . response from buckingham palace. ., ., palace. does that do the “ob? not at an. i palace. does that do the “ob? not at all. it i palace. does that do the “ob? not at all. it felt * palace. does that do the “ob? not at all. it felt hollowh palace. does that do the job? not at all. it felt hollow and l not at all. it felt hollow and insincere. let me tell you, there is a roaring cry all over television here that the palace is very dismissive of the claims of racism that they spent more energy talking about good people believe that the fictitious claims of bullying and they are still�*s mum is a church mouse on the claims of prince andrew's sex allegations with jeffrey epstein. prince andrew's sex allegations withjeffrey epstein. where analysis priorities was to make this is something they have to deal with. this is something they have to dealwith. i this is something they have to deal with. i people shocked that there could be alleged racism or racial insensitivity in the palace question might know. but i don't think anyone expected it would be this flagrant and blatant. this is a preposterous story and the palace cannot move forward, particularly with the queen governing so many nations with people of colour being the dominant race. and having this out there in the world for everyone to take in. we should sa of everyone to take in. we should say of course — everyone to take in. we should say of course that _ everyone to take in. we should say of course that prince - andrew absolutely denies he had any knowledge of or played any part of the things thatjeffrey epstein is accused of. what message do you think that sense? it is a commendable message to see someone with apparently all kinds of advantages speaking openly about mental health but then to see that person getting some support but also being trashed to the extent that a tv presenter walked out of the studio, in fact walks out of hisjob because another his job because another presenter takes issue with his right to say he does not believe anything meghan says. what message does all this convey what would you say? i will say that piers morgan and his exit from that show was a christmas present, early for my favourite people over in britain. that was a long overdue situation. we know he had a vendetta and is angry that she never followed up after they had a personal, you know, engagement, you know. they went out for drinks or something and he never heard from her again. something and he never heard from heragain. he has something and he never heard from her again. he has had an axe to grind with her for a long time. beyond that, this story has played out like something that felt like a hollywood movie. you have prince, who decided to abandon his family to become his wife's knight in shining armour, they moved to hollywood and they were rescued by a lack hollywood mogul, tyler perry, who gave them refuge and security and a black woman, oprah winfrey, who gave them a platform to tell the truth. i don't know if you could have scripted a better story in any of the movies that have been the biggest busters and, definitely, this is something they could not have predicted. thank you for talking to us. any time, any time. jury selection has been taking place in the trial of former police officer derek chauvin, who faces charges of murder and manslaughter. chauvin killed an unarmed black man, george floyd, in may 2020 in the us city of minneapolis. video of chauvin kneeling on floyd's neck triggered weeks of protests across the us and around the world. he would face up to a0 years in prison if convicted on the most serious charge. our north america correspondent barbara plett—usher sent this report. we are unstoppable, another word as possible. after months of protests, a moment of reckoning in america. activists demanding justice for the black man george floyd are facing their most important test — the trial of the white police officer charged in his killing, derek chauvin. you have been summoned as potential jurors in the case of the state of minnesota vs derek chauvin. jury selection is the first step. in an unprecedented move, the trial is being broadcast live because covid is keeping the public out of court. so, americans are getting a good look at mr chauvin. it's the first time he's been seen on camera since a bystander filmed him last year. i cannot breathe... kneeling on george floyd's neck for more than nine minutes, as mr floyd gasped for air and then fell silent. check his pulse! check his pulse, chile! police restrained him this way after complaints that he'd used a fake $20 bill. the video will be the prosecution's main evidence — and the main challenge to seating a jury. i think it'll be extremely difficult to get an impartialjury. virtually everybody in the country — and practically the world — has seen the video, or at least read articles about the video and its contents. we think the best that we can hope for is that those who have seen it or read articles about it will commit to keeping an open mind and to being impartial as the trial goes on, and different kinds of evidence come in. nothing is certain with a jury trial, and the graphic footage doesn't necessarily mean a conviction. the city is afraid that protests will turn violent if mr chauvin is acquitted — so it's put up these fences and called in the national guard. the intersection where mr floyd was pinned to the ground has grown into a memorial — a permanent refusal to accept his death as the end of the story. here, they've been counting down the days to the trial. in myanmar an official from aung san suu kyi's political party has died in custody after he was arrested on tuesday. the police have intensified night—time raids, rounding up dozens of people. on monday night, around 200 activists were trapped for hours in yangon, when police sealed off a district in the city. the bbc�*sjonathan head has more and — a warning — some viewers may find elements of this report distressing. with their homemade shields, they practice defensive more reminiscent of ancient rome than modern myanmar. but this is all they have against bullets and tear gas. throughout the day, these young activists play a dangerous game of cat—and—mouse with the security forces. advancing, then retreating down sidestreets, hoping they don't get caught. everywhere, you see breathtaking courage against a military government with little regard for human life. in this extraordinary shot taken from a nearby building, the protesters surge forward — but are met with volleys of gunfire. she said to shoot me instead. to no avail. in this extraordinary shot taken from a nearby building, protesters surged forward that i met with volleys of gunfire. two died, some were horribly injured. five weeks after the coup, this has all the hallmarks of a civil war. but a war where only one side is armed. at night, the soldiers roam around rebellious neighbourhoods, terrorising with wild fire hunting down dissidents. they captured 50 last night after besieging this district. much of myanmar is once again bracing itself for another frightening few hours until daybreak. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: we tell the stories of women whose lives have been traumatised by 10 years of war in syria. the numbers of dead and wounded defied belief. this, the worst terrorist atrocity on european soil in modern times. in less than 21l hours, then, the soviet union lost an elderly sick leader and replaced him with a dynamic figure 20 years his junior. we heard these gunshots in the gym. then he came out through a fire exit and started firing at our huts. god, we were all petrified. james earl ray, aged 41, sentenced to 99 years i and due for parole when he's 90, - travelled from memphis jail to nashville state prison. in an eight—car convoy. paul, what's it feel like to be married at last? it feels fine, thank you. what are you going to do now? is it going to change your life much, do you think? i don't know, really — i've never been married before! this is bbc news, the latest headlines: prince charles has made his first public appearance following the explosive interview by his son and the duchess of sussex. buckingham palance issued a response to allegations by the couple, saying they were concerning. the first jurors are chosen in the trial of a policeman accused of killing george floyd. there's been a significant development in the case of missing south london woman, sarah everard, with police arresting a man in relation to her disappearance. a woman has also been arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender. our news reporter, paul hawkins, joins me now. what more do you have on this? sarah everard is—year—old marketing managerfrom south marketing manager from south london marketing managerfrom south london who has been missing for a week. taking a further timeline of events. she was last known to have been seen last known to have been seen last wednesday after leaving a friends house in clapham. she cuts across clapham comment, joining the south circular road and she was last seen at 9:30pm on a doorbell camera. a block of flats near to where she was last cited was cordoned off and in the last hour the met police have released a statement in which they have said... a woman has also been arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender. both arrests taking place in kent. the met police assistant commissioner nick ephgrave has said the fact the arrested man is a metropolitan police officer is both shocking and disturbing.— and disturbing. this is now a big investigation? _ and disturbing. this is now a big investigation? this - and disturbing. this is now a big investigation? this is - and disturbing. this is now a big investigation? this is a l big investigation? this is a hu . e big investigation? this is a huge investigation - big investigation? this is a huge investigation they - big investigation? this is a l huge investigation they have been combing through trains and ponds and brought in search and rescue dogs stop 120 calls taken from the public and they have also been using cctv recordings. officers are keeping an open mind and say there is no information to suggest that sarah has come to any harm and they are appealing to the public for more information.— to the public for more information. ., ~ , ., , information. thank you very much and — information. thank you very much and we _ information. thank you very much and we will _ information. thank you very much and we will keep - information. thank you very much and we will keep you | much and we will keep you up—to—date on that story a soon as we know more. ten years ago, a series of anti—government protests known as the arab spring reached syria and tens of thousands took to the streets. when the government used deadly force to crack down on dissent protests spread, and the country descended into civil war. the un believes more than 250 thousand people were killed, and more than six—million displaced. our correspondent herself a syrian living in exile has been speaking to women she met in the early days of the uprising. i want to draw a woman and a man coming back to syria. it's like a gift from me to the syrian revolution. a decade of devastating conflict in syria. women are at the heart of the story. like millions of syrians who fled the war, azza got to lebanon four years ago, determined to carry on with her art. she felt a responsibility to document what she had witnessed. azza was a peaceful activist. she drew graffiti on the walls of the city homs as a message of resistance. the government besieged the city, starving people into surrender. so i saw people, women and children, going out from homs from their homes and i decide to draw on the wall, it's like "we will be back". she was arrested and put in prison. after i was released from the prison, i stayed at my home for ten months, without going out. i received the call that, "you have to leave the country." you know, they don't want people like us to stay in syria. ayat was only 19 when she first went to prison for her views — before the uprising began. she's now in toulouse in the south of france with her family. the syrian war forced more than 6 million people outside the country. some made it to europe, others only as far as neighbouring countries. a million refugees live here in camps in lebanon but many syrians still live in fear inside syria. like sima, who is in damascus and too frightened to appear on camera, so we've used an actor to voice her words. i keep myself working day and night so i don't think, and run from the daily pain that we are living. in today's syria, nearly 90% of the population live in poverty. the economy has collapsed and many cannot afford basic needs. there is nothing more humiliating than having to wait six or seven hours a day to get some bread. this is a form of enslavement. back in lebanon, azza feels responsible for keeping the stories alive, while still dreaming of going back home. while assad is still ruling in damascus over a destroyed country, it may be generations before the likes of azza, ayat and sima see the syria they dream of. lina sinjab, bbc news, beirut. violent clashes have broken out in the greek capital athens, calling for an end to police brutality after the release of a video being beaten with a bat on by police. petrol—bombs and setting garbage bins alike, the police made arrests. best known for his televised interview with edward kennedy in 1979 credited for helping derail the campaign of a senator. a meteor that lit up the sky over the uk last week has found it's way onto a family's driveway in the west of england. the first thing the wilcock family knew about it was when they heard a dull thud outside their house. our science correspondent victoria gill takes up the story. from nuneaton to somerset to wigan, the night sky was lit up by a fireball of space rock just over a week ago. the display was accidentally captured on security footage, but the uk fireball alliance with an array of special cameras managed to follow its trajectory. meteorite trackers honed in on an area of gloucestershire, on a small charred patch on a driveway, and a very vigilant resident in winscombe provided the final clue about where it landed. the moment was when catherine and hannah went out the door. they were heading out for the walk and i was staying in the house, and they said, "what's this on the drive?" and i came out, and we looked at this pile of what looked like crushed coal. what on earth could it be? so it must have come down from the sky. and you start thinking, is it a piece of plane debris or something like that, but we didn't think it looked like that, so even then we started thinking perhaps it's come down from space. after millions of years hurtling through space, the rock sat on the driveway for less than a day before being collected and handed into the care of scientists at the natural history museum in london. nothing like this rock has been found in the uk before. ashley, why is this space rock in particular so special? this is 4.6 billion years old, so older than any rock we have on the earth, so it's like a time capsule and takes us all the way back to the birth of our solar system. this is a carbonaceous chondrite type meteorite, so it contains all the building blocks for our solar system. so potentially, this meteorite contains things like simple organics and amino acids that can tell us about how life got started on our earth. and liftoff of osiris—rex! while this discovery weighs in at almost half a kilo, nasa and the japanese space agency both previously sent probes to asteroids, at huge cost, to return just a few grams of pristine space rock. some 65,000 meteorites have fallen to earth and been collected around the world, but only 1200 had eyewitnesses to their fall. and, of these, only 51 are rare carbonaceous chondrites like this one. researchers say there may yet be more fragments of the meteorite in the winchcombe area, so they're asking residents to keep an eye out for unusual jet black rocks, in case any more space debris ended a journey across the solar system in their driveway. victoria gill, bbc news. of all the driveways in all the world. ~ ~ of all the driveways in all the world. ~ . ., of all the driveways in all the world. m ., ., of all the driveways in all the world. ~ . ., ., ., “ world. much more on our bbc website and _ world. much more on our bbc website and twitter _ world. much more on our bbc website and twitter feed. - world. much more on our bbc. website and twitter feed. thank you very much watching. hello there. the transition from winter into spring can often be peppered with some pretty turbulent weather, and that's going to be the story over the next few days. notjust heavy rain, but gale—force gusts of winds which have the potential to cause some disruption, particularly across england and wales. the heaviest of the rain and the strongest of the winds over the last few hours have been through scotland, but as we move into wednesday, you can see the next low pressure waiting out in the wings, to arrive later on in the day. so, a spell of heavy rain and pretty much an unsettled day across england and wales. we might get a drier interlude briefly through the afternoon, but there'll be more wet weather to come. heavy rain gradually pushing into western scotland as well. sunny spells and scattered showers developing into northern ireland, with highest values peaking between 8—12 degrees. but as we move through wednesday afternoon, into the evening, that next low moves in. and it's here to the southern flank of that low where we're going to see the strongest of the winds gathering. so, particularly across england and wales, we could see widespread gusts in excess of 60—70 mph. so the met office has issued a warning. it'll still be windy further north, but the strongest of the winds, the emphasis really, across england and wales. and quite widespread through wednesday night into thursday. so, there'll also be some rain across parts of western scotland, north west england and wales, gradually drifting its way eastwards. sunny spells and scattered showers will gradually develop as we go through the day into thursday, but it's going to be a windy afternoon and temperatures, well, they should peak generally between 8—11 degrees. there's little change in the trend of the weather as we head towards the weekend. friday, still that significant low to the north. plenty of isobars on the charts, driving in weather fronts from the atlantic. so, it stays pretty unsettled. sunny spells and scattered showers the order of the day through friday. another blustery afternoon to come for many. dodge the showers, get some sunshine. we may again see temperatures peaking into double figures with highs of 11 degrees. little change as we head into the weekend. it's still going to stay windy. you'll still need to dodge those showers, i'm afraid, and there will be some sunshine from time to time. that's it. take care. this is bbc news, the headlines: prince charles has made his first public appearance following the explosive interview by his son and the duchess of sussex. later buckingham palace issued its response to allegations made by the couple. a statement said the issues raised — particularly on the subject of race — were concerning. ajudge in the us city of minneapolis has selected the first three members of the jury for the trial of derek chauvin, the former policeman charged with murdering george floyd last may. possible jurors are being questioned to try to ensure their impartiality there's been another day of mass protests across myanmar — despite violent efforts by the military to crush opposition to their seizure of power. an official from the deposed national league for democracy died in custody after he was arrested in the early hours of tuesday morning.

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