By Bailey Glasser LLP issued the following announcement on Feb. 3. The national law firm Bailey Glasser LLP (BG) is proud to announce that BG Partner Katherine Charonko has joined a select group of electronic discovery specialists in achieving the prestigious CEDS (Certified E-Discovery Specialist) designation. The certification program is administered by the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists (ACEDS), the premier global e-Discovery professional membership organization. The credential is an assurance to clients and co-counsel that the CEDS-certified professional is serious about efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and risk reduction in all phases of e-Discovery. “The CEDS certification is a significant achievement because it deepens the service that we provide to our clients,” said Katherine who heads the firm’s e-Discovery practice. “The process of obtaining the certification is very rigorous and thorough, which further proves that we are the preeminent provider of e-Discovery practices in the industry.”