This morning I head off to Orange County to the IMN Non-QM Forum where homeownership and home finance option discussions will be center stage. Did you know that June is “Homeownership Month”? Ginger B. reminds us that, the average homeowner will move up to 12 times in their life and on average will own 3 homes in their life, and the median distance between the homes people purchased and those they moved from is just 15 miles. Create a customer for life with your service! Affordable housing fans should know that Habitat for Humanity and Wells Fargo recently partnered on building 350 affordable homes. Certainly, housing is a complicated issue, whether your involve non-profits, public and private corporations, and the U.S. Government. Attorney Brian Levy, in his most recent Mortgage Musings, questions the effectiveness of the federal government’s housing policies. At the city-level, in the last few months I’ve spent a fair amount of time in New York City. Affordable housing there? One of the Biden Administration’s hoped-for improvements in our housing ecosystem, in Manhattan there exists a lottery system for those who qualify based on income, and the options mostly involve renting and not owning. (Today’s podcast is available here and today’s features an interview with Ryan Carry, SVP of Change Wholesale, on the wholesale landscape and how brokers are competing. This week’s is sponsored by Change Wholesale with its proprietary Community Mortgage program. There are no bank statements, employment, or DTI requirements, allowing brokers to deliver more prime loans to more credit-worthy borrowers like small business owners, gig workers, retirees, and anyone else searching for home financing.