DGAP-News: Apogenix AG / Key word(s): Study 22.12.2020 / 10:00 COVID-19: targeted treatment trial launched in Vienna (Vienna/Heidelberg/Cologne/London, 22 December 2020) A phase II clinical trial of a treatment for COVID-19 patients is currently starting at the Medical University of Vienna as a sub-study of the Austrian CoronaVirus Adaptive Clinical Trial (ACOVACT). The trial was initiated as an academia-industry collaboration (investigator Initiated trial) between Apogenix AG, a biotech company based in Heidelberg, and their scientific consultant Henning Walczak and his teams at the University of Cologne and University College London (UCL). Patients with severe to critical COVID-19 are now being treated with an immunotherapeutic drug, the Fas ligand blocker asunercept, from Apogenix within the framework of the Austrian CoronaVirus Adaptive Clinical Trial (ACOVACT). ACOVACT is a randomised, controlled, multi-centre, open-label clinical trial sponsored by MedUni Vienna. Within ACOVACT, different treatments for COVID-19 are compared to one another.