She was a girl nobody noticed...until she proved that February 1 1969 ALAN EDMONDS ANYONE CAN STEAL A MILLION She was a girl nobody noticed...until she proved that BY ALAN EDMONDS KATHLEEN ANN SPILLER looks like all the comptometer operators and Eaton’s clerks and bank tellers you have dealt with, but never really seen. She is 26. Her hair is short and mousyblond now because they don’t give color rinses in jail. Her face is angular rather than pretty, and so is her figure. “She’s average blah,” says a boy she went to school with. She used to be so unsure of herself she couldn’t bring herself to play the piano in front of her own music teacher, Esther Whittaker, who tried to teach her music theory. “She never did grasp the fundamentals of music,” says Miss Whittaker. “But she’s had more confidence since . . . well, since people began to notice her. Besides, she bought a Steinway baby grand for $8,500 out of the money she got. She’s been working very hard in private trying to learn Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring all the way through.”