Ambassador, with these Jammie Dodgers are you really spoiling us? Planet Business: Krispy Kreme, inflation fears and taking a dip in a 10th-storey pool about an hour ago Image of the week: Pool view Hypnotic media footage of swimmers in the Sky Pool, a fully transparent 25m-long box that stretches between the 10th storeys of two apartment blocks at Embassy Gardens, London, circulated on a hot Tuesday this week, prompting a social media referendum on whether people would themselves take the plunge into a pool some 35m (115ft) above the street, their bodies fully on display to passing traffic and dwellers of the apartments below. Alas, the decision is not for anybody to make, as the Sky Pool is open only to residents of the development by Irish company Ballymore – and even then, not to all of them, with people occupying flats bought through an affordable housing scheme unable to access it. Side note: Dublin needs pools – indoor, outdoor, kidney-shaped, kayak-shaped, transparent ones, non-transparent ones and especially those ones with little hump-back bridges you can swim underneath.