Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240707 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240707

a big lead to the sun. all the controversial aston later plus abundant plant and animal life versus large scale mining. we look at the environmental battle that's happening in ghana. ah, a member of parliament has been killed and the prime minister has quit in a day of dramatic political developments in sri lanka. the m. p was caught up in the latest violence, but how he died remains unclear. and nationwide. curfews been imposed after dozens of people were injured at the columbia home of prime minister, my hinder roger pasco lace 5 t gas to stop fighting between his supporters and anti government protest is michelle fernandez, reports from the capital that raja pasco, his resignation is unlikely to quell protests, there was a case of when, and it wasn't, if that my him, the roger pock so would resign though. ah, he had been insisting in recent days that he should be the head of a replacement interim government that he hadn't created the crisis. so that he should actually stay or, and even this morning's violence was very much i sort of kicked off when supporters of his, a thousands of them, in fact, were routinely boston to his official residence. it's the violence that the unleashed when they left the residence that really started this the violence. but as you can see, a probably behind me, i'm here at the protest site outside the presidential secretary in colombo. there's a curfew in the entire of the island, and does it seem like people actually care? it's actually given them the motivation to come together and fight back. so people actually having reached the, are sort of top of that tolerance and not willing to take any more where they'd be in the form of intimidation. we also found that a state of emergency was declared just 2 days ago, but it doesn't seem to be having any effect on the people they have said enough is enough. they're going to take a stand onto the roger boxes and the government resign. ah. as his forces wage roll war in ukraine, russian president vladimir persian has been leading victory dank migrations in moscow. thousands of soldiers have been marching through red square on the day. russia celebrates the surrender of nazi germany to soviet troops. back in 1945. it's regarding me reports. ah, it happens every year, but it's taken on added significance because of the war in ukraine. a parade to commemorate the soviet victory against nazi germany 77 years ago. and estimated 27000000 soldiers and civilians from the soviet union died in the 2nd world war. russian president vladimir putin compared the previous fight against fascism to the invasion of ukraine. it give me a waste. i say it is vanessa. who again, madame, by, you're fighting for our people and on best for the safety of our motherland. russia may. the 9th 1945 will forever be perpetuated as a triumph of our one single soviet people of its cohesion and spiritual might. and perilous exploits both at the frontline and at the home front. i choose military hardware was on display as the parade made its way from red square through the streets of moscow. it's designed to send a message, but at a time when russian forces are struggling to gain the upper hand in ukraine, it's also a show full for national consumption. this civil appear to be mark more difficult and bladder, or we expect. we expect that this will be all bottled or or done boss will cantino ah, mobile grid until sir. i'm middle bob now summer and zan are based on that. his uncles, his bottle on gun boss, on your political decision service will be made ah, with few outright victories in ukraine. some russians had feared putin would use this occasion to announce national mobilization and formerly declare war against ukraine. that didn't happen. instead, putin said, russia must ensure there is never another world war. ukrainian president vladimir zalinski had a defined message for moscow. thought such territorial dorothea, which on february 24, russia launched an offensive step by the same mistake, has been made by every occupy who's come to our land. we have survived various war and they all had one ending of our land was planted with bullets and showed up, but not enemy was able to take roots here. this is a day that unites most russians and remembrance and national pride, but ukrainian western leaders say roches invasion of ukraine is repeating the horrors of the past victoria gate and be al jazeera and hotter abdel ha made is in cave with reaction from ukrainian president of a lot of me, zalinski we did sort of reminded and moscow and the world that this was not only victory day for russia, that ukraine also falls along. and that ukraine also played a very high price with more than 8 b, but 8000000 people dying back in the 2nd world war. but then he went on saying that ukraine will have a 2nd victory and will hold a parade in the street. here behind me, when that happens and only will you crate, we'll have to victory. so certainly a very defiant tone from do ukrainian president. now, at the same time, the ukranian president must have it must have seen what we have saw on c, no social media which are basically pictures in places that are occupied by the russians at the moment. like this have sown in the south lug bit of dance, which is not very far from are you post where they, where per res, with washing flags with red flags. they were mini concerts and towns and villages. now it's very, very difficult to god's how much popular support those events had. we heard from people coming out of her so that people who lived in crimea, where bus to that region. i had of today a to exactly show this is show of solidarity be today has been observed in some parts of easton ukraine under russian occupation. i said, beg, has this update on russian as russian troops try to make more ground? well, today's been relatively quiet, although there was a town mac oliver mac liquor, which is far from here that was getting hit earlier on we saw the smoke rising from there, but generally it's been quite ball. so there's not many people around now we were in crime at all. there's like a ghost town. not many people around. most of the shots are closed. and that's because, so many people have left because this in the east of the country is the front line for a, for ukraine in the ukrainian or troops here. now the authorities here say that the russians have hit around 15 locations here in the east using air strikes, missiles, heavy artillery and tank fire. but the russians are pushing and their intention is to take a pos of the east and the south essentially are land locking. ukraine to that. fighting is continuing and many people here have left this area. there are some of the supermarkets that are open, like i love the shelves are empty. the accused sector, perpetual stations is a limit on how to fuel people can actually buy. but like i said, it's very, very quiet or very few people out on the streets. that's because most people fear that the russian push is still going on. the russians are still trying to take territory and they feel that in the next few days, there will be a further push from those troops are not far from here. in fact, around 18 kilometers, the french president says he's in favor of a new european political community that would include non members such as ukraine. emanuel mac on says ukraine's application to join the european union could take years just not decades. but he reassured ukrainians of the use for support. in the meantime, the school children are toxic dish. first said a, this is young when you let the aisle what's our objective in the face of brushes, a unilateral decision to invade ukraine and to attack its people. it's the end this war soon as possible and do getting so the ukraine can prevail, and russia can never capture it has to preserve peace on the rest of the european continent and avoid all escalation. and for the sake of justice, that will work to ensure the unspeakable crime committed by russia and ukraine wont go on punishment. natasha butler is covering developments from paris. hello there. natasha. what else did the president have to say at this event in strasburg? yes, this is why longer a speech by the french president, france has the rotating presidency of the european union. this is why he was talking today and what is a europe day now? am i know micro talked by the war ukraine. he said that the you, of course, continues to offer all of its support to ukraine, but he also said that you are not at war a with russia. he also said that it was very important for the european union to really rethink its future. and he sets out a bit of his vision of for the blog. he said that the, you needs to become more sovereign, particularly in areas of defense and energy. such air is becoming particularly relevant. now. he said because of the war in ukraine that the you, for example, at to reduces dependency on a russian energy impulse. he also talked about the future and the actual structure and mechanism of the you said that needs to change because people across the european union wasn't simply becoming quite fed up with you in many ways and continued to be relevant. or that the you had to reform and one of the ways in which he says that the, you must do that is by reopening the you treaties and making some real fundamental changes of the foundational levels. if you like, one of them would be a to rethink the voting rights at the moment. a key issues a voted upon envy you unanimously or 20 said members having to agree, but that often stalls decisions. it often blocks the decision making process. we saw that a just recently or with hungry, threatening to use it's veto. over the you proposal to a ban russian oral impulse, michael says that voting mechanism, for example, must change. and he was a gl support from that form of the european union's commissioner who made a speech just before very much on the same lines. or i thank you for bringing us up to speed natasha butler live for us in paris. thank you. unofficial early tallies of votes in the philippines indicate ferdinand, macos junior has established a commanding, laid with about 60 percent of the ballots counted. it's reported he has around 20000000 votes more than double his rival. lenny were bred on my cost is the son of the president deposed in the 1986 people power revolution. the results expected within 48 hours. so mr. aliens have voted early in their federal elections officially scheduled for may the 21st. so have a sure the opposition candidate from the center left and labor party is leading in popularity ahead of the prime ministers coalition government? it's got morrison's approval writing has fallen in recent months. depositions, anthony albanese has been campaigning on the rising cost of living and climate change. still ahead on al jazeera and carl rays faces distractions, concerns in synagogue about rising sea water and sandy deserts, in stank, have it up. how many south koreans are remaining cautious about covered despondent relaxation of the rules? ah, it's a one to punch for india 1st, the heat. now we've got a cyclone here for one. so here's the details hon. this cyclone in the bay of bengal, as it nears that east coast. we've got heavy rain watches in play for the indian states of entrepreneur dash into a dish. oh, going to see the winds pick up and the waves as well. now i did mention the heat, another big story, this is pre monsoon. he you been in the thick of it since the middle to the end of march. and here we go again. name course got a high, a 45 degrees even as far north as i'm rates are coming in at 42 will pick up the story in pakistan. high heat here is while really forties blanket the country and i think some spots may hit 50 degrees by the weekend, including new was shot. and the record is $51.00, so you're closing in on that off to southeast asia. but let's talk still about this tropical cyclone because it's going to leave a legacy of rain for the malay peninsula and western areas of indo china. but some dry spells to be found in southern sumatra. slug of rain falling in between the gang, seeing the pearl river valleys. this going to be intense stuff as it rolls through . grey lynn with a hive 25 degrees. and off to japan, we go. a cloudy day for tokyo, so showers push out toward the pacific. meantime we've got a run of some showers for beijing on tuesday with the height of 20 degrees. don't forget the umbrella, susan. ah, frank assessments, what are the political risks frantic? russian oil, a gas for western leaders, full sanctions on russian energy. sports telephone was informed opinions, pharmacies not abandoning to fight against jedi. still resumed india, they're going to be arching from nisha and from shod critical debate. could china actually help in russia's invasion of ukraine in depth analysis of today's global headlines inside story on al jazeera lou? ah, ah, hello, are you watching out his ear? i'm emily ang, when he's a reminder of our top stories. his salam sir lincoln's prime minister, has resigned, and a nationwide curfew imposed that follows fighting outside may hinder roger husk his home and wakes of protests against the goblins valley. to solve the unprecedented economic crisis. russian president vladimir putin has told his soldiers in ukraine . they are fighting for the security of the country. thousands have been marching in moscow's red square on the day. russia celebrates nazi germany. surrender to soviet troops in 1945 and an unofficial early tele shows the commanding, laid for 3rd. and then mike was junior in the philippines presidential election with about 60 percent of the ballots counted. it's reported he has more than doubled the votes of his main rival. lenny robledo activists seemed gonna have launched a legal challenge to stop mining in a protected area. that's after the government signed to deal with a chinese company to extract bulk side. a minnow used to make l u minium products. they say the move threatens already endangered animals and plants. miller has the story. the actual forest in easton garner is known for its abundant biodiversity, including endangered animals and rear plants, dozens of which are threatened with extinction. despite the area being decayed, protected the government plans to begin large scale mining for box site that got my husband's saying over and over again. i'll services to as it is in that there would not, on necessarily compromise for us. they have not so far demonstrated to any agency to gun is how that is going to be done. and you know why? because there is no technology, though, allow government to go ahead and tub the box out in this forest without compromising the for us. box site is used to produce and a minion products. while the government's agreed to a $2000000000.00 mining deal with china, it's yet to get permission from gone as environmental protection agency. the government says it's relying on the potential proceeds from the mining of both bach site and gold to develop local mining communities. we now have a fund which is solely dedicated to the development of the minor communities of our country. where if you want 20 percent by law of the royalties which i crew to the state are dedicated to this fun. and a fun is exclusively for the development of minor community to provision of water, for instance, electricity, where a de kitchen, infrastructure, healthcare, but many small scale miners and loggers work illegally surviving on minimal income . gold minus say they hardly benefit. and critics say their activities are harming the environment, communities, and gone as western region rely on the prior of a for drinking water and to bathe and cook. the baron water basin feeds 3 major rivers, providing water for millions of people across gonna but mining upstream has contaminated the water board on that. that does include that as used to be because they're mine . and i think this is our fixing the common. it's a lot and when that that doesn't, through us, used to be found i a month, all $24.00 things don't even get without the flooring with us. mining opponents are taking the government to court to stop the search for bach site. critics say that while they understand the need to benefit from natural resources gone as far as need to be protected for future generations. for me to miller al jazeera white ladies and delegates, amazing in the ivory coast biggest city bijon to find ways to protect by diversity . the main goal is to stop. so tell land becoming visits. the un estimates 12000000 heck days of arable land is lost. every year, nicholas hank reports from an effective religious synagogue puddle region. on the edge of this, a hell in northern senegal is no dal. d no longer a waste is but a village thinking in the sand, gone or the green pastures and vegetable gardens. it hasn't rained for almost 10 months. the villagers used to grow food. now they're going hungry. they're emaciated cattle. look for what's left on the sound. hope for shomberg bark comes in the shape of a cloud high above. but will it rain? i don't think so. even when it rains, it doesn't stick to the ground. it's gotten so hard. even birch dropped from the sky. it feels like the desert is moving forward, swallowing our village. and so the men are leaving on the move is onion. farmer buck are gay. he sold his land for a $1000.00 using the money to pay a trafficker to take him to spain by boat. he worked as a stonemason in mulligan, constructing homes for british taurus before being caught, and deported by spanish authorities was made on. the situation is bad. it's bad for all of us. we can't go back to farming on the coast, people's homes being destroyed by the rising ocean. i am ready to try to go to europe again. and there are many more like me. might have someone give me about my do fall spend for years in the spanish prison for trafficking african to spain. i can throw in the blue people and not seen war but droughts. it's when there is no water, no rain for 89 months. there are more the punches to europe and so traffic is wet for that term of the year when people are desperate to do the crossing. for now, these men have turned to fishing in santa we, but the catch is meagre. access to the waters are restricted because next year british petroleum will begin extracting liquid natural gas on their fishing. and this is behind me as a senegalese navy ship here not to protect the fishing vessels and fishermen from the rough see, but rather to protect that be platform that you see in the distance. it is here. one of the biggest discovery of liquid natural gas in the last few decade. the problem is beneath that platform is a cold water coral reef rich in bio diversity. and that's about to be destroyed. the discovery will bring some new jobs and revenue for cynical, but most here face an uncertain future. caught between a rising ocean and an expanding desert. nicholas hawk al jazeera and jodi northern senegal protest is have stopped in demolition in a muslim majority neighborhood of india capitol, building regulators in new delhi, say they're targeting illegal structures and not any particular religious groups. critic say it's the light latest attempt to harass and marginalize muslims. several muslim owned property. shaheen bug was demolished following days of violence last month. for palestinians have been arrested in lightest drains by israeli police. me occupied west bank installed the operation in ramana. eas, linked to the investigation into a stabbing attack and israel on thursday. i'm reminded that the hometown of 2 palestinian men accused of killing 3 is rallies in the central city of lad. stephanie deca has moore from damascus guys in occupied east jerusalem. various incidents on sunday night, one of them happening here at damascus gate and attempted stabbing by palestinian israeli police officer. he was shot also one palestinian kills. he tried to cross the separation fence from the west bank, tried to cross into israel illegally. he was shot and killed and there was another incident in the occupied west banquet, palestinian scale defense of one of the illegal settlements there. he was also shot and killed by security forces. it gives you a sense of the ongoing tensions here on the ground, particularly also with the escalation that we've seen around the approximate compound. you've had increased rhetoric coming out of gaza from yes, sin war gases leader. they're calling for pallets, teens to carry out individual attacks. there has been a lot of individual attack 6 or 7 over the last couple of months. the last one in a lad, the 2 palestinians were arrested on sunday. they carried out an attack with an axe and with a knife, killing 3 israelis. now certainly there is a lot of rhetoric on both sides from these rallies and from the palestinians, particularly have mass. but certainly from what we understand behind the scenes, there are diplomatic efforts to try to calm tensions and certainly from what we understand. also, we're told that neither side, once a massive escalation, the wearing of masks remains popular in south korea despite the government relaxing . corona virus rules a week ago, for mcbride, filed this report from the capital. so when mosque mandates have been lifted in other parts of the world that have been scenes of need jubilation of finally dispensing with the things after 2 years of breathing. your own breath. but south korea went out last monday, but not outdoors were no longer mandatory, but only recommended. this was the result. from a few exceptions, most mast remaining firmly in place. it's now a week later time enough you would have thought for the message to be getting through. you don't have to wear it. no, none of it. i still have to wear a mask and doors. it's so inconvenient to take it off and put it back on again. i have not been infected yet, and i believe the virus can still spread to others, even outdoor cells. so what's going on? what's going on? i also want to take off the mask, plus, if i just think about my convenience and get infected, i could spread the virus to others. apart from some pandemic fatigue like anywhere else, south koreans have gained reputation in the past couple of years for public spirited cooperation that probably accounts for the continued mosque wearing. but this is also a society obsessed by looks. and it's thought that women have welcome the chance not to have to wear so much makeup, old men to shave so often. and then of course, with cosmetic surgery, being so popular here. it's thought some people may use the mask wearing as a way of having any number of procedures. without anyone ever finding out china's exports have hit the lowest level in nearly 2 years. as the government enforces a 0, coven 19 policy exports rose. 3.7 percent in april on the previous year, but that the down sharply from nearly 16 percent in march goods meant to be shipped a broader sitting at china's biggest port in shanghai. the economic hub has been in lockdown for 5 weeks to contain an outbreak. economist, rodrigo chavez has been sworn in as costa rica, his new president, the former world bank official, is promising to shake up what he calls a broken political system. alexandro ramp. yeti asthma. ah, the handover of power in costa rica, rodrigo travis, is presented the presidential sash after running a successful campaign. as a political maverick who promised to clean up a broken system. a message he repeated at easy, now you ation c r k. no, it is time to leave behind the old practices that the costa rican people, rightly fault us with. there is no difference between the ruling party and the opposition. if the political class fails, once again, our country could fall apart. the rise of the former world bank official has surprised many. he emerged from the shadows to the presidency after serving only 8 months as finance minister in the previous administration. he brought a popular streak to they usually subdued costa rican presidential campaign. exploiting a growing resentment against traditional parties and peoples worries of writing, unemployment crime, and the cost of living in costa rican politics. we are now in a new era and it's totally bullet when hired, tory would have to be, you know, big changes in terms of support. and also political parties are weak. they're like total bases are small. since clinton victory, though travis has shown a more traditionally conservative side, promising to keep public finances, solvent, and reducing expectations on immediate major increases on social spending. observers, faye, you will face an appeal battle m m, increasingly disillusioned public. his party will have only 10 of course, because 57 congressional feats, meaning you will have to reach agreements with a more traditional parties. there are 2 big questions. why he's going to be able to build a team. because these people don't know each other at all, and they're going to have to work together so that, that's a big question. and the other big question that the biggest, i would say is precisely that the people really voted for him. who wanted them larosa. what are they going to do? cuz they won't have it go for a week as long been recognized as central america's most stable country, applauded for its environmental and moderate economic policies. but many believe that if chavez fails, his presidency could trigger a more unstable and terrible in time for this country. early summer and beauty and jessica, ah, hello you. what you notice here? these are the stories we're following. this our shall anchors. prime minister has resigned and a nation wide curfew imposed that follows fighting outside my hinder roger pucks is home and wakes of protests against the government's valley to solve an unprecedented economic crisis.

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Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Shanghai , China , United States , United Kingdom , Paris , France General , France , West Bank , New Delhi , Delhi , India , Beijing , Pearl River , Guangdong , Russia , Sri Lanka , Ukraine , Ghana , Western Region , Western , South Korea , Senegal , Spain , Dorothea , Limós , Costa Rica , Moscow , Moskva , Japan , Philippines , Tokyo , Ramana , Punjab , Pakistan , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , Colombo , Boston , Massachusetts , Germany , Iraq , Gaza , Nowa , Federally Administered Tribal Areas , Costa Rican , America , Ukrainians , Chinese , South Koreans , Russian , Israelis , Spanish , French , Ukrainian , Soviet , British , Israeli , Palestinian , Russians , Nicholas Hank , Emily Anglin , Raja Pasco , Emanuel Mac , Miller Al Jazeera , Ina Muslim , Vladimir Putin , Roger Pasco , Rodrigo Chavez , Lenny Robledo , Mac Oliver , Anthony Albanese , Rodrigo Travis , Natasha Butler , Al Jazeera , Stephanie Deca ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240707 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240707

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a big lead to the sun. all the controversial aston later plus abundant plant and animal life versus large scale mining. we look at the environmental battle that's happening in ghana. ah, a member of parliament has been killed and the prime minister has quit in a day of dramatic political developments in sri lanka. the m. p was caught up in the latest violence, but how he died remains unclear. and nationwide. curfews been imposed after dozens of people were injured at the columbia home of prime minister, my hinder roger pasco lace 5 t gas to stop fighting between his supporters and anti government protest is michelle fernandez, reports from the capital that raja pasco, his resignation is unlikely to quell protests, there was a case of when, and it wasn't, if that my him, the roger pock so would resign though. ah, he had been insisting in recent days that he should be the head of a replacement interim government that he hadn't created the crisis. so that he should actually stay or, and even this morning's violence was very much i sort of kicked off when supporters of his, a thousands of them, in fact, were routinely boston to his official residence. it's the violence that the unleashed when they left the residence that really started this the violence. but as you can see, a probably behind me, i'm here at the protest site outside the presidential secretary in colombo. there's a curfew in the entire of the island, and does it seem like people actually care? it's actually given them the motivation to come together and fight back. so people actually having reached the, are sort of top of that tolerance and not willing to take any more where they'd be in the form of intimidation. we also found that a state of emergency was declared just 2 days ago, but it doesn't seem to be having any effect on the people they have said enough is enough. they're going to take a stand onto the roger boxes and the government resign. ah. as his forces wage roll war in ukraine, russian president vladimir persian has been leading victory dank migrations in moscow. thousands of soldiers have been marching through red square on the day. russia celebrates the surrender of nazi germany to soviet troops. back in 1945. it's regarding me reports. ah, it happens every year, but it's taken on added significance because of the war in ukraine. a parade to commemorate the soviet victory against nazi germany 77 years ago. and estimated 27000000 soldiers and civilians from the soviet union died in the 2nd world war. russian president vladimir putin compared the previous fight against fascism to the invasion of ukraine. it give me a waste. i say it is vanessa. who again, madame, by, you're fighting for our people and on best for the safety of our motherland. russia may. the 9th 1945 will forever be perpetuated as a triumph of our one single soviet people of its cohesion and spiritual might. and perilous exploits both at the frontline and at the home front. i choose military hardware was on display as the parade made its way from red square through the streets of moscow. it's designed to send a message, but at a time when russian forces are struggling to gain the upper hand in ukraine, it's also a show full for national consumption. this civil appear to be mark more difficult and bladder, or we expect. we expect that this will be all bottled or or done boss will cantino ah, mobile grid until sir. i'm middle bob now summer and zan are based on that. his uncles, his bottle on gun boss, on your political decision service will be made ah, with few outright victories in ukraine. some russians had feared putin would use this occasion to announce national mobilization and formerly declare war against ukraine. that didn't happen. instead, putin said, russia must ensure there is never another world war. ukrainian president vladimir zalinski had a defined message for moscow. thought such territorial dorothea, which on february 24, russia launched an offensive step by the same mistake, has been made by every occupy who's come to our land. we have survived various war and they all had one ending of our land was planted with bullets and showed up, but not enemy was able to take roots here. this is a day that unites most russians and remembrance and national pride, but ukrainian western leaders say roches invasion of ukraine is repeating the horrors of the past victoria gate and be al jazeera and hotter abdel ha made is in cave with reaction from ukrainian president of a lot of me, zalinski we did sort of reminded and moscow and the world that this was not only victory day for russia, that ukraine also falls along. and that ukraine also played a very high price with more than 8 b, but 8000000 people dying back in the 2nd world war. but then he went on saying that ukraine will have a 2nd victory and will hold a parade in the street. here behind me, when that happens and only will you crate, we'll have to victory. so certainly a very defiant tone from do ukrainian president. now, at the same time, the ukranian president must have it must have seen what we have saw on c, no social media which are basically pictures in places that are occupied by the russians at the moment. like this have sown in the south lug bit of dance, which is not very far from are you post where they, where per res, with washing flags with red flags. they were mini concerts and towns and villages. now it's very, very difficult to god's how much popular support those events had. we heard from people coming out of her so that people who lived in crimea, where bus to that region. i had of today a to exactly show this is show of solidarity be today has been observed in some parts of easton ukraine under russian occupation. i said, beg, has this update on russian as russian troops try to make more ground? well, today's been relatively quiet, although there was a town mac oliver mac liquor, which is far from here that was getting hit earlier on we saw the smoke rising from there, but generally it's been quite ball. so there's not many people around now we were in crime at all. there's like a ghost town. not many people around. most of the shots are closed. and that's because, so many people have left because this in the east of the country is the front line for a, for ukraine in the ukrainian or troops here. now the authorities here say that the russians have hit around 15 locations here in the east using air strikes, missiles, heavy artillery and tank fire. but the russians are pushing and their intention is to take a pos of the east and the south essentially are land locking. ukraine to that. fighting is continuing and many people here have left this area. there are some of the supermarkets that are open, like i love the shelves are empty. the accused sector, perpetual stations is a limit on how to fuel people can actually buy. but like i said, it's very, very quiet or very few people out on the streets. that's because most people fear that the russian push is still going on. the russians are still trying to take territory and they feel that in the next few days, there will be a further push from those troops are not far from here. in fact, around 18 kilometers, the french president says he's in favor of a new european political community that would include non members such as ukraine. emanuel mac on says ukraine's application to join the european union could take years just not decades. but he reassured ukrainians of the use for support. in the meantime, the school children are toxic dish. first said a, this is young when you let the aisle what's our objective in the face of brushes, a unilateral decision to invade ukraine and to attack its people. it's the end this war soon as possible and do getting so the ukraine can prevail, and russia can never capture it has to preserve peace on the rest of the european continent and avoid all escalation. and for the sake of justice, that will work to ensure the unspeakable crime committed by russia and ukraine wont go on punishment. natasha butler is covering developments from paris. hello there. natasha. what else did the president have to say at this event in strasburg? yes, this is why longer a speech by the french president, france has the rotating presidency of the european union. this is why he was talking today and what is a europe day now? am i know micro talked by the war ukraine. he said that the you, of course, continues to offer all of its support to ukraine, but he also said that you are not at war a with russia. he also said that it was very important for the european union to really rethink its future. and he sets out a bit of his vision of for the blog. he said that the, you needs to become more sovereign, particularly in areas of defense and energy. such air is becoming particularly relevant. now. he said because of the war in ukraine that the you, for example, at to reduces dependency on a russian energy impulse. he also talked about the future and the actual structure and mechanism of the you said that needs to change because people across the european union wasn't simply becoming quite fed up with you in many ways and continued to be relevant. or that the you had to reform and one of the ways in which he says that the, you must do that is by reopening the you treaties and making some real fundamental changes of the foundational levels. if you like, one of them would be a to rethink the voting rights at the moment. a key issues a voted upon envy you unanimously or 20 said members having to agree, but that often stalls decisions. it often blocks the decision making process. we saw that a just recently or with hungry, threatening to use it's veto. over the you proposal to a ban russian oral impulse, michael says that voting mechanism, for example, must change. and he was a gl support from that form of the european union's commissioner who made a speech just before very much on the same lines. or i thank you for bringing us up to speed natasha butler live for us in paris. thank you. unofficial early tallies of votes in the philippines indicate ferdinand, macos junior has established a commanding, laid with about 60 percent of the ballots counted. it's reported he has around 20000000 votes more than double his rival. lenny were bred on my cost is the son of the president deposed in the 1986 people power revolution. the results expected within 48 hours. so mr. aliens have voted early in their federal elections officially scheduled for may the 21st. so have a sure the opposition candidate from the center left and labor party is leading in popularity ahead of the prime ministers coalition government? it's got morrison's approval writing has fallen in recent months. depositions, anthony albanese has been campaigning on the rising cost of living and climate change. still ahead on al jazeera and carl rays faces distractions, concerns in synagogue about rising sea water and sandy deserts, in stank, have it up. how many south koreans are remaining cautious about covered despondent relaxation of the rules? ah, it's a one to punch for india 1st, the heat. now we've got a cyclone here for one. so here's the details hon. this cyclone in the bay of bengal, as it nears that east coast. we've got heavy rain watches in play for the indian states of entrepreneur dash into a dish. oh, going to see the winds pick up and the waves as well. now i did mention the heat, another big story, this is pre monsoon. he you been in the thick of it since the middle to the end of march. and here we go again. name course got a high, a 45 degrees even as far north as i'm rates are coming in at 42 will pick up the story in pakistan. high heat here is while really forties blanket the country and i think some spots may hit 50 degrees by the weekend, including new was shot. and the record is $51.00, so you're closing in on that off to southeast asia. but let's talk still about this tropical cyclone because it's going to leave a legacy of rain for the malay peninsula and western areas of indo china. but some dry spells to be found in southern sumatra. slug of rain falling in between the gang, seeing the pearl river valleys. this going to be intense stuff as it rolls through . grey lynn with a hive 25 degrees. and off to japan, we go. a cloudy day for tokyo, so showers push out toward the pacific. meantime we've got a run of some showers for beijing on tuesday with the height of 20 degrees. don't forget the umbrella, susan. ah, frank assessments, what are the political risks frantic? russian oil, a gas for western leaders, full sanctions on russian energy. sports telephone was informed opinions, pharmacies not abandoning to fight against jedi. still resumed india, they're going to be arching from nisha and from shod critical debate. could china actually help in russia's invasion of ukraine in depth analysis of today's global headlines inside story on al jazeera lou? ah, ah, hello, are you watching out his ear? i'm emily ang, when he's a reminder of our top stories. his salam sir lincoln's prime minister, has resigned, and a nationwide curfew imposed that follows fighting outside may hinder roger husk his home and wakes of protests against the goblins valley. to solve the unprecedented economic crisis. russian president vladimir putin has told his soldiers in ukraine . they are fighting for the security of the country. thousands have been marching in moscow's red square on the day. russia celebrates nazi germany. surrender to soviet troops in 1945 and an unofficial early tele shows the commanding, laid for 3rd. and then mike was junior in the philippines presidential election with about 60 percent of the ballots counted. it's reported he has more than doubled the votes of his main rival. lenny robledo activists seemed gonna have launched a legal challenge to stop mining in a protected area. that's after the government signed to deal with a chinese company to extract bulk side. a minnow used to make l u minium products. they say the move threatens already endangered animals and plants. miller has the story. the actual forest in easton garner is known for its abundant biodiversity, including endangered animals and rear plants, dozens of which are threatened with extinction. despite the area being decayed, protected the government plans to begin large scale mining for box site that got my husband's saying over and over again. i'll services to as it is in that there would not, on necessarily compromise for us. they have not so far demonstrated to any agency to gun is how that is going to be done. and you know why? because there is no technology, though, allow government to go ahead and tub the box out in this forest without compromising the for us. box site is used to produce and a minion products. while the government's agreed to a $2000000000.00 mining deal with china, it's yet to get permission from gone as environmental protection agency. the government says it's relying on the potential proceeds from the mining of both bach site and gold to develop local mining communities. we now have a fund which is solely dedicated to the development of the minor communities of our country. where if you want 20 percent by law of the royalties which i crew to the state are dedicated to this fun. and a fun is exclusively for the development of minor community to provision of water, for instance, electricity, where a de kitchen, infrastructure, healthcare, but many small scale miners and loggers work illegally surviving on minimal income . gold minus say they hardly benefit. and critics say their activities are harming the environment, communities, and gone as western region rely on the prior of a for drinking water and to bathe and cook. the baron water basin feeds 3 major rivers, providing water for millions of people across gonna but mining upstream has contaminated the water board on that. that does include that as used to be because they're mine . and i think this is our fixing the common. it's a lot and when that that doesn't, through us, used to be found i a month, all $24.00 things don't even get without the flooring with us. mining opponents are taking the government to court to stop the search for bach site. critics say that while they understand the need to benefit from natural resources gone as far as need to be protected for future generations. for me to miller al jazeera white ladies and delegates, amazing in the ivory coast biggest city bijon to find ways to protect by diversity . the main goal is to stop. so tell land becoming visits. the un estimates 12000000 heck days of arable land is lost. every year, nicholas hank reports from an effective religious synagogue puddle region. on the edge of this, a hell in northern senegal is no dal. d no longer a waste is but a village thinking in the sand, gone or the green pastures and vegetable gardens. it hasn't rained for almost 10 months. the villagers used to grow food. now they're going hungry. they're emaciated cattle. look for what's left on the sound. hope for shomberg bark comes in the shape of a cloud high above. but will it rain? i don't think so. even when it rains, it doesn't stick to the ground. it's gotten so hard. even birch dropped from the sky. it feels like the desert is moving forward, swallowing our village. and so the men are leaving on the move is onion. farmer buck are gay. he sold his land for a $1000.00 using the money to pay a trafficker to take him to spain by boat. he worked as a stonemason in mulligan, constructing homes for british taurus before being caught, and deported by spanish authorities was made on. the situation is bad. it's bad for all of us. we can't go back to farming on the coast, people's homes being destroyed by the rising ocean. i am ready to try to go to europe again. and there are many more like me. might have someone give me about my do fall spend for years in the spanish prison for trafficking african to spain. i can throw in the blue people and not seen war but droughts. it's when there is no water, no rain for 89 months. there are more the punches to europe and so traffic is wet for that term of the year when people are desperate to do the crossing. for now, these men have turned to fishing in santa we, but the catch is meagre. access to the waters are restricted because next year british petroleum will begin extracting liquid natural gas on their fishing. and this is behind me as a senegalese navy ship here not to protect the fishing vessels and fishermen from the rough see, but rather to protect that be platform that you see in the distance. it is here. one of the biggest discovery of liquid natural gas in the last few decade. the problem is beneath that platform is a cold water coral reef rich in bio diversity. and that's about to be destroyed. the discovery will bring some new jobs and revenue for cynical, but most here face an uncertain future. caught between a rising ocean and an expanding desert. nicholas hawk al jazeera and jodi northern senegal protest is have stopped in demolition in a muslim majority neighborhood of india capitol, building regulators in new delhi, say they're targeting illegal structures and not any particular religious groups. critic say it's the light latest attempt to harass and marginalize muslims. several muslim owned property. shaheen bug was demolished following days of violence last month. for palestinians have been arrested in lightest drains by israeli police. me occupied west bank installed the operation in ramana. eas, linked to the investigation into a stabbing attack and israel on thursday. i'm reminded that the hometown of 2 palestinian men accused of killing 3 is rallies in the central city of lad. stephanie deca has moore from damascus guys in occupied east jerusalem. various incidents on sunday night, one of them happening here at damascus gate and attempted stabbing by palestinian israeli police officer. he was shot also one palestinian kills. he tried to cross the separation fence from the west bank, tried to cross into israel illegally. he was shot and killed and there was another incident in the occupied west banquet, palestinian scale defense of one of the illegal settlements there. he was also shot and killed by security forces. it gives you a sense of the ongoing tensions here on the ground, particularly also with the escalation that we've seen around the approximate compound. you've had increased rhetoric coming out of gaza from yes, sin war gases leader. they're calling for pallets, teens to carry out individual attacks. there has been a lot of individual attack 6 or 7 over the last couple of months. the last one in a lad, the 2 palestinians were arrested on sunday. they carried out an attack with an axe and with a knife, killing 3 israelis. now certainly there is a lot of rhetoric on both sides from these rallies and from the palestinians, particularly have mass. but certainly from what we understand behind the scenes, there are diplomatic efforts to try to calm tensions and certainly from what we understand. also, we're told that neither side, once a massive escalation, the wearing of masks remains popular in south korea despite the government relaxing . corona virus rules a week ago, for mcbride, filed this report from the capital. so when mosque mandates have been lifted in other parts of the world that have been scenes of need jubilation of finally dispensing with the things after 2 years of breathing. your own breath. but south korea went out last monday, but not outdoors were no longer mandatory, but only recommended. this was the result. from a few exceptions, most mast remaining firmly in place. it's now a week later time enough you would have thought for the message to be getting through. you don't have to wear it. no, none of it. i still have to wear a mask and doors. it's so inconvenient to take it off and put it back on again. i have not been infected yet, and i believe the virus can still spread to others, even outdoor cells. so what's going on? what's going on? i also want to take off the mask, plus, if i just think about my convenience and get infected, i could spread the virus to others. apart from some pandemic fatigue like anywhere else, south koreans have gained reputation in the past couple of years for public spirited cooperation that probably accounts for the continued mosque wearing. but this is also a society obsessed by looks. and it's thought that women have welcome the chance not to have to wear so much makeup, old men to shave so often. and then of course, with cosmetic surgery, being so popular here. it's thought some people may use the mask wearing as a way of having any number of procedures. without anyone ever finding out china's exports have hit the lowest level in nearly 2 years. as the government enforces a 0, coven 19 policy exports rose. 3.7 percent in april on the previous year, but that the down sharply from nearly 16 percent in march goods meant to be shipped a broader sitting at china's biggest port in shanghai. the economic hub has been in lockdown for 5 weeks to contain an outbreak. economist, rodrigo chavez has been sworn in as costa rica, his new president, the former world bank official, is promising to shake up what he calls a broken political system. alexandro ramp. yeti asthma. ah, the handover of power in costa rica, rodrigo travis, is presented the presidential sash after running a successful campaign. as a political maverick who promised to clean up a broken system. a message he repeated at easy, now you ation c r k. no, it is time to leave behind the old practices that the costa rican people, rightly fault us with. there is no difference between the ruling party and the opposition. if the political class fails, once again, our country could fall apart. the rise of the former world bank official has surprised many. he emerged from the shadows to the presidency after serving only 8 months as finance minister in the previous administration. he brought a popular streak to they usually subdued costa rican presidential campaign. exploiting a growing resentment against traditional parties and peoples worries of writing, unemployment crime, and the cost of living in costa rican politics. we are now in a new era and it's totally bullet when hired, tory would have to be, you know, big changes in terms of support. and also political parties are weak. they're like total bases are small. since clinton victory, though travis has shown a more traditionally conservative side, promising to keep public finances, solvent, and reducing expectations on immediate major increases on social spending. observers, faye, you will face an appeal battle m m, increasingly disillusioned public. his party will have only 10 of course, because 57 congressional feats, meaning you will have to reach agreements with a more traditional parties. there are 2 big questions. why he's going to be able to build a team. because these people don't know each other at all, and they're going to have to work together so that, that's a big question. and the other big question that the biggest, i would say is precisely that the people really voted for him. who wanted them larosa. what are they going to do? cuz they won't have it go for a week as long been recognized as central america's most stable country, applauded for its environmental and moderate economic policies. but many believe that if chavez fails, his presidency could trigger a more unstable and terrible in time for this country. early summer and beauty and jessica, ah, hello you. what you notice here? these are the stories we're following. this our shall anchors. prime minister has resigned and a nation wide curfew imposed that follows fighting outside my hinder roger pucks is home and wakes of protests against the government's valley to solve an unprecedented economic crisis.

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