Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240707 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240707

. the vote count is on the way in northern ireland selections, wish in vain, which wanted a united ireland could become the biggest party in the u. k. region at a tough night says the u. k. prime minister off to his conservative policy booster seats in local elections. but the main opposition has also failed to make big gains . and this school, this year's asian games in china, the supposed host nation, takes the decision of the country battle of the ongoing outbreak of cope with 19 ah, has been an explosion at a hotel in the cuban capital havana, at least 8 people who did keep his president says, a gas leak was lightly the cause. john home and reports the sound of the explosion brit through had on his own town. it blew up a big part, the front, the sun, a toga hotel, one of the most luxurious, inexpensive in the cuban capital. movie stars and celebrities like madonna had stayed there. now the rescue work is locally searching for people missing under the rubble. already there is a rising number of confirmed dead preliminary investigations indicate the explosion was caused by gasoline, says the cuban president's office. president miguel the ass canal himself arrived at the scene shortly after the blast. it damaged other buildings around the hotel to that will worries, especially about a primary school nearby authority say that thankfully the children and teachers there are okay. buildings in heaven is beautiful, but disintegrating old town often suffer fooling masonry, but explosions. a rare, this one was shot, the island john holeman al jazeera. and joining us on the phone from havana is re nicole, an independent journalist, who has been on the scene near that hotel re just painted picture forth. what have you been seeing what's happening now? while those listening numbers rescue, i have surrounded the hey town of the $500.00, i'm dealing to lease a we call to get that close to the cafeteria, which is one of the main buildings in the center of replica capital in the us capital washington. but the whole front of the town has collapsed. so i am presuming that people and as we heard from our correspondent in that report, it thought initially at least that this exposure was caused by gas. presumably an investigation will now be launched. yes, because you can stream a stringent and they do this sort of thing. they will carry what they do. yeah, they will find out what, what happened. i mean in terms of fact, it is interesting. i search a couple of the teachers that. ready one of them has complains that she had complained to fellow teachers all morning which suggested that was because talked. 7 about the area where in havana, this happened as we've been hearing this is this is quite an iconic hotel. it's very common to tell. it was the proper luxury hotel really to be built off. did another lucian, that it was a symbol changing cheaper, opened up coloring the special period where they always went bankrupt once you, once russia it's which states it was very much to live in. your court said the last state there and the other day. it's a beautiful state babbling self study, discrete very sort of just architecture and it's right in this it can be more perfectly placed. so it's very sad from that point. it's much more the people who died in the people then just printed it real whole in the hospice. all right, hey, thank you very much for your time there. re nicole and independent journalist there in havana. ah, ukrainian officials have again accused russia violating a cease fire, which is supposed to help good civilians out of a besieged steel works in the southern city of mario pole. a russian report though, says 12 people, including children, were among the latest to emerge safely. priyanka go to reports, this is rochelle destruct. the siege of the last remaining ukrainian resistance in mario pole. under the smoldering ruins of the south steed plant are $200.00 civilians believe to be trapped on the ground with ukrainian soldiers. officials when keith say they are making a new attempt to get them out with the help from the un. i've received your release of styling currently, russian shilling and the assault on as of style has not stopped, the civilians still need to be taken out. women and children, many children who are still there, just imagine this hell more than 2 months of constant shelling or bombing constant death nearby. we expect an effective regime of silence, but we are doing everything to find a solution. and to save another training session, maybe brush and pans are not far away. they're allied separate as fighters patrol the streets. this slider things victory. another stall is near sacker, white. everything is fine, we are working. we are fighting. sometimes we're not far just to the left because that by step in moscow, soldiers preparing for monday's parade to mark the victory against nazi germany during the 2nd world war. but in the war in ukraine, preston vladimir putin doesn't have much to celebrate. the war has isolated his nation and united it. so if you can hear any and you get you something you small, no punishment or sanctions can break the will of out people of the russian leadership . i am defending the historical truth with the legitimate interests of the russian federation, n, preventing direct threats to our security, being created on our borders, threats to our culture. our history with all this is currently at stake. now she is with russian troops. now preparing to take a full control of mario pole, it's not clear when or how this war will come to an end. brianca up there. i'll be here. more broadly, here's how the war is looking on. the map in reds are the areas held by russia and it's separate his allies. they are on the offensive in the east, and the south. crimea was, of course annexed by russia in 2014. and these are the places where fighting has been the heaviest, at least in the last 24 hours. the crane says moscow wants to annex in southern region of her song that would create a land card or between russia and crimea. r dondo, hamid traveled to the villages along the southern front lines desperate to leave the russian occupation they cycle then walked for hours under cover of darkness. as long as we had got competently, are you going to kill me says this woman, suspicious as the ukrainian police register new arrivals. this was their 4th attempt to flee that her son region, where life had become unbearable, says vladimir. yet his and i wanted go might know the air is different here. he says that what's a thumb, bellagio, but my bring it in return. if another escalade to stay there was more dangerous. we decided to take the risk when there were attempts for humanitarian corridors, and people went to the meeting point with white flags, but the soldiers dispersed us instead of you on a corridor, then go to crimea for what the would love. that's when people started finding other ways to reach the ukrainian side. what's the level of support the court will the forward, the bill all gets it sooner shows as the warehouse where bikes, wheelchairs, primes, and even wheelbarrows are held. people used whatever they had, she says. so the russians about 3 kilometers away from here, those coming out of the region crossed the lines and know land between the 2 armies and hope to get in the crossfire. it's a treacherous passage, but it's the only escape route to see about love to vermont. thank you guys, we're waiting for you. he says, the armies holding as defensive position, but ukraine claims the russians are preparing for a major push here. and this fear that the soldiers could be out gun. while most of the western weapons had to the dumb best region in the east of the country, was congress clara to feminine. we need heavy weapons artillery javelins, drones, because they have a lot of weapons. the russians don't care about saving their soldiers lives. and these bands like works with hundreds of them lying the fields, work. nobody collects the bodies, but they have a lot of weapons. the villages along the contact line come under shelling the rumble of artillery sounds at regular intervals. but is the fear of an imminent annexation, just like what happened in crimea and in dumbass, 8 years ago that i pushing people to cross front lines on their own head up that i meet al jazeera in southern ukraine. officials in the eastern city of commodore ask say, at least 25 people have been injured by russian shouting several homes. the school and civilian buildings were damaged. the city is near the front line of the fighting and ukraine's dannetta province. charles strafford reports the explosion left the crater around 3 meters deep flat and the surrounding residential pablo were destroyed. the blast shredded trees in the park where children usually play. this was one of a number of attacks across criminals. in what was the largest similar sailors, barrels of rockets in the city since russia invaded ukraine over 2 months ago. we were sleeping in wakened by a series of explosions before there was one massive blast. but thank god, no one was killed. a couple of kilometers away this parade of shops and small businesses was also hit. the city men says that 25 people were injured in the attacks. it's miraculous that nobody was killed. soldiers have collected shrapnel to try and identified a weapon that was used until i heard it was a rocket attack. there was a siren and then a huge explosion. my apartment is about 100 meters from and all the windows are blown out. the scale of the destruction here shows you just how powerful the explosion was. there are tens of flaps that have been pretty much completely destroyed in the bloss. ukrainian police say that they believe that this was a russian as strike and it comes at a time when the ukranian all me say that russian forces are trying to pushing towards cremmit source and neighboring savanski. from the north. we drove north towards the russian controlled city of discarded blood soaked bandages, and a stretcher, wounded. ukrainian soldier had been transferred to an ambulance only minutes before st. louis. i'm a pretty big show. when all calls go along the road, they stopped shutting. is it a shoot? any ambulances, vehicles you say it doesn't matter. ukrainian soldiers hide in the forest from russian drones above, artillery shell casings, litter the ground. the soldiers won't let us film, but they claim they have repelled 3 waves of russian attacks in the last week. they gave us this video, they claim shows the retreating from russian artillery se se on now holding the defensive position. what they currently can't do is stop cities like criminals from coming under russian attacks stuff al jazeera, cremmit source. the german government has an i'll say it's to say more weapons to ukraine, fed faster results from berlin. this is a major shift. after being accused of a dragon, it's free for reacting to flow. germany has now again today, announced that wilson have you weapons, these are how it's her, it's artillery system that's a germany has the most powerful a tailoring system is basically one of the heaviest weapons that germany now is sending to you. craig, last week, the defense minister has amount is 1st ship and i'll have your weapons, which are g parked anti aircraft systems. basically, chief guys, they also called in english. it took a while for germany to make this decision. as i said, there was a lot of pressure, not only from within nato, also from the united states, but also from we did the own government, especially the chancellor. all of shows was accused for not doing enough to help you crane. and you have to understand, of course, the history germany has been reluctant, basically not sending any military equipment to any other country, any war because of what happened during world war 2. it's basically something that they have maintained for so many years. but now, because of the war and ukraine and all the images that also have reached the german public here, that seems to be quite a turn around. we have to say also that there will be 20 ukranian soldiers coming to germany next week to get training to operate the howitzer hillary system. i'm the scenes national says it's gathered evidence of war crimes by russian forces in ukraine. the kremlin denies committing any atrocities bonus. how the rivera is the senior crisis response advisor, i'm the international. she explains what kind of forensic evidence they've used. i spend the past 4 weeks hearing ukraine investigating gross human rights abuses, violation of international humanitarian law, some of which constitute work crimes in the areas north of the capital and our findings. as we presenting them today. concern the air bombardments of several residential buildings in bought a young car where more than 40 civilians were killed. these were strikes that also left hundreds and hundreds of families, thousands of individuals homeless. because the munitions that were used by russian horses had such a large payload date course, enormous destruction beyond the point of impact. these attacks were both disproportionate and indiscriminate, and such may constitute war crimes. i also investigated exterior the banks to judicial executions in a number of villages to the noise of the capital in the town of booth child that's many will have heard it all, but also in towns and villages all around the area where i found the same patterns or bags, judicial executions, all men who were either shot dead on the spot or who were detained and subsequent exist initially executed in one area in boucher. i also found that data are very particular because they can only be fired by certain vice balls. and we know that does rice, bold, i or you are, if you to certain elite forces of the russian forces in the same area. we also came across the military document does indicate the presence of some of the units of the russian armed forces are using this particular type of rifles. so there is clear evidence stream of evidence of war crimes. and in certain cases when it comes to extra judicial institution in some places linking to. a specific parts of the ration armed forces arose, has sentenced the girlfriend of an activist to 6 years jail to both with arrest. when government authorities diverted a flight, 24 year old russian citizen, sophia pika, and her valuation boyfriend for me, and 4 to 7, were on a ryan f light. forster lunch bell roof in may last year. i've been flying from athens to lillius. so pagan has been found guilty of inciting social hatred of abuse and was found guilty of deliberate actions in the inciting social hatred and just called against another social group committed by a group of people as well as causing grave consequences. she was also found guilty of legal collection and distribute and information about private life constitutes of person and family secret. fast and without the constant which school tom to the right freedom, legitimate interest of the victim. authorities in fiji, have seized a soupy, also owned by a sanctioned russian businessmen after a request by the us. the $300000000.00 vessel is believed to belong to silly men caramels who made billions of dollars in the petrochemical sector. this reported to be the 9th richest person in russia. the white house says it will use every authority. it has to pursue russians. it's suspects of corruption. then her head on the news are including riding a wave of supports. the son of announced a leader of the philippines is leading the race for the presidency and in sport another landmark moment for the rising star of men's tennis sana has the story ah, counting so far off to northern ireland election shows the nationalist party sion vein is ahead rejections showed it would be the biggest party in the regional assembly. ahead of the democratic unionist party. sion vein was previously the political wing of the i r a which fought against the british rule. but as to how reports from belfast to stream of a united ireland is still a long way off. a win for the nationalists shin, feign as opinion polls predict, would make history in northern ireland. it up ends a century of dominance by parties dedicated to the union with great britain putting on top a republican party that exists to forge a united ireland. that is going to happen imminently. and many voters were swayed instead by more immediate concerns. all united allens on the cards, new database. on up to important to me. what do you think the chief think capable of boss for forget the whole rates will get better and better hospitals? so just to be open again. she frame was once the political face of the irish republican army that waged a decades long conflict with the british army and pro british loyalist paramilitaries. its electoral success with struck fear into the heart of many unionists who already feel marginalized by westminster as handling of breakfast negotiations with the you and a new trade boarder in the i receive that they say undermines northern islands place within the united kingdom that need to get a we call my, nobody wants to shouldn't be a minister when the union, people don't want him to be a minister coach for 1st, 1st and foremost, if we have a day and you're going to call for a border poll, i don't know if there's even a question mark over whether the democratic unionist party leader will take up his position as deputy 1st minister behind. she feigns michel o niel. jeffrey donaldson says he wants to see border protocol removed 1st. in northern ireland symbolism matters hugely. so while power sharing enshrined in the good friday peace agreement ensures that the positions of 1st minister and deputy 1st minister shared between the largest unionist nationalists parties have exactly equal powers. the changing of places in the storms assembly in this election carries enormous symbolic way. unionism is in a very place, northern ireland had its antique re last year, the celebrations of rather muted. and there was the sense of the future of the union, very much being at stake. and partly because breaks it and what that means. the northern ireland change relationship between overland in the u. k. with all agreements in the protocol. and that also what's going on with in unionism itself. it's very fragmented. and with that fragmentation comes the fun certainty over political stability in the short term and longer term questions about the future of northern ireland itself. joe al jazeera belfast. well, bryan fini is a political commentator and historian. he joins us now live from belfast again. thank you very much for coming back to us here on the news. also, a few more results has come in since we last spoke. have there been any surprises or any things of note for you? well, i think what has happened was the latest results is the best consolidate it. shouldn't fans pretty massive victory really in these elections? they are overwhelming the largest party in the north of ireland. and really they're pulling something like 30 percent of the off the boats. and if there were to be an executive sion fan won't have the 1st minister. michelle de la, the party leader in the north of ireland would be they would be the party leader, the alliance party, which really was falling behind over a number of years. as not a major serge. they doubled their seats and they will be entitled to a major part and then executive. but there will be an executives because the democratic union, as party of said they will not play a part and running, stormed, or having any role in the administration. on to leave, pretty same border. the protocol has been removed. what is that? shouldn't a majority? let's start with that. what does that majority say to you about, i guess not just the mood of the country, but how it sees its future. it's a major historic shift that has enormous psychological. busy and symbolic importance, i didn't really causing the question the point of the north of ireland, which was created by the british a 100 years ago. so that there would always be a unionist majority. there is no, no longer, i mean, a union majority. nationalists have become the position the party which is the biggest event or the violence. so the question is, what is the point for north of ireland because it doesn't protect unionists. it doesn't have a role for unionist. they have to call it the, to the rest of the nation in the north of ireland, but really puts a lot of pressure on liberty starting to see whether or not they're going to agree with you about the protocol and let the protocol operate. because there is not a majority in the north of ireland and favor of the protocol. and the only people who are posted on the democratic union this party. are there any concerns about social instability or violence and response to these results? there won't be any violence in response to the result. it certainly increases polarization. the unionists will boycott the executive. the storm of administration won't work on it. really will be a question of whether the british and irish government can come together to try to negotiate some arrangement whereby they could get the north of are working again. out of the moment, the british government is threatening to bring a legislation to try to remove the protocol, which would mean they would be breaking at international agreement. they agreement they made with the young, which will have an explosive reaction from the your he mentioned earlier about the alliance party, the sort of middle ground party. why do you think that it has done so well? because a lot of young educated, liberal unionists no longer buy the stuff, but the d u p are producing their campaign upon increasing fears a bunch. and the irish department saw a large number of young, educated, liberal unionists just don't accept up. and they've decided to vote for the alliance party, which is a party that takes votes from both sides of the community on these young liberal unionists. they're not, faith threatened by a pluralist irish society. they the old fashioned ideas that the democratic party put forward, but the irish republic, it's really no. did they have those kind of ideas so that the young people are holding to their lives party because they can be threatened by a pluralist society? if the union has to take a stand as a result of this installment can't operate. what do you think that will actually achieve? it will, she's nothing will require the british and irish governments to come together to find some way to reduce other arrangement than the north of ireland, which can accommodate the wishes of both man communities. but it really comes down to the british government's intentions, how they're going to operative protocol, which they agreed with the eat, your and because of this, there's an ideological position in england. in particular. are you there opposition to the years? which makes it very, very difficult to see how they're pretty sure going to accept diary si border and make it work. and so far, the british are opposed to it and it's likely next week the british will bring in plans to try to prevent the c border operating. and not kids see, you will take retaliatory measures about tread against britain. i thank you very much again for your time. brian fini, there la from belfast, still head on al jazeera, trying to say, cool. in a crisis, the heat wave exposes india's dependence on coal in another chunk of it's a waste of time reaching the same ease of the drain masters santa has the action. ah hello is seems a rather nasty dust and sand storms making their way across. iraq recently associated with the band of cloud now pulling across iran, but it does cause usual problems with visibility, breathing difficulties as well. those showers float, spells afraid. they are knocking the way into iran. now always the possibility of some localized butting with a system which runs up between the caspian and the black sea further south. it is generally dry, clear and sunny, hazy, sunshine, grassy making his way back here in doha could touch 37. on the sunday, the winds picking up lifted dust and sand could be something of an issue. lifted. dustin st. certainly an issue into good part of libya pushing over towards her age it. but for the other side of northern africa, we are looking at some wet or whether they're just leaking out of that western side of the med, northern parts of algeria, northern parts of it, to near to also seeing some very heavy showers. the possibility, the likelihood of some localized flooding receipts and localize funding recently into what nigeria heavy shares run right across west africa, the seasonal res, really quite live in now. most stunned, re down pause, extending from commer rude all the way across the rift valley, which was at east side of africa. we've also got some wet weather for south africa . ah. the stage is set and it's time for a different approach. one that is going to challenge the way you think was wor, inevitable. i just want to started the plays doing it. they're not doing the right thing. let's leave simplicity to the headlines. join me as i take on the lies, dismantled misconceptions, and to meet the contradictions. do we have a real democracy? here in the united states, this number political, florida, it's a wrote a cool insurgency, our mark lamond hill. and it's time to get up front right here on out 0. 0, i said with, ah ah, ah, no geology era reminder about told stories the cell, at least 8 people have been killed in an explosion at a hotel and the cuban capital. havana. 25. all those have been injured in the last 2 of his presidents as a gas leak is likely to close. new humanitarian car doors have been open to get more people out of ukraine's besieged city of mario poll. ukrainian officials say russia is still attacking the steel with civilians remain trumps among ukrainian on local elections and britain, the ruling conservative party last hundreds of seats and key councils. the main opposition labor party has made significant gains in london. it has been less successful outside of the capitol. the election was seen as a test of the leadership of the prime minister, abbas johnson, and life of the party gates scandal under simmons reports from westminster. this was in labor when couldn't have been closer to home to the conservatives. the party had controlled local government in westminster since 1964. now for the 1st time, the famous streets of pio here, all right, by labour control, city of westminster council. london bows. bonnet and wounds with also fell to relate, the party one's worth was taken up to 44 years of conservative rule. but despite the elation of labor's leader, his stomach outside london may the gains were turning out to be modest and was nevertheless in good cheer. this is a massive turning point for the labor party, from the depths of 2019. we're back on track now for the general election showing what the change that we've done, the hard change we've done in the last 2 years. what a difference it is my. but had this been a general election, the results wouldn't have stacked up to make here storm a prime minister. i like go to chorus johnson shows to visit his school in west london. his results were coming in. the maths weren't good for the prime minister. that's right. it's mid term and it's certainly a mixed set of results. and we've had a tough night in some parts of the, of the country. but on the other hand, in other parts of the country, you're still seeing a conservative going forward and, and making quite remarkable gains in places that have it by the conservative are for a long time, or if ever party gave the scandal over cobit rule breaches in downing street, including by johnson himself loom large in his election. but the overall damage to the governing conservative party is less than expected. and for labor out of the blue, something to dampen the celebrations, please have announced they've reopened an investigation into claims that storm are also breached covey regulations, when drinking beer with an office, with a group of colleagues. in essence, the message from london voters doesn't reflect the mood all over the country. however, the conservative party will have to work hard to try to quell mid term descent. so these results aren't really a disaster, but at the very least, they serve as a big warning. and the main target has been boris johnson for his wrong doings and his style of leadership. many londoners have given the negative burden to the conservative party, and that's going to resonate in the corridors of power here under simmons, which is a london dothan. this is a political commentator and deputy director of the think tank british influence. he joined us on scott from london. thank you for your time. joining us here on the news out, what's your take then on the conservative losses given as a report was just explaining everything facing bars, johnson. i didn't come to see done a lot less than we thought they'd done a few hours ago. they've made they've had big losses in the south of england in london in scotland. dave, me down to the 3rd party, behind labor and in wales they lost the only council they controls. so this is a big vote against a concert across the country and not sorry, l. the boys thompson. why is that? we've talked about party gay, but what's your take on, on? why those losses have been so so big talk to get you some see a big issue that has made me credit, the angry, the last few months for his johnson is directly with that. but it's also the cost of living crisis, which is plunging. richest people into poverty right now. and the government just doesn't have any ideas to combine it. and as has been to complacency in the government. and this is obviously going into the core people more effective people across the country. everyone is facing much steeper energy bills for example. and that i think is going to be on the line who is, is the highest ages decision to punish the concept. it was your take then, on labor's gains, had it made the gains that it should have given the conservative losses. i think that labor's done very well. not just a 3 titanic council gains in london, although they ha, but she lost the counsel as it comes out to as well as they just illustrate the fact that at local elections often quite difficult at the life in context of the national picture. but labor is doing what it need to do is making big gains in the south. in conserves. there is that the concept is upheld for a number of years is also making gains in some of the so called red wool areas is gangs and counselled in the north of england. but also it kept a baseline from 2018 which the last time the seats were contested. and at that time labor actually held on c seats. so that was before the 2019 general election, when conservative took those seats. and so it could suggest that labor is actually on trot to take some of those seats, but at the next general election, in addition to making gains in london on the south of england on his scotland and wales, the labor could be on track when the next election, let's talk about that because some of projected that if general election was held today going off these numbers, that bar johnson wouldn't survive on local elections and appropriate measure and appropriate projection for, for general elections. well, they are and they are because obviously they're not likely to play that in the nature of what's happening. the concept is, for example, in lots of country, broad themselves label consented to distance themselves on the national policy. but on the other hand, the only measure that we have the food, the next election. and so there are obviously important engaging at the strength of feeling against the government, the protest states, and the feeling about the national leaders. and in that sense is clear, the boys, johnson is the lead liability. and people growing comfortable with the idea of lay the government in power. right, jonathan lives there. thank you. frank sherlock as president, has declared a state of emergency for a 2nd time in 5 weeks as his government faces escalating protests. millions of people stayed away from work on friday as ag amounts against the worst economic crisis in 70 years. now fernandez reports from columbus. police were among the few state employees working in sri lanka on friday. these water cannon anti a guest to disperse hundreds of protesters, gathered at barricades ceiling off the entrance to parliament. inside the building and she java developer opposition representatives marched into the speaker's office, asking him to order the police to stop that operation. they also demanded he set a date for a no confidence motion. they're putting forward against the government. the government is under increasing pressure to resign, facing a 2nd nationwide strike in 8 days, hospitals, railways, postal services, schools and ports were disrupted strictly with government. and lord, i bet i'd like to so responsible for these failures the free lunch i therefore, we don't believe they can be well up this country her after. therefore, we asking mill, gone one mill, mill leadership, a new system for sri lanka. that's why all the people i get together for one umbrella, demonstrations and marches like this, have been a common site in the capital, colombo and around the country. in shallow on the northwestern coast, fishermen also took part in the protests. however, they said it would be what we have more than $15000.00 fishing families in this area. we're all helpless. so we'll protest today tomorrow, and in the future it, i did hear that the government has admitted its foreign reserves, have fallen to just $50000000.00 us dollars, leaving it unable to buy essential food medicine and fuel. queues have stretched the kilometers around most petrol stations in recent days. after months of insisting it has things under control, the government is now approach the international monetary fund for a bailout. and president got our be roger potter has replaced his cabinet as cause increased for him to step down. his new media minister told al jazeera roger boxes making an effort and should be supported to bring stability. he got rid of some good, good popular, and people who in becoming some of a some of his own family members of 5 of them out now. so we decided to coaching. does he attorney is making an effort a so i think um, we are trying to help him. he has given us a challenge. we are trying to face that challenge and find solution to people, go to heaven says that new team should be given 6 months to a year and a half before elections are held to decide a way forward trade union save the last work stoppage of this scale was 69 years ago, but our warning they will launch an indefinite strike. if the government does not, he demands for it to resign. men of fernandez, ojo 0 colombo police in israel are searching for 2 men, suspected of a stabbing attack in the central city of allots the release pictures of the pair. 3 people were killed and several others were injured and thursday's attack. and the son of a former philippine leader who was ousted in a revolution is the favorite to become the next president finance marcawest junior . he is riding a wave of popular support despite allegations of mass killings. under his late father's rule, florence lloyd reports from manila. these are replicas of some of the jewelry belonging to imelda marcos, part of a stash. she tried to smuggle out of the philippines after her husband, president ferdinand marcus was ousted in a people's uprising in 1986. the artist, p. o, a bud was partly inspired by his parents who were anti marco's activists. the marcus, his vast collection of valuable paintings, are also on display, reproduced on post cards. visitors, i encouraged to take some home away to reclaim what the artist says belongs to filipinos. it helps us to remember what the marcia long period was about and how the marcus's use art and culture. oh, how they acquired an ostentatious own collection of objects that supported their idea of what their life should be. the manila film center is seen as another testament to marco's excess, just 2 months before its grand opening, in 1982, there was an accident at the construction site, emergency workers were barred from entering the area for 9 hours, and then marco's administration ordered a media blackout it's estimated at least a $160.00 workers were killed, buried in concrete if the law. well, what our lease is an example of how the michael's family do not care for people's lives, especially the workers. one of the most horrible things is they did that even spare time to retrieve the bodies, they just ordered construction to cook. despite the tainted legacy ferdinand marco's junior, is the front runner to follow in his father's footsteps. the kind of politics that we have, it's not much of a system to begin with. it's just, you know, a choice between different political families and person, other beasts. so while mark was, may be an elite himself, he's not seen to belong to the same group of elite that has ruled the philippines in the past 30 years. other analysts say, junior's rise can mostly be attributed to a disinformation campaign which aims to recast the rule of marco senior as a golden age for filipinos. if mark was junior, succeeds, it would give him wide paws over government agencies tossed to recover as much as $10000000000.00 stolen by his father. during his 20 year rule, florence louis al jazeera manila movement has been restricted in china's capital for the 3rd day. as it tries to contain the spread of coven 19 subway stations and bus routes of shot donica sponsor waging thousands of people with queuing protests each day. the city of $22000000.00 is trying to avoid a shanghai style locked down, which is often more than a month. we got to get. the situation is still grim and complex. we must, unswerving lives here to the general policy of dynamic case clearing. we must not be careless, must not take any chances or relax our efforts, my speed up the disposal of local concentrated outbreaks and make sure that all necessary tests are conducted. all infected or isolated. all patients are hospitalized and all necessary treatments are available. a record heat wave in india has increased demand for electricity and lead to power cuts across is, is highlighting as dependents on coal impulse as power stations face. there were shortages in 6 years. elizabeth brawner reports from new delhi mahash command was supposed to start preparing his fields for planting rice 3 weeks ago. but this is the 1st day that the water supply has come. after weeks of power cuts resulting in a lack of water, mahash doesn't know how long to day supply will last. damn go kit plan i. we bought a buyer, but we have to tell the field ad manure use the tractor. and for all this, we need regular war to supply from the time it's song to it's hobbies. if there is irregular supply, either the quality of rice will deteriorate on all the blonde will die. the former will suffer if any of this happens bonnie malott, homes and businesses have also been suffering power cuts for weeks. this hospital and also for the issue has been without. alack, tricity for at least 6 hours a day for some staff to use diesel generators. when the price of the fuel is that a record high also, but it's only going to be a little bit longer than that of the lab and we are spending more than $150.00 every day on diesel. we're not passing the burden on to the patients right now, but a fees power outages continue will be forced to increase patient fees. among the carts are due to a severe shortage of coal at power stations. experts blame the huge demand for electricity during a heat wave coupled with bottlenecks and transportation and sky rocketing prices of imported coal with climate change exacerbating heat waves environmentalist say the onset a meet rising electricity needs isn't to open more coal mines as india's doing because that will increase greenhouse gases that trap more heat. 70 percent of india's electricity comes from coal fired power stations. analysts say the latest crisis is a reminder to invest more and gr energy. when i say renewable energy, the whole ecosystem needs to be dev, loud because renewable energy is intimate, then sort of follow again, the rely on imported are more duluth and sales for unit building ops, solar capacity, or wind capacity in there. so we need to barely across the value chain. the international atomic energy agency says demand for electricity and india is expected to increase more than anywhere else in the world over the next 20 years. as the country develops, as mahash uses the scale water to clean himself and cool off, he says his livelihood depends on the supply. continuing to flow, elizabeth brought him al jazeera new delhi. so head on al jazeera met magic count, the new york side pulled off the biggest comeback and 25 years. sonnet has the source. ah ah ah ah ah ah, a ton of his more her son, a thank you very much. kim or this is asian games have been postponed while host a china battle the ongoing outbreak of coven 19 the games were going to happen in september near shanaiah as city on the strict look down. while local organizers said that they were ready to host thousands of athletes and an imput council of asia decide that it was best to delay it. i'll corresponded katrina, you is in beijing and sent us this report. the asian games were scheduled to be held in the southern city of hong jo in september. now this is a major international sporting event. second only in size to the summer olympics organizes here in china. we're thinking about 11000 athletes representing 44 different states. and territories, but they announced on friday that this event would be postponed indefinitely. due to the current situation here in china now hung joe, the horse city is only a few 100 kilometers away from shanghai, china's commercial center which has been locked down for about a month. now. it's currently the empty center of tried his worst outbreak that it seen since the beginning of the pandemic. they're in dozens of cities across the country affected. currently i have you restrictions as china tries to get this outbreak under control of following it's 0 tolerance corvette policy. now the asian games is not the only international sporting event to be cancelled in china this year. just yesterday, organizers of the world university games which are usually held every 2 years, announced that that event would also be postponed and that was planned for june and july in the chinese city of chung do. it's been postponed now for it's 2nd time. one has been another landmark moment for the rising salve, men's tennis, carlos, al qaeda, has beaten his idol. the king of k, a. y fell in a dull for the 1st time. and cat who's only just turned 19, made the foss thought to their call, to finalize the madrid masses to take the 1st set 62. then came a scare as he twisted ankle, which required treatment, an adult one that the 2nd set. but as far as that was covered in the deciding, sat and found another gear as he went on to win at $63.00, his hero as young tennis planned. finally beating him, proved an emotional moment. i've kind of has already won 3 titles the season including the miami masters well, he'll now face that know about the joke of it for a place in the final, the wall. number one, dispatch, poland, who best orchestra and straight set for the much loss with less than an hour and a half. oh, the 1st a cycling. a grand tours. i got on the way on friday with that. matthew van der paul winning the opening stage of the gera d'italia, the 1st 3 days of this year's race are taking place and hungry, and there was a dramatic finish as a talib in. crushed out. just with the lion in sight, vanderpool would hold off. benny i am jeremy, to take the stage when the dutchman becomes the 1st to ride the to where the race leaders, pink jersey. but he might need a little more practice when it comes to celebrating with the champagne or the 1st ever miami formula. one complete weekend is on the way with 1st practice taking place right now. the dr. is know the pressure is on to make a good impression. new with around a quarter of a 1000000 fans expected over the 3 days with as such, a warm welcome here. so just been happy to, to be out here and, and her. yeah. been out in the water. great training and the other, the ambiance in it, in the, in the town is incredible. i just the city manager pep. guardiola believes his place that will be stronger after there, dramatic champions, league semi final exit to real madrid. he accepts that with all the money that's been spent at the club. it will be a failure if they don't eventually when the trophy i know that people outside of here, the man just temper the champion, chamblee chamblee. and when we are not, you know, we know it. now we had only clog in the wall that in the life den and future 20 years just spend money. so even with that is difficult to win it. so not here been, but dad would we leave in madrid? it would help us as a club, as a team, as in the future, the people nowadays will realize it. but i tell you, is a good for us. the worse isn't, don't leave it been the so far, watching it to major league baseball now. and there was plenty of late drama in the game between the new york mets and the philadelphia phillies the mets. waiting until the 9th inning it to turn around the 7 run deficit to secure their biggest come back in 25 years. when i guess what i said, no more in the nfl plans in new york ranges that have come back to tie there series with the pittsburgh penguins that plays at hom, martini partner in and frank. but ronald helped the ranges to a comfortable 5 to win game fees on saturday, back in pittsburgh, and the goal to end up with the dallas stars at j coating. it was the real style of the show with 20 and i saved it in less single shot from the calgary flames. that though, through while the 2 nell went for dallas level, that series at a game, each in golf on the masters champion, sergio garcia, hinted that he is quitting the pga tour during the wells fargo championship. at the spaniards shouted at the rules. officials saying he couldn't wait to leave in a just a couple of weeks. garcia has asked to be released at for the 1st event of the new live golf series that is backed by saudi arabia. a fresh from being named as a new england cricket captain. ben stokes has smashed a record century for his accounting team. durham why he started this over on 70, but hit the 56 is the in the role and then afford to bring up his 100. it was the fastest ever 1st class entry for them in just $64.00 bowls to well stokes finished with $161.00, including $70.00 and $6.00 is which is the most ever and in innings in english, cricket. that's it for me. can i focus on it? and that's also it for me for this news, at least mom, nancy will be here with you from london in just a moment with more of today's news. i'll see you next time. bye bye. ah ah. and a how and why did it become so obsessed with this law, we were giving them a tool to hold corrupt individuals and human rights abusers accountable. very good . i read this feel apart. if they take the white house of 2025. what is the world hearing what we're talking about by american today we take on us politics and society. that's the bottom line. from the ruins of mosul, music as reemerged. these are some of 40 musicians who make up the weather orchestra in iraq, 2nd largest city, despite being bound been mostly, was occupied by i so the melody survived. 3rd, been christian curd, arab so need and she has these young men and women represent the diversity of iraq to be able to hear music. i mean the ruins of muscles all city feel strange, but it brings home. the resilience are presidents who say that despite the destruction and lack of help, they remain committed to bringing the city back to life. mainstream coverage of big stories can sometimes deliver more heat than lights. in any water scenario, there's always a push to simplify narratives. nuance is always called for, even in the case of an aggressive war, the listening pe, delve into the news, narrative and dissect them. there's not our great deal of subtlety. we're talking about the barbarism that is unfolding as though we somehow unique. it's not unique covering the way the news is covered on al jazeera, revealing eco friendly solutions to come back. threats to our planet on al jazeera ah, the you and races to rescue more civilians trapped on the under the adult resort style still works with fear that vladimir putin wants to finish the battle from mario pole by russia's victory day on monday. this as residents, li ukraine, southern hearse on region by any means possible to escape the thrice of russian annexation ah, hello, and mary m. as in london, you with al jazeera, also coming.

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240707 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240707

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. the vote count is on the way in northern ireland selections, wish in vain, which wanted a united ireland could become the biggest party in the u. k. region at a tough night says the u. k. prime minister off to his conservative policy booster seats in local elections. but the main opposition has also failed to make big gains . and this school, this year's asian games in china, the supposed host nation, takes the decision of the country battle of the ongoing outbreak of cope with 19 ah, has been an explosion at a hotel in the cuban capital havana, at least 8 people who did keep his president says, a gas leak was lightly the cause. john home and reports the sound of the explosion brit through had on his own town. it blew up a big part, the front, the sun, a toga hotel, one of the most luxurious, inexpensive in the cuban capital. movie stars and celebrities like madonna had stayed there. now the rescue work is locally searching for people missing under the rubble. already there is a rising number of confirmed dead preliminary investigations indicate the explosion was caused by gasoline, says the cuban president's office. president miguel the ass canal himself arrived at the scene shortly after the blast. it damaged other buildings around the hotel to that will worries, especially about a primary school nearby authority say that thankfully the children and teachers there are okay. buildings in heaven is beautiful, but disintegrating old town often suffer fooling masonry, but explosions. a rare, this one was shot, the island john holeman al jazeera. and joining us on the phone from havana is re nicole, an independent journalist, who has been on the scene near that hotel re just painted picture forth. what have you been seeing what's happening now? while those listening numbers rescue, i have surrounded the hey town of the $500.00, i'm dealing to lease a we call to get that close to the cafeteria, which is one of the main buildings in the center of replica capital in the us capital washington. but the whole front of the town has collapsed. so i am presuming that people and as we heard from our correspondent in that report, it thought initially at least that this exposure was caused by gas. presumably an investigation will now be launched. yes, because you can stream a stringent and they do this sort of thing. they will carry what they do. yeah, they will find out what, what happened. i mean in terms of fact, it is interesting. i search a couple of the teachers that. ready one of them has complains that she had complained to fellow teachers all morning which suggested that was because talked. 7 about the area where in havana, this happened as we've been hearing this is this is quite an iconic hotel. it's very common to tell. it was the proper luxury hotel really to be built off. did another lucian, that it was a symbol changing cheaper, opened up coloring the special period where they always went bankrupt once you, once russia it's which states it was very much to live in. your court said the last state there and the other day. it's a beautiful state babbling self study, discrete very sort of just architecture and it's right in this it can be more perfectly placed. so it's very sad from that point. it's much more the people who died in the people then just printed it real whole in the hospice. all right, hey, thank you very much for your time there. re nicole and independent journalist there in havana. ah, ukrainian officials have again accused russia violating a cease fire, which is supposed to help good civilians out of a besieged steel works in the southern city of mario pole. a russian report though, says 12 people, including children, were among the latest to emerge safely. priyanka go to reports, this is rochelle destruct. the siege of the last remaining ukrainian resistance in mario pole. under the smoldering ruins of the south steed plant are $200.00 civilians believe to be trapped on the ground with ukrainian soldiers. officials when keith say they are making a new attempt to get them out with the help from the un. i've received your release of styling currently, russian shilling and the assault on as of style has not stopped, the civilians still need to be taken out. women and children, many children who are still there, just imagine this hell more than 2 months of constant shelling or bombing constant death nearby. we expect an effective regime of silence, but we are doing everything to find a solution. and to save another training session, maybe brush and pans are not far away. they're allied separate as fighters patrol the streets. this slider things victory. another stall is near sacker, white. everything is fine, we are working. we are fighting. sometimes we're not far just to the left because that by step in moscow, soldiers preparing for monday's parade to mark the victory against nazi germany during the 2nd world war. but in the war in ukraine, preston vladimir putin doesn't have much to celebrate. the war has isolated his nation and united it. so if you can hear any and you get you something you small, no punishment or sanctions can break the will of out people of the russian leadership . i am defending the historical truth with the legitimate interests of the russian federation, n, preventing direct threats to our security, being created on our borders, threats to our culture. our history with all this is currently at stake. now she is with russian troops. now preparing to take a full control of mario pole, it's not clear when or how this war will come to an end. brianca up there. i'll be here. more broadly, here's how the war is looking on. the map in reds are the areas held by russia and it's separate his allies. they are on the offensive in the east, and the south. crimea was, of course annexed by russia in 2014. and these are the places where fighting has been the heaviest, at least in the last 24 hours. the crane says moscow wants to annex in southern region of her song that would create a land card or between russia and crimea. r dondo, hamid traveled to the villages along the southern front lines desperate to leave the russian occupation they cycle then walked for hours under cover of darkness. as long as we had got competently, are you going to kill me says this woman, suspicious as the ukrainian police register new arrivals. this was their 4th attempt to flee that her son region, where life had become unbearable, says vladimir. yet his and i wanted go might know the air is different here. he says that what's a thumb, bellagio, but my bring it in return. if another escalade to stay there was more dangerous. we decided to take the risk when there were attempts for humanitarian corridors, and people went to the meeting point with white flags, but the soldiers dispersed us instead of you on a corridor, then go to crimea for what the would love. that's when people started finding other ways to reach the ukrainian side. what's the level of support the court will the forward, the bill all gets it sooner shows as the warehouse where bikes, wheelchairs, primes, and even wheelbarrows are held. people used whatever they had, she says. so the russians about 3 kilometers away from here, those coming out of the region crossed the lines and know land between the 2 armies and hope to get in the crossfire. it's a treacherous passage, but it's the only escape route to see about love to vermont. thank you guys, we're waiting for you. he says, the armies holding as defensive position, but ukraine claims the russians are preparing for a major push here. and this fear that the soldiers could be out gun. while most of the western weapons had to the dumb best region in the east of the country, was congress clara to feminine. we need heavy weapons artillery javelins, drones, because they have a lot of weapons. the russians don't care about saving their soldiers lives. and these bands like works with hundreds of them lying the fields, work. nobody collects the bodies, but they have a lot of weapons. the villages along the contact line come under shelling the rumble of artillery sounds at regular intervals. but is the fear of an imminent annexation, just like what happened in crimea and in dumbass, 8 years ago that i pushing people to cross front lines on their own head up that i meet al jazeera in southern ukraine. officials in the eastern city of commodore ask say, at least 25 people have been injured by russian shouting several homes. the school and civilian buildings were damaged. the city is near the front line of the fighting and ukraine's dannetta province. charles strafford reports the explosion left the crater around 3 meters deep flat and the surrounding residential pablo were destroyed. the blast shredded trees in the park where children usually play. this was one of a number of attacks across criminals. in what was the largest similar sailors, barrels of rockets in the city since russia invaded ukraine over 2 months ago. we were sleeping in wakened by a series of explosions before there was one massive blast. but thank god, no one was killed. a couple of kilometers away this parade of shops and small businesses was also hit. the city men says that 25 people were injured in the attacks. it's miraculous that nobody was killed. soldiers have collected shrapnel to try and identified a weapon that was used until i heard it was a rocket attack. there was a siren and then a huge explosion. my apartment is about 100 meters from and all the windows are blown out. the scale of the destruction here shows you just how powerful the explosion was. there are tens of flaps that have been pretty much completely destroyed in the bloss. ukrainian police say that they believe that this was a russian as strike and it comes at a time when the ukranian all me say that russian forces are trying to pushing towards cremmit source and neighboring savanski. from the north. we drove north towards the russian controlled city of discarded blood soaked bandages, and a stretcher, wounded. ukrainian soldier had been transferred to an ambulance only minutes before st. louis. i'm a pretty big show. when all calls go along the road, they stopped shutting. is it a shoot? any ambulances, vehicles you say it doesn't matter. ukrainian soldiers hide in the forest from russian drones above, artillery shell casings, litter the ground. the soldiers won't let us film, but they claim they have repelled 3 waves of russian attacks in the last week. they gave us this video, they claim shows the retreating from russian artillery se se on now holding the defensive position. what they currently can't do is stop cities like criminals from coming under russian attacks stuff al jazeera, cremmit source. the german government has an i'll say it's to say more weapons to ukraine, fed faster results from berlin. this is a major shift. after being accused of a dragon, it's free for reacting to flow. germany has now again today, announced that wilson have you weapons, these are how it's her, it's artillery system that's a germany has the most powerful a tailoring system is basically one of the heaviest weapons that germany now is sending to you. craig, last week, the defense minister has amount is 1st ship and i'll have your weapons, which are g parked anti aircraft systems. basically, chief guys, they also called in english. it took a while for germany to make this decision. as i said, there was a lot of pressure, not only from within nato, also from the united states, but also from we did the own government, especially the chancellor. all of shows was accused for not doing enough to help you crane. and you have to understand, of course, the history germany has been reluctant, basically not sending any military equipment to any other country, any war because of what happened during world war 2. it's basically something that they have maintained for so many years. but now, because of the war and ukraine and all the images that also have reached the german public here, that seems to be quite a turn around. we have to say also that there will be 20 ukranian soldiers coming to germany next week to get training to operate the howitzer hillary system. i'm the scenes national says it's gathered evidence of war crimes by russian forces in ukraine. the kremlin denies committing any atrocities bonus. how the rivera is the senior crisis response advisor, i'm the international. she explains what kind of forensic evidence they've used. i spend the past 4 weeks hearing ukraine investigating gross human rights abuses, violation of international humanitarian law, some of which constitute work crimes in the areas north of the capital and our findings. as we presenting them today. concern the air bombardments of several residential buildings in bought a young car where more than 40 civilians were killed. these were strikes that also left hundreds and hundreds of families, thousands of individuals homeless. because the munitions that were used by russian horses had such a large payload date course, enormous destruction beyond the point of impact. these attacks were both disproportionate and indiscriminate, and such may constitute war crimes. i also investigated exterior the banks to judicial executions in a number of villages to the noise of the capital in the town of booth child that's many will have heard it all, but also in towns and villages all around the area where i found the same patterns or bags, judicial executions, all men who were either shot dead on the spot or who were detained and subsequent exist initially executed in one area in boucher. i also found that data are very particular because they can only be fired by certain vice balls. and we know that does rice, bold, i or you are, if you to certain elite forces of the russian forces in the same area. we also came across the military document does indicate the presence of some of the units of the russian armed forces are using this particular type of rifles. so there is clear evidence stream of evidence of war crimes. and in certain cases when it comes to extra judicial institution in some places linking to. a specific parts of the ration armed forces arose, has sentenced the girlfriend of an activist to 6 years jail to both with arrest. when government authorities diverted a flight, 24 year old russian citizen, sophia pika, and her valuation boyfriend for me, and 4 to 7, were on a ryan f light. forster lunch bell roof in may last year. i've been flying from athens to lillius. so pagan has been found guilty of inciting social hatred of abuse and was found guilty of deliberate actions in the inciting social hatred and just called against another social group committed by a group of people as well as causing grave consequences. she was also found guilty of legal collection and distribute and information about private life constitutes of person and family secret. fast and without the constant which school tom to the right freedom, legitimate interest of the victim. authorities in fiji, have seized a soupy, also owned by a sanctioned russian businessmen after a request by the us. the $300000000.00 vessel is believed to belong to silly men caramels who made billions of dollars in the petrochemical sector. this reported to be the 9th richest person in russia. the white house says it will use every authority. it has to pursue russians. it's suspects of corruption. then her head on the news are including riding a wave of supports. the son of announced a leader of the philippines is leading the race for the presidency and in sport another landmark moment for the rising star of men's tennis sana has the story ah, counting so far off to northern ireland election shows the nationalist party sion vein is ahead rejections showed it would be the biggest party in the regional assembly. ahead of the democratic unionist party. sion vein was previously the political wing of the i r a which fought against the british rule. but as to how reports from belfast to stream of a united ireland is still a long way off. a win for the nationalists shin, feign as opinion polls predict, would make history in northern ireland. it up ends a century of dominance by parties dedicated to the union with great britain putting on top a republican party that exists to forge a united ireland. that is going to happen imminently. and many voters were swayed instead by more immediate concerns. all united allens on the cards, new database. on up to important to me. what do you think the chief think capable of boss for forget the whole rates will get better and better hospitals? so just to be open again. she frame was once the political face of the irish republican army that waged a decades long conflict with the british army and pro british loyalist paramilitaries. its electoral success with struck fear into the heart of many unionists who already feel marginalized by westminster as handling of breakfast negotiations with the you and a new trade boarder in the i receive that they say undermines northern islands place within the united kingdom that need to get a we call my, nobody wants to shouldn't be a minister when the union, people don't want him to be a minister coach for 1st, 1st and foremost, if we have a day and you're going to call for a border poll, i don't know if there's even a question mark over whether the democratic unionist party leader will take up his position as deputy 1st minister behind. she feigns michel o niel. jeffrey donaldson says he wants to see border protocol removed 1st. in northern ireland symbolism matters hugely. so while power sharing enshrined in the good friday peace agreement ensures that the positions of 1st minister and deputy 1st minister shared between the largest unionist nationalists parties have exactly equal powers. the changing of places in the storms assembly in this election carries enormous symbolic way. unionism is in a very place, northern ireland had its antique re last year, the celebrations of rather muted. and there was the sense of the future of the union, very much being at stake. and partly because breaks it and what that means. the northern ireland change relationship between overland in the u. k. with all agreements in the protocol. and that also what's going on with in unionism itself. it's very fragmented. and with that fragmentation comes the fun certainty over political stability in the short term and longer term questions about the future of northern ireland itself. joe al jazeera belfast. well, bryan fini is a political commentator and historian. he joins us now live from belfast again. thank you very much for coming back to us here on the news. also, a few more results has come in since we last spoke. have there been any surprises or any things of note for you? well, i think what has happened was the latest results is the best consolidate it. shouldn't fans pretty massive victory really in these elections? they are overwhelming the largest party in the north of ireland. and really they're pulling something like 30 percent of the off the boats. and if there were to be an executive sion fan won't have the 1st minister. michelle de la, the party leader in the north of ireland would be they would be the party leader, the alliance party, which really was falling behind over a number of years. as not a major serge. they doubled their seats and they will be entitled to a major part and then executive. but there will be an executives because the democratic union, as party of said they will not play a part and running, stormed, or having any role in the administration. on to leave, pretty same border. the protocol has been removed. what is that? shouldn't a majority? let's start with that. what does that majority say to you about, i guess not just the mood of the country, but how it sees its future. it's a major historic shift that has enormous psychological. busy and symbolic importance, i didn't really causing the question the point of the north of ireland, which was created by the british a 100 years ago. so that there would always be a unionist majority. there is no, no longer, i mean, a union majority. nationalists have become the position the party which is the biggest event or the violence. so the question is, what is the point for north of ireland because it doesn't protect unionists. it doesn't have a role for unionist. they have to call it the, to the rest of the nation in the north of ireland, but really puts a lot of pressure on liberty starting to see whether or not they're going to agree with you about the protocol and let the protocol operate. because there is not a majority in the north of ireland and favor of the protocol. and the only people who are posted on the democratic union this party. are there any concerns about social instability or violence and response to these results? there won't be any violence in response to the result. it certainly increases polarization. the unionists will boycott the executive. the storm of administration won't work on it. really will be a question of whether the british and irish government can come together to try to negotiate some arrangement whereby they could get the north of are working again. out of the moment, the british government is threatening to bring a legislation to try to remove the protocol, which would mean they would be breaking at international agreement. they agreement they made with the young, which will have an explosive reaction from the your he mentioned earlier about the alliance party, the sort of middle ground party. why do you think that it has done so well? because a lot of young educated, liberal unionists no longer buy the stuff, but the d u p are producing their campaign upon increasing fears a bunch. and the irish department saw a large number of young, educated, liberal unionists just don't accept up. and they've decided to vote for the alliance party, which is a party that takes votes from both sides of the community on these young liberal unionists. they're not, faith threatened by a pluralist irish society. they the old fashioned ideas that the democratic party put forward, but the irish republic, it's really no. did they have those kind of ideas so that the young people are holding to their lives party because they can be threatened by a pluralist society? if the union has to take a stand as a result of this installment can't operate. what do you think that will actually achieve? it will, she's nothing will require the british and irish governments to come together to find some way to reduce other arrangement than the north of ireland, which can accommodate the wishes of both man communities. but it really comes down to the british government's intentions, how they're going to operative protocol, which they agreed with the eat, your and because of this, there's an ideological position in england. in particular. are you there opposition to the years? which makes it very, very difficult to see how they're pretty sure going to accept diary si border and make it work. and so far, the british are opposed to it and it's likely next week the british will bring in plans to try to prevent the c border operating. and not kids see, you will take retaliatory measures about tread against britain. i thank you very much again for your time. brian fini, there la from belfast, still head on al jazeera, trying to say, cool. in a crisis, the heat wave exposes india's dependence on coal in another chunk of it's a waste of time reaching the same ease of the drain masters santa has the action. ah hello is seems a rather nasty dust and sand storms making their way across. iraq recently associated with the band of cloud now pulling across iran, but it does cause usual problems with visibility, breathing difficulties as well. those showers float, spells afraid. they are knocking the way into iran. now always the possibility of some localized butting with a system which runs up between the caspian and the black sea further south. it is generally dry, clear and sunny, hazy, sunshine, grassy making his way back here in doha could touch 37. on the sunday, the winds picking up lifted dust and sand could be something of an issue. lifted. dustin st. certainly an issue into good part of libya pushing over towards her age it. but for the other side of northern africa, we are looking at some wet or whether they're just leaking out of that western side of the med, northern parts of algeria, northern parts of it, to near to also seeing some very heavy showers. the possibility, the likelihood of some localized flooding receipts and localize funding recently into what nigeria heavy shares run right across west africa, the seasonal res, really quite live in now. most stunned, re down pause, extending from commer rude all the way across the rift valley, which was at east side of africa. we've also got some wet weather for south africa . ah. the stage is set and it's time for a different approach. one that is going to challenge the way you think was wor, inevitable. i just want to started the plays doing it. they're not doing the right thing. let's leave simplicity to the headlines. join me as i take on the lies, dismantled misconceptions, and to meet the contradictions. do we have a real democracy? here in the united states, this number political, florida, it's a wrote a cool insurgency, our mark lamond hill. and it's time to get up front right here on out 0. 0, i said with, ah ah, ah, no geology era reminder about told stories the cell, at least 8 people have been killed in an explosion at a hotel and the cuban capital. havana. 25. all those have been injured in the last 2 of his presidents as a gas leak is likely to close. new humanitarian car doors have been open to get more people out of ukraine's besieged city of mario poll. ukrainian officials say russia is still attacking the steel with civilians remain trumps among ukrainian on local elections and britain, the ruling conservative party last hundreds of seats and key councils. the main opposition labor party has made significant gains in london. it has been less successful outside of the capitol. the election was seen as a test of the leadership of the prime minister, abbas johnson, and life of the party gates scandal under simmons reports from westminster. this was in labor when couldn't have been closer to home to the conservatives. the party had controlled local government in westminster since 1964. now for the 1st time, the famous streets of pio here, all right, by labour control, city of westminster council. london bows. bonnet and wounds with also fell to relate, the party one's worth was taken up to 44 years of conservative rule. but despite the elation of labor's leader, his stomach outside london may the gains were turning out to be modest and was nevertheless in good cheer. this is a massive turning point for the labor party, from the depths of 2019. we're back on track now for the general election showing what the change that we've done, the hard change we've done in the last 2 years. what a difference it is my. but had this been a general election, the results wouldn't have stacked up to make here storm a prime minister. i like go to chorus johnson shows to visit his school in west london. his results were coming in. the maths weren't good for the prime minister. that's right. it's mid term and it's certainly a mixed set of results. and we've had a tough night in some parts of the, of the country. but on the other hand, in other parts of the country, you're still seeing a conservative going forward and, and making quite remarkable gains in places that have it by the conservative are for a long time, or if ever party gave the scandal over cobit rule breaches in downing street, including by johnson himself loom large in his election. but the overall damage to the governing conservative party is less than expected. and for labor out of the blue, something to dampen the celebrations, please have announced they've reopened an investigation into claims that storm are also breached covey regulations, when drinking beer with an office, with a group of colleagues. in essence, the message from london voters doesn't reflect the mood all over the country. however, the conservative party will have to work hard to try to quell mid term descent. so these results aren't really a disaster, but at the very least, they serve as a big warning. and the main target has been boris johnson for his wrong doings and his style of leadership. many londoners have given the negative burden to the conservative party, and that's going to resonate in the corridors of power here under simmons, which is a london dothan. this is a political commentator and deputy director of the think tank british influence. he joined us on scott from london. thank you for your time. joining us here on the news out, what's your take then on the conservative losses given as a report was just explaining everything facing bars, johnson. i didn't come to see done a lot less than we thought they'd done a few hours ago. they've made they've had big losses in the south of england in london in scotland. dave, me down to the 3rd party, behind labor and in wales they lost the only council they controls. so this is a big vote against a concert across the country and not sorry, l. the boys thompson. why is that? we've talked about party gay, but what's your take on, on? why those losses have been so so big talk to get you some see a big issue that has made me credit, the angry, the last few months for his johnson is directly with that. but it's also the cost of living crisis, which is plunging. richest people into poverty right now. and the government just doesn't have any ideas to combine it. and as has been to complacency in the government. and this is obviously going into the core people more effective people across the country. everyone is facing much steeper energy bills for example. and that i think is going to be on the line who is, is the highest ages decision to punish the concept. it was your take then, on labor's gains, had it made the gains that it should have given the conservative losses. i think that labor's done very well. not just a 3 titanic council gains in london, although they ha, but she lost the counsel as it comes out to as well as they just illustrate the fact that at local elections often quite difficult at the life in context of the national picture. but labor is doing what it need to do is making big gains in the south. in conserves. there is that the concept is upheld for a number of years is also making gains in some of the so called red wool areas is gangs and counselled in the north of england. but also it kept a baseline from 2018 which the last time the seats were contested. and at that time labor actually held on c seats. so that was before the 2019 general election, when conservative took those seats. and so it could suggest that labor is actually on trot to take some of those seats, but at the next general election, in addition to making gains in london on the south of england on his scotland and wales, the labor could be on track when the next election, let's talk about that because some of projected that if general election was held today going off these numbers, that bar johnson wouldn't survive on local elections and appropriate measure and appropriate projection for, for general elections. well, they are and they are because obviously they're not likely to play that in the nature of what's happening. the concept is, for example, in lots of country, broad themselves label consented to distance themselves on the national policy. but on the other hand, the only measure that we have the food, the next election. and so there are obviously important engaging at the strength of feeling against the government, the protest states, and the feeling about the national leaders. and in that sense is clear, the boys, johnson is the lead liability. and people growing comfortable with the idea of lay the government in power. right, jonathan lives there. thank you. frank sherlock as president, has declared a state of emergency for a 2nd time in 5 weeks as his government faces escalating protests. millions of people stayed away from work on friday as ag amounts against the worst economic crisis in 70 years. now fernandez reports from columbus. police were among the few state employees working in sri lanka on friday. these water cannon anti a guest to disperse hundreds of protesters, gathered at barricades ceiling off the entrance to parliament. inside the building and she java developer opposition representatives marched into the speaker's office, asking him to order the police to stop that operation. they also demanded he set a date for a no confidence motion. they're putting forward against the government. the government is under increasing pressure to resign, facing a 2nd nationwide strike in 8 days, hospitals, railways, postal services, schools and ports were disrupted strictly with government. and lord, i bet i'd like to so responsible for these failures the free lunch i therefore, we don't believe they can be well up this country her after. therefore, we asking mill, gone one mill, mill leadership, a new system for sri lanka. that's why all the people i get together for one umbrella, demonstrations and marches like this, have been a common site in the capital, colombo and around the country. in shallow on the northwestern coast, fishermen also took part in the protests. however, they said it would be what we have more than $15000.00 fishing families in this area. we're all helpless. so we'll protest today tomorrow, and in the future it, i did hear that the government has admitted its foreign reserves, have fallen to just $50000000.00 us dollars, leaving it unable to buy essential food medicine and fuel. queues have stretched the kilometers around most petrol stations in recent days. after months of insisting it has things under control, the government is now approach the international monetary fund for a bailout. and president got our be roger potter has replaced his cabinet as cause increased for him to step down. his new media minister told al jazeera roger boxes making an effort and should be supported to bring stability. he got rid of some good, good popular, and people who in becoming some of a some of his own family members of 5 of them out now. so we decided to coaching. does he attorney is making an effort a so i think um, we are trying to help him. he has given us a challenge. we are trying to face that challenge and find solution to people, go to heaven says that new team should be given 6 months to a year and a half before elections are held to decide a way forward trade union save the last work stoppage of this scale was 69 years ago, but our warning they will launch an indefinite strike. if the government does not, he demands for it to resign. men of fernandez, ojo 0 colombo police in israel are searching for 2 men, suspected of a stabbing attack in the central city of allots the release pictures of the pair. 3 people were killed and several others were injured and thursday's attack. and the son of a former philippine leader who was ousted in a revolution is the favorite to become the next president finance marcawest junior . he is riding a wave of popular support despite allegations of mass killings. under his late father's rule, florence lloyd reports from manila. these are replicas of some of the jewelry belonging to imelda marcos, part of a stash. she tried to smuggle out of the philippines after her husband, president ferdinand marcus was ousted in a people's uprising in 1986. the artist, p. o, a bud was partly inspired by his parents who were anti marco's activists. the marcus, his vast collection of valuable paintings, are also on display, reproduced on post cards. visitors, i encouraged to take some home away to reclaim what the artist says belongs to filipinos. it helps us to remember what the marcia long period was about and how the marcus's use art and culture. oh, how they acquired an ostentatious own collection of objects that supported their idea of what their life should be. the manila film center is seen as another testament to marco's excess, just 2 months before its grand opening, in 1982, there was an accident at the construction site, emergency workers were barred from entering the area for 9 hours, and then marco's administration ordered a media blackout it's estimated at least a $160.00 workers were killed, buried in concrete if the law. well, what our lease is an example of how the michael's family do not care for people's lives, especially the workers. one of the most horrible things is they did that even spare time to retrieve the bodies, they just ordered construction to cook. despite the tainted legacy ferdinand marco's junior, is the front runner to follow in his father's footsteps. the kind of politics that we have, it's not much of a system to begin with. it's just, you know, a choice between different political families and person, other beasts. so while mark was, may be an elite himself, he's not seen to belong to the same group of elite that has ruled the philippines in the past 30 years. other analysts say, junior's rise can mostly be attributed to a disinformation campaign which aims to recast the rule of marco senior as a golden age for filipinos. if mark was junior, succeeds, it would give him wide paws over government agencies tossed to recover as much as $10000000000.00 stolen by his father. during his 20 year rule, florence louis al jazeera manila movement has been restricted in china's capital for the 3rd day. as it tries to contain the spread of coven 19 subway stations and bus routes of shot donica sponsor waging thousands of people with queuing protests each day. the city of $22000000.00 is trying to avoid a shanghai style locked down, which is often more than a month. we got to get. the situation is still grim and complex. we must, unswerving lives here to the general policy of dynamic case clearing. we must not be careless, must not take any chances or relax our efforts, my speed up the disposal of local concentrated outbreaks and make sure that all necessary tests are conducted. all infected or isolated. all patients are hospitalized and all necessary treatments are available. a record heat wave in india has increased demand for electricity and lead to power cuts across is, is highlighting as dependents on coal impulse as power stations face. there were shortages in 6 years. elizabeth brawner reports from new delhi mahash command was supposed to start preparing his fields for planting rice 3 weeks ago. but this is the 1st day that the water supply has come. after weeks of power cuts resulting in a lack of water, mahash doesn't know how long to day supply will last. damn go kit plan i. we bought a buyer, but we have to tell the field ad manure use the tractor. and for all this, we need regular war to supply from the time it's song to it's hobbies. if there is irregular supply, either the quality of rice will deteriorate on all the blonde will die. the former will suffer if any of this happens bonnie malott, homes and businesses have also been suffering power cuts for weeks. this hospital and also for the issue has been without. alack, tricity for at least 6 hours a day for some staff to use diesel generators. when the price of the fuel is that a record high also, but it's only going to be a little bit longer than that of the lab and we are spending more than $150.00 every day on diesel. we're not passing the burden on to the patients right now, but a fees power outages continue will be forced to increase patient fees. among the carts are due to a severe shortage of coal at power stations. experts blame the huge demand for electricity during a heat wave coupled with bottlenecks and transportation and sky rocketing prices of imported coal with climate change exacerbating heat waves environmentalist say the onset a meet rising electricity needs isn't to open more coal mines as india's doing because that will increase greenhouse gases that trap more heat. 70 percent of india's electricity comes from coal fired power stations. analysts say the latest crisis is a reminder to invest more and gr energy. when i say renewable energy, the whole ecosystem needs to be dev, loud because renewable energy is intimate, then sort of follow again, the rely on imported are more duluth and sales for unit building ops, solar capacity, or wind capacity in there. so we need to barely across the value chain. the international atomic energy agency says demand for electricity and india is expected to increase more than anywhere else in the world over the next 20 years. as the country develops, as mahash uses the scale water to clean himself and cool off, he says his livelihood depends on the supply. continuing to flow, elizabeth brought him al jazeera new delhi. so head on al jazeera met magic count, the new york side pulled off the biggest comeback and 25 years. sonnet has the source. ah ah ah ah ah ah, a ton of his more her son, a thank you very much. kim or this is asian games have been postponed while host a china battle the ongoing outbreak of coven 19 the games were going to happen in september near shanaiah as city on the strict look down. while local organizers said that they were ready to host thousands of athletes and an imput council of asia decide that it was best to delay it. i'll corresponded katrina, you is in beijing and sent us this report. the asian games were scheduled to be held in the southern city of hong jo in september. now this is a major international sporting event. second only in size to the summer olympics organizes here in china. we're thinking about 11000 athletes representing 44 different states. and territories, but they announced on friday that this event would be postponed indefinitely. due to the current situation here in china now hung joe, the horse city is only a few 100 kilometers away from shanghai, china's commercial center which has been locked down for about a month. now. it's currently the empty center of tried his worst outbreak that it seen since the beginning of the pandemic. they're in dozens of cities across the country affected. currently i have you restrictions as china tries to get this outbreak under control of following it's 0 tolerance corvette policy. now the asian games is not the only international sporting event to be cancelled in china this year. just yesterday, organizers of the world university games which are usually held every 2 years, announced that that event would also be postponed and that was planned for june and july in the chinese city of chung do. it's been postponed now for it's 2nd time. one has been another landmark moment for the rising salve, men's tennis, carlos, al qaeda, has beaten his idol. the king of k, a. y fell in a dull for the 1st time. and cat who's only just turned 19, made the foss thought to their call, to finalize the madrid masses to take the 1st set 62. then came a scare as he twisted ankle, which required treatment, an adult one that the 2nd set. but as far as that was covered in the deciding, sat and found another gear as he went on to win at $63.00, his hero as young tennis planned. finally beating him, proved an emotional moment. i've kind of has already won 3 titles the season including the miami masters well, he'll now face that know about the joke of it for a place in the final, the wall. number one, dispatch, poland, who best orchestra and straight set for the much loss with less than an hour and a half. oh, the 1st a cycling. a grand tours. i got on the way on friday with that. matthew van der paul winning the opening stage of the gera d'italia, the 1st 3 days of this year's race are taking place and hungry, and there was a dramatic finish as a talib in. crushed out. just with the lion in sight, vanderpool would hold off. benny i am jeremy, to take the stage when the dutchman becomes the 1st to ride the to where the race leaders, pink jersey. but he might need a little more practice when it comes to celebrating with the champagne or the 1st ever miami formula. one complete weekend is on the way with 1st practice taking place right now. the dr. is know the pressure is on to make a good impression. new with around a quarter of a 1000000 fans expected over the 3 days with as such, a warm welcome here. so just been happy to, to be out here and, and her. yeah. been out in the water. great training and the other, the ambiance in it, in the, in the town is incredible. i just the city manager pep. guardiola believes his place that will be stronger after there, dramatic champions, league semi final exit to real madrid. he accepts that with all the money that's been spent at the club. it will be a failure if they don't eventually when the trophy i know that people outside of here, the man just temper the champion, chamblee chamblee. and when we are not, you know, we know it. now we had only clog in the wall that in the life den and future 20 years just spend money. so even with that is difficult to win it. so not here been, but dad would we leave in madrid? it would help us as a club, as a team, as in the future, the people nowadays will realize it. but i tell you, is a good for us. the worse isn't, don't leave it been the so far, watching it to major league baseball now. and there was plenty of late drama in the game between the new york mets and the philadelphia phillies the mets. waiting until the 9th inning it to turn around the 7 run deficit to secure their biggest come back in 25 years. when i guess what i said, no more in the nfl plans in new york ranges that have come back to tie there series with the pittsburgh penguins that plays at hom, martini partner in and frank. but ronald helped the ranges to a comfortable 5 to win game fees on saturday, back in pittsburgh, and the goal to end up with the dallas stars at j coating. it was the real style of the show with 20 and i saved it in less single shot from the calgary flames. that though, through while the 2 nell went for dallas level, that series at a game, each in golf on the masters champion, sergio garcia, hinted that he is quitting the pga tour during the wells fargo championship. at the spaniards shouted at the rules. officials saying he couldn't wait to leave in a just a couple of weeks. garcia has asked to be released at for the 1st event of the new live golf series that is backed by saudi arabia. a fresh from being named as a new england cricket captain. ben stokes has smashed a record century for his accounting team. durham why he started this over on 70, but hit the 56 is the in the role and then afford to bring up his 100. it was the fastest ever 1st class entry for them in just $64.00 bowls to well stokes finished with $161.00, including $70.00 and $6.00 is which is the most ever and in innings in english, cricket. that's it for me. can i focus on it? and that's also it for me for this news, at least mom, nancy will be here with you from london in just a moment with more of today's news. i'll see you next time. bye bye. ah ah. and a how and why did it become so obsessed with this law, we were giving them a tool to hold corrupt individuals and human rights abusers accountable. very good . i read this feel apart. if they take the white house of 2025. what is the world hearing what we're talking about by american today we take on us politics and society. that's the bottom line. from the ruins of mosul, music as reemerged. these are some of 40 musicians who make up the weather orchestra in iraq, 2nd largest city, despite being bound been mostly, was occupied by i so the melody survived. 3rd, been christian curd, arab so need and she has these young men and women represent the diversity of iraq to be able to hear music. i mean the ruins of muscles all city feel strange, but it brings home. the resilience are presidents who say that despite the destruction and lack of help, they remain committed to bringing the city back to life. mainstream coverage of big stories can sometimes deliver more heat than lights. in any water scenario, there's always a push to simplify narratives. nuance is always called for, even in the case of an aggressive war, the listening pe, delve into the news, narrative and dissect them. there's not our great deal of subtlety. we're talking about the barbarism that is unfolding as though we somehow unique. it's not unique covering the way the news is covered on al jazeera, revealing eco friendly solutions to come back. threats to our planet on al jazeera ah, the you and races to rescue more civilians trapped on the under the adult resort style still works with fear that vladimir putin wants to finish the battle from mario pole by russia's victory day on monday. this as residents, li ukraine, southern hearse on region by any means possible to escape the thrice of russian annexation ah, hello, and mary m. as in london, you with al jazeera, also coming.

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