Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Senegals Pink Lake 2

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Senegals Pink Lake 20240708

a stroke because there is more than 100 civilians which are suffering for more than 40 date of this should monitor in crisis. and this in this message, city and they have no water, no food, no kid knowledge, visit him. and they ask all of our partners to support and how to stop this when you buy in the store for my muscles. other has more from keith the officers of their seeing that the fight is still continuing. indecision however, they also said that the forces, the cleaning troops are blocked from all directions and they are running out of the out of the ammunition. so here with the police that russia asked the soldiers to surrender is a giant steel work actually did the largest steel company steam factory in, in europe. it's covered in almost an area of 11 square kilometers with money you pool is quite important for both parties. for both ukraine and russia for ukraine, it is a symbol of resistance almost since the early days of the war. ukrainian troops, including other regiments, ukrainian, marine, and national guard brigades, motorized v gave were fighting against the russian forces there. and it has been a symbol of the resistance. but for russia, it is quite important because the expertise said that here say that russia wants to connect to don't both region with the crimea. and if they can take full control over the city of multiple, then they will be achieving to build a land bridge to connect these 2 areas. now the latest attacks in ukraine, the 2nd largest city of car cave of killed at least 5 people. and they says more than a dozen others were injured. after multiple rockets hit the center of the city. on sunday, the mass says as a safe places for people to shelter. and these 20 palestinian worshippers have been forcibly dispersed from the most compound israeli forces. se responded to palestinian setting barricades to prevent jewish groups from entering. miles military genta has really $1600.00 prisoners at an amnesty for the british new year . but political detainees weren't among those freed from jail in the capital. commercial capital young gone. thousands of protesters have been arrested and detained since each into seized power. around 15000000 people have died worldwide due to the cove at 900 pandemic 99000000 more than previously thought. not according to yet to be released. world health organization study reported in the new york times. the death tolls in south africa, devastating floods has risen to $443.00 logs reported to be struggling to process the dead after the heaviest rains in 60 years. about 40000 people have lost the home. many of us are without running water or electricity. plans by far right group and sweden to publicly been copies of the koran has led to 3 days of violent protests in east a new coughing, police, fire warning shots that will also incidence in stock comb, lynn coping, melma river. hundreds of lincoln's have started a 3 day march to the capital colombo to denounce the government handling of the ongoing economic crisis suitable to the opposition national people's party prize. the fuel, food medicine, soaring and electricity blackouts, or common. those were the headlines will use in half, nor do stay with us. the news ah ah ah ah ah. ah, bmw ah ah. ah lexus to lose to cool down as you that i got the app on 15, i'm at the back out of the prison. tamala, luck fit. thank a gillum at gary until it by the v p. the be like oh, my my my ablaze oh, i never knew about it a map. i've been this album accent. i feel i'm, it isn't funny. no, he knew and i fully gave you a little put new newly put them i'm, i'm been this, i'm going to get a moment. gilbert newman at that one. nick with one when we get in the most operating when it comes to getting it there. when you have a fundamental will call me that they might deny that my limbs. i mean my little go man could do again. the number 5 die, allison raggedy. so mad, if i got you in top of the policy i neg, by newson, i'm going to possible you sending, i'm going and send it. i mean, when freedom of when you're, i'm think your customer's gonna want to monitor, present on my own with my lack of knowledge. you'll dicky, you'll see nichols, what in it my cynthia, more like somebody in october, how late you liquor. emily gave each i told her unit by sent by a sent up. i would mathematical medieval read him talk with janet. i mean that's not funny. jumps, maria de la premier pop my vision. um daniel got jennifer boss last keisha dot begin by dog or not. jan. dylan only like rose branch, she been out again. the media brought the fe or leg roche. donna rosco. navina is me de la rosa v, the cl genuinely lisa. lisa, i'm a disco ball and what can i say? she growled bar on production shocked it. the pieces you will about got to learn to just copies. i did medication sheila, she got the idea of watching them on the policy you get to have i knew does unit met warranty power on products on who needed to buy me from it? by the way, you some cry out, want ballpark or not by to go to like when the love with ah, with that i did not put put getting a police a pattern. but if the b column gifts i, well, i didn't get to to look on kilobit operator. what that in the living room. i said i get caught up at 50 gully the look, get the white glove. i have a gig or some lan accept mcculla. we might typically a middle human 910, got a bill of lading put, let me look a little bit of value valuable delegate. that might be good to know and then see. because if someone got a limited number of times on into on them. but it's going to be a poser. now, you cannot perform guidance or not, but i pull up a little while ago. let me get that management report. you didn't you? i said today i'm going to for being a new newer, lucky and our new little different ball game didn't come. i said direct a common enough for your hold on. let me get that leg soon. i think he will best we can get this done. can you don mobile in the vin duncan john hollow point? give me a new lambert. i think that is what i'm going to go for. let him know about 940 when you're not going to get that. i've got what we have been interviews done. can i get done with that? i'm not going to be going to new natal. nobody leave and why now you're going to get new to even in a column sample and there was some yelling come on down. the one only gave me a crew, but i'm blue. forgot about it was the how it got my food. if i got to below the highway one, i didn't want to buy your home, but i found to fix i saying that the pink leg is the most salty lake in the war even because they always used to say that the dead sea must 30 and according to the result of the sand fix. in the pink leg, you have 380 gram liters. salt containing salt that is very different, which is very different from the dead sea, which is 340 graham litter. on the left is on the particular marquee. if i see him all the shows on this apple and i feel the same, i'm in it. when would you exit out in the shop? monkey? still lucky. i think unique. so shiny london long shows me could you point to he to the thick book with a lot to make the changes? there's a lot of hypothesis. it's difficult to believe to one just because even people don't know what make the changes. some people say is, is because of the drought along the route because in the hell region we are in the file here, they have long successive drought. that makes also some such movie whether they make them very dry financial incentive explanation is they also said that there is a kind of reflection of the dunes you see behind visa photo centers. so they make also the color of the pink sands. if it wasn't explained about the bacteria, things it is still there, back to the doctor, the me cool, funny smithy the about giving is i don't feel use them. i'll contact the near finance for the fish on monday. i feel like it was off there in the last year back when i see on the committee problem in the conference. let me just a pass this bug me on for you on just a monday i yesterday and along with susan also, i think i think the winter and summer as where the cars for is very visible. and i think the man explanation is a son. i think the son is playing a very big role in the business, in my opinion, dollars on gonna galloping on the phone and be sent in front. i'm going to do this. oh see, i mean we could do new come when it comes out. kind of chloe or, you know, agree, when do you know, what do i put it on a pitch between what and that was what it was about it and, and i saw on the fly to gog, to loading up why, you know, got you to advise you give, give i want to play, you can play that they've got new jobs. jaguar, why? as i said, scenario well over a little bit. got the venue they're not really. yeah. by the way, a lot to do about that. but getting that by the way, i want to have them before i let america mom, that isn't o'clock design, we're not going to be, but he's young. what personal mom, why, why did they do wandering? mm. mm mm mm mm. he attended and what would be any? okay, so lucas, you don't tell them i like what i'm quoting up on one level again. i liked it. would it like the button that they were like, but it let me begin to cute annoying but they might, they might go to like daddy's home without them come pick them up. but it will be like in an effort to get a who put it in, you did it for me, the letter hopefully it will have to come look, hold on, go ahead and when not with the bed, i didn't want to call him and let people make people call them on the medical id. i thought i didn't ah mm. about better a day. yeah, that would equal not project so long but all. yeah. you do see i see all the crazy ibex are several not just a lot but i've got little i was he said i meant that best. i love leanne. i'm not going to bend a day. but on your citi guy i've been to new york. luna said as a john executive about dr. me now develop, you know, well about jeff. i said due to up to up. are you going to measure proof a duplicate if you would like them on my schedule? because it didn't new on grandparent shit up by the 1st day. i mean i won't come on saturdays ah a month in the local interview leaving. hello litigate. always good to me and you get a credit that them i don't they look it up. i'm gonna put them on a call a hold me up, but the order for a 50 for i'm water bill if i buy a box and put that on there. privy boom. like midday i'm please get by the shell. damica. talk to me again. james, i've been a month. yeah, we're going to share, but guess i said was that they possibly available? yeah. lapreet in 5th grade in the shell. she's up new book and getting up by the shuttle. that's going to like, i don't believe she did. i get up with you about it. yeah. by the way, but i did it presentation at the moment. a 100 that will open up the luck. june 20 glass in the it is your down go. our body said, ah, like we are pretty concerned, including them in any like the mom. i'll 100 i've been, i exact, you can please num the i'm definitely 20 jeffrey jeffrey. yeah. well, law it, we what, what, what gayety analogy come on? i'm on min down with little minor league. what is it going to come monday and wanted to get some kind of yep. do you want to you want to michel, my son. i want to michael as a d. i went to what did you taught? it just you month to my be it like a get up in a letter because like with our buddy not look lot ah, with the fact i knew he did a but what some of the other like we are hard enough him on a lead me up with a one of what you want a part of money not, not, not to pull out to get anyone. what did what i really when you started here late, you know mean bottom well, if they knew that you didn't like, we'll do good with it. but it would good was i denied them now to go, well, we would have to do with the guy i a i think it and i'm do i wouldn't i did it. i did. it did minnow after the light of oh oh somebody movement. why with joe did a good more women when they don't go? no more tiguan? do you want to work with a group ah ah, with ah, a with a domain that had been met then again, i gave you a new one. ah ah, a value of his new suit, tiguan on the minimum i got even yeah, i put in my content whenever what were you using the app? i didn't come in and out of what he did. i didn't know what operating on what i've been contacting. i think there was a demand on the site, not putting up with putting you. ah ah, see if i'm up, you know, shit, andre. not always. you want to fat sound plant to mean that that i mean go very globe. good new. want to lou, but as you do, you get to think busing suck voyage. got the right to shore the best thing bouncing back in sac west to divide drive. well, if i guess while they're getting badging you for, do you don't need you for all you don't think think leslie stuck was is on the bottom one good thing. what a guy easy one go a lot. when you get off the bus $130000.00 a year as you go around or looked vendor part about the ended up out of, of daddy like well. so when you're really liking about a daddy daddy daddy best friend that way, i made it about a got out a font with a fis on about, about about one of them with a somebody with i was really on the progress i'm by with a get enough while but your land off, i'm going to, i'm going it that you don't to relate or because i think they are gonna open up a callback when i get back in february already the board of a new i don't wanna, i'm a i'm a vent on the low blood lab of the available didn't really i didn't hear about it there for a well say we're going to have a song for over my little ah, china and the u. s. sleep walking their way to war in the struggle over ukraine. here is the test for president joe biden, with really trying to do is rewrite the security architecture in europe. it's your personal united states. if you're, if you go to walking through gum at the same time, you're weekly, pay on us politics and society. that's the bottom line to revisit, drying out. grazing land is shrinking in some roots long used by wildlife migration have been blocked by human settlements. to deal with all these kenya needs more money for conservation. and with the koran of ours, pandemic keeping made it easy to await revenue for towards him. is it not here at the outset national park? i knew all ceremony has been launched the whole creation than individuals pay $5000.00 to name elephant. the aim this year is to raise $1000000.00, much of it for conservation initiatives. in 20 a journalist, lead 40 days of civic action against the armenian government, and president, soc, is younger group home power. i'm going to live with this where a new documentary follows his non violent campaign to bring down the corrupt regime, astonishing outcomes with a dual credit, and i am not alone on munious velvet revolution on al jazeera lou. don't you all just bear with me, sir. robin doha, reminder of our top new stories ukrainian soldiers and maria paul has ignored a russian deadline to surrender. moscow says its forces volva is taking control of the besieged city. what would be its biggest prize of the navy? tube wall. my report has been described as a red line in the path of peace negotiations. city steel is not fallen very still. our military forces our soldiers, so they will fight till then and ask for now a deal in money will. but there is huge money about a stroke because there is more than 100 civilians which are suffering for more than 40 date of this. she monitor in crisis and this in this message city. and they have no water, no food, no heat knowledge residue. and they ask all of our partners to support and how to stop by and cut the snow for the latest attacks and ukraine. second largest city car cave of killed at least 5 people with more than a dozen. others were injured to multiple rockets hit the center of the city on sunday. the man says there's no safe place for people to shelter. at least 20 palestinian worshipers have been forcibly dispersed from the most compound israeli forces. they responded to palestinian setting a barricade to prevent jewish groups from entering. mammals village agenda has released $1600.00 prisoners and an amnesty for the but it's new year. but political detainees weren't among those free from jail in the commercial capital in gold, thousands of protest as of the rest of them detained. since i seized power around 15000000 people have died worldwide. g to covert 19 pandemic. 9000000 more than previously thought. according to a yet to be released, world health organization study reported in the new york times. the death toll from south africa is devastating. floods has risen to $443.00 morgues are reported to be struggling to process the dead after the heaviest rains in 60 years. about 40000 people of lost their homes. those were the had lots of be back with more news and half now out there, a world was next to stay with us. the health of humanity is at stake. a global pandemic requires a global response. w h o is the guardian of global health delivering life saving tools, supplies, and training to help the world's most vulnerable people, uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of vaccine keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground. in the ward and in the lab. now, more than ever, the world needs w h l. making a healthier world for you. for everyone. ah, are you getting up by the good you'd be keeping up with them to call them you? don't mind helping them, only like it and move it, wouldn't it without my my wife said, man from what am i doing with it? madame upper model, him a funny my only mother my the momentum nuggets am and when would you have been been vehicles i've been got we'll get we'll get what i'm doing, but you're a parliament delegate, dirty minded to one united way. vanity did want to delete and not gonna play war lapointe from my google been a part of my to my political opinion, the fact being failing entirely, doha absolutely. ringback ringback ready ready ready ready ah, when you get bunny gabriel. god busing! be available. you don't like you don't throw in a face man. oh god. but don't forget on my and my mom yet the middle you know, mahatma go to go to mam. gillmet to mitigate him mostly. yeah, i'm complex, i'm at, i'm not listening to settle my dad with him. dewberry in magenta, and with j. w. s. will had a leg up in babylon, godaddy for my mother, and my telephone number from you might give me the wrong number. no, not a chemical, a different sub what. what when will i guess to get in? so i'm anyone to maggie. why? medical pro contact mom. legacy. who met on the market? people, dentist. they won't call me for a party. of course it would be to doctors who bought a new dilemma, a wood in the league, monday my dog. getting a quote on it. so i followed layla. m a monkey dip there. my de my dog. getting a column j. the puzzle. lean diary nuclear in december to clean up a cart and nickelodeon junior, could you add, could he did it? could you out of my live in equity with daniel we did sanklo and you mom, dad, didn't you citizen, but when you monkey depak delaney i. i put a deposit. ahh . mm. in but it won't get shot. no, on the on the video for alyssa to jim janik promotion, he's a t v c i. d b mobile device won't do this option. she bought it a lot to do about the gym. disc summed up all the other country vendors aren't due due to drug debate. therefore, the man i wanted to pay it was his. yup. i decided it was. he gave up on and went to the bay one this year. this upcoming coming out of school during the cut is that there's also the bales only miss. yeah. but is that yeah, but it's not really badly social judy, won't the restaurant. who can you ever decide to lose it, but also gonna be a comment on any promotion i can do. one is in love with chris allen. that route. won't that get other feel gillian? give y'all come news media relatively be along the best. not. not that anyone got you versus yell humor a get by them when they, when no one that doesn't do great up us on monday through monday i missed it. yeah . but as i get up a little busy was yeah. did you with a pretty simple idea, can you you needed to get with somebody getting to the that going to these day? i bad about, i mean you must article can include book a book the book, but can now be the benny. what do i became that before the heart of yep. when you get data like people are like ah no, no, nope. in little bit more can bomb the lee with some of the so i said some i've been, i got all african media. we are going, i'm going to be in harlem, william lucas. ha, ha, ha, no, no, don't fake. well, you say you're welcome. you take me to the minute what it might, it might feel like what i said, the a belief nicholas may's, what they feel like madame is on battle. believe them about what we told you do. would you bad of me. don't know if you feel, you know, regular neck ability. ah, let me keep our song when you look on your list actually. and where am i supported was export on sunday. the need to to refill a lot of this. any money on, i mean i'm looking at it additional, competing to thinking about the dis, mom, give me a shot. if you really want to get to the people who are still in the little continents fell out on grass predator the cell donna was any further down as under kohler. hello. don't see anybody level. don't look for that. that's up to feel like the entered on to be want to fix it easier than you said. it's only would be the let me on. i'm on. i feel like and as you have agreed to see the subject to do community deceptive, i get to watch it. like on the show, on elephant under for me to the issue is also renew was look, that's what i think the last name actually gave you some people off part of formed on the google possible part. but you could only imagine and only chance are going to be putting down the farm down and down to get his actual they'll be committed. additional information they'll about. well, if that, if i can lot of the camilla for about a little bit on tomorrow i i dust on me to dip and then he doesn't want to be nationally. do you see this? and that is and i got a d. c, is it? if i go to the delivery area, i will, she did it on a company or money beginning in it to you. i can probably even start to pull it out, but i wonder, but she started on priming for people to see what they much love for. let me hold on the limited social service for you need and i don't know why and what am i you say that if you've got your own day more or less, are the media come up with a post to the found a list of things that been cautious you'd only of us who my dear is. it says policy level nissan list, the nasa the and i'm not done with them on the last of the day with the music taking my day. they do most of the piece, if that it's been about to be near me, haul from a high level again will be what will be done with them a highly you know, how much it up. i did different equal to a 100 or less was they watch what is current gus on to mute on far off if it current on you don't put on somebody sitting on on so much of that particular thing that was the last days into school is let's say live was really and it's a little party export association they're going to do with like, what do you live in picking up or is in the ah, one of the subject of interest for me will be the sold. he sold in the south region and even in europe because they even told me that the salt is used for ice in france. oh, in belgium, you know, in the, in the winter. so i would like to know these kind of big trade insur quit going from the pink lake to, to europe. not arbitrary price parsing that will work. export thing to property should ask allowable power to produce sean accountability, junky food. when you put people, no problem, you don't call on me as soon as we have made a visual shaded through a dim where there was a 1000000 export dental to property shall, lyle, salvage, permit. good news you do not was so on his should allow for, after this gesture they partner security source hostage will because didn't challenge political, did a or cedric will with expedia. it was the guy out to the premier for the pick up to the not the same he got when it is you maybe live, you do lawyer alopecia it back. this is the of the month at the table enough. it meant to myself, muslims are unpaid. no croissant one big can be sanky them out. abandon assistant illuminati, biggest cindy lack cause of fund that you sent mendosa men took while while so last sapa, nisha, unquote, devout, it would be not for sure. was getting nobela mer albano. like whoa, whoa, at dealer i looked alma not tell much equity began dear eyebrow. could it be like a separate den? dea looked alma, the la miller sill of on the leg boys meant to now, but pretty a little about pacifically. lou, i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper listen, lavonda about making this l. o. me the croissant lid there. yeah, up there. hold off on this is on the list, but by those you will pay twice them through or david's operating. well, let me like maybe sell black. well, i've been to force issue or fake website. oh ah bomb wasn't and stuff if you do. kensal kusha filled it up. luna sabra way, little mucous, you own police. osh didn't it was to click on the phone and just take a seat, bob, board mean that they don't go to be lawful. as you see, i'm trying to decode union one, i shouldn't say ah, just was really did. if they found blah, just unplug the law, still not been fully pharma. let's go watch outdoor with them. give a de la made commentary. pilot, my boy is a big jewish decision they pump. does a funky bottle left bottles? the why, if i can say loud cute fusion life, i'm to peter limine assailant. pub, i do poorly a farm out. don't the super. so luck was your last on not bent the war. good. one. well flu shots, soft go live, come up again. you saw it's one play mark, play fighting. it was super. so like was your faith whose real name? but pleasure. if they'd be large, the bishop group a day left was from new clues to india. i stayed clean deductibles, a faithful, gotten killed for sure. so well, i've been here 11 years old or you can shoot the lash off on the clock. she knows i'm disemboweled shows, fur. love school shoes. if she i'm playing to fill up with the sub route asia fake on away south. sassy luck was a way deli yolo luck one up lumpy lives up will fix the love honestly. did you wait so was a village and gone fella separation to lucky de la salvas available. marcella said, will where said back allah! a la city funky, desolate bon scott was you want to have ac deseeno? ganja fini met double me or brought you luck, basket to lucy and sally them both bottled on the left glass guide. added torres, you sat at uncle bottled medical was a v. they do this or body let t t violet rector marcial a see to negotiate. expose a double box there for isiah galvan aqua. yeah. and i kimberly dublin disabled. so to lazy danielle is espanol in them get it upload a sub with soon 12 i played youth. wow, that's good lou john, even a shit publican is a little history. easier, shit, more not up. little book may see up. i don't always want boulevard. probably a year, blah pascall c c c c c, the luckily apollo ella and you know, some quin your fall so you said you wanted them have them do eva on that he go don't know some but t ponder and no comping cavil nothing to the wester portal via it on de la loses deli hipa opa kidney. dear news, some don't base you. her said to our requisition together, because page i don't go result. i all take off why his own doctors are st. luke's young bay. he knew and don't did. he did his own daughter, but isn't he just due to a new home? thank you. all the feedback so you're good to me. i don't know. i thought she never has gone. i don't for, you know, la la, la la valley, but you to get you more sequence that on the one on 3, on the last one needed to know if i that i'm isn't it evidence knowledgeable? i'll stop that play. what part of this respect is part? i mean, i have and they said in the beginning of, of the 20th centuries, the lake has a kind of 8 lament square big then in the mid 19 seventies that we're talking about $3.00 limit of square from that's. i haven't seen any single data that explained this, but if i can judge from my eyes, we can say now around the 3 uh, 2.5. for example, if you look what i see and then if i shift me the cottages off a lot on the i got the port out with somebody in the party. i'm calling you to see what i need to be cleaning up. can i please? thank you. thank you very much. i don't know if i'm out when the road is under a let me unplug complete, is going to be updated on the left us and also look, we did a serial article to you said it was easy, invasive to like the model of the screen as opposed to observe a different little book, good. you see me do like structural abusive permit. that was on the not clear they are 3017 if i wanted to just post program a graph. i mean, i'm glad you completed just on i p somebody they get to play metal. i call them all risk. going to feel connected, easier. part need to do q and d. c. a. lesson graham project. see this, you know, will you call us in the 60 league need to know if he can only do 440 or not. if it is again or not, by the way on a level is a 3 day, was that it will only lucky when he literally, since the middle even is that there is actually on the expression on the actual battle on inter philip, i meant that it isn't it is just on the act on be while it was really when i was going to not lead to possibly one for every day. and i want to do live by the leg that leg quite passed, nipple to learn about a month when i signed them up to use it if it, but it ah, as you know, unesco, they have different diable penitents. they have something they called the tentative list of heritage, the tentative men that particularly they want to put it in the units or list or to be a heritage for you want to. so that's mean they start the process, but that in the process, and this is stop in 2005. but i guess i haven't heard any news from that, but i guess they are still in the process because it's take a while for unit school. do they need to export the reasons, the motivations why they want to do so? and i think only the environmental issue is a, he's a big deal. you know, is a big issue too because of the leg and to make it go ahead. it's kept in mind when we did is your mom funded a new or pre very these are not when i walk, you need to know what i would need is there for the present in my family because the key mark or seem very important. why? oh, committee here knock on me to see on fishing trips that followed you just a little committee and i need to give in am i looking to apply entity later on today or tomorrow? is supposed to be a little bit easier for pick and upon the concrete partition quite it is. do you like it? you know, dip on the director money committee said on send us a direct on to give my office glenview and like, i think the government should do more of the lake is not just enough to put a lake in a tunnel to list of heritage or preservation like unesco, i think more action is needed in terms of preserving the nature like if it, if it, if it would be me like somebody having what are is in the government. i will put like a museum here for the nature for the salt or just kind of think that would be very interesting for them. and then a kind of team that will help the commission because of the lake the ah ah, in the thought i lands oh my mesopotamia, when the 1st settlements formed the cradle of civilization, iraqi people who depended on the tigris and euphrates for centuries can no longer make a living on rivers blighted by war and pollution. out of their world reveals how the man may decline and one of history's most famed ancient environments and leaving its peoples struggling to survive. iraq's dying rivers. ah. hello there from north america. as one weather system pushes its way east. we've got another one coming in behind it. much of the weather action however, is going to be in the southeast corner of the u. s. in the days to come. but if we do take a closer look to the north west pacific, where you can see the next winter storm is ready to roll and bringing snow and rain to places like british columbia, edging down into washington and oregon as well. and even touching into northern areas of california says and welcome rain coming here. it is gonna remain raw the hot and dry for the south of this the desert southwest seen hot and dry conditions and of course a critical fire risk with that. but if we had to the east coast, this is where the action is. you can see those storms swirling away from the lower mississippi valley. edging into the mid atlantic, we could see some flooding rains here. and of course, a winter. we picture across the great lakes. now ahead of that, when you england, it is fina and dryer. the have a look, what happens is we go into tuesday, that's going to sweep its way further east. taking a lot of the wintery conditions to canada, and we're going to see a cool down for much of the east coast of the us. if we look at the 3 day for new york while it is going to be cool with showers. the sunshine however, will be back in by the time we get to wednesday, that she, whether ah anti fascist anti establishment and pro vanilla. despite the recent official disbanding of its militarized wing, a basque separatist movement is found alive and well on the terraces of a bill, bows stadia a place where political revolution rates share a platform in ideology with violet to football, hooligan. read all debt on al jazeera. ah ukraine vance, to fight to the end, ignoring russia's ultimatum for its troops to surrender. in the besieged city of mario pole. they says multiple rockets hit car keith killing at least 5 people the matter of ukraine. second largest city says there are no safe places to shelter it. ah ha, ha, ha ha robin, you're.

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Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Senegals Pink Lake 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Senegals Pink Lake 20240708

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a stroke because there is more than 100 civilians which are suffering for more than 40 date of this should monitor in crisis. and this in this message, city and they have no water, no food, no kid knowledge, visit him. and they ask all of our partners to support and how to stop this when you buy in the store for my muscles. other has more from keith the officers of their seeing that the fight is still continuing. indecision however, they also said that the forces, the cleaning troops are blocked from all directions and they are running out of the out of the ammunition. so here with the police that russia asked the soldiers to surrender is a giant steel work actually did the largest steel company steam factory in, in europe. it's covered in almost an area of 11 square kilometers with money you pool is quite important for both parties. for both ukraine and russia for ukraine, it is a symbol of resistance almost since the early days of the war. ukrainian troops, including other regiments, ukrainian, marine, and national guard brigades, motorized v gave were fighting against the russian forces there. and it has been a symbol of the resistance. but for russia, it is quite important because the expertise said that here say that russia wants to connect to don't both region with the crimea. and if they can take full control over the city of multiple, then they will be achieving to build a land bridge to connect these 2 areas. now the latest attacks in ukraine, the 2nd largest city of car cave of killed at least 5 people. and they says more than a dozen others were injured. after multiple rockets hit the center of the city. on sunday, the mass says as a safe places for people to shelter. and these 20 palestinian worshippers have been forcibly dispersed from the most compound israeli forces. se responded to palestinian setting barricades to prevent jewish groups from entering. miles military genta has really $1600.00 prisoners at an amnesty for the british new year . but political detainees weren't among those freed from jail in the capital. commercial capital young gone. thousands of protesters have been arrested and detained since each into seized power. around 15000000 people have died worldwide due to the cove at 900 pandemic 99000000 more than previously thought. not according to yet to be released. world health organization study reported in the new york times. the death tolls in south africa, devastating floods has risen to $443.00 logs reported to be struggling to process the dead after the heaviest rains in 60 years. about 40000 people have lost the home. many of us are without running water or electricity. plans by far right group and sweden to publicly been copies of the koran has led to 3 days of violent protests in east a new coughing, police, fire warning shots that will also incidence in stock comb, lynn coping, melma river. hundreds of lincoln's have started a 3 day march to the capital colombo to denounce the government handling of the ongoing economic crisis suitable to the opposition national people's party prize. the fuel, food medicine, soaring and electricity blackouts, or common. those were the headlines will use in half, nor do stay with us. the news ah ah ah ah ah. ah, bmw ah ah. ah lexus to lose to cool down as you that i got the app on 15, i'm at the back out of the prison. tamala, luck fit. thank a gillum at gary until it by the v p. the be like oh, my my my ablaze oh, i never knew about it a map. i've been this album accent. i feel i'm, it isn't funny. no, he knew and i fully gave you a little put new newly put them i'm, i'm been this, i'm going to get a moment. gilbert newman at that one. nick with one when we get in the most operating when it comes to getting it there. when you have a fundamental will call me that they might deny that my limbs. i mean my little go man could do again. the number 5 die, allison raggedy. so mad, if i got you in top of the policy i neg, by newson, i'm going to possible you sending, i'm going and send it. i mean, when freedom of when you're, i'm think your customer's gonna want to monitor, present on my own with my lack of knowledge. you'll dicky, you'll see nichols, what in it my cynthia, more like somebody in october, how late you liquor. emily gave each i told her unit by sent by a sent up. i would mathematical medieval read him talk with janet. i mean that's not funny. jumps, maria de la premier pop my vision. um daniel got jennifer boss last keisha dot begin by dog or not. jan. dylan only like rose branch, she been out again. the media brought the fe or leg roche. donna rosco. navina is me de la rosa v, the cl genuinely lisa. lisa, i'm a disco ball and what can i say? she growled bar on production shocked it. the pieces you will about got to learn to just copies. i did medication sheila, she got the idea of watching them on the policy you get to have i knew does unit met warranty power on products on who needed to buy me from it? by the way, you some cry out, want ballpark or not by to go to like when the love with ah, with that i did not put put getting a police a pattern. but if the b column gifts i, well, i didn't get to to look on kilobit operator. what that in the living room. i said i get caught up at 50 gully the look, get the white glove. i have a gig or some lan accept mcculla. we might typically a middle human 910, got a bill of lading put, let me look a little bit of value valuable delegate. that might be good to know and then see. because if someone got a limited number of times on into on them. but it's going to be a poser. now, you cannot perform guidance or not, but i pull up a little while ago. let me get that management report. you didn't you? i said today i'm going to for being a new newer, lucky and our new little different ball game didn't come. i said direct a common enough for your hold on. let me get that leg soon. i think he will best we can get this done. can you don mobile in the vin duncan john hollow point? give me a new lambert. i think that is what i'm going to go for. let him know about 940 when you're not going to get that. i've got what we have been interviews done. can i get done with that? i'm not going to be going to new natal. nobody leave and why now you're going to get new to even in a column sample and there was some yelling come on down. the one only gave me a crew, but i'm blue. forgot about it was the how it got my food. if i got to below the highway one, i didn't want to buy your home, but i found to fix i saying that the pink leg is the most salty lake in the war even because they always used to say that the dead sea must 30 and according to the result of the sand fix. in the pink leg, you have 380 gram liters. salt containing salt that is very different, which is very different from the dead sea, which is 340 graham litter. on the left is on the particular marquee. if i see him all the shows on this apple and i feel the same, i'm in it. when would you exit out in the shop? monkey? still lucky. i think unique. so shiny london long shows me could you point to he to the thick book with a lot to make the changes? there's a lot of hypothesis. it's difficult to believe to one just because even people don't know what make the changes. some people say is, is because of the drought along the route because in the hell region we are in the file here, they have long successive drought. that makes also some such movie whether they make them very dry financial incentive explanation is they also said that there is a kind of reflection of the dunes you see behind visa photo centers. so they make also the color of the pink sands. if it wasn't explained about the bacteria, things it is still there, back to the doctor, the me cool, funny smithy the about giving is i don't feel use them. i'll contact the near finance for the fish on monday. i feel like it was off there in the last year back when i see on the committee problem in the conference. let me just a pass this bug me on for you on just a monday i yesterday and along with susan also, i think i think the winter and summer as where the cars for is very visible. and i think the man explanation is a son. i think the son is playing a very big role in the business, in my opinion, dollars on gonna galloping on the phone and be sent in front. i'm going to do this. oh see, i mean we could do new come when it comes out. kind of chloe or, you know, agree, when do you know, what do i put it on a pitch between what and that was what it was about it and, and i saw on the fly to gog, to loading up why, you know, got you to advise you give, give i want to play, you can play that they've got new jobs. jaguar, why? as i said, scenario well over a little bit. got the venue they're not really. yeah. by the way, a lot to do about that. but getting that by the way, i want to have them before i let america mom, that isn't o'clock design, we're not going to be, but he's young. what personal mom, why, why did they do wandering? mm. mm mm mm mm. he attended and what would be any? okay, so lucas, you don't tell them i like what i'm quoting up on one level again. i liked it. would it like the button that they were like, but it let me begin to cute annoying but they might, they might go to like daddy's home without them come pick them up. but it will be like in an effort to get a who put it in, you did it for me, the letter hopefully it will have to come look, hold on, go ahead and when not with the bed, i didn't want to call him and let people make people call them on the medical id. i thought i didn't ah mm. about better a day. yeah, that would equal not project so long but all. yeah. you do see i see all the crazy ibex are several not just a lot but i've got little i was he said i meant that best. i love leanne. i'm not going to bend a day. but on your citi guy i've been to new york. luna said as a john executive about dr. me now develop, you know, well about jeff. i said due to up to up. are you going to measure proof a duplicate if you would like them on my schedule? because it didn't new on grandparent shit up by the 1st day. i mean i won't come on saturdays ah a month in the local interview leaving. hello litigate. always good to me and you get a credit that them i don't they look it up. i'm gonna put them on a call a hold me up, but the order for a 50 for i'm water bill if i buy a box and put that on there. privy boom. like midday i'm please get by the shell. damica. talk to me again. james, i've been a month. yeah, we're going to share, but guess i said was that they possibly available? yeah. lapreet in 5th grade in the shell. she's up new book and getting up by the shuttle. that's going to like, i don't believe she did. i get up with you about it. yeah. by the way, but i did it presentation at the moment. a 100 that will open up the luck. june 20 glass in the it is your down go. our body said, ah, like we are pretty concerned, including them in any like the mom. i'll 100 i've been, i exact, you can please num the i'm definitely 20 jeffrey jeffrey. yeah. well, law it, we what, what, what gayety analogy come on? i'm on min down with little minor league. what is it going to come monday and wanted to get some kind of yep. do you want to you want to michel, my son. i want to michael as a d. i went to what did you taught? it just you month to my be it like a get up in a letter because like with our buddy not look lot ah, with the fact i knew he did a but what some of the other like we are hard enough him on a lead me up with a one of what you want a part of money not, not, not to pull out to get anyone. what did what i really when you started here late, you know mean bottom well, if they knew that you didn't like, we'll do good with it. but it would good was i denied them now to go, well, we would have to do with the guy i a i think it and i'm do i wouldn't i did it. i did. it did minnow after the light of oh oh somebody movement. why with joe did a good more women when they don't go? no more tiguan? do you want to work with a group ah ah, with ah, a with a domain that had been met then again, i gave you a new one. ah ah, a value of his new suit, tiguan on the minimum i got even yeah, i put in my content whenever what were you using the app? i didn't come in and out of what he did. i didn't know what operating on what i've been contacting. i think there was a demand on the site, not putting up with putting you. ah ah, see if i'm up, you know, shit, andre. not always. you want to fat sound plant to mean that that i mean go very globe. good new. want to lou, but as you do, you get to think busing suck voyage. got the right to shore the best thing bouncing back in sac west to divide drive. well, if i guess while they're getting badging you for, do you don't need you for all you don't think think leslie stuck was is on the bottom one good thing. what a guy easy one go a lot. when you get off the bus $130000.00 a year as you go around or looked vendor part about the ended up out of, of daddy like well. so when you're really liking about a daddy daddy daddy best friend that way, i made it about a got out a font with a fis on about, about about one of them with a somebody with i was really on the progress i'm by with a get enough while but your land off, i'm going to, i'm going it that you don't to relate or because i think they are gonna open up a callback when i get back in february already the board of a new i don't wanna, i'm a i'm a vent on the low blood lab of the available didn't really i didn't hear about it there for a well say we're going to have a song for over my little ah, china and the u. s. sleep walking their way to war in the struggle over ukraine. here is the test for president joe biden, with really trying to do is rewrite the security architecture in europe. it's your personal united states. if you're, if you go to walking through gum at the same time, you're weekly, pay on us politics and society. that's the bottom line to revisit, drying out. grazing land is shrinking in some roots long used by wildlife migration have been blocked by human settlements. to deal with all these kenya needs more money for conservation. and with the koran of ours, pandemic keeping made it easy to await revenue for towards him. is it not here at the outset national park? i knew all ceremony has been launched the whole creation than individuals pay $5000.00 to name elephant. the aim this year is to raise $1000000.00, much of it for conservation initiatives. in 20 a journalist, lead 40 days of civic action against the armenian government, and president, soc, is younger group home power. i'm going to live with this where a new documentary follows his non violent campaign to bring down the corrupt regime, astonishing outcomes with a dual credit, and i am not alone on munious velvet revolution on al jazeera lou. don't you all just bear with me, sir. robin doha, reminder of our top new stories ukrainian soldiers and maria paul has ignored a russian deadline to surrender. moscow says its forces volva is taking control of the besieged city. what would be its biggest prize of the navy? tube wall. my report has been described as a red line in the path of peace negotiations. city steel is not fallen very still. our military forces our soldiers, so they will fight till then and ask for now a deal in money will. but there is huge money about a stroke because there is more than 100 civilians which are suffering for more than 40 date of this. she monitor in crisis and this in this message city. and they have no water, no food, no heat knowledge residue. and they ask all of our partners to support and how to stop by and cut the snow for the latest attacks and ukraine. second largest city car cave of killed at least 5 people with more than a dozen. others were injured to multiple rockets hit the center of the city on sunday. the man says there's no safe place for people to shelter. at least 20 palestinian worshipers have been forcibly dispersed from the most compound israeli forces. they responded to palestinian setting a barricade to prevent jewish groups from entering. mammals village agenda has released $1600.00 prisoners and an amnesty for the but it's new year. but political detainees weren't among those free from jail in the commercial capital in gold, thousands of protest as of the rest of them detained. since i seized power around 15000000 people have died worldwide. g to covert 19 pandemic. 9000000 more than previously thought. according to a yet to be released, world health organization study reported in the new york times. the death toll from south africa is devastating. floods has risen to $443.00 morgues are reported to be struggling to process the dead after the heaviest rains in 60 years. about 40000 people of lost their homes. those were the had lots of be back with more news and half now out there, a world was next to stay with us. the health of humanity is at stake. a global pandemic requires a global response. w h o is the guardian of global health delivering life saving tools, supplies, and training to help the world's most vulnerable people, uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of vaccine keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground. in the ward and in the lab. now, more than ever, the world needs w h l. making a healthier world for you. for everyone. ah, are you getting up by the good you'd be keeping up with them to call them you? don't mind helping them, only like it and move it, wouldn't it without my my wife said, man from what am i doing with it? madame upper model, him a funny my only mother my the momentum nuggets am and when would you have been been vehicles i've been got we'll get we'll get what i'm doing, but you're a parliament delegate, dirty minded to one united way. vanity did want to delete and not gonna play war lapointe from my google been a part of my to my political opinion, the fact being failing entirely, doha absolutely. ringback ringback ready ready ready ready ah, when you get bunny gabriel. god busing! be available. you don't like you don't throw in a face man. oh god. but don't forget on my and my mom yet the middle you know, mahatma go to go to mam. gillmet to mitigate him mostly. yeah, i'm complex, i'm at, i'm not listening to settle my dad with him. dewberry in magenta, and with j. w. s. will had a leg up in babylon, godaddy for my mother, and my telephone number from you might give me the wrong number. no, not a chemical, a different sub what. what when will i guess to get in? so i'm anyone to maggie. why? medical pro contact mom. legacy. who met on the market? people, dentist. they won't call me for a party. of course it would be to doctors who bought a new dilemma, a wood in the league, monday my dog. getting a quote on it. so i followed layla. m a monkey dip there. my de my dog. getting a column j. the puzzle. lean diary nuclear in december to clean up a cart and nickelodeon junior, could you add, could he did it? could you out of my live in equity with daniel we did sanklo and you mom, dad, didn't you citizen, but when you monkey depak delaney i. i put a deposit. ahh . mm. in but it won't get shot. no, on the on the video for alyssa to jim janik promotion, he's a t v c i. d b mobile device won't do this option. she bought it a lot to do about the gym. disc summed up all the other country vendors aren't due due to drug debate. therefore, the man i wanted to pay it was his. yup. i decided it was. he gave up on and went to the bay one this year. this upcoming coming out of school during the cut is that there's also the bales only miss. yeah. but is that yeah, but it's not really badly social judy, won't the restaurant. who can you ever decide to lose it, but also gonna be a comment on any promotion i can do. one is in love with chris allen. that route. won't that get other feel gillian? give y'all come news media relatively be along the best. not. not that anyone got you versus yell humor a get by them when they, when no one that doesn't do great up us on monday through monday i missed it. yeah . but as i get up a little busy was yeah. did you with a pretty simple idea, can you you needed to get with somebody getting to the that going to these day? i bad about, i mean you must article can include book a book the book, but can now be the benny. what do i became that before the heart of yep. when you get data like people are like ah no, no, nope. in little bit more can bomb the lee with some of the so i said some i've been, i got all african media. we are going, i'm going to be in harlem, william lucas. ha, ha, ha, no, no, don't fake. well, you say you're welcome. you take me to the minute what it might, it might feel like what i said, the a belief nicholas may's, what they feel like madame is on battle. believe them about what we told you do. would you bad of me. don't know if you feel, you know, regular neck ability. ah, let me keep our song when you look on your list actually. and where am i supported was export on sunday. the need to to refill a lot of this. any money on, i mean i'm looking at it additional, competing to thinking about the dis, mom, give me a shot. if you really want to get to the people who are still in the little continents fell out on grass predator the cell donna was any further down as under kohler. hello. don't see anybody level. don't look for that. that's up to feel like the entered on to be want to fix it easier than you said. it's only would be the let me on. i'm on. i feel like and as you have agreed to see the subject to do community deceptive, i get to watch it. like on the show, on elephant under for me to the issue is also renew was look, that's what i think the last name actually gave you some people off part of formed on the google possible part. but you could only imagine and only chance are going to be putting down the farm down and down to get his actual they'll be committed. additional information they'll about. well, if that, if i can lot of the camilla for about a little bit on tomorrow i i dust on me to dip and then he doesn't want to be nationally. do you see this? and that is and i got a d. c, is it? if i go to the delivery area, i will, she did it on a company or money beginning in it to you. i can probably even start to pull it out, but i wonder, but she started on priming for people to see what they much love for. let me hold on the limited social service for you need and i don't know why and what am i you say that if you've got your own day more or less, are the media come up with a post to the found a list of things that been cautious you'd only of us who my dear is. it says policy level nissan list, the nasa the and i'm not done with them on the last of the day with the music taking my day. they do most of the piece, if that it's been about to be near me, haul from a high level again will be what will be done with them a highly you know, how much it up. i did different equal to a 100 or less was they watch what is current gus on to mute on far off if it current on you don't put on somebody sitting on on so much of that particular thing that was the last days into school is let's say live was really and it's a little party export association they're going to do with like, what do you live in picking up or is in the ah, one of the subject of interest for me will be the sold. he sold in the south region and even in europe because they even told me that the salt is used for ice in france. oh, in belgium, you know, in the, in the winter. so i would like to know these kind of big trade insur quit going from the pink lake to, to europe. not arbitrary price parsing that will work. export thing to property should ask allowable power to produce sean accountability, junky food. when you put people, no problem, you don't call on me as soon as we have made a visual shaded through a dim where there was a 1000000 export dental to property shall, lyle, salvage, permit. good news you do not was so on his should allow for, after this gesture they partner security source hostage will because didn't challenge political, did a or cedric will with expedia. it was the guy out to the premier for the pick up to the not the same he got when it is you maybe live, you do lawyer alopecia it back. this is the of the month at the table enough. it meant to myself, muslims are unpaid. no croissant one big can be sanky them out. abandon assistant illuminati, biggest cindy lack cause of fund that you sent mendosa men took while while so last sapa, nisha, unquote, devout, it would be not for sure. was getting nobela mer albano. like whoa, whoa, at dealer i looked alma not tell much equity began dear eyebrow. could it be like a separate den? dea looked alma, the la miller sill of on the leg boys meant to now, but pretty a little about pacifically. lou, i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper listen, lavonda about making this l. o. me the croissant lid there. yeah, up there. hold off on this is on the list, but by those you will pay twice them through or david's operating. well, let me like maybe sell black. well, i've been to force issue or fake website. oh ah bomb wasn't and stuff if you do. kensal kusha filled it up. luna sabra way, little mucous, you own police. osh didn't it was to click on the phone and just take a seat, bob, board mean that they don't go to be lawful. as you see, i'm trying to decode union one, i shouldn't say ah, just was really did. if they found blah, just unplug the law, still not been fully pharma. let's go watch outdoor with them. give a de la made commentary. pilot, my boy is a big jewish decision they pump. does a funky bottle left bottles? the why, if i can say loud cute fusion life, i'm to peter limine assailant. pub, i do poorly a farm out. don't the super. so luck was your last on not bent the war. good. one. well flu shots, soft go live, come up again. you saw it's one play mark, play fighting. it was super. so like was your faith whose real name? but pleasure. if they'd be large, the bishop group a day left was from new clues to india. i stayed clean deductibles, a faithful, gotten killed for sure. so well, i've been here 11 years old or you can shoot the lash off on the clock. she knows i'm disemboweled shows, fur. love school shoes. if she i'm playing to fill up with the sub route asia fake on away south. sassy luck was a way deli yolo luck one up lumpy lives up will fix the love honestly. did you wait so was a village and gone fella separation to lucky de la salvas available. marcella said, will where said back allah! a la city funky, desolate bon scott was you want to have ac deseeno? ganja fini met double me or brought you luck, basket to lucy and sally them both bottled on the left glass guide. added torres, you sat at uncle bottled medical was a v. they do this or body let t t violet rector marcial a see to negotiate. expose a double box there for isiah galvan aqua. yeah. and i kimberly dublin disabled. so to lazy danielle is espanol in them get it upload a sub with soon 12 i played youth. wow, that's good lou john, even a shit publican is a little history. easier, shit, more not up. little book may see up. i don't always want boulevard. probably a year, blah pascall c c c c c, the luckily apollo ella and you know, some quin your fall so you said you wanted them have them do eva on that he go don't know some but t ponder and no comping cavil nothing to the wester portal via it on de la loses deli hipa opa kidney. dear news, some don't base you. her said to our requisition together, because page i don't go result. i all take off why his own doctors are st. luke's young bay. he knew and don't did. he did his own daughter, but isn't he just due to a new home? thank you. all the feedback so you're good to me. i don't know. i thought she never has gone. i don't for, you know, la la, la la valley, but you to get you more sequence that on the one on 3, on the last one needed to know if i that i'm isn't it evidence knowledgeable? i'll stop that play. what part of this respect is part? i mean, i have and they said in the beginning of, of the 20th centuries, the lake has a kind of 8 lament square big then in the mid 19 seventies that we're talking about $3.00 limit of square from that's. i haven't seen any single data that explained this, but if i can judge from my eyes, we can say now around the 3 uh, 2.5. for example, if you look what i see and then if i shift me the cottages off a lot on the i got the port out with somebody in the party. i'm calling you to see what i need to be cleaning up. can i please? thank you. thank you very much. i don't know if i'm out when the road is under a let me unplug complete, is going to be updated on the left us and also look, we did a serial article to you said it was easy, invasive to like the model of the screen as opposed to observe a different little book, good. you see me do like structural abusive permit. that was on the not clear they are 3017 if i wanted to just post program a graph. i mean, i'm glad you completed just on i p somebody they get to play metal. i call them all risk. going to feel connected, easier. part need to do q and d. c. a. lesson graham project. see this, you know, will you call us in the 60 league need to know if he can only do 440 or not. if it is again or not, by the way on a level is a 3 day, was that it will only lucky when he literally, since the middle even is that there is actually on the expression on the actual battle on inter philip, i meant that it isn't it is just on the act on be while it was really when i was going to not lead to possibly one for every day. and i want to do live by the leg that leg quite passed, nipple to learn about a month when i signed them up to use it if it, but it ah, as you know, unesco, they have different diable penitents. they have something they called the tentative list of heritage, the tentative men that particularly they want to put it in the units or list or to be a heritage for you want to. so that's mean they start the process, but that in the process, and this is stop in 2005. but i guess i haven't heard any news from that, but i guess they are still in the process because it's take a while for unit school. do they need to export the reasons, the motivations why they want to do so? and i think only the environmental issue is a, he's a big deal. you know, is a big issue too because of the leg and to make it go ahead. it's kept in mind when we did is your mom funded a new or pre very these are not when i walk, you need to know what i would need is there for the present in my family because the key mark or seem very important. why? oh, committee here knock on me to see on fishing trips that followed you just a little committee and i need to give in am i looking to apply entity later on today or tomorrow? is supposed to be a little bit easier for pick and upon the concrete partition quite it is. do you like it? you know, dip on the director money committee said on send us a direct on to give my office glenview and like, i think the government should do more of the lake is not just enough to put a lake in a tunnel to list of heritage or preservation like unesco, i think more action is needed in terms of preserving the nature like if it, if it, if it would be me like somebody having what are is in the government. i will put like a museum here for the nature for the salt or just kind of think that would be very interesting for them. and then a kind of team that will help the commission because of the lake the ah ah, in the thought i lands oh my mesopotamia, when the 1st settlements formed the cradle of civilization, iraqi people who depended on the tigris and euphrates for centuries can no longer make a living on rivers blighted by war and pollution. out of their world reveals how the man may decline and one of history's most famed ancient environments and leaving its peoples struggling to survive. iraq's dying rivers. ah. hello there from north america. as one weather system pushes its way east. we've got another one coming in behind it. much of the weather action however, is going to be in the southeast corner of the u. s. in the days to come. but if we do take a closer look to the north west pacific, where you can see the next winter storm is ready to roll and bringing snow and rain to places like british columbia, edging down into washington and oregon as well. and even touching into northern areas of california says and welcome rain coming here. it is gonna remain raw the hot and dry for the south of this the desert southwest seen hot and dry conditions and of course a critical fire risk with that. but if we had to the east coast, this is where the action is. you can see those storms swirling away from the lower mississippi valley. edging into the mid atlantic, we could see some flooding rains here. and of course, a winter. we picture across the great lakes. now ahead of that, when you england, it is fina and dryer. the have a look, what happens is we go into tuesday, that's going to sweep its way further east. taking a lot of the wintery conditions to canada, and we're going to see a cool down for much of the east coast of the us. if we look at the 3 day for new york while it is going to be cool with showers. the sunshine however, will be back in by the time we get to wednesday, that she, whether ah anti fascist anti establishment and pro vanilla. despite the recent official disbanding of its militarized wing, a basque separatist movement is found alive and well on the terraces of a bill, bows stadia a place where political revolution rates share a platform in ideology with violet to football, hooligan. read all debt on al jazeera. ah ukraine vance, to fight to the end, ignoring russia's ultimatum for its troops to surrender. in the besieged city of mario pole. they says multiple rockets hit car keith killing at least 5 people the matter of ukraine. second largest city says there are no safe places to shelter it. ah ha, ha, ha ha robin, you're.

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