Transcripts For ALJAZ My Zimbabwe Petina Gappa - Out Of Dar

Transcripts For ALJAZ My Zimbabwe Petina Gappa - Out Of Darkness 20240708

afternoon just as there was a cabinet meeting between the president, the prime minister and, and his key minister's at there was gunfire around the presidential palace. people started running away from it. now it's unclear if it was the present presidential guard are trying to protect the presidential palace from attackers, or if it was an attack that, that, that was sustained was clear as like, we don't know where the president and the prime minister is. at the moment. burton's prime ministers in ukraine to discuss the security packs elsewhere. diplomats are involved in negotiation is to try and ease the threat of a russian invasion by tens of thousands of russian soldiers massed on the ukrainian border. amnesty international is describing israel is in apartheid state because of its treatment of palestinians. he writes campaign groups as policies of segregation, dispossession and exclusion in israel and the occupied territories. demonstrate the palestinians are treated as an inferior racial group. israel is denouncing amnesty is report as false boston, anti semitic. it's exactly a year since mammals, military sees control in a coo and security forces, have arrested dozens of people in an attempt to suppress plans for a nation might strike military leaders promised a swift return to civilian rule when they took over at last february. but that has not happened pfizer by and take his expected to ask you as a drug regulators for permission to offer its covey 19 vaccine to children. as young as 6 months old. the drive to vaccinate children has been spurred by the rise in infections with the amok one variant if approved its hope, the vaccine roll out could start by the end of the month. your stay with headlines . more news coming up here in our desert right after my zimbabwe. i for now. ah ah, my name is bettina camper. i am a writer, and 8th grade lawyer, special trade lawyer. i am very lucky to be able to do 2 things that i love. it the same level of intensity lies involved where it is greatly misunderstood. my symbolic way is full of hope. it's full of broken fad to people, but it's also full of happy, industrious, resilient people. my them by way is, is about will stories. and those are the stories that i want to tell them i love the archives because the kind of stories are right or sit in the past. and because i'm a write off realist fiction, i want my stories to reflect accurate facts, for example, accurate events. my most recent novel out of darkness shining light is the story of the african companions of david livingston. and the journey that they made, carrying his body for over 9 months. from what is now northern zambia, to what is now the east coast of tanzania. i wanted to flip the story, returned the gaze and tell the story from the perspective of the africans and not the story of the white explorer, the missionary david livingston. so i had to spend a lot of time at indifferent archives around the world. and i found an incredible amount of treasure here in the national archives. history is always told from the perspective of the great man, whether is david livingstone or cecil john rose or robot mcgarvey. i feel that my responsibility as, as my, when writer is to tell this involvement story in a way that it hasn't fully been told before. and i plan to do that with every book that i write. mm. well going, we're going to that the hif 14th. yeah. i'm setting up an entry office because i can write at home, but i like the illusion of having a job to go to it, especially when i'm writing. and right now i'm facing as self imposed deadline. i need to finish a manuscript by the end of the year. ah, i decided very early on that i want ah, for you to go to moscow where the russian president, vladimir putin, is speaking with an any ed guarantee is said to move. are there good orders of nato? are there at tara to the borders of 1997? would no regret and des, our country 1st arrived. i'd tour tools. it says security. i would never do it. it's not just to her to, to provide you with or someone there. right. utah erred to us a note of their security and safety, but at the same time, you can not dare increase somebody's security. you are at the expense of other countries. and also i want you are giving her to said at the hour where corporation will our meeting will earth be beneficial for our future corporation. thank you for your attention. if chris, another dog or a disaster. yeah. could you bug that he itself, us because present, which in several modernist new york is what is lemetre, william for truck. what all graph level say, what i target are from where see to lease we have we feel anthem and m dried. so we're looking right now at the podium where vladimir putin, the russian president in that there as the hungarian prime minister, victor alba. and he has traveled to moscow in a visit this trojan february, criticism from the country's political opposition been watch pretty nervously in other european capitals as well. talking about the situation in ukraine. we just heard the russian president vladimir putin at talking about the situation and how he wishes to redraw the nato, his borders that press conference on going these to the pair of been having talks or for some time or, or been he's kind of divert to reputation is vladimir putin as close as i lie inside the european union and it's unsettled. a lot of the other you leave is let's bring in tulsa jibari, our correspondent in moscow. i write notes. so joe said jabar is not available at this moment. and as we watch victor or ben speaking at, we can see that he's just trying to hash out a coordinator position on russia's moves around ukraine's borders. and it's a wall that's going on in ukraine itself, where britain's prime minister is there. and he's there to discuss a security packed we'll be hearing from him a little bit later with the ukranian president, a former zelinski elsewhere diplomats are involved in negotiations to ease the threat of a russian invasion by tens of thousands of russian soldiers, mast ukrainian border ukraine is planning to recruit a 100000 military personnel in the next 3 years to bolster his defense, what abdominal has more now from kia. their boys dungeon has already said that the u. k. will pledge an additional, a $118000000.00 to ukraine to help fight corruption and to help also keep the economy afloat. a president zelinski being very worried about the impact of this crisis on the country on the economy of the country. i. hence, he has been calling for a few days to sort of tone down to rhetoric and try to avoid creating a wave of panic because the country is hurting and cannot read the afforded much longer. whether the is a war or not. you hear people tell you, our army is very small compared to the russian army. ukraine will never be able to equal the size of the russian army, but it's true to me propping it with a 100000 people of soldiers more over the next 3 years. is going to be a welcome move, especially that at the moment the ukranian army is very popular among people. here . anyone you speak to will tell you how much they trust the army now compared to back in 2014, where the army was criticized for not really putting up a fight, especially during the annexation of crimea. while this, that people are dead. you know, the army is better equipped with all this 8th coming in from many countries. i suspect that you will have a lot of young men and women who would actually try to apply and get a job there. what kinds eastern region to netscape struggling with soaring price is 7 years after was seized by russian bike separatist. ms. charles straps reports. that's little really for residents with tensions at an all time high which is a retired coal line. he is pro rusher in his politics, but he says people who faced increased economic hardship since most go back separatists took control of the region 7 years ago. you know portfolio. now leslie's prices have increased for everything. oils the fruits and maintenance utility bills at the local authorities increased our pensions by 20 percent. recently, some prices have risen by 70 percent. there are no jobs. young can only find work through nepotism. even the price of some fish is increased because since ukraine found a trade with what it describes as the occupied territories in 2017 march of it has to be imported via russia. market traders have to pay higher transport costs and import duty. it's the same story with most of these products made in russia and bell roost. myrtle more just to give you a holler. many people have left russia, ukraine, and abroad looking for work. i used to have regular customers, but not now. no trains from ukraine, government controlled areas have run on these tracks. for years. the currency was changed from the ukraine in griffon to the russian rouble. in 2015, estimated moscow spends more than a $1000000.00 a year supporting the separatist control region of demette sc. ganske, which was disconnected from the international banking system. when the separatists took control, people could only send and receive roubles to and from banks in russia. the coal industry was the decades the regions life blood, most of the mines are in seperate, is control territory. kiev says what it describes as ukraine's stolen natural resource is finding its way on to international markets via russia. something russia denies. hundreds of businesses that be destroyed, abandoned, or have gone bankrupt since the complex started in 2015, the pro russia separatists. and then ukranian government signed what became known as the minsk 2 agreement. it was a deal that aimed at achieving peace and lasting political settlement to the conflict. but 7 years later, not a single one of the 13 articles in that agreement has been fully implemented. there are many ukrainian politicians that say that mintz too, is to waited in the favor of the separatists. and they were afraid that if it was fully implemented, that could potentially give russia a greater hand in ukrainian affairs. last year, ukrainian president followed me as lensky said, he wanted to change the minsk agreement. international backers insist the deal must be honored by both sides. mo, political agreement means the economy cannot recover. the separatist government say the economy is gradually improving and russian investment is helping. in november, president putin signed a decree allowing russians to legally by goods produced here for continually when the printed net at the end of the war. and the recognition of the dpr would of course contribute to the development of the economy. the military action has effected the region not to mention the business infrastructure of the outflow, expertise, and economic blockade by ukraine that destroyed our financial system. but when now managing to reestablish that system with little sign of an end to the conflict, financial security for victor, his friends, and millions of people like them, remains in doubt. charles raf al jazeera, don't ask. well, a lot of diplomacy gown to try and sort this out to try and ease tensions in ukraine on the ukrainian or russian border. let's have a different situation in moscow right now as the russian president vladimir putin. he's be meeting the hungary and prime minister victor all been talking about the situation. the problem is all about has said that the e u is united and no one wants to conflict with russia. and he said that's especially true of central europeans. they want to in these tensions between the east, in the west, the russian president for his part, but to be approved and it says the u. s. and his allies have ignored russia's main security demands. so let's go live to carswell and in moscow. also jabari also tell us more about this ongoing meeting at between vladimir putin in hungarian prime minister and what they hope to achieve. hey, well nick, we just heard from the officials that are there at the kremlin out as we speak. this press conference is ongoing. but apparently this meeting between the 2 men took 5 and a half hours. they discussed various issues. and this is the 1st time that we're seeing, the russian president vladimir putin speak a live on camera, about what he's thinking, in terms of what the americans have come back with in terms of their response to the security concerns that the russians have, which has caused this, an escalation that we've seen between russia and the west, the presidents of russian president says that russia has not seen the west take into account. it says 3 key proposals on the security guarantees including nato's non expansion. of course, one of the main points of contention for this country is nato expanding, further east war, something the officials here have said that is a cause for concern and a very much a red line for this country. the russian president is currently um, waiting to respond officially to what the americans have put forth. but from what he's saying right now, it doesn't look very positive. let him in putin has said that u. s. as disregarded our concerns, when it comes to what they are asking from nato and from washington. and we're waiting to find out more in terms of when the journalist at this location will ask and further details about where things stand at the moment. he also said that there is gross human rights violations being carried out in ukraine, and that they are now systematic human rights violations taking place in ukraine, waiting to elaborate on that as well. but it seems that flattery putin is not satisfied with the response that he's received so far from washington. and, and we also are hearing from the hungarian prime minister who says that cooperation between the 2 countries are expanding and they are closer than ever before. and that will continue, and that this should be a model for other nato countries to look at in terms of trying to de escalate attentions that are ongoing. want to invade you, craig? i'm sorry, nick, can you repeat the question that the russians have always been adamant that they had they had no intention of invading ukraine? no, certainly not. and at this is the point i spoke to an m p earlier today to try and understand the true buildup that the west is concerned about, alongside the russia western border with ukraine. and this official told me that there is at the largest military outposts in all russia is alongside the western border of this country. and with ukraine, that is always been the case. this 100000 number of troops that we keep hearing from western countries is not troops that have been moved to that border for any specific reason right now, they are stationed alongside the western part of the country on a regular basis. and it, the drills that have been ongoing over the past, over 6 weeks. there is a small number of troops that have been added to those soldiers that are already stationed there in carrying out the military drills, which is quite normal for that kind of numbers to take place. he said there were military drills around april of last year that also the, the west was aware of and there was a discount of hysteria that we're seeing take place now. so there really isn't a cause for concern when it comes to what is taking place on the border alongside the border with ukraine. it's just regular practice for russia to carry out what is of concern for russia is that the rhetoric that is coming from the united states is not really being conducive to carrying out dialogue there. they feel like they're being put under pressure to give in to their security deposit, their daughter, we're just going to jump in there for a 2nd because a lot of me personally speaking again this over the phone. mr. toyota, cornel still nobility. school really neglect problem blair. to when you had any bell class with anybody told sport utility earth would nuclear up just negotiations taking place where i was put on we were going to sink or would be relied. and you also amy, and i'm just going to pick out all of that is starting to produce stored in it's called nuclides in category with regard to medusa. and what are the use of food nuclides in hungary modules, i was almost renewed to receive a servant. she could assemble a des moines decisions and a 6 of them. the already pair of you have a different vaccines in hungary, an altar model. your kid is correct. there are at this look soon will be available as well. we know, or we will tell her that we walked to the work of able to learn 30 when she is going to bridge use as heard near cry among what food wide gap on the ground. my go school girl. it was good. every meal clear here. this because dead is increase of her air and air line in a connection and between us and get it published. i showed him the question from hungary with during the negotiations cuz some of them are going with your gov. did you discuss any good as like m, u. s. letter letter with a cough economic corporation. but we will have the 1st leg of, of i jumped on the model because it was a union to know that the russian economy ah, as a result of the sanction for y'all, was the shock of animal diva air it air funked. you survived back very a well of the target for and give you your research and all of this is the russian economy is much stronger than it they think in the west, normally. and russian is not just the country of a former possibilities, but also new possibilities. we might have this cost economy as to well and the sanctions order form as the medical center have harmed us more than the russia model. because look me total source. ok from out of russia . yes. oh, hold off. i will. yeah. no doublet. the contributor key, important to you as a sub to the man thing is one of the important toyota cycles out. and this'll be her last more than the rationale so that they go to for sagel toil and herb or western countries will lose their markets. a diff, data making them saw these sanctions are wrong account for the oral surgeon or lima back to her as they have to talk to them if they are describing for them. but so i don't, i don't think it is acceptable and we'll see it towards russia or any other countries. it was almost little as after a big investment under russia, ukrainian border as it more than terminal wasn't the feel of opera. and it will be much more effective, so call your shore and any other you she after terminals in other places. this is it, i'm agree, a great possibility and to be, have discussed, to bet the already of you will get with auto thought. your create, the joint kid will name what your position sally plan, and you're watching a press conference or the kremlin between that the russian president vladimir putin and the hunger in prime minister victor alba. and he is a in moscow and talks about various things from economic ties covered. and of course, the situation in ukraine early, we heard the vladimir putin and saying that russia security proposals have been ignored by the west and saying that the west did not satisfy its tune main security demands. victor or ben for his part says that the e u. does not want to conflict, and there is a need to deescalate tensions. let's go live to mosque analysis bar has been listening and it also tell us what more has been said. well, this is the 1st time we're hearing from the russian president to address a live tv. the responses that he has gotten from the americans about the security guarantees his country's asking for from nato as well. and it seems that he's not very happy. the russian president has said that it appears they. united states has ignored 3 of the key issues that russia is asking natal i'm for guarantees on and that they have ignored what they've been asking. so it doesn't appear very optimistic, but he said that it is the united states is this regarding our concerns while acting a while, citing nations rights to freely choose ways to ensure their security is hinting that the quote that there is certainly a double standard here with the way they west is treating the officials in t f and the way they're treating russia he believes that they're what they've been asking for is not been address and it's not sufficient. he has yet to officially respond to the written answers they got from washington last week. he is still waiting for inter agency reports from various departments within his government to formulate his official response. but according to the russian foreign minister, who has just been speaking to the a u. s. secretary of state anthony blinking on the phone the, those 2 men will continue their discussions, but this, the situation remains the same. there hasn't been any movement on either side. and it is very, very difficult to see any kind of a headway with all this diplomatic push from various countries where these issues are headed, where whether or not they'll be able to resolve them. it appears what the russians are asking. the americans are not willing to give and the nato is not agreeing to any of the demands that rushes making. the russian president has said that they want to see nato go back to the 1997, a levels of membership. that is when they were in countries last them where they are now at 30 members, and that is something that's very much a security threat. here are those jibari there in moscow will be back with you as the hours continue. it just reminded me watching vladimir putin holding a press conference at the kremlin along side the hungarian prime minister, victor obama, talking about all things tobin the economy, but to most bully vol. perhaps at the situation in ukraine of which we will have more in the coming years. indeed, in the next few minutes i'll be back. remember full half hour of new say to you than ah, the going to resume conservation park officer to write a book those bringing nature and people together to work with what life is my pleasure. my talk is leaking between the clock and one unity in african management to find someone who is a good return it as to teach the community that living with to our lives. it's excellent elliott, slim combo riding with las mice and bob way on al jazeera with the understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter where you call home will, but you can use in current affairs that matter to you. 2 boxes from the street to chicago on different paths with the same ambition. oh, biting their way to a better life than themselves. and their families. 6 live in the volatile world at chicago, south side is no easy task. witness. ring sight on al jazeera for february on a just either china has the winter olympics, but will diplomatically comp and the corona vibrates, overshadowed the rigorous debate. them unflinching question up front, cut through the headlines to challenge conventional with how does a way keep you up to date as nascent tackling omicron variant and they've continued vaccine inequality. 11 east investigates how breakfast the pandemic and changing tastes are causing the great british curry crisis. a mi record levels of unemployment and extreme in quality close to we can go to the po, february on a just eop ah . ready russian president vladimir putin accuses the u. s. and its allies of ignoring it. security demands with regards to your crime. and u. k prime mister bras johnson is in ukraine. he's one of the 3 european prime ministers visiting kia tensions mounted rushes. troops build up ah, 11 o'clock, this is al da 0. live it from to also coming up. heavy gunfire and the capital of guinea. bizarre near the seat of government. west african block echoes calls it an attempted cube. and the marks are off. denmark becomes the 1st european country to lift nearly all of its private.

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New York , United States , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , United Kingdom , Kiev , Ukraine General , Ukraine , Washington , China , Boston , Massachusetts , Tanzania , South Africa , Kremlin , Zambia , David Livingstone , Northern , Minsk , Belarus General , Belarus , Hungary , Denmark , Israel , Zimbabwe , Guinea , Utah , Chicago , Illinois , Britain , Americans , Natal , Ukrainian , British , Russian , Russians , Hungarian , Cecil John , Vladimir Putin , Purcell Mcclintock , Al Jazeera , Victor Obama , Victor Alba , David Livingston ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ My Zimbabwe Petina Gappa - Out Of Darkness 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ My Zimbabwe Petina Gappa - Out Of Darkness 20240708

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afternoon just as there was a cabinet meeting between the president, the prime minister and, and his key minister's at there was gunfire around the presidential palace. people started running away from it. now it's unclear if it was the present presidential guard are trying to protect the presidential palace from attackers, or if it was an attack that, that, that was sustained was clear as like, we don't know where the president and the prime minister is. at the moment. burton's prime ministers in ukraine to discuss the security packs elsewhere. diplomats are involved in negotiation is to try and ease the threat of a russian invasion by tens of thousands of russian soldiers massed on the ukrainian border. amnesty international is describing israel is in apartheid state because of its treatment of palestinians. he writes campaign groups as policies of segregation, dispossession and exclusion in israel and the occupied territories. demonstrate the palestinians are treated as an inferior racial group. israel is denouncing amnesty is report as false boston, anti semitic. it's exactly a year since mammals, military sees control in a coo and security forces, have arrested dozens of people in an attempt to suppress plans for a nation might strike military leaders promised a swift return to civilian rule when they took over at last february. but that has not happened pfizer by and take his expected to ask you as a drug regulators for permission to offer its covey 19 vaccine to children. as young as 6 months old. the drive to vaccinate children has been spurred by the rise in infections with the amok one variant if approved its hope, the vaccine roll out could start by the end of the month. your stay with headlines . more news coming up here in our desert right after my zimbabwe. i for now. ah ah, my name is bettina camper. i am a writer, and 8th grade lawyer, special trade lawyer. i am very lucky to be able to do 2 things that i love. it the same level of intensity lies involved where it is greatly misunderstood. my symbolic way is full of hope. it's full of broken fad to people, but it's also full of happy, industrious, resilient people. my them by way is, is about will stories. and those are the stories that i want to tell them i love the archives because the kind of stories are right or sit in the past. and because i'm a write off realist fiction, i want my stories to reflect accurate facts, for example, accurate events. my most recent novel out of darkness shining light is the story of the african companions of david livingston. and the journey that they made, carrying his body for over 9 months. from what is now northern zambia, to what is now the east coast of tanzania. i wanted to flip the story, returned the gaze and tell the story from the perspective of the africans and not the story of the white explorer, the missionary david livingston. so i had to spend a lot of time at indifferent archives around the world. and i found an incredible amount of treasure here in the national archives. history is always told from the perspective of the great man, whether is david livingstone or cecil john rose or robot mcgarvey. i feel that my responsibility as, as my, when writer is to tell this involvement story in a way that it hasn't fully been told before. and i plan to do that with every book that i write. mm. well going, we're going to that the hif 14th. yeah. i'm setting up an entry office because i can write at home, but i like the illusion of having a job to go to it, especially when i'm writing. and right now i'm facing as self imposed deadline. i need to finish a manuscript by the end of the year. ah, i decided very early on that i want ah, for you to go to moscow where the russian president, vladimir putin, is speaking with an any ed guarantee is said to move. are there good orders of nato? are there at tara to the borders of 1997? would no regret and des, our country 1st arrived. i'd tour tools. it says security. i would never do it. it's not just to her to, to provide you with or someone there. right. utah erred to us a note of their security and safety, but at the same time, you can not dare increase somebody's security. you are at the expense of other countries. and also i want you are giving her to said at the hour where corporation will our meeting will earth be beneficial for our future corporation. thank you for your attention. if chris, another dog or a disaster. yeah. could you bug that he itself, us because present, which in several modernist new york is what is lemetre, william for truck. what all graph level say, what i target are from where see to lease we have we feel anthem and m dried. so we're looking right now at the podium where vladimir putin, the russian president in that there as the hungarian prime minister, victor alba. and he has traveled to moscow in a visit this trojan february, criticism from the country's political opposition been watch pretty nervously in other european capitals as well. talking about the situation in ukraine. we just heard the russian president vladimir putin at talking about the situation and how he wishes to redraw the nato, his borders that press conference on going these to the pair of been having talks or for some time or, or been he's kind of divert to reputation is vladimir putin as close as i lie inside the european union and it's unsettled. a lot of the other you leave is let's bring in tulsa jibari, our correspondent in moscow. i write notes. so joe said jabar is not available at this moment. and as we watch victor or ben speaking at, we can see that he's just trying to hash out a coordinator position on russia's moves around ukraine's borders. and it's a wall that's going on in ukraine itself, where britain's prime minister is there. and he's there to discuss a security packed we'll be hearing from him a little bit later with the ukranian president, a former zelinski elsewhere diplomats are involved in negotiations to ease the threat of a russian invasion by tens of thousands of russian soldiers, mast ukrainian border ukraine is planning to recruit a 100000 military personnel in the next 3 years to bolster his defense, what abdominal has more now from kia. their boys dungeon has already said that the u. k. will pledge an additional, a $118000000.00 to ukraine to help fight corruption and to help also keep the economy afloat. a president zelinski being very worried about the impact of this crisis on the country on the economy of the country. i. hence, he has been calling for a few days to sort of tone down to rhetoric and try to avoid creating a wave of panic because the country is hurting and cannot read the afforded much longer. whether the is a war or not. you hear people tell you, our army is very small compared to the russian army. ukraine will never be able to equal the size of the russian army, but it's true to me propping it with a 100000 people of soldiers more over the next 3 years. is going to be a welcome move, especially that at the moment the ukranian army is very popular among people. here . anyone you speak to will tell you how much they trust the army now compared to back in 2014, where the army was criticized for not really putting up a fight, especially during the annexation of crimea. while this, that people are dead. you know, the army is better equipped with all this 8th coming in from many countries. i suspect that you will have a lot of young men and women who would actually try to apply and get a job there. what kinds eastern region to netscape struggling with soaring price is 7 years after was seized by russian bike separatist. ms. charles straps reports. that's little really for residents with tensions at an all time high which is a retired coal line. he is pro rusher in his politics, but he says people who faced increased economic hardship since most go back separatists took control of the region 7 years ago. you know portfolio. now leslie's prices have increased for everything. oils the fruits and maintenance utility bills at the local authorities increased our pensions by 20 percent. recently, some prices have risen by 70 percent. there are no jobs. young can only find work through nepotism. even the price of some fish is increased because since ukraine found a trade with what it describes as the occupied territories in 2017 march of it has to be imported via russia. market traders have to pay higher transport costs and import duty. it's the same story with most of these products made in russia and bell roost. myrtle more just to give you a holler. many people have left russia, ukraine, and abroad looking for work. i used to have regular customers, but not now. no trains from ukraine, government controlled areas have run on these tracks. for years. the currency was changed from the ukraine in griffon to the russian rouble. in 2015, estimated moscow spends more than a $1000000.00 a year supporting the separatist control region of demette sc. ganske, which was disconnected from the international banking system. when the separatists took control, people could only send and receive roubles to and from banks in russia. the coal industry was the decades the regions life blood, most of the mines are in seperate, is control territory. kiev says what it describes as ukraine's stolen natural resource is finding its way on to international markets via russia. something russia denies. hundreds of businesses that be destroyed, abandoned, or have gone bankrupt since the complex started in 2015, the pro russia separatists. and then ukranian government signed what became known as the minsk 2 agreement. it was a deal that aimed at achieving peace and lasting political settlement to the conflict. but 7 years later, not a single one of the 13 articles in that agreement has been fully implemented. there are many ukrainian politicians that say that mintz too, is to waited in the favor of the separatists. and they were afraid that if it was fully implemented, that could potentially give russia a greater hand in ukrainian affairs. last year, ukrainian president followed me as lensky said, he wanted to change the minsk agreement. international backers insist the deal must be honored by both sides. mo, political agreement means the economy cannot recover. the separatist government say the economy is gradually improving and russian investment is helping. in november, president putin signed a decree allowing russians to legally by goods produced here for continually when the printed net at the end of the war. and the recognition of the dpr would of course contribute to the development of the economy. the military action has effected the region not to mention the business infrastructure of the outflow, expertise, and economic blockade by ukraine that destroyed our financial system. but when now managing to reestablish that system with little sign of an end to the conflict, financial security for victor, his friends, and millions of people like them, remains in doubt. charles raf al jazeera, don't ask. well, a lot of diplomacy gown to try and sort this out to try and ease tensions in ukraine on the ukrainian or russian border. let's have a different situation in moscow right now as the russian president vladimir putin. he's be meeting the hungary and prime minister victor all been talking about the situation. the problem is all about has said that the e u is united and no one wants to conflict with russia. and he said that's especially true of central europeans. they want to in these tensions between the east, in the west, the russian president for his part, but to be approved and it says the u. s. and his allies have ignored russia's main security demands. so let's go live to carswell and in moscow. also jabari also tell us more about this ongoing meeting at between vladimir putin in hungarian prime minister and what they hope to achieve. hey, well nick, we just heard from the officials that are there at the kremlin out as we speak. this press conference is ongoing. but apparently this meeting between the 2 men took 5 and a half hours. they discussed various issues. and this is the 1st time that we're seeing, the russian president vladimir putin speak a live on camera, about what he's thinking, in terms of what the americans have come back with in terms of their response to the security concerns that the russians have, which has caused this, an escalation that we've seen between russia and the west, the presidents of russian president says that russia has not seen the west take into account. it says 3 key proposals on the security guarantees including nato's non expansion. of course, one of the main points of contention for this country is nato expanding, further east war, something the officials here have said that is a cause for concern and a very much a red line for this country. the russian president is currently um, waiting to respond officially to what the americans have put forth. but from what he's saying right now, it doesn't look very positive. let him in putin has said that u. s. as disregarded our concerns, when it comes to what they are asking from nato and from washington. and we're waiting to find out more in terms of when the journalist at this location will ask and further details about where things stand at the moment. he also said that there is gross human rights violations being carried out in ukraine, and that they are now systematic human rights violations taking place in ukraine, waiting to elaborate on that as well. but it seems that flattery putin is not satisfied with the response that he's received so far from washington. and, and we also are hearing from the hungarian prime minister who says that cooperation between the 2 countries are expanding and they are closer than ever before. and that will continue, and that this should be a model for other nato countries to look at in terms of trying to de escalate attentions that are ongoing. want to invade you, craig? i'm sorry, nick, can you repeat the question that the russians have always been adamant that they had they had no intention of invading ukraine? no, certainly not. and at this is the point i spoke to an m p earlier today to try and understand the true buildup that the west is concerned about, alongside the russia western border with ukraine. and this official told me that there is at the largest military outposts in all russia is alongside the western border of this country. and with ukraine, that is always been the case. this 100000 number of troops that we keep hearing from western countries is not troops that have been moved to that border for any specific reason right now, they are stationed alongside the western part of the country on a regular basis. and it, the drills that have been ongoing over the past, over 6 weeks. there is a small number of troops that have been added to those soldiers that are already stationed there in carrying out the military drills, which is quite normal for that kind of numbers to take place. he said there were military drills around april of last year that also the, the west was aware of and there was a discount of hysteria that we're seeing take place now. so there really isn't a cause for concern when it comes to what is taking place on the border alongside the border with ukraine. it's just regular practice for russia to carry out what is of concern for russia is that the rhetoric that is coming from the united states is not really being conducive to carrying out dialogue there. they feel like they're being put under pressure to give in to their security deposit, their daughter, we're just going to jump in there for a 2nd because a lot of me personally speaking again this over the phone. mr. toyota, cornel still nobility. school really neglect problem blair. to when you had any bell class with anybody told sport utility earth would nuclear up just negotiations taking place where i was put on we were going to sink or would be relied. and you also amy, and i'm just going to pick out all of that is starting to produce stored in it's called nuclides in category with regard to medusa. and what are the use of food nuclides in hungary modules, i was almost renewed to receive a servant. she could assemble a des moines decisions and a 6 of them. the already pair of you have a different vaccines in hungary, an altar model. your kid is correct. there are at this look soon will be available as well. we know, or we will tell her that we walked to the work of able to learn 30 when she is going to bridge use as heard near cry among what food wide gap on the ground. my go school girl. it was good. every meal clear here. this because dead is increase of her air and air line in a connection and between us and get it published. i showed him the question from hungary with during the negotiations cuz some of them are going with your gov. did you discuss any good as like m, u. s. letter letter with a cough economic corporation. but we will have the 1st leg of, of i jumped on the model because it was a union to know that the russian economy ah, as a result of the sanction for y'all, was the shock of animal diva air it air funked. you survived back very a well of the target for and give you your research and all of this is the russian economy is much stronger than it they think in the west, normally. and russian is not just the country of a former possibilities, but also new possibilities. we might have this cost economy as to well and the sanctions order form as the medical center have harmed us more than the russia model. because look me total source. ok from out of russia . yes. oh, hold off. i will. yeah. no doublet. the contributor key, important to you as a sub to the man thing is one of the important toyota cycles out. and this'll be her last more than the rationale so that they go to for sagel toil and herb or western countries will lose their markets. a diff, data making them saw these sanctions are wrong account for the oral surgeon or lima back to her as they have to talk to them if they are describing for them. but so i don't, i don't think it is acceptable and we'll see it towards russia or any other countries. it was almost little as after a big investment under russia, ukrainian border as it more than terminal wasn't the feel of opera. and it will be much more effective, so call your shore and any other you she after terminals in other places. this is it, i'm agree, a great possibility and to be, have discussed, to bet the already of you will get with auto thought. your create, the joint kid will name what your position sally plan, and you're watching a press conference or the kremlin between that the russian president vladimir putin and the hunger in prime minister victor alba. and he is a in moscow and talks about various things from economic ties covered. and of course, the situation in ukraine early, we heard the vladimir putin and saying that russia security proposals have been ignored by the west and saying that the west did not satisfy its tune main security demands. victor or ben for his part says that the e u. does not want to conflict, and there is a need to deescalate tensions. let's go live to mosque analysis bar has been listening and it also tell us what more has been said. well, this is the 1st time we're hearing from the russian president to address a live tv. the responses that he has gotten from the americans about the security guarantees his country's asking for from nato as well. and it seems that he's not very happy. the russian president has said that it appears they. united states has ignored 3 of the key issues that russia is asking natal i'm for guarantees on and that they have ignored what they've been asking. so it doesn't appear very optimistic, but he said that it is the united states is this regarding our concerns while acting a while, citing nations rights to freely choose ways to ensure their security is hinting that the quote that there is certainly a double standard here with the way they west is treating the officials in t f and the way they're treating russia he believes that they're what they've been asking for is not been address and it's not sufficient. he has yet to officially respond to the written answers they got from washington last week. he is still waiting for inter agency reports from various departments within his government to formulate his official response. but according to the russian foreign minister, who has just been speaking to the a u. s. secretary of state anthony blinking on the phone the, those 2 men will continue their discussions, but this, the situation remains the same. there hasn't been any movement on either side. and it is very, very difficult to see any kind of a headway with all this diplomatic push from various countries where these issues are headed, where whether or not they'll be able to resolve them. it appears what the russians are asking. the americans are not willing to give and the nato is not agreeing to any of the demands that rushes making. the russian president has said that they want to see nato go back to the 1997, a levels of membership. that is when they were in countries last them where they are now at 30 members, and that is something that's very much a security threat. here are those jibari there in moscow will be back with you as the hours continue. it just reminded me watching vladimir putin holding a press conference at the kremlin along side the hungarian prime minister, victor obama, talking about all things tobin the economy, but to most bully vol. perhaps at the situation in ukraine of which we will have more in the coming years. indeed, in the next few minutes i'll be back. remember full half hour of new say to you than ah, the going to resume conservation park officer to write a book those bringing nature and people together to work with what life is my pleasure. my talk is leaking between the clock and one unity in african management to find someone who is a good return it as to teach the community that living with to our lives. it's excellent elliott, slim combo riding with las mice and bob way on al jazeera with the understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter where you call home will, but you can use in current affairs that matter to you. 2 boxes from the street to chicago on different paths with the same ambition. oh, biting their way to a better life than themselves. and their families. 6 live in the volatile world at chicago, south side is no easy task. witness. ring sight on al jazeera for february on a just either china has the winter olympics, but will diplomatically comp and the corona vibrates, overshadowed the rigorous debate. them unflinching question up front, cut through the headlines to challenge conventional with how does a way keep you up to date as nascent tackling omicron variant and they've continued vaccine inequality. 11 east investigates how breakfast the pandemic and changing tastes are causing the great british curry crisis. a mi record levels of unemployment and extreme in quality close to we can go to the po, february on a just eop ah . ready russian president vladimir putin accuses the u. s. and its allies of ignoring it. security demands with regards to your crime. and u. k prime mister bras johnson is in ukraine. he's one of the 3 european prime ministers visiting kia tensions mounted rushes. troops build up ah, 11 o'clock, this is al da 0. live it from to also coming up. heavy gunfire and the capital of guinea. bizarre near the seat of government. west african block echoes calls it an attempted cube. and the marks are off. denmark becomes the 1st european country to lift nearly all of its private.

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