Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240708

by over ukraine and what russia has brand that an escalation of tensions fears grow over the fate of hundreds of children leave to be held by iso fighters inside the besieged prison. in ne, syria and former pope benedict the 16 said to mates that he gave false testimony to a child sexual abuse inquiring in germany. and he dismissing dough with all the sports news, host nation camera room, or through to the africa cup of nations. cool to finals of 2 to one. when i become more is l face down be in the me ah or keener fossils military says it's seized control of the country in a broadcast on state p. v. and army spokesman said it had over on president rocks to bore it. it's so law clear where the president actually is, although his part, he says he survived an assassination attempt to earlier in the day. the army also said its dissolved the government, the national assembly and suspended the constitution. but he promised a return to constitutional order within what it called a reasonable time. and it announced its close the country's borders with a curfew in effect from 9 pm to 5 am. the qu, follows weeks of growing frustration over the government's failure to stop attacks by on the groups. nicholas hawk reports now from decker. actually, we will bring you that report a little early later at about cowboys. whereabouts are in clear, the ruling party said he had survived an assassination attempt. well, joining us now from casablanca. apologies it, we don't have the guest. we are trying to bring you the latest that from kina faso. i'm and the events that are happening there, especially in the capital a white guy do go. and we can now hear from our correspondent henry wilkins, who has the latest from the capital. there's still a lot of information at the moment that the former president book boy is no longer president. the government has been, it's all for the even the president is since this morning. that's been a very heavy military present from the on the street fight. the national board cost tv today. treat you to me as had taken the, the billing thing. it's still very, a pay kids to where you, the president is a best estimate for the moment that he's been in the military camp camp. money's on which is where the need to me started. gates, survive an assassination attempt, according to a statement released by the former voting party. there is a lot of fatigue with the security featuring situation indicator. it's been a war for 6 years now. we've great me to say this legacy. this doesn't just not be on the president, boy has been for marks the end of the period in between fast a history where it's actually had to miss chrissy. so that's the latest from walk i do go. meanwhile, al jazeera nicholas hockey is in darker with the international response to the crew . i mean, it seems to be perhaps surprising for many to see so many people celebrating what, what appears to be the end of an era of democracy in burkina faso in the beginning of a military coup. but that just reflects the lack of trust that people have in democratic institutions, specifically in countries in west africa. and we've seen a wave of military takeovers from unpopular yet elected democratically elected presidents in the region from guinea. then molly, we saw it in chad in sudan, and now burkina faso. so why is that? what it among many people, the basic necessities are not met by the state. in the case of burkina, faso, just a few numbers, 3500000 people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. 1.5000000 people displaced, 2000 killed in those 1500000 people displaced are not just people. barbara. they're mostly children, teenagers, and this is all contributing to the fact that this at toppling of this leader is so popular, at least on the sheets of walker do for now want. joining us now from casablanca is at my gay as senegalese political commentate, who is also former information director at the west african region of luck. eco, or, sir, thank you so much for joining us here. all now jazeera. so 1st of all, your a reaction to the latest events, both to 24 hours, but in the past few hours with the military effectively saying it's in control in booking a fossil anybody with a so i expected this to happen. the readings want to war, clearly a, i'll stick it last night for the 2 of us. so we do a quarter 5 of the african a. despite that, the moment this is clearly that the country, it's gonna be actually been a stage ever since he became a millionaire. 2 or 3 years ago. he has not been able to fix the problem not to, for security forces and need to have food, ammunition and some of these base property ways. or the money that he has been spending was controlled. do not extend by dinners, leaving branson 5 of the army who have no other option. we see yesterday the reaction, the realize that the people in the street with them that the move in the region in west africa, he's going don't really go in favor that. and also the fact that if you maybe, if you do end up those immunity b, like a 2 weeks ago for trying to do so they had to just really, and i'm actually gonna kill in industry because they're happy that the chart of what it is she to others, as they do is just in the law in the country of the end of the c t c. this says a failure of democracy against not just in brooklyn, of hassle, but looking at some other countries as well. c something that's more wide spread across the region. i mean, ultimately have the failure to governor, to govern effectively is causing many of these cruise yes, the school a not to fail demo because you deal with these leaders will get to power through the books actually should be good. i want to be a government. the resources are the natural resources advantage of resources of the country. and actually those people didn't go over the country probably. so there is a regression of democracy in west africa, but who is it? because a democrat, those people who became the leaders a process in many african countries, they were not based serious a vision. and we still come by the week was what we need to do with the previous to british pony, who the country from 97 to 2004 d as a very strong man really easily when the people started showing did it in 2014 is that you're presenting in as a democrat, each quarter will. so at the end of that, the really, there is a gut job and you have to do something that you know when he's not the 1st time with. and i think, i think we need to go because there's a chance to address complain with people celebrating on the streets. but it'll be interesting to see how things are developing the days and weeks to come out of my guy, senegalese, political commentator. joining us from casablanca, so thank you for sharing of use with us. coming up on the snooze, hour from london, coalition forces launch new strikes on who the targets after intercepting missiles fired at the u. e. by jamini rebels. the end of the line for lebanon's, former prime minister, sat her recalls time on his political career and a big upset that the australian open as the women's number 2 seed crashes out in the forefront. ah, nato is putting its forces on standby and bringing in more ships and fighter jets to reinforce eastern europe in anticipation of a russian invasion of ukraine. secretary general un stockton berg said the alliance is prepared to take all necessary measures to protect and defend all allies. while european foreign ministers meeting in brussels demanded russia, diffuse, pensions, or face would describe as massive consequences and severe costs. russia continues to deny that it plans to invade accusing the west of fueling hysteria and escalating tensions. natasha butler begins our coverage as western powers step on diplomatic efforts to diffuse tensions with moscow over ukraine. european union foreign ministers met in brussels, of the talks joined by the u. s. secretary of state by video cool. the eas, top diplomat said that should to russia invade ukraine, the blog could impose sanctions, although he refused to give more detail. we agree, affirm our full and unquestionable shoe, poor to grain, and that any military aggression against ukraine will have, should use consequences, a massive cash for the perpetrator. earlier the head of the u commission announced an emergency financial package to help kiev. i am announcing a new hind angel assistance package to the country, made both of emergency loans and grants. first of all, the commission proposes and your emergency macro financial assistance package of 1200000000 euros. this package will help ukraine now. to address it's financing needs due to the conflict. meanwhile, the head of nato said the alliance would reinforces deployments in eastern europe with troops, ships, and fighter jets. a response said he install to berg to the deteriorating security situation. we are considering to further enhance or persons in eastern part with arms. this could include the appointment of additional natal battle groups. the move by nato has angered the kremlin. it denies accusations by western powers that it is planning an attack kremlin spokesperson. dmitri pet scoff, said me, the info we are seeing statements from the north atlantic alliance about more troops pushing force is an asset on to the eastern flag. it is all causing tensions to rise. i'd like to point out, it is not because of what we russia are doing. it's all happening because of what later at the united states, the green and the information they are spreading. in kiev, the u. s. and u. k began the withdrawal of some diplomats families and non essential workers from the city, although the embassies will remain open. the reduction of empathy staff another signed without a diplomatic break through the threat of conflict looms large. natasha butler al jazeera. well, in the last hour you as president joe biden has discussed ukraine in a video call with european leaders. let's get more now from my cana in washington, d. c. m. i. what more do we know about the call? well we haven't heard yet any read out about the content of the call. it began around 3 o'clock eastern time. that's the time here in washington dc. he held 3rd video virtual talks of the number of european leaders leaders of ne, towed up road leaders from both france, italy, the u. k. so a pretty wide range of discussions taking place there. this follows a meeting that the president biden had over the weekend with members of his national security staff while he was at camp david. clearly now briefing the european leaders on what the u. s. a position is in light of the latest information that may be emerging concerning the ukraine crisis. secretary austin has placed a range of units in the united states on a heightened preparedness to deploy which increases our readiness to provide forces . if nato should activate the n, r f. or if other situations develop, all told the number of forces that the secretary has placed on hight miller, comes up to about 8500 personnel. my apologies, that was c, a defense had spokesperson talking to the media about the deployment of us troops, potential deployment of u. s. troops. basically he was announcing the fact that 8 and a half 1000 us troops had been placed on standby. and no decision has been taken yet to deploy them. however, the defense spokesperson making clear that there would be a use to bolster as the nato reaction force. they would be part of that force. and he reiterated the statement made by president biden earlier, that there would be no us true presence within ukraine. however, he did mention as well that there are some 200 u. s. soldiers in ukraine at present, but they are acting there in a training capacity. so the situation at present is at u. s. has now put a 2 and a half 1000 soldiers or up to 8 and a half 1000 soldiers on standby, in case they need to be deployed to bolster the nato forces in the days to come. i can i with the latest i from washington d. c. mike, thank you. when michael wasik, you is a global affairs analyst and former spokesman for the o. s. c. special monetary mission to ukraine. he joined us via skype from sidney in british columbia. sir, thank you so much for joining us here. it's always good to have you and al jazeera things are changing very quickly. what is your reading of the situation right now? good to be with you again. barbara. well, things are changing very, very quickly. in fact, if you had asked me a week ago with quaint to happen, i would have time down the excitement and said, i don't think much, but now it's become much, much more clear that president putin who has always wanted to regain control of a wider swats of the former soviet union is prepared to do something and i think after watching russian stay primetime television this evening, it now appears that the occupied territory which has under control of the car do not the people's republic leadership. while the leader of that group, dennis chillen was on state national russian tv today saying that we are about to be attacked, that there is $120000.00 western trips on our borders tanks artillery. and in return, he said that their pre positioning more multiple rocket launch system, and i prove that sort of thing. so i think that that part of ukraine, which is, of course, been occupied the 2014. we're looking for a real big escalation and, you know, what, barbara? in the meantime, president putin has been handing out hundreds of thousands of russian passports to per russian residence. so don't boss when you put these different elements together, including by the way, the blocking of the observers are not part of ukraine. i think that that's going to be their immediate kind of strategy to move further into ukraine. but then focusing on the sort of western reaction that we've seen. a over the past few days, is it just not working? the strong words, the threat or very strong sanctions? do you think the split perhaps is obvious between the various western powers? oh yeah, absolutely. and this is the kind of environment put and thrive then you know, he, he lives off of division. and when the, what the tractor about the time to move, look, you know, if they really wanted to get mr. put in tension, i think what they need to do is to ok, the rhetoric is important. let's put that aside. but really go after the oligarchs and his immediate circle who control billions and billions of dollars. and what i mean by that, barbara is to see the property that has been bought by these russian oligarchs and places like london, the sports teams, the bank account, whatever it takes. the other thing is we have to remember as well that the west also needs to equip ukraine to better fight back against this hydro hybrid war that is going on right now. i've been in contact with my sources in ukraine and they tell me in the past few days, there's been massive false bomb threats, phoned into schools and give into kids subway stations. and just in the past 24 hour in the city of the patricia big cyber attacks last week, which they have been to the full extent of the damage. and so i think the time for rhetoric and the threat of sanctions has now ended and action is needed. and really striking where it hurts. i mean, obviously the last thing, well, anybody wants really is some kind of escalation and many would argue what, look, ukraine is not a member of nato, so there is no real need to go in. why do you think that that may not be right? why do you think ukraine is if you think so? why do you think ukraine is crucial to? i guess the western influencing european security. yeah, well, i've got a good answer for that. look in 2014 when the little group so called little green men invaded eastern ukraine. it displays 2 to 3000000 people. now imagine if there is a major incursion, whether it's in kia or cod killed or other parts would be crane. that will spark a massive migration of asylum seekers across the border. ukraine borders the you, they can walk over, they can drive over and they have visa fi truck be the free travel. so this is something that the west will feel very, very immediately the humanitarian crisis could be very good. i don't think it's an aspect that is being carefully looked at right now. and, you know, on top of that, of course, very quickly is that, you know, ukraine has fought very hard for its freedom. it's a full functioning democracy. course. there are a few things to work out like corruption, but the west has to stand by his partner, michael for secure global affairs analyst and form a spokesman for the o. s. c special monetary mission to ukraine. s or is always the thank you for your views. my pleasure. the saudi led coalition in yemen has launched their strikes that are who the missile launcher came hours after. and the rocky and us forces intercepted ballistic myself fired by the who the rebels at a base hosting the u. s. military in the u. e. they bring from the myself, fell over, i would be but no one was injured. it was the 2nd the pack in a week on the iraqi capital. last monday, 3 people were killed in a who, the drone strike, who the spokesman as war? no further attacks on the way only go to them with a lot in response to the belligerent escalation by saudi arabia and the u. s. e. and there are crimes against or blocked people. the missiles and thrown units of our armed forces carried out to successful large military operation. job in our armed forces, stress, its full preparedness, to widen the scope of its operation and the coming period of time and to meet escalations with further escalations, our armed forces renewed warning to the foreign companies. investors within the u. e to leave as the u. e. is declared an unsafe country and the target of our future operations, so long as it's belligerence and seizure can. simon is not halted in theory and kurdish fighters, backed by the united states military say there are close to recapturing the prison taken by iso forces on thursday. the reportedly closing in on the last wing of the jail fill under iso control. after about 300 fighters surrendered earlier in the day, dozens of kurdish fighters and deisel members have been killed since the attack on the prison 5 days ago. save the children and the un have expressed concern that reports that ice will. fighters are holding hundreds of children as human shields inside the prison. the humanitarian conditions. and i mean, of course, in the prisons, but in our whole camps are all just horrendous and you have entire families and, and young children that are remaining there. and it's important that the member states do what they can to deal with. those people who hold citizenship from from their country, former lebanese prime minister, sadie says he suspending his role in political life and will not run into parliamentary elections dismay. he's also urging his political party not to participate either in a hole that has worn out from the capital data. he's been in politics since 2005 when his late father, former prime minister, if he had edi was assassinated. sad heidi has since been lebanon's leading muslim sunday politician, but the 3 time prime minister is withdrawing from political life. woman by bit, the hamilton, missouri. i lung. there is no room for any positive opportunities for lebanon due to the iranian influence out indecisiveness with the international community, internal divisions and sectarianism. i'm suspending work in political life and so is the future movement. and i am not running in the election, nor will the future movement denied. della the future movement is the largest sunday lead party and parliament. but the balance of power is against them. he is that i mean, against a very strong see it and see it in iranian alliance and the country. and therefore, given not it seems that the saudis and gulf states in general, not willing to pay much of an investment. how do they like his father was one, saudi arabia's man in lebanon. but in recent years that changed. so has, how do you, these policy towards has been law, backed by the predominantly she or iran, once confrontational, his critic see him as to compromising? how did is exit as a turning point and lebanese politics? the how do you, these have dominated the sunday leadership since the end of the civil war in 1990? but for many, his decision isn't a surprise. how do you, these political position, weakened in recent years, the former prime minister himself acknowledged making what he called mistakes by engaging with foes at the expense of allies. this in the sector, it's up to 3 percent of the population and this is, this poses grave consequences. there is no obvious leader to replace him, but it appears there are efforts to form an anti hezbollah alliance. thomas, thanks is that we should have launch lines on the politics and on everything. you know, even how do you, these allies have criticize the former prime minister for sharing power with hezbollah, which along with its allies one the last election, their opponents are hoping to change that in the upcoming vote. in may, some may argue heidi may have been standing in the way that they should be route. nasa says the volcanic eruption that triggered us an army in tong now was hundreds of times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima. the space agency also says the eruption obliterated the newly formed volcanic island north of the tongue, then a capital thong. as government says, getting clean. drinking water to people is now its main priority. lots more still to come in this news. our sudanese security forces fire live rounds and tear gas said the latest protests against military rule . killing 3 people british prime minister boris johnson, faces allegations of yet another party during locked down even closer to home. and gambia reach the quarter finals of the africa cup of nations after a surprise when beginning ah for the 2nd time in about 30 years, the see resort city of antalya in turkey may see since now. hello everyone. here's the details right now. there's that weather maker given this snow across southern turkey, rain for cyprus, and also some snow for syria to how much can we expect for on tele, i think on the low end, 2 centimeters on the high end, 5 centimeters and look at your temperature is going to continue to fall off subs 0 as we get later into the week. central europe looking pretty calm, but we have a shield of snow across the eastern areas of poland into western ukraine, knocking on the door of kiev on tuesday. the showers rolling across scotland in the forecast for you and we've got a steady stream of rain and snow for western norway. the avalanche risk dare is heightened with that rain falling on top of the snow showers across the street of gibraltar. also unsettled toward the southeast corner of spain and that weather maker given the snow for greece and turkey were talking about athens mika knows, this stumble on tale. that strapping down white and windy conditions across libya and tropical cyclone on doing damage into moose and b, it's going to move in t as in bob way and eventually zambia. both of those countries have seen flooding. big drop in temperatures for cape town over the weekend. you are 45. and now 25 on tuesday. see later. ah ah, ah. the story as bob way in her what she is always told from the perspective all the great me was even livingston all robot mcgarvey. my responsibility is to tell this logan story in a way that it hasn't truly been told before. ordinary everyday life was in well with the people i'm writing about patina, kappa, out of darkness. my zimbabwe on al jazeera lu, ah, remind her now of the top stories on al jazeera or kina fossils. army says it's seized power and the post president rock bore it whose whereabouts are unknown. earlier his party said he had survived allison nation on the military, cited the countries deteriorating security situation. nato is putting its forces on standby and sending ships and fighter jets to bolster europe's eastern defences. over fears that russia will invade ukraine. and the united arab emirates has launched the air strikes at who the targets in yemen, hours after intercepting ballistic missiles fired at a base hosting us forces in abu dhabi. they brief from the missiles fell over in iraq with the m erotic capital. but no one was injured. at least 3 people have been killed in the latest protests against military rule in so than the central committee of sudanese doctors says that they were shot dead by security forces who fired live rounds and tear gas. the group says more protest or is were injured in the capital cartoon, and the neighboring city of on demand factor is working for doctors without borders were arrested at a hospital known for treating injured protesters. more than 70 civilians have died and thousands have been injured in demonstrations since the military takeover in october. he per morgan followed the protesters in cartoon. it's been 3 months since the military took over power in sudan, dissolving a 2 year transitional government. and since then, the protest against that take over has been ongoing. people have been taken to the streets, nearly daily to boys their anger, against the military takeover and against the army being in control and being involved into dance politics. they have been demanding that the military handled power to civilian government and return to their barracks. now, since that take over sudan, camilla politics has been in disarray. political parties are divided. some have shown support for the takeover saying that it was necessary while others have condemned that saying that the military has a stage, a coup and disrupted a democracy democratic front. the ship that was underway now protested are making their way once again to the presidential palace. the last time they tried that was a week ago and security forces use tear gas and live ammunition to stop them from reaching their destination. at least 7 protesters were killed in the previous protest to the presidential palace, but that has not deterred protest. it will continue to take to the street. at least 72 people have been killed. and 2nd, bruce asked them to take over 3 months ago, more than 2000 have been injured. but despite the use of force by security for safety, which though he went, says has been excessive and brutal. people continue to void their anger against the takeover. they say that they will not stop until the military handle the power to complete civilian government and return to the barracks. the un has been trying to mediate and bridge the gap between the political parties and protest us and the military throne initiative that it says it's hopeful and to dance political crisis, but until then protested, they will continue to take to the street to void their anger against the military and continued demanding a complete civilian room. a political crisis is brewing in hall. doris after rival politicians from the same party elected different people to the post of congress president. it's the latest development than the dispute between members of president the leg, sierra castro's party days before her inauguration, alexia bryan reports o supporters of the liberty and re foundation party, celebrating in the honduran capital douglas, a golfer at the swearing in of their new president of congress, louise redondo probably bowed over from a, from am to day the deputies of the national congress of acted opportunity to protect an action that was intended to be consummated to day, to take control by the criminal structures that have governed this country. they intended to take control of this legislative power. moreover, that speakers nearby arrival congressional president was being confirmed on jorge to leaks oil. lamar earlier today, a majority of 80 out of a 128 members, elected a new board of directors. and we are respectful of the outcome you rely on examining that, i mean the competing ceremonies deepen a split in the policy. if c, m r, castro, who said to become honduran, president on thursday. cal leaks is a member of her party party, supported by a dissident faction who disagreed with their promise to give the leadership of the new congress to louis redondo. he's a member of the honduras, salvation party, who helped castro claim victory in november's election. castro's called on her supporters to rally against the split, throwing the dissidence out of her party. and brandon to leaks a traitor. he knows that if we is honduran paypal continue to accept these practices. then what would be happening in the legislature would be to hand to control of a state power back to the dictatorship. the dispute caused chaos and congress on friday in cliques was chosen by the wiggles. he's being backed by members of the national policy, which is laid on juris for the past while he is the punch up. so the us call for all sides to remain calm and start talks endless against the division will make castro's presidency far more challenging. g one last november's election, promising to end the corruption and violence that hamper economic growth. more than half of home durance live below the poverty line, forcing many to leave the country in search of new opportunities abroad. castro's victory led to hopes of change in honduras is supposed to say that change is now in jeopardy. elixir brian al jazeera mexican president or under essman ray lopez over a dog has pledged to investigate the killing of a journalist who had publicly asked them for protection lou. this maldonado lopez was shot dead on sunday. her body was found inside a car in the northern border city of tiquana. she's the 3rd a journalist to be killed this month in 2019 maldonado publicly asked of what i thought for protection during a daily press conference. saying that she feared for her life, the president said mother another was helped at the time in the scribe. the news of her death as very painful. former roman catholic pope benedict, the 16th as admitted giving a false statement to a child, sex abuse inquiry. he says he mistakenly told investigators in germany that he wasn't at a meeting in 1980 hell to discuss a priest to with sexually abuse children. it was held while he was archbishop of munich, and inquiry by german lawyers concluded that benedict knew about peter fogg, priests, and 4 cases, but failed path. he's accused of allowing priests to continue carrying out pastoral duties. despite abuse allegations, dominic cane has more from berlin. the central fact that emerges from pages and pages and pages of evidence given by the former pope just less than 6 weeks ago to this inquiry is he says repeatedly that if he can't remember a meeting take taking place, then it didn't take place well to day through a spokesman, he said, actually what he did was mislead the enquiry, not through bad faith, but by bad editing of this particular document. and he has now admitted that on one particular occasion, he was present when the case of a specific priest who would go on to be convicted of child sex abuse. he was present at the time. and the allegation is that he did not do enough to act against this specific priest. now the form of pope has said in his, in the, in regional evidence. he said, well, if i didn't remember it, i wasn't there because i wasn't there. i couldn't have known what happened. well, now these specific investigators have said you were there. it follows therefore, that it is likely that you knew what happened. the leader is of 3 of italy's main political parties have been meeting in rome in an effort to break a deadlock over who will be the country's next president. parliament has been voting on the new head of state, but all the main part, he said there meant members cast that blank ballots. the current prime minister marion draggy is indicated that he wants the job of president, which has a 7 year term. but there are concerns that would be his departure, as prime minister could put the fragile a governing coalition in doubt. for since prime minister boys johnson is denied a report that he attended yet another social gathering and breach of coven lockdown rules. it's claimed that johnson's wife threw him a surprise birthday party during the 1st lockdown. in june 2020. the prime minister's office says it was a brief gathering that lasted less than 10 minutes. johnson is under severe pressure after a series of revelations about lockdown breeches. or soon after the birthday party claim was may the letter boris johnston sent to a 7 year old called josephine in march. 2020 was retreated in it. he said he was glad she's staying home and was sorry to hear she'd have to cancel her party. he told the girl that she was setting a great example. they've barker has more now on the latest allegations of lockdown, partying at the prime minister. as residents tend them, st. apparently 2 parties are alleged to have taken place on june. the 19th 2020, when the country was under strict lockdown. the 1st relating to an apparent surprise party, organized by carry johnson his wife at 2 pm on the afternoon of the 19th of june. number tanner's come back saying that that was a very brief event on the tail end of a meeting. that prime minister johnson only attended for 10 minutes or so. the 2nd is a relating to an alleged party that took place in the number 10, a flat. well on that point, a non pertain has said that that didn't happen. so as denied these allegations and said instead, there was a small gathering of family members in the garden of number 10 that may not have been in breach of those covert rules. the father, the prime minister, is once again a having to defend himself in the face of these allegations only put more more pressure on johnson. and what has been an extraordinary couple of weeks now in politics. we are of course, waiting for the all important conclusion of su gray that senior civil servants report into wrongdoing across white hole. a number of parties now have come to light. 13000000 citizens in northern china has spent their 1st day out of a months long locked down. the city of shyanne was shut down as part of china's 0 coat coven policy. before the start of the beijing winter olympics, next month, the people in the capital are facing you restrictions, including a 2nd round of last testing in beijing's at thank a district. it's hung to 2000000 people. 40 cases of the disease have been found there so far. the international council of nurses as calling for urgent action to stop what it calls an avoidable healthcare disaster. there are 28000000 nurses globally, but there's a severe shortage worsened by the pandemic. a lack of funds burned out and high levels of resignation are contributing to the crisis. there was already a shortfall of 6000000 nurses. when the pandemic began 2 years ago, the council predicts nearly 13000000 nurses will be needed in the next 10 years. a situation made worse by rich countries, recruiting nurses from developing countries. howard caton in geneva is the chief executive officer at the international council of nurses. he says the recruitment of foreign nurses is leaving many poor nations unable to provide adequate care. so what we have seen is absolutely an uptake in the last few months in international recruitment, predominantly it's high income countries recruiting from lower lower middle income countries. the nurse to population ratio in those lower income countries is usually significantly lower than in the high income countries. which means when you take those nurses out, the impact on the sending country, the source country might mean that it's unable to continue to provide health care to its own people. around 200 people, stranded by snow in southeast and turkey have now been rescued. they were stuck on a highway india bako for at least 12 hours. emergency crews had to dig through snow to reach passengers trapped and around 50 vehicles. the region is going through a prolong the cold snap. more than a 1000 people have had to be rescued from snow cupboard roads in the past week. and greece is also seen blizzards and freezing temperatures. storm and p, thus swept across the country, bringing rare snowfall to athens and some of the aegean islands vaccination centers . and schools have been closed and parliament has been suspended while still ahead in this news. our ah no guitars not, gangs music teacher is find the right cord to save south african children from a life of violence, no n h l players at the winter olympics. but hockey mad sweden names to fill the gap. and after a 1000000 mile journey, nasa's at 10 a $1000000000.00 telescope, slips into orbit around the sun. ah. with me mm pool. a a a group of teachers in cape town is using music to offer young people and alternative to gang violence. the gangs enlists that young boys who have few options, but music is offering them a different path from cape town for me to miller reports. no knocking on the hood. o 5 days a week. this group of children gathers for guitar. lessons or classes on cry. fontaine, a suburb of cape town, ravaged by gangs drugs and crime. no. their teacher told me, your sto from the organisation joined bands. not gangs has been giving lessons for more than 2 years in the hope that music will keep his students on the right path. la, they must seek for on that alone feel that the music changes their mindset. the one to play music and start thinking in a different way. what it's not always easy. it's difficult work because children need you to repeat things, but they want to do it and they are willing and it makes a difference in children who carry on with the program for more than 6 months. can join a band like this one in a neighboring community. 15 year old jordan vaughn, yas felt says his always loved music, which he says has brought him strength in march 2021. you know, week we, as a family actually got affected and we lost our cousin, little gang violence, you know, but that ease, since then i've been living in fear. we all been living in fear, you know, and i realized the way jordan, but you actually now really got to you this. got to open your eyes. you gotta do something with your life. those living has a bailey, an hour passes without some sort of shooting, and it's a challenge keeping children safe at the height of the violence. there were at least 12 gang related murders every month. various gangs competed with territory, often related to drugs. now the music program not only helps to prevent young children from joining these gags, but also reduce tensions between rival groups. cedric williams belongs to one of the gangs here. i think it's an area plagued by high unemployment. he lost his job as a bartender and says limited work opportunities make staying away from these groups . almost impossible. both lawyers though he always bought the hood. it is a rule of life. it is a little of the street. it is. oh, i know it. so yes, my be able to get the answer yes. been put on my bedroom for am. if you ever go away will and no i was used to lately i don't do so. i but those picking up a musical instrument instead of a gun, ho, programs like this will make a difference. creating an alternative for children who often have little choice for me. tamela al, jazeera cape town, south africa. ah, no, no, no. okay. on that. okay, now here's peter with the sport. bob, a thank you will thought he's out of cameroon, where an official has told the associated press news agency at 6 people are dead off stampede outside of football stadium in the capitol. jonae stampede happened as hosts, cameroon were taking on cameras in the africa cup of nations at the 60000 seats or pull b s. stadium. well that the cause of the stampede was not clear. we will bring you more on that as we get it. now her mission, cameron all through to the quarter finals of the africa cup of nation, thanks to to one when overcome or in your day the tiny island nation will not helped with captain with central inside the opening 7 minutes. now jim dismissal compounding method for the come orient already falls to pick left back chuck do as they go, keep it because of injuries. and corona virus infection, allah do was beaten by. it can be in the 29th minutes and that lead with double by suing them and sub score. and cameron, captain vance, on abu bakar, in the 2nd half, the 6th goal of the competition, the most, the century cameras pulled one back through a sending 3 cakes. and you know the sauce 10 minutes to the host, but to one is how it would finish earlier to them. and debbie told gambia surprised guinea in the last 16 with a one know when that was thanks to this strike from mussa barrow sick of the treatment. again, the ins remained undefeated so far as the hit into the quarter finals. the faith cameras got to the australian open in the big upset in the women's competition as the 2nd seed arena. sub lincoln made an exit a semi finalist at both wimbledon and the us open. last year sub olenka was the favorite to make the quarter finals, but she came under pressure from kind of connect be sub a link of serve. let it down as a estonian opponent held the nerve to when the deciding tie break in advance to the last 8 to play 7 feed on tape mix some help and elisa corny struggled with the intense 34 degree heat, but it was cool, nay. who dealt with the best to get the better of 2, tom grants champion hallett, the will number 61 between 52 on saturday to to her 1st major call to final. at the 60 food time of asking, she'll face american daniel collins place in the semi mens topsy denise mid with. they've made it into the quarter finals up through hartford. whenever american, maxine chrissy. i think you're gonna wanna wait 7 seconds and then you will and you don't say that there was some frustrating moments for made for dave who was upset to being denied a toilet break, but also 3 and a half hours. it was the russian who came through so when in full sets, he's the favorite in the absence of never talk a bit sure and remain on track. 22nd grand slam off with us open friends in september, medieval now face the canadian line seed felix azalea scene with 21 year old beat associating runner of marian chill ich in full sets to reach the last 8 in melbourne for the 1st time. number 4 seed, stefan aust, since the purse was involved in an epic battle with american taylor fritz seats, the pus whose twice been a semi finalist at this tournament was trading to fits to one and in danger of going out. but the greek raised his level to take the final 2, said 6364, to progress and stay in with the chance of the 1st grand slam title. for the 2nd winter olympics running, there will be no n h l players this time because of coven 19. but it's pull reports from sweden, less famous leagues around. the world may be strong enough to ensure the big names are not missed too much. ah, living up to the standards of north america, national hockey league is a close to impossible task, but the level of play here in melma isn't too far off. the swedish hockey legally as a child has been a proving ground for some of the world's best players. and is now replacing the world's best at the olympics with an actual styles. absent g concerns, i recovered the s h l is helping to pluck the gaps, then mocks all of alerts and formerly of the philadelphia fly as will make his olympic dab you in beijing. get back to dna choice not sending your places, sad. boy, at the same time, you're still going to have a high level athletes competing for their country and r t s h all, i mean just look at it every year you provide young players andra x to the nature and guys that go straight in and take jobs over there, so that should be tested dogwood. leslie. yes, depending he asked, the swedish league is the 2nd best in the world or 3rd behind russia, players from canada and the u. s. provides spice for fans, but it strength is it's convey about of top quality swedes. not many countries can claim to be this hockey mat. now there's no hiding the fact that there are a lot of em, they say, but that's because even though sweden has never had a lockdown, there are still restrictions on crowds. normally these thumbs up with something big and important, both the sweetest culture the locals take any chance to get their skates on. no, frost, no problem. priceless hockey is played all year round. sweden women's world champions 4 years ago, but haven't on olympic gold since 2006 with the s h l. rearranging it's scheduled to accommodate a strong squad being sent to beijing. friends are generally happy to choose the country over club for a couple of weeks, and i'm on the 5th one, sweden to win, but we're not as obsessed by them as we are by mo mo, venture split. but i think the olympics is a great chance to show the strength of our league. what we can do, the anal may be the gold standard, but the olympics remain. hockey's biggest showcase but casual view as the sport will hope. its strength and depth beyond north america can ensure those funds aren't frozen out. hall, reese al jazeera velma. just to recap, our breaking news story out of cameroon, where an official has told the associated press news agency that 6 people are dead off to stampede outside of football stadium in the capital yo and day. the stampede happened as hosts cameron were taking on cameras in the african couple of nations at the $60000.00 seater whose b a stadium. although because of the stampede is not clear, we'll bring you more on there in our next news bulletin. okay, we'll leave it there for now. that's all the sports needs. i'm gonna hand you back to barbara who's in london. thank you very much for that. now. the biggest space telescope in history has now reached its final destination. ready to give scientists an unprecedented glimpse of the beginnings of the universe. the james web space telescope has arrived that it's gravitational parking spot in orbit around the sun, about one and a half 1000000 kilometers from earth. sh. now the $10000000000.00 project, there's a collaboration between nasa and the european and canadian space agencies. it's vast mirror which is the size of a tennis court, means that can effectively look backwards in time. a telescope is really a time machine because light travels out of finite speed through the universe. we see the universe as it existed when that light was emitted, travel through time and space and we detected later on. so for instance, if you want to have it in comparison to look at the moon, it takes light about one second to travel from the moon to us. we see the moon as it was one second ago. that is it for this, these hours stay with us. i'm going to be back in just a few minutes with more of these. ah ah a jenny, a jenny, a base, and one of necessity in 3 different missions that all facing the challenge of driving on nicaragua was an unpaid road at the mercy of its unpredictable tropical with risking. he told me the curriculum on al jazeera when the new great friday's tornado destroyed everything, it touched in mayfield. when people need to be heard and the story town, he has done his job to tell us what's going on with exclusive interviews and in depth reports i get on my right the we'd just be 3. 0 has teens on the ground to when you were award winning documentaries and lives on air and online news. educating is the beacon that nice the future any society, but for those who live in abandon, places, getting an education takes inspiration and determination with it to live in the remote areas. don't have electricity, tv, or computers. too short films show how a love of learning finds a way a select on al jazeera. i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but mil country is alike and it's my job to shed light on how and why a akina fossils are me says it's ousted president rock. burridge dissolves the government, the national assembly and sees power. ah, hello barbara sarah, this is al jazeera, like from london, also coming up. we will always do what is necessary to protect on the fans of all our allies. nato says it's putting its forces on spanned by over ukraine and more rush.

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240708

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by over ukraine and what russia has brand that an escalation of tensions fears grow over the fate of hundreds of children leave to be held by iso fighters inside the besieged prison. in ne, syria and former pope benedict the 16 said to mates that he gave false testimony to a child sexual abuse inquiring in germany. and he dismissing dough with all the sports news, host nation camera room, or through to the africa cup of nations. cool to finals of 2 to one. when i become more is l face down be in the me ah or keener fossils military says it's seized control of the country in a broadcast on state p. v. and army spokesman said it had over on president rocks to bore it. it's so law clear where the president actually is, although his part, he says he survived an assassination attempt to earlier in the day. the army also said its dissolved the government, the national assembly and suspended the constitution. but he promised a return to constitutional order within what it called a reasonable time. and it announced its close the country's borders with a curfew in effect from 9 pm to 5 am. the qu, follows weeks of growing frustration over the government's failure to stop attacks by on the groups. nicholas hawk reports now from decker. actually, we will bring you that report a little early later at about cowboys. whereabouts are in clear, the ruling party said he had survived an assassination attempt. well, joining us now from casablanca. apologies it, we don't have the guest. we are trying to bring you the latest that from kina faso. i'm and the events that are happening there, especially in the capital a white guy do go. and we can now hear from our correspondent henry wilkins, who has the latest from the capital. there's still a lot of information at the moment that the former president book boy is no longer president. the government has been, it's all for the even the president is since this morning. that's been a very heavy military present from the on the street fight. the national board cost tv today. treat you to me as had taken the, the billing thing. it's still very, a pay kids to where you, the president is a best estimate for the moment that he's been in the military camp camp. money's on which is where the need to me started. gates, survive an assassination attempt, according to a statement released by the former voting party. there is a lot of fatigue with the security featuring situation indicator. it's been a war for 6 years now. we've great me to say this legacy. this doesn't just not be on the president, boy has been for marks the end of the period in between fast a history where it's actually had to miss chrissy. so that's the latest from walk i do go. meanwhile, al jazeera nicholas hockey is in darker with the international response to the crew . i mean, it seems to be perhaps surprising for many to see so many people celebrating what, what appears to be the end of an era of democracy in burkina faso in the beginning of a military coup. but that just reflects the lack of trust that people have in democratic institutions, specifically in countries in west africa. and we've seen a wave of military takeovers from unpopular yet elected democratically elected presidents in the region from guinea. then molly, we saw it in chad in sudan, and now burkina faso. so why is that? what it among many people, the basic necessities are not met by the state. in the case of burkina, faso, just a few numbers, 3500000 people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. 1.5000000 people displaced, 2000 killed in those 1500000 people displaced are not just people. barbara. they're mostly children, teenagers, and this is all contributing to the fact that this at toppling of this leader is so popular, at least on the sheets of walker do for now want. joining us now from casablanca is at my gay as senegalese political commentate, who is also former information director at the west african region of luck. eco, or, sir, thank you so much for joining us here. all now jazeera. so 1st of all, your a reaction to the latest events, both to 24 hours, but in the past few hours with the military effectively saying it's in control in booking a fossil anybody with a so i expected this to happen. the readings want to war, clearly a, i'll stick it last night for the 2 of us. so we do a quarter 5 of the african a. despite that, the moment this is clearly that the country, it's gonna be actually been a stage ever since he became a millionaire. 2 or 3 years ago. he has not been able to fix the problem not to, for security forces and need to have food, ammunition and some of these base property ways. or the money that he has been spending was controlled. do not extend by dinners, leaving branson 5 of the army who have no other option. we see yesterday the reaction, the realize that the people in the street with them that the move in the region in west africa, he's going don't really go in favor that. and also the fact that if you maybe, if you do end up those immunity b, like a 2 weeks ago for trying to do so they had to just really, and i'm actually gonna kill in industry because they're happy that the chart of what it is she to others, as they do is just in the law in the country of the end of the c t c. this says a failure of democracy against not just in brooklyn, of hassle, but looking at some other countries as well. c something that's more wide spread across the region. i mean, ultimately have the failure to governor, to govern effectively is causing many of these cruise yes, the school a not to fail demo because you deal with these leaders will get to power through the books actually should be good. i want to be a government. the resources are the natural resources advantage of resources of the country. and actually those people didn't go over the country probably. so there is a regression of democracy in west africa, but who is it? because a democrat, those people who became the leaders a process in many african countries, they were not based serious a vision. and we still come by the week was what we need to do with the previous to british pony, who the country from 97 to 2004 d as a very strong man really easily when the people started showing did it in 2014 is that you're presenting in as a democrat, each quarter will. so at the end of that, the really, there is a gut job and you have to do something that you know when he's not the 1st time with. and i think, i think we need to go because there's a chance to address complain with people celebrating on the streets. but it'll be interesting to see how things are developing the days and weeks to come out of my guy, senegalese, political commentator. joining us from casablanca, so thank you for sharing of use with us. coming up on the snooze, hour from london, coalition forces launch new strikes on who the targets after intercepting missiles fired at the u. e. by jamini rebels. the end of the line for lebanon's, former prime minister, sat her recalls time on his political career and a big upset that the australian open as the women's number 2 seed crashes out in the forefront. ah, nato is putting its forces on standby and bringing in more ships and fighter jets to reinforce eastern europe in anticipation of a russian invasion of ukraine. secretary general un stockton berg said the alliance is prepared to take all necessary measures to protect and defend all allies. while european foreign ministers meeting in brussels demanded russia, diffuse, pensions, or face would describe as massive consequences and severe costs. russia continues to deny that it plans to invade accusing the west of fueling hysteria and escalating tensions. natasha butler begins our coverage as western powers step on diplomatic efforts to diffuse tensions with moscow over ukraine. european union foreign ministers met in brussels, of the talks joined by the u. s. secretary of state by video cool. the eas, top diplomat said that should to russia invade ukraine, the blog could impose sanctions, although he refused to give more detail. we agree, affirm our full and unquestionable shoe, poor to grain, and that any military aggression against ukraine will have, should use consequences, a massive cash for the perpetrator. earlier the head of the u commission announced an emergency financial package to help kiev. i am announcing a new hind angel assistance package to the country, made both of emergency loans and grants. first of all, the commission proposes and your emergency macro financial assistance package of 1200000000 euros. this package will help ukraine now. to address it's financing needs due to the conflict. meanwhile, the head of nato said the alliance would reinforces deployments in eastern europe with troops, ships, and fighter jets. a response said he install to berg to the deteriorating security situation. we are considering to further enhance or persons in eastern part with arms. this could include the appointment of additional natal battle groups. the move by nato has angered the kremlin. it denies accusations by western powers that it is planning an attack kremlin spokesperson. dmitri pet scoff, said me, the info we are seeing statements from the north atlantic alliance about more troops pushing force is an asset on to the eastern flag. it is all causing tensions to rise. i'd like to point out, it is not because of what we russia are doing. it's all happening because of what later at the united states, the green and the information they are spreading. in kiev, the u. s. and u. k began the withdrawal of some diplomats families and non essential workers from the city, although the embassies will remain open. the reduction of empathy staff another signed without a diplomatic break through the threat of conflict looms large. natasha butler al jazeera. well, in the last hour you as president joe biden has discussed ukraine in a video call with european leaders. let's get more now from my cana in washington, d. c. m. i. what more do we know about the call? well we haven't heard yet any read out about the content of the call. it began around 3 o'clock eastern time. that's the time here in washington dc. he held 3rd video virtual talks of the number of european leaders leaders of ne, towed up road leaders from both france, italy, the u. k. so a pretty wide range of discussions taking place there. this follows a meeting that the president biden had over the weekend with members of his national security staff while he was at camp david. clearly now briefing the european leaders on what the u. s. a position is in light of the latest information that may be emerging concerning the ukraine crisis. secretary austin has placed a range of units in the united states on a heightened preparedness to deploy which increases our readiness to provide forces . if nato should activate the n, r f. or if other situations develop, all told the number of forces that the secretary has placed on hight miller, comes up to about 8500 personnel. my apologies, that was c, a defense had spokesperson talking to the media about the deployment of us troops, potential deployment of u. s. troops. basically he was announcing the fact that 8 and a half 1000 us troops had been placed on standby. and no decision has been taken yet to deploy them. however, the defense spokesperson making clear that there would be a use to bolster as the nato reaction force. they would be part of that force. and he reiterated the statement made by president biden earlier, that there would be no us true presence within ukraine. however, he did mention as well that there are some 200 u. s. soldiers in ukraine at present, but they are acting there in a training capacity. so the situation at present is at u. s. has now put a 2 and a half 1000 soldiers or up to 8 and a half 1000 soldiers on standby, in case they need to be deployed to bolster the nato forces in the days to come. i can i with the latest i from washington d. c. mike, thank you. when michael wasik, you is a global affairs analyst and former spokesman for the o. s. c. special monetary mission to ukraine. he joined us via skype from sidney in british columbia. sir, thank you so much for joining us here. it's always good to have you and al jazeera things are changing very quickly. what is your reading of the situation right now? good to be with you again. barbara. well, things are changing very, very quickly. in fact, if you had asked me a week ago with quaint to happen, i would have time down the excitement and said, i don't think much, but now it's become much, much more clear that president putin who has always wanted to regain control of a wider swats of the former soviet union is prepared to do something and i think after watching russian stay primetime television this evening, it now appears that the occupied territory which has under control of the car do not the people's republic leadership. while the leader of that group, dennis chillen was on state national russian tv today saying that we are about to be attacked, that there is $120000.00 western trips on our borders tanks artillery. and in return, he said that their pre positioning more multiple rocket launch system, and i prove that sort of thing. so i think that that part of ukraine, which is, of course, been occupied the 2014. we're looking for a real big escalation and, you know, what, barbara? in the meantime, president putin has been handing out hundreds of thousands of russian passports to per russian residence. so don't boss when you put these different elements together, including by the way, the blocking of the observers are not part of ukraine. i think that that's going to be their immediate kind of strategy to move further into ukraine. but then focusing on the sort of western reaction that we've seen. a over the past few days, is it just not working? the strong words, the threat or very strong sanctions? do you think the split perhaps is obvious between the various western powers? oh yeah, absolutely. and this is the kind of environment put and thrive then you know, he, he lives off of division. and when the, what the tractor about the time to move, look, you know, if they really wanted to get mr. put in tension, i think what they need to do is to ok, the rhetoric is important. let's put that aside. but really go after the oligarchs and his immediate circle who control billions and billions of dollars. and what i mean by that, barbara is to see the property that has been bought by these russian oligarchs and places like london, the sports teams, the bank account, whatever it takes. the other thing is we have to remember as well that the west also needs to equip ukraine to better fight back against this hydro hybrid war that is going on right now. i've been in contact with my sources in ukraine and they tell me in the past few days, there's been massive false bomb threats, phoned into schools and give into kids subway stations. and just in the past 24 hour in the city of the patricia big cyber attacks last week, which they have been to the full extent of the damage. and so i think the time for rhetoric and the threat of sanctions has now ended and action is needed. and really striking where it hurts. i mean, obviously the last thing, well, anybody wants really is some kind of escalation and many would argue what, look, ukraine is not a member of nato, so there is no real need to go in. why do you think that that may not be right? why do you think ukraine is if you think so? why do you think ukraine is crucial to? i guess the western influencing european security. yeah, well, i've got a good answer for that. look in 2014 when the little group so called little green men invaded eastern ukraine. it displays 2 to 3000000 people. now imagine if there is a major incursion, whether it's in kia or cod killed or other parts would be crane. that will spark a massive migration of asylum seekers across the border. ukraine borders the you, they can walk over, they can drive over and they have visa fi truck be the free travel. so this is something that the west will feel very, very immediately the humanitarian crisis could be very good. i don't think it's an aspect that is being carefully looked at right now. and, you know, on top of that, of course, very quickly is that, you know, ukraine has fought very hard for its freedom. it's a full functioning democracy. course. there are a few things to work out like corruption, but the west has to stand by his partner, michael for secure global affairs analyst and form a spokesman for the o. s. c special monetary mission to ukraine. s or is always the thank you for your views. my pleasure. the saudi led coalition in yemen has launched their strikes that are who the missile launcher came hours after. and the rocky and us forces intercepted ballistic myself fired by the who the rebels at a base hosting the u. s. military in the u. e. they bring from the myself, fell over, i would be but no one was injured. it was the 2nd the pack in a week on the iraqi capital. last monday, 3 people were killed in a who, the drone strike, who the spokesman as war? no further attacks on the way only go to them with a lot in response to the belligerent escalation by saudi arabia and the u. s. e. and there are crimes against or blocked people. the missiles and thrown units of our armed forces carried out to successful large military operation. job in our armed forces, stress, its full preparedness, to widen the scope of its operation and the coming period of time and to meet escalations with further escalations, our armed forces renewed warning to the foreign companies. investors within the u. e to leave as the u. e. is declared an unsafe country and the target of our future operations, so long as it's belligerence and seizure can. simon is not halted in theory and kurdish fighters, backed by the united states military say there are close to recapturing the prison taken by iso forces on thursday. the reportedly closing in on the last wing of the jail fill under iso control. after about 300 fighters surrendered earlier in the day, dozens of kurdish fighters and deisel members have been killed since the attack on the prison 5 days ago. save the children and the un have expressed concern that reports that ice will. fighters are holding hundreds of children as human shields inside the prison. the humanitarian conditions. and i mean, of course, in the prisons, but in our whole camps are all just horrendous and you have entire families and, and young children that are remaining there. and it's important that the member states do what they can to deal with. those people who hold citizenship from from their country, former lebanese prime minister, sadie says he suspending his role in political life and will not run into parliamentary elections dismay. he's also urging his political party not to participate either in a hole that has worn out from the capital data. he's been in politics since 2005 when his late father, former prime minister, if he had edi was assassinated. sad heidi has since been lebanon's leading muslim sunday politician, but the 3 time prime minister is withdrawing from political life. woman by bit, the hamilton, missouri. i lung. there is no room for any positive opportunities for lebanon due to the iranian influence out indecisiveness with the international community, internal divisions and sectarianism. i'm suspending work in political life and so is the future movement. and i am not running in the election, nor will the future movement denied. della the future movement is the largest sunday lead party and parliament. but the balance of power is against them. he is that i mean, against a very strong see it and see it in iranian alliance and the country. and therefore, given not it seems that the saudis and gulf states in general, not willing to pay much of an investment. how do they like his father was one, saudi arabia's man in lebanon. but in recent years that changed. so has, how do you, these policy towards has been law, backed by the predominantly she or iran, once confrontational, his critic see him as to compromising? how did is exit as a turning point and lebanese politics? the how do you, these have dominated the sunday leadership since the end of the civil war in 1990? but for many, his decision isn't a surprise. how do you, these political position, weakened in recent years, the former prime minister himself acknowledged making what he called mistakes by engaging with foes at the expense of allies. this in the sector, it's up to 3 percent of the population and this is, this poses grave consequences. there is no obvious leader to replace him, but it appears there are efforts to form an anti hezbollah alliance. thomas, thanks is that we should have launch lines on the politics and on everything. you know, even how do you, these allies have criticize the former prime minister for sharing power with hezbollah, which along with its allies one the last election, their opponents are hoping to change that in the upcoming vote. in may, some may argue heidi may have been standing in the way that they should be route. nasa says the volcanic eruption that triggered us an army in tong now was hundreds of times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima. the space agency also says the eruption obliterated the newly formed volcanic island north of the tongue, then a capital thong. as government says, getting clean. drinking water to people is now its main priority. lots more still to come in this news. our sudanese security forces fire live rounds and tear gas said the latest protests against military rule . killing 3 people british prime minister boris johnson, faces allegations of yet another party during locked down even closer to home. and gambia reach the quarter finals of the africa cup of nations after a surprise when beginning ah for the 2nd time in about 30 years, the see resort city of antalya in turkey may see since now. hello everyone. here's the details right now. there's that weather maker given this snow across southern turkey, rain for cyprus, and also some snow for syria to how much can we expect for on tele, i think on the low end, 2 centimeters on the high end, 5 centimeters and look at your temperature is going to continue to fall off subs 0 as we get later into the week. central europe looking pretty calm, but we have a shield of snow across the eastern areas of poland into western ukraine, knocking on the door of kiev on tuesday. the showers rolling across scotland in the forecast for you and we've got a steady stream of rain and snow for western norway. the avalanche risk dare is heightened with that rain falling on top of the snow showers across the street of gibraltar. also unsettled toward the southeast corner of spain and that weather maker given the snow for greece and turkey were talking about athens mika knows, this stumble on tale. that strapping down white and windy conditions across libya and tropical cyclone on doing damage into moose and b, it's going to move in t as in bob way and eventually zambia. both of those countries have seen flooding. big drop in temperatures for cape town over the weekend. you are 45. and now 25 on tuesday. see later. ah ah, ah. the story as bob way in her what she is always told from the perspective all the great me was even livingston all robot mcgarvey. my responsibility is to tell this logan story in a way that it hasn't truly been told before. ordinary everyday life was in well with the people i'm writing about patina, kappa, out of darkness. my zimbabwe on al jazeera lu, ah, remind her now of the top stories on al jazeera or kina fossils. army says it's seized power and the post president rock bore it whose whereabouts are unknown. earlier his party said he had survived allison nation on the military, cited the countries deteriorating security situation. nato is putting its forces on standby and sending ships and fighter jets to bolster europe's eastern defences. over fears that russia will invade ukraine. and the united arab emirates has launched the air strikes at who the targets in yemen, hours after intercepting ballistic missiles fired at a base hosting us forces in abu dhabi. they brief from the missiles fell over in iraq with the m erotic capital. but no one was injured. at least 3 people have been killed in the latest protests against military rule in so than the central committee of sudanese doctors says that they were shot dead by security forces who fired live rounds and tear gas. the group says more protest or is were injured in the capital cartoon, and the neighboring city of on demand factor is working for doctors without borders were arrested at a hospital known for treating injured protesters. more than 70 civilians have died and thousands have been injured in demonstrations since the military takeover in october. he per morgan followed the protesters in cartoon. it's been 3 months since the military took over power in sudan, dissolving a 2 year transitional government. and since then, the protest against that take over has been ongoing. people have been taken to the streets, nearly daily to boys their anger, against the military takeover and against the army being in control and being involved into dance politics. they have been demanding that the military handled power to civilian government and return to their barracks. now, since that take over sudan, camilla politics has been in disarray. political parties are divided. some have shown support for the takeover saying that it was necessary while others have condemned that saying that the military has a stage, a coup and disrupted a democracy democratic front. the ship that was underway now protested are making their way once again to the presidential palace. the last time they tried that was a week ago and security forces use tear gas and live ammunition to stop them from reaching their destination. at least 7 protesters were killed in the previous protest to the presidential palace, but that has not deterred protest. it will continue to take to the street. at least 72 people have been killed. and 2nd, bruce asked them to take over 3 months ago, more than 2000 have been injured. but despite the use of force by security for safety, which though he went, says has been excessive and brutal. people continue to void their anger against the takeover. they say that they will not stop until the military handle the power to complete civilian government and return to the barracks. the un has been trying to mediate and bridge the gap between the political parties and protest us and the military throne initiative that it says it's hopeful and to dance political crisis, but until then protested, they will continue to take to the street to void their anger against the military and continued demanding a complete civilian room. a political crisis is brewing in hall. doris after rival politicians from the same party elected different people to the post of congress president. it's the latest development than the dispute between members of president the leg, sierra castro's party days before her inauguration, alexia bryan reports o supporters of the liberty and re foundation party, celebrating in the honduran capital douglas, a golfer at the swearing in of their new president of congress, louise redondo probably bowed over from a, from am to day the deputies of the national congress of acted opportunity to protect an action that was intended to be consummated to day, to take control by the criminal structures that have governed this country. they intended to take control of this legislative power. moreover, that speakers nearby arrival congressional president was being confirmed on jorge to leaks oil. lamar earlier today, a majority of 80 out of a 128 members, elected a new board of directors. and we are respectful of the outcome you rely on examining that, i mean the competing ceremonies deepen a split in the policy. if c, m r, castro, who said to become honduran, president on thursday. cal leaks is a member of her party party, supported by a dissident faction who disagreed with their promise to give the leadership of the new congress to louis redondo. he's a member of the honduras, salvation party, who helped castro claim victory in november's election. castro's called on her supporters to rally against the split, throwing the dissidence out of her party. and brandon to leaks a traitor. he knows that if we is honduran paypal continue to accept these practices. then what would be happening in the legislature would be to hand to control of a state power back to the dictatorship. the dispute caused chaos and congress on friday in cliques was chosen by the wiggles. he's being backed by members of the national policy, which is laid on juris for the past while he is the punch up. so the us call for all sides to remain calm and start talks endless against the division will make castro's presidency far more challenging. g one last november's election, promising to end the corruption and violence that hamper economic growth. more than half of home durance live below the poverty line, forcing many to leave the country in search of new opportunities abroad. castro's victory led to hopes of change in honduras is supposed to say that change is now in jeopardy. elixir brian al jazeera mexican president or under essman ray lopez over a dog has pledged to investigate the killing of a journalist who had publicly asked them for protection lou. this maldonado lopez was shot dead on sunday. her body was found inside a car in the northern border city of tiquana. she's the 3rd a journalist to be killed this month in 2019 maldonado publicly asked of what i thought for protection during a daily press conference. saying that she feared for her life, the president said mother another was helped at the time in the scribe. the news of her death as very painful. former roman catholic pope benedict, the 16th as admitted giving a false statement to a child, sex abuse inquiry. he says he mistakenly told investigators in germany that he wasn't at a meeting in 1980 hell to discuss a priest to with sexually abuse children. it was held while he was archbishop of munich, and inquiry by german lawyers concluded that benedict knew about peter fogg, priests, and 4 cases, but failed path. he's accused of allowing priests to continue carrying out pastoral duties. despite abuse allegations, dominic cane has more from berlin. the central fact that emerges from pages and pages and pages of evidence given by the former pope just less than 6 weeks ago to this inquiry is he says repeatedly that if he can't remember a meeting take taking place, then it didn't take place well to day through a spokesman, he said, actually what he did was mislead the enquiry, not through bad faith, but by bad editing of this particular document. and he has now admitted that on one particular occasion, he was present when the case of a specific priest who would go on to be convicted of child sex abuse. he was present at the time. and the allegation is that he did not do enough to act against this specific priest. now the form of pope has said in his, in the, in regional evidence. he said, well, if i didn't remember it, i wasn't there because i wasn't there. i couldn't have known what happened. well, now these specific investigators have said you were there. it follows therefore, that it is likely that you knew what happened. the leader is of 3 of italy's main political parties have been meeting in rome in an effort to break a deadlock over who will be the country's next president. parliament has been voting on the new head of state, but all the main part, he said there meant members cast that blank ballots. the current prime minister marion draggy is indicated that he wants the job of president, which has a 7 year term. but there are concerns that would be his departure, as prime minister could put the fragile a governing coalition in doubt. for since prime minister boys johnson is denied a report that he attended yet another social gathering and breach of coven lockdown rules. it's claimed that johnson's wife threw him a surprise birthday party during the 1st lockdown. in june 2020. the prime minister's office says it was a brief gathering that lasted less than 10 minutes. johnson is under severe pressure after a series of revelations about lockdown breeches. or soon after the birthday party claim was may the letter boris johnston sent to a 7 year old called josephine in march. 2020 was retreated in it. he said he was glad she's staying home and was sorry to hear she'd have to cancel her party. he told the girl that she was setting a great example. they've barker has more now on the latest allegations of lockdown, partying at the prime minister. as residents tend them, st. apparently 2 parties are alleged to have taken place on june. the 19th 2020, when the country was under strict lockdown. the 1st relating to an apparent surprise party, organized by carry johnson his wife at 2 pm on the afternoon of the 19th of june. number tanner's come back saying that that was a very brief event on the tail end of a meeting. that prime minister johnson only attended for 10 minutes or so. the 2nd is a relating to an alleged party that took place in the number 10, a flat. well on that point, a non pertain has said that that didn't happen. so as denied these allegations and said instead, there was a small gathering of family members in the garden of number 10 that may not have been in breach of those covert rules. the father, the prime minister, is once again a having to defend himself in the face of these allegations only put more more pressure on johnson. and what has been an extraordinary couple of weeks now in politics. we are of course, waiting for the all important conclusion of su gray that senior civil servants report into wrongdoing across white hole. a number of parties now have come to light. 13000000 citizens in northern china has spent their 1st day out of a months long locked down. the city of shyanne was shut down as part of china's 0 coat coven policy. before the start of the beijing winter olympics, next month, the people in the capital are facing you restrictions, including a 2nd round of last testing in beijing's at thank a district. it's hung to 2000000 people. 40 cases of the disease have been found there so far. the international council of nurses as calling for urgent action to stop what it calls an avoidable healthcare disaster. there are 28000000 nurses globally, but there's a severe shortage worsened by the pandemic. a lack of funds burned out and high levels of resignation are contributing to the crisis. there was already a shortfall of 6000000 nurses. when the pandemic began 2 years ago, the council predicts nearly 13000000 nurses will be needed in the next 10 years. a situation made worse by rich countries, recruiting nurses from developing countries. howard caton in geneva is the chief executive officer at the international council of nurses. he says the recruitment of foreign nurses is leaving many poor nations unable to provide adequate care. so what we have seen is absolutely an uptake in the last few months in international recruitment, predominantly it's high income countries recruiting from lower lower middle income countries. the nurse to population ratio in those lower income countries is usually significantly lower than in the high income countries. which means when you take those nurses out, the impact on the sending country, the source country might mean that it's unable to continue to provide health care to its own people. around 200 people, stranded by snow in southeast and turkey have now been rescued. they were stuck on a highway india bako for at least 12 hours. emergency crews had to dig through snow to reach passengers trapped and around 50 vehicles. the region is going through a prolong the cold snap. more than a 1000 people have had to be rescued from snow cupboard roads in the past week. and greece is also seen blizzards and freezing temperatures. storm and p, thus swept across the country, bringing rare snowfall to athens and some of the aegean islands vaccination centers . and schools have been closed and parliament has been suspended while still ahead in this news. our ah no guitars not, gangs music teacher is find the right cord to save south african children from a life of violence, no n h l players at the winter olympics. but hockey mad sweden names to fill the gap. and after a 1000000 mile journey, nasa's at 10 a $1000000000.00 telescope, slips into orbit around the sun. ah. with me mm pool. a a a group of teachers in cape town is using music to offer young people and alternative to gang violence. the gangs enlists that young boys who have few options, but music is offering them a different path from cape town for me to miller reports. no knocking on the hood. o 5 days a week. this group of children gathers for guitar. lessons or classes on cry. fontaine, a suburb of cape town, ravaged by gangs drugs and crime. no. their teacher told me, your sto from the organisation joined bands. not gangs has been giving lessons for more than 2 years in the hope that music will keep his students on the right path. la, they must seek for on that alone feel that the music changes their mindset. the one to play music and start thinking in a different way. what it's not always easy. it's difficult work because children need you to repeat things, but they want to do it and they are willing and it makes a difference in children who carry on with the program for more than 6 months. can join a band like this one in a neighboring community. 15 year old jordan vaughn, yas felt says his always loved music, which he says has brought him strength in march 2021. you know, week we, as a family actually got affected and we lost our cousin, little gang violence, you know, but that ease, since then i've been living in fear. we all been living in fear, you know, and i realized the way jordan, but you actually now really got to you this. got to open your eyes. you gotta do something with your life. those living has a bailey, an hour passes without some sort of shooting, and it's a challenge keeping children safe at the height of the violence. there were at least 12 gang related murders every month. various gangs competed with territory, often related to drugs. now the music program not only helps to prevent young children from joining these gags, but also reduce tensions between rival groups. cedric williams belongs to one of the gangs here. i think it's an area plagued by high unemployment. he lost his job as a bartender and says limited work opportunities make staying away from these groups . almost impossible. both lawyers though he always bought the hood. it is a rule of life. it is a little of the street. it is. oh, i know it. so yes, my be able to get the answer yes. been put on my bedroom for am. if you ever go away will and no i was used to lately i don't do so. i but those picking up a musical instrument instead of a gun, ho, programs like this will make a difference. creating an alternative for children who often have little choice for me. tamela al, jazeera cape town, south africa. ah, no, no, no. okay. on that. okay, now here's peter with the sport. bob, a thank you will thought he's out of cameroon, where an official has told the associated press news agency at 6 people are dead off stampede outside of football stadium in the capitol. jonae stampede happened as hosts, cameroon were taking on cameras in the africa cup of nations at the 60000 seats or pull b s. stadium. well that the cause of the stampede was not clear. we will bring you more on that as we get it. now her mission, cameron all through to the quarter finals of the africa cup of nation, thanks to to one when overcome or in your day the tiny island nation will not helped with captain with central inside the opening 7 minutes. now jim dismissal compounding method for the come orient already falls to pick left back chuck do as they go, keep it because of injuries. and corona virus infection, allah do was beaten by. it can be in the 29th minutes and that lead with double by suing them and sub score. and cameron, captain vance, on abu bakar, in the 2nd half, the 6th goal of the competition, the most, the century cameras pulled one back through a sending 3 cakes. and you know the sauce 10 minutes to the host, but to one is how it would finish earlier to them. and debbie told gambia surprised guinea in the last 16 with a one know when that was thanks to this strike from mussa barrow sick of the treatment. again, the ins remained undefeated so far as the hit into the quarter finals. the faith cameras got to the australian open in the big upset in the women's competition as the 2nd seed arena. sub lincoln made an exit a semi finalist at both wimbledon and the us open. last year sub olenka was the favorite to make the quarter finals, but she came under pressure from kind of connect be sub a link of serve. let it down as a estonian opponent held the nerve to when the deciding tie break in advance to the last 8 to play 7 feed on tape mix some help and elisa corny struggled with the intense 34 degree heat, but it was cool, nay. who dealt with the best to get the better of 2, tom grants champion hallett, the will number 61 between 52 on saturday to to her 1st major call to final. at the 60 food time of asking, she'll face american daniel collins place in the semi mens topsy denise mid with. they've made it into the quarter finals up through hartford. whenever american, maxine chrissy. i think you're gonna wanna wait 7 seconds and then you will and you don't say that there was some frustrating moments for made for dave who was upset to being denied a toilet break, but also 3 and a half hours. it was the russian who came through so when in full sets, he's the favorite in the absence of never talk a bit sure and remain on track. 22nd grand slam off with us open friends in september, medieval now face the canadian line seed felix azalea scene with 21 year old beat associating runner of marian chill ich in full sets to reach the last 8 in melbourne for the 1st time. number 4 seed, stefan aust, since the purse was involved in an epic battle with american taylor fritz seats, the pus whose twice been a semi finalist at this tournament was trading to fits to one and in danger of going out. but the greek raised his level to take the final 2, said 6364, to progress and stay in with the chance of the 1st grand slam title. for the 2nd winter olympics running, there will be no n h l players this time because of coven 19. but it's pull reports from sweden, less famous leagues around. the world may be strong enough to ensure the big names are not missed too much. ah, living up to the standards of north america, national hockey league is a close to impossible task, but the level of play here in melma isn't too far off. the swedish hockey legally as a child has been a proving ground for some of the world's best players. and is now replacing the world's best at the olympics with an actual styles. absent g concerns, i recovered the s h l is helping to pluck the gaps, then mocks all of alerts and formerly of the philadelphia fly as will make his olympic dab you in beijing. get back to dna choice not sending your places, sad. boy, at the same time, you're still going to have a high level athletes competing for their country and r t s h all, i mean just look at it every year you provide young players andra x to the nature and guys that go straight in and take jobs over there, so that should be tested dogwood. leslie. yes, depending he asked, the swedish league is the 2nd best in the world or 3rd behind russia, players from canada and the u. s. provides spice for fans, but it strength is it's convey about of top quality swedes. not many countries can claim to be this hockey mat. now there's no hiding the fact that there are a lot of em, they say, but that's because even though sweden has never had a lockdown, there are still restrictions on crowds. normally these thumbs up with something big and important, both the sweetest culture the locals take any chance to get their skates on. no, frost, no problem. priceless hockey is played all year round. sweden women's world champions 4 years ago, but haven't on olympic gold since 2006 with the s h l. rearranging it's scheduled to accommodate a strong squad being sent to beijing. friends are generally happy to choose the country over club for a couple of weeks, and i'm on the 5th one, sweden to win, but we're not as obsessed by them as we are by mo mo, venture split. but i think the olympics is a great chance to show the strength of our league. what we can do, the anal may be the gold standard, but the olympics remain. hockey's biggest showcase but casual view as the sport will hope. its strength and depth beyond north america can ensure those funds aren't frozen out. hall, reese al jazeera velma. just to recap, our breaking news story out of cameroon, where an official has told the associated press news agency that 6 people are dead off to stampede outside of football stadium in the capital yo and day. the stampede happened as hosts cameron were taking on cameras in the african couple of nations at the $60000.00 seater whose b a stadium. although because of the stampede is not clear, we'll bring you more on there in our next news bulletin. okay, we'll leave it there for now. that's all the sports needs. i'm gonna hand you back to barbara who's in london. thank you very much for that. now. the biggest space telescope in history has now reached its final destination. ready to give scientists an unprecedented glimpse of the beginnings of the universe. the james web space telescope has arrived that it's gravitational parking spot in orbit around the sun, about one and a half 1000000 kilometers from earth. sh. now the $10000000000.00 project, there's a collaboration between nasa and the european and canadian space agencies. it's vast mirror which is the size of a tennis court, means that can effectively look backwards in time. a telescope is really a time machine because light travels out of finite speed through the universe. we see the universe as it existed when that light was emitted, travel through time and space and we detected later on. so for instance, if you want to have it in comparison to look at the moon, it takes light about one second to travel from the moon to us. we see the moon as it was one second ago. that is it for this, these hours stay with us. i'm going to be back in just a few minutes with more of these. ah ah a jenny, a jenny, a base, and one of necessity in 3 different missions that all facing the challenge of driving on nicaragua was an unpaid road at the mercy of its unpredictable tropical with risking. he told me the curriculum on al jazeera when the new great friday's tornado destroyed everything, it touched in mayfield. when people need to be heard and the story town, he has done his job to tell us what's going on with exclusive interviews and in depth reports i get on my right the we'd just be 3. 0 has teens on the ground to when you were award winning documentaries and lives on air and online news. educating is the beacon that nice the future any society, but for those who live in abandon, places, getting an education takes inspiration and determination with it to live in the remote areas. don't have electricity, tv, or computers. too short films show how a love of learning finds a way a select on al jazeera. i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but mil country is alike and it's my job to shed light on how and why a akina fossils are me says it's ousted president rock. burridge dissolves the government, the national assembly and sees power. ah, hello barbara sarah, this is al jazeera, like from london, also coming up. we will always do what is necessary to protect on the fans of all our allies. nato says it's putting its forces on spanned by over ukraine and more rush.

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