Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709

flies past the closest planet to the sun. ah said more than 600 marchers have taken place right across the united states in defense of women's productive rights. there are opposing tough new abortion laws, particularly in texas, which is effectively banned the procedure after around 6 weeks of pregnancy purchased to say they fear the law is a slippery slope for the rest of the country. how did your castro was that one of the rallies in austin, texas? oh, they came out in force to protest the country's newest and most restrictive abortion law abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detectable at about 6 weeks of gestation. are now illegal in texas. that's before most women even know they're pregnant. i don't think that, you know, old men should like politicians should be making the decision like the decision of what i can and can't do with my body. and i think everyone like every woman should have the right to decide when they want to have kids and how they want to have kids . and how many together the texas law took effect in september. the bill that i'm about to sign that ensures that the life of every unborn child who has a heartbeat will be saved from the ravages of abortion. the law offers of financial reward to private citizens who successfully sue anyone who performs or enables and abortion, and texas doctors, nurses, even mover drivers, are at risk of civil penalties. attorney elizabeth myers says she too could be sued for representing abortion clinics by the letter of the law. i am in violation of it and the laws are constitutional. so it's not really along with my bring it a few 1000 people had gathered at the texas state capital to protest the ban. they call it unconstitutional and resulting in women being forced to continue with unwanted pregnancies or having to travel to other states for abortions. if they can afford it, but eventually abortions may be banned in all states. that's the fear of marchers who also rallied saturday in washington and other major u. s. cities. they worry, the country supreme court is poised to overturn roe vs wade. the landmark case that gave american women the right to an abortion in 1973, julia kirkland says she had an abortion years ago when doctors said her fetus had a fatal medical condition. that same procedure would be illegal in texas to day. there is a very real risk that my uterus would have wrapped her. if i weren't allowed to have the abortion. and although my life might have been saved, i could never have had children after that, she went on to become a mother of 3 by choice. she says she hopes other women will be able to decide for themselves as well. id, jo, castro, al jazeera austin, texas. earlier i spoke to on brooks, who is a civil rights attorney. she told us there is a law, a chance that the large demonstrations, like these could change the course of abortion legislation. i do think it will make a difference as far as the dialogue and as far as continuing to to keep attention on the subject matter of course, and for all of those who are passionate about it. but will it make a difference as to why the supreme court may ultimately do, or the judge that is currently are dealing with the lawsuit brought by the justice department. that's difficult to say, you know, ideally, or typically it shouldn't make a difference as far as in the public opinion because of course, judges are supposed to be neutral. however, as we saw from the supreme court last month when they, when they failed due or rather they chose not to not to hear, you know, whether or not disease interfere with the texas law. and it was a fight to for vote. and what, what we did see though, is that they did leave a door open to the possibility that they may, in fact entertain hearing from the justice department and, and making a ruling on this in the future. again, on face value, theoretically it shouldn't make a difference to judicial officers were supposed to be neutral. but do i think the court of public opinion has carries wait? of course it does. of course, it does, and people have been extremely vocal and are very passionate about this issue. until the news and united nation says one migrant was killed at least 15, others injured. when libyan security forces detained, at least $4000.00 refugees and migrants, hundreds of women and children were amongst those rounded up in the crack, down in the western town of gosh, about 12 kilometers outside of the capitol. officials described as a security campaign against illegal migration and drug trafficking crushes unknown hub for migrants and refugees. is the thoughts of saw to place the army, a migration and asylum program officer. euro met rights. who told us the situation is deteriorating, both for the migrants out at sea and in the detention centers. the session off my against the independent tension for women and children. but for all my friends, it's becoming more and more worrying. we know the reason high and use of violence and is very difficult that people can go out from this center and plan the reach to go out and take the c. they are recipe the c and broke back. so that is why i'm thinking about the tackling violence. the only solution now is to all can legal patch when the money in corridor that can lead people go out from libya and reach that will be entitled 3 in a pace way. otherwise, people will say in the pension, suffering these treatments, and they, when the will be able to leave believe yeah, that would be interesting and send back. i think that's a clear example. approve of the question. as the tragic olivia is, the fact that recently a few days ago, only libya in london with a story arrived at both with more than 6 people in like fish, bo bailey, with 600, that we don't have seen such a rival with so many people from 2013. this question is becoming warning and war 8, bullets only be in the central med and pur people the cane intervention center it. at least 20 people were arrested and 5 injured in clashes between pro and anti migrant demonstrators in 3 cities across chile. some rallied against the influx of refugees and up is labeled the i, there's been a phobic, a latin american editor, the senior reports from santiago, chile is foot chilion screen. this man. it was a small but passionate demonstration in front of chillies. presidential palace called to protest against what these people describe as an invasion from undocumented immigrants. no wonder policy until anita, we are against those who come here illegally. we doubt papers of him. i'm with her . what most infuriates me is a big come to kill it, and they will not even learn our national anthem as they sang the national anthem, members of counter march, staged a flash attack on the demonstrators with noise bombs, sticks, and rocks. at least 2 people were injured. in the last few months, thousands of undocumented migrants, the majority from the dis, willa have crossed into chile through illegal border crossings, mainly in the northern at the comma desert. many sleep on the streets, some beg, others steal, to survive. like the united states, chile is becoming a magnet for migrant migrants who are looking for a better life. what unlike the united states chile is a much smaller and less rich country. and that is creating, as you can see, tremendous tension. last week, a small group of angry chileans burned tents belonging to venezuela, migrants who were living in squalor in a plaza in the northern city of ek. some describe these protesters as fascists, but they call themselves patriots. i've just go to where it is under finding my own concave. oh, there is a good one. not at this level unloaded as well. 1 as they demonstrated across the street, a nervous street sweeper a migrant rushed past. chili's government says it wants to port all undocumented migrants, but it is doing little or nothing to stop them from coming in. and it is not yet providing humanitarian shelters, an aide for men, women, and children who have know where to go when they get here. while many chileans feel compassion and solidarity towards the migrants. demonstrations like this one, while small, are a reflection of growing intolerance towards undocumented and impoverished migrants who see this country as their only hope. to see in human al jazeera santiago for the north and migrants in columbia facing a long wait to try to cross the gulf of udo into panama. thousands of people are converging in the small town of new coakley, but there's a limit of 500 boat tickets a day and they're sold out till november. eventually trying to reach the united states and asunder ramp yeti, i correspond, it says it's creating a big bottleneck of migrants stuck in the town for long periods. most of these migrants were expecting to spend 3 or 4 days here before being able to continue their journey north. and instead of many of them are practically all of them are now hold up here for at well over a month before they're able to get on one of those boats. they're also at night, some people who are smuggling them illegally to the other side of the gulf of wood, a barber. we understand that tickets for those boats starts from $250.00 or more, which most of these migrants are not able to pay. and besides the fact that many here are families, and so that the journey and 9th is particularly dangerous. and also the fact that people there being here have to spend a lot of their money that they've been saving before this trip. and many of the migrants are telling us that people are here in town, are taking advantage of their presence here. there's a lot of price gouging going on. that the price of food, the basic items like food, water, are more expensive for the migrants. also, practically, the entire town is now giving the rooms to this migrants in their homes. new buildings have been built to shelter these, the migrants who are paying in dollars. so people here taking advantage of the fact that 22000 of these migrants that are here still in south america, tens of thousands of people live, rallied in cities across brazil, calling for the impeachment of president john bull sanara. protest as are angered by his handling of the current virus pandemic, which has killed nearly 600000 brazilians so far. they also say the president is undermining democracy by trying to rewrite the electoral rules. a huge fire has ripped through one of her small island on the car, off the coast of honduras, and started before dawn on saturday. residents trying to put out the flames using just buckets of water as the island doesn't have a fire fighting service that soon it spread throughout the community. more than 200 homes and businesses have been destroyed. hundreds of people forced to flee as well . when a has a popular scuba diving destination and is heavily dependent on tourism revenue, jeff will have a look at the weather in a moment and then petitioning parliament and china why single women are seeking the right to freeze their eggs. the results are in from cut us 1st ever legislative election. we'll look at the significance of that fight. ah. it's another beautiful sunny day at 35000 feet. the weather sponsored by cattle airways voted wills. best air line of 2021. hello, hope your weekends going well, here's your weather as story for asia beginning in india, we have some concern over at this rain falling in b har state also for the west coast go karnataka and carola, any of these states we could pick up to 200 millimeters of rain within the next 24 to 48 hours. here's an update on that psychotic storm looking to make landfall north west of moscow late sunday into monday. speaking about monday, will press play, see where this goes, impacting the united arab emirates. it's also gonna whip up the sand and dust for that se of saudi, the u. e. and also for cats are impacting places like doha, k off to indo china. there are some dry spells here for central and northern parts of vietnam sunshine for annoy with the high of 32 degrees. a weather maker is moving in to the southern islands of the philippines. this is going to last. she was some heavy rain and fierce winds, dry conditions, the name of the game for eastern portions of china, shanghai down to hong kong, looking good. but we do have our plumb rains work in across the yellow river valley . this is going to strike beijing with some rain and now that typhoon mentally has pulled away its left some tropical air for japan's osaka, up to 31. and you're going to lock your temperature into the 30s for the next few days. that's it. that's all. see soon, the weather sponsored my cattle airways voted wills best air line of 2021. on counting the hot uncle americans legacy and german economy, that is the envy of the world. i'm prepared for the digital age. apple kicks on game, make an effort from an app store. is the phone, make it abusing it's monopoly and afghan businesses and losing international customers? counting the cost on l. just if i care about helping you with engaging with the rest of the world. we're really interested in taking you in to a point you might not visit otherwise, it feels that you were there ah ah, on al jazeera, these are the top stories this hour more than $600.00 marchers have taken place across the united states in defense of women's reproductive rights that happened in the wake of tough new abortion laws, particularly in texas, which is effectively banned the practice. $4000.00 refugees and migrants including women and children of the granted up in and detained in libya. the un says one migrant was killed and at least 15 of his injured in the cracked um not his 20 people and arrested 5 injured in clashes between proven entry. migrant demonstrate isn't chilly. some rallied against the influx of refugees, others labeled that idea. as in a funder, the outgoing philippines president rodrigo to charities announced he is retiring from politics and it's fueling speculation is daughter may run for the top job. he's also confirmed, he won't stand for the vice presidency in next year's elections. the constitution prevents to territory from standing for president again, and he says, this overwhelming public sentiment that running for vice president would violate the spirit of the constitution, his criselda yahveh, se journalists, an author based in manila. she says it's too early to believe to charity. it's really hard to tell because this statement is so well crafted and it doesn't sound a lot like him. and so it's, you know, i would think this with a lot of skepticism and you never really know until the last day of the filing of the candidacy and even wait until november to see if you might, you know, there might be a switch of candidates. so it's, it's, it's really a matter of time. i mean, but i wouldn't like hold my breath and it's really, you know, just waiting to see whether he's going to do it or not. it's written in a very, very clean statement. normally, when declared this, when the president says something he says during his 9th time addresses so, and he comes out very spontaneous about things. but this one it's, it's a statement. it's a written statement. so we don't really know what's behind it. what made him do it? would it is there like, you know, an agenda behind it? we're with there be other interpretations to it. it's really very hard to know. until, you know, like i said, the last day comes a bombing at a wedding in the afghan province. of gels, john is killed at least one person. reportedly it was the bride, the attack target at a wedding hole, local sources of toll, down to 0. 5 of his were injured. and the taliban official says an attack on the east and city of jalal about kill 2 civilians. and 2 taliban fighters groups been targeted by several bombings in the city in the past month. i. so k is based in that region and a suspected of being behind them on the telephones reiterated. it's cool for us to stop drone operations over afghan as space calling it a violation of last year's doha agreement. in an interview with alger 0, the group's foreign affairs spokesman said washington's actions breached international law deer, violation off our territorial integrity of afghanistan. it is a blatant and a clear violation, or it is against the commitments that the united states of america made good in the doha agreement. the doha agreement clearly stipulates that to the united states and the other countries as well, its allies will not interfere in internal affairs offer up with i understand they are not only violating their own commitments, but they are also violating international law. and when asked about women's rights, mr. belk, he said it will take time to see change. we have committed and we have guaranteed all the rights that have been afforded to women in islam. that is the right to education, the right to health care, the right to work. and are they the, the process that the world wants us are the steps they want, want us to take, we are taking them, we have seen progress in them. we understand all the complexities offer off the of the current world or we understand it very well and we are working. but again, i must emphasize that as the saying sit or goes, rome was not built in a day. now the chinese government is trying to encourage people to have more children, but unmarried women currently denied access to reproductive services. but that could soon change as a landmark, a court case is challenging the law that limits fertility treatment only to married couples. katrina, you with this report from aging? ha, ha ha. when theresa shoe asked debating hospital to help freeze her eggs to later enable her to have a child as a single parent, she was turned away. as an unmarried woman, she's denied reproductive services in china. in 2019 she thought a lawsuit to change the law and her case has been heard in court. oh she's the are you hiding you or is it paula? i don't have much time to waste. i'm an ordinary single woman. and these pastor, 3 years were very important to me. if i win, i hope i can help other woman to save years of their life in the future. in china, if single reaming want to after x frozen, they can do it. the case is the 1st of its kind in china and spunk debate of a women's right to reproduce. china's health commission says freezing eggs is risky and unreliable, and the bad is designed to prevent companies from exploiting the technology. but activist jung alliance says it's discriminatory as single men are allowed to freeze their sperm. she's petitioned members of the parliament, the national people's congress, asking them to rewrite fertility regulations the so you, when the ability to give birth shouldn't be connected to being married as a precondition. it shouldn't be restricted by policy. i think to resist you and her supporters are optimistic, the judge will rule in their favor. china is facing a demographic crisis and the government is desperately trying to boost the countries the birth rate. china's population is rapidly aging, and few of babies are being born every year. teaching announced a 3 child policy in may, but government support is limited to couples. some women have travelled abroad to access egg freezing and ivy f services. but expensive fees and pandemic travel restrictions me this option is out of reach the most, including theresa shoe. we are, you are tell you that if i have to borrow the money from friends or relatives, i'll get lowest from the bank. it goes against my original intention with his being able to choose my lifestyle and not to be forced to marry some while he ordered too high for a child. she's awaiting the judge's verdict and says she'll continue to raise awareness of her case regardless of the outcome. katrina you out is irritating what i for. climate activists crash with police in milan and environmental ministers met ahead of a key you and conference with scuffles happened during the global march for climate justice, which so activists calling on governments to take more ambitious steps to cut carbon emissions to tackle the climate crisis. to national delegates have been meeting in milan to see what progress can be made ahead of the cop 26 climate conference in glasgow, eczema. we have kept 1.5 degrees within reach. and as i said, that was a clear view that was coming across at this meeting. i think in terms of the, the g. 20, we've always said that they represent 80 percent of global emissions around 85 percent of the global economy. and therefore, what the g 20 daws absolutely matters. i met for the for the, for the 1st time or as a personal g 20 engine environment, the chinese representative. and the after 3 days of very dense negotiation discussion, we were all quite happy about the fact that 1st of all, everybody including china, a knowledge that we have to be within the purchase agreement. so at that moment, this was already quite a good result because 2 years ago this would have not been absolutely granted. the results of cancers 1st ever legislative council elections have been, are and announced. 30 members elected to the 45 members. sure. a council, the rest are appointed directly by the countries emir. no women though were elected to the representative council despite 27 candidates running in the pulse. voted, turn up $63.00 and a half percent. jemila shale has our report from here and do for the 1st time in their lives. countries have chosen who will represent them when it comes to drafting the country's laws and monitoring the government's performance. on saturday, thousands across the small peninsula trip to one of 30 different polling stations in the nation's 1st ever legislative elections. no asking or asking on that clover man, and this is a broad as omen. they can have a chance to choose an audio for us. this is a democratic ceremony that's new and modern for guitar, and every one is participating in this council. as important for the citizen and the state. until now, the shorter council has been an advisory body appointed solely by the amir, with limited powers. however, in its new form, 2 thirds of its is elected by the people and it'll have the ability to draft laws, approve or reject budgets and even question and sack ministers. after the 2017, the author of located the crisis, i believe are that the political maturity among the country people have been raised very, very carefully and very mature, to the extent that it's not about that other people are, you know, asking for such who are election, even though we've been listening to some voices from the elite people, however, it's more about top button approach that had been supported and initiated by the, the, the political leadership. unlike other countries in the region that have witnessed mass protests in uprisings demanding a change in governance, the move towards greater representation and cut out, it has been driven by the leadership. despite this top down dr to a more inclusive political system, the turn out in saturdays polls indicate that many and cut our own favor of having a greater say, with no political parties in the gulf states. the new legislators are expected to come under greater individual scrutiny issues, such as labor, law reforms, economic policy, and who gets to take part in future elections will be some of the defining topics for when the shorter counsel gets to work. some countries have already complained about being left out of the electoral process. for many countries, these shorter electrons are not simply about the results with people now given a c, as to who represents them, every one is a winner. widening participation and empowering different sections of society, underscores clutter is branding as a country that has often positioned itself differently to its neighbors when it comes to political pluralism and freedom of expression. jamal shall al jazeera, though ha, a joint european and japanese space mission to mercury has sent back its 1st images of the planet. the baby colombo mission made the 1st of 6 fly by this of the planets using its gravity to slope the spacecraft down it launched in 2018 and will soon release 2 probes into mercury's orbit to study the planet. we heard from photo cal buzz saw a space scientist to boston university was also the former secretary of the lunar landing site selection committee at nasa. he says it's extraordinary nice in it, and really wonderful because of the fact that we use the gravitational port of mercury to put the spacecraft in grocer enough so that we can see the picture. and we have not been there for a very long time. the only 2 missions visited murky before so really expecting a great bit of information. we do not know whether ever there were any water on the planet surface. we know that there is probably some left over water, tiny mountains in the polar regions in areas that never see the effects. but we are not sure about that. and we hope that this mission will give us some some look at whether or not there is a little bit of water in the polar regions where they'd never see that. so they're always very court freezing cold. but deployed it moves out there, understand very fast. it's, it's only it dates it days, it rotates all around the fact. so it is, it is very different from the other planet. and we would know we need to know what, what is, is made of how did it develop, whether it has a reputation or she and, or not, and all of these different things. so we understand something about the rest of us, or is it every mission we use something new from the same different point of view and all of the the technology that we're using. so that's acknowledge that we use and the science that we're using, all of the mission helps us greatly. like for him to the fact that i'm talking to you and you can sort of see me in to where you are. and then people are indoors or can see that mean a huge thing. and he would say that a, how did he come about or live from space missions because we needed to do this was as us rid of the lunar surface. so the developments that we can figure out for these missions with help us greatly in our lives. no question about on the authorities are urging people and parts of le palmer to limit the time they spend out doors. as the cumbria via volcano continues to spill lava and thick clouds of black smoke, new fissures have been opening up as well. giving rise to more eruptions an earthquake, hundreds of homes have been destroyed. thousands of forced to leave the since the eruption began almost 2 weeks ago, have a look at the live shot early hours sunday morning and still those violent eruptions carry on, on the island of la paloma ah, half past the hour. these are the headlines, more than $600.00 matches taking place across the united states in defense of women's reproductive rights. have happened to the wake of tough new abortion laws, particularly in texas, which is effectively banned the practice. but incredibly important that we make sure that we are.

Related Keywords

Honduras , Afghanistan , Shanghai , China , United States , Hong Kong , Indo China , Vietnam General , Vietnam , Republic Of , Brazil , Beijing , Alger , Algeria , Manila , Philippines , Santiago , Regióetropolitana , Chile , India , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Libya , Panama , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Milan , Lombardia , Glasgow , Glasgow City , United Kingdom , Japan , Karnataka , Colombo , Western , Sri Lanka , Texas , Washington , Togo , United Arab Emirates , London , City Of , Germany , Saudi Arabia , Cumbria , Venezuela , Brazilians , Americans , America , Saudi , Chinese , Chileans , Afghan , German , Libyan , Gulf States , Japanese , American , Santa Maria , Elizabeth Myers , Julia Kirkland , Ina Plaza , Al Jazeera Austin , Bo Bailey ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709

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flies past the closest planet to the sun. ah said more than 600 marchers have taken place right across the united states in defense of women's productive rights. there are opposing tough new abortion laws, particularly in texas, which is effectively banned the procedure after around 6 weeks of pregnancy purchased to say they fear the law is a slippery slope for the rest of the country. how did your castro was that one of the rallies in austin, texas? oh, they came out in force to protest the country's newest and most restrictive abortion law abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detectable at about 6 weeks of gestation. are now illegal in texas. that's before most women even know they're pregnant. i don't think that, you know, old men should like politicians should be making the decision like the decision of what i can and can't do with my body. and i think everyone like every woman should have the right to decide when they want to have kids and how they want to have kids . and how many together the texas law took effect in september. the bill that i'm about to sign that ensures that the life of every unborn child who has a heartbeat will be saved from the ravages of abortion. the law offers of financial reward to private citizens who successfully sue anyone who performs or enables and abortion, and texas doctors, nurses, even mover drivers, are at risk of civil penalties. attorney elizabeth myers says she too could be sued for representing abortion clinics by the letter of the law. i am in violation of it and the laws are constitutional. so it's not really along with my bring it a few 1000 people had gathered at the texas state capital to protest the ban. they call it unconstitutional and resulting in women being forced to continue with unwanted pregnancies or having to travel to other states for abortions. if they can afford it, but eventually abortions may be banned in all states. that's the fear of marchers who also rallied saturday in washington and other major u. s. cities. they worry, the country supreme court is poised to overturn roe vs wade. the landmark case that gave american women the right to an abortion in 1973, julia kirkland says she had an abortion years ago when doctors said her fetus had a fatal medical condition. that same procedure would be illegal in texas to day. there is a very real risk that my uterus would have wrapped her. if i weren't allowed to have the abortion. and although my life might have been saved, i could never have had children after that, she went on to become a mother of 3 by choice. she says she hopes other women will be able to decide for themselves as well. id, jo, castro, al jazeera austin, texas. earlier i spoke to on brooks, who is a civil rights attorney. she told us there is a law, a chance that the large demonstrations, like these could change the course of abortion legislation. i do think it will make a difference as far as the dialogue and as far as continuing to to keep attention on the subject matter of course, and for all of those who are passionate about it. but will it make a difference as to why the supreme court may ultimately do, or the judge that is currently are dealing with the lawsuit brought by the justice department. that's difficult to say, you know, ideally, or typically it shouldn't make a difference as far as in the public opinion because of course, judges are supposed to be neutral. however, as we saw from the supreme court last month when they, when they failed due or rather they chose not to not to hear, you know, whether or not disease interfere with the texas law. and it was a fight to for vote. and what, what we did see though, is that they did leave a door open to the possibility that they may, in fact entertain hearing from the justice department and, and making a ruling on this in the future. again, on face value, theoretically it shouldn't make a difference to judicial officers were supposed to be neutral. but do i think the court of public opinion has carries wait? of course it does. of course, it does, and people have been extremely vocal and are very passionate about this issue. until the news and united nation says one migrant was killed at least 15, others injured. when libyan security forces detained, at least $4000.00 refugees and migrants, hundreds of women and children were amongst those rounded up in the crack, down in the western town of gosh, about 12 kilometers outside of the capitol. officials described as a security campaign against illegal migration and drug trafficking crushes unknown hub for migrants and refugees. is the thoughts of saw to place the army, a migration and asylum program officer. euro met rights. who told us the situation is deteriorating, both for the migrants out at sea and in the detention centers. the session off my against the independent tension for women and children. but for all my friends, it's becoming more and more worrying. we know the reason high and use of violence and is very difficult that people can go out from this center and plan the reach to go out and take the c. they are recipe the c and broke back. so that is why i'm thinking about the tackling violence. the only solution now is to all can legal patch when the money in corridor that can lead people go out from libya and reach that will be entitled 3 in a pace way. otherwise, people will say in the pension, suffering these treatments, and they, when the will be able to leave believe yeah, that would be interesting and send back. i think that's a clear example. approve of the question. as the tragic olivia is, the fact that recently a few days ago, only libya in london with a story arrived at both with more than 6 people in like fish, bo bailey, with 600, that we don't have seen such a rival with so many people from 2013. this question is becoming warning and war 8, bullets only be in the central med and pur people the cane intervention center it. at least 20 people were arrested and 5 injured in clashes between pro and anti migrant demonstrators in 3 cities across chile. some rallied against the influx of refugees and up is labeled the i, there's been a phobic, a latin american editor, the senior reports from santiago, chile is foot chilion screen. this man. it was a small but passionate demonstration in front of chillies. presidential palace called to protest against what these people describe as an invasion from undocumented immigrants. no wonder policy until anita, we are against those who come here illegally. we doubt papers of him. i'm with her . what most infuriates me is a big come to kill it, and they will not even learn our national anthem as they sang the national anthem, members of counter march, staged a flash attack on the demonstrators with noise bombs, sticks, and rocks. at least 2 people were injured. in the last few months, thousands of undocumented migrants, the majority from the dis, willa have crossed into chile through illegal border crossings, mainly in the northern at the comma desert. many sleep on the streets, some beg, others steal, to survive. like the united states, chile is becoming a magnet for migrant migrants who are looking for a better life. what unlike the united states chile is a much smaller and less rich country. and that is creating, as you can see, tremendous tension. last week, a small group of angry chileans burned tents belonging to venezuela, migrants who were living in squalor in a plaza in the northern city of ek. some describe these protesters as fascists, but they call themselves patriots. i've just go to where it is under finding my own concave. oh, there is a good one. not at this level unloaded as well. 1 as they demonstrated across the street, a nervous street sweeper a migrant rushed past. chili's government says it wants to port all undocumented migrants, but it is doing little or nothing to stop them from coming in. and it is not yet providing humanitarian shelters, an aide for men, women, and children who have know where to go when they get here. while many chileans feel compassion and solidarity towards the migrants. demonstrations like this one, while small, are a reflection of growing intolerance towards undocumented and impoverished migrants who see this country as their only hope. to see in human al jazeera santiago for the north and migrants in columbia facing a long wait to try to cross the gulf of udo into panama. thousands of people are converging in the small town of new coakley, but there's a limit of 500 boat tickets a day and they're sold out till november. eventually trying to reach the united states and asunder ramp yeti, i correspond, it says it's creating a big bottleneck of migrants stuck in the town for long periods. most of these migrants were expecting to spend 3 or 4 days here before being able to continue their journey north. and instead of many of them are practically all of them are now hold up here for at well over a month before they're able to get on one of those boats. they're also at night, some people who are smuggling them illegally to the other side of the gulf of wood, a barber. we understand that tickets for those boats starts from $250.00 or more, which most of these migrants are not able to pay. and besides the fact that many here are families, and so that the journey and 9th is particularly dangerous. and also the fact that people there being here have to spend a lot of their money that they've been saving before this trip. and many of the migrants are telling us that people are here in town, are taking advantage of their presence here. there's a lot of price gouging going on. that the price of food, the basic items like food, water, are more expensive for the migrants. also, practically, the entire town is now giving the rooms to this migrants in their homes. new buildings have been built to shelter these, the migrants who are paying in dollars. so people here taking advantage of the fact that 22000 of these migrants that are here still in south america, tens of thousands of people live, rallied in cities across brazil, calling for the impeachment of president john bull sanara. protest as are angered by his handling of the current virus pandemic, which has killed nearly 600000 brazilians so far. they also say the president is undermining democracy by trying to rewrite the electoral rules. a huge fire has ripped through one of her small island on the car, off the coast of honduras, and started before dawn on saturday. residents trying to put out the flames using just buckets of water as the island doesn't have a fire fighting service that soon it spread throughout the community. more than 200 homes and businesses have been destroyed. hundreds of people forced to flee as well . when a has a popular scuba diving destination and is heavily dependent on tourism revenue, jeff will have a look at the weather in a moment and then petitioning parliament and china why single women are seeking the right to freeze their eggs. the results are in from cut us 1st ever legislative election. we'll look at the significance of that fight. ah. it's another beautiful sunny day at 35000 feet. the weather sponsored by cattle airways voted wills. best air line of 2021. hello, hope your weekends going well, here's your weather as story for asia beginning in india, we have some concern over at this rain falling in b har state also for the west coast go karnataka and carola, any of these states we could pick up to 200 millimeters of rain within the next 24 to 48 hours. here's an update on that psychotic storm looking to make landfall north west of moscow late sunday into monday. speaking about monday, will press play, see where this goes, impacting the united arab emirates. it's also gonna whip up the sand and dust for that se of saudi, the u. e. and also for cats are impacting places like doha, k off to indo china. there are some dry spells here for central and northern parts of vietnam sunshine for annoy with the high of 32 degrees. a weather maker is moving in to the southern islands of the philippines. this is going to last. she was some heavy rain and fierce winds, dry conditions, the name of the game for eastern portions of china, shanghai down to hong kong, looking good. but we do have our plumb rains work in across the yellow river valley . this is going to strike beijing with some rain and now that typhoon mentally has pulled away its left some tropical air for japan's osaka, up to 31. and you're going to lock your temperature into the 30s for the next few days. that's it. that's all. see soon, the weather sponsored my cattle airways voted wills best air line of 2021. on counting the hot uncle americans legacy and german economy, that is the envy of the world. i'm prepared for the digital age. apple kicks on game, make an effort from an app store. is the phone, make it abusing it's monopoly and afghan businesses and losing international customers? counting the cost on l. just if i care about helping you with engaging with the rest of the world. we're really interested in taking you in to a point you might not visit otherwise, it feels that you were there ah ah, on al jazeera, these are the top stories this hour more than $600.00 marchers have taken place across the united states in defense of women's reproductive rights that happened in the wake of tough new abortion laws, particularly in texas, which is effectively banned the practice. $4000.00 refugees and migrants including women and children of the granted up in and detained in libya. the un says one migrant was killed and at least 15 of his injured in the cracked um not his 20 people and arrested 5 injured in clashes between proven entry. migrant demonstrate isn't chilly. some rallied against the influx of refugees, others labeled that idea. as in a funder, the outgoing philippines president rodrigo to charities announced he is retiring from politics and it's fueling speculation is daughter may run for the top job. he's also confirmed, he won't stand for the vice presidency in next year's elections. the constitution prevents to territory from standing for president again, and he says, this overwhelming public sentiment that running for vice president would violate the spirit of the constitution, his criselda yahveh, se journalists, an author based in manila. she says it's too early to believe to charity. it's really hard to tell because this statement is so well crafted and it doesn't sound a lot like him. and so it's, you know, i would think this with a lot of skepticism and you never really know until the last day of the filing of the candidacy and even wait until november to see if you might, you know, there might be a switch of candidates. so it's, it's, it's really a matter of time. i mean, but i wouldn't like hold my breath and it's really, you know, just waiting to see whether he's going to do it or not. it's written in a very, very clean statement. normally, when declared this, when the president says something he says during his 9th time addresses so, and he comes out very spontaneous about things. but this one it's, it's a statement. it's a written statement. so we don't really know what's behind it. what made him do it? would it is there like, you know, an agenda behind it? we're with there be other interpretations to it. it's really very hard to know. until, you know, like i said, the last day comes a bombing at a wedding in the afghan province. of gels, john is killed at least one person. reportedly it was the bride, the attack target at a wedding hole, local sources of toll, down to 0. 5 of his were injured. and the taliban official says an attack on the east and city of jalal about kill 2 civilians. and 2 taliban fighters groups been targeted by several bombings in the city in the past month. i. so k is based in that region and a suspected of being behind them on the telephones reiterated. it's cool for us to stop drone operations over afghan as space calling it a violation of last year's doha agreement. in an interview with alger 0, the group's foreign affairs spokesman said washington's actions breached international law deer, violation off our territorial integrity of afghanistan. it is a blatant and a clear violation, or it is against the commitments that the united states of america made good in the doha agreement. the doha agreement clearly stipulates that to the united states and the other countries as well, its allies will not interfere in internal affairs offer up with i understand they are not only violating their own commitments, but they are also violating international law. and when asked about women's rights, mr. belk, he said it will take time to see change. we have committed and we have guaranteed all the rights that have been afforded to women in islam. that is the right to education, the right to health care, the right to work. and are they the, the process that the world wants us are the steps they want, want us to take, we are taking them, we have seen progress in them. we understand all the complexities offer off the of the current world or we understand it very well and we are working. but again, i must emphasize that as the saying sit or goes, rome was not built in a day. now the chinese government is trying to encourage people to have more children, but unmarried women currently denied access to reproductive services. but that could soon change as a landmark, a court case is challenging the law that limits fertility treatment only to married couples. katrina, you with this report from aging? ha, ha ha. when theresa shoe asked debating hospital to help freeze her eggs to later enable her to have a child as a single parent, she was turned away. as an unmarried woman, she's denied reproductive services in china. in 2019 she thought a lawsuit to change the law and her case has been heard in court. oh she's the are you hiding you or is it paula? i don't have much time to waste. i'm an ordinary single woman. and these pastor, 3 years were very important to me. if i win, i hope i can help other woman to save years of their life in the future. in china, if single reaming want to after x frozen, they can do it. the case is the 1st of its kind in china and spunk debate of a women's right to reproduce. china's health commission says freezing eggs is risky and unreliable, and the bad is designed to prevent companies from exploiting the technology. but activist jung alliance says it's discriminatory as single men are allowed to freeze their sperm. she's petitioned members of the parliament, the national people's congress, asking them to rewrite fertility regulations the so you, when the ability to give birth shouldn't be connected to being married as a precondition. it shouldn't be restricted by policy. i think to resist you and her supporters are optimistic, the judge will rule in their favor. china is facing a demographic crisis and the government is desperately trying to boost the countries the birth rate. china's population is rapidly aging, and few of babies are being born every year. teaching announced a 3 child policy in may, but government support is limited to couples. some women have travelled abroad to access egg freezing and ivy f services. but expensive fees and pandemic travel restrictions me this option is out of reach the most, including theresa shoe. we are, you are tell you that if i have to borrow the money from friends or relatives, i'll get lowest from the bank. it goes against my original intention with his being able to choose my lifestyle and not to be forced to marry some while he ordered too high for a child. she's awaiting the judge's verdict and says she'll continue to raise awareness of her case regardless of the outcome. katrina you out is irritating what i for. climate activists crash with police in milan and environmental ministers met ahead of a key you and conference with scuffles happened during the global march for climate justice, which so activists calling on governments to take more ambitious steps to cut carbon emissions to tackle the climate crisis. to national delegates have been meeting in milan to see what progress can be made ahead of the cop 26 climate conference in glasgow, eczema. we have kept 1.5 degrees within reach. and as i said, that was a clear view that was coming across at this meeting. i think in terms of the, the g. 20, we've always said that they represent 80 percent of global emissions around 85 percent of the global economy. and therefore, what the g 20 daws absolutely matters. i met for the for the, for the 1st time or as a personal g 20 engine environment, the chinese representative. and the after 3 days of very dense negotiation discussion, we were all quite happy about the fact that 1st of all, everybody including china, a knowledge that we have to be within the purchase agreement. so at that moment, this was already quite a good result because 2 years ago this would have not been absolutely granted. the results of cancers 1st ever legislative council elections have been, are and announced. 30 members elected to the 45 members. sure. a council, the rest are appointed directly by the countries emir. no women though were elected to the representative council despite 27 candidates running in the pulse. voted, turn up $63.00 and a half percent. jemila shale has our report from here and do for the 1st time in their lives. countries have chosen who will represent them when it comes to drafting the country's laws and monitoring the government's performance. on saturday, thousands across the small peninsula trip to one of 30 different polling stations in the nation's 1st ever legislative elections. no asking or asking on that clover man, and this is a broad as omen. they can have a chance to choose an audio for us. this is a democratic ceremony that's new and modern for guitar, and every one is participating in this council. as important for the citizen and the state. until now, the shorter council has been an advisory body appointed solely by the amir, with limited powers. however, in its new form, 2 thirds of its is elected by the people and it'll have the ability to draft laws, approve or reject budgets and even question and sack ministers. after the 2017, the author of located the crisis, i believe are that the political maturity among the country people have been raised very, very carefully and very mature, to the extent that it's not about that other people are, you know, asking for such who are election, even though we've been listening to some voices from the elite people, however, it's more about top button approach that had been supported and initiated by the, the, the political leadership. unlike other countries in the region that have witnessed mass protests in uprisings demanding a change in governance, the move towards greater representation and cut out, it has been driven by the leadership. despite this top down dr to a more inclusive political system, the turn out in saturdays polls indicate that many and cut our own favor of having a greater say, with no political parties in the gulf states. the new legislators are expected to come under greater individual scrutiny issues, such as labor, law reforms, economic policy, and who gets to take part in future elections will be some of the defining topics for when the shorter counsel gets to work. some countries have already complained about being left out of the electoral process. for many countries, these shorter electrons are not simply about the results with people now given a c, as to who represents them, every one is a winner. widening participation and empowering different sections of society, underscores clutter is branding as a country that has often positioned itself differently to its neighbors when it comes to political pluralism and freedom of expression. jamal shall al jazeera, though ha, a joint european and japanese space mission to mercury has sent back its 1st images of the planet. the baby colombo mission made the 1st of 6 fly by this of the planets using its gravity to slope the spacecraft down it launched in 2018 and will soon release 2 probes into mercury's orbit to study the planet. we heard from photo cal buzz saw a space scientist to boston university was also the former secretary of the lunar landing site selection committee at nasa. he says it's extraordinary nice in it, and really wonderful because of the fact that we use the gravitational port of mercury to put the spacecraft in grocer enough so that we can see the picture. and we have not been there for a very long time. the only 2 missions visited murky before so really expecting a great bit of information. we do not know whether ever there were any water on the planet surface. we know that there is probably some left over water, tiny mountains in the polar regions in areas that never see the effects. but we are not sure about that. and we hope that this mission will give us some some look at whether or not there is a little bit of water in the polar regions where they'd never see that. so they're always very court freezing cold. but deployed it moves out there, understand very fast. it's, it's only it dates it days, it rotates all around the fact. so it is, it is very different from the other planet. and we would know we need to know what, what is, is made of how did it develop, whether it has a reputation or she and, or not, and all of these different things. so we understand something about the rest of us, or is it every mission we use something new from the same different point of view and all of the the technology that we're using. so that's acknowledge that we use and the science that we're using, all of the mission helps us greatly. like for him to the fact that i'm talking to you and you can sort of see me in to where you are. and then people are indoors or can see that mean a huge thing. and he would say that a, how did he come about or live from space missions because we needed to do this was as us rid of the lunar surface. so the developments that we can figure out for these missions with help us greatly in our lives. no question about on the authorities are urging people and parts of le palmer to limit the time they spend out doors. as the cumbria via volcano continues to spill lava and thick clouds of black smoke, new fissures have been opening up as well. giving rise to more eruptions an earthquake, hundreds of homes have been destroyed. thousands of forced to leave the since the eruption began almost 2 weeks ago, have a look at the live shot early hours sunday morning and still those violent eruptions carry on, on the island of la paloma ah, half past the hour. these are the headlines, more than $600.00 matches taking place across the united states in defense of women's reproductive rights. have happened to the wake of tough new abortion laws, particularly in texas, which is effectively banned the practice. but incredibly important that we make sure that we are.

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