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there's no evidence of direct links yet also this hour how to end the war in syria the foreign ministers of qatar russia and turkey needs in doha and the spark behind a mexico's new state led energy policy and why environmentalist are against it. i'm joining us rosco with the sports as the international and committee strikes a deal with china to provide current virus vaccines to athletes taking part in the next 2 and then pickings. thank you for joining us myanmar's military has leveled new accusations against the poles leader and son sochi a military spokesman says she accepted illegal payments worth $600000.00 prost gold while in government the army also denied it was using excessive force on protesters but at least 7 more people were killed on thursday scott hyla begins our coverage with this report from bangkok. protesters in myanmar again lead bullets on the streets of yangon live in. munition used elsewhere to protesters in several other cities and towns are facing a stepped up violent crackdown and more cases of security forces shooting unarmed protesters in the head we protest peacefully but they cracked down on us while mentally demotic cracked a strong good of revolution we have decided the view continue until we've been in a news conference the military judge to restated its intention of holding on to power only until new elections can be held. election fraud in november's polling was its reason for the power grab yet the generals have provided no evidence of it . they also accuse deposed civilian leader aung sang suu kyi of taking bribes and others in her cabinet of corruption. i did you know young go read you know mr peel me said he gave him some suchi himself $600000.00 in cash and 11 kilograms of gold between december of 2017 to march of 2018 so i'm watching the news conference at a yangon tea shop call it one sided and question the jump to placing blame on protesters for starting the violence when they have no weapons. they are saying that the whole country is carrying out acts of violence it's horrible it's hurtful we have given our time we have given our lives to military does not care and say whatever they want. in another move the agenda has taken the erik an army off its list of terrorist groups it's one of 2 dozen ethnic armed groups in the country it's been removed from the list according to the joint because they have now stopped attacks in order to help establish peace some of the other ethnic armies have sided with the antic who protesters and across its eastern border thailand is preparing for the possibility of a refugee flow from ian maher those looking to flee the military's crackdown thailand's immigration department is converting a football arena into a processing center with health screening for now there hasn't been a large number of people trying to cross the border but in anticipation the time military has increased its patrols along the area it's got harder al-jazeera and let's get a sick an update on the situation now with tony chang who also joins us live from bangkok tony they were less protesters on the streets today i understand but still more deaths. i mean we've seen people coming out in the 10s if not hundreds of thousands but. facing the onslaught from the in the military in the police not surprisingly reduced numbers today and yet they still faced this barrage of tear gas rubber bullets and live fire and some of those in some places in the central township. we understand 7 people have died some of the footage we've seen showing wounds that are clearly consistent with sniper rifles high caliber weapons that amnesty international report they released overnight said. being used by the military they say in their war waging war on their own population in yangon one person is confirmed to died another in mandalay we understand there are others in other clashes around the country but they can't be confirmed yet what is very clear is that the military and the police are using this high level of aggression continuing to press against the protesters protesters are still coming out but i think facing the horror of these these words clearly many people are getting quite apprehensive nonetheless they feel they still need to come out and they're doing so and in large numbers tony thank you very much for that update tony chang live in bangkok. a year after the global coronavirus fund them week was declared the u.s. house of representatives has approved president joe biden's $1.00 trillion dollars over $1000.00 relief there is one of the largest spending plans in america's history the package includes funding for more vaccines and extends unemployment benefits allan fish every horse from washington. thank yous and applause the host delivered joe biden's 1st significant victory as president i want point 9 trillion dollars called relief bill and all done without a single republican vote in support this is a momentous day in the history of our country because we have passed historic consequential and transformative legislation thanks goes to the senators who are standing here or great committee chairs and all of our senators who pulled together as one unit beating back killer amendments making sure the bill was as strong as possible the bill has overwhelming support across the country 61 percent approval but republicans claim it spends far too much and delivers far too little we are here today mr speaker because democrats made a choice. i choice to put their partisan political ambitions ahead of the needs of the working class the deal delivers $1400.00 stimulus checks to every qualifying american targeted mainly of lower incomes there's $350000000000.00 for states cities and tribal governments 130000000000 for schools 40000000000 for further education and 50000000000 in relief for small businesses the package was a big pre-election promise from biden he wanted to do it with republican support but was happy to push on without it. everything in the american rescue plan addresses a real need including investments to fund our entire vaccination effort more vaccines more vaccinate tours and more vaccination sites millions more americans will get tested including home chesty schools will soon have the funding and resources to reopen safely a national imperative biden is expected to sign the bill when it hits his desk on friday the administration says the 1st checks could start going out soon with many people receiving their money before the end of the month alan fischer al-jazeera washington. and denmark has temporarily halted the use of the covert 1000 vaccine manufactured by astra zeneca as salves are reports of a small number of cases of blood clots that marconi approved the astra zeneca vaccine 6 days ago for those above the age of 65 as bring in paul brennan who is in london for us for more on this so paul any reaction from oxford astra zeneca to this decision by denmark to poles the use of its. that samina reaction from zeneca yes i mean they said that they're in contact with the austrian authorities because austria too is stopping and using the one particular batch of astra zeneca jabs astra zeneca vaccines after 2 incidents that one was a death from a coagulation disorder and the other was an illness from a pulmonary embolism so these are all sort of vaguely blood clot related things the danish situation appears to be borne of an abundance of caution because the danish health authority has said that they haven't given any details of exactly how many blood clot cases there have been and they haven't given any details of the background history of the one person who's died in denmark but what they did say was that it was currently not possible not possible to conclude whether there was a link between the vaccine and these deaths so the health minister said and i'm quoting we are acting early it needs to be thoroughly investigated now other countries appear to be suspending their use watching what's happening waiting for the outcome of that it is a temporary suspension for 2 weeks other countries a stoney a lithuanian luxembourg and latvia i'm also hearing that norway a line is just dropping is that norway appears to be halting for the time being its use of astra zeneca but issued a statement. yesterday saying the safety of inspection of been extensively studied and the vaccine was generally well tolerated and the number of thromboembolism events as it describes it is no higher than that seen in the general population so it remains to be seen as to whether this is sort of super cautious behavior and action from denmark and norway or whether it actually is something that. to be more concerned with that have been millions of these vaccines administered 22000000 in excess in here in the u.k. alone more than 3000000 in the european union so it's a have 2 cases in one country and 2 cases in another with no firm link between the vaccine and those cases does leave a lot of questions still unanswered paul elsewhere in europe france is relaxing restorations on international travelers. yeah. i mean the french have really had a struggle with coronavirus and they have been looking at increasing numbers but they are very keen of course with the summer arriving to try to open up their economy thing of course is germany is also facing the prospect of a 3rd wave and it's ironic perhaps that while other countries are sort of shutting down the vaccination programs albeit temporarily in norway denmark germany is screaming out for more than accidents and trying to get more vaccines into the arms of its of its citizens so it is you know it's curious it's an indication i think of all the not exactly joined up thinking that is taking place across the european continent across the european union with these different countries taking very different approaches in relation to a reopening and b. the vaccination programs themselves paul thank you very much for that paul brennan live there in london well let's just cus the safety of the astra zeneca vaccine some more now with stereo more sauce more lechler virally just sandy associate professor inset into and one necklace scientists at northumbria university is joining us from newcastle in the u.k. thank you very much for being with us so as we've heard concerns from denmark about this astra zeneca vaccine an investigation is underway there austria has also suspended using one batch of astra zeneca doses while it investigates death there from coagulation disorder is 1st of all 'd can may be a link between blood clots and have x.e.n.u. . there can be a potential link claimed about anything and everything might but the every ality about these things is in the absolute numbers so whilst the one cannot be 100 percent show. up this fuck saying how something wrong with it it's entirely possible just like with aspirin there might be one but something's wrong with it the reality is we need to see enough of these events in the population to be enough and large a number you would normally expect to be able to claim that actually there's a specific direct link between the 2. so if you think about the age groups prioritized books nation right now. you know the elderly people generally these are individuals who have preexisting conditions and they're proto strokes they're prone to pillory embolisms the poor into to tax these things will help them right sir you would need to see you have much more of this happening amongst those age groups because these people are getting about same before you could safely say it seems to be something about same so all the governments are doing the correct thing right now and i just stopping checking to make sure things are ok so you don't think they're overreacting these countries norway also announcing now that it's running it faster than a healthy 1000 back seen on that. no i don't i don't think that to nerve a reaction i think it's an appropriate response to this concern that has been brainwashed it needs to be looked at carefully independent and make sure that those numbers are interpreted accurately for public safety whether that's protecting people from the virus or protecting people from something. and with this vaccine but the likelihood in general but the proxy may have had something untoward is minimal the likelihood that a bunch of the box it may have something wrong with it is very small vanishingly small right but as you know there's been concern about the speed at which these vaccines have been develops what are some of the most serious possible side effects associated to these golden 1000 back seems not just yes anika ones but the other ones that are also being rolled out right now. well that's the think we keep wondering this phrase all these things will develop too quickly i would like to flip the korean on point talk to everybody how fast we could develop things for diseases we want to do something about if we put the investment on the time of the resources that we are able to respond to diseases very quickly that's how advanced we are scientifically so on top of that please understand all the clinical trials thought were necessary what covering about for all these vaccines that you just listed all the data has been publicly made available for it is not talked about to say that this was developed foss that coolness will come no there were no quotas cult if anything all the people about how it's a role to play the upper level worked hand in hand in the process to make it as fast as possible so i would like to say to people you know well let's try and get society and economy to solve diseases of health care problems looking at this as a paradigm of how we can do things better rather than the other way around no one reassuring to go wrong right some reassuring words saying we've got we've got yes with regards to what compulsively go wrong the point is that those studies that were carried out didn't show that there is a anything untoward don't need to be learned from this so maybe a bit of favor for a few days which is a sign that your immune system is kicking and it's did what it's supposed to do so i wouldn't i would be worried too much about these observations to the authorities under that right saying to make sure that nothing untoward has happened so we shouldn't worry too much thank you very much sariel muscles for your reassuring words say a small. island just joining us there from the u.k. we appreciate your time you're welcome. that lost more head on this al-jazeera news hour including. 10 years on japan remembers the devastating earthquake and tsunami that triggered the focus shima nuclear disaster accused of forming a massive cocaine smuggling network how u.s. allegations against the honduran president could affect immigration and i'll be nora nanda all messi in the champions league quarter finals after boston are not tied by p.s.g. that's coming up in sports with. the war in syria has been the focus of high level diplomatic talks here in doha this thursday qatar's foreign minister hole said his russian and turkish counterparts to discuss ways to deliver aid russia and turkey back opposing sides in syria's war now in its 10th year that his foreign minister has expressed hope for a breakthrough in the conflict double the cut could that we all contributing without if it's for a sustainable political stability for syria of course unfortunately the conflict has been going on for 10 years and we have witnessed many unfortunate events i wish is to see that syria's legitimate request will find a result within the criteria of the united nations and turkey. al-jazeera is burnet smith was at the news conference in doha and has more on the major issues that were discussed were 10 years on from those 1st and the us had protests in syria and were 4 years on from the russian led a start the process is bringing together russia iran and turkey to try and find a political solution to the crisis in that country but we seem to be no further on the survey lavrov russian's foreign russia's foreign minister said today this meeting between the 3 countries was another way of trying to achieve a political solution for this start a process if the russians had their way would ultimately lead probably with the assad regime staying in charge you have the m.r.i. artie's yesterday or earlier this week calling for syria to be real out reintroduced into the arab league the catheters when asked about that weren't interested in seeing syria at this stage back in the arab league and turkey which of course is not in the arab league but it said never to have a soul of the foreign minister of turkey said that the syrian regime wants a new military solution it doesn't believe in a political solution so despite least 3 countries getting together no indication that there are any closer than they ever have been to finding a political solution to what's happening in syria also on the agenda was afghanistan talk started here in september peace talks between the afghan government and the taliban they've been on off here in this very hotel since then they haven't achieved very much the u.s. last week sending a letter to the afghan president saying they want to find a new political solution to afghanistan so they can withdraw their troops and now the russians saying that next week in moscow they're going to have a meeting to try and find is another way forward for afghanistan but they were keen to point out that that was not taking away from the talks that are happening here in doha when our senior political analyst says it's up to syria's government to end the conflict. clearly since the russians got involved militarily in 2015 things might have stabilized in favor of the assad regime and his russian patrons but russia has ended up with a major crisis on its hand as as most international humanitarian organization would tell you there are some 600000 dead syrians today after 10 years of conflict 600000 there are 6000000 refugees and 10000000 people lack food security so clearly after 10 years of conflict of civil war this issue needs to be resolved and while other issues like afghanistan and yemen have their own processes the process that took place in geneva has not succeeded yet the so-called constitutional process because of the stubbornness of the assad regime so clearly russia needs a solution turkey and qatar and others are interested in helping out but the elephant in the room is of course the absent american because hardly anyone can provide help without america 1st thing it sanctions japan is commemorating the 10th anniversary of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands of people and 929 china also damaged a nuclear power plant that continues suppose a contamination risk rob mcbride reports. it was the biggest earthquake japan has ever recorded creating devastating tsunami waves that crashed into towns and communities along its northeastern coast it left around 20000 people dead or missing and it caused a meltdown at the fukushima nuclear power plant more than 150000 people had to be evacuated from surrounding areas satellite images taken before and after the disaster showed the extent of the destruction and the scale of the task to rebuild the town of minamisanriku was one of the worst hit with almost 2 thirds of the population wiped out. ito survived the rising waters and made it to safety he now leads tours of his town recounting to visitors his firsthand experience a name or. i want everyone to know that unexpected disasters can happen i think it is our job as people who experienced a tsunami to share that with others all along this coast and you see defenses have been built and the government has turned the reconstruction effort into a symbol of national revival coinciding with the delayed summer olympics the olympic torch relay is jew to start from fukushima later this month carried 1st by noriyuki suzuki whose daughter my died along with 73 other students and 10 teachers at their elementary school. there are many areas affected by disaster in japan and i want to recover lympics to before all those areas i want smiles to overflow the country. present services have been held along the affected coastline while in tokyo and peru another hito and prime minister yoshi he'd a sukkah led a national service of remembrance outlook we are usually not all my heart aches when i turn my thoughts to those who have struggled with various hardships with dress the changes of the living conditions including those who have lost loved ones and those who have lost their homes or jobs and been separated from the people of their communities. time to reflect on the disaster a decade ago and its legacy japan as a nation will have to deal with for decades to come rob mcbride al-jazeera. while the cleanup but the focus daiichi nuclear plant is far from complete more than 1000 metal tanks containing nearly 1250000 tons of radioactive cooling water is stored at the facility the tokyo electric power company which operates a plant says the water contains to try t.m. and a naturally occurring i saw top of hydrogen and traces of carbon 14 every octave material in 2018 the firm also said 70 percent of the water contains a radioactive substance known as tante a mine which can cost cancer that speak to ken besler about this his a senior marine radio chemist said to the woods hole oceanographic institution and is joining us from massachusetts in the us thank you very much for being with us so we have water tanks full of still radioactive contaminants in fukushima and the government is reported to want to release this water into the sea is safe. well thank you for inviting me about think the 1st thing to say situation today 10 years later they water is in the ocean and the fish are below level of concern so now we have this new source to consider in these 1000 tanks 1200000 tons of largely tribute of water a form of hydrogen that is less harmful than others the concern i have is that it's not just 20 of the tanks but things as you mentioned john chimney 90 within him cobalt so there's many other elements that are great a concerted still in those tanks and how how what risks does this pose how much progress has been made to keep the public safe from contaminated water. well so far they haven't been released in this water so that's good but as you said just over 70 percent of those tanks would have the we purified cleaned up through move these more dangerous isotopes and isotopes that end up associated with the sea floor and more likely incorporated into fish and sea life so the concern is that if they plan for 20 i'm not really planning for release of other elements to be quite differently in the ocean and i potentially more asking what kind of of work is involved in these efforts to decontaminate the water. well tritium itself a form of hydrogen is part of the water h 2 o. molecule right so that's very difficult to remove i agree with that it's very hard to engineer a way to do that these other i stopes can be removed or 20 but self you know this will take decades to fully clean up their stereo decommission these reactors and during that time tritium will decay away so we look out 50 to 60 years and you store it on site those water is 97 percent of that form of hydrogen 20 him would have decayed away naturally so there are alternatives to put in the ocean right but certainly if they are planning for ocean release i think there's more to be done yeah and there's a debate about this is near about where this nuclear contaminated water should go what are your thoughts on this well i think for now i'd like to see them 1st demonstrate that they would move these other what dangerous isotopes shouldn't 70 percent of the tanks data on what else is in the tanks would be useful and then something about what they would monitor if they were to release so that's just not enough information to make good decisions but i think still time and space to keep story and using earthquake safe thanks basically luxury tanks to do this can be so i thank you so much for talking to us about this thank you for your insight can business senior living everyday a chemist joining us after massachusetts in the u.s. . well pleasure. time now for a check on the world weather his attitude funks hello there we got some rather active weather moving across the middle east over the next couple of days a fair bit of rain sleet and snow piling out ask going to make its way across the caucasus georgia or armenia azerbaijan all seeing significant snowfall as we go through the next couple days northern parts of iraq could see some snow northern areas of iran certainly in with a chance to see some significant snowfall and watches for a temperature drop 13 celsius in tehran 33 in kuwait even here in doha we're going to warm 35 cells with that brisk wind 50 dust and sand but look at the temperatures fall away friday going on into sas day 25 celsius a 10 degree drop here in doha so freshening up 13 degree drop there in kuwait really getting up to 7 celsius there for to run that race statements no that will make its way across turkmenistan northern parts of afghanistan let's look further south with things for a good deal quieter the u.a.e. oman yemen doing too badly and that dry weather that comes down across the horn of africa on a dry here all the way down across the rift valley likely to we're looking pretty good because some heavier showers 7 to northern parts of madagascar northern areas of mozambique through zambia those heavy showers right all the way up into the gulf of guinea. still ahead on the news hour china's annual national people's congress has top will tell you about some of the new laws and what it could mean for hong kong struggling to survive why businesses in zimbabwe see the easing of coronavirus restorations may do little to help them recover and it's not a big win for manchester city in the premier league joel have reaction in schools to stay with this. frank assessment the world is on the brink of a catastrophic failure is that a fair assessment you would be catastrophic. to twice now you will see informed opinions should we be buying bit coy ultimately it will be sovereigns and governments who are buying this that is the direction this is all headed in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines inside story on 00. this is a sick and it's time for a different approach one that is going to challenge the way you think. asking the questions now is the new host of the next season of the show that's got no space for sound bites only top of the list leave simplicity to the headlines join me as i take on the lies dismantle the misconceptions and debate the contradictions. are marc lamont hill and it's time to get up front right here on al-jazeera. you're watching the news hour on al-jazeera with me fully back to go a reminder of our top stories myanmar's military has added to the charges against the pows leader on sunday to cheat a military spokesman says she accepted illegal payments worth $600000.00 plus gold while in government denmark has temporarily halted the use of astra zeneca has called $900.00 back scene after a small number of cases of blood clots and then denmark's health ministry says it's not yet clear whether the costs were named through the vaccine and a short while ago norway also suspended the rollout of astra zeneca its vaccine. any foreign ministers of qatar russia and turkey have how talks in doha they focused on finding a way to deliver humanitarian aid to the people in syria russia and turkey back opposing sides in the conflicts. china has approved changes to limit democratic participation in hong kong's elections its annual national people's congress passed new laws to veto and screen candidates it follows mass protests in the semi-autonomous territory in 2019 calling for greater freedoms chinese foreign minister make a chances of reform that would ensure hong kong is governed by what he calls patriots who leave. the meeting made a decision of improving the election system of their own constitutional administrative region all delegates highly agreed and have expressed to the strong determination of the people of all ethnic groups of the country including holcombe patry it's to safeguard national sovereignty security and development interests and maintain the hong kong's constitutional. well hong kong's leader kerry lamb has welcomed the electoral reforms she says they are necessary to keep up people who want to undermine this was status quo some are doing her locally young notion we see in recent years that there are politicians with a hidden agenda making use of loopholes and flaws in our electoral system to enter a political institutions they did not enter a stablish meant to help hong kong government to implement policies or to help hong kong people they embark on sabotaging our systems our lives and in recent years they advocate self-determination hong kong independence they even collude with foreign powers to threaten our national security. here's adrian brown has more from hong kong on what the electoral reforms will mean for the territory's activists. i think the future for the pro-democracy movement is very grim indeed according to the few commentators still prepared to speak out here they say that democracy has now been in their words extinguished here in hong kong in fact even one of kerry lambs key advisors bernard chan who is one of her closest advisors has said in many ways hong kong has gone back to the situation it was in in the eighty's when hong kong of course was still a british colony and he says that you know that's how bad the situation is you know what little democracy hong kong has had has now gone and remember this was a system that in many ways was already rigged in china's favor so in many ways it's also academic as to why china has had to do this because almost the entire leadership of the pro-democracy bloc is now either arrested or have fled the country now china has made clear that only patriots in the future will rule hong kong or indeed hold positions of authority of power here in hong kong and just a few days ago we got a definition from a senior chinese official here as to exactly what a patriot was he says it's loving china under the leadership of the chinese communist party so in other words loving the country equals loving the party i recall says prime minister ahmed back a local has died it's the 2nd time in a year one of the nation's leaders has died in office because of illness back a local was seen as a possible successor to president assad ouattara he was flown to france for medical treatment last month and then to germany where he died ahmed agents has more from abidjan. it died of advanced case of cancer and this is a man who is seen by many here in ivory coast as a possible successor he's been groomed going by his profile is that the minister of defense the prime minister as well as minister of interior it tells you how much trusted he is. by a loss of what and what the future had in store for him before this now this is the 2nd. loss in whatever success of a possible successor who has died in the last 8 months he inherited the position from. bali who died 8 months ago and was seen as a possible successor to us from what i what i gave the reason for his contesting the presidential elections last last year as because he lost somebody you could have trusted to handle the job and as a result the constitution was picked and then he stood and won the election although disputed by the by the opposition now. the prime minister the late prime minister may be a heavyweight in government circles but he's not that much he doesn't cut that much bigger in politics in the ruling out of steep the party he is seen as a lightweight so some other senior political big weeks out there and but they also knew that this is the preferred candidate of president alassane ouattara. the united nations says they are mounting concerns about unexploded devices after a series of explosions at a military barracks in equitorial guinea more than $100.00 people were killed in the blasts in the coastal city of bottle on sunday the president says nearly every building in the city has been damaged and it was caused by mishandled dynamite. now the president of honduras is once again being accused of protecting drug traffic is moving large amounts of cocaine into the united states prosecutors in new york say president juan orlando had mandates received millions of dollars in bribes and on days has denied the allegations money reports. plundering president one would lead to an end as has been accused of trafficking tons of cocaine to the united states this according to u.s. prosecutors who went as far as calling honduras a norco state investigators say president and then this received bribes amounting to $25000.00 from giovanni fuentes is an alleged drug trafficker currently on trial in a u.s. federal court though the u.s. government is long viewed hundreds says a strategic ally in the region this week u.s. state department spokesperson ned price distanced the biden administration from its counterparts in the adnan this government we are committed to fighting corruption in honduras and we will support and work with leaders who are committed to fighting corruption any leader i think it's fair to say fair to say not prepared to combat the corruption won't be in a position to enjoy a close partnership with the united states allegations of criminal conduct against president adam and his have been mounting for years in 2019 a u.s. court convicted the president's younger brother tony of 9 days for cocaine trafficking charges heard tell them about the i asked. him about it so you are saying that worked or not. this is rather and iran's president can only get up and say that he is headed for a ship and that he used that he was. reading. it and it's. the united states government ok for his part the honduran president has denied any involvement with organized crime taking to twitter on wednesday to deny the latest allegations against him the false testimonies of the obvious lies that this woman would that for $25000.00 they purchased total immunity 2021 is intellect. and it's shaping up to be an important one for the country's relationship with the united states the bided ministration has allocated $4000000000.00 to combat the root causes of migration from central american countries along with violence and poverty political corruption linked to the government of president and landis has been a driving factor behind the waves of mass migration out of honduras but the white house says that as little as 8 is possible will go to corrupt governments setting conditions like transparent elections as evidence of good governance manildra below al-jazeera. mexico has moved closer to decriminalizing cannabis after snow house of congress approved a new bill that legislation would allow the drug to be used for recreational medical and scientific purposes it's backed by president and dress money and already or and would make the country one of the last largest cannabis markets the bill novelists of the senate and mexico's president has signed a controversial energy bill into law favoring state own power plants that knowledge the run on fossil fuels environmentally say it's a major setback for investment in the renewable energy sector john home and has a story from mexico city one thing makes cars president makes no secret of his favoring state over private enterprise and micros especially for the country's electricity industry under his predecessor it was opened up to private investment now he's doing what he can't reverse that is to convince he's i am convinced that privatization has been a failure robbery looting of mexico resources just to benefit individuals. thanks to the energy before he's pushed through a bill that favors the state companies c.f.e. to supply the country's electricity and sends private firms to the back of the line when state it became law lopez obrador says it will help give mexico energy independence but environmentalist are worried that many of the states. months of fossil fuel and the companies providing renewable energy formerly given preference and now getting such a bad deal that they won't want to come to mexico is the most undersea at that us we are going backwards then years on all the bounces that we made in loss and policy instruments that push for the transition to renewable energy. in general investment is going to be hit say analysts flip flopping regulations don't inspire confidence and the country could also be open to lawsuits if it doesn't respect the investments already made when the sector opened up it doesn't look good it graham it's it doesn't look good technically it doesn't look good environmentally and particularly because it might cause a diplomatic crisis because by little ation the rights of countries that have invested in mexico i particularly analysts say the changes could run afoul of the new trade agreement between the united states canada and mexico but what the president says is that this is really going to help mexico to get back control of its electricity to the country and its people now that claim is questionable because a lot of the state power plants still depend on gas that's coming from abroad but politically it's a winner. and it should go over noise the president's base going into the upcoming midterm elections whoever it lakshmi helpmates carries energy sector as well is open to question john homan how does it or mexico city. the coronavirus pandemic and brazil has recorded its highest number of covert 1000 deaths in one day since the pandemic began more than 2000 deaths were reported on wednesday taking the overall toll to more than 200 $70000.00 a country struggling to deal with a sage in cases that's pushed many hospitals close to breaking point how the experts say it's being fueled by more contagious strains of the virus. zimbabwe meanwhile has ease its coronavirus lockdown and overnight curfew that were imposed in january it's now allowing businesses to reopen after the rate of new infections slowed many businesses are now trying to recover counting the cost after months of covert 1000 destructions. reports some had a very. tasty girl to purchase some chicken and anything else on the menu will soon be ready but not for a sits down meal cloven 1000 mr chinn's in zimbabwe don't allow that for now it's only takeaways parts of the government's plan to bring down infection rates for restaurants and fast food outlets also known as quick service restaurants or. this is not good for business as you can see now we're in an empty restaurant will only be able to trade till 7 pm and even then we might have a few people who will come through but restaurants are not primarily catered for takeaway business and even if you look at some of the logic u.s. our businesses there are only still operating in 50 percent because they have designed themselves to allow saddam patrons so it's a significant impact in the business and going forward significant impact and we're looking at job losses and companies closing of the businesses have fully reopened as a country tries to recover from a 2nd wave of corona virus infections lockdowns in 2020 and early this year acted zimbabwe's already struggling economy we totally have passed the list in terms of quality 19 and unfortunately at the beginning of the 1st little of the law. and what really looking forward to is where. it started coming in but since we may not have to resort to lock downs i. should see you know performance and profile for companies. that zimbabweans are taking advantage of being able to move around without restrictions there is high unemployment most people here live hand to mouth this isn't. a one of the oldest and busiest old friend in the capital had the informal traders cannot help it but i understand they way mohsen practice also distancing but not everyone is afraid of them as winter approaches in this region health officials are warning of a 3rd wave is called $9000.00 regulations on to follow it business owners on the brink of closure say the consequence of another lockdown. still ahead in sports qatar promises to make its world cup next year more inclusive and ever will look at how access to the game is being improved or disabled by its. the end. bottom back fans have been demanding justice for one of the world's greatest footballers diego maradona the 6 year old died of a heart attack in november weeks after having brain surgery supporters believe his death was caused by medical negligence traceable reports from. the human eye though an act did not die he was killed chanted hundreds of his followers in the center of one a scientist. whatever has daughters attended the rally and joined his fans in the call for justice he got up to go to a took his entourage used him were with him for money they let him die they gave him weed beer if you love someone you don't do that they have to pay if it's not in jail there has to be social condemnation. people blog to one of the main avenues of argentina's capital they want a full investigation into what happened to their i don't. know what that god like figure in argentina who struggled on alcohol and drug abuse he had a poor health but still the ministry of justice in argentina pointed at medical committee to investigate medical enough that it is expected to take 2 to 3 weeks to show its findings to to have. a documentary by him for why the local media company revealed all your recording said to be between. doctors and caretakers in them prosecutors say there is enough evidence to prosecute modern us doctor and 6 others . the documentary reveals how his daughters wanted to hospitalize him after his brain surgery but it's alleged his end to rush wanted to take him to a private home so they wouldn't lose control over him and the profits he generated and so to the point. where what we expect is that the detectives can have access to all of the documentation that the public prosecutor has been gathering very meticulously to reconstruct this great puzzle that is the events at the end of armando marathoners life so what we expect is that each of the detectives will issue an expert opinion one of his biographers says what's happening is a legal battle. i feel it's a battle between lawyers between his descendants dear good heart problems lung problems addictions all sorts of problems what's extraordinary is that he made into a 60 years old. when i was a man who generated passion when he was alive and continues to do so now that he's dead. that is how will when a scientist. time now for sports has joe thank you very much the international committee has struck a deal with china to offer the coronavirus vaccine to athletes who will take policy upcoming games in both tokyo and beijing the collaboration was announced on thursday by president thomas during the committee's but your meeting also said that the i.o.c. would pay for extra doses for the general public in countries whose athletes take up the offer. not only for the olympic but also for the paralympic. furthermore for each of these additional doses for an olympic and paralympic team. yeah you see we'll pay for those is more which can be made available to the population in their respective country according to their needs. spanish super club barcelona have been eliminated from the champions league in the last 160-4811 draw against persons a man basso worth $41.00 down after the 1st like pay gave p.s.g. the lead on the night falling on messi equalized with a penalty this is the earliest barcelona have a zit in the champions league in 14 years it also means the 1st time since 20042005 there will be no messi or christian or an elder in the quarterfinals she said i thought we were not rewarded for the way we played in the 1st half we should have scored one or 2 more goals we should have had a bigger advantage at half time considering the match we played we took risks we put pressure on them we dominated our opponents and we had created enough chances but we did not able to take advantage of that. $2100.00 champions of a poor through to the quarterfinals mohamed salah and study of money were on the scoresheet it to know when overall be liked sake in neutral budapest liverpool winning $4.00 nil on aggregate the only reason why you brain is competition is because you want to win it. but we are not silly we know that so far this is not the season which looks like we will move in the chance to union but that doesn't mean that we don't want to come as far as possible and we will see what is possible. now so much that could easily have been a champions league encounter munched united face ac milan in the europa league last 16 later the 2 continental giants are going head to head for the 1st time in 11 years and the 1st ever meeting in europe's 2nd take competition you know to the only club still in the competition to won the europa league in its current form with milan yet to reach the final. yeah when i was going over the watched a lot of ac milan in the big games in the big night so they've been involved in so it's an exciting time for this we want to play the bass we want to test ourselves against the best teams and i feel like they're one of the best teams in the competition so will be forward to it in concert or or. there are a lot of strong teams but for sure this is a very prestigious fixture between 2 clubs who have a great history and a great past what we hope and what we're working for is to realize our dreams and to go back to winning ways and no mention city of moving closer towards reclaiming the premier league title on wednesday city crushed southampton $52.00 in a dominant display we had marise and kevin deploying a boat scored twice the pep guardiola side. midfielder ok and was also on the scoresheet on the night city and now 14 points clear of their nearest rivals in the standing face to face well catto is continuing its preparations for next year's football world cup and as i found out of the grassroots level the country is working to improve access to the game for disabled place too. jasim is 22 years old and like many young men his age enjoys football he's autistic and his mother says playing the sport in a safe environment has improved his life over the last 2 years and better and after finishing school just some of those like him had no child to take part in any activities so he stayed home and most this time doing nothing but now they come here free themselves of any negative energy or aggressiveness they wait impatiently for this day every week this program really grants them their inherent right to life and i hope it will run forever. justin is benefiting from a sports program here in doha teaching those with special needs several sports including football the ability friendly football program is a relatively new initiative but it's already got the backing of the cattle 2020 world cup organizers and one of their most famous ambassadors form a straight captain tim cahill does a lot of work with the world cup social legacy division generation amazing comes part and parcel with who i am as a person i've had a great career but one of the most magical things is to be able to share. my wealth of knowledge to have fun with the kids according to britain's national to 6 society physical activity can improve social skills communication and anxiety it creates a sense of belonging and it creates an environment where anyone can just quite simply be together and play through that process of having fun and engaging that like you see a genuine growth in people's ability to communicate and desire to communicate as well cattles world cup organizes the aiming to make next year's tournament the most accessible ever as well as providing dedicated areas for those with physical disabilities stadiums will host sensory rooms for autistic people to have a quiet space where they can enjoy the manchus it's all about inclusiveness we talk about inspiring the. next generation and this is the next generation and as an ambassador and also as a father i want to be a part of this. at the moment i hope more attention is paid to this slice of our youth simply because autistic people are very intelligent and enjoy many of the talents their talents wouldn't come to light and that's a given the choice to interact with the surroundings. with just over 20 months to go until the tournament kicks off the hard work continues to get cats all ready to host the world cup well also making it a welcoming environment for all that i've ever heard yet. all right that is like a sport for now i will be like to thank you very much for that i'll have more news for you very shortly here on al-jazeera after this break. jump into the story there is a lot going on in this show and join our global community when i talk about the misinformation i think we don't want afraid than we are aware be part of the debate don't ever take anybody's one word because there's always a difference when no topic is off the table we have been disconnected from our land we have been disconnected from who we are and would love to hear from you and each week be part of today's discussion this streamed on out is there. it's one of the biggest clubs in south america. but its greatest rival is just a few blocks away. a mutual dislike between funds pulled from a class divide sustained over generations. most boca juniors supporters are born into these club colors. in an epic feud of rich versus poor the fans who make football on al-jazeera. for 4 weeks america engulfed in protest every. day all over the us even as the country faces the continued threat of a deadly pandemic. and it morphed into a movement calling for police reforms sometimes it was violent. but mostly it was peaceful we asked people to describe what america is now feeling i think people want change. and it's a good buy are willing to do whatever it takes to get there on friday billions of people in america are expected to celebrate what's called june 13th and unofficial holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the united states this year in the wake of the nationwide protests there is a growing number of calls to make it an official federal holiday. people see it as a great opportunity to take to the streets to continue to let their message be heard. at least 7 on tycho protesters are killed in myanmar as the military makes new allegations again sounds on some. you're watching al-jazeera live from doha with me fully back to bore also ahead denmark suspends using astra zeneca has covered 1000 vaccine after reports of blood clots but says there is no evidence of direct links yet how to end the war in syria the foreign minister.

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