Supermarkets following 3 other European Countries where its mandatory outside the her. And china changes the way it counts coronavirus cases now including those who test positive that have no symptoms. Current virus takes another big name in the world of football and former libyan say president. Dies at age 68 of the contract to delist in his native senate go well hear reaction to his death later this hour. More than 4000 people in the United States have now died from corona virus the president is warning americans to prepare for what he says will be the hard days that lie ahead the country saw the highest single day death toll with more than 800 fatalities on tuesday White House Health experts are saying the virus could kill up to 240000 people without Government Intervention the number could rise to 10 times that mike hanna begins our coverage from washington d. C. For the 1st time the task force presented its predictions of where this pandemic may be heading saying this could now be done because of a more detailed flow of information from across the country thank you very much the Scientists Say the virus could kill between 100240000 americans but without if its like social distancing Counter Measures like shutdowns the toll could go far but modeled the worst Case Scenario of 1500000 to 2200000 deaths so what were going to see and thats weve got to brace ourselves in the next several days to a week or so were going to continue to see things go up we cannot be discovered by that because the mitigation is actually working and will work. A somber President Trump said the mitigation measures were a matter of life and death i want every american to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead were going to go through a very tough 2 weeks. And then hopefully as the experts are predicting as i think a lot of us are predicting after having studied it so hard you can start seeing some related the end of the tunnel but this is going to be a very painful very very painful to excess in the city at the epicenter of the pandemic the rate of infection continues to rise the number of hospital admissions in new york city increased by 12 percent in the last 24 hour period and in central park a Field Hospital will be ready by Late Wednesday everyone everyone is subject to this virus it is the great equalizer i dont care how smart how rich how powerful you think you are. I dont care how young how will this virus is the great equalizer. Nearly 190000. 00 people have now tested positive for the virus in all 50 states plus washington d. C. And as the models show this number is increasing by the by come out aljazeera washington and now at least 100 sailors on board a u. S. Aircraft carrier have also tested positive for that 19 the captain of the Theodore Roosevelt told the pentagon that the virus is spreading uncontrollably and called for immediate help to quarantine the crew but defense secretary mark aspect says its not the right time to move the people on board but our correspondent Patty Culhane who has previously spent time on board that naval ship is following developments from maryland i can tell you that this could get x. Initially worse much much quicker than weve seen just in the general public and heres why there are 17 levels of stairs and lights on the Aircraft Carrier us and if you go to the stairs theyre pretty steep theyre pretty dangerous you have to pull around so imagine you touch your face you touch the railing another 5000. 00 people are going to use you know savings and sterols they sleep about half of the list of groups of about a foot have above each other its such a tight corner they can actually rule over in your sleep because your shoulders for this and they all eat together so we can have the ships of this really extraordinary mother say we have to have that with you was 5000 people sealers aboard the ship there you have 10 percent already for security for meaning and what we see is a part of the secretary of defense interview saying its not time to have that we ship that is in sharp contrast to what this captain said just chimes of the essence he wants to see some sort of 40 barracks up and. Now spains government is advising its doctors not to admit coronavirus patients aged over 80 in 10 tents of care and leaks document published by spanish media says that Health Workers have been told to prioritize younger patients spains Just Announced its worst single day death toll so far with 864. 00 fatalities in the past 24 hours its now the 5th day in a row its recorded more than 800. 00 deaths taking the total toll above 9000 online to herrera joins me now live from the spanish capital in the dress lot of tell us a little more about this document thats been eaten how people are reacting to it i mean i imagine there must be a lot of people very angry well 1st of all we have to see that this document is from the Energy Services the Health Care Services in got along the line you know which is which is the 2nd region more heated in spain by coronavirus they have to reduce 30 day a death toll of 1900 there so the situation room is getting really critical and one document from the Health Care Services has been leaked to the media everyone say calling and stalking about this were the indicated practical to follow one that any system is collapsed what theyre saying this document is that they have to limit the efforts in patients over 80 and prioritize are there are patients that have that come benefit in terms of years so heres a worst possible so we possibility also buying any we help them ministers sources how do you not completely this document marseilles see the spanish are now also considering doing what the french did so moving covert 1000 patients to other regions in order to try to take the pressure off the capital which is so overstretched already. Yes well were told today that explain is sane exceeds that 100000 cases of coronavirus and has reduced toured lesser number of cases from yesterday to today so thats a good indicator indication that this could get better and it could reflect that the effects of tougher measures of these lockdown are being shown but the death toll has increased in another very very back. To up 290000 people with 849 knew that these means that. These the omegas units that were overwhelmed last week and the government was thinking about transporting patients from one region to the other by by many means even train medical out trains they didnt know how but there were there were just planning greenlighting do says theres issues they have the possibility so maybe we see in the next day that this takes place something will be following very closely matara there for us in madrid thank you martha well for the 1st time china has added 1000 patients who show no symptoms to its daily count 130 such cases have been recorded just in the past 24 hours 1500 others have been put in quarantine now World Health Organization guidelines say that asymptomatic patients should always be included in a daily tally as they are in many other countries well lets speak to katrina you who is live in beijing for us katrina theres already been some controversy about the way that china has been counting cases this change how much of an impact is it likely to have on numbers. Thats right and as i say it has its going to have a Significant Impact they doing this week is very much on the defensive about its coronavirus doctor because recently a local transmission seemed to have slowed to a trickle were seeing 0 cases all single digit cases reported daily over the past week and the government all but declared a victory but the public felt very differently they have been concerned for some time about these asymptomatic cases that is people with covered 9000 who do not present symptoms now china has never added these to its official tally as you mentioned against World Health Organization guideline saying well authorities maintained that they didnt have any solid evidence that these cases were infectious in the community but over the weekend in recent days in china there have been some very well publicized cases proving that people have caught korvin 1000 from from asymptomatic carriers and now the government really has changed its tune so as you mentioned from today on wednesday theyve or theyre going to start reporting daily new asymptomatic cases so weve got 130 bringing the total of these cases asymptomatic cases to 1367 now in china the government has said that even though or they havent added these to the official tally previously they have been protecting the community saying that even that these cases have been quarantined for the requisite 2 weeks when they have been discovered but people still are quite angry and also its raised a lot of questions here because this isnt the 1st time china has changed the way that its counted corinna virus cases actually change the methods a number of times over the past few months and people really are critical and skeptical about these government figures now according to the official figure 81000 people have been infected with corona virus in china but analysts believe an increasingly members of the public believe that number could indeed be much much higher katrina you there for us in beijing thank you very much for that update katrina. Well u. S. Health officials are now contemplating whether to recommend Wearing Masks in public now austria is the latest country to make it compulsory for its citizens to wear surgical masks while shopping i think its all since in this is that unfortunately its difficult at the moment to order masks and high quantities on the world market but presumably starting on when the supermarket chains will begin to hand out the most to every person who wants to go shopping as of the time when mosques are being handed out in front of supermarkets it is mandatory to leave them inside while shopping us. Well people will also be made to wear mosques in supermarkets or in public areas in the german city of jenna as of next week now thats despite the Health Minister saying theres no need for it to be mandatory warning that it could provide a false sense of security since the start of the outbreak the World Health Organization has advised against people Wearing Masks unless they were infected or caring for people who are bus in countries like the Czech Republic and slovakia mosques are now compulsory and its believed that it has helped to keep their number of cases down well lets now speak to dar dr our athena moss she is president of the Hong Kong Public Doctors Association and she joins us now on skype from hong kong dr martin no one so far been able to give me a satisfactory answer about what seems to be a real contradiction here so were being told that Wearing Masks werent protect the public but then we at the same time we should leave the small supply for Health Workers who need the mosques to protect them so do mosques actually offer protection. Arm her the all are we do in hong kong we do believe Wearing Masks or we caught it universal asking that means everyone wear surgical masks when they go out explicitly on the Public Transportation is you have still to stop the transmission of the ankle the virus in the public because we start to have this universal masking in hong kong so. Once we get a 1st in part to cases from a net and actually we well not many number a large number of locally in fact the patients in hong kong but i understand that. Surgical masks are surprised is limited we should 1st paro ties to the Health Care Workers but eve the surprise is in now we should actually advocate everyone to wear surgical mask specially like in hong kong we have a highly population most of our people are using a Public Transportation so dr my it is your opinion then that masks to do make a difference they do provide some sort of protection more so than not wearing a mask and i recall that back in 20000 during the 1000 outbreak that masks Wearing Masks was actually even more effective than not to hand washing if i recall correctly. I think for all kind of corn the runner is infection Wearing Masks as well as hand washing imported 1st of all is a droplet are transmitted infection so wearing my ass can help you to stop getting someone effected drunkeness and also get your druthers to someone else although i know that some countries just airing roswell infected individuals but really most remember there are certain numbers of coroner r us insight that patients actually asymptomatic so they even dont know and in fact it and actually used the 2 are transmitted to d. C. s even before you develop symptoms so i think universal masking is important as you say more people may be and asymptomatic than we initially thought so its your opinion that everyone should be Wearing Masks i believe theres also a psychological aspect here talk us through that and how thats played out in hong kong. Of course very much. You need to look for it 1st of all you need to pay for getting a mask in hong kong this couple of months every one of us good. Boy searching for surgical masks are actually. Start to have our own production line for manufacturing are all liars because its very difficult for you to get mass from countries like maine and also is a shit who are so ready to also get their own epidemic of the ankle we infections so besides the Economic Impact of. Buying mars for everyone Wearing Masks also mix certain distant vision people you cannot look at the face well you can not see the equation expression well if you do at some distance between people so what however in this pandemic i think the butler have issues should go on the top of the power of t. V. Dr my you were talking there about the short supply of mosques and given that they are in such short supply there are different mosque options now being made available including people trying to make themselves mosques at home so what should people be looking for when theyre trying to patch us mosques or and or in fact just trying to make their own to protect themselves out of whatever they have to hand. I think the most important our features are useful mass is that 1st of all you need our bacterial theme tour and also the mosque should be able to are with power water you will get so if you are got some drachmas spill on it. Yes as you said many people find it difficult to find a suitable surgical mask some people if they are sold their mosque put the funerals neuter in the middle of a pieces of color although it is not as good as for more surgical mask but also do give you some sort of protection dr. The president of the Hong Kong Public Doctors Association and courage and all of us to wear face masks during this pandemic thank you for joining us youre welcome all disease specialists now also criticizing the math brain of disinfectant in the fight against the virus now footage of on sunday of a group in india being washed down by men in protective suits the video this video that youre watching now is course widespread anger and the local administrator has apologized saying that no one was had. Well in Indonesia Special chambers have been set up to give people a quick last with chemicals to get rid of potential jams on their clothes and skin drones and fire trucks are also being used however some experts say that mass disinfecting in itself is a Health Hazard and that more targeted cleaning would be a better use of resources. We earlier we spoke to dr jason wang hes the director of the center for policy outcomes and prevention at Stanford University and he says the use of disinfectant sprays helps people psychologically but has no real benefit. I think a massive spread of corn and chloride probably will cause more harm. Than good to the population one of the things that we know about this chemical is that it gets through the skin so it can cause skin irritation it gets to the lungs so it was slowed down the story motions in the lungs and they could so in some cases the 2 asthma and some of the cases also showed that they could affect the eyes and so i think its probably more psychological than actual benefit to the population if one were to use this chemical maybe in a more targeted area where you avoid the crowds for example in the complement in a hospital room where people could be touching the servers i think that makes more sense than the massive spread in the population and finally allowed to come and personal hygiene is very important so you know teaching people to wash their hands and the boy touching things touching their eyes is probably more effective than a massive spread of chemical. Now iran has reported another 138 coronavirus deaths making it the 6th country now to see past 3000 deaths nationwide iran has banned all into city travel until at least april 8th or 30th closed parks on wednesday in order to prevent people from gathering to mark nature day a traditional festival in which families picnic outdoors and now more cases of covert 19 have emerged in india among attendees of a muslim religious gathering in new delhi as many as 2500 people from across india and other countries were at that meeting 128 have now tested positive 7 have died or thirtys have sealed off centers belonging to the to be missionary group and are now tracking down those who attended india is currently under lockdown wit