Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171217 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171217

hello again my name's peter toby you're watching the news our live from our headquarters here in tow are sixty minutes of news and comment today. a crucial meeting begins in south africa as the african national congress prepares to choose a new leader. protesters in israel to mom the resignation of the prime minister. of china south korea summit comes to an end but it isn't exactly smiles all round. also this hour we'll tell you why the trumpet ministration has ordered scientists to stop talking about science. ok let's get going south africa's president has called for unity in the governing african national congress as it prepares to select a new leader jacob zuma who's facing allegations of corruption is stepping down as head of the party before a new leader is elected on sunday the contest has been marked by deep divisions within the party as tanya page now explains from johannesburg. the conference started with two warnings don't just saying divisive songs and keep the chairs on the ground everybody it's beds that chairs will be flying around this conference or we can say that real not the airplane in this conference. a.n.c. members from competing factions have hurled cheers at one another in the build up to this crucial event there have been allegations of vote buying and intimidation those accusations have led disgruntled members to take legal action that delayed the start of the conference by several hours but the trend to turn to the country's courts was criticized by president jacob zuma and his last speech as party leader it is actually. thought it. we can begin to believe that the courts. some believe he has eroded the a.n.c. is all for it. under president zuma the party has lost considerable support he's no stranger to legal action himself he's fighting an ongoing battle to keep hundreds of corruption charges at bay this race is as much about the old leader as it is about the new if the president's preferred candidate is selected she may be able to protect him from legal action and his post-presidential years but if i wyvil is selected i may be less inclined to help so there is a lot of stake for jacob zuma one commentator said president zuma is legacy is a damaged a.n.c. possibly he might be the worst president ever had to splits the alliance is almost nonexistent the n.c.a.a. has lost fifteen percent of its in across the board. so why is it average then say the day ended with the nominations in a race that some predicts could be close between current day pretty president's aroma posa and in courses on it i mean isn't that the president's supposed favorite whoever wins has an enormous challenge to unite the a.n.c. at a time when its divisions have been laid to be a tiny page al-jazeera johanna's for. now there have been protests in tel aviv for a third weekend in a row calling the country's leader to quit demonstrators demanding the resignation of the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu over corruption allegations which he denies his hairy forsett. throughout december this is what saturday night in downtown tel aviv has looked like while international attention has been on the latest crisis in the peace process with the palestinians these protesters the focus is on domestic politics and the corruption allegations against prime minister benjamin netanyahu we don't want the corruption of the government if they don't offer up the people's go home we are asking bibi to always knowing bibi must leave knowing. on friday police arrived in netanya his residence to question him for a seventh time one case concerned allegations he tried to manipulate media coverage in his favor and other centers on expensive gifts received from wealthy foreign business executives in the ticker by. the prime minister denies one leak from the investigation suggesting he and his wife requested expensive cigars and champagne when stocks were running low from hollywood producer on the strain billionaire james packer and others welcome to a promise of record of every year his lawyer has admitted what he calls netanyahu as weakness for wealthy people his wife sarah is awaiting indictment on a separate case involving alleged misuse of public funds they are seen as working very well together and he will stick with wealth wise again strange chris hill not the kind of person told. that public readers were able to show there's increased scrutiny to regarding another case involving alleged corruption when german submarines were bought for the israeli navy netanyahu is not a suspect and he hasn't been questioned but two of his closest and most senior associates have been detained israel's prime minister insisted his innocence will be proven once these investigations have run their course but the new year they get to the end the more the political pressure on benjamin netanyahu increases are of course in algeria television. and they have been more protests around the world against president donald trump's decision to recognize jerusalem the capital of israel demonstrators marched in washington and in major cities in europe and across the middle east from decision has been widely condemned because he's jerusalem is palestinian territory under illegal occupation by israel. funerals have been held for four palestinians killed by israeli forces during protests over the trunk decision on jerusalem one of those who died was an activist who lost both his legs during an israeli air strike in two thousand and eight alan fischer was at the funeral in gaza. we came in the thousands to see good bye to a man and what he represented. was three a lost both his legs in an airstrike during the two thirds in the gaza war he became an unlikely symbol of palestinian defiance and resistance. the twenty nine year old often went in his wheelchair to fly his flag at demonstrations and protests all over again as he went on friday to the border with thousands of others to protest donald trump's decision to declare jerusalem as israel's capital. donald trump must reverse his decision jerusalem as the capital of palestine i call on all arabs to support the palestinians and if they don't we palestinians will do it ourselves biba him three it was flying his flag on friday when he was shot and killed by the israelis going to market us during the very moment we helped them are to abraham in the wheelchair tear gas was fired at us and abraham was hit in the head he fell to the ground and was killed instantly by a single bullet to the head. at his funeral in gaza city hamas leader ismail haniyeh said the protesters death was not in vain you were shocked you know that i show here you are he tried to protest despite his condition became famous all over the world and he is shaping the consciousness of the world two people were killed in clashes in gaza on friday for several hours and in seven places along the border palestinians protested. and rocks at israeli positions usually fired bullets and tear gas trying to force the thousands back from the border line hundreds were taken to hospital many suffering from the effects of gas and with other groups and factions here and guys are calling for more protests the people here are bracing themselves for more funerals in the days and weeks to come because that was alan fischer al jazeera. two mass graves containing the remains of dozens of people from iraq's years hedy minority have been found in the northwestern town of sin job ninety bodies have reportedly been discovered including those of women and children eisel took over sin jar in twenty fourteen killing and in slaving thousands of members of the religious minority group single was retaken a year later by a u.s. backed kurdish fighters the un declared the massacre of the use e.t.s. as a genocide there's been a torch lit march in the run up to elections in the spanish region of catalonia protesters in barcelona called for the release of politicians and activists jailed by the central government in madrid for organizing a succession referendum in october the spanish government imposed direct rule in catalonia after regional leaders declared independence he has called pan all. the march that we're seeing now is a fairly small torchlight march by probably independence activists have forced this is part of the wider campaign for the parliamentary elections on this coming thursday but this group in particular are calling for the release of what they call the political prisoners there referring to a group of catalan pro independence politicians who were imprisoned by the spanish central government to take a little bit i never seen one of the looking right now down the iconic last round us who rely on the most touristic areas all by the lowdown and you. willing to live. there for the realities of the political prisoners and that really goes to do something. else coming alexion saw they are now you know you have landed daily here by that often don't togaf yet independent referendum the spanish government the central government stepping out of the old the capital and fall of the declared and direct route from madrid and then set about imprisoning some of the leading politicians road crews for independence for the castle of your region and so now as they go towards the parliamentary elections on the twenty first of december you have these four politicians still in prison who are also candidates you have all the politicians out on bail who are facing a thirty year jail sentence on charges of bread badly and you also have other leading politicians in self exile in brussels. plenty more still to come here in the news a billionaire palestinian businessman is arrested in riyadh saudi arabia his anti corruption roy. and he can still pull a crowd we have reaction as the bolivian president seeks a fourth term in office. and the european and south american football champions meet in the fifo club world cup fun. one in the sports news in about half an hour. south korea's president says want up an official four day trip to china aimed at repairing frayed relations but some g. in hasn't been given the warm welcome many south koreans were expecting china correspondent adrian brown from beijing. president mungy in visit was intended to improve relations with china and while expectations had not been high both sides are indicating a willingness to reset their relationship that may not be easy though in his discussions china's premier league chunk used a weather metaphor to sum up the state of ties saying both china and south korea and now looking forward to the warmth of spring time but many south koreans see nothing warm about the treatment afforded their president. or journalist traveling with him the beating of a photographer by chinese security guards is being investigated but one popular chinese newspaper says there should be no apology analysts say the incident is feeding into south korean nationalist sentiment the optics of something like that is playing into the kind of anti chinese. feelings within south korea so they're starting to serie action to there is also some feeling that he. did not receive the proper of greeting or the meetings and his highest profile meeting was actually canceled that was supposed to be lunch with china's premier chinese media coverage of president moon's visit has been very low key unlike south korea's which has reported the president had his first three meals in china without any chinese officials on hand and then after he arrived he was greeted by a low ranking foreign ministry official relations became strained after south korea deployed a u.s. anti missile system earlier this year to defend against possible attack from north korea that infuriated chinese leaders and a targeted trade boycott followed south korea's leader though does appear to have given some ground reassuring his hosts the system is only targeted at incoming north korean missiles and while. china's leaders remain vehemently opposed to it they also need a friendlier south korea but friendly is not the way many south koreans view their president's reception here a reminder that the alliance confronting north korea is fragile and sometimes fractured adrian brown al-jazeera beijing. and we've just seen him there on a tank on is a political analyst he joins us from beijing i know tangan the optics in the run up to this conference this meeting weren't good to start with from the get go so where is this relationship going now. well there will continue you have to remember that actually trade increase as of december first of this year twenty percent which is the largest gain for south korea which fifty percent of its g.d.p. depends on exports and china as its definitely its largest market and trade partner so those efforts are continue what you have here is a mixing of economic issues which tend towards china and then security issues which are kind of in limbo with the uncertainty over donald trump and the rather frosty reception given by beijing i think moon has to go back and rethink what is going to be necessary to do this he sends a lot of very. very nice things before i mean the sentence in basad or to go to the nanjing massacre to celebrate and not celebrate but to commemorate that he indicated that he was going to hold back on a couple of issues involving the implementation of that two days before he came i think he's sending signals it's just right now beijing is a little bit disturbed by how close korea south korea is getting to the u.s. and japan china still very much a c'mon democracy i guess journalists have been roughed up in the past is that just the police doing their own thing or are they reacting to what they're being told to do. well quite the opposite remember what happened here and it's you have to be very clear about this this was a trade conference organized by the south korean government they hired chinese security it was those chinese security that roughed up this korean journalist so this had nothing to do with the police this simply had to do with an internal matter there's a lot of say a bit of a culture gap when it comes to these issues because south korean journalists are used to being very close and very aggressive when they're trying to get to somebody they want to talk to and the chinese security guards are not used to that at all in any circumstances where somebody would be pushing court so i can understand how it happened it what happened though is unexcusable you do not start kicking journalists when they're on the ground so the optics are very bad but this has nothing to do with the chinese government clearly this relationship needs more than one or two sticking plaster has if they're going to build on something what might that thing be. well at this point it's all about trade and terms of china there's this kind of these different this quadrangle the u.s. china japan and south korea and how that's going to be happy happening now the big issue the big elephant in the room of course is north korea i mean you've heard statements by china saying well if there was a nuclear air catastrophe you will be ok because the winds blow elsewhere and then you had in the u.s. a prominent center lindsey graham saying well if there's going to be deaths it will be over there not here this is quite perturbing to south korea because obviously they're the ones in harm's way so yes there needs to be some predictable way of handling this situation right now most about is coming from china not the u.s. people are very uncertain with the flip flops and seesaws that goes on between tillerson and the white house and donald trump would it make it easier for both beijing and south korea if to listen goes because there is gossip if we talk about the american domestic aspect of this there is a lot of gossip the to listen will be political toast by the beginning of january that's just gossip it's not confirmed reports obviously because because to me here that south korea and beijing want distinctly a distinctly different outcome to the quotes north korean issue because beijing does not want regime failure they may want regime change in pyongyang but failure would mean something completely different for the chinese leadership. well in terms of rex tillerson i i think he's in an untenable position. he's been on record as saying derogatory things about the president the president has consistently undercut every not every but most public pronouncements he's made on major issues especially as it affects north korea i don't know that he has any room to do it on the other hand donald trump beset with all sorts of domestic woes investigations is really reaching to the bottom of the barrel in terms of who he can put in there who can implement a cohesive and coherent plan the u.s. is not in a position to go it alone if they do they will find them so isolated the idea of starting a nuclear war and the catastrophe and lives lost very very serious i think at this point he needs to rethink a lot of the things he's doing hopefully feel better if he gets a tax. win in the u.s. on the domestic issue and will hopefully lighten up a little bit on these other issues it's just not good in diplomacy or business to keep people guessing because they cannot rely but what would be that that plan that the next u.s. secretary of state could come up with that would be acceptable to beijing and to south korea because mr tillotson i mean one of his calling cards is the way that he kind of goes into a situation off to donald trump has gone into a situation he tries to be an emotionally and if you will diplomatically and then he gets humbled again by the u.s. president shortly. well i think this is the reason it's going to be very difficult people have been talking about the current head of the cia a pair of but i think anybody coming into that situation is going to face the same problem that is donald trump takes a populous view even leads with whatever he thinks the. you know he is red state. group will support and then somebody has to come in and say well we really didn't mean that yes we are are not going to be pushing buttons we're not going to be blowing off bombs we're not going to we didn't mean to call demeaning names so that leader and things like this so it's very very difficult i don't think you're going to see any sums to change in u.s. policy so long as donald trump is at the helm it is his personal style to try to move the bookends as far apart as possible by saying on one day i'm open to anything and the next day you know be ready ready for fireworks you will see this kind of ominous threatening language and as i said this this is absolute anathema to business where you have to project what you're going to do and diplomacy where you have to rely on your partners. in beijing as a many things. the police in saudi arabia have arrested a palestinian billionaire who's the head of one of the biggest banks in the middle east subbie el masri as chairman of the arab bank which is the biggest lender in jordan he is a saudi possible hold up it is the latest move in the and to corruption drive ordered by the crown prince mohammed bin solomon his intestine. he's one of jordan's most prominent businessmen and among the wealthiest but since wednesday musri has been detained in saudi arabia for having what's been described as information relating to corruption the eighty year old palestinian who has a saudi passport is the founder of a major investment group and the chairman of arab bank one of the middle east largest and most influential lenders his detention has shocked family and friends in jordan where his multi-billion dollar portfolio is an important part of the economy that employs thousands of musri as you know he's like michael bloomberg for the economy of new yorkers and he's just a massive figure in jordan and palestine and he's the chairman of the arab bank there a bank is the bank that the jordanian government turns to it's a commercial bank and the jordanian government what it needs money in terms of the arab bank to get some advances. these detention follows a major anti corruption crackdown in saudi arabia which began last month around two hundred members of the royal family and businessmen have been implicated among those detained or eleven princes for government ministers and several former ministers it's thought many of them are being held at a luxury hotel in the capital riyadh several had their bank accounts frozen and were put on a no fly list they are the latest in a series of measures ordered by crown prince mohammed bin some months the thirty one year old heir to the throne is being seen as trying to assert his power shortly after the first arrests were made king someone been abilities all some announced that his son known as n.b.'s would oversee a newly formed anti corruption commission and it would purge the country of what the king described as widespread corruption it looks like this is following the attempt and cut out of the attempt in lebanon to put stress on these smaller countries to have them fall in line but the likelihood is that it won't succeed because the jordanians have been through this before many times. they've been under great pressure and they've always found a way to get out of a mystery comes from a prominent palestinian business family from nablus in the israeli occupied west bank with majority holdings in real estate hotels and telecoms he initially made his fortune from partnering with influential saudis in a major catering business to supply troops during the gulf war in one thousand nine hundred one since then his income has grown dramatically through regional investments and as boss of arab bank for the past five years although there's no saudi comment on our must raise detention it's a sign that the kingdom's anti corruption crackdown is widening india's hype al-jazeera and the crown prince mohammed bin selma has been revealed by the new york times newspaper as the mystery buyer of a french stately home thought to be the most expensive house in the world the chateau louis the fourteenth was sold for more than three hundred million dollars two years ago the end to the saudi throne has also purchased a yacht and a leonardo da vinci painting egypt has ordered al jazeera journalist mahmud hussein to remain in prison for another forty five days he was arrested in egypt almost a year ago while visiting family this is the tenth time his detention has been renewed al-jazeera continues to demand his release he's accused of broadcasting false news to spread chaos which he and al jazeera strongly deny that has repeatedly complained of mistreatment twice in jail. the bolivian president evo morales shrugged off claims he's a dictator after announcing he will run for a fourth term tens of thousands of her supporters turned out in the city of course bomba to back his bid for twenty nineteen but it also triggered protests dangles why is there. evil morales has been president of bolivia since january two thousand and six but he says his work is not done the indigenous people women still need him still want him out of the mission completed we're ready to run again this is not up for debate the people voted in a referendum in february two thousand and sixteen against allowing continuous reelection president morales initially accepted that result but then the constitutional court to overturn it. his popularity has waned in recent years however believe his economy is growing and he still has plenty of admirers. running around for everything he has managed to achieve we have very thankful to our president was a little bit out of service get out if it were possible i'd like him to be president for another fifty years there's no one else like him it is a moralist wins in two thousand and nineteen to be president until twenty twenty five a total of nineteen years in office these people believe that you can't have the much of a good thing a president they have a model this is a relatively young fifty eight years old still has plenty to give bolivia others however believe the power has corrupted him but he's abused the constitution and the beast it goes to. the opposition which has been fragmented argumentative is now increasingly united against what they see as a challenge to believe he has democracy some well doria medina finished a distant second away from what alice in the two thousand and fourteen presidential elections because this guy. government sleepover loose women in venezuela. leave. and they use their walker i see when they were women but one day i will when they will know i never feel they don't want to lecture so that's the problem. i'm with elections still two years away it's a problem many believe he's only likely to grow no i. thought a lot so there's no confidence in the state they've weakened and in many cases destroyed the institutions that are fundamental for the existence of democracy so in the next two years society will be very polarized and what's worse it'll be on the streets when it's decided who will win power the will of the levy is key institutions under his control it's a dilemma potential crisis that an evo morales commits on the shrine now to sierra cochabamba bolivia still to come here on the news hour it turns up all those conspiracy movies were right the u.s. military was starting u.f.o.'s it might still be the troops but it's all just ahead . and the vietnamese capital motorbikes are the best way by far to get around but we'll tell you why the local governments plans to ban them. and in sports and i will have the details of the example another world cup title a collection. by the skyline of an asian harbor or off the coast of the italian riviera. hello the cold of winter is tucking into china now or don't sass because you've got sixteen's the next sunday in hong kong a bright day and sun hasn't quite fully paid but it's a much colder five in shanghai and that should be brilliant sunshine there wind dies a little bit following day monday so the temperatures rise a little bit more warmth out of that rather we. so the cloud is all offshore and wrapped itself around a tropical storm kai tak which has been around the central philippines for three days now it's left eight hundred millimeters of rain in the eastern side of summer a lot on surprise news produced widespread flooding it's gotten over two days over the central philippines another three or four hundred millimeters still to fall out of the sky flooding is the major problem with this there are showers for the saturday but expect during the wet season just a few in. a few in sumatra and they're coming back into kuala lumpur singapore but they're concentrating more bit further south i think java possibly bali jakarta again a risk of some flooding rain from these fairly heavy showers whereas rain is a thing of the past i think for india for a couple of months this cloud around both extreme north and extreme science but the main problem of course is stillness and equality. the waiver sponsored by catalog race. under serious skies a bomb shattered monument to wars destructive powers yet amid the ruins the defiant still resist and somehow survived. people in power investigates how the suburb of damascus has refused to crumble under the might of assad's army the job are hard one of two at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. where every. come back here with the al-jazeera news our live from doha your top stories south africa's president jacob zuma has called in the governing a.n.c. to unite as members gather to choose just the next leader of the african national congress is deeply divided over who should replace mr zuma he's stepping down very soon. will protest in tel aviv calling for the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to quit over allegations of corruption he's accused of accepting gifts from wealthy businessmen accusations he denies. and supporters of independence in catalonia in spain held a torch march in the run up to the regional election there they're demanding the release of politicians and activists jailed by the central government organizing the recent secession river. the trumpet ministration has told officials at the top u.s. public health agency not to use certain words and documents relating to their budget and their staff at the c.d.c. that's the centers for disease control have been told to avoid phrases like evidence based and science based also on this banned list vulnerable entitlement and diversity a word criticized by some trump supporters as reflecting a liberal bias also not to be used fetus and transgender echoing previous steps taken by the administration in pursuit of what seen as its social agenda earlier this year the department of health and human services which oversees the c.d.c. removed information relating to sexuality and gender issues from its website heidegger castro has more. this list of banned words puts the twelve thousand some employees of the c.d.c. in a tough spot for example how do they continue researching the zico virus without using the banned word fetus in describing the birth defects that can be caused by the virus or how do they continue a program to for aids prevention aimed at the transgendered community without calling them transgendered another bad word by name these are all tough issues and the day to day impact of these scientists and doctors in doing their work without using more of the banned words scientific science based evidence based and indication of difficulties and what critics call an attack and a continued attack on the scientific community from the trumpet ministration this is not the first time we've seen this if you look at the disappearing websites from federal servers a website dedicated to helping the community with child adoptions and with the victims of sex trafficking they have disappeared from federal servers and scientists with environmental protective agency have said in the past that they have been silenced or censored in discussing climate change publicly the critics are calling this just another one president did attack an injection of partisan politics on the science community in the u.s. and they say it has potentially dangerous consequences well earlier i spoke about the potential effects of this with harold pollack he's a professor at the school of social services administration at university of chicago he said the reagan administration used the same tactics during the debate. we in the public health community were told not to use words like harm reduction or homosexuality and discussing each id so this is not so much donald trump as it is a constituency of social conservatives who who are offended by the behavior and existence of some sexual minorities and of course also the abortion issue i suspect that the scientific community will find ways to work around this because it is one hundred percent considered to be ridiculous by almost everybody in public health to get messages like this but it does further the rift between the trumpet inspiration and the public health and medical and scientific community of sciences so they going to get round it by doing something like instead of using the word transgender they'll have to come up with a phrase of seven or eight other would saying somebody who started life as a man who is not a woman all they will do vice of us are on that one yeah though have to come up with well like that and i think in our scientific research that will be fine i think the challenge will be when we're trying to talk to young people in those in a plane way about what are the risks of h.i.b. what are the circumstances of their lives and trying to talk to transgender particularly young people in a way that does not demean them so that they can be healthy you know and grow up to be you know productive that excepted citizens this is a slap in the face to them if we can't use the words to describe them that they want us to use to know that they use to describe themselves is it also slightly. kind of self-indulgent almost it's a bit all well ian it's a bit thought police you know you take the words out the dictionary therefore you can't express the thought but the reality is you can't kill a full out oh absolutely and you know this is twenty seventeen i think almost all americans under the age of forty when they hear about this war think wow this is just really comically ridiculous and you know these are battles that really for most. americans were flawed and and you know ended a long time ago you know george w. bush for example. you know push me to explain this late in is that ministration there were some people in the in the george w. bush administration that tried curse this early on but now he's culture war issues and the country has kind of moved on this is really a throwback to that. so it's what it is orwellian and you know i just think that the public response will be extremely negative and i expect that they'll be some effort to walk it back once once public ridicule starts to send. the u.s. military has acknowledged the existence of a secret program charged with investigating u.f.o. xit collected odio and video including these images of and new navy jets encounter with an unknown object the twenty two million dollar project started in two thousand and seven it ran until twenty twelve when the defense department stopped its funding well the most famous u.f.o. incident in america supposedly took place in one thousand nine hundred seven that's when a rancher in roswell new mexico found strange metal debris in his field news reports at the time said it was a flying saucer but the military said it was just a crashed weather balloon in one nine hundred fifty one dozens of people in lubbock texas or lights in the sky flying at high speed investigators said it was birds reflecting light from the town street lamps but many locals didn't believe that saying the lights were traveling too fast in one thousand nine hundred seven thousand people reported seeing large triangular objects moving over phoenix in arizona explanations for that range from planes to military flares to alien spacecraft darren porsche is a former us army officer he joins us now from new york on skype down welcome to the news hour why are we finding this just now why are these revelations being allowed out. well this and pass the plan of making the number of the one of the mean states in this series senate minority leader harry reid was a democrat was one of the chairperson and he just recently retired or this is something that has been going on like you mentioned back to dating back to two thousand and eight so the house and nine which is very important we've always been i want to see the military schools focused on these you oppose what dating back to one nine hundred forty seven it's not something that just is just in just the persecuted by the united states but rusher in china or in belgium as well invest the same types of tax which we can't for it's was your fault but the united states the i was the close minded but we pull strings and not allow this increase in our public ok you're saying it's been going on we also saying it's on going well it's difficult to say the reason why it's been terminated back until two thousand and twenty live in two thousand and twelve is because the outcomes haven't been proven they haven't really they haven't revealed a sense of outcomes there substantiated reader financing and that's what i don't want to feel that we're minimize this this statement i believe that there are still things happening there because basically what the focus is is a certain you're the unknown this coupled with the department of defense have been trying to focus on why these things occur in this when we look at the twenty two million dollars that's spent is primarily research grants at a time of fiscal prudence in the united states if you're spending tens of millions of dollars a year and you're telling us it's probably ongoing as we speak does that mean that they've got to demand some sort of oversight they've they've got to go public with this and say ok we are spending we really are spending x. millions per year on an issue because we believe there's an issue to be addressed. absolute oversight does come into play but we go back to the house that night a live birth. place was senator harry reid had a friend in nevada that assisted in finance and so we got outside finally at sears that provided they were all support contractors in the aerospace area so that's why it wasn't it wasn't so much of the issue where as we move forward where is we now it's american taxpayers are funding this general manager ok is looking for outcomes and unfortunately this program is now believed to produce another look our problems to substantiate redefining its briefly darron if we put all the evidence together and i use the word evidence a virus at least briefly if the americans the russians the europeans are continually looking for stuff does that mean cliche question the truth is out there there is something going on we just don't know what it is it's safe to say that there is something out there but i think the best way to look this is to helium out me sources from places like china russia and belgium and everyone needs to sit at the table a comparative statistics and relevant data that we have and we can come up with a more formal solution as opposed to each one tree walking upon your own separate investigation which is lead to separate out ones and we're able to show and he actually and maybe they'll come in peace daryn good to talk to you thanks very much ok thanks for having me. to europe austria's far right freedom party has to hold the key interior and defense ministry jobs in a coalition government deal struck with the conservative people's party now about party leader thirty one year old sebastian kurtz now becomes the chancellor both parties are pledging tougher policies on migration and domestic security here's paul brennan. he's been nicknamed the vote c. or wizkid now he'll be known as chancellor sebastian kurtz let the overpay peoples party to a thirty two percent winning share of the votes in the general election two months ago but to govern he needed a coalition and the far right f.p.o. is his chosen partner this is good this. we have a good strong team concerning my party the people's party that will be women and two thirds of our team are experts who will bring a lot of knowledge to the political leadership regarding the freedom party and mr struck his team but he's also put forward his suggestions so that the kids are going to follow this is about responsibility for our wonderful republic of australia and it is about ensuring good cooperation for the future to it can be difficult to tell them apart cuts in his conservative people's party bills itself a center right but its policies borrow freely from far right ideas in january curt's demanded a ban on public sector workers wearing headscarves he was instrumental in having full face veils banned in austria too and his anti migrant policies slammed the door on syrian refugees trying to reach europe via the so-called balkan route it's not the first time far right politicians have been government ministers in austria it happened seventeen years ago e.u. states reacted then by downgrading bilateral contacts the prospects in this coalition of the far right in charge of austria's foreign interior and defense ministries is likely to create concern in other european capitals. yes senator graham harvey will act a lot of barry or. i have to add to this three things that so especially was respected in foreign ministry it woman who is supposed to become the ministry is not a party member. and what is more in court in the european perspective all the european policy agendas will transfer from the foreign ministry huge chancellorship other kurts nor straka have detailed the new government's approach to european policy kurtz says he is pro european but the far right has traditionally euro skeptic don't forget austria will hold the e.u. rotating presidency in the second half of next year old brennan al-jazeera. the police in canada are investigating the death of one of the country's richest men billionaire barry sherman and his wife were found in their home in toronto police say the circumstances are suspicious but the deaths are not being treated as homicides sherman founded up attacks that's one of the world's biggest generic drug makers at least three people have been killed in flooding as tropical storm kite tack lashes the philippines contact made landfall on saturday barreling through the eastern region of the science with winds of eighty kilometers an hour eleven thousand people are stranded at various ports. motorbikes the way to go in vietnam and it's estimated that the capital of hanoi alone has more than five million motorbikes and scooters but the brakes are being put on the two wheeler boom in this way in haiti. vietnam's road to economic success is becoming clocked one of the costs of the communist governments embrace of capitalism is traffic congestion. narrow streets of hanoi can't cope with the influx of cars and motorbikes so government leaders in the capital have decided that after a gradual phase out motorbikes will be completely banned from the city center by two thousand and thirty. it'll be a major change for vietnamese so reliant on to will transport alfalfa i think it's kind of an convenient. yeah that was made. in vietnam using metta bikes for people but i think traffic is getting worse so if the government does this i think you'll be good to reduce traffic jams. even some who have benefited from the motorbike boom think it change won't be so bad. the number of bucks coming here to be repaired it may go down but it won't affect me too much because maybe i can focus on quality rather than quantity. as recently as the late ninety's the roads were significantly quieter and more people rode pushbikes which is something today's government also wants to revive and this is a big part of the motivation a construction boom combined with the increase in vehicles has resulted in falling a quality the fact the government is even considering this law is perhaps a sign that vietnam is becoming a victim of its own success it has one of the best performing economies in the world and while there are still big problems with poverty wages are rising and with that comes an increase in purchasing power. but not everyone can afford a car and if they could in the congestion and pollution problems would get a lot worse so if the government's plan is to work public transport will need to play a big part but construction of the rail network in the capital has ground to a halt because of funding problems experts say all forms of public transport will have to be overhauled. the government needs to prepare to guarantee the policy can be implemented for example the public bus system needs to be improved to meet increased demand before the new law can be introduced city leaders in hanoi have already done the easy part by passing the law now the hard work begins to try to put it in practice and free up the city streets wayne hay al-jazeera hanoi still ahead here on the news sports news find out how costly this era was of the freestyle world cup aerial. champion. just like a joke it was just about shooting people are not about trying to shoot themselves and there are other countries have managed to solve this problem but you worry that this conflict could erupt into a right open wall of the city's job security sure the people who paid the price clearly writeup been prejudiced setting the stage for serious debate up front at this time on al-jazeera. one of the really special things that work in progress here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would get what it is you know that it turns out of it but the good because you have a lot of people that if i did on political issues we are the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended is to deliver in-depth journalism we don't feel inferior to the audience across the globe. time for sports news his son. thank you very much for being crowned the european champions twelve times and now they have three club a world cup titles as well well the defeated them one nil in saturday's final abu dhabi as peter stamets reports. real madrid were looking for food fifa club world cup title in four years gremio of brazil were hoping to become the first south american team to win this competition since two thousand and twelve the first half was a close affair although railhead more than sixty percent of the position they could not converted into golds as the south american champions held their own the brazilians felt they should have had a penalty when ramiro went down in the box from a suzhou rameau's challenge. but the referee felt differently much today anger and as has happened so many times in the past a near miss at one end can result in a goal at the other two minutes later cristiana rinaldo stepped up to the plate for the spanish club right now those fifty third minute goal had exhilarating sedans made the lead i and it could have been moved ronaldo put the ball in the back of the made again three minutes later only four to be moved offside i checked midfielder luca moderates hit the post as real continue to frustrate the cup in the better doris' winners i. and gareth bale also came close but to no avail i it didn't matter in the end though a third free for club world cup title for real madrid in four seasons they are level on that school with feel strong evil's barcelona and it caps a trophy laden calendar year for real madrid the words are not going to affect your career was going on it was a. that we wanted to we know we played against a good team real madrid has never won five trophies in a year and to die for so i think it was a good game and we deserve to. have won the spanish league title spanish super cup european champions league european super cup another club world cup in twenty seventeen peter statement al-jazeera. secured third place in the world cup by hammering the home side al jazeera it's a good till the hour mark for frank storper took as lead it was one one until then that but then the floodgates opened and they were told to win four one. just as it is historical magic in the english premier league continued on saturday zero with the sixteenth consecutive league victory. were the latest victims in city. men hammering spurs for what for him sterling scored twice as. fourteen points clear at the top of the standings. people have to look at how good we are ok with the ball because the club provide me like a manager and i'm sending prayers but without the ball does energy mean it doesn't . the player who screws one for a deal put in we just had to take the ball and try to play so that is five points in. keeping the distance with our opponents in the earlier there was a close the fourth one nil went for chelsea over south marcus alone scoring the goal for the current league champions at stamford bridge. in the lasting game we were in the eight gauge. do all you want a game against meaningful way and rouge one game against the will stand if someone asked me if the next then big games are you ready to sign you for business writer review one other matches there were good three nil away wins for crystal palace and west ham both those clubs are now out of the relegation zone castle are in the bottom three after losing at arsenal hundreds field hammered for it away from home for tom world cup but when a lindsey vonn a has won the women's a world cup super g. race in france it was the thirty three year old seventy eight a world cup race when the americans started the race in sixth place but made towards the end she clocked a time of one minute and four point eight six seconds with italian sophia garcia finishing in second place. x.l. learned spend a lot of norway's stormed to another downhill win on saturday he won the men's world cup race in gardena and italy despite starting the race in thirteenth place spend the course in one minute fifty seven seconds to win by no point five nine seconds in total it was he's thirty fourth wall cup race with and in the process he has moved to the top of the ultra world cup downhill rankings. we saw skiers are also preparing for the winter games in time at the freestyle world cup aerials event in the women's competition no reigning world cup champion and olympic silver medalist at the two men got out was a mistake cost her dearly hannah a school that would profit from that era and go on to take the victory ashley cole twelve the united states took place. on the men's side home a hero song jungle would emerge victorious the sochi twenty fourteen bronze medalist nailed a back full double full fall to claim the tenth world cup circuit win of his career second place went to maxim stick of belarus while lewis are being of canada completed the podium. and over in italy there was victory for sweden charlotte color in the women's ten kilometer three technique cross-country event on saturday color one hundred ten kilometer cross-country freestyle gold medal in vancouver in two thousand and ten and she'll be hoping to emulate that after take in silver in the sochi games. and on the men's side it was also scandinavian the trials to end the fifteen kilometer cross-country event norway's symon. kruger would win his first individual world cup victory and like so many others this is sure to boost his confidence ahead of those winter olympics in february and over and in germany japan's women's team have won the ski jumping team event at the world cup the japanese women were ultimately too good for rochelle who would finish in second place says pace went to france the host nation in this instance finished for the dozens wolf we'll have more later on. ok we are done down in the seat in about three minutes i will see you very very soon. the sky why should be no borders up here why only horizons one as an airline we don't believe in boundaries we believe in bringing people together the world's better that way. it is a rowing football of us to go where we need to go way to feel with things we want to fail. to see the people we want to see. that's why we'll continue to fly the skies providing you with everything we can and treating everyone how they deserve to be treated we do this because we know the trouble goes beyond borders and prejudice. the travel teaches compassion the travel is a necessity. to travel is a right for all remember that this world is full of ours to explore. and it's a strange thing for us to be a part. cats are always going places together singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline with illegally dredged satins some of the islands off the coast of indonesia literally vanish it's a big business boggling sample unable to take the same there until the sand is are there you see this beautiful beneath but behind it is something that's not so plentiful tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sand walls at this time on al-jazeera and monday put it well on i j z the us and british companies have announced the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these untapped natural resources is already a source of heated debate nothing much has changed they still spend most of their days looking forward to for the dry riverbed like this one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their country haven't truly been able to escape the.

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171217 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171217

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hello again my name's peter toby you're watching the news our live from our headquarters here in tow are sixty minutes of news and comment today. a crucial meeting begins in south africa as the african national congress prepares to choose a new leader. protesters in israel to mom the resignation of the prime minister. of china south korea summit comes to an end but it isn't exactly smiles all round. also this hour we'll tell you why the trumpet ministration has ordered scientists to stop talking about science. ok let's get going south africa's president has called for unity in the governing african national congress as it prepares to select a new leader jacob zuma who's facing allegations of corruption is stepping down as head of the party before a new leader is elected on sunday the contest has been marked by deep divisions within the party as tanya page now explains from johannesburg. the conference started with two warnings don't just saying divisive songs and keep the chairs on the ground everybody it's beds that chairs will be flying around this conference or we can say that real not the airplane in this conference. a.n.c. members from competing factions have hurled cheers at one another in the build up to this crucial event there have been allegations of vote buying and intimidation those accusations have led disgruntled members to take legal action that delayed the start of the conference by several hours but the trend to turn to the country's courts was criticized by president jacob zuma and his last speech as party leader it is actually. thought it. we can begin to believe that the courts. some believe he has eroded the a.n.c. is all for it. under president zuma the party has lost considerable support he's no stranger to legal action himself he's fighting an ongoing battle to keep hundreds of corruption charges at bay this race is as much about the old leader as it is about the new if the president's preferred candidate is selected she may be able to protect him from legal action and his post-presidential years but if i wyvil is selected i may be less inclined to help so there is a lot of stake for jacob zuma one commentator said president zuma is legacy is a damaged a.n.c. possibly he might be the worst president ever had to splits the alliance is almost nonexistent the n.c.a.a. has lost fifteen percent of its in across the board. so why is it average then say the day ended with the nominations in a race that some predicts could be close between current day pretty president's aroma posa and in courses on it i mean isn't that the president's supposed favorite whoever wins has an enormous challenge to unite the a.n.c. at a time when its divisions have been laid to be a tiny page al-jazeera johanna's for. now there have been protests in tel aviv for a third weekend in a row calling the country's leader to quit demonstrators demanding the resignation of the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu over corruption allegations which he denies his hairy forsett. throughout december this is what saturday night in downtown tel aviv has looked like while international attention has been on the latest crisis in the peace process with the palestinians these protesters the focus is on domestic politics and the corruption allegations against prime minister benjamin netanyahu we don't want the corruption of the government if they don't offer up the people's go home we are asking bibi to always knowing bibi must leave knowing. on friday police arrived in netanya his residence to question him for a seventh time one case concerned allegations he tried to manipulate media coverage in his favor and other centers on expensive gifts received from wealthy foreign business executives in the ticker by. the prime minister denies one leak from the investigation suggesting he and his wife requested expensive cigars and champagne when stocks were running low from hollywood producer on the strain billionaire james packer and others welcome to a promise of record of every year his lawyer has admitted what he calls netanyahu as weakness for wealthy people his wife sarah is awaiting indictment on a separate case involving alleged misuse of public funds they are seen as working very well together and he will stick with wealth wise again strange chris hill not the kind of person told. that public readers were able to show there's increased scrutiny to regarding another case involving alleged corruption when german submarines were bought for the israeli navy netanyahu is not a suspect and he hasn't been questioned but two of his closest and most senior associates have been detained israel's prime minister insisted his innocence will be proven once these investigations have run their course but the new year they get to the end the more the political pressure on benjamin netanyahu increases are of course in algeria television. and they have been more protests around the world against president donald trump's decision to recognize jerusalem the capital of israel demonstrators marched in washington and in major cities in europe and across the middle east from decision has been widely condemned because he's jerusalem is palestinian territory under illegal occupation by israel. funerals have been held for four palestinians killed by israeli forces during protests over the trunk decision on jerusalem one of those who died was an activist who lost both his legs during an israeli air strike in two thousand and eight alan fischer was at the funeral in gaza. we came in the thousands to see good bye to a man and what he represented. was three a lost both his legs in an airstrike during the two thirds in the gaza war he became an unlikely symbol of palestinian defiance and resistance. the twenty nine year old often went in his wheelchair to fly his flag at demonstrations and protests all over again as he went on friday to the border with thousands of others to protest donald trump's decision to declare jerusalem as israel's capital. donald trump must reverse his decision jerusalem as the capital of palestine i call on all arabs to support the palestinians and if they don't we palestinians will do it ourselves biba him three it was flying his flag on friday when he was shot and killed by the israelis going to market us during the very moment we helped them are to abraham in the wheelchair tear gas was fired at us and abraham was hit in the head he fell to the ground and was killed instantly by a single bullet to the head. at his funeral in gaza city hamas leader ismail haniyeh said the protesters death was not in vain you were shocked you know that i show here you are he tried to protest despite his condition became famous all over the world and he is shaping the consciousness of the world two people were killed in clashes in gaza on friday for several hours and in seven places along the border palestinians protested. and rocks at israeli positions usually fired bullets and tear gas trying to force the thousands back from the border line hundreds were taken to hospital many suffering from the effects of gas and with other groups and factions here and guys are calling for more protests the people here are bracing themselves for more funerals in the days and weeks to come because that was alan fischer al jazeera. two mass graves containing the remains of dozens of people from iraq's years hedy minority have been found in the northwestern town of sin job ninety bodies have reportedly been discovered including those of women and children eisel took over sin jar in twenty fourteen killing and in slaving thousands of members of the religious minority group single was retaken a year later by a u.s. backed kurdish fighters the un declared the massacre of the use e.t.s. as a genocide there's been a torch lit march in the run up to elections in the spanish region of catalonia protesters in barcelona called for the release of politicians and activists jailed by the central government in madrid for organizing a succession referendum in october the spanish government imposed direct rule in catalonia after regional leaders declared independence he has called pan all. the march that we're seeing now is a fairly small torchlight march by probably independence activists have forced this is part of the wider campaign for the parliamentary elections on this coming thursday but this group in particular are calling for the release of what they call the political prisoners there referring to a group of catalan pro independence politicians who were imprisoned by the spanish central government to take a little bit i never seen one of the looking right now down the iconic last round us who rely on the most touristic areas all by the lowdown and you. willing to live. there for the realities of the political prisoners and that really goes to do something. else coming alexion saw they are now you know you have landed daily here by that often don't togaf yet independent referendum the spanish government the central government stepping out of the old the capital and fall of the declared and direct route from madrid and then set about imprisoning some of the leading politicians road crews for independence for the castle of your region and so now as they go towards the parliamentary elections on the twenty first of december you have these four politicians still in prison who are also candidates you have all the politicians out on bail who are facing a thirty year jail sentence on charges of bread badly and you also have other leading politicians in self exile in brussels. plenty more still to come here in the news a billionaire palestinian businessman is arrested in riyadh saudi arabia his anti corruption roy. and he can still pull a crowd we have reaction as the bolivian president seeks a fourth term in office. and the european and south american football champions meet in the fifo club world cup fun. one in the sports news in about half an hour. south korea's president says want up an official four day trip to china aimed at repairing frayed relations but some g. in hasn't been given the warm welcome many south koreans were expecting china correspondent adrian brown from beijing. president mungy in visit was intended to improve relations with china and while expectations had not been high both sides are indicating a willingness to reset their relationship that may not be easy though in his discussions china's premier league chunk used a weather metaphor to sum up the state of ties saying both china and south korea and now looking forward to the warmth of spring time but many south koreans see nothing warm about the treatment afforded their president. or journalist traveling with him the beating of a photographer by chinese security guards is being investigated but one popular chinese newspaper says there should be no apology analysts say the incident is feeding into south korean nationalist sentiment the optics of something like that is playing into the kind of anti chinese. feelings within south korea so they're starting to serie action to there is also some feeling that he. did not receive the proper of greeting or the meetings and his highest profile meeting was actually canceled that was supposed to be lunch with china's premier chinese media coverage of president moon's visit has been very low key unlike south korea's which has reported the president had his first three meals in china without any chinese officials on hand and then after he arrived he was greeted by a low ranking foreign ministry official relations became strained after south korea deployed a u.s. anti missile system earlier this year to defend against possible attack from north korea that infuriated chinese leaders and a targeted trade boycott followed south korea's leader though does appear to have given some ground reassuring his hosts the system is only targeted at incoming north korean missiles and while. china's leaders remain vehemently opposed to it they also need a friendlier south korea but friendly is not the way many south koreans view their president's reception here a reminder that the alliance confronting north korea is fragile and sometimes fractured adrian brown al-jazeera beijing. and we've just seen him there on a tank on is a political analyst he joins us from beijing i know tangan the optics in the run up to this conference this meeting weren't good to start with from the get go so where is this relationship going now. well there will continue you have to remember that actually trade increase as of december first of this year twenty percent which is the largest gain for south korea which fifty percent of its g.d.p. depends on exports and china as its definitely its largest market and trade partner so those efforts are continue what you have here is a mixing of economic issues which tend towards china and then security issues which are kind of in limbo with the uncertainty over donald trump and the rather frosty reception given by beijing i think moon has to go back and rethink what is going to be necessary to do this he sends a lot of very. very nice things before i mean the sentence in basad or to go to the nanjing massacre to celebrate and not celebrate but to commemorate that he indicated that he was going to hold back on a couple of issues involving the implementation of that two days before he came i think he's sending signals it's just right now beijing is a little bit disturbed by how close korea south korea is getting to the u.s. and japan china still very much a c'mon democracy i guess journalists have been roughed up in the past is that just the police doing their own thing or are they reacting to what they're being told to do. well quite the opposite remember what happened here and it's you have to be very clear about this this was a trade conference organized by the south korean government they hired chinese security it was those chinese security that roughed up this korean journalist so this had nothing to do with the police this simply had to do with an internal matter there's a lot of say a bit of a culture gap when it comes to these issues because south korean journalists are used to being very close and very aggressive when they're trying to get to somebody they want to talk to and the chinese security guards are not used to that at all in any circumstances where somebody would be pushing court so i can understand how it happened it what happened though is unexcusable you do not start kicking journalists when they're on the ground so the optics are very bad but this has nothing to do with the chinese government clearly this relationship needs more than one or two sticking plaster has if they're going to build on something what might that thing be. well at this point it's all about trade and terms of china there's this kind of these different this quadrangle the u.s. china japan and south korea and how that's going to be happy happening now the big issue the big elephant in the room of course is north korea i mean you've heard statements by china saying well if there was a nuclear air catastrophe you will be ok because the winds blow elsewhere and then you had in the u.s. a prominent center lindsey graham saying well if there's going to be deaths it will be over there not here this is quite perturbing to south korea because obviously they're the ones in harm's way so yes there needs to be some predictable way of handling this situation right now most about is coming from china not the u.s. people are very uncertain with the flip flops and seesaws that goes on between tillerson and the white house and donald trump would it make it easier for both beijing and south korea if to listen goes because there is gossip if we talk about the american domestic aspect of this there is a lot of gossip the to listen will be political toast by the beginning of january that's just gossip it's not confirmed reports obviously because because to me here that south korea and beijing want distinctly a distinctly different outcome to the quotes north korean issue because beijing does not want regime failure they may want regime change in pyongyang but failure would mean something completely different for the chinese leadership. well in terms of rex tillerson i i think he's in an untenable position. he's been on record as saying derogatory things about the president the president has consistently undercut every not every but most public pronouncements he's made on major issues especially as it affects north korea i don't know that he has any room to do it on the other hand donald trump beset with all sorts of domestic woes investigations is really reaching to the bottom of the barrel in terms of who he can put in there who can implement a cohesive and coherent plan the u.s. is not in a position to go it alone if they do they will find them so isolated the idea of starting a nuclear war and the catastrophe and lives lost very very serious i think at this point he needs to rethink a lot of the things he's doing hopefully feel better if he gets a tax. win in the u.s. on the domestic issue and will hopefully lighten up a little bit on these other issues it's just not good in diplomacy or business to keep people guessing because they cannot rely but what would be that that plan that the next u.s. secretary of state could come up with that would be acceptable to beijing and to south korea because mr tillotson i mean one of his calling cards is the way that he kind of goes into a situation off to donald trump has gone into a situation he tries to be an emotionally and if you will diplomatically and then he gets humbled again by the u.s. president shortly. well i think this is the reason it's going to be very difficult people have been talking about the current head of the cia a pair of but i think anybody coming into that situation is going to face the same problem that is donald trump takes a populous view even leads with whatever he thinks the. you know he is red state. group will support and then somebody has to come in and say well we really didn't mean that yes we are are not going to be pushing buttons we're not going to be blowing off bombs we're not going to we didn't mean to call demeaning names so that leader and things like this so it's very very difficult i don't think you're going to see any sums to change in u.s. policy so long as donald trump is at the helm it is his personal style to try to move the bookends as far apart as possible by saying on one day i'm open to anything and the next day you know be ready ready for fireworks you will see this kind of ominous threatening language and as i said this this is absolute anathema to business where you have to project what you're going to do and diplomacy where you have to rely on your partners. in beijing as a many things. the police in saudi arabia have arrested a palestinian billionaire who's the head of one of the biggest banks in the middle east subbie el masri as chairman of the arab bank which is the biggest lender in jordan he is a saudi possible hold up it is the latest move in the and to corruption drive ordered by the crown prince mohammed bin solomon his intestine. he's one of jordan's most prominent businessmen and among the wealthiest but since wednesday musri has been detained in saudi arabia for having what's been described as information relating to corruption the eighty year old palestinian who has a saudi passport is the founder of a major investment group and the chairman of arab bank one of the middle east largest and most influential lenders his detention has shocked family and friends in jordan where his multi-billion dollar portfolio is an important part of the economy that employs thousands of musri as you know he's like michael bloomberg for the economy of new yorkers and he's just a massive figure in jordan and palestine and he's the chairman of the arab bank there a bank is the bank that the jordanian government turns to it's a commercial bank and the jordanian government what it needs money in terms of the arab bank to get some advances. these detention follows a major anti corruption crackdown in saudi arabia which began last month around two hundred members of the royal family and businessmen have been implicated among those detained or eleven princes for government ministers and several former ministers it's thought many of them are being held at a luxury hotel in the capital riyadh several had their bank accounts frozen and were put on a no fly list they are the latest in a series of measures ordered by crown prince mohammed bin some months the thirty one year old heir to the throne is being seen as trying to assert his power shortly after the first arrests were made king someone been abilities all some announced that his son known as n.b.'s would oversee a newly formed anti corruption commission and it would purge the country of what the king described as widespread corruption it looks like this is following the attempt and cut out of the attempt in lebanon to put stress on these smaller countries to have them fall in line but the likelihood is that it won't succeed because the jordanians have been through this before many times. they've been under great pressure and they've always found a way to get out of a mystery comes from a prominent palestinian business family from nablus in the israeli occupied west bank with majority holdings in real estate hotels and telecoms he initially made his fortune from partnering with influential saudis in a major catering business to supply troops during the gulf war in one thousand nine hundred one since then his income has grown dramatically through regional investments and as boss of arab bank for the past five years although there's no saudi comment on our must raise detention it's a sign that the kingdom's anti corruption crackdown is widening india's hype al-jazeera and the crown prince mohammed bin selma has been revealed by the new york times newspaper as the mystery buyer of a french stately home thought to be the most expensive house in the world the chateau louis the fourteenth was sold for more than three hundred million dollars two years ago the end to the saudi throne has also purchased a yacht and a leonardo da vinci painting egypt has ordered al jazeera journalist mahmud hussein to remain in prison for another forty five days he was arrested in egypt almost a year ago while visiting family this is the tenth time his detention has been renewed al-jazeera continues to demand his release he's accused of broadcasting false news to spread chaos which he and al jazeera strongly deny that has repeatedly complained of mistreatment twice in jail. the bolivian president evo morales shrugged off claims he's a dictator after announcing he will run for a fourth term tens of thousands of her supporters turned out in the city of course bomba to back his bid for twenty nineteen but it also triggered protests dangles why is there. evil morales has been president of bolivia since january two thousand and six but he says his work is not done the indigenous people women still need him still want him out of the mission completed we're ready to run again this is not up for debate the people voted in a referendum in february two thousand and sixteen against allowing continuous reelection president morales initially accepted that result but then the constitutional court to overturn it. his popularity has waned in recent years however believe his economy is growing and he still has plenty of admirers. running around for everything he has managed to achieve we have very thankful to our president was a little bit out of service get out if it were possible i'd like him to be president for another fifty years there's no one else like him it is a moralist wins in two thousand and nineteen to be president until twenty twenty five a total of nineteen years in office these people believe that you can't have the much of a good thing a president they have a model this is a relatively young fifty eight years old still has plenty to give bolivia others however believe the power has corrupted him but he's abused the constitution and the beast it goes to. the opposition which has been fragmented argumentative is now increasingly united against what they see as a challenge to believe he has democracy some well doria medina finished a distant second away from what alice in the two thousand and fourteen presidential elections because this guy. government sleepover loose women in venezuela. leave. and they use their walker i see when they were women but one day i will when they will know i never feel they don't want to lecture so that's the problem. i'm with elections still two years away it's a problem many believe he's only likely to grow no i. thought a lot so there's no confidence in the state they've weakened and in many cases destroyed the institutions that are fundamental for the existence of democracy so in the next two years society will be very polarized and what's worse it'll be on the streets when it's decided who will win power the will of the levy is key institutions under his control it's a dilemma potential crisis that an evo morales commits on the shrine now to sierra cochabamba bolivia still to come here on the news hour it turns up all those conspiracy movies were right the u.s. military was starting u.f.o.'s it might still be the troops but it's all just ahead . and the vietnamese capital motorbikes are the best way by far to get around but we'll tell you why the local governments plans to ban them. and in sports and i will have the details of the example another world cup title a collection. by the skyline of an asian harbor or off the coast of the italian riviera. hello the cold of winter is tucking into china now or don't sass because you've got sixteen's the next sunday in hong kong a bright day and sun hasn't quite fully paid but it's a much colder five in shanghai and that should be brilliant sunshine there wind dies a little bit following day monday so the temperatures rise a little bit more warmth out of that rather we. so the cloud is all offshore and wrapped itself around a tropical storm kai tak which has been around the central philippines for three days now it's left eight hundred millimeters of rain in the eastern side of summer a lot on surprise news produced widespread flooding it's gotten over two days over the central philippines another three or four hundred millimeters still to fall out of the sky flooding is the major problem with this there are showers for the saturday but expect during the wet season just a few in. a few in sumatra and they're coming back into kuala lumpur singapore but they're concentrating more bit further south i think java possibly bali jakarta again a risk of some flooding rain from these fairly heavy showers whereas rain is a thing of the past i think for india for a couple of months this cloud around both extreme north and extreme science but the main problem of course is stillness and equality. the waiver sponsored by catalog race. under serious skies a bomb shattered monument to wars destructive powers yet amid the ruins the defiant still resist and somehow survived. people in power investigates how the suburb of damascus has refused to crumble under the might of assad's army the job are hard one of two at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. where every. come back here with the al-jazeera news our live from doha your top stories south africa's president jacob zuma has called in the governing a.n.c. to unite as members gather to choose just the next leader of the african national congress is deeply divided over who should replace mr zuma he's stepping down very soon. will protest in tel aviv calling for the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to quit over allegations of corruption he's accused of accepting gifts from wealthy businessmen accusations he denies. and supporters of independence in catalonia in spain held a torch march in the run up to the regional election there they're demanding the release of politicians and activists jailed by the central government organizing the recent secession river. the trumpet ministration has told officials at the top u.s. public health agency not to use certain words and documents relating to their budget and their staff at the c.d.c. that's the centers for disease control have been told to avoid phrases like evidence based and science based also on this banned list vulnerable entitlement and diversity a word criticized by some trump supporters as reflecting a liberal bias also not to be used fetus and transgender echoing previous steps taken by the administration in pursuit of what seen as its social agenda earlier this year the department of health and human services which oversees the c.d.c. removed information relating to sexuality and gender issues from its website heidegger castro has more. this list of banned words puts the twelve thousand some employees of the c.d.c. in a tough spot for example how do they continue researching the zico virus without using the banned word fetus in describing the birth defects that can be caused by the virus or how do they continue a program to for aids prevention aimed at the transgendered community without calling them transgendered another bad word by name these are all tough issues and the day to day impact of these scientists and doctors in doing their work without using more of the banned words scientific science based evidence based and indication of difficulties and what critics call an attack and a continued attack on the scientific community from the trumpet ministration this is not the first time we've seen this if you look at the disappearing websites from federal servers a website dedicated to helping the community with child adoptions and with the victims of sex trafficking they have disappeared from federal servers and scientists with environmental protective agency have said in the past that they have been silenced or censored in discussing climate change publicly the critics are calling this just another one president did attack an injection of partisan politics on the science community in the u.s. and they say it has potentially dangerous consequences well earlier i spoke about the potential effects of this with harold pollack he's a professor at the school of social services administration at university of chicago he said the reagan administration used the same tactics during the debate. we in the public health community were told not to use words like harm reduction or homosexuality and discussing each id so this is not so much donald trump as it is a constituency of social conservatives who who are offended by the behavior and existence of some sexual minorities and of course also the abortion issue i suspect that the scientific community will find ways to work around this because it is one hundred percent considered to be ridiculous by almost everybody in public health to get messages like this but it does further the rift between the trumpet inspiration and the public health and medical and scientific community of sciences so they going to get round it by doing something like instead of using the word transgender they'll have to come up with a phrase of seven or eight other would saying somebody who started life as a man who is not a woman all they will do vice of us are on that one yeah though have to come up with well like that and i think in our scientific research that will be fine i think the challenge will be when we're trying to talk to young people in those in a plane way about what are the risks of h.i.b. what are the circumstances of their lives and trying to talk to transgender particularly young people in a way that does not demean them so that they can be healthy you know and grow up to be you know productive that excepted citizens this is a slap in the face to them if we can't use the words to describe them that they want us to use to know that they use to describe themselves is it also slightly. kind of self-indulgent almost it's a bit all well ian it's a bit thought police you know you take the words out the dictionary therefore you can't express the thought but the reality is you can't kill a full out oh absolutely and you know this is twenty seventeen i think almost all americans under the age of forty when they hear about this war think wow this is just really comically ridiculous and you know these are battles that really for most. americans were flawed and and you know ended a long time ago you know george w. bush for example. you know push me to explain this late in is that ministration there were some people in the in the george w. bush administration that tried curse this early on but now he's culture war issues and the country has kind of moved on this is really a throwback to that. so it's what it is orwellian and you know i just think that the public response will be extremely negative and i expect that they'll be some effort to walk it back once once public ridicule starts to send. the u.s. military has acknowledged the existence of a secret program charged with investigating u.f.o. xit collected odio and video including these images of and new navy jets encounter with an unknown object the twenty two million dollar project started in two thousand and seven it ran until twenty twelve when the defense department stopped its funding well the most famous u.f.o. incident in america supposedly took place in one thousand nine hundred seven that's when a rancher in roswell new mexico found strange metal debris in his field news reports at the time said it was a flying saucer but the military said it was just a crashed weather balloon in one nine hundred fifty one dozens of people in lubbock texas or lights in the sky flying at high speed investigators said it was birds reflecting light from the town street lamps but many locals didn't believe that saying the lights were traveling too fast in one thousand nine hundred seven thousand people reported seeing large triangular objects moving over phoenix in arizona explanations for that range from planes to military flares to alien spacecraft darren porsche is a former us army officer he joins us now from new york on skype down welcome to the news hour why are we finding this just now why are these revelations being allowed out. well this and pass the plan of making the number of the one of the mean states in this series senate minority leader harry reid was a democrat was one of the chairperson and he just recently retired or this is something that has been going on like you mentioned back to dating back to two thousand and eight so the house and nine which is very important we've always been i want to see the military schools focused on these you oppose what dating back to one nine hundred forty seven it's not something that just is just in just the persecuted by the united states but rusher in china or in belgium as well invest the same types of tax which we can't for it's was your fault but the united states the i was the close minded but we pull strings and not allow this increase in our public ok you're saying it's been going on we also saying it's on going well it's difficult to say the reason why it's been terminated back until two thousand and twenty live in two thousand and twelve is because the outcomes haven't been proven they haven't really they haven't revealed a sense of outcomes there substantiated reader financing and that's what i don't want to feel that we're minimize this this statement i believe that there are still things happening there because basically what the focus is is a certain you're the unknown this coupled with the department of defense have been trying to focus on why these things occur in this when we look at the twenty two million dollars that's spent is primarily research grants at a time of fiscal prudence in the united states if you're spending tens of millions of dollars a year and you're telling us it's probably ongoing as we speak does that mean that they've got to demand some sort of oversight they've they've got to go public with this and say ok we are spending we really are spending x. millions per year on an issue because we believe there's an issue to be addressed. absolute oversight does come into play but we go back to the house that night a live birth. place was senator harry reid had a friend in nevada that assisted in finance and so we got outside finally at sears that provided they were all support contractors in the aerospace area so that's why it wasn't it wasn't so much of the issue where as we move forward where is we now it's american taxpayers are funding this general manager ok is looking for outcomes and unfortunately this program is now believed to produce another look our problems to substantiate redefining its briefly darron if we put all the evidence together and i use the word evidence a virus at least briefly if the americans the russians the europeans are continually looking for stuff does that mean cliche question the truth is out there there is something going on we just don't know what it is it's safe to say that there is something out there but i think the best way to look this is to helium out me sources from places like china russia and belgium and everyone needs to sit at the table a comparative statistics and relevant data that we have and we can come up with a more formal solution as opposed to each one tree walking upon your own separate investigation which is lead to separate out ones and we're able to show and he actually and maybe they'll come in peace daryn good to talk to you thanks very much ok thanks for having me. to europe austria's far right freedom party has to hold the key interior and defense ministry jobs in a coalition government deal struck with the conservative people's party now about party leader thirty one year old sebastian kurtz now becomes the chancellor both parties are pledging tougher policies on migration and domestic security here's paul brennan. he's been nicknamed the vote c. or wizkid now he'll be known as chancellor sebastian kurtz let the overpay peoples party to a thirty two percent winning share of the votes in the general election two months ago but to govern he needed a coalition and the far right f.p.o. is his chosen partner this is good this. we have a good strong team concerning my party the people's party that will be women and two thirds of our team are experts who will bring a lot of knowledge to the political leadership regarding the freedom party and mr struck his team but he's also put forward his suggestions so that the kids are going to follow this is about responsibility for our wonderful republic of australia and it is about ensuring good cooperation for the future to it can be difficult to tell them apart cuts in his conservative people's party bills itself a center right but its policies borrow freely from far right ideas in january curt's demanded a ban on public sector workers wearing headscarves he was instrumental in having full face veils banned in austria too and his anti migrant policies slammed the door on syrian refugees trying to reach europe via the so-called balkan route it's not the first time far right politicians have been government ministers in austria it happened seventeen years ago e.u. states reacted then by downgrading bilateral contacts the prospects in this coalition of the far right in charge of austria's foreign interior and defense ministries is likely to create concern in other european capitals. yes senator graham harvey will act a lot of barry or. i have to add to this three things that so especially was respected in foreign ministry it woman who is supposed to become the ministry is not a party member. and what is more in court in the european perspective all the european policy agendas will transfer from the foreign ministry huge chancellorship other kurts nor straka have detailed the new government's approach to european policy kurtz says he is pro european but the far right has traditionally euro skeptic don't forget austria will hold the e.u. rotating presidency in the second half of next year old brennan al-jazeera. the police in canada are investigating the death of one of the country's richest men billionaire barry sherman and his wife were found in their home in toronto police say the circumstances are suspicious but the deaths are not being treated as homicides sherman founded up attacks that's one of the world's biggest generic drug makers at least three people have been killed in flooding as tropical storm kite tack lashes the philippines contact made landfall on saturday barreling through the eastern region of the science with winds of eighty kilometers an hour eleven thousand people are stranded at various ports. motorbikes the way to go in vietnam and it's estimated that the capital of hanoi alone has more than five million motorbikes and scooters but the brakes are being put on the two wheeler boom in this way in haiti. vietnam's road to economic success is becoming clocked one of the costs of the communist governments embrace of capitalism is traffic congestion. narrow streets of hanoi can't cope with the influx of cars and motorbikes so government leaders in the capital have decided that after a gradual phase out motorbikes will be completely banned from the city center by two thousand and thirty. it'll be a major change for vietnamese so reliant on to will transport alfalfa i think it's kind of an convenient. yeah that was made. in vietnam using metta bikes for people but i think traffic is getting worse so if the government does this i think you'll be good to reduce traffic jams. even some who have benefited from the motorbike boom think it change won't be so bad. the number of bucks coming here to be repaired it may go down but it won't affect me too much because maybe i can focus on quality rather than quantity. as recently as the late ninety's the roads were significantly quieter and more people rode pushbikes which is something today's government also wants to revive and this is a big part of the motivation a construction boom combined with the increase in vehicles has resulted in falling a quality the fact the government is even considering this law is perhaps a sign that vietnam is becoming a victim of its own success it has one of the best performing economies in the world and while there are still big problems with poverty wages are rising and with that comes an increase in purchasing power. but not everyone can afford a car and if they could in the congestion and pollution problems would get a lot worse so if the government's plan is to work public transport will need to play a big part but construction of the rail network in the capital has ground to a halt because of funding problems experts say all forms of public transport will have to be overhauled. the government needs to prepare to guarantee the policy can be implemented for example the public bus system needs to be improved to meet increased demand before the new law can be introduced city leaders in hanoi have already done the easy part by passing the law now the hard work begins to try to put it in practice and free up the city streets wayne hay al-jazeera hanoi still ahead here on the news sports news find out how costly this era was of the freestyle world cup aerial. champion. just like a joke it was just about shooting people are not about trying to shoot themselves and there are other countries have managed to solve this problem but you worry that this conflict could erupt into a right open wall of the city's job security sure the people who paid the price clearly writeup been prejudiced setting the stage for serious debate up front at this time on al-jazeera. one of the really special things that work in progress here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would get what it is you know that it turns out of it but the good because you have a lot of people that if i did on political issues we are the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended is to deliver in-depth journalism we don't feel inferior to the audience across the globe. time for sports news his son. thank you very much for being crowned the european champions twelve times and now they have three club a world cup titles as well well the defeated them one nil in saturday's final abu dhabi as peter stamets reports. real madrid were looking for food fifa club world cup title in four years gremio of brazil were hoping to become the first south american team to win this competition since two thousand and twelve the first half was a close affair although railhead more than sixty percent of the position they could not converted into golds as the south american champions held their own the brazilians felt they should have had a penalty when ramiro went down in the box from a suzhou rameau's challenge. but the referee felt differently much today anger and as has happened so many times in the past a near miss at one end can result in a goal at the other two minutes later cristiana rinaldo stepped up to the plate for the spanish club right now those fifty third minute goal had exhilarating sedans made the lead i and it could have been moved ronaldo put the ball in the back of the made again three minutes later only four to be moved offside i checked midfielder luca moderates hit the post as real continue to frustrate the cup in the better doris' winners i. and gareth bale also came close but to no avail i it didn't matter in the end though a third free for club world cup title for real madrid in four seasons they are level on that school with feel strong evil's barcelona and it caps a trophy laden calendar year for real madrid the words are not going to affect your career was going on it was a. that we wanted to we know we played against a good team real madrid has never won five trophies in a year and to die for so i think it was a good game and we deserve to. have won the spanish league title spanish super cup european champions league european super cup another club world cup in twenty seventeen peter statement al-jazeera. secured third place in the world cup by hammering the home side al jazeera it's a good till the hour mark for frank storper took as lead it was one one until then that but then the floodgates opened and they were told to win four one. just as it is historical magic in the english premier league continued on saturday zero with the sixteenth consecutive league victory. were the latest victims in city. men hammering spurs for what for him sterling scored twice as. fourteen points clear at the top of the standings. people have to look at how good we are ok with the ball because the club provide me like a manager and i'm sending prayers but without the ball does energy mean it doesn't . the player who screws one for a deal put in we just had to take the ball and try to play so that is five points in. keeping the distance with our opponents in the earlier there was a close the fourth one nil went for chelsea over south marcus alone scoring the goal for the current league champions at stamford bridge. in the lasting game we were in the eight gauge. do all you want a game against meaningful way and rouge one game against the will stand if someone asked me if the next then big games are you ready to sign you for business writer review one other matches there were good three nil away wins for crystal palace and west ham both those clubs are now out of the relegation zone castle are in the bottom three after losing at arsenal hundreds field hammered for it away from home for tom world cup but when a lindsey vonn a has won the women's a world cup super g. race in france it was the thirty three year old seventy eight a world cup race when the americans started the race in sixth place but made towards the end she clocked a time of one minute and four point eight six seconds with italian sophia garcia finishing in second place. x.l. learned spend a lot of norway's stormed to another downhill win on saturday he won the men's world cup race in gardena and italy despite starting the race in thirteenth place spend the course in one minute fifty seven seconds to win by no point five nine seconds in total it was he's thirty fourth wall cup race with and in the process he has moved to the top of the ultra world cup downhill rankings. we saw skiers are also preparing for the winter games in time at the freestyle world cup aerials event in the women's competition no reigning world cup champion and olympic silver medalist at the two men got out was a mistake cost her dearly hannah a school that would profit from that era and go on to take the victory ashley cole twelve the united states took place. on the men's side home a hero song jungle would emerge victorious the sochi twenty fourteen bronze medalist nailed a back full double full fall to claim the tenth world cup circuit win of his career second place went to maxim stick of belarus while lewis are being of canada completed the podium. and over in italy there was victory for sweden charlotte color in the women's ten kilometer three technique cross-country event on saturday color one hundred ten kilometer cross-country freestyle gold medal in vancouver in two thousand and ten and she'll be hoping to emulate that after take in silver in the sochi games. and on the men's side it was also scandinavian the trials to end the fifteen kilometer cross-country event norway's symon. kruger would win his first individual world cup victory and like so many others this is sure to boost his confidence ahead of those winter olympics in february and over and in germany japan's women's team have won the ski jumping team event at the world cup the japanese women were ultimately too good for rochelle who would finish in second place says pace went to france the host nation in this instance finished for the dozens wolf we'll have more later on. ok we are done down in the seat in about three minutes i will see you very very soon. the sky why should be no borders up here why only horizons one as an airline we don't believe in boundaries we believe in bringing people together the world's better that way. it is a rowing football of us to go where we need to go way to feel with things we want to fail. to see the people we want to see. that's why we'll continue to fly the skies providing you with everything we can and treating everyone how they deserve to be treated we do this because we know the trouble goes beyond borders and prejudice. the travel teaches compassion the travel is a necessity. to travel is a right for all remember that this world is full of ours to explore. and it's a strange thing for us to be a part. cats are always going places together singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline with illegally dredged satins some of the islands off the coast of indonesia literally vanish it's a big business boggling sample unable to take the same there until the sand is are there you see this beautiful beneath but behind it is something that's not so plentiful tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sand walls at this time on al-jazeera and monday put it well on i j z the us and british companies have announced the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these untapped natural resources is already a source of heated debate nothing much has changed they still spend most of their days looking forward to for the dry riverbed like this one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their country haven't truly been able to escape the.

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