After Knoxville shootings, a call to find solutions to violence Bishop Richard F. Stika of Knoxville, Tenn., is seen at the Vatican Dec. 3, 2019. Bishop Stika offered prayers April 13, 2021, after a shooting the day before at a Knoxville public school in his diocese, but he also urged U.S. communities to come together "to find positive solutions to this ongoing problem in our country." (CNS photo/Vatican Media) Bishop Richard F. Stika of Knoxville, Tenn., is seen at the Vatican Dec. 3, 2019. Bishop Stika offered prayers April 13, 2021, after a shooting the day before at a Knoxville public school in his diocese, but he also urged U.S. communities to come together “to find positive solutions to this ongoing problem in our country.” (CNS photo/Vatican Media)