A look at officer shootings by police force in Canada in 2020 by The Canadian Press Last Updated Dec 21, 2020 at 4:12 am EDT There were 55 police shootings that resulted in death or injury in Canada between Jan. 1 and Nov. 30 of this year. Of those, 34 were fatal. The Canadian Press tracked each shooting using information from police, independent investigative units and independent reporting. Here is a break down of the shootings by police force: — RCMP: 15 (12 fatal) — Peel Regional Police, Ont: 6 (3 fatal) — Winnipeg Police Service: 5 (4 fatal) — Sûerté de Québec: 5 (5 fatal) — Ontario Provincial Police: 5 (4 fatal) — Service de police de la Ville de Montréal: 4 (1 fatal)