Despite a collapsing Lebanese economy and considerable political turmoil, Hezbollah continues to threaten Israel. These threats must be taken seriously,... Neither project would have happened without the commitment of Anat Zalmanson-Kuznetzov, 41, the daughter of Sylva Zalmanson and Edward Kuznetsov, who were both sentenced in the Leningrad trial. Kuznetsov, along with Mark Dymshits — the pilot who was to fly the captured plane — was sentenced to death at the Leningrad tribunal on December 24 1970, for his role as one of the main architects of the so-called hijacking plan. The Soviets hoped to make an example of the group and instill fear in the millions of Jews living under Soviet rule. By Decembe 31, however, the court backtracked and the death sentences were commuted to 15 years imprisonment, and the sentences of most of the other defendants, including Anat’s mother, Sylva Zalmanson, were also reduced.