Laura Elliott
Special to The Courier
How can you not be inspired by gestures of kindness, especially when they meet up with moments of synchronicity those moments when everything seemingly flows in divine order. These moments make good stories the kind that feel so good you just wanna pass ’em on.
I recently caught wind of such a story and met up with Ethan Hoinacki to catch the finer details. Many know Ethan as the owner of Guest House Coffee & Pastries in downtown Lincoln, IL. Together with his family, he is also a member of Lincoln Christian Church.
As the story goes, Ethan was on his way home after a meeting one evening when he was suddenly prompted to stop at Steak ’n Shake to surprise his wife with a milkshake. “It’s so out of the ordinary for me to do that,” said Ethan. Yet, providence was in the making.
High school senior, freshman stay resilient through year of lost essential school experiences
High school senior and freshman offer perspectives of year during pandemic
A senior and freshman at Mt. Si High School reflect on a year of remote learning and essential experiences lost during the pandemic.
SNOQUALMIE, Wash. - The pandemic has disrupted our lives, in ways we never imagined. It’s scrapped so many of life’s biggest events including weddings, reunions, and family trips.
Many of our kids are feeling cheated too. Especially those in high school, stripped of school activities, sports, and most importantly, memories.
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, seniors this year can’t take part in the things that make their last year of high school so special. And many freshmen have started high school and never actually been inside the building.
Kansas Wildlife Area Manager to the rescue: Frozen wild-goose chase has happy ending Share Updated: 2:35 PM CST Feb 17, 2021 KMBC 9 News Staff Share Updated: 2:35 PM CST Feb 17, 2021
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TRACKING THE COVID-19 VACCINE Share Updated: 2:35 PM CST Feb 17, 2021 KMBC 9 News Staff A Canada goose found itself in a scary situation when it froze to the gutter of a home in Paola, Kansas, Wednesday morning.But thanks to the help of homeowners and a wildlife manager with the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism, the animal is safe and back in the wild. Bryan Durham said he was woken up Wednesday morning by a loud honking noise, and when he when to investigate, he found a goose frozen to the end of a gutter where water was draining off his house.He called for assistance, and Hillsdale Wildlife Area Manager Zach Ramsay arrived on the scene to help.“The goose was trying to find any kind of open water, and it