For its third and final season,
Pose time-jumps to 1994, with every character finding themselves in new circumstances. It’s the year that HIV/AIDS became the leading cause of death for all Americans between ages 25 and 44. That historical context provides emotional and narrative stakes over the course of the two-episode premiere. It’s not a backdrop. It’s a living, terrifying, visceral reality for these characters and their stories. The epidemic touches every plotline, but these characters and their narratives are much more than their statuses.
Pose ultimately grounds its storytelling in the specific and complicated experiences of its characters.
The first trailer for
Halston truly lives up to the promise of its casting: Ewan McGregor really is the perfect choice to play the mononymous fashion designer who rose to prominence in the ’70s and ’80s. Not to jump the gun based on a simple (but very well done) trailer, but it does sort of feel like McGregor’s career has laid the groundwork for this role the black turtleneck, the self-indulgence, the queerness, the camp, the
drama of it all. We caught a glimpse of McGregor’s Halston in a teaser released last February (in those fabled Before Times), but Netflix has finally unveiled a full trailer for the miniseries, which arrives on May 14:
Rick And Morty announced its June 20 return date in spectacular fashion, releasing a 17-minute new animated video from pixel art legend Paul Robertson that reimagines the series as a side-scrolling video game.