Eagle-Independent top five stories
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Precinct 6: Rita Miller School
Ballot info
Dubey said voters can request ballots until April 28. You don’t need a reason to request one except that you prefer to vote by mail, Dubey said.
Absentee ballots are available until noon, May 3.
Dubey said, You need to have a reason to request an absentee ballot that you can’t make it to the polls either out of town on election day, a member of the military, residing overseas, requires assistance due to a physical disability or for religious reasons.
There is a drop box for ballots at the back door of Town Hall.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Why are you running for this office?
My motivation to run is the frustration expressed by a number of parents who felt like the school committee did not listen to them or give weight to their concerns over the past year. Parents need to know that the School Committee will at least listen to them.
What is the greatest challenge facing the town right now?
The greatest challenge will be addressing the significant inequities experienced by students over the past year, and how to mitigate the academic and social learning damage that many kids have experienced. While some have managed remote and hybrid school well, many others have not.
Past/present municipal board experience
Chairman, Finance Subcommittee, 2020 - present
Member, Westford Public Schools Negotiating Team for Westford Educators Association, 2020 - present
Chairman, School Committee, 2018 - 2020
Member, Policy Subcommittee, 2016-2017
Secretary, School Committee, 2015 - 2016
School Committee representative to the Westford Capital Planning Committee, and Town and School Safety Task Force
Other community and volunteer participation
Crate Escape 4H Canine club
Westford Dog Park Committee
Westford Parent Teacher Organization
Why are you running for this office?
Over the past six years, I have demonstrated a commitment to the education of Westford’s students. My decisions have always been predicated upon what is best for the whole district. I will continue to make votes that may not always be popular, but are right for the children of Westford.
Past/present municipal board experience
Other community and volunteer participation
I have been a coach for my daughter s soccer teams as well as t-ball. I help support my wife in the school when she is the room parent as well as help support her as a troop leader.
Why are you running for office?
It’s important to keep schools open. We need to monitor the mental-health/social wellbeing of our children and offer programs to support students/parents. In addition children shouldn’t be taught that division is undesirable when discussing politics. Children don’t need added pressure of having a teacher’s point of view thrust upon them.