UpdatedMon, Mar 15, 2021 at 11:48 am CT
Joliet Police Officer David Blackmore has remained home from work, collecting his regular paycheck since appealing Al Roechner s firing from Dec. 27, 2019. (Image via city of Joliet )
JOLIET, IL For the past 15 months,
Joliet Police Officer David Blackmore has stayed home from work, collecting his regular paycheck, after he appealed Police Chief Al Roechner s decision to fire him. At no point in 2020 did Roechner present his evidence to the city s police and fire commission to justify why he and his upper command staff chose to get rid of Blackmore.
All the while, Blackmore remained off-duty while his police job remained in limbo. Now that there has been a housecleaning within the Joliet Police Department administration, Patch has learned that Blackmore s termination is not being pursued by the new administration of Police Chief Dawn Malec and Deputy Chief of Administration Sherrie Blackburn.