Creature Designer Reimagines Jar Jar Binks as Evil Sith Lord
Jar Jar Binks has long been the symbol of everything goofy and lighthearted about the
Star Wars franchise. The Gungan outcast was the focus of ire for many years from a certain sect of
Star Wars fandom who only wanted things to be ultra serious. In fact, some fans have actually tried to retcon Jar Jar into secretly having been an agent of the dark side the whole time. He did help to start the Empire after all. So maybe it’s not
that far-fetched?
Kevin Cassidy
Okay, so this theory is probably not true. But what if it were? What if the mysterious “Phantom Menace” wasn’t a reference to Palpatine, a.k.a. Darth Sidious….but actually Jar-Jar? Via