150,000 People Evacuated From Trekking Herd Of Elephants : बीते दिनों चीन से एक खबर आई थी जहां 14 हाथी भटक गए थे। वो एक शहर की ओर बढ़ रहे थे लेकिन बाद में किसी तरह से उन्हें जंगल में ही रखा गया। अब खबर यह आ रही है कि चीन के युन्नान प्रांत में अधिकारियों ने इन प्रवासी हाथियों के झुंड से लोगों को बचाने के लिए एक नया तरीका निकाल है। उन्होंने हाथियों के रास्ते से लोगों को ही हटाना शुरू कर दिया। खबरों के मुताबिक, 150,000 से अधिक निवासि
Bord na Móna has announced that the Common Cranes which set up home on a rewetted peatland earlier this year successfully hatched two baby chicks in May..
Remove food attractants to reduce conflicts with bears
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As spring temperatures warm, bears are becoming more active, increasing opportunities for conflicts with people. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) reminds Florida residents and visitors to remove food attractants to reduce negative interactions with bears and other wildlife.
“Bears are coming out of their winter dens and they’re searching for food,” said Dave Telesco, who directs the FWC’s Bear Management Program. “Secure trash, pet food, bird feeders and other food items that could attract a bear to your yard or neighborhood. If you don’t give them a reason to stay, they’ll move on.”
Celebrate Gopher Tortoise Day year-round with a tortoise friendly yard
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The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) invites you to celebrate Gopher Tortoise Day on April 10. This year, you can celebrate gopher tortoises by making your yard tortoise friendly and participating in our new recognition program.
The FWC’s new Gopher Tortoise Friendly Yard Recognition Program honors Florida’s private landowners for contributing to wildlife conservation. Gopher tortoises live in every Florida county and, since more than half of the land in Florida is privately owned, the FWC recognizes the critical role private property owners play in conserving gopher tortoises.