City Accepting Pre-Applications for CDBG Housing Rehab Program
By Staff | Apr 20, 2021
The City of Emmetsburg is seeking pre-applications from homeowners interested in participating in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) home rehabilitation program.
The city, with the assistance of Northwest Iowa Planning and Development Commission (NWIPDC), is gauging the level of homeowner interest in housing rehabilitation assistance in order to determine if an application should be submitted to the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the CDBG housing program. If awarded, the program would provide funding for income-qualified homeowners to help bring their homes up to “Iowa’s Minimum Housing Rehabilitation Standards”. This may include work items such as insulation, lighting, electrical, furnaces, water heaters, siding, windows, doors, roofing, gutters, foundation, etc. Owner occupied rehabilitation is focused on three areas of improvement: energy efficiency, exterior improvem
Grant Approved For Needed Work on Grand Avenue Community Outreach
By charguth February 17, 2021 10:29 am
Saga Communications
Spencer, IA (KICD)– A project to remodel and update Grand Avenue Community Outreach in Downtown Spencer took a big a step forward recently when the organization was awarded a grant to help pay for the project.
Cara Elbert with Northwest Iowa Planning and Development has been working with Clay County to submit an application through the Community Development Block Grant program to help make the building usable for its intended purpose.
Elbert says the next steps involving working with the state on issues that may arise with the old hotel being considered a historic building.
Corridor & NW Iowa Planning & Development Commission Announces Availability Of Microgrant Program For Businesses
Wed 2-3-2021
(Spencer) The Iowa Lakes Corridor Development Corporation and Northwest Iowa Planning and Development are announcing the availability of a microgrant program to assist businesses in Buena Vista, Clay, Dickinson and Emmet counties. Brian Dalziel, Interim President and CEO of the Iowa Lakes Corridor tells KUOO news the Corridor COVID-19 Business Recovery Grant Program is funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Corridor Microgrants01Â We ve been speaking with businesses across the corridor region and there s a lot of need out there, there s a lot of hurt out there, and this is one small step that we can do to help folks get back on their feet. So a business can apply for a $3,000 grant and they would need to match that 50 cents on the dollar of what we provide. So if they get the full $3,000 maximum they need to have $1,500 of their
Clay County Supervisors Get Update on Trail Projects
December 29, 2020 2:00 pm
Saga Communications
Spencer, IA (KICD)– The snow may be flying but that does not mean planning and work on the various trail projects in Clay County have stopped.
Ted Kourousis from Northwest Iowa Planning and Development gave some good news to the Clay County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday revolving around a section of trail that has been in the works for some time.
The section of trail will eventually connect with portions being completed in Dickinson County to put some finishing touches on the Iowa Great Lakes Trail.
No final decisions have been made with the Iowa Department of Transportation when it comes to trail placement when dealing with snow fences and other DOT items, but there is still time for organizers to come together with funding not be available for the entire project until fiscal year 2024.