City Accepting Pre-Applications for CDBG Housing Rehab Program
By Staff | Apr 20, 2021
The City of Emmetsburg is seeking pre-applications from homeowners interested in participating in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) home rehabilitation program.
The city, with the assistance of Northwest Iowa Planning and Development Commission (NWIPDC), is gauging the level of homeowner interest in housing rehabilitation assistance in order to determine if an application should be submitted to the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the CDBG housing program. If awarded, the program would provide funding for income-qualified homeowners to help bring their homes up to “Iowa’s Minimum Housing Rehabilitation Standards”. This may include work items such as insulation, lighting, electrical, furnaces, water heaters, siding, windows, doors, roofing, gutters, foundation, etc. Owner occupied rehabilitation is focused on three areas of improvement: energy efficiency, exterior improvem