What They Say
Mythical Japanese hero Momotaro banished the ogres from their island home. Now their modern descendant Kokonose Mutsu is determined to reclaim his family’s birthright! Armed only with his dubious exorcist powers, his adorable face, and his enormous ego, the precocious pipsqueak sets out to reconquer the island, which has been turned into a military school for demon exterminators. These hardened soldiers are well prepared for any onslaught, but can they stop laughing at this ludicrous invader quickly enough to put up a fight?
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers):
The first volume of Momo Tama isn’t all that bad a read. It’s got an interesting premise. It has a nice look, for the most part. It kept me moderately interested the whole time.
March 12, 2021 at 1:20 PM
There is a concept in immigration law called a “crime involving moral turpitude.” In certain situations, this is the legal standard for whether somebody can be deported, regardless of whether they have a green card or would otherwise be eligible for relief from deportation. Given the stakes, you’d think that somebody would have come up with a clear standard for what exactly a “crime involving moral turpitude” is, but you would be wrong. The 9th Circuit refused to void it for vagueness back in 1957, and ever since then, courts have applied it using a SCOTUS-blessed test called the categorical approach that requires them to look carefully at the facts.