I recently retired as the treasurer on the Lewes Board of Public Works. Earl Webb was appointed as treasurer to fill my vacancy. I have met with and spoken to Earl often. His passion to learn and understand the role was refreshing. I believe that.
When he first ran for the Lewes Board of Public Works, Tom Panetta was one of the most highly qualified candidates ever to seek that position. During his tenure he has proven to be an outstandingly dedicated and productive member of the board. It is.
Engineering and architectural firm George, Miles & Buhr LLC was recently honored with a Conceptor Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Delaware for its Front Street and Savannah Road Water and Sewer Improvements project in.
Lewes Board of Public Works Candidates Forum, 6 p.m., via Zoom. Moderated by Great Lewes Civic Coalition. Go to bit.ly/3dzmtzL to attend or GLCC’s Facebook page for link.
Nick Carter April 8, 2021
Tom Panetta is a standing member of the Lewes Board of Public Works, the Lewes Planning Commission, and the sea level rise subcommittee. Other planning commissioners also serve on the sea level rise subcommittee and have drafted two city code ordinances which will alter building requirements for property owners in the water recharge area. Once drafted, the foreboding, restrictive building ordinance recommendations were then presented back to themselves as planning commissioners for approval. Is this not a conflict of interest?
The Sea Level Rise Ordinance proposes elevating the first floor of new structures above the floodplain by 18 inches, plus an additional sea level rise index, but does not allow equivalent height elevation.