Man behind Fake radio station show plans more projects
BRYCE AIRGOOD, Port Huron Times Herald
April 4, 2021
Local podcast creator Daniel Williams talks about his show The Midnite Hour with Tom Bobbajobski in Raven Café in Port Huron, Mich., Friday, March 19, 2021. (Bryce Airgood/The Times Herald via AP)Bryce Airgood/AP
PORT HURON, Mich. (AP) In some ways, fictional radio host Tom Bobbajobski is like all of us. Broadcasting from a boat in the middle of nowhere, shouting into the void, hoping someone’s listening.
But not really, not if you don’t want to take it that seriously, said fake radio station “Huron City Radio” creator Daniel Williams.
The Aggie
Arts desk writer Jacob Anderson loves the Racoon Man and you should too
Raccoon connoisseurs out there need not be reminded of James Blackwood the elderly Nova Scotian man who made his internet bones nearly a decade ago with a bucket of sliced hot dogs and several dozen feral (but rabies-free) raccoons on his property.
Since his debut, he’s charmed the cultured among us with classics upon classics such as “Raccoons and Peanut Butter Sandwiches,” “2020 06 19 Friday Night Raccoons” and “Monday Night – Raccoons try whipped cream,” a monster filmography full of geriatrically-titled but undeniably lovable home movies of himself feeding his raccoons various foods. Blackwood, whose preferred title seems to be “Raccoon Whisperer,” is a consummate professional in the field of gonzo wildlife-feeding content.