Ohio State University law student Candace Milner said there is no reason Columbus police should be on campus. We have a duty to stand up, speak out, Milner told other Ohio State law students during a sit-in Friday demanding that the university sever its ties with Columbus police over alleged police brutality against the Black community, and that it support a request for a federal investigation of the Columbus police.
About 40 law students and others had gathered by 1 p.m. for the sit-in on the second floor of Drinko Hall in front of the door to the office of the law school s dean.
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Arizona House Republicans just voted to slap teachers with a $5,000 civil fine if they bring up a “controversial” topic in the classroom.
And it’s not just teachers. Anyone who “knowingly aids another person” in teaching controversial things could be subject to a fine.
That handcuffs everyone because “controversial” could be anything anyone disagrees with. But Arizona Republicans aren’t fooling anyone about what they really want to do and why they’re doing it.
They’re taking part in a coordinated effort in Republican-controlled legislatures to limit what students are taught about race, racism and other current and historically contentious topics.