Police defend decision to tell the public about the incident when they did
Crime by Natasha Emeck
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Subscriber only TERRITORY police took four days to inform the public about a heinous incident where a three-year-old boy was allegedly raped by a stranger in the front yard of his Darwin home. Police issued a statement at 10.36am yesterday, acknowledging the incident had occurred in Karama on Thursday evening after a member of the public witnessed the incident. In 2018, police also did not publicly report the rape of a two-year-old girl in Tennant Creek until it was reported on by the media.
Police defend decision to tell the public about the incident when they did
Crime by Natasha Emeck
Premium Content
Subscriber only TERRITORY police took four days to inform the public about a heinous incident where a three-year-old boy was allegedly raped by a stranger in the front yard of his Darwin home. Police issued a statement at 10.36am yesterday, acknowledging the incident had occurred in Karama on Thursday evening after a member of the public witnessed the incident. In 2018, police also did not publicly report the rape of a two-year-old girl in Tennant Creek until it was reported on by the media.
Palmerston Council warns anti-social behaviour could rise with contentious liquor applications approved
SatSaturday 19
The licence transfer bids were previously rejected by the independent Liquor Commission.
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The Northern Territory Government has approved two liquor licence transfer applications for Palmerston bottle shops under a controversial fast-tracked process despite earlier objections from the local council and police.
Key points:
The NT Government approved four licence transfer applications on Friday
The Palmerston Council had previously opposed two of them out of concern anti-social behaviour could rise
The Mayor hasn t ruled out challenging one or both decisions in the Supreme Court