MUSC Health Florence vaccinates more than 1,300 people at mass vaccine event
MUSC Health Florence holds mass vaccination event for those 16 and older By Cameron Crowe | March 31, 2021 at 7:11 PM EDT - Updated March 31 at 7:16 PM
FLORENCE, S.C. (WMBF) - MUSC Health Florence took 3,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine to the Florence Center for a mass vaccination event on Wednesday.
While officials said the hospital fell short of its goal of providing more than 1,300 vaccines, the event was still significant for other reasons.
For the first time, people ages 16 and older were able to get their shot.
“We’ve seen a lot of FMU [Francis Marion University] students, which is great and other students and people ages 16 and older,” said Elizabeth Crowley, an MUSC Administration Fellow.