Discover incredible Black authors with upcoming webinar
In celebration of Black History Month at the University of Calgary, the Faculty of Arts is hosting a variety of webinars over the course of February, including webinars on Black art, history, culture and literature.
On Feb. 25 from 3:30 – 5 p.m., Dr. Suzette Mayr will be presenting a webinar titled
The Value of Black Literature, which will explore Black literature and history in Canada, specifically Black prairie literature, and will also discuss her latest work in progress,
The Sleeping Car Porter, a historical novel about a Black, queer railway porter.
A creative writing professor in the Department of English, Mayr has written five previous novels, most of which tend to focus on Black queer narratives, Mayr says, such as her most recent book,
LPG launches independent-press advocacy campaign
The Literary Press Group has launched a campaign to underscore the value of independent Canadian literary presses. The #ReadUp campaign features four origami animals made from the pages of an acclaimed small-press title: Kaie Kellough’s
Dominoes at the Crossroads (Véhicule Press), Katłįà’s
Land, Water, Sky/
Shut Up You’re Pretty (Arsenal Pulp Press), and Waubgeshig Rice’s
Moon of the Crusted Snow (ECW Press).
The campaign links to All Lit Up, a site supported by the LPG to advocate for Canadian books and publishers. The site includes a map of indie bookstores as well as a list of stores by province.