Ahead of the great Canadian book debate, each author and contender duo discussed their book on The Next Chapter with Ali Hassan. Canada Reads 2024 will air on March 4-7.
How do queer Indigenous writers see the future? A new collection of work called 'Love After the End: An Anthology of Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer Speculative Fiction' delves into that question.
LPG launches independent-press advocacy campaign
The Literary Press Group has launched a campaign to underscore the value of independent Canadian literary presses. The #ReadUp campaign features four origami animals made from the pages of an acclaimed small-press title: Kaie Kellough’s
Dominoes at the Crossroads (Véhicule Press), Katłįà’s
Land, Water, Sky/
Shut Up You’re Pretty (Arsenal Pulp Press), and Waubgeshig Rice’s
Moon of the Crusted Snow (ECW Press).
The campaign links to All Lit Up, a site supported by the LPG to advocate for Canadian books and publishers. The site includes a map of indie bookstores as well as a list of stores by province.