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Subscriber only A Kenilworth man has died after he had to be cut from his vehicle in a crash on the Sunshine Coast last week. The 71-year-old passed away in the early hours of Monday with his family by his side. Emergency services were called to the two-vehicle crash on Maleny Montville Road and Landsborough-Maleny Road at midday on Thursday. The man was trapped in his dual cab ute when first responders arrived. A 71-year-old man was flown to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital in a critical condition after a crash at Maleny on Thursday. Picture: RACQ LifeFlight Rescue
“Unusual sighting, this is our first weird, unknown sighting,” the post read. “Looks like a kite!?
“But was much too large for that and seeming transparent. Zoom in on the second picture for closer look.” The photo taken in Maleny on Monday. Photo taken by Lauren Kornberg and posted into Australian UFO Sightings - AUFOS
When asked if the object had done anything unusual, or whether it was stationary, the person who took the photo and made the post, Lauren Kornberg, said “it moved fairly quickly (faster than a cloud) towards the right, then turned upright (so it was visible as a thin object). Can’t explain lol. Then it must have flipped over as we have another image and the shape is reversed. Then the rain clouds came and we lost it.”