Laws Fail to Change Hearts – Thus the Cross
Friday, February 5, 2021 @ 8:56 AM
Regardless of the money and time spent by pro-life advocates, yet another sitting U.S. President commemorated the recent anniversary of
Roe vs. Wade by extolling the benefits of abortion to society. As our political leaders race towards socialism and communism, overturning a law allowing what many on the left consider a sacrament, seems virtually out of reach for the foreseeable future.
Is the battle unwinnable? Hardly.
The problem it seems, however, is not the battle but rather the battlefield. A massive population in this country wishes abortion to remain legal. The challenge, it would seem, lies not in legislation, but rather the extended hand of life. “Thou Shalt Not…” endures as a clear command of the law, and yet how many offenses against the Ten Commandments pile up daily? Mandating morality remains difficult.